360 total security cons. Free antivirus update

Which is what I successfully did. Note: Running multiple engines simultaneously can negatively impact system performance. Total Security solves Windows operating system vulnerabilities by checking the system for uninstalled patches and updates, allowing you to download and install them. The “Protection” tab switches the optimal mode for using the antivirus program that we need. I personally believe that if you are looking for a good and at the same time free antivirus, then there are all reasons to choose this particular antivirus. Using the “Acceleration” item you can automatic mode give an analysis Windows autorun, task scheduler and Internet connection properties. We will tell you why it is worth downloading an antivirus with updates from Qihoo 360 for free. According to test results, many commercial analogues find it difficult to compete with this product. Do I need to explain why the second way is better? A constant Internet connection is required for maximum protection effectiveness. The digital threat protection technologies used provide an unsurpassed level of reliability and security - online and offline, while maintaining high system performance and speed. Qihoo 360 Total Security (formerly called Internet Security) is an antivirus that I first learned about more than a year ago. For those who doubt whether to install this free defender, or leave free or even paid protection, I suggest you familiarize yourself with the functions and capabilities of the antivirus. Remote assistance-- mobile app for Android, which allows you to remotely control protection using your smartphone and receive notifications about the status of your computer from installed antivirus 360 Total Security. Also, if the antivirus detects that some important service is disabled, it will prompt you to start it. Useless. I went into quarantine with 360 Total Security, and the firewall was in captivity. Billion! This number of installations of 360 TS antivirus was already recorded at the end of 2014.

Supported browsers include: Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Opera and Yandex Browser. The security of your operating system will reach a new level. And even if you turn off 360 Total Security while installing programs, the next time you turn it on, it will still installed program will be “gobbled up.” By combining the power of the 360 ​​Cloud file checksum engine, the cloud-based machine learning engine QVM, and the award-winning on-premises engines of Avira and Bitdefender, 360 antivirus solutions provide unmatched threat detection. In the system boat, by right-clicking on the antivirus program icon, you can open the settings window. Total Security also allows you to scan a specific file instantly. You either exploit expensive program by downloading an illegally hacked version on one of the exchangers. Installed a free Privatefirewall. If you think that a gentle virus is trying to become your friend, but good program click the More button - Restore a file from quarantine - again Restore a file from quarantine - check the box on the captured file - Restore - check the Trust in this file- OK. Total Security offers comprehensive protection against all types of malware and online threats. You can also view “Quarantine” and set up the “White List”. If anyone is interested, click on the “Check” button in the main program window, but do not forget about visual total control over the program (and this is the main thing that “freezes”). The taste and color of the markers, of course, are different, but on the whole I agree. After downloading, run installation file and install antivirus on your computer. Attention, your information is at risk! Check every box, every point.

Protection in an isolated environment Sandbox - Sandbox allows you to run selected applications (for example, a browser) in an isolated environment and work with them without the risk of harming the main system. As for the rest, “beautiful Marquise, everything is fine, everything is fine).” You can undergo a quick, complete, random virus scan. It is important! If you already have an antivirus installed on your computer, you need to remove it, as this can lead to problems in the operation of programs and the system as a whole. To this we also add reliability, speed of response to detecting viruses, a Russian interface, free of charge, making independent decisions without tugging at the sleeve every minute and not loading our computer to its fullest. Vulnerability Fix - 360 Total Security detects vulnerabilities in the Windows system and allows you to download and install all the necessary security updates. As soon as you turn on your computer, danger awaits your personal data - viruses. This may be useful if your system is not working as expected. To update 360 ​​Total Security through the interface, go to Menu - Check for updates. Additional features of 360 Total Security Antivirus: At first glance, the 360 ​​Total Security antivirus solution fits all of the above parameters. Their list can surprise even the user of the most modern versions of expensive antivirus programs. If you want them to protect you in real time, click “Protection on” at the top left, then select “Custom” and activate them in the “System protection” section. Real-time protection - Protect your computer from malware, hidden and emerging threats using fast and intelligent cloud technology. If such a toolkit as the “Sandbox” is also useful in our household for safely testing unfamiliar programs, then the “Vulnerability Toolkit” squeezed a wide smile out of me. The utility works much more efficiently than the built-in ones system tools Windows cleaning. The program is “omnivorous”.

I think you need to agree with the installation. Total Security - a powerful antivirus program for constant protection personal computer from viruses, Internet threats, spyware and potentially dangerous programs. Additionally, the anti-virus protection system includes tools for additional protection, acceleration and optimization of the performance of the Windows operating system. Reduce your PC's boot time. If you want to learn more about the problems detected by the antivirus, and you yourself want to decide what actions you need to take in the future, immediately after scanning, click “Detailed Information”, analyze the information and choose what to fix and what not. It's not difficult: First, accept the license agreement and select the installation folder. And suddenly I see that my firewall has stopped working. When you make online purchases, download files, visit web pages of various resources on the Internet, 360 Total Security protects you from threats in real time. Almost any download from the Internet and installation of a new one software If you miss something or think about it, you will be left without “pants.” You can download a free updated antivirus on our website. Agree, even paid programs are not always able to provide such attractive conditions for operating the software. Our programmers have found several very convincing reasons for this. In this way, additional engines are enabled during on-demand scanning. It resembles a tractor with a harrow, a hay mower, a planter, a digger and a potato raker.

Today we will get acquainted with interesting software - 360 Total Security antivirus. This product has a large number of positive reviews and, according to tests, it outperforms many similar antiviruses.

We can also say that the antivirus is free and will work for such OS like Windows 7, Windows 8 and even Windows 10.

If you have decided to use this antivirus, or at least just test it, then I recommend that you familiarize yourself with all the various characteristics and capabilities of the program, which will be described below.

You can download the antivirus for free, the link is below, or from the official website. After downloading, install it and run it. I would like to warn you right away that before installing 360 Total Security, make sure to remove old antiviruses, because this may cause conflicts with the program and Windows itself.

After launch, the antivirus will offer to scan your computer for viruses, and will also optimize the system, clear temporary files, and check Wi-Fi security. If problems are detected, everything will be automatically corrected.

Also, all these actions can be performed manually by simply switching between the tabs on the left: (Full scan, Antivirus, Acceleration, Cleaning, Tools).

After scanning, a message may appear in the System Optimization task indicating that threats have been found. Do not worry, as the antivirus writes about programs in startup. You can disable the ones you don't need.

Description of antivirus functions

Let's now look at the 360 ​​Total Security menu. Having entered the point "Antivirus", you can select several options for scanning the system: Quick, Full and Custom. In addition, we see the buttons “Analysis”, “Quarantine”, “White List”, I don’t think there is any need to explain why this is needed. The scanning process is practically no different from the antiviruses you used. Another interesting feature of the antivirus is its engines. Below you can see three connected engines and two unused ones. They provide more effective protection and remediation of problems.

By default, engines are used only when scanning. To use them as active protection, you need to press the button "Protection on" top left, click "setting" and select protection mode "customizable". At the very bottom you can enable the Avira and Bitdefender engines. (Including engines in active protection may require more resources from the computer).

If you want to check some separate file for viruses, then you can click on it right click mouse and select "Scanning with 360 Total Security".

Among other things, you can install extensions for browsers: Google Chrome, Opera, Mozilla Firefox, Yandex Browser. To do this, you need to go to the antivirus settings, then go to the tab "Active protection" and from there install the extension for the browser you use.

Cleaning and optimization capabilities

Now let's move on to the system optimization and cleaning functions. All the necessary tools for this process are located in the “Acceleration” section. In the “Simple acceleration” tab we see the results after automatic scanning. This item includes startup elements, application services, scheduled tasks, critical system services and Internet connection optimization. After automatic scanning, you can click on the button "Optimize" and the program will do all the necessary actions.

The next tab is “Load Time”. Here you can find information about the speed at which the system started. Accounting is carried out every time the computer is turned on.

On the “Manual” tab, you can independently disable some unnecessary programs from startup. Sometimes you can see a recommendation that a service needs to be enabled, this can also be quite useful.

Now let's move on to the next point - "Cleaning". Here you can clear temporary files, and also not necessary plugins. This includes browser cache, clearing free space on disk, temporary windows files and much more.

Next point - "Tools". Here, if you go to the “Cleaning” tab backup copies system", you can free up much more space on your hard drive. In this way, we can delete files from the WinSxS folder that we talked about in this article. Delete backup files, drivers, etc.

Here are a few more interesting nuances. This antivirus can scan files downloaded from the Internet, and also block sites infected with viruses. Checks and protects USB drives. Protects you from malicious programs that intercept input, such as passwords, and send information to attackers.

Another interesting feature of 360 Total Security is the change in theme. This feature cannot be found in almost any antivirus. To change the theme, just click on the T-shirt icon in the top right.


There are several more in the tools section interesting features. They are sandbox And vulnerabilities.

Using the “sandbox” item, we can run suspicious programs in a separate environment, which will not allow the installation of, for example, unwanted and malicious programs. To run a program in the sandbox, simply right-click on it and select “Run in sandbox 360”.

What can I say about this software? Judging by the tests, 360 Total Security antivirus is a very effective protective option for your computer. It does not overload the computer and finds most of all kinds of threats. I have already suffered a lot with these Avasts and Kaspersky. I don’t want to say that these are bad antiviruses, each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages, but the free version of 360 Total Security still suits me quite well. It’s up to you to choose which antivirus to use, but this option, in my opinion, is quite effective.

Keeping your data safe on your device is easy these days. And although more and more different viruses are being launched onto the Internet, many high-quality anti-virus programs are becoming more and more accessible to users. However, choosing a good antivirus will require some effort. This article will help make your task easier. It will take a detailed look at the 360 ​​Total Security antivirus program. Reviews from 2017 call it an extremely profitable choice. What is she? What advantages does it have over competitors? What are the features of its installation and operation? How does using the antivirus in question affect computer performance? What do experts say about him? But as this program are users rated? Detailed answers to all these questions will be discussed in this article.

Comparison with competitors

First, you need to consider how this antivirus program differs from its competitors. Considering the fact that the product in question is free, the competitors with whom we would compare it should also be free. There are quite a lot of antiviruses available today. This means that it is almost impossible to compare the program in question with even most of them. So let's compare only with the key competitors of this product, such as Avast Free Antivirus and Avira Free Antivirus.

Why did we choose these programs over hundreds of others? For example, Avira was recognized as the best free antivirus program a couple of years ago. In addition, the 360 ​​Total Security antivirus we are considering in this article (reviews point out this fact) also works on the Avira Antivir engine. Although in general the program supports three different engines, which can function both separately and together. "Avast" permanently shows good performance, that is, during its operation it does not consume too many system resources.

It is clear that today antivirus programs are equipped with many functions that have nothing to do with the antivirus protection itself. This could be a price comparison function for online shopping, system optimization and cleaning functions, or a password manager.

Of the antiviruses presented, the option that lacks additional functions is Avast. So, it contains only a password manager, the antivirus itself, consisting of a monitor and a scanner, as well as a firewall protection function. Of course, the paid version has a few more additional features. For example, there is also protection against spam, phishing, and a firewall. The situation is similar with the Avira program. All additional functions protection will have to be purchased. While 360 ​​Total Security for Windows (reviews especially emphasize this) all of the above functions are available for use by users absolutely free. Isn't that attractive?

Now it has become absolutely clear that 360 Total Security (reviews also point out this) offers its users complete vulnerability fixes, system cleaning, firewall, system optimization, cloud protection, as well as a number of other nice features, on a completely free basis.


The program installation mechanism is incredibly simple. In order to do this, you do not need to have any special knowledge. You just need to download and run the downloader file, click on the “Install” button. It is also possible to select the folder in which the program will be installed. In general, you won’t be able to configure anything else yourself at this stage.

According to user reviews in 2017 about 360 Total Security, the program contains a number of antivirus engines. Among them are:

  • The Avira engine is the fruit of the labor of German developers and is considered extremely powerful. Initially disabled.
  • The Bitdefender engine is the result of the work of Romanian programmers. Initially disabled.
  • Cloud Scanner 360 Cloud - This engine is always enabled and cannot be disabled. Uses information about file checksums.
  • QVM AI is its own engine, which is a proactive protection system that relies on cloud technologies. Provides an opportunity for your system to receive protection from threats that this antivirus is not yet familiar with.

Almost all engines can be disabled and enabled directly in the settings of the program itself. However, first you still need to download and install them. Of course, you don’t have to do this yourself; this process is completely automated. You just need to click on the button in the “Antivirus” section that corresponds to a specific engine. The installation and download process will be demonstrated below in the same window. In the same window you can disable the engine that is on this moment you don't need it.

It's incredibly convenient to use. By installing just one program, the user essentially receives a whole range of working antiviruses, which can be turned on or off when the user wants it.


Reviews of the 360 ​​Total Security antivirus also talk about the abundance of functions that the program in question offers its users. Among them are the following:

  • Full system scan. After the scan is completed, the program displays a window with the result, where it displays all the problems found. These may include virus threats, problems related to system optimization, as well as the presence of temporary files that take up a large amount of space. internal memory. What options does the user have for further action? Then he can click the “Fix” button in order to correct all threats. After this, he will have the opportunity to recheck the system by clicking on the “Recheck” button. Expert reviews call 360 Total Security antivirus incredibly simple and extremely informative. What does a full check include? We are talking about searching for problems that interfere with the correct operation of the system (that is, related to its optimization), searching for various kinds of “garbage”, various viruses, as well as other malicious software.
  • Anti-virus scan. All types of tests described can be carried out separately from each other. Thus, the “Antivirus” section allows you to scan the system using one of three types of approaches: full, quick and selective. The latter is intended, for example, to check files on a flash drive for viruses.
  • System optimization and cleaning. A function that will be useful no matter how long ago the system was installed. Even if there are no visible problems, the antivirus may suggest disabling a number of unnecessary services(we are talking, for example, about the font buffering service), some tasks that were scheduled in advance, and also perform a number of tasks in order to optimize the connection to the Network. It will never be superfluous. To do this, you will need to click on the "Optimize" button. What kind of “garbage” does the program in question remove? We are talking about system garbage, browser cache files and temporary files.

It is for the above capabilities that the 360 ​​Total Security antivirus receives, in most cases, positive reviews from users. These features allow you to protect your devices from a variety of threats.

Security technologies

Reviews of Qihoo 360 Total Security show that the antivirus contains a variety of protective technologies. Let's look at some of them below:

  • Webcam protection. Limits access to your webcam; no attackers will be able to use it.
  • Keylogger protection. The essence of its functioning lies in the fight against keyboard interceptors. This is incredibly important for those who frequently shop online and pay with a credit card.
  • Checking downloaded files. The executable file is blocked, but not during downloading, but already in the browser cache.
  • Blocking malicious sites. It seems that no further explanation is required. Among other things, it provides protection against malicious sites and phishing.
  • Online purchase protection. The function detects the time when you visit an online store and blocks the ability to launch all suspicious programs for this period. It is also recommended to use a sandbox.
  • USB storage protection. Provides the ability to disable the autorun function for connected devices of this type.
  • Registry protection. Does not allow changing critical registry branches.
  • Behavioral blocking. Prevents programs from performing a variety of suspicious activities.
  • Blocking network threats. Blocks programs from accessing topics network resources, which can be harmful to your computer.
  • System protection file. They will not allow you to modify important system files.

Reviews call all these functions of the 360 ​​Total Security antivirus software undoubtedly useful and necessary for this type of program. It's nice.

Additional tools

What other additional tools does the free antivirus 360 Total Security contain? Reviews recommend paying attention to the following:

  • 360 Connect - Great for remote control your other devices. A similar tool will be useful for users switching from a PC to a tablet or smartphone.
  • Instant installation - designed to install necessary programs in just one click.
  • Browser protection - designed to prevent unauthorized interference with browser settings.
  • Firewall - if the standard firewall is not enough for you Windows systems, then you can easily use this function of the antivirus in question for free.
  • Sandbox - designed to safe mode launch dangerous applications and programs. Changes made to the system configuration directly in the sandbox will not be reflected on the real system.
  • Vulnerabilities - allows you to scan all system vulnerabilities that exist.
  • Cleaning system backups.
  • Disk compression - designed to free up disk space by compressing rows system files. However, it is important to remember that this process significantly reduces productivity.

These extra features are what really make 360 ​​Total Security Essential reviews stand out. Most of them are extremely useful. Therefore, they should not be neglected.


Even on systems with the most modest parameters and, frankly, weak ones, the functioning of the 360 ​​Total Security antivirus (user reviews confirm this fact) does not in any way affect its performance.

For the user, slowdown can only become noticeable if a full or partial scan of the computer is currently running. In general, it is recommended to close all applications during such checks until it is clear that the device is not infected.

The 350 Total Security program receives negative reviews because its update mechanism is supposedly incredibly demanding. system resources. However, tests did not confirm this theory.


Judging by the way reviews of the 2017 360 Total Security antivirus are described, the user can configure many of the nuances of the functioning of this program independently. Some possibilities in this regard will be discussed below. For example, the user can enable or disable active protection at the moment when the system starts, as well as manage settings automatic update. Although, of course, in order to provide your device with proper protection, it is recommended to leave all the above parameters enabled. However, there is still one option that can be disabled if you want. This is about displaying the time during which the system boots after it has been rebooted.

In general, all settings intended to control active protection are located in a special section. To significantly improve productivity, there is only one automatic check - scanning executable files and documents. While other programs often examine all files in a row, which significantly reduces the efficiency of the process. This also means that if an infected archive is copied into the system (even without a password), the antivirus will not detect it. As explained, in its initial settings the program does not scan compressed files in principle. However, this is easy to fix. You just need to activate the “Scan compressed files” function when you run a full scan of your hard drive. The "Confidentiality" tab allows you to activate a mode that protects the webcam from any access attempts, of each of which it will immediately notify the user.

There is no need to say that every day more and more viruses and malicious codes appear. To counter them, technologies to protect against them are also being developed. One of the relatively new packages of this type is the 360 ​​Total Security antivirus. Reviews from experts and users about it, however, are diametrically divided. Let's see why this situation arose.

What is the 360 ​​Total Security package: reviews from experts

Recently, a lot of programs have appeared on the software market that combine the capabilities of proactive anti-virus protection and optimization tools for computer or mobile systems. This includes the 360 ​​Total Security antivirus. Reviews from experts indicate that, in the usual sense, this package is not a pure antivirus, since it also contains a lot of useful features.

However, there are some snags here, because, in fact, Chinese developers tried to combine in one package a fairly large number of modules and technologies, as they say, for all occasions. But, as you know, you can’t sit on all the chairs at once. So with the program, users who have tried this package at work generally evaluate the application positively, although one can also find a lot of nit-picking about problems in individual elements. But first things first.

Antivirus part

First, let's look at the 360 ​​Total Security antivirus (in Russian). Reviews on the Internet, in general, in most cases look quite flattering. First of all, this is due to the fact that the developers used advanced technologies and support for a fairly large number of language packages for the basics of its functioning, including Russian, as is already clear. So it won’t be difficult to understand the basic elements of management. From a technological point of view, the first thing to note is the presence of a “sandbox” (“cloud”) in which threats are placed. The well-known software product works on the same principle. However, there are plenty of differences.

How do they appear in the 360 ​​Total Security program? Reviews from specialists who tested the anti-virus part indicate that the protection module first allows the virus into the system (!), and only then scans the threat and, if necessary, places it in “cloud” quarantine.” It is not clear why this approach was used, since almost all antivirus programs known today try to block the threat at the stage of its penetration into a computer or mobile device. The same applies to visiting potentially infected sites on the Internet, however, after entering such resources, the threat is sent to the “cloud”. But here, unfortunately, no one can give a guarantee that the virus has not caused any harm.

In addition, if we consider the antivirus part of 360 Total Security, user reviews are also sometimes far from flattering, since the package, as it turns out, has a big problem with detecting as yet unknown potential threats. And this despite constant updating antivirus database. But there is a small problem here too. The fact is that the update occurs only if you have constant access to the Internet, and it is simply impossible to manually update the databases, and they themselves do not look up-to-date at all.

Now a few words about some of the positive aspects that the 360 ​​Total Security antivirus has. Reviews from experts indicate some non-standard approaches of developers to the security system. They note that the program is unique in that it uses two anti-virus engines at once: Avira and Bitdefender (not counting the already mentioned 360 Cloud), used for offline mode. However, the problem is that they are not enabled by default. You can enable them when setting parameters from the protection menu, where you need to enable modules in the settings line for enabling the Bitdefender and/or Avira engine, which looks somewhat inconvenient.

On the other hand, it can also be noted that the 360 ​​Total Security antivirus (reviews from experts confirm this) has a significantly higher level of system protection when making online purchases. Moreover, the program itself is even capable of monitoring the security of a Wi-Fi connection (determining the strength of passwords) and DNS, and is also integrated into almost all known Internet browsers today.

Optimizer capabilities

Now a few words about the capabilities of the optimization part of 360 Total Security. Reviews from experts here are much more optimistic. And to a greater extent this concerns mobile version package. There are many more advantages here compared to conventional optimizers (this will be discussed separately).

As for the main modules of the program, for example, cleaning the application and browser cache, optimizing system registry, removal of computer garbage, etc., in general, do not stand out in anything special, but compared to other applications, this package looks more “nimble,” so to speak. It really takes much less time to scan and correct errors. If anyone has encountered AVG PC Tune Up, this is heaven and earth. This is where excellence is best seen (meaning the excellence of 360 Total Security). Feedback from experts, by the way, is such that, in their opinion, the optimizer can provide quite strong competition to such well-known software products as CCleaner or Advanced System Care.

Some features of the software package

It goes without saying that any program of this level, although it looks somewhat standardized, nevertheless has its own characteristics.

Some things have already been discussed, and now it’s time to look at the program from a slightly different angle. The first thing to note here is the antivirus part. Reviews about the 360 ​​Total Security antivirus found on the Internet directly state that the application can be easily installed even on infected systems, and after that it is completely easy to scan a computer or mobile device, and then isolate most threats.

Some experts point out another key feature package. The fact is that to enhance security measures, it has its own firewall in the form of the GlassFire module, which is mainly used to control and monitor network activity with all data displayed in the form of a convenient graph.

And that is not all. There is one more feature that is exclusive to the 360 ​​Total Security software package. Reviews from experts contain enthusiastic opinions about a very interesting element of interaction between a standard computer and mobile set - the 360 ​​Connect Android client, which allows you to manage inpatient program and receive all information about computer system directly using a smartphone or tablet.

360 Total Security package for Windows: reviews

For Windows systems one can observe the division of opinions among users of the package. As already mentioned, it has a detection problem fresh viruses, as well as some problems when connecting removable devices in the form of regular flash drives.

In addition, there are cases when, a couple of weeks after installing the program, autoloading completely disappears. Some explain this by the inept disabling of elements in the program itself, but others (which, unfortunately, is much more common) - by the program’s inability to detect Trojans that can cause such failures.

But as for optimization modules, almost all specialists and users have a clear opinion - the program is very good, but in general this applies specifically to the mobile version.

360 Total Security for OS Android

Now let's finally look at 360 Total Security for Android. Reviews from specialists and ordinary owners of smartphones and tablets based on this operating system contain a fairly large number of references to the fact that the package is almost the best among all its kind.

Not taking into account the mobile client for remote control of the stationary computer version, almost everyone notes the high speed of work, as well as (most importantly) the presence of autorun controls and means of disabling the most cumbersome background applications, which load automatically when you turn on any gadget.

For example, in order to disable system processes in the same CCleaner, you need to have at least root rights, when “superuser” rights are granted during the process of deactivating elements. In the case of the 360 ​​Total package Security Mobile there is nothing like it. Almost everything can be disabled.

Although this is not an innovation, when installed and integrated into Android systems of any version, the program creates a special quick optimization widget on the main screen, which is very convenient. Just one click is enough, like all processes related to ending unused processes, clearing browser or application cache, uninstalling junk files, outdated APKs, call logs and messages are processed automatically in the background without additional intervention from the gadget owner.

Advantages and disadvantages

In principle, a packet has almost equal numbers of both positive and negative reviews. In addition to what was discussed above, it is worth noting that sometimes a false positive occurs in the antivirus.

For example, some unlicensed Chinese programs(note, these are Chinese ones) the antivirus itself recognizes it as a potential threat or unwanted software. It’s strange, because the package itself was developed precisely by Chinese specialists... However, in terms of using 360 Total Security as a system optimizer, almost no one has any complaints. Moreover, it is now difficult to find a free package with such high-level capabilities, and 360 Total Security is one of those.

If you compare 360 ​​Total Security with other antiviruses and optimizers...

If you compare 360 ​​Total Security with other similar software products, everyone notes that the Windows version looks quite similar to the rest of the software. But, again, according to most experts and users, the mobile version, as they say, is head and shoulders above all other applications of this type. Even if the client constantly hangs in random access memory, it, as one might assume, does not load the system at all.

Is it worth using 360 Total Security: summary

So, what can we say in conclusion? Antivirus 360 Total Security (reviews, rating - last place in the TOP 10 antivirus packages - this is confirmed quite eloquently) raises legitimate doubts due to the fairly large number of problems with detecting potential threats and the methodology for determining them, when a virus and malware Still, they first penetrate the system.

Some controversial issues also concern possible conflicts between your own firewall and the Windows firewall. However, the firewall can be disabled in the package settings. But there is the possibility of remote control, which is not available in other programs.

As for the mobile version, today 360 Total Security ranks first in the ranking of optimizers. This is not even discussed.

However, it’s up to everyone to decide whether to use this product for Windows or Android, but I think for stationary systems it’s better to install a separate, more powerful antivirus and run 360 Total Security only for optimization (if you dig around, the antivirus part can be disabled). Well, for mobile devices even without root rights, this is a godsend.

I once recorded a video about 29 programs that I install after reinstalling Windows, and many were surprised that I did not install an external antivirus. Since I regularly continue to be asked which antivirus is better to install, I decided to make this note. In it I will give one free solution that many people should like.

It's about free software solution 360 Total Security. This is a complex of several applications, one of which is an antivirus. In addition to this, the complex includes tools for cleaning your computer from unnecessary files, utilities for optimizing system performance and other modules.

Modern antiviruses are increasingly turning into some kind of combines that, in addition to their direct responsibilities for antivirus protection, can perform many other tasks. Some people do it well, others not so much. Our today's hero copes with this quite well.

After installation and launch you will see something like this:

It is immediately clear that there is not only an antivirus, but also optimization and system cleaning modules. I won’t dwell on them in particular, everything is quite simple there. In the case of the “Acceleration” module, you run the analysis, the program tells you what can be improved in terms of system performance, you either agree and the program makes changes, or refuse and everything remains as before.

In the case of the wife’s computer, 39 points for optimization were found:

If you take the “Cleaning” module, the program will analyze it and offer to delete all unnecessary files from the system (temporary files, browser cache files, system garbage etc.). In general, I liked how these modules work, they offer everything to the point.

As for the main function - anti-virus protection, everything here is done to surprisingly high quality and convenient. One of the features of this antivirus is that it uses several antivirus engines at once, which can be turned on and off. Here is their list and description from the developers:

+ Avira engine- a powerful engine developed by a German company. Off by default.

+ Bitdefender engine- another supported engine developed by Romanian programmers. Disabled by default.

+ Cloud scanner 360 Cloud- own cloud anti-virus engine that uses information about file checksums. Always on, cannot be turned off separately.

+ QVM AI- own proactive protection system using cloud technologies. Allows you to protect your system from threats unknown to the antivirus. Always on and cannot be turned off separately.

Each engine has its own icon, by clicking on which you can turn the engine on or off.

To be on the safe side, I turned everything on at once.

As for the results, after a total scan, one suspicious file was found on my computer, but after checking my wife’s computer
More than 90 threats were identified! And although most of them were quite harmless, two turned out to be quite serious Trojans that were successfully removed from the system.

This is what it looks like:

For any detected threat, you can view detailed information by clicking on the “Details” icon. An example of such information on one of the detected Trojans.

Overall, I think the antivirus did its job well.

The last tab that I would like to talk about is the “Tools” tab. There are additional utilities that may be useful to you.

If you click on the right arrow, the remaining tools will open:

Here's what the developers themselves write about these tools:

+360 Connect- a tool for remote computer configuration.

+ Instant installation- allows you to install various popular programs(ICQ, Skype, etc.)

+ Browser protection- allows you to protect your browser from unauthorized changes search engine and/or home page. Unlike competitors, safe browsing and user tracking blocking functions are not provided.

+ Firewall- full-time Windows firewall is quite good and will satisfy the needs of most users. If it turns out to be not enough, then 360 Total Security offers to install (completely free) GlassWire Firewall. Actually, after launching the Firewall tool, you will see a window with an Install button. Once the firewall is installed, this button will launch it.

+ Sandbox- allows you to run dangerous programs; all changes to the system configuration made in the sandbox will not affect the real system in any way. Very useful feature if you are unsure about the application.

+ Vulnerabilities- a useful system vulnerability scanner that allows you to check for security updates and various patches. It is also possible to install/uninstall a particular security update (patch).

+ Clean up system backups- this tool has already been demonstrated earlier.

+ Disk compression- allows you to release disk space by compressing system files. On the test machine, the tool offered to release 4.7 GB by compression. Remember that compressing system files will likely reduce performance, so you should only resort to this measure as a last resort (when free space more important than performance).

What disadvantages have I found with 360 Total Security?

1. Since the product is free, sometimes there are advertising banners with a suggestion to install different programs. This is most likely not even a minus, but simply a way of paying for a “free” product. Developers make money from this. By the way, sometimes very good programs are advertised, I even bought one of them.

2. Once, during an anti-virus scan of running processes, the program stalled on one of the processes associated with Google Chrome. As a result, the browser began to glitch, and the antivirus itself stopped responding to requests. Only a reboot helped. I do not rule out that this is specifically related to my car.

3. I didn't like the speed of selective scanning. When you need to check a specific file in the system, you need to right-click on it and select “Scan with 360 Total Security”. But the scanning does not start instantly, and the program thinks for some time - this is a little annoying.

To sum it up, this complex can be recommended to those who want to ensure antivirus protection, but does not want to use paid solutions. In general, everything is done well, the program works quickly, the design and usability are at the level. Personally, I have not yet decided to leave this system on my computer or remove it and work without an antivirus.

Have you heard anything about this antivirus? What antivirus are you currently using? Share your opinion in the comments, maybe your comment will be very helpful to someone.

I took the description of the tools from the developers' article, which lives.

Well, to add life to this article, I’ll add a photo that I took at yesterday’s training: