A phone with a large display and a good camera

Choosing best camera phones for our rating, we focus, in particular, on the rating of a very authoritative (in the relevant circles) network resource DxOMark. But also reviews ordinary users We try to take into account as fully as possible, giving preference to reviews on specialized threads of various forums. We hope that the following will be useful for inexperienced readers: general information that can influence the choice specific model camera phone.

Other things being equal, Photosensors with larger elementary cells provide better images. At a minimum, the physical dimensions of the pixel should be greater than one micron (ideally, closer to 1.4 microns). In addition, a small matrix (1/3" or less) desperately needs high-aperture optics (at f/1.9 and higher). Otherwise, good quality Taking pictures in low light conditions is just a dream. By the way, the most complete specifications smartphones, including the camera part, can be found on the DeviceSpecifications website.

About fashion dual cameras Here's what you need to know. There are benefits from such a tandem, but it also has its own characteristics. At the moment, the two approaches are approximately equivalent. The first involves using a pair of full-color cameras with wide-angle and television lenses. If you don't take extreme cases, like the Oukitel U20 Plus model with its additional megasensor 0.3 MP, then such solutions provide a very simple implementation of optical enlargement (zoom) and some special effects (the same bokeh) solely due to different focal lengths. Those. without loss of quality in principle. As a bonus, you will receive information about the “depth” of the frame and the ability to adjust sharpness after saving the image.

The second option is based on joint work of RGB and monochrome photomatrix. The trick is that the latter has no filters and receives three times more light than the color one. In other words, color information is taken from RGB, and a detailed picture from monochrome, after which all this is combined programmatically. This is a practical trick in tight circumstances.

WITH autofocus not everything is so simple, and it is impossible to give preference to a specific type. It is not surprising that some manufacturers are trying to implement all options in “one bottle”. As an example we can name Huawei smartphone P10 with its four focusing methods.

One of the main parameters of the classical photo flashes is the leading number - a quantity characterizing the power of the generated light flux. Alas, in relation to smartphones it is practically irrelevant, regardless of the number of available LEDs and their brightness. At best, we can talk about some help at a distance of a couple of meters to the subject.

Availability of opportunity save pictures in uncompressed format- a useful thing in itself, but it is extremely difficult to imagine a professional photographer armed with only a smartphone. As well as an amateur who is constantly engaged in serious post-processing of his photos before posting them on Odnoklassniki. Yes - good, no - not fatal.

And finally - optical or hybrid stabilization preferable to purely electronic.

As you can see, there is a choice, and quite diverse. We do not undertake to recommend any of the models with a price even lower. In principle, now most smartphones can take relatively decent pictures of stationary objects in good lighting conditions. More complex tasks require more expensive equipment.

Happy shopping!