Main causes and options for their elimination

Good day. Owners of computers or laptops may encounter a situation where the drive does not see Windows 7 disks. However, 15 minutes ago everything was fine. What happened? In fact, as always, there can be many reasons. More often than not

Remote control of a computer, PC via phone

Computer control via phone. Probably everyone knows that computers connect to each other through a network. This makes it possible to download files from one computer to another, as well as, using special programs, to manage the operating system

How to connect your TV to the Internet?

Not so long ago, I connected a 16-bit game console to my TV (instead of a regular antenna), I didn’t know what the Internet was, and I couldn’t even think that in 10 years I would need to connect the Internet to the TV itself. Moreover, there is no obligation

Gaming computer for 30,000 rubles

Is it really possible to build a good gaming computer today for 30,000 rubles? Of course, such an assembly is quite feasible. At the same time, resolution support will go up to Full HD, and the assembly itself will be based on an Intel processor. Of course, you can choose AMD, but uh

Converting an LCD monitor into a TV

Hi all. Lately, you can often see articles and videos about converting old matrices from laptops and dead monitors into full-fledged TVs. This kind of alteration will be discussed in this article, but before that, a little background. Where t