Barcode scanning program for computer. QR code - two-dimensional barcode, how to read and how to create

Some users do not quite understand what a QR code is, what it is needed for, how to read (decipher) it and look in bewilderment at a black (or) colored square with some lines.

First, some information

QR Code) is an improved matrix code, which supports more information than a linear barcode, i.e. a kind of two-dimensional barcode, Barcode. It was developed back in the mid-nineties of the last century in the land of the “rising sun” - Japan. Here in Russia it became popular relatively recently, due to the widespread spread of smartphones. Unlike a barcode, where information is limited to 30 characters and is read horizontally, a QR code can encode a fairly large amount of information horizontally and vertically - for example, more than 4,000 letters and numbers.

QR Code Scanner for PC

What to do regular user PC, how can I find out what is encrypted in the code using a computer and create a QR code myself? Although there are online services for creating QR Codes, I prefer applications installed on a PC, and the Internet is not always at hand)). One such program that creates, scans and decrypts QR codes is QuickMark for PC. The standard version of this program is free and allows you to decode popular 1D and 2D barcode formats using a webcam or screen capture. You can create and save your own 2D barcodes - Quick Code and QR codes in the form of a link to the site, text information, business cards, phone, SMS and e-mail.

An important element of the automatic management system for a store, warehouse or other enterprise is a barcode scanner for a computer. This device turns the information written on the product label using strokes into a record with the name of the product.

Types of barcode readers

Before purchasing and installing this device, it will be useful for you to know what types of barcode scanners there are. In the specialized literature, such models of devices with LED and laser illumination are distinguished.

Pen Barcode Reader

A Wand barcode scanner for a computer, or as it is also called a pen scanner, is an inexpensive and reliable device. When working, you need to press it well against the surface on which the code is applied and run it along the entire package. To read information, it uses a low-power light source, the beam of which must cross the code from beginning to end.

CCD devices

The handheld CCD barcode scanner for computer uses information reading technology based on the same principle as fax machines. There are two types of CCD scanners: contact and non-contact. When using a contact model, the operator needs to attach the scanner to the label with the code and press the button. The main disadvantage of such scanners is that they do not work well on uneven surfaces. Non-contact CCD scanners also use sensitive photo sensors, which allows them to read images at a distance of 6 to 30 centimeters.

An image scanner, or photo scanner as they are also called, uses the same CCD matrix as cameras or video cameras. This code scanner reads all information completely and does not need to be specifically oriented relative to the packaging.

Laser reading devices

Manual laser scanner barcode for computer is convenient and easy to use. Its working area can reach 20-110 centimeters, and for some up to 10 meters.

Multibeam laser scanners

A stationary multibeam projection laser scanner forms a working area that consists of several beams. In order for it to read information, it is enough that at least one of the many rays crosses all the strokes. There are two types of such devices: built-in, which are installed in the cash register counter, and projection.

A combined multibeam scanner is designed in the same way as a stationary one; its main difference is that it can be picked up. Work zone, in which barcodes (bar codes) are recognized, such devices are reduced compared to stationary ones.

The bioptic scanner creates two working zones in which there are multiple laser beams. There are models of such scanners equipped with scales.

How to install a scanner to read a barcode?

Before using the scanner, you need to connect it to your computer and install the necessary software. There are three types of devices according to the method of connecting it to the computer:

1. “Into the keyboard gap.”

2. Using (as it is also called RS232).

3. Using a USB port that emulates the RS232 interface.

Let's take a closer look at all three connection methods.

Connecting a barcode reader “into the keyboard gap”

The keyboard port is called PS/2 and is used to connect both a keyboard and a mouse to the computer. Now many motherboards have only one such connector, and modern netbooks and laptops do not have it.

To connect a keyboard reader, you must first turn off the computer, remove the keyboard from the connector and insert the scanner in its place. After this, you need to connect the keyboard to the scanner. Once you have connected everything, you can turn on the scanner and computer to the electrical network.

Once a barcode is scanned by a device equipped with this interface, the code is inserted where the cursor was located, just as if you had typed it on a keyboard. Thus, if the scanner cannot read the code or is out of order, you can enter the code directly using the keyboard.

Those who scan barcodes with a device with a similar interface should pay attention to the keyboard layout when recognizing serial numbers, which contain letters. For example, when the Russian keyboard layout is enabled, instead of the code a/n123215654QWE, f/t123215654YTSU is considered.

This connection method saves one or USB, which can be useful when connecting multiple devices to a computer. various devices, for example, a printer, a printing device, scales and other devices necessary for the cashier’s work. Also, a barcode scanner with a “keyboard gap” connection is used when using a barcode program that can only work with such devices.

Installing a barcode reader via COM interface

COM or RS-232 port are two different designations for the same interface through which personal computer You can connect a variety of devices. This connector is made in the form of a rectangle, which consists of two rows of pins (one row has 5, the other has 4). Information from various external devices, when using this transmission method, arrives sequentially through two wires. The Rx wire sends information to the computer, and the Tx wire sends control signals to the device. Sometimes additional RTS and CTS lines are used for programs to work correctly. Nowadays you can still find motherboards with one RS-232 connector, but all modern netbooks and laptops do not have it.

To install the scanner, you must first connect it to the COM port of the computer, after which any operating system will find it and ask you to install it necessary drivers. They can be found either on the disk that comes with the device, or downloaded on the Internet. Some scanner manufacturers provide special programs that can be used to control the signal volume or set service characters.

The barcode scanner can be connected to a computer using a special USB to COM interface adapter, which must be inserted into the USB and the driver (special barcode scanner program) installed. If the device is installed correctly, a virtual interface of the RS-232 standard will be detected in the system, the use of which should not differ much from working with a regular serial connection.

A barcode scanner with a COM port can be connected to a cash register or other equipment that is equipped with an RS-232 interface. For such a connection, adapters are used from the connector that is used in the device that reads barcodes to the RJ-45 (or 11) connector. After this, you need to configure the connection parameters in the scanning device.

Also this type connection is used if the code scanner program specifically listens to the port and, when a code is detected, inserts it into Right place. It doesn’t matter where in this moment the cursor is located.

How to connect a computer barcode scanner with a USB interface?

Any modern computer, netbook, laptop is equipped with a USB port. In this standard, data is transmitted sequentially over two wires, and two more wires serve to supply voltage to devices that connect to the PC.

The main advantage of these devices for reading computer barcodes is their high data exchange speed and the ability to connect to a running computer. Small hand-held barcode scanners consume little electricity, so they are powered by USB port A. Multiplane readers are more powerful and therefore have a separate power supply.

Installing a scanner should not be difficult, because all modern OS recognize the code reader as a regular keyboard, so they do not require any drivers to operate. After the barcode is scanned, the program inserts it where the cursor is located.

Many barcode scanners that connect to a USB port can be made to work in a mode in which it will emulate an RS-232 port. Most often, this requires reading a special barcode, which is given in the instructions, and installing a virtual port driver. After switching the device to COM interface emulation mode, its use will be the same as for a conventional scanner working with the RS-232 standard.

Many readers have the ability to set the characters that will be transmitted before and after the barcode. Thus, before reading the code, many users would find it convenient if the scanner passed one of the characters such as Insert, F1 or F9. Thanks to this feature, the number of times the operator presses the keyboard is reduced and his work is made easier.

Checking the correct connection and operation of the scanner

After the installation of the barcode scanner is completed, you need to check the operation of the device.

In order to make sure that a scanner connected “to the keyboard gap” or via a USB connector works correctly, you need to run any text editor, such as Notepad, and try to scan the code. If the symbols appear on the screen, the device is configured correctly.

If your barcode reader is connected to RS-232 or operates via USB in COM interface mode, then you first need to launch any terminal program and configure it to the desired port. After this, you can read the code from the packaging. At correct setting Readable characters should appear on the screen.

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is a two-dimensional code that contains information. This information can be anything, images, text, url address, phone number, etc.

The QR code was developed by the Japanese company “Denso-Wave” in 1994 (translated as “quick response”), where it quickly became popular.
Its convenience lies in the fact that information can be read as a scanner that can be installed on any modern smartphone or tablet computer.

How to read a QR code.

It is most convenient to read information from a QR code using a mobile device, smartphone or tablet, since it is enough to simply open special program and point the camera at this square.
In another second, you will see what is contained in the quick response. True, sometimes you need Internet access for this.

How to read a QR code using a smartphone on Android OS.

I will give an example of how to read a QR code using a smartphone on Android OS. I have not tested all the programs that can read information from such a square, there are about two dozen of them, if not more. From the ones I tested, I liked the program QR Droid. This program can not only read information, but also encrypt it.

But what sets it apart from others is that it can read 2D barcodes using front camera. This is convenient if the rear camera is covered with a cover, for example, like mine.

When you start the program, the information reading window immediately opens, in which you can select the camera to read, front or rear. If you click on the square on the right top corner, the program menu will open where you can select the functions you need.

Brief description of the program menu:

Read – a window for reading the code will open;
My profile – your profile data in this program;
History – history of operations;
Share – create your own quick response and send it to the recipient;
Settings – program settings;
About the program – information about the program;
More - additional functions programs;

To read the information from two-dimensional code, you need to select the “Count” item in the menu and the window about which I wrote above will appear. This program reads information well; you just need to place the square within view of the screen.

If you select “More” in the menu, you can decrypt the code from the file.

You just need to save it on the memory card first. It is also possible to decrypt the QR code using the URL link. This program can decrypt a regular barcode; here you need to enter the number of such a code and you will find out what information is encrypted in it.

How to read a QR code using a computer.

You can also decipher such a coded square using a computer.
The most convenient way is to use online services to decipher codes than programs.
If we consider online services for decoding QR codes, then here I can mark the service at:

It read all the codes without errors that I tested, unlike some other services. In general, it proved to be the most reliable.

Go to the site at the specified address and choose how to download the quick response for decryption, via a URL or from a file. Then click the “Submit” button.

On next page you will see the result of decrypting the information.

If the text has been encoded, you will see a URL link, following which you will see a decryption of the code.

How to create a QR code.

To create a QR code, you can use both programs and online services. As in the case of deciphering the code, so when creating it, on mobile devices It will be more convenient to use the programs, and an online service on a computer will be better suited.

How to create a QR code using a smartphone on Android OS.

To create a QR code using an Android smartphone, I also use the QR Droid program, as it provides all the necessary tools for this.

Then, from a large list, choose what information you want to encrypt. For example, I chose the “Text” option, since it is one of the most popular.

Select the text option and write the text you need. Then, to create a quick response, click on the button in the upper right corner. When creating text, it is possible to encrypt it into an XQR code.

You can read what this is in this sidebar, and decide whether you need such encryption. The disadvantage of this encryption is that you won’t be able to read the encrypted information right away, and this is not convenient for the person to whom you want to send it. I wrote above in this article how to read it.

Once you have created a quick response, you can edit it. Change text, color, size or encryption code.

How to create a QR code using a computer.

To create a quick response using a computer, I suggest using the service:

This service offers to make your own QR code, completely unique and unlike other codes.

On the left side of the site you can select the type of encrypted information.

On the right, when you click on the red “Create Code” button, you will see a window with which you can edit it.

In this window you can create a completely unique code that is not similar to others. Just before publishing such code, be sure to check it for reading so as not to accidentally post code that is not working.
By the way, in the announcement of this article there is a normal and working QR code that can be read.

If you often edit templates or create graphics, you may find it useful to use a program to determine the color under the cursor.
Good luck!

One of the integral parts Everyday life, in particular, the world of digital technology, has become a QR code that not everyone can read. This kind of encryption can be found absolutely everywhere: on product packaging, on boxes of household and any other equipment, in booklets, brochures, and newspapers. In general, not a single information submitted in one form or another is complete without a QR code. This is what we will talk about in this article. The reader will learn in detail about this method of encrypting information and how to decrypt a QR code using a phone and computer.

History of creation

So, what does this kind of cipher mean? Everything is very simple: QR is an abbreviation of the words Quick Response, which is translated from in English means "quick response" or "quick response". A QR code is a so-called two-dimensional barcode, which was developed and introduced in 1994 by a Japanese company called Denso Wave. A QR code, which will not be difficult to decipher after reading this article, became necessary due to the fact that Japanese companies did not have enough information that could be included in a regular one-dimensional barcode.

Recognition process

If you look at the quick response format code, you can see a square with imaginary invisible sides, inside of which there are other quadrangular shapes of different lengths and sizes. It is in them that all text information encrypted in two-dimensional code.

All that is needed to decipher a QR code on a computer is a special scanner that reads the image like a barcode scanner. The only difference is that an infrared scanner emits only one stripe to read strokes, while a QR code is recognized as a two-dimensional image through radiation large quantity similar stripes.

Benefits of use

The first noticeable difference between a quick response cipher and a regular barcode is what can be placed in it. While the “barcode” only supports numeric characters, QR allows you to include letters, words and entire sentences.

If you take the largest QR code and decipher it on Android or on a computer, you can see that maximum amount The numbers contained in the cipher are 7089. In addition, in Latin, up to 4296 numbers and letters can be placed in it. If we talk about that, the amount of possible embedded information is slightly less - 2953 bytes.


When Denso Wave developed and licensed its product in 1994, its owners did not expect the invention to become very popular. The QR code was intended only to cover the production needs of individual companies. After all, the QR code, which is very easy to decipher and recognize, made it possible to reduce many production processes to a few seconds.

Later, in the mid-2000s, with the advent of the first smartphones with a camera, and after them - Apple iPhone and other more modern devices, the QR code has again begun to gain popularity. The thing is that applications that read the code using the device's camera can also do this in a matter of seconds. Moreover, the information contained in the QR can fully transmit links, letters, SMS, contacts and even JPG images And GIF size up to 4 kb. The latter, by the way, did not take root in modern world and are used very rarely.

How to decrypt a QR code

Android and iOS smartphones have long had a huge number of applications designed to recognize two-dimensional ciphers. The most important requirement is to have a camera with good resolution and, preferably, autofocus. The point is that a clear image is required to decipher the code, so cheap smartphone with a 2 megapixel camera without autofocus, most likely it will not be able to read information. But let's imagine ideal conditions, when the smartphone is good enough, and the camera, accordingly, with high resolution and focus.

If you simply turn on the camera application and point at the QR code, of course, nothing will come of it, and the code will not be recognized. This is because to read it you need a special decoder application. Where can I get it? IN in this case everything is also very simple: similar applications various shops are full mobile applications, such as AppStore on iPhone and Play Market on Android. In the search bar for the latter, you should enter the query “QR code scanner” or simply “QR scanner”. After the results appear, you should select any application you like, install and run it. The camera is pointed at the QR code of interest from any side and at absolutely any angle. The application itself displays the necessary information on the display. For example, if it is a link to a website, it will automatically launch by default installed browser with the page already open.

If we talk about recognizing a QR code on a computer, there is nothing complicated here either. The main thing is to have the right scanner. The easiest way is to open any text editor and point the scanner at the two-dimensional code. As a result, all the necessary information will be provided on the display in text form.