1 long bios. BIOS beeps when turning on PC

When you hear BIOS signals 1 long 2 short when booting your PC, this means that a faulty element was detected during the hardware check and the boot cannot be continued. Usually in in this case the computer does not display any image on the monitor, and the user sees only a black screen. That's why text message the error message in this case does not make any sense since it cannot be read.

Any sounds made by the BIOS when the PC boots, with the exception of the signal about the successful completion of testing (as a rule, this is one short squeak, less often one long one), are special messages that are encoded by a combination of short and long signals. In most cases, the meaning of such messages varies depending on the BIOS manufacturer, and sometimes depending on the BIOS version.

BIOS signals 1 long 2 short are used by many BIOS manufacturers such as IBM, Award, AST, Compaq, Quadtel, American Megatrends (AMI). However, unlike many other combinations of sounds, this combination has a similar meaning almost everywhere. If you hear that immediately after startup the computer emits one long beep, followed by two more shorter beeps, then in most cases this situation is caused by a problem with the computer’s video system.

However, in different BIOS, such a sound message has its own characteristics, which should be discussed in more detail. So, for example, in the IBM BIOS, as well as in the AMI BIOS given the signal is generated only if the computer is equipped with a Mono/CGA video card. Since such graphic adapters are now almost impossible to find, the chance of encountering such a signal is extremely small.

In AST BIOS, one long and two short beeps are generated only if there is a problem with the frame scanning of the video adapter signal. Other types of signals are used to encode other video adapter errors in AST.

In Compaq BIOS, such a message contains a slightly different meaning - a video card initialization error. If you are using an external graphics card, then after you hear these beeps, you should remove the graphics card from the slot and try to insert it back again. It is quite possible that in this case the error will not appear again.

A signal consisting of three sounds - one long and two short - has approximately the same meaning in Award BIOS and Quadtel BIOS. The fixes for these BIOSes are similar to those for the Compaq BIOS. In Award BIOS, a similar error message may appear even if the monitor is not connected to the computer. Therefore, first of all, even before touching the video card, it is best to check the cable connecting the computer and monitor.

Very often, a malfunction that leads to the inability to boot the computer and the simultaneous sound signal, consisting of one long and two short beeps, can be eliminated on your own. If this still cannot be done, then the best way out will contact computer repair specialists.

The BIOS is responsible for checking the functionality of the main components of the computer before each startup. Before the OS is loaded, BIOS algorithms check the hardware for critical errors. If any are detected, then instead of loading the operating system, the user will receive a series of specific sound signals and, in some cases, information displayed on the screen.

BIOS is actively developed and improved by three companies - AMI, Award and Phoenix. Most computers have a built-in BIOS from these developers. Depending on the manufacturer, sound alerts may vary, which is sometimes not entirely convenient. Let's look at all the computer startup signals from each developer.

AMI beeps

This developer distributes sound alerts by beeps - short and long signals.

Audio messages are given without pauses and have the following meanings:

  • No signal means the power supply is faulty or the computer is not connected to the network;
  • 1 short signal - accompanied by system startup and means that no problems were detected;
  • 2 and 3 short messages are responsible for certain faults with RAM. 2 signal - parity error, 3 – inability to start the first 64 KB of RAM;
  • 2 short and 2 long signal – failure of the floppy disk controller;
  • 1 long and 2 short or 1 short and 2 long– video adapter malfunction. Differences may be due to different BIOS versions;
  • 4 short signal indicates a malfunction of the system timer. It is noteworthy that in this case the computer may start, but the time and date in it will be lost;
  • 5 short messages indicate CPU inoperability;
  • 6 short signals indicate a problem with the keyboard controller. However, in this case, the computer will start, but the keyboard will not work;
  • 7 short messages - system board malfunction;
  • 8 short beeps indicate an error in video memory;
  • 9 short signals is a fatal error when starting the BIOS itself. Sometimes restarting the computer and/or resetting the BIOS settings helps get rid of this problem;
  • 10 short messages indicate an error in the CMOS memory. This type of memory is responsible for correct storage BIOS settings and it starts when turned on;
  • 11 short beeps in a row means that there are serious problems with the cache memory.

Sound signals Award

Sound alerts in BIOS from this developer are somewhat similar to signals from the previous manufacturer. However, Award has fewer of them.

Let's decipher each of them:

  • The absence of any sound alerts may indicate problems with the electrical connection or problems with the power supply;
  • 1 short a non-repeating signal is accompanied by a successful launch of the operating system;
  • 1 long the signal indicates problems with RAM. This message can be played either once or repeated for a certain period of time depending on the motherboard model and BIOS version;
  • 1 short the signal indicates problems with the power supply or a short circuit in the power supply circuit. It will run continuously or repeat at a certain interval;
  • 1 long And 2 short alerts indicate the absence graphics adapter or the inability to use video memory;
  • 1 long signal and 3 short warns about a video adapter malfunction;
  • 2 short signals without pauses indicate small errors that occurred during startup. Data on these errors is displayed on the monitor, making it easy to figure out how to solve them. To continue loading the OS, you will have to click on F1 or Delete, more detailed instructions will be displayed on the screen;
  • 1 long message and subsequent ones 9 short indicate a malfunction and/or failure to read BIOS chips;
  • 3 long signals indicate a problem with the keyboard controller. However, the operating system will continue to load.

Phoenix beeps

This developer made a large number of various combinations BIOS signals. Sometimes this variety of messages causes problems for many users in identifying the error.

In addition, the messages themselves are quite confusing, since they consist of certain sound combinations of different sequences. The decoding of these signals is as follows:

  • 4 short2 short2 short messages indicate completion of component testing. After these signals, the operating system will begin loading;
  • 2 short3 short1 short the message (the combination is repeated twice) indicates errors when processing unexpected interrupts;
  • 2 short1 short2 short3 short signal after a pause indicates an error when checking the BIOS for copyright compliance. This error more often occurs after updating the BIOS or when starting the computer for the first time;
  • 1 short3 short4 short1 short the signal indicates an error that was made during verification random access memory;
  • 1 short3 short1 short3 short messages occur when there is a problem with the keyboard controller, but the operating system will continue to load;
  • 1 short2 short2 short3 short a beep warns of an error in calculating the checksum when starting the BIOS.;
  • 1 short And 2 long a beep means an error in the operation of adapters that may have their own BIOS built into them;
  • 4 short4 short3 short you will hear a beep if there is an error in the math coprocessor;
  • 4 short4 short2 long signal will report an error in the parallel port;
  • 4 short3 short4 short signal indicates a real time clock failure. With this failure, you will be able to use the computer without any difficulties;
  • 4 short3 short1 short signal indicates a problem with the RAM test;
  • 4 short2 short1 short the message warns of a fatal failure in the central processor;
  • 3 short4 short2 short you will hear if any problems are detected with the video memory or the system cannot find it;
  • 1 short2 short2 short beeps indicate a failure to read data from the DMA controller;
  • 1 short1 short3 short beeps will sound when there is an error related to CMOS operation;
  • 1 short2 short1 short A beep indicates a problem with the system board.

One long and two short BIOS beeps mean that during a hardware check, a problem was detected with one of the devices. In this case, nothing is usually displayed on the screen.

What does one long and two short BIOS beeps mean?

BIOS may be different versions, so this combination of signals may indicate different hardware problems. In most BIOS versions, one long and two short beeps mean that a problem has been detected with the video card (which problem depends on the BIOS version). The main BIOS versions and signal decoding for them are described below:

    AST BIOS and Award BIOS - this combination of sounds is generated if there is a problem with the video card;

    IBM BIOS and AMI BIOS. This signal is generated only if the computer is equipped with Mono/CGA video cards and they do not respond. In recent years, they have hardly been used, so the likelihood of encountering such a signal in this BIOS version is very low;

    Compaq BIOS and Quadtel BIOS. Such signals mean that a video card initialization error occurred.

How to fix the problem?

In order for the computer to start normally, try removing the video card and wiping all contacts with a dry cloth. If dirt has stuck to them (or stains are visible), wipe it off with a regular office eraser. Insert the video card back and turn on the computer. If this method does not help, you will need to contact the service; most likely, a technical problem has arisen.

Since Bios versions are constantly updated, one long and two short beeps may mean something else. In this case, you need to look at the Bios version and then search the Internet for this error for a specific software version.

Or ask us by writing your question in the comments right below this answer. We will definitely help you!

Good day... Every time you turn it on again personal computer, starts automatic program self-test diagnostics POST (Power-On-Self-Test). Which is “written” in the BIOS ROM.In this short post I would like to give some examples of PC signal decoding tables. That is, the sound signals of the computer or what the BIOS beeps about.

To begin with, in order to use these tables, you will need to find out the BIOS manufacturer of your motherboard. It is quite easy to find out the BIOS manufacturer. You need to go into the BIOS itself (described below) and find the manufacturer’s signature.

A few words about the POST diagnostic program. This program checks all the most important components of a personal computer. Such as: processor performance monitoring, CMOS. Supporting motherboard chips and of course produces a quick test of RAM. The computer provides all this information about the performance of the PC to the micro-speaker in the form of a BIOS sound signal (beep).

If the POST program has successfully completed diagnostics of the critical components of the computer and if the PC is operating in excellent condition, then you should hear one short beep. After which the operating system will immediately begin loading. If, when starting the computer, an inoperative component is detected, the POST program will immediately produce a certain sound signal (several short or several long beeps). Thus, it determines the detected error. Accordingly, the computer stops working.

How to enter BIOS Windows 7

In order to enter the BIOS with Winows 7 or XP, you need to press a certain key, or set of keys, immediately after turning on the PC. Accordingly, before loading the computer operating system itself.As soon as you press the computer restart button, you immediately need to press a certain key. Or a set of keys. It is advisable to click it before entering the BIOS menu.

Usually a certain inscription is displayed on the monitor screen English language(press DEL to enter SETUP). Which talks about entering PC settings. The Delete key is often used. There are also other options for hot keys.

Keyboard shortcut options in Windows 7

  • Ctrl+Alt+Esc
  • Ctrl+Alt+Ins
  • Ctrl+Alt

POST diagnostic programs and computer beeps


Sequence of beeps Description of the error
1 short Successful POST
2 short Minor errors found.
A prompt appears on the monitor screen to enter the CMOS Setup Utility program and correct the situation.
Check the reliability of the cables in the connectors hard drive and motherboard.
3 long Keyboard controller error
1 short, 1 long Random access memory (RAM) error
1 long, 2 short Video card error
1 long, 3 short Video memory error
1 long, 9 short Error reading from ROM
Repeating short Problems with the power supply; RAM problems
Repeating long RAM problems
Repeated high-low frequency CPU problems
Continuous Problems with the power supply


One short beep
Two short beeps RAM test error
Three short beeps RAM test error (first 64 kb)
Four short beeps Motherboard is faulty (system timer error)
Five short beeps The processor is faulty. Try removing the processor and installing it again (if you're not afraid). If this does not help, then you need to replace the processor.
Six short beeps Motherboard is faulty (keyboard controller error)
Seven short beeps The motherboard is faulty (virtual mode error). Try restarting the computer, if that doesn't help, then just replace the motherboard.
Eight short beeps The video adapter is faulty or the video memory test failed
Nine short beeps BIOS ROM checksum error
Ten short beeps CMOS memory write error. It is necessary to “reset” the BIOSa memory, then by bridging the two contacts located next to the battery (Clear CMOS), or remove the battery for 20 minutes, unplugging the power cord. If it doesn't help, you'll have to change the microcircuit.
RAM errors. Try reinstalling the memory sticks.
(One long and two short), (One long and three short), (One long and eight short) signals Video card malfunction.


One beep, pause, two beeps Video card error. You need to check the video card connection
One beep, pause, two beeps, pause, two beeps, pause, three beeps BIOS chip error
One beep, pause, three beeps, pause, one beep, pause, one beep BIOS chip error
One beep, pause, three beeps, pause, one beep, pause, three beeps The keyboard is faulty
One beep, pause, three beeps, pause, three beeps, pause, one beep
One beep, pause, three beeps, pause, four beeps, pause, one beep
One beep, pause, three beeps, pause, four beeps, pause, three beeps Error checking RAM. It's worth checking your memory
One beep, pause, four beeps, pause, one beep, pause, one beep RAM check error. It's worth checking your memory



One short beep The processor is faulty
Two short beeps, (Three short beeps)
Four short beeps The keyboard is faulty
Five short beeps The keyboard is faulty
Six short beeps System board is faulty
Nine short beeps BIOS chip is faulty
Ten short beeps The timer chip is faulty
Eleven short beeps Chipset driver is faulty
Twelve short signals Non-volatile memory power failures
One long beep DMA controller chip is faulty (channel 0)
DMA controller chip is faulty (channel 1)
The video adapter is faulty
One long and three short beeps Video adapter memory failure
One long and four short beeps The video adapter is faulty
One long and five short beeps RAM is faulty
One long and six short beeps Errors in loading the interrupt vector into memory
One long and seven short beeps Video equipment is faulty
One long and eight short beeps Video memory is faulty


One long beep The POST diagnostic program did not detect any errors and is working normally. All OK.
One long and one short signal The BIOS memory checksum is incorrect. It is necessary to check the health of the battery
Two short beeps General error
One long and two short beeps The video card is faulty. You need to reinstall the video card
Seven signals The AGP card is faulty. You need to reinstall the video card
One long (repeated) RAM is faulty
One short and two long beeps RAM is faulty


The signals from this BIOS come through a pause with short beeps. For example – 1-2-1 (1 beep, pause, 2 beeps, pause, 1 beep)

One beep, pause, one beep, pause, three beeps An error occurred while accessing BIOS memory
One beep, pause, one beep, pause, four beeps The BIOS memory checksum is incorrect. It is necessary to check the health of the battery
One beep, pause, two beeps, pause, one beep Motherboard is faulty
One beep, pause, two beeps, pause, two beeps (One beep, pause, two beeps, pause, three beeps) DMA controller chip is faulty
One beep, pause, four beeps, pause, one beep Motherboard is faulty
One beep, pause, four beeps, pause, two beeps RAM is faulty
One beep, pause, four beeps, pause, three beeps System timer error
One beep, pause, four beeps, pause, four beeps One of the I/O ports is faulty
Two beeps, pause, one beep, pause, one beep, (Two beeps, pause, one beep, pause, two beeps), (Two beeps, pause, one beep, pause, three beeps), (Two beeps, pause, one beep) beep, pause, four beeps) RAM is faulty
Two beeps, pause, two beeps, pause, one beep, (Two beeps, pause, two beeps, pause, two beeps), (Two beeps, pause, two beeps, pause, three beeps), (Two beeps, pause, two beeps) beep, pause, four beeps) RAM is faulty
Two beeps, pause, three beeps, pause, one beep, (Two beeps, pause, three beeps, pause, two beeps), (Two beeps, pause, three beeps, pause, three beeps), (Two beeps, pause, three beeps) beep, pause, four beeps) RAM is faulty
Two beeps, pause, four beeps, pause, one beep, (Two beeps, pause, four beeps, pause, two beeps), (Two beeps, pause, four beeps, pause, three beeps), (Two beeps, pause, four beeps) beep, pause, four beeps) RAM is faulty
Three beeps, pause, one beep, pause, one beep The second DMA channel is faulty
Three beeps, pause, one beep, pause, two beeps, (Three beeps, pause, one beep, pause, four beeps) The first DMA channel is faulty
Three beeps, pause, two beeps, pause, four beeps Keyboard controller is faulty
Three beeps, pause, three beeps, pause, four beeps Video memory is faulty
Three beeps, pause, four beeps, pause, one beep Monitor is faulty
Three beeps, pause, four beeps, pause, two beeps BIOS chip malfunction video
Four beeps, pause, two beeps, pause, one beep System timer is faulty
Four beeps, pause, two beeps, pause, two beeps End of test
Four beeps, pause, two beeps, pause, three beeps Keyboard controller is faulty
Four beeps, pause, two beeps, pause, four beeps The processor crashed when entering protected mode.
Four beeps, pause, three beeps, pause, one beep RAM error
Four beeps, pause, three beeps, pause, two beeps, (Four beeps, pause, three beeps, pause, three beeps) Timer error
Four beeps, pause, four beeps, pause, one beep Serial port problem
Four beeps, pause, four beeps, pause, two beeps Parallel port failure
Four beeps, pause, four beeps, pause, three beeps Math processor malfunction
Long repeating Motherboard is faulty
Continuous CPU fan (cooler) is faulty
Siren Video card is faulty


Do not take this information as completely reliable. Because computer beeps may change as new BIOS versions are released. This is where I end this post, I hope you found it useful...

Have you ever noticed that your computer makes a short sound when the system boots? Let's figure out what kind of sound this is, what other system sound signals are there and what do they mean?

What do the BIOS beeps mean when you turn on your computer?

Modern computer system consists of the following components:

  • motherboard;

  • CPU;

  • random access memory (RAM);

  • video card;

  • hard drive (hard drive);

  • power unit;

  • sound card;

  • monitor/display (on laptops);

  • LAN card;

  • peripheral devices (keyboard, mouse).

The main board of the PC is the motherboard or system board. It is she who unites all the elements of the computer - built-in and peripheral, and also manages them.

The board contains several control chips, of which we are interested in the BIOS chip. Its distinctive feature is the presence of its own permanent memory(Flash memory), which, like a hard drive, stores important information. This chip receives electricity from a battery located on the motherboard.

BIOS - basic input/output system - a program whose main purpose is initial testing of the PC and transfer of control to boot sector hard drive to load the installed operating system. If operating system is not installed, the BIOS will try to find another boot device - CD or DVD drive,Flash device.

The operating system will load if no critical errors are detected during testing of PC devices. Otherwise, an error code will be shown on the display and one or more beeps will sound through the system speaker, according to the error code.

This is necessary if for some reason it is not possible to observe the information on the screen. For example, the video card or the display itself is faulty.

When you press the PC power button, the POST program starts, performing a self-test.

It interrogates all major system components and compares the current configuration with the one that was written to memory during the previous boot. If any changes have been made to the system, POST will make corrections to the native CMOS memory.

Advice! The BIOS SETUP subroutine allows you to change some parts of the boot process and hardware settings. For example, you can disable some built-in devices if they are not needed, configure the processor's thermal control, etc.

If one or more devices are found to be faulty or not supported by the system, the user will hear a combination of beeps and see a corresponding message on the monitor.

The sound of these signals depends on the model of the motherboard, or more precisely, the manufacturer of the BIOS chip.

Major BIOS chip manufacturers

If, from the point of view of the basic settings, the name of the manufacturer is not particularly important, since they are standard for everyone, then when identifying faults by sound signals, you need to know the manufacturer of the factory firmware-program.

Main types of BIOS:

  1. Award BIOS – Award Software company.
  2. AMI BIOS is manufactured by American Megatrends.
  3. Phoenix BIOS - from Phoenix Technologies.

Less common are chips from computer electronics manufacturers Intel, IBM, Compaq, Toshiba, and Dell.

The system's audible warning is a combination of long and short signals.

Award BIOS Signal Table

One of the most common manufacturers.

Signal combinationError type
1 shortSelf-test completed without errors
2 shortMinor errors. You need to turn off the PC and check the fastenings of all connectors on the motherboard and cables
3 longKeyboard error
1 short 1 longProblems with RAM
1 long 2 shortVideo system error
1 long 3 shortThe video card or video memory is faulty
1 long 9 shortError reading from ROM chip. You need to restart your PC. Reflash BIOS
Short repeatingThe power supply or RAM is faulty
Long repeatingRAM faulty
2 tones alternating cyclicallyCPU faulty
ContinuousThe power supply is faulty

AMI BIOS Signal Table

Signal combinationError type
1 shortNo mistakes
2 shortRAM parity error
3 shortError in the first 64 KB of RAM
4 shortSystem timer malfunction
5 shortProcessor problems
6 shortKeyboard error
7 shortProblems with the motherboard
8 shortVideo card memory error
9 shortBIOS checksum is incorrect
10 shortCMOS write error
11 shortCache error on motherboard
1 long, 1 shortProblems with the power supply
1 long, 2 shortVideo card error (Mono-CGA). Malfunction of RAM connectors. Replace the motherboard
1 long, 3 shortVideo card error (EGA-VGA), on servers motherboards- incorrect memory type installed
1 long, 4 shortNo video card
1 long, 8 shortProblems with the video system
3 longRAM - read/write test completed with error. Reinstall the memory or replace it with a working module
5 short, 1 longRAM is not installed or is not installed as recommended by the manufacturer
Continuous beepMemory or power supply failure or computer overheating

Phoenix BIOS Signal Table

This manufacturer uses beep codes in the format: signal-pause-signal.

On a note! For example, 1-1-2: signal-pause-signal-pause-two beeps.

Signal combinationError type
1-1-2 CPU failure
1-1-3 Error writing/reading data to/from CMOS memory
1-1-4 BIOS error
1-2-2 or 1-2-3DMA controller error
1-3-1 Error initializing the RAM regeneration circuit
1-3-3 or 1-3-4Error initializing the first 64 KB of RAM
1-4-1 Motherboard initialization error
1-4-3 System timer initialization error
1-4-4 Error writing/reading to/from one of the I/O ports
2-1-1 An error was detected while reading/writing bit 0 (in hexadecimal) of the first 64 KB of RAM
2-1-2 An error was detected when reading/writing the 1st bit (in hexadecimal) of the first 64 KB of RAM
2-1-3 An error was detected when reading/writing the 2nd bit (in hexadecimal) of the first 64 KB of RAM
2-1-4 An error was detected while reading/writing the 3rd bit (in hexadecimal). .first 64 KB of RAM
2-2-1 An error was detected while reading/writing the 4th bit (in hexadecimal) of the first 64 KB of RAM
2-2-2 An error was detected when reading/writing the 5th bit (in hexadecimal) of the first 64 KB of RAM
2-2-3 An error was detected while reading/writing the 6th bit (in hexadecimal) of the first 64 KB of RAM
2-2-4 An error was detected while reading/writing the 7th bit (in hexadecimal) of the first 64 KB of RAM
2-3-1 An error was detected while reading/writing the 8th bit (in hexadecimal) of the first 64 KB of RAM
2-3-2 An error was detected when reading/writing the 9th bit (in hexadecimal) of the first 64 KB of RAM
2-3-3 An error was detected when reading/writing the 10th bit (in hexadecimal) of the first 64 KB of RAM
2-3-4 An error was detected when reading/writing the 11th bit (in hexadecimal) of the first 64 KB of RAM
2-4-1 An error was detected when reading/writing the 12th bit (in hexadecimal) of the first 64 KB of RAM
2-4-2 An error was detected when reading/writing the 13th bit (in hexadecimal) of the first 64 KB of RAM
2-4-3 An error was detected while reading/writing the 14th bit (in hexadecimal) of the first 64 KB of RAM
2-4-4 An error was detected while reading/writing the 15th bit (in hexadecimal) of the first 64 KB of RAM
3-1-1 Second DMA channel error
3-1-2 or 3-1-4First DMA channel error
3-2-4 Keyboard error
3-3-4 Video memory error
3-4-1 Problems with the monitor. You need to check the monitor connector and the condition of the data cable
3-4-2 Cannot detect video card BIOS
4-2-1 System timer error
4-2-2 Testing completed
4-2-3 Keyboard error
4-2-4 Critical error during transition central processor into protected mode
4-3-1 Error initializing RAM
4-3-2 Error initializing first timer
4-3-3 Error initializing second timer
4-4-1 Error initializing one of the serial ports
4-4-2 Parallel port initialization error
4-4-3 CPU element error
Long, continuous beepsMotherboard is faulty
Siren sound from high to low frequencyVideo card is faulty
Continuous signalThe CPU fan is not connected or is faulty

Addition! DMA is a mechanism for direct access to RAM from the outside peripheral devices systems. Required to speed up the CPU and the system as a whole. DMA channel errors may appear if there are corresponding difficulties with peripheral devices.

If after testing the BIOS the PC does not boot, the video system does not work and there is a suspicion of a malfunction specific device, do not rush to buy a new spare part. It is important to make sure that the problem is in this particular part. For example, the video card or RAM modules can be removed and tested on another PC. The connectors on the motherboard or any chips may be faulty or dirty (oxidized).

Some components will not work correctly on unsupported motherboards, in which case they should be replaced.

Video - The computer beeps when turned on. What is this?