Advertising on social media. SMM promotion: how to “promote” on social networks. What tasks do we set for ourselves?

Good day, colleagues!

With you is Alexander K., creator of the “Out-of-System Arbitrageur” project. Today we will talk about SMM marketing and how to use it wisely.

SMMmarketing, akaSocial Media Marketing- This is one of the types of advertising that uses various social media. In particular, these may be social networks, blogs or other resources used by a large number of of people.

  • That is, the latter is responsible for achieving the goals set by the former.
  • But then, social media and community.
  • Don't they look alike?
The community must work side by side with him to ensure that all planned strategies are implemented. It is not that the Social is above the Community, but this guidance indicates the strategy that will be executed and what responds to its results. As we have mentioned in previous posts, he manages the entire online community to keep it strong, always in control.

It is worth understanding that SMM marketing is an extremely broad concept, but this article will discuss its practical use for promoting various products on the Internet. In particular, you will learn which social platforms and how you can advertise, how to effectively run a public page on a social network or a YouTube channel, what word of mouth is and how to use it, how to blog and much more.

Master in Community Management: Enterprises 0 and Social Media

Learn to plan and manage strategies in in social networks for the development of the company. Those of us dedicated to online marketing live in a soup of constant acronyms. Although these two terms may be very closely related in origin and meaning, they are distinct from each other today.

Do you know exactly what a Social Media Manager does and what makes it different from a Community Manager? In fact, they are not alone in this disjunctive that appears in the weak line that separates and at the same time defines these positions, since even specialists find it difficult to limit this function.

First of all, I would like to note that Social Media Marketing differs from other types of advertising not only in the formal divisions into the platforms used, but also in the approaches that should be used. This is, first of all, SOCIAL marketing, and you need to take into account how society will react to it, how a specific proposal will be discussed, whether it will be shared with friends, etc.

So, in addition to all these new features, there is a reality: these positions are only open in large, huge companies, advertising agencies, newspapers or communications agencies that count on the budget, volume of information, resources and communities that deserve it, so for those who is on the other side of this reality, these titles become very large and extravagant.

Of course, many who read these lines may this moment, perform their own Social Media Manager tasks without knowing it. This is exactly the reality of most community managers or business owners, entrepreneurs, bloggers and many people who are somehow trying to use social networks to connect their company, brand, product, project or ideal with a specific audience, to create a community, viz. get sales, subscribers, fans, “consultants”, volunteers, etc.

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What platforms can be used for SMM marketing?

Social platforms are any resources where people have the opportunity to communicate, share various content, etc.

Now we will move on to the “theoretical” part. Create a social media strategy based on your brand's personality, audience, and goals. Define campaigns for promotions, competitions, paid advertisements, events, product launches, in coordination with the marketing team, to be applied across the various platforms in which it is present. Identify and segment the user or “marketing person” to whom messages and actions will be targeted. Choose which tools and applications will be used to complete tasks. Conduct research to obtain industry and market information to apply to various strategies. Review and analyze report results provided by the Community Manager to identify both threats and opportunities, and the effectiveness of various actions. Working side by side with the client and various company departments, analyze results and plan strategic improvements: public relations, marketing, product, sales, directory. Working to develop strategic alliances in the social media sector for future activities that can contribute to community and brand growth.

  • Know or be familiar with the sector in which the business or company is inserted.
  • Administration and control of budgets for various strategy activities.
  • Determine content strategy, communication style, and content calendar execution.
  • Create a plan to address any social media reputation crisis.
Here we have summarized the skills that are mainly required for this position.

The most popular of them:

  • In contact with;
  • Facebook;
  • Twitter;
  • Instagram;
  • YouTube;
  • Classmates;
  • And others…

2 ways to make money on social advertising!

If you decide to promote a project on social media, you have two development paths. Each of them is good in some way, and it is impossible to say which is better. It all depends on your preferences. So here are the options:

Undoubtedly, one of the keys to increasing productivity is to use tools and applications that will help us avoid tasks that are important and necessary, but at the same time repetitive and can be automated with ease. That is, you only have to prepare a file with all the photos or images, select the ones that interest you and in an instant, already have scheduled publications for the entire month! Batch scheduling allows you to create and schedule over 300 posts or tweets with images, links or text just through a spreadsheet.

  1. Information project. This may include individual blogs or informational thematic public pages. They are created and advertised in order to subsequently make money from the sale of the same advertising. For example, they first spend 10,000 rubles to attract subscribers to the group, after which they start selling advertising in it for 200 rubles per post (the numbers are taken as an example).
  1. Direct product promotion. To do this, you don’t even have to create a public page; you just need to buy advertising in an existing one. You directly promote a product, in most cases through an affiliate program. This could be a product, financial services, etc. For more information about making money on affiliate programs, read the article

The first option of SMM marketing is more stable. You should invest once in promoting your group, page or channel, after which it will generate a stable income that does not require constant investments (in addition to the salary of the admin).

In a few minutes you can download information, timetables and timetables. Everyone comes at a time when creativity is exhausted, but still one cannot help but update accounts; so with this new tool you get Recommended Content based on your preferences, industry and influencers. This way, you can embed your content and curate your content to always provide quality content to your communities. Be sure to read in which we will show you “step by step” how to use this feature.

The second one is more promising in terms of quick profits, because once you find a profitable model for draining traffic, you will be able to purchase it in almost unlimited quantities. The article linked above describes this in detail, I recommend reading it.

Thus, the SMM marketing market can be divided into 2 categories: owners of information publics and advertisers.

Promotion services

Ideal for brand monitoring. In addition to tools, you also need to organize your content: If you start a blog, remember that preparing a content calendar is key to being successful and making money. Be sure to check out where we teach how to create one.

After clicking the button to run the test, the registration form. Just enter your name, address Email, password and enter the code that appears above the “Register” button. Once registration is complete, you will be redirected to add your profile to your trial account. Just enter your username and password for your profile.

Advertising group: what is it and how to run it?

If we talk about publics on social networks, they can be divided into 2 categories, similar to how the ways of earning money were divided above: advertising and informational publics. The latter are created solely to sell advertising and make money from it. The former have as their goal the direct promotion of a specific product, and as a rule they do not sell locally, they only purchase.

VKontakte and Instagram

Just enter the application on your phone and confirm that you are the one who accessed it. When you enter the application, a window will appear asking if you have accessed it. Mark it as "I did it" and the warning will disappear. After verification is confirmed, return to the site and click “Add Account” again.

Setting up a profile to receive subscribers

In your control panel, you should click on “Get Followers” ​​according to the following image. In the first example, we entered a profile to get followers attracted to you. Always look for profiles that are relevant to your business. In this second example we are adding a hashtag. We recommend adding hashtags that are relevant to your business and have over 25,000 mentions.

Now we will talk specifically about advertising publics. You can devote them to anything. Eg:

  • A trading public where you can promote brokers through an affiliate program
  • Group dedicated to loans (PP banks are also advertised)
  • Public – online store;
  • An official group of a company;
  • A public page dedicated to a specific brand, product or several products (can belong to both a store and a webmaster working under an affiliate program).

Advertising publics can be used both by the companies themselves and by webmasters working under an affiliate program. For the most part, the rules for their promotion are similar, but further work with PP will be taken as a basis, because Most of our readers are affiliate traders.

Administration of active advertising

Once you have registered your ad correctly, you will see the image above. You can change, activate or deactivate, tanned, comments, and whether your profile will be followed.

Analysis of your profile statistics

In the left corner of the control panel there is a “Statistics” button. By clicking you will have access to profit, achievement and conversion rate.

Using SMM tools

This information can be filtered by specific date. Scope: All users reached by your profile. Followers get: The number of people following your profile. Return rate: the percentage of users who received an interaction and returned.

How to work with advertising publics?

So, here are the basic rules for working with such publics:

  1. When promoting, pay great attention target audience (age of your clients, gender, geography). For example, if you work in the direction of trading, you do not need to purchase in groups where more than 30-40% are people under 18 years of age. The same applies to predominantly men's or women's products. The target audience is extremely important in any business!
  1. Regularly create unique content for people in the group (there should be a minimum of 4 posts per day), otherwise subscribers will quickly unsubscribe from you, they will not be interested in your public.
  1. The content in your group should be: motivating, as well as interesting for users. The more competently you combine this, the more effective the advertising will be. It is not recommended to use so-called “Advertising” in advertising groups, i.e. marketing that doesn't interest people. Make the group interesting - and then the level of customer loyalty will increase.
  1. Make it possible to leave a question to group representatives, personal communication increases audience loyalty and creates an additional connection to your project.
  1. If you work under an affiliate program, it is recommended to use several brands for promotion, and not just one. People love to choose, and they are much more willing to buy if they have at least the illusion of choice. Just find several similar products and let people choose one of them. In any case, you will receive a partner reward, either from one company or from another.
  1. Open the comment option, and encourage people to discuss a particular product or issue. SMM marketing is not just standard advertising, but working with a wide audience, directing their thoughts in the right direction. A group with good activity always looks much more interesting than the rest.
  1. There is no need to chase additional profit and place third-party advertising in an advertising project, especially from competitors. By doing this you will only create a big disadvantage for yourself, because... clients will go to others.
  1. In addition to text and pictures, use video content, people react to it very well. So, you can publish various thematic videos or GIF animations.
  1. Be sure to create a corporate identity for the group, i.e. templates for all pictures, as well as a public avatar. This will make the public more official in the eyes of visitors and increase the degree of trust.
  1. Use all possible tools for promotion, which are offered by one or another social network. For example, if we talk about VKontakte, there are a number of things that not everyone uses: the “Products” block, the ability to leave a message to the community or post a post through “Suggest news”. All this, although not by much, will increase the efficiency of the project, and therefore potential income.

Schedule Unsubscribe: You can schedule your subscription to unsubscribe for a specific period. Your friends or profiles that interest you will be saved. Follow the limit: tracking limit number so that the system will cancel the subscription automatically.

You can manually cancel your subscription at any time. Manually, this means you don't have to wait for your profile to reach the limit. If at any time you want to stop following, simply click "Unfollow" and enter the number of users. Then click Start.

An advertising public is an excellent addition to a website, or an independent resource. In social networks, it is much more effective to promote a group rather than a website directly, because she looks much more natural. In addition, people are much more willing to communicate and share news on social networks rather than on websites, and this can also be used.

Viral marketing or word of mouth: free advertising!

The word of mouth effect is one of the key advantages of SMM marketing, one might even say its distinctive feature. So, for example, if you buy a banner placement on a website, you only get clicks on it, and nothing more. If you launch an advertising campaign on social networks, you can count on the fact that people will discuss it, increasing its effectiveness and distributing it to the masses.

To set up a comment on your profile, in your dashboard, simply click "Get Followers" and then click "Comments." You can remove the default comments and add new ones by clicking "Add". Our platform offers several great features to attract real and targeted followers to your profile.

Our system is fast, efficient, secure and smart. The results are excellent and follow the tips below to achieve this. Add popular profiles and hashtags that are truly relevant to your business. Analyze conversion rate and remove low conversion deals when I need to. Continue promotion with a return of more than 10%. . There are several frequently asked questions.

Thus, word of mouth is a way of spreading information from person to person, without the direct participation of the advertiser. This concept existed even before the advent of the Internet, when people simply discussed this or that event among themselves. Now it has become even more pronounced, because... Social networks have every opportunity to transmit any kind of information:

In case of doubts, criticism or suggestions, please contact us. The emergence of the social media professional in the advertising world has forced a rethink on agency structure. Working with social media requires advanced training, planning and easy adaptation to conditions and trends in the industry.

It is very important for a social media professional to be highly creative and communicative in order to convey innovative ideas to the public. Therefore, you must know how to work as a team and analyze the statistics found in the infographics, as it will be possible to check whether the actions are generating the expected revenues.

  • Reposting posts;
  • Discuss them through private messages;
  • Comments on posts;
  • etc.

But you should immediately understand: not every advertising campaign causes the effect of word of mouth. People will not discuss any post they see and will not repost it. Information is disseminated only if it is interesting in the eyes of people, or motivates it to be transmitted in other ways.

Professional Responsibility of Social Media

Social media is quickly becoming one of the most important channels for companies to interact with their customers and gain a wealth of useful information to improve their products and services. Companies that used to look for someone who took care of their Facebook account are now looking for someone who makes the company stand out.

Social media - the profession of the future?

It is important to note that until a few years ago this profession did not exist. The trend has been for the social media field to gain momentum over the years as online business investment grows exponentially. A great recommendation is to invest in this new field that is growing rapidly, create your own pages, see what works and what is not so profitable at the moment, and especially try to create new formulas and methods.

So, now I will list the key options for how you can use word of mouth (viral marketing) on ​​social networks:

  1. Promotions with drawings. An extremely popular trend now is to hold drawings for various prizes among those who reposted a certain post. It looks something like this:

“A random subscriber of our community who reposts this post will receive 5,000 rubles...”

Prizes can be either small or quite significant, depending on the number of participants

and the duration of the promotion. As a result, you receive many reposts of an advertising post, which spreads spontaneously throughout the social network. It works something like this:

The subscriber makes a repost - a friend of the subscriber reads the post on the first one’s wall, subscribes and also reposts - each other’s subscriber does the same - etc.

Although objectively speaking, it is worth noting that this method It’s already starting to become obsolete. Of course, it can, and even should, be used, but it does not cause such a “bomb” reaction as at first. This is because there are quite a lot of similar posts, and they continue to be distributed mainly by those who have at least once won such a competition.

  1. Promotion with a guaranteed prize or bonus. Not such a common method, but it does exist. This is the same call to repost for a certain “bun”, only this time there is no drawing, everyone receives prizes. As a rule, this is some kind of discount on the services of the company that organizes the promotion, or some interesting addition.

For example:

  • 10% discount on massage services;
  • Additional 10 min. to complete the quest room;
  • Possibility to get 3 seats for 2 tickets;
  • Addition to trading strategy.
  1. Viral non-advertising post. There is a category of posts on social networks that generates a huge number of likes and shares. Of course, these posts are not advertising; at best, they indirectly promote something. However, the very fact of such a large number of reposts will have a beneficial effect on the group; interested users will join it. Also keep in mind that this method, unlike the previous ones, does not require costs, as is the case with sweepstakes.

What kind of viral recordings are these? As a rule, they call for at least a “Like” mark, putting pressure on something psychologically important for a person. Eg:

  • Like if you respect veterans (along with a photo of a war veteran);
  • How many likes does... (some famous person) deserve?
  • Which is better: “white” or “red” (any 2 comparisons, football teams, cars, etc.). 1 – like, 2 – repost.
  • Any other posts that require likes and reposts.

It’s better, of course, not to use the standard schemes described above, but to come up with something new. Then it will get more reposts.

  1. Prophecy records. Something like “Repost, or you won’t be happy for 10 years.” The method, in my opinion, is not very successful and does not evoke a positive reaction from people. In addition, a public page with such posts will look extremely frivolous. Some people use this approach, but I wouldn't recommend it.
  1. Funny catchy photos. People love humor, especially if there is some unusual photo involved. You won't get a lot of shares using standard jokes or "memes", but if you come up with something new, it can get a good reaction. Again, as in the case of non-advertising viral posts, you will not be able to place direct advertising, but regular use of this method will give you an additional stream of visitors.
  1. Helpful information. Creating posts like this will not only give you additional subscribers, but will also emphasize the seriousness of the project. This way, you can create truly useful content for the masses.

Something like:

  • How to get tax benefits from the state?
  • 10 useful life hacks;
  • A selection of psychological techniques for communicating with superiors.

This information should be, firstly, useful, and secondly, difficult to remember in its entirety. After or even at the beginning of the text, you will offer to save it on your wall so as not to lose it. Such posts will attract attention both in your group and on the walls of subscribers.

  1. Political news. People love to discuss politics, and often repost various political news written in interesting language. In addition, they willingly discuss them in the comments. If the topic of your public allows you to publish political news, do it regularly.
  1. Creative ideas. The list of possible viral content is not exhaustive; you can always come up with something of your own and “gather the cream” on this method before it starts to be used everywhere. After all, in the end, someone came up with everything that was described above. Constantly talk about this topic, think about what approach can bring a large number of shares, and test the ideas that come to you.

In essence, viral marketing is inexpensive, and sometimes even free way attract unlimited traffic. The main thing is that the idea spreads across the social network, and the post is reposted not only by your subscribers, but also by the subscribers’ friends, their friends, etc. Of course, sooner or later someone will simply copy the text of your post and post it on their public page, but before this happens, you will attract people to you as a pioneer.

How to develop your own YouTube channel?

YouTube is also a good platform for SMM marketing, and it should not be ignored at all. Today it is actively gaining popularity both among bloggers and among viewers. This is because YouTube is gradually replacing television. Now only older people remain more conservative and watch TV, while young people for the most part go online. Hence the huge number of new channels of various directions appearing literally every day.

There are two ways to use YouTube for Smm marketing:

  • Purchasing advertising through this platform (banners that pop up while watching a video, promotional videos with or without skippability, etc.);
  • Creation and development of your own channel.

With the first method, everything should be more or less clear: you create advertising content and pay for its placement through the YouTube service. You can pay for impressions, clicks, views, etc.

In the second case, everything is much more complicated. It’s not enough to create ordinary advertising material and place it, no one will just look at it. You need to create content that is truly interesting for the user, and subsequently try to “close” the viewer to the necessary actions.

Of course, as is the case with groups on social networks, the YouTube channel can be used in 2 ways in SMM marketing: to make money from advertising, or to promote a product, your own or through an affiliate program. Below we will mainly talk about the second method.

Possible formats for commercial channels:

  • Trader channel (strategies, video hands, online trading, etc., with the promotion of any brokers, signal services, etc.);
  • Channel with product reviews (in the description you put affiliate links to the store);
  • Information channel on the topic of loans, with links to relevant organizations.

How to work with a YouTube channel?

In general, there may be more formats, depending on your chosen field of activity. Our team began to actively explore YouTube in terms of SMM marketing relatively recently, about a year ago, so even we still don’t know much. However, we have already managed to find out something, and then there will be a number of tips for promoting a commercial channel:

  1. Optimize your video title and description for search queries to attract search traffic. Many video bloggers don’t do this, which means your video can rank well just because it’s well optimized.
  1. Be sure to add tags when uploading videos. This will allow you to find the video in the “similar videos” section. The potential traffic is no less than search traffic; on YouTube, people often, after watching one video, start watching another, from “Similar”.
  1. Make sure that the title image (splash screen) is bright and eye-catching. The splash screen is what the user sees before he/she has opened the video for viewing, which means it determines how often the video will be clicked on.
  1. To emphasize the seriousness of your project, order a high-quality video preview, and insert it into all videos at the very beginning. The preview should not be too long, 2-3 seconds will be enough.
  1. The number of views received in the first days after the publication of a video directly affects the position of the video in search results, as well as the frequency of its appearance in “Related Videos”. Therefore, if you have other visited resources, or, for example, a mailing list, be sure to announce the video. This will immediately give you a certain number of views and increase the position of the video on YouTube.
  1. YouTube is a social platform, which means that the “word of mouth” effect has not been canceled. The main principle here is for your video to spread across the Internet – its unusualness, non-standardity. Surprise people with your creativity and your views will increase exponentially!
  1. Use all the features of YouTube to promote your product: Video annotations, hints, voice or text must announce that the link to the product of interest is in the description. People for the most part will not pay attention to a small link under the video unless you tell them directly about it.
  1. Encourage people to subscribe to the channel and put “Like”, even if you don’t plan to make money from it. This increases the position of the video on YouTube, and all videos of your channel in general.
  1. If you have a website, be sure to include links to it in each video., and you can also post these videos on the site. This will increase the degree of loyalty to the resource search engines, because they will see that unique video content is being created for the site. It is also possible to link a channel to a specific resource directly on YouTube, then it will be possible to put links to it in the video itself, and not just in the description.
  1. Order advertising for your channel from popular bloggers, many of them take a “commercial break” before the start of each of their videos.
  1. To pay attention appearance your channel. Avatar, design, video blocks - this is very important. The more colorful the channel looks, the more people will subscribe to it and visit it regularly.
  1. I recommend posting new videos regularly, at least once a week. Then subscribers will receive notifications about new videos, visit your channel more often and watch videos.
  1. A good addition to the YouTube channel would be a public page, or even several on social networks. In it you can publish the same videos, as well as other advertising content. This way, 2 or more resources will be developed simultaneously.
  1. Before creating a channel, study the creativity of your competitors. Everyone has their own “tricks”, and it would be useful for you to learn about them. Of course, you shouldn’t copy the concept of someone else’s project 100%; you need to study several of the most successful competitors, understand their strengths, add something of your own and start developing your own channel.
  1. If you want to live “happily ever after” on YouTube, pay attention to copyrights. You should not upload videos to which you do not own the rights, this will lead to warnings, restrictions, and then a complete blocking of your channel.

    Although the topic of our portal is traffic arbitrage, within the framework of this topic you cannot skip the rules for running your own blog. In most cases, the ultimate goal is to sell advertising, but sometimes blogs are also used to work with affiliate programs. For example, a trader’s blog, where his results, strategies, signals, etc. are published, with affiliate links to brokers. This is a very effective strategy for promoting Forex offers.

    So, a blog is a specific resource (site, public page, page, channel) on which a specific person or a specific team of people is represented. The publication of material comes directly from a specific person, and not from the mysterious “we”. A blogger expresses his personal opinion on a particular issue, and is also a brand himself. There is a certain difference in promoting a blog and promoting a regular information site. Thus, bloggers mostly use SMM marketing, communicate more closely with the audience, and often cause the “word of mouth” effect.

    1. Publish new material regularly. In principle, this can be said about any information resource involved in SMM marketing, but for a blog it is of paramount importance. If you stop publishing new content for at least a week, subscribers will simply stop reading you, and it will take a long time for you to attract them back. The more often new original content from you appears, the better.
    1. Don't go overboard with advertising. Advertising, of course, is the goal of any blog, but there is no need to abuse it. If half of all posts are advertising, no one will read such a blog. I can’t say the exact number, it’s individual for each blog. Imagine yourself in the place of the readers, and think about what saturation will be optimal.
    1. Remember that bloggers are often criticized for the advertising they publish. So, for example, if you started actively promoting some kind of financial pyramid, then when it falls apart, you will lose the loyalty of your audience. Think about this when choosing a product to promote.
    1. Communicate with people not only through articles and videos, but also directly, through personal messages, through comments. People love attention, and if you give it to them, your blog will gain additional loyalty.
    1. Organize competitions regularly related to reposts of your posts, likes, comments, and other activity indicators. This has already been mentioned earlier in the “Word of Mouth” section.
    1. Try not to copy other people's content. An exception may be various news, but otherwise all material must be unique; this is the main principle of any blog.
    1. You can negotiate with other bloggers working in your or another niche about mutual PR. Those. you publish an announcement of their activities, and your partner – yours. This way you can get additional subscribers without spending money on advertising.
    1. Publish interesting, viral content, so that they not only watch it, but also share it with friends. This is how most blogs develop, spread throughout the Internet.
    1. Despite word of mouth, do not forget about standard advertising. It is necessary for any project, at least in the initial stages. You must be willing to invest money in development, otherwise the process will be extremely slow.
    1. Analyze your competitors, what they do on their blogs, and also try to come up with something new, a unique approach that no one is using. The main principle of any business is “Look at what others do, do better!”

    As I mentioned a little earlier, a blog can be maintained for two purposes: for the subsequent sale of advertising or for working under an affiliate program. The first option is calmer and more stable, the second is more promising in terms of income.

    Cases for smm marketing!

    Next there will be several links to the best cases from our subscribers who use SMM marketing. The case represents the specific experience of a person who worked according to this scheme. In each publication you will find:

    • Statistics on costs and income;
    • In other words, if any company discredits itself in any way, it will quickly lose the trust of people. If its creators buy standard advertising (through banners, for example, or Yandex.Direct), their reputation will certainly decrease, but not that much, and not that quickly.

      At the same time, if the company earns positive customer ratings, this information also spreads quite quickly, and you get increased operational efficiency.

      Thus, the following important rules should be noted:

      • Try not to do anything that might cause a negative reaction among the general consumer population.
      • Communicate with people respectfully so that after cooperation they have only pleasant impressions.
      • Encourage those who are most supportive of you to leave reviews and share information about your company with friends.

      A well-executed policy of working with clients can cause a good reaction on social networks and in personal communication between people, which means you will emphasize your high image and attract additional clientele.

      TOP 8 secrets of SMM marketing!

      To conclude, some of the secrets of promoting a project using social methods or SMMmarketing. All this - personal experience our team of arbitrators. So, here are these subtleties:

    1. Combination with mailing. Having your own website, you can easily start collecting a mailing list by simply placing a corresponding page, or better yet, a sliding banner on the side. Subsequently, you will be able to send to the received e-mail addresses advertising letters, announcements of new material, videos, etc. The mailing list will be an excellent addition to the main resource, as well as another retaining factor for readers, tying them to your project.
    1. A bomb scheme for promoting videos using mailing lists. Continuing the topic of mailing, we can’t help but touch on an excellent video promotion scheme. As many people know, you cannot insert a video into an email, but you can do the following:
    • Take a screenshot of the video screensaver so that the video icon is displayed in the center;
    • Upload this screenshot into an email;
    • Place a link to the photo leading to the video viewing page.

    Thus, for the reader of your letter, this screen looks like a full-fledged video, and he is likely to click on it, after which he will go to your website, group or channel. Click-through statistics with this approach are sometimes 10-15 times higher than with standard emails. You get a large number of clicks to the site, as well as additional video views.

    1. If your group on social networks has stopped producing the same results and is barely breaking even, try changing the design. Sometimes this helps to regain some of the former popularity for a while. Although this method is not a panacea. If the public has burned out, it’s time to think about creating another project or radically changing the format of the old one.
    1. Regularly conduct surveys like “What is our group missing?”“What would you like to see on our project?” Firstly, it increases audience loyalty, because... people like it when their opinions are listened to. Secondly, sometimes we receive some really good ideas that we can try to implement.
    1. Give people the opportunity to independently participate in the life of the project. So, for example, you can make it possible to leave posts in a group through “Suggest news”, and if the post is worthwhile, without third-party advertising and interesting, publish it. Again, this will increase audience loyalty + diversify your content.
    1. Organize feedback. If readers have the opportunity to write you a message, ask a question and receive an answer, this will increase the effectiveness of promotion (if you work with affiliate programs), as well as the degree of loyalty to the project. Personal communication always works only as a plus in SMM marketing. Even if a person writes to you once a month, the very fact of the existence of such an opportunity elevates your project in his eyes compared to others.
    1. Use cross promotion. For example, combinations like “Group + site”, or even “Site + group + channel” work well. Some people find it more convenient to study information on a website, others in a public page, others watch videos. If you make all this possible, you will have an order of magnitude more readers. In addition, you will receive several visited resources at once without additional costs, instead of just one.
    1. If you have several projects, blogs or websites, try to find common ground for them, and promote together. Those. publish announcements of the second in one, the third in the second, etc. Again, as with the previous point, this will add more traffic to you at no additional cost.


    So, today you learned about SMM marketing and its varieties. As you can see, this concept is extremely broad and includes many areas. If you learn to effectively use at least one of its sides, you can make good money from it.

    Let's sum up the final results:

    1. Smm marketing is a set of advertising methods using social media and everything connected with them.
    2. The platform for posting social advertising is mostly social networks, including YouTube.
    3. One of key features SMM marketing is the effect of “word of mouth”, in which information spreads on its own, without your participation. Achieving it is difficult, but still quite possible.
    4. When working with social advertising, you need to pay more attention to your readers, communicate with them, create activity, and encourage them to share information.
    5. You can use SMM marketing both for the subsequent sale of advertising on your resource, and for promoting a specific product through an affiliate program.

    Successful arbitration and more profitable connections!

    Best regards, Alexander K.

Let's talk today about what it is SMMpromotion.

First, let's look at the definition that Wikipedia gives us.

Social media marketing (SMM)- the process of driving traffic or attention to a brand or product through social platforms. This is a set of activities for using social media as channels for promoting companies and solving other business problems.

I’ll say right away that I don’t entirely agree with this definition. SMMpromotion, I still believe that this is not only attracting traffic, but rather an activity that is aimed at increasing awareness, loyalty to a brand, product, person, with the help and means of working in social media. That is, not just “driving” traffic to the site, but building long-term communications with clients.

Also, many people confuse (and some even think that they are the same thing) SMM and SMOpromotion. It's not like that at all. is a set of measures to work to attract the target audience to the site, while SMM promotion is a set of measures to increase awareness and loyalty using social media.

What does it include SMMpromotion:

  • Creation of branded platforms within a social network;
  • Administration (maintenance) of communities on social networks;
  • Work on attracting the target audience (targeted advertising, viral posts, promotional posts, competitions, etc.)
  • Company/brand/product image management on social networks
  • Hidden marketing

Let's go through some of these points in more detail.

Not a single serious business that promotes on social networks can do without its own community in them. Moreover, this is done not in one network, but in at least three or four popular ones (VKontakte, Facebook, Odnoklassniki, Instagram). Why? It’s very simple, because the client does not necessarily use the same social network. Some people prefer VKontakte, some prefer Facebook, and some like Odnoklassniki. And by creating a community on one social network, you are cutting off potential clients from other networks with your own hands.

Newspapers and books are pages that no one will read empty. It’s the same with communities on social networks. If the community wall is not updated, then there is simply no reason for people to subscribe there. We need to give it to people every day useful information embedding advertising of your product into it, thus constantly reminding the client of yourself.

Targeted advertising.

It is not good to engage in black methods of attracting an audience for a serious business. Firstly, reputation. Secondly, your community simply cannot be banned for this.

Therefore, if you really decide to engage SMMpromotion of your business on social networks, immediately and completely forget about black methods (bots, cheating, etc.). You can attract an audience legally and for not a lot of money, even through , the main skill. You can also buy promotional posts in large communities, arrange, etc. Yes, such promotion will not give you 100,500 subscribers in the first month, but those 100-200 who come from white methods will definitely buy from you, and even more than once. And out of 100,500 bots, no one will even give you a like.