What does the big signature say? Secrets of the signature, or who is who

Personalize your signature

At all times, a signature has been considered a reflection of individuality. Nowadays, a signature is an integral part of a business image that anyone can create. A signature is not only the outer side of your personality, but also a symbol of how you know how to present yourself.

Short-term people are quick-reacting people who make decisions without thinking too much. It's hard to concentrate on one thing. If the signature has capital letters and small letters, the person is capricious and unstable. These people can sometimes be very demanding.

All letters are approximately the same size. Such a signature belongs to a modest or even timid person. Small letters tell us that you are rational, tend to be rational in everything. You have internal discipline and a habit of being spoiled. Small letters tell us about stinginess and selfishness.

A signature is something that belongs only to you, an individual “trademark”, because with the help of a signature you confirm the authenticity of a document, you certify an agreement with it, it appears on your passport, driver’s license, etc. By signing something, you acknowledge responsibility for what exactly you signed. From the legal side, having a signature on documents is mandatory, since it is practically impossible for another person to accurately copy your signature.

Naive, he believed and at the same time independently. We are talking about a gentle character and an open person. The sharper and sharper the angles, the more independent, confident and bright. He is a consistent person in action, predisposed to logic and conservatism.

You are a flexible person, and your credo should put your plans into action. If the signature has a lot of decorative elements, this means that the person likes to praise and is trying to stand out. The absence of any decoration tells us that the person is very logical, and everything in life should obey logic.

When creating an individual stroke, you have complete freedom of action, since there are no restrictions in this area, just as there are no established traditions or principles. The signature can be short and clear, legible or not very legible, simple or ornate, end with a dot or a stroke - in general, there is always room for the wildest imagination.

If you're nudging your pen when signing up, you're an extroverted guy who's likely to put money at the head of the table. If the letter is poorly written and the signature seems transparent, this means that the person is distrustful and prone to self-criticism. Emphasizing the signature is typical for selfish and rebellious people.

If the signature is cut out, the owner is a little vulnerable, who does not love and accept himself. Vertical lines at the beginning of the signature. You probably don't have enough imagination. Vertical lines in the middle of the signature. You have problems implementing ideas. Vertical lines at the end of the signature.

However, no matter what letters and strokes your signature consists of, graphologists know that it is under no circumstances possible to analyze it without having a text sample nearby. Only normal handwriting can confirm or refute the results obtained from the interpretation of a signature. However, the same criteria apply when assessing a signature as when analyzing handwriting. But we must take into account that no matter what a person really is, the signature reflects what he would like to be. Similar to handwriting analysis, the interpretation of a signature is based on determining such characteristics as the direction of strokes, zonal emphasis, pressure, slope, size of spaces, etc.

The main indicator and at the same time a positive characteristic of a signature is its legibility. A clear, well-understood signature is a sign of frankness and straightforwardness in communication, which is based on healthy self-esteem (Fig. 147). The owner of such a signature does not need a far-fetched representation of himself, since he is completely confident in himself and self-sufficient. This person will not force other people to strain to guess his first or last name. A signature that everyone can understand is a sign of caring for others and frankness. Thus, people with strong social awareness tend to sign documents legibly and clearly.

Rice. 147. Healthy self-esteem and openness in communication

On the contrary, an unclear or too ornate signature - with loops, curls, greatly enlarged in capital letters- means an attempt to hide something or somehow compensate for one’s failure (Fig. 148). As a rule, such a person needs to have his presence noticed. In addition, an overly pretentious signature speaks of bragging and an arrogant attitude towards others.

Rice. 148. Internal failure

A simple signature, but tastefully decorated, for example with curls or a light stroke, speaks of developed aesthetics, good taste, correct social behavior and self-confidence (Fig. 149).

Rice. 149. Good taste and self-confidence

Unfortunately, very few people sign clearly and understandably. This or that illegibility in the signature is often the result of a reluctance to express thoughts directly and openly, as well as an attempt to hide true feelings and desires to impress. In addition, many people believe that an ornate signature is more difficult to forge. If the signature is illegible due to obvious neglect, its owner probably lacks communication (Fig. 150). In addition, he may not express himself clearly orally or lose sight of details when he is busy writing or talking.

Rice. 150. Lack of communication

A cumbersome and illegible signature is usually justified by certain motives or the type of activity of its owner. For example, the need to regularly sign some important documents (Fig. 151).

Rice. 151. Due to the nature of his work, a person often has to deal with important documents

Most graphologists are confident that, regardless of the reason that prompts a person to put an illegible signature, he unconsciously (and sometimes consciously) strives to remain anonymous or maintain a certain distance. This statement can be easily verified by comparing the signature and handwriting of the same person. At the same time, signs of dishonesty or secrecy will be repeated in the text. If the signature is difficult to make out, but the handwriting is clear and precise, the person’s personal and public life are fundamentally different.

When both the signature and the main text are similar in style, letter size, zonal distribution and spacing, a person’s inner and outer life are harmoniously combined with each other. Pretense is alien to these people, and they do not need to disguise their true essence.

Such a sign as a discrepancy between the signature and the main text in size suggests an obvious internal conflict: the degree of the feelings themselves and their expression differ here. If the handwriting is small and the signature is large, perhaps the person is simply hiding from himself behind an impressive and firm signature. This helps him come across as a confident person. In fact, the signature partially compensates for low self-esteem.

On the contrary, a small signature in combination with large handwriting at first glance may mean that a person underestimates himself in some way. However, in reality he knows well what he is worth. The owner of such handwriting and signature is internally confident in his abilities and extremely independent, but outwardly he tends to keep a low profile, showing modesty. This personality trait is expressed to a greater extent if the difference in handwriting in the text and signature is obvious.

For a graphologist, not only the size, but also the location of the signature matters. So, if it is located close to the left edge of the sheet, it means that its owner is somewhat withdrawn from the world, cautious, or perhaps depressed and afraid of the future. In the case when the signature is placed on the right, it is a sign of progressive views on life, and also characterizes its owner as a self-confident person who is drawn to people. This characteristic will confirm or refute the analysis of letter size and spacing in a text sample.

In general, a signature can be divided into four parts: first name, last name, patronymic and stroke. Moreover, all these parts can be either a single whole or located separately. Some people use only their last and first names in their signatures, omitting the stroke and patronymic. Others tend to write the initials in full, others write out the first name and turn the last name into something florid and illegible, etc. But by giving preference to any one component and ignoring the other, the author expresses his attitude towards both himself and his family.

For example, a name is a reflection of the inner world of a person, how a person perceives himself from early childhood. Therefore, the large letters of the name indicate that a sense of individuality for the author of the signature is much more important than established traditions and family (Fig. 152). In addition, the presence of a name in the signature is an indicator of a person’s independence and low interest in social status. This individual, as a rule, strives to remain a child in everything and completely ignores social prejudices. The pretentiousness of the design of the name speaks of the ardent desire of the owner of the signature to be recognized. Last characteristic indicates narcissism.

Rice. 152. Individuality prevails over other social factors

If the surname is emphasized in the signature, it means that its owner is highly dependent on social status, traditions or family values ​​(Fig. 153). Perhaps in order to achieve power or success in his career, he is ready to sacrifice his personal life. In the case when a woman, being married, puts more emphasis on her surname in her signature than on her name, she is in some way inclined to “hide” behind her husband’s back and is highly dependent on him.

Rice. 153. Dependence on family traditions and social status

When the author of the signature underlines the name with a separate line or continues the final stroke for this, he is a courageous and independent person with high self-esteem (Fig. 154). As a rule, such people believe in themselves and are proud of their achievements. In addition, an underlined signature is also common for individuals who enjoy a bad reputation, since, in fact, it is one of the signs of a desire to do something extraordinary, even at the cost of one’s own reputation. In some cases, graphologists interpret this style captions with the words: “Mom, I have to do this myself.”

Rice. 154. Courage, independence, high self-esteem

The degree of importance of one’s own person is also determined by the form and style of emphasis. If the finishing touch is confident and direct, then the person has high self-esteem. Conversely, a thin wavy line only indicates a desire to be confident. When a signature is repeatedly underlined with clear strokes, its author has confidence and firm strength. On the contrary, curling graceful lines symbolize only the desire to be recognized in one’s not entirely firm position in life.

But while the presence of a strong underline may at first glance seem like a positive sign of any signature, this characteristic is best considered in conjunction with other handwriting features. This sign in itself illustrates the presence of willpower, courage, independence and other qualities of a strong personality, which only intensify in the face of danger.

In some cases, the signature is completely or partially enclosed in a circle. This stroke speaks of self-defense: the desire to defend one’s honor or the reputation of the family. A more accurate interpretation of such a signature depends on which part of it is enclosed in a circle. This detail also indicates that the author of the signature does not want anyone to invade his personal life, and prefers to remain a mystery to everyone (Fig. 155).

Rice. 155. Reluctance to let anyone into your private life

A crossed out signature indicates a person’s disharmony in relationships both with his loved ones and with himself (Fig. 156). This situation does not suit him on a subconscious level, and he would like to change it. In addition, a crossed out signature is one of the indicators of assertiveness and perseverance.

Rice. 156. Assertiveness and perseverance

A carelessly written name with blots speaks of uncertainty of self-esteem and internal anxiety. Such a person wants to look impeccable in the eyes of others, so he tries to “remake” his signature. Corrections in the signature may also mean that its owner is dissatisfied with himself and is trying to correct something.

By signing business papers and messages, we unconsciously give the world around us another idea of ​​ourselves. It is especially valuable to decipher a signature when it is written on clean slate unlined paper. In this case, each of us will write letters of the height and width that is typical for him, using strokes and curls.

Nevertheless, some conclusions can be drawn from individual elements of the signature.

A signature without a flourish is evidence of a person’s culture and taste. Such simplicity of signature is characteristic of many writers and scientists (Fig. 1).

A straight stroke that complements the signature indicates the person’s energy, determination and courage (Fig. 2).

A wavy stroke indicates diplomacy and the ability to circumvent difficult situations (Fig. 3).

Underlining the signature is evidence of a developed sense of self-esteem. A rising, or, as it is sometimes called, a centrifugal signature, indicates a person’s ambition.

Sometimes the signature ends with a period. It denotes a tendency to self-analysis, the ability to get things done and the ability to make final decisions. A dot accompanied by a dash already denotes uncertainty, caution and even suspiciousness. Having completed the task, a person still doubts and returns to it again and again. We need to move forward, but he keeps looking back.

We have already talked about the need to analyze a signature simultaneously and together with a person’s handwriting. First of all, you need to look at the differences between a person's handwriting and signature. If there are no obvious differences, then the author is distinguished by natural behavior, there is no false pride or false modesty in him.

Next, it’s worth comparing the inclination of the letters. If there is a difference, then we can talk about the discrepancy between the inner world and external manifestations. Forward-leaning handwriting indicates friendliness and an emotional nature. If the signature has a significantly smaller slope or is tilted back, then it does not reveal the true essence of a person. He tries to hide his vulnerable nature behind his cold and overly proud behavior.

A situation is possible when the signature is tilted forward, but a person writes with a tilt backward. In this case, again we are talking about the duality of nature. There is a conflict between two principles. One part is rational, proud, independent, the other part demonstrates friendliness and warmth. Judging by the handwriting, the former often takes precedence over warmth and friendliness.

It is imperative to compare the size of the letters in the handwriting and the signature. Sometimes, having small handwriting, a person uses large letters in his signature. The duality of nature again appears. Small handwriting indicates restraint, secrecy, and the absence of false pride. Sweeping handwriting is an attempt to look courageous, proud, and a man of broad nature. Again, there is a struggle between two principles in a person, but so far the first is winning.

If the signature is made in exaggerated large letters, then the person is trying to create a deceptive impression in the eyes of others, but this is already obvious.

It is also necessary to say a few words about the manner of using the lines drawn under the signature. If the line is short and straight, then we can talk about a person’s self-affirmation. In the case of a long stroke under the signature and light pressure, the person is characterized by assertiveness. With strong pressure, we are already talking about the desire to get rich financially and gain recognition. Very strong pressure, as in other cases, suggests the presence of great aggressiveness.

It also happens that some people emphasize their signature in an unusual way. Usually this manner is characteristic of unique people; the degree of unusualness of the stroke, as well as the whole handwriting, is closely related to the originality of the character, in these cases we are talking about outstanding features of handwriting.

At the same time, graphologists have long paid attention to the amazing simplicity of the signatures of people involved in science and who have achieved considerable success in their field. The signatures of famous Russian scientists were distinguished by such simplicity: geologist A.P. Karpinsky, mathematician V.A. Steklov, psychiatrist V.M. Bekhterev and others. The signature of L. N. Tolstoy is also distinguished by its amazing simplicity (Fig. 4). If you look closely at the signature of Leo Tolstoy, you will notice the clarity of the writing of the letters and their coherence, which indicates enterprise and the ability to critically approach the solution of the issue. The signature is distinguished by the general harmony characteristic of gifted people, with high level development of mental abilities.

I propose to analyze the signature of the ex-president of Russia, as well as candidates for this post from the country's leading political parties.

Vladimir Putin

Before us is a purposeful, ambitious person who sets big goals for himself. The rising signature speaks volumes about this. The letters have pointed outlines and gradually decrease in size. This is what a person writes who has accustomed himself to restraint, but has accumulated a lot of aggression within himself.

Vladimir Putin is a very pragmatic person, there is no panache in his actions. Hence the signature style. The letters are easy to read, there is no unnecessary decoration.

There are a lot of sharp loops in the signature. They indicate a constant reference to one’s past experience. There are gaps between the letters in the signature, characteristic of people with developed intuition. But in Everyday life Vladimir Putin relies more on logic, constantly striving to rationalize his actions and aspirations. Unfortunately, this is how negative experiences accumulate and the mind loses its sharpness.

Judging by the narrow loop of the letter “u”, Vladimir Vladimirovich has high emotional sensitivity. The connection of letters in the signature has an arcadic appearance, that is, the connecting processes resemble arcs, convexly facing the top edge of the page. This sign indicates excessive attention to the external manifestations of life, which sometimes comes to the detriment of the internal content.

The last two letters are written in a slightly different style, there is more pressure, fewer loops, more sharpness at the upper ends of the letter. After some events, apparently related to his assumption of the post of president of the country, will, strength, determination and self-confidence became more evident in the actions of Vladimir Putin.

Gennady Zyuganov

A rising signature shows optimism in a person; he believes in the success of the work he has begun. All the letters are written clearly; the writer was not too lazy to draw the outlines of all the letters. This clearly demonstrates the hard work and perseverance of Gennady Zyuganov.

Capital letters are not large in size and resemble lowercase letters in appearance. The writer lacks ambition and breadth of scope in the planned activities. And one can doubt one’s leadership qualities.

The letters have rounded outlines, which is most often written by a sociable person who willingly spends time with friends and family. The roundness of the letters reveals Zyuganov’s ability to feel other people and respond to their problems.

The beginning of the letter “G” is lowered down, then the stroke gradually rises. Zyuganov perceives new ideas in a similar way. Only after some time has passed does he agree with new proposals coming from the people around him.

The existence of internal conflicts can be judged by the crossed out letter “o”. At the end of the signature there is a hook that turns into a horizontal stroke. In many situations, the leader of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, even having accepted new ideas or proposals, can change his decision at the last moment. The latter is not very surprising. After all, the stroke starting from the letter “v” is characteristic of people who preach and defend not their own ideas, but the programs of other people. In this regard, Zyuganov is an outwardly controlled person, which his political circle willingly takes advantage of.

The style of the signature as a whole reveals Gennady Andreevich as a “student”, inquisitively absorbing the ideas and concepts of other people, holding very specific views, and strictly observing the laws.

Vladimir Zhirinovsky

In the signature of Vladimir Zhirinovsky, attention is drawn to the sharpness of the letters, the long stroke at the end and the unusual appearance of the letter “r”. The sharpness of the lettering speaks of inner strength, the desire not to adhere to routine, and the ability to insist on one’s own. The spirit of competition is highly developed.

The last letters in the signature become a horizontal line. This is a clear sign of sophistication of mind, cunning and secrecy in communication. To achieve his goals, such a person is ready to play diplomacy.

The letter “r” deserves special attention. Its sharp outlines indicate Vladimir Zhirinovsky’s instant reaction to a change in the situation, his ability to be the first to strike an unexpected blow.

In Vladimir Zhirinovsky's signature, the letters not only have sharp outlines, but are also curved in the direction of the hand movement when writing. This indicates a focus on the future. To achieve the goal, there is no need to talk about compliance with norms and rules. All means are good.

If you connect the lower ends of the letters in the signature, you will get a broken line resembling zigzags. In such cases, they talk about dancing letters, which indicate nervousness in the writer. The letters are mostly elongated vertically, which indicates a disregard for traditions and norms.

A person's character is revealed in his handwriting. The inner world of a person is manifested in the drawing of his signature in a very ambiguous way. Therefore, if there is such a possibility, then it is better to analyze the signature simultaneously with the analysis of handwriting in order to more reliably determine the inner nature of a person.

Dmitry Medvedev

In general, the signature looks like a garland. The processes connecting the letters are convexly directed downward. The garland style of writing distinguishes people who give great importance internal content, they are much less interested in the external side of the matter. The desire to delve deeply into the essence of the matter sometimes does not allow Dmitry Medvedev to grasp the problems facing him as a whole.

There are no gaps between the letters, which is typical for people who are consistent, thoughtful, focused, and attentive to various details.

The final stroke in the signature comes from the last letter. It should be considered as a hook, indicating not only the perseverance of a person, but also the desire to cling to what fate offers him. The brokenness of the letter “c” most often indicates some scatteredness in affairs, which can prevent you from concentrating on the main thing.

The letters in the signature are written very broadly. This indicates a desire for sociability; this type of person is suitable for working in a team. In the wide letters one can see the desire to see a lot, and to show oneself.

The letter “D” looks special in the signature. There are many loops in it, the connection of which goes down with its tip. The style of writing the first letter of a name in a signature reveals the character of a person in his youth. The loops indicate that Dmitry Medvedev's decision-making process in his youth was sometimes dominated by emotions.

The point directed downwards emphasizes internal conflicts, the struggle of emotions and mind. Outwardly, he looks open and flexible, but behind this lies pragmatism, determination, the ability to insist on his own and perseverance.