Google account. I forgot my password, ways to restore access. Open source tools for deanon.

When trying to log in Google account Play you may encounter an error. After entering Email and password in the appropriate fields, a message may appear about a problem connecting to the server for data transfer, etc. What if you need to sign in to your Google account from your phone?

How to sign in to your Google account

Before proceeding to resolve this problem, you will need to check the solutions that may be the root cause of this error:

  • check the status of the active internet connection (many people just forget to activate the internet connection)
  • double-check whether the username and password were entered, and also make sure that you are using the login information for your account from Google, and not Yandex, or other services
  • to log into your Android account, in the settings of your device, you must enable data transfer to background and synchronization
  • it also happens that main reason why android is not logged into google account is the system itself, so try restarting your machine
  • a solution to the problem may also be a banal reset to the factory settings, located in the device settings menu, in the "Restore and Reset" item (more on this topic can be found in our article
  • alternatively, you can replace your SIM card with any other, log into your account (everything should connect on the other SIM card), change the SIM card to the old one and try to enter any application that uses a Google account. An error will appear about changing the account and the wrong password with an excuse to enter it again. Enter your password and wait for the connection to complete

Attention! For different devices different solutions are suitable, so you should check several solutions to eliminate everything that did not help. Find out a solution to the problem, how to sign in to your Google account for specific model Android devices, you can in the comments below.

If you can't sign in to your Google account after resetting, then the information in our article will help you.

Google account - login through the YouTube app

Another method of logging into your Google account from your phone. To implement this option, you need to follow these instructions:

  • find among your YouTube programs and run it
  • click on the menu button and select the "login account" item there
  • enter your credentials from your Google account into the form and click Ok

Usually this works and the problem goes away. If this does not happen, check the correctness of the time and date used on the device, additionally restart your Android device.

Thus, you will be able to log into your Google account through YouTube.

Sign in to your Google account using Add Account

If you are unable to sign in to your google account, you can use the "Add Account" program. Since without a Google account you have no access to Play Market, you need to download separately this application and save the apk file to the root of your device's memory card. You can download the application from the site

Run the downloaded program and enter the account you need. After that, the procedure for synchronizing the device will begin and a message about the wrong password will appear on the screen, you should click on it and enter your New password. After completing these steps, the situation is resolved.

How to login to google account using web browser

If the problem is with a device that was working fine before, do not despair - there is another option how you can log into your Google account:

  • delete your google account in settings
  • go to settings "Add account" - "Google" - "Existing"
  • click on the 3 vertical dots on the right upper corner screen and select Browser Login
  • log in to your account through a browser

After these manipulations, you should freely log into your android account.

Do you have any questions? Ask them in the comments below.

Answers on questions

How to sign in to Google by changing DNS settings

This interesting method will also resolve the issue of how to log into an account on Android. First you need to go to the device settings, select the desired network, in the pop-up window select "Change network".

Do the following:

  • in the window that appears, select manual setting DHCP, in the two lower fields (DNS1 and DNS2) enter the data: and, click the "Save" button
  • go to settings and turn off wifi
  • restart your device

After the next power on, the error should disappear.

When you turn on your device for the first time, be it a smartphone or tablet, the system will ask you for a Google account, the data from which you will be prompted to enter. If this is not done immediately, the data can be entered later. How exactly? There are several ways and the easiest of them is using the application Google Play market. Let's start with him.

First way

First of all, connect the Internet, and preferably free Wi-Fi, because at the first start Play market app updates may start after entering data from your Google account. If you use mobile internet, a certain amount of funds may be debited from your mobile account for spending traffic. Be careful.

Find on your device Play app Market, it looks like this:

Launch the application. In front of you you will see this picture:

Enter the login from your Google account, which looks like login[dog] and click "Next". If you don't have it, first go through registration by clicking on the button "Or create new account"(We talked in detail about registering a new account in).

On the next page, the system will ask you to enter your account password. Enter and click "Next".

If the password is correct, you will see something like this on the screen of your device:

The system will ask you to enter payment information. You can enter, or you can skip entering data - they can be added later to the Play Store.

Voila, the Google Play Market has opened, which means that the device is linked to your account.

Please note that depending on the version operating system Android interface design may change, but the process itself does not change much.

Second way

You can also log into your account through the settings menu.

Go to "Settings".

Find the section "Accounts" or "Accounts" as in our case.

Click Add account».

Select a Google account.

You can ask your questions using the comments.

In the process of working with mobile devices based on OS android user may experience an inability to access their Google account. When you try to go to your account, the system displays an error message, about the wrong password, and so on, respectively, access to mail on is also blocked. What to do in this situation? In this article, I will talk about account password recovery on the phone, explain what tools you can use to recover a lost password, and what steps you will need to take to do this.

The problem described above related to the loss of the password to the phone can occur for several main reasons:

How to recover your password via

So, how to recover gmail password? In such cases, we were previously asked to go to and start the password recovery procedure. Now, going to the specified address automatically transfers us to, prompting us to enter an email address on, the password for which we have lost.

After the correct input, the system offers to pass account verification in several ways (sending a request to mobile device, sending SMS, calling, sending a confirmation letter to an alternative email address, a number of leading questions about the user device), and, with successful validation, the user will be able to change the password to his account and use its updated version.

To do this, you will need to come up with a new password (preferably consisting of a series of letters and numbers) and enter it twice in the appropriate window.

Detailed instructions for restoring access to your Google account are offered here. At the same time, I will immediately point out that in most cases it is pointless to write to the support service about recovering your password - you will be prompted to go to the password recovery page (the link to it is indicated by me above), and follow the standard recovery procedure.

How to recover password via

Another previously existing option to recover your Google account password was to go to Today, when trying to follow this link, the system automatically redirects us to the one already indicated above, where the user can go through the classic password recovery procedure (sms, call, leading questions). That is, de facto, there is no difference between following the first or second link.

If you deleted your Gmail account

If for some reason you deleted your Gmail account (or simply didn't log in to your mailbox over a period of more than 9 months), then, most likely, restore access to your e-mail you won't be able to google. You will have to create a new account, with a different name (you can’t take the old name either), and start from scratch. If you deleted your account quite recently (a week or two), you can try to go to the account recovery page above and try to restore the last one using the standard procedure.

If an attacker has gained access to your account

If your account was hacked by attackers, then the password recovery procedure may become more complicated. To recover through, you should use those tools and information that only you have access to and that third parties do not have (for example, correctly answer leading questions about your IP address, your browser version and other private confidential data ).


If you have lost your Google account password, use to recover your account password on your phone, and go through all the necessary steps. Most convenient solution there will be a password recovery via SMS - it will allow you to easily restore access to your account. If the mobile number has not been linked to your Google mobile account before, then you should use confirmation via an alternative e-mail and answers to leading questions - this will allow you to correctly log into your account and continue to enjoy the full possibilities of its functionality.

In contact with

If you have already tried all the above login recommendations and nothing worked, we recommend using the Add Account program. this program you can from our website.

  1. After downloading the apk file, you need to place it in the root folder (main), memory cards on your Android smartphone or tablet.
  2. Log in to the Add Account program and enter your account information.
  3. After entering the data, their processing and synchronization will begin, later a message will appear stating that you have entered wrong password. By tapping on the message, you will be able to enter a new password to enter your account.

This method is not as convenient and fast as it might seem, but you can log into your Google account.

Sign in to your Google account through a browser

One of the options for successfully logging into your account can be logging in through an Internet browser. Follow the instructions below:

  1. You need to delete the account in the Android smartphone settings.
  2. Further points:
  1. "Add account"
  2. Google
  3. "Existing"
  1. Enter the browser settings and select the "Browser Login" section.
  2. Sign in to your Google account.

Also after a number of options this way help with the problem.

Losing access to a Google account can be a rather painful event for an active user, due to the linking of the entire range of related company services to it. Google account recovery may be required in a number of cases, the reasons for which are: forgotten password, login or loss of relevant data due to a change in the hardware and software environment (the smartphone is broken or does not enter Google Play after the update, your favorite browser does not start, etc.). There are more complex cases, such as deleting an account! We will analyze all this in the relevant sections of the article, and also consider how to avoid unnecessary problems in the future.

Recovering a Google account with a lost password

We will assume that we have already tried all the options, but we could not remember the password. In this case, we go to the page, which should help us recover our account. Depending on the information that was entered when registering an account, the recovery path may be longer or shorter. Google will ask questions, and we will answer them as best we can. So, we are on the account recovery page, our actions are:

  1. In the line where the email address is requested, enter, respectively, your mail attached to the account, and ...
  2. We turn to the next page, where we are asked to enter the "Password that we remember."
  3. After that, if a phone number was specified during registration, a confirmation code will be sent to it, which will need to be entered in the browser to gain access to the account and update the password. If the phone number was not specified during registration, or we no longer use this number, then you can safely press the "next question" button.
  4. We enter the date the account was created, as far as we can remember it accurately. For sure, the account was created when creating the mailbox. If you remember for what purposes the box was created, to whom the first letter was sent, you can, by contacting this subscriber, determine the approximate scope for creating an account. If at the very beginning other actions were performed from the account (commenting on Youtube, adding content to google+, registering on a social network forum, and so on), then they can also be used to judge the time of its creation.
  5. In the next step, we will be prompted to enter a secondary email address. If it was entered when registering an account and you still have access to it, great. Otherwise, you will have to specify a different address, to which instructions for further recovery will be sent.

If the phone number and secondary mailbox were not specified, account recovery may take a long time, and may lead to unsatisfactory results. To avoid such a situation, specify at least these two parameters reliably when registering. When changing mobile number or a backup mailbox, do not forget to correct the data. Not only will this help you recover your account faster, but it will also prevent others from impersonating you.

Recovering a Google account with a forgotten login

Login is our name in the system. In this situation, the login is the name of the mailbox registered in the Google system. If the mailbox has never been used, then again you will have to turn to help, but our actions on this page will be different:

  1. Under the introduction field postal address there will be a “find an account” link, which we need to click on.
  2. Next page will request from us the data that was entered when registering an account. If a phone number and/or a backup mailbox were entered during registration, then the process of restoring the login and access to the account will take much less time. A confirmation code will be sent to your phone number.

If you don’t enter anything at stage No. 2, then you will have to find out the login in another way, and restore access to the account using the first method. As in the previous case, in paragraph 4, to restore the login, you can refer to outside help, if letters were sent to this mail, or from it. Provided that no data was provided to verify your identity when registering an account, the probability of its recovery tends to zero. If you do not want to enter your real data, then write something meaningful that you can remember later.

Recovering a deleted Google account

If your Google account has been deleted, and this may be indicated by the inability to access it even if you enter the correct password, you should act immediately, since it can be restored within five days from the moment of deletion. Failure to do so will result in the account being permanently deleted. Let's go to account recovery page Google and do the following:

  1. Select "There are other problems logging in."
  2. Follow the instructions on the screen, entering all the necessary data. You will need an email address attached to your account and a backup address or phone number to send an activation code. When you enter the code, you will be prompted to set a new password for your account.

Google recommends using a mailbox on its platform when activating your account. Support also warns that if third-party mail services, such as Yahoo or Hotmail, then the effectiveness of its recovery is called into question.

How to ensure success when regaining access to your Google account

As soon as possible, make sure that you provide reliable or available information regarding the relevant account. It is highly recommended to have an attached number mobile phone and/or a backup mailbox. This data will allow you to restore access to your account even if it is stolen. Synchronization of devices and a password written on a piece of paper are powerless in this situation.