About one of the incorrect methods of search engine promotion and its consequences. Black SEO in a white wrapper: how to increase PF and not fall under sanctions

Greetings, Habrazhiteliki! Today I would like to tell you about a very intriguing thing, behavioral factors. Or rather, about their artificial improvement. And even more precisely, about the shortcomings of cheater services that do this.

Just a little bit about behavioral factors

Behavioral factors are a set of actions of visitors on a particular website. Logging into the site, time spent, browsing pages, “clicking” on suggested links, returning to the site - all these moments can be attributed to behavioral factors.

Why am I writing this? The fact is that I am the owner of two commercial sites and, naturally, I am interested in having them as high as possible in the search results. And at some point, after reading various articles, I decided to experiment. Let me say right away that the result was a little sad and I hope that this article will serve as a warning.


  • 2 commercial sites;
  • Subject: construction;
  • Promotion region: Moscow;
  • Age of sites: one is 5 years old, the second is 3 years old;
  • Traffic before the start of the experiment: site A - ~350 users/day, site B - ~200 users/day;
  • Beginning / end of the experiment: January-April 2014;
  • Links have not been purchased since November 2013;
For greater “purity,” I did not make any changes to the site, except for posting articles once every one or two weeks. Note that I am not going to compare positions before and after, but traffic, since for me personally this is a more important metric.

Choosing a promotion service

I didn’t have to think about this moment for long - I decided to use the most actively advertised and new service at that time. I won’t give a link to it, but I’ll just say that it has an interesting name and logo. :)

Promotion strategy

After sitting on the forums and studying articles from several sources, I was pleased with the following solution:
  • We add 1500 clicks per month to site A
  • We add 900 clicks per month to site B
That is, I added approximately 15% of the current monthly traffic. I think that most people will understand that it is somewhat doubtful to generate such a number of transitions for 1-3 queries, so I selected 80-90 low-frequency and mid-range queries for each site.

Disadvantages of cheating: depth and viewing time

While setting up the project in the service, I was immediately offended by the lack of setting the viewing depth and time on the site.

I believe that each site on a certain topic has its own depth and viewing time for the site. If for my sites the average depth is 4 pages, and the time is 4-5 minutes, then the volume of visits with a depth of 2-3 pages and a time of 2-3 minutes somehow stands out from the general statistics. In the end, that’s what happened.

Disadvantages of cheating: characteristics of visitors

Yandex.Metrica has very wonderful and informative sections “Gender and age” and “By countries of the world”.

So, if in the subsection “By the countries of the world” Russia, the Center (and a little North-West) always prevailed, then after a month of promotion I saw the Urals, the South, Siberia, the Volga region. Also, the CIS countries have actively “turned on”: Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan and many other things.

In the “Gender and Age” subsection, the picture is typical for my sites: the main audience is men over 25 years old. After a month of promotion, the female audience began to grow, as well as the audience under 18 years old.

Well, isn't this a failure? Naturally, the service support actively convinced me of this after I sent them a ticket with comments. The essence of the conversion was one thing - " We firmly believe that PS Yandex does not take into account the data you wrote about". Dot.

Search behavior

It is worth highlighting how tasks are performed:
  1. “Worker” opens the search engine and sets the region (in my case, if it is not from Moscow).
  2. Enters a search query.
  3. Goes to a couple of random sites.
  4. Goes to my website.
It’s very strange when a user from Poltava changes the region to Moscow and looks for concrete blocks, when yesterday he was looking for a GDZ for the 8th grade. Next, the user clicks on two random sites. Yeah. Most often these are sites from the TOP 5 or TOP 10. After browsing the sites, the user abruptly goes to the site from the 29th place and then ends the search. Yes, very natural behavior.
My light, mirror, tell me or watch Webvisor

"What is this?" - you ask. And this is the user activity scale from Webvisor. It displays typical user behavior from the promotion service on my site. According to my calculations, 7 out of 10 users behaved this way. For those who do not know what these colors mean on the activity scale:

That is, the user went to my site, “twitched” for 20 seconds, then switched to another window and did something there for 2 minutes. Then he returned, clicked somewhere and closed the page. It is clear that most likely the “worker” performs several tasks at the same time, which forces him to switch to another window.

And to top it all off: in Webvisor you can filter visits from a specific visitor, which helped me find another drawback - one user can complete the task several times in a week.

Bottom line

After a difficult 4 months, I decided to end the epic with this experiment. I won’t bore you with talking about other problems, such as incorrect removal of positions, an incomprehensible algorithm for completing tasks and writing off funds, numerous small bugs in the interface (which they promise to fix, but this does not happen) and much more.

It turned out that I spent 4 months about 40 thousand rubles, a lot of time and nerve cells. At the beginning of May, a week after the promotion stopped, I recorded the following traffic:

  1. Site A - 220 users/day.
  2. Site B - 180 users/day.
At the beginning of the post, I promised not to compare positions, but as a digestif it’s worth doing:

If you decide to use behavioral cheating, then remember the disadvantages of “cheaters”:

  1. It is not possible to set the depth and time of site viewing
  2. When you install the desired promotion region, you will receive users from all over Russia and the CIS.
  3. Unnatural behavior of service “workers” on your website and in search results.
  4. The same “employee” can visit your site several times in a week.
I decided for myself that in the future I would not use dubious gray methods. I don't recommend it to you either.
Thank you for your attention!

Hello! Now I have identified three significant factors for myself that can influence the ranking of a page in the TOP search engines: text relevance, inbound link mass and behavioral factors. It is the latter that I would like to talk about today in this article.

I spoke in detail about how visitors behave on the site’s pages in the article “,” where I presented my method for improving this indicator.

But as practice shows, it is not always possible to achieve the desired result using free methods, and search engines are taking them into account more and more, so special services began to appear on the Internet that offer to increase the PF of a site for little money.

In general, I decided to check on my own website how convenient and effective it is to order this kind of service, and I chose Movebo system, which is famous on the Internet only for positive reviews of its use.

What does Movebo do and how does it work?

Thanks to special technologies this system will be able:

— Bring only live visitors to client sites;

— Detailed setting of visits based on time of day, days, weeks, etc.;

— Visitors come to the site depending on the type of site.

Movebo— a service for promoting websites by boosting behavioral factors.

Now the question arises, who are these visitors who will come to your site and complete tasks to increase the PF. In fact, the system has special software ( software), which ordinary Internet users installed on their computers in order to earn money.

Next, this program collects statistics for each user: what sites he visited, how many pages he viewed, and so on. As a result, a kind of behavior pattern is formed for each user individually. This is done to ensure that the assigned tasks are completed as naturally as possible.

After this, the software will automatically distribute tasks between participants depending on the filter: demographic data, user preferences, topic, etc.

After which the user can begin to perform work, which consists of going to the client’s website from a given search network for a promoted query during the search session.

As a result, such sessions are perceived by Yandex and Google as real, and during the update of behavioral factors, the site rises in the results.

How to add a website and set up a project for promotion

Now it's time to try it out this service on boosting behavioral ones on your projects. To do this, I didn’t go far, but selected a couple of queries from this blog site that were interesting to me and threw them into Movebo; read below about how the positions changed.

Before you start, you need to go to the system website https://movebo.ru/, pass the simple registration, for which we click the corresponding link in the upper right corner.

Before you start creating a project, you will need to top up your balance. Looking ahead, I will say that on average for one search query you will pay 5 rubles per session.

So you can immediately estimate how much this kind of promotion using behavioral factors will cost you.

We go to the “Projects” tab, where the system will prompt us to add a new site in three steps.

Step 1. Search engines and other settings. Here we write the URL of the site, mark those search engines for which you plan to promote, it is advisable to note the type of site so that the sessions are thematic, as this affects the nature of user behavior.

We set the theme of the site so that people who were previously interested in this topic will visit it and indicate how to distribute traffic by time of day, because on some sites there may be more transitions at night.

For example, fewer people come to my blog on weekends than on weekdays, so it is advisable to distribute the increase in conversions and behavioral factors throughout the week.

Step 2. Methods of promotion and keywords . Now for each search engine you will need to select the regions for which you want to promote keywords and provide a list of necessary queries.

We set up the promotion mode: automatic (tasks are performed by special software of real users) or manual (tasks are performed by Internet users).

Movebo allows you to separately add keys to manual mode, and import them from popular site visitor counters (Google Analitycs and Yandex Metrica).

Step 3. Session depth and time on site. At the last stage of setup, all that remains is to select the amount of time the user spends on the site and how many pages he should view in one session.

Testing the Movebo system

As I told you earlier this method I was very interested in improving the positions of promoted pages, so it was decided to test several queries there and see how their positions change after two months.

I selected two mid-frequency queries for each search engine, made the project settings exactly the same as described in the previous section, and began to tweak the behavioral factors.

Looking ahead, I will say that for full testing it is necessary to advance where large quantity requests and spend more time on this matter.

Promotion on Google

Below I have provided statistics on promoted queries and, accordingly, graphs of changes in positions in the TOP results of a foreign search engine.

Promotion in Yandex

Here are all the statistics after two months of promoting the same queries as in Google, but for the Russian search engine.


To summarize, we can say that the Google search engine takes little time to take into account behavioral factors and, as expected, the positions crept up, despite the fact that the site is under .

For Yandex, everything takes much longer and it is still difficult to judge what will happen when the PF of this search engine is updated.

There is even a special informer on the Movebo website that shows similar statistics on changes in search results.

This is how I turned out to be a small experiment; I deliberately did not draw clear conclusions, because I want to hear your opinion on this matter.

By the way, if the positive dynamics of the project continue, then I will order one of the promotion packages at reduced prices (“Start” or “Optima”).

For more information about promotions and discounts, see this page.

Tell me, how do you feel about this kind of cheating? Have you tried promoting your sites in this way yet? Does anyone have experience in this matter? I'm waiting for your comments. Bye!

Probably every blogger has at least briefly heard about behavioral factors (PFs) that have a positive effect on a site’s ranking in search results.

Today we will talk about behavioral factors and how to improve them.

Exist various services who are engaged in cheating behavioral factors, and their quality can be assessed mainly by how search engines determine the cheating and how effective it is. Competition in this niche is increasing, so those who are confident in their project can dare to launch a new service. I liked one company that deals with PF promotion - this is. It differs from all other services in that the cheating occurs almost unnoticeably, and search engines have not yet been able to detect it.

Behavioral factors are a number of parameters that characterize the actions of visitors on a website (number of page views, duration of sessions, activity, etc.).

The main behavioral factors are:

  • depth of site views;
  • duration of sessions;
  • repeat visits;
  • number of clicks on search engine results.

Behavioral factors can be improved by optimizing the quality of content on the site, improving article titles and descriptions, improving usability and site design. But it is often much easier to improve them by contacting specialized services by boosting the PF.

Movebo.ru is a service that positively influences the behavioral factors of a website, as a result of which the website’s position begins to increase in search results.

This system appeared quite recently, but it can be considered unique in its kind: when cheating, complex algorithms are used that imitate the behavior of visitors down to the smallest detail.

The main difference between the system and its analogues is that not robots, but real people are used for cheating. People install programs personally, with their consent; they are not malicious or viral. Once installed on a computer, it begins to “study” a person’s behavior on the Internet: how he uses a search engine, what sites he visits, how much time he spends, etc. Having collected information about user behavior, the program then begins to imitate them, improving the PF of the site being promoted. What is important is that the system distributes tasks between users based on geographic, demographic and thematic factors and also controls the flow of traffic, so maximum naturalness of sessions is achieved.

What results can you expect?

The Movebo.ru system conducted a large-scale study demonstrating its capabilities. Over the course of three months, the behavioral factors of 200 sites of different topics using 2 thousand keywords (half for Google, half for Yandex) improved. Both geo-dependent and geo-independent queries were used.

The key relationship was as follows:

  • Treble speakers – 25%
  • Midrange – 30%
  • Low frequencies – 45%

After three months, the following results were obtained:

  • The average increase in positions in Yandex was plus 7.02.
  • The average increase in positions in Google was plus 7.35.

Below are graphs of changes in query positions in Yandex and Google:

It should also be mentioned that only those keywords that occupy positions from second to fiftieth are accepted into the system. This was not done by chance: as a rule, users are limited to the first page of search results (in search engines); rarely does anyone go further. Therefore, if suddenly a site located on the 10th or 20th page in the search results begins to improve user factors, the search engine will quickly understand that cheating is being used. Therefore, this selection criterion search queries– additional guarantee of results.

In general, I believe that this service for boosting behavioral factors this moment the best and safest. You can go to the site using this button.

Have you used this service? What are your impressions? Be sure to share your opinion in the comments.

I am aware that the search engines Yandex and Google use user behavior on the site as ranking factors.

There are specific traffic parameters that affect positions

These factors include CTR on search results, bounce rate, time spent on the site, achievement of goals, etc.

There are services for boosting PF

At one time, many services appeared that offer to “boost” the behavior we need in an artificial way, thereby increasing the position of the site.

But search engines punish for cheating...

Yandex is actively fighting such manipulations. There are many high-profile cases where he punished sites. At the same time, the sanctions for cheating the PF are very unpleasant - the site loses positions on absolutely all requests for a period of six months or more.

Most SEO specialists are afraid to engage in promotion of PF, because the risk of falling under search engine sanctions is very high.

I am confident that if you approach this issue with an understanding of how the algorithms work, you can achieve the desired results.

We tried to approach the issue creatively. And we did it...

I admit, we experimented with boosting the PF, and the result of the experiment turned out to be excellent. This was one of our company’s sites - not a client site. However, we have confidence that if you take some precautions, you can successfully achieve results for any website.

How to wind PF safely

  • 1. The first thing that is important to know is the reason why attempts to bring a competitor under sanctions for cheating the PF are useless.

There are many cases where website owners notice suspicious traffic,they write about this to Yandex and receive a dose of reassurance in response: “The main thing is that you, as the owner of the site, do not cheat anything.” It is important to understand how exactly Yandex identifies those who cheat behavioral factors.He determines this simply: if transitions to one of the well-known services cheating PF, counter Index.Metrics and Index.Webmaster of this site - definitely the promotion is carried out by the owner, and not by a competitor.

It's quite easy to protect yourself. To safely increase the PF, you must use a device from which you have never accessed the Yandex.Webmaster and Yandex.Metrica services for the site for which the PF is being increased. From here we can draw another conclusion: in order to increase the PF of competitors and bring them under sanctions, you need to gain access to the Yandex.Metrica counter and the Yandex.Webmaster panel. Otherwise, you won’t be able to overwhelm your competitor.

  • 2. Second important point, which must be taken into account - Yandex knows all the popular PF promotion services.

Even if you are not punished for using them (for example, Yandex has determined that these are the actions of competitors), no one will definitely count the cheating as a plus. So, the second important safety rule is do not use PF promotion services. There are a number of services that are not in the Yandex database, such as PF services. For security reasons, I will not disclose the service we use.

  • 3. Thirdly, it is extremely important that transitions to the site were carried out from a specific region.

If suddenly users from Moscow, Ukraine and Kazakhstan begin to actively come to the Volgograd site, Yandex becomes suspicious.

Now that we know and can follow the basic safety rules, all that remains is to give competent tasks to the performers. Personally, I follow about 10-15 important rules in a task so that the traffic looks natural.


  • We use a separate computer from which you have never logged into the Yandex.Webmaster service and the Yandex.Metrica counter for the site being built.
  • We do not use PF promotion services.
  • We are looking for performers only from the region assigned to the site.
  • We give a competent task.
  • profit!

About PF cheating

I want to warn you right away that I am against any “cheating” in . It’s just that after the relatively recent one, there was a lot of talk about the possibilities of boosting them (that is, increasing PF indicators in a not particularly honest and not entirely natural way). In this article I would like to reveal some methods of cheating and explain why to do this No need.

I wrote in detail about the ideology of these factors in the article. Now I repeat that the main idea here is the time spent and activity of the user on the site. The more of both, the better the behavioral factors and the higher

Due to this, PF cheat based on increasing the time the user spends on the site and his activity. You can also add here the click-through rate (CTR) of a particular site in search results.

The main ways to cheat behavioral factors

1. As written above, this includes increasing the click-through rate of the site in SERP (search engine results). What does it mean? There is some site promoted by, for example, “buy a refrigerator.” According to this phrase, it is located in 15th position in Yandex. There are people who enter a similar query into Yandex, reach the 15th position and click on this site. After which they show some activity on it.

It seems that everything is logical and behavioral factors should improve. That's how it was at first. But search engines usually develop either together with optimizers, or go one step ahead, so this method did not work for a long time. What suspicions might search engines have in this case:

  • Subscribers know that this site is “deservedly” in its place for this request (for example, in 15th position) - after all, they themselves decided so after working on its content. Therefore, the rapid increase in the number of users from search engines leads to sharp increase the CTR of this site, which simply cannot happen sharp .
  • Quite illogical a large number users at approximately the same time look for sites exactly in the 15th position, and not from 1st to 5th. It is so?

All this, naturally, arouses suspicion among search engines and leads them to believe that behavioral factors are being deliberately cheated.

By the way, the success of such actions at the beginning of PF accounting suggested the following thought: is it possible to do “unscrewing” behavioral factors and bringing down competitors? The idea is quite interesting - after all, if a large number of users start visiting a TOP site and immediately run away from it, then it would be logical for these factors to worsen. But, fortunately, in connection with what was written above, this will not happen.

2. About the same as point 1 - people can go to all competitors’ sites, quickly leave them and go to the promoted site. In this case, there should be no suspicions about the rise in CTR (after all, it will increase for several sites at once). But as Yandex says, they have thought of everything

Where to get people to boost behavioral factors? Somewhere in the spring of 2011 I discovered that there is such a service Userator.ru (I’ll say right away that this is not advertising or anti-advertising). The essence of its functionality is outlined in this video:

Those. if you decide to submit your project to this service, then to your website special program referrals will be generated from Yandex to .

Also, you can earn extra money by downloading the program and running it. She does everything else herself.

To be honest, I have not yet risked doing either one or the other. However, recently other opportunities have appeared on Userator, in particular, pumping up social factors.

I forgot to add the most important thing - sites for which the PF increase is noticed are pessimized or sent.

Thus, it is probably better to take an intensive development path rather than an extensive one: it is advisable, as always, to create good content for people, and not to boost behavioral factors. And what do you think?

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