How to empty the WinSxS folder in Windows 10

After several months of using the computer, the memory on the system disk tends to fill up regardless of the user's desires. This time we came across the WinSxS folder in Windows 10. After a week of use, the folder size began to exceed ten

Windows 7 installation window does not appear

Hello dear friends! This weekend I came across a computer on which I needed to install Windows 7. But a problem appeared that I encountered for the first time. When I started installing Windows 7, the installation window did not appear (the first window in

Installing Windows XP - installation process via BIOS

So, first you need to configure the BIOS. To do this, turn on the computer and immediately hold down the “Delete” key (on some keyboards, short “Del”) on the keyboard until we get into the BIOS (by the way, I almost forgot, your Windows XP boot disk should

How to enable Bluetooth on an Asus laptop

How to enable Bluetooth on an Asus laptop As you know, nowadays few people use Bluetooth to transfer files from one media to another. Especially when it comes to laptops. But the Bluetooth function is simply necessary when you need to connect a third-party