Antennas for a Wi-Fi router with your own hands. Wi-fi antenna: a master class on the manufacture and design of powerful home-made devices

It's easy to make and very powerful as a Wi-Fi antenna. With it, you can receive and transmit a Wi-Fi signal not only for hundreds of meters, but for several kilometers!
The cannon antenna resembles the look of a space blaster and, like this fantastic weapon, has a directed and very powerful action.

This is a directional antenna. And it is this property that gives a large receiving distance due to the large concentration of the signal in one direction.

Antenna drawing diagram

The drawing shows the dimensions between the antenna elements. Its resonant frequency is tuned to the middle of the Wi-Fi frequency of 2.4 GHz.

To make an antenna, you will need

  • Long stud with nuts.
  • Metal sheet, I took copper, as it is very easy to cut. In general, you can take tin from cans.
  • . But you can connect to an existing router.

Making a powerful Wi-Fi antenna gun

Before proceeding with the manufacture of the antenna, you need to know that any deviation from given dimensions greatly degrade its performance. Therefore, everything must be done as accurately as possible.
We take a sheet of metal and roughly mark the centers of the diameters of the circles. Then we drill the center. For accuracy, a place before drilling is a core or we go through a thin drill, and then a thick one. As a result, the diameter of the hole should be slightly larger than the stud.

Then we take a compass and draw circles on the metal.

Cut out the square first.

Then carefully cut out the circle.

We got circles for the antenna.

I took a long hairpin. I cut off the excess along the length of the antenna, taking into account the width of the nut.

Here is the finished assembly kit.

We assemble the antenna. Everything is very simple, like a designer in childhood.

To control the dimensions, I recommend using a metal ruler, as it is more accurate.

In the last two disks, you need to make holes for connecting the cable.

We will make a connector with a cable from an old antenna from a router or adapter.

Remove the top cover.

Cut off the insulation. The antenna unhooked itself, because it was pressed in.

Next, solder the metal cap.

And the connection is ready.

Ludim disks. Copper is great in this regard. Once I made such an antenna from the case of an old computer, so I had to tinker with acid there.

We pass the cable through the hole of the last circle and solder the shielding winding to the disk.

Now we pass the middle core into the hole of the second disk and solder it.

The antenna is almost ready. I'll mount it on a camera mount. There will be such a home option.

We fasten to the output of the connector.

You can attach it with electrical tape or tape to the bracket.

I will put the antenna on the window and direct it to objects where there may be a signal.

Wow, how many networks appeared. Although before I caught the signal only from my router. There are not many access points in our city.

The result is amazing.

The number of networks exceeded all my expectations.


The result was such that the same type of antenna can be connected without any problems at a distance of about 10 kilometers! And this is without any amplifiers and special equipment.
With the help of such a powerful Wi-Fi gun - antenna, you can transmit a signal to the garage, to work, to school, to the country house. All materials are available to absolutely everyone, and everything is done very simply.More detailed instructions assembly can be found by watching the video below. It also shows more extensive testing of this powerful Wi-Fi antenna.

PS: If you are going to make an outdoor version, then for insulation and corrosion protection, it would be nice to paint the entire antenna with ordinary metal paint.

With this WIFI antenna for computer, you can increase the range of your Wi-Fi or other devices operating at a frequency of 2.4GHz (for example, surveillance cameras) up to 10 kilometers. A Yagi antenna is like a telescope for radio waves, it is much more efficient than an antenna from a can of springs.

Step 1: What you need

The project is absolutely simple.

  • Printer, computer
  • Ice cream sticks
  • PVA glue
  • Super glue
  • Large paper clips (or any stiff metal wire)
  • USB WIFI, preferably with 2.4GHz antenna or device extension
  • Soldering iron and lead
  • Sandpaper
  • Scissors
  • Pliers or wire cutters (see photo)
  • Ruler with millimeter divisions or caliper

Step 2: Work Brief

The steps for working on a WIFI antenna for PC are as follows:

  1. Print out the scaled antenna template* (link in the next step).
  2. Cut the paper clips and glue them on.
  3. Make an antenna frame out of popsicle sticks.
  4. Connect USB device to the antenna.

*I used Yagi modeler java applet to create the diagram. You can find this applet on the internet (just google "Yagi modeler") and its owner is W9CF .

The applet creates a chart and element parameters (length, location). I carefully scaled the diagram and turned it into a template to make it easier to build.

You can visit the AB9IL website for more detailed information about using the applet for this and many other antennas.

Step 3: Printing the Chart

The most important point is to print the template in correct scale. In the .zip file attached below, you will find three .png images.

Since the antenna is longer than an A4 sheet, you will need to print the template on 2 sheets (part1 and part2). Just in case, in the third file you will find the entire template, in case you have the opportunity to print an image of this size.


  1. Make sure that you have "Original size" in the printer properties (do not stretch across the page, etc., etc.).
  2. Set the printer orientation to landscape.

Checking the scale:

Use a ruler or caliper to check the scale. The vertical lines represent the "Yaga elements" and will be made from paper clips. The horizontal line is the spine of the antenna, it will be made from popsicle sticks.

You also probably noticed a couple of numbers next to the elements. The first digits are the length of the element in millimeters. The second digits are the distance from the beginning of the diagram to the elements in millimeters.

Measure the size and position of several elements on each printout, if the measurements match the numbers, then you printed the template in the correct scale.

Then lay both printouts on top of each other so that they match in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe 10-11th element and glue them together with adhesive tape or PVA glue.


Step 4: Cut and Attach Paper Clips

You need to cut the paper clips with pliers or wire cutters so that they line up with the vertical pieces. It's quite simple, attach a paperclip to the template, make a note with a marker and cut.

Before gluing, make sure that the length of each element matches its length on the chart. Then glue them on with superglue.

Set aside item #2 for later. This element is used to connect the electronics and is called the "slave element" (because it is controlled by the electronics)

Step 5: Building the Foundation

The ridge will hold the shape of the antenna. I just cut off ice cream sticks and installed them between the elements, gluing them with PVA glue.

Start from the end - 15 elements, when you get to 2, go to the next step.

Step 6: Making the Follower

The slave element in a WI FI antenna for a laptop, usually the second from the beginning, it connects to a USB WIFI or 2.4 GHz device. The element is a broken loop, not a straight wire. It resonates at a certain radio frequency depending on its size. Of course, the dimensions of the driven element in this antenna are set at a frequency of 2.4 GHz.

It just so happens that the size corresponds to the size of a large paper clip. You need to secure the paperclip in such a way that it goes around but is not solid but has a small gap in the center (see photo)

Install it and glue it with superglue, then finish the spine.

When all the elements and sticks are in place, reinforce the antenna with another layer of popsicle sticks. Stick full sticks on the top of the antenna. As a result, the antenna should become rigid. Then carefully tear off the paper template.

Step 7: Connect the Antenna to the WiFi Modem

This is the hardest part, a lot depends on your hardware, please read the entire step very carefully.
The idea is to solder a wire between the RF output on the WiFi board and the active (passive) antenna element.

The problem is that usually USB modems equipped with their own external or internal antenna. Modems equipped with an external antenna, like mine, are much easier to connect, you just need to replace the external antenna. In devices equipped with an internal antenna, it may need to be modified slightly as shown in the illustrations. You will need to experiment a little.

I tried soldering a coax cable to my board's antenna connectors and the two loop ends of the active antenna element, but that didn't work in my case. I don't know why, but other people have connected their antenna this way.

In my case, I simply soldered one thin strand of copper wire between the active element of the ribbon antenna and one end of the driven element's loop.

Please read the photo captions for more details.

Step 8: Efficiency

The performance of the antenna impressed me a lot, especially considering the ease of assembly with your own hands. I was able to see the WiFi of the hotel, which was located 3 kilometers from my house. The hardest part was connecting the antenna to the USB modem.

This equipment is a signal receiver wireless network. Many people want to get more powerful performance from this device, but you should not do unjustified actions with devices with a power of 15-20 dBi. Their difference is the maximum area allowed for wide coverage. With the amplification of such an antenna, the range will increase, the coverage area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe wireless connection will decrease.

This situation can become a serious obstacle to the comfortable use of a connection to the global network. The wave propagation area will be so narrow that the signal receiver will need to be kept at a certain point without the ability to move.

Of course, if you can’t move to the sofa with your phone or go to the kitchen with a tablet, then making a wi-fi antenna at home will not justify itself. It is necessary to weigh very well the need for such manipulation.

Homemade biquad antenna

The pioneers among home-made biquad-type emitters for the propagation of a wireless signal were samples back in 2005. The best modifications of these devices were bi-square, which produced a signal with a power of up to 12 dBi, and bi-square with a value of this indicator up to 14 dBi.

If we take the versatility of the device, it is preferable to install a bi-square design. This equipment will make it possible to preserve the width of the signal opening angle in the event of the inevitable compression of the radiation field.

If this device correctly positioned indoors, it is possible to ensure reception of a stable signal throughout the territory. Implement any of the existing versions of this type appliances simply.

Details for making a biquad radiator:

  • For a reflector, a foil textolite measuring 12.3x12.3 cm is useful;
  • Copper wire with a cross section of 2.5 square meters. mm;
  • Coaxial cable with an indicator of BC 50 Ohm;
  • Connector with N-type output for connecting the antenna itself.

In general, the device will look like squares connected at the corners with diagonals located on the same straight line. Looking at the photo of the wi-fi antenna, you can see a bi-square emitter and a grounded reflector. The device must top to adjoin the cable, and the lower one - to adjoin the ground.

The reflector is a piece of highly conductive material. Aluminum, steel or tin can do this perfectly. In some cases, it is easier to use a CD.

How to make a emitter and reflector wi-fi antenna

The manufacture of the transmitter is quite simple. Having prepared all the necessary materials, you can start creating the device.

Step by step instructions on how to make a wi-fi antenna:

Step 1. Check the suitability of all materials. For the estimated frequency of the future transmitter-receiver of the wireless network, the frequency is 2.4 GHz, which requires the use of copper wire 1.8 mm thick. This corresponds to the cross section indicated in the list of materials.

Step 2. It is necessary to prepare the wire and bend it at right angles at a distance of 30.5 from each inflection point. The main thing is that the active element should look like a square figure eight.

Step 3. We measure a distance equal to 29 mm from the edge to the bend of the wire.

Step 4. We constantly control the compliance of the outer diameter of 30.5 cm and make another bend.

Step 5. We perform a couple more internal bends at a distance of 2.9 cm into the inside of the frame.

Step 6. After completing the design of the active element, you should check the compliance with the drawing. There should be a distance of 30.5 mm along the midline.

Step 7. In places that are reserved for the subsequent attachment of a coaxial cable to them, it is necessary to make a solder.


This piece of equipment is designed to reflect waves at the rear of the network receiver. With the correct location of the reflector, signal amplification can be achieved by superimposing the amplitudes of the emitted and reflected signals. The effect of interference contributes to an increase in the range of propagation of wireless radiation.

The achievement of this physical phenomenon can be easily calculated. The selected oscillation has a certain wavelength, and when reflected, it is necessary that the waves overlap.

The distance between the reflector and the emitter is defined as the difference of a quarter of the value determined by the design features of the transmitter from a tenth of the wave. From simple considerations, we obtain a value of a quarter wavelength.

For the selected frequency of 2.4 GHz, the wave will be 12.5 cm long. Multiplying the resulting value by 5, we get the value of the desired interval of 1.56 cm.

In order to get the maximum possible gain of 12 dBi from the device you are designing, you need to correctly size the reflector. The maximum gain will be with a 12.3x12.3 cm plate. You can also use large reflectors, but this will not give any effect, but will make the equipment more bulky and heavy.

The above scheme wifi devices Antennas give radiation with a power of 12 dBi, and analogues made on the basis of CDs can provide a maximum signal of 8 dBi due to a limited area.

In addition to the size and type of material for the reflector, it is necessary to choose smooth plain surfaces with good reflective properties. Waves can scatter on any defect, which leads to a partial loss of the signal.

The collection of the emitter on the reflector can be done by soldering a copper pipe directly to the reflector. You can also fix it with hot glue on a plastic tube. It is necessary to solder the leads to the cable to the emitter frame.

Connecting to a router

It may happen that making such a wi-fi antenna with your own hands will be more of a problem than a financial acquisition. Since the connection of self-made equipment must be made through penetration into the router.

For anyone who has the skills to work with network and wireless equipment, the process of soldering on the circuit board to the contact pads inside the router will not be difficult.

You should be very careful and work as quickly as possible with a soldering iron with contact tracks, since they are very thin and can immediately react to a temperature jump by breaking away from the board.

If the original cable has an SMA connector, connect the same type of antenna plug. Such an RF connector is very common equipment, so you can buy it at any specialized store.

WiFi Antenna Testing

By building a biquad antenna to the ideal dimensions, following all of the above guidelines, a signal with a range of 4 km can be achieved.

You need to understand that a lot depends on what you can make a wi-fi antenna so that the indicators are consistent with the theoretical ones. The power of such equipment can reach 12 dBi.

For antennas made from CDs or other scrap materials, a weaker signal is observed, sometimes peaking at 8 dBi. With successful crafts, the directivity and range of the emitter on a CD can reach 2 kilometers.

For a double biquadrate, the limiting power is 14 dBi and the range is slightly more than 6 kilometers.

Such antennas can be used for summer cottages, courtyards of private houses or areas near the garage, since they have an opening angle of 60 °.

Photo of wi-fi antennas

Outside the house - the signal strength is constantly low. In a cafe or business center, routers are not installed in every room. And the power of receivers on modern laptops and smartphones is quite small.

You can make an antenna for receiving a Wi-Fi signal yourself

You can pay attention to popular solutions - expensive external antennas. Someone uses a 3G modem with a router function, but the Internet speed is thus reduced, and the cost increases significantly. We will tell you how to make an antenna for Wi-Fi from the available means.

The financial cost of a Wi-Fi antenna should not exceed $35. You will need:

  1. USB receiver for WiFi networks dongle form factor. You can find one in large electronics stores or radio markets.
  2. Any kitchen utensils of a hemispherical shape (made of metal). A colander or sieve will do.
  3. Passive USB extension cable type A. If finances allow, then the active one is still better - it will allow you to place the antenna higher. We will be able to connect 2-3 cables when there is no extension cord of the required sizes.
  4. Consumables: hot glue, tape, a piece of garden hose (required). Foil, rope (optional).

How to choose the right parts?

The Wi-Fi receiver for our purposes must meet several parameters:

We will need to make the antenna directional. It means that USB cable must be of sufficient length. Calculate it ahead of time. The cable should not be longer than 5 meters, otherwise the signal may be distorted.

Kitchen dishes

The best dishes for these purposes are a pot with a semicircular mesh bottom. Asian dishes, a double boiler, a sieve or a lamp cover are suitable. The hemisphere shape and metal body are the main requirements. If you are planning on making a large antenna, an old TV antenna will do just fine. Please note possible problems with installation.

Assembly and connection of the receiver

Connect the Wi-Fi adapter and part of the extension cable to the antenna. To do this, it is better to use hot glue or double-sided tape. The adapter should be mounted in the center of the antenna, a few centimeters above its surface (ideally). It is important to point the receiving center of the antenna exactly at the signal transmission point, since it is highly directional.

Connect the appropriate end of the USB extension cable to your computer. Install the receiver in the same way as a standard Wi-Fi adapter.

IMPORTANT. It is better to immediately adjust the signal level.

This can be done using programs such as:

  • NetStumbler, Free Wi-Fi Scanner, NetSpot (for Windows);
  • NetSpot (for OS X);
  • LinSSID, iwScanner (Linux).

We examined the manufacture of the most primitive antenna for receiving wifi signal. Further more!

Antenna "Bikvadrat"

Another name for Wi-Fi signal receivers of this type is "Kharchenko's zigzag". A biquadrat antenna is relatively easy to manufacture. She refers to best options by the ratio of complexity, production time and the result obtained.


For a biquad antenna, we need:

  • copper tube or N-connector;
  • one-sided textolite;
  • copper wiring (diameter 1.5–3 mm);
  • cable RG-6U (coaxial).

These components can be found at your local radio market or radio supply store.


Helix Antenna

Another interesting type of antenna can be used as a signal receiver for the router. This is a spiral design that was invented back in 1947. According to some reports, it is able to receive a signal from a distance of about 650 meters.


  • Plate made of copper or aluminum - for the reflector. It shouldn't be too thin.
  • Copper wiring about 150 cm long and at least 1 mm in diameter.
  • Mounts.
  • Round vinyl core.
  • Copper foil, which will need to be wrapped around the core.
  • Wi-Fi network card connector.

Manufacturing process

Okay. What's next?

We hope you understand that two antennas need to be made? One is in a place with an active signal and a router, the other is in a place where the signal is received. Point to Point software will help you secure your connection from lovers of "free neighborhood Wi-Fi".


  • To reduce signal attenuation, use the shortest possible cable length.
  • It is better to place the Wi-Fi modem as close to the antenna as possible.


You can use any of the Wi-Fi antenna types listed here: simple, bi-square or spiral - depending on your specific needs and goals. We recommend practicing on the first option - this is how you will work out your skills. However, for a person with technical experience, the manufacture of more complex products is not a problem.

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Hello dear reader! Today I will tell you how I made a powerful WiFi antenna with my own hands. My hands, of course, are golden, they just grow out of the wrong place, but that didn’t stop me either. First, let's look at the so-called antenna gain. Do not worry! I will not use abstruse phrases or operate with some complex terms, but this needs to be dealt with.

This value is measured in isotropic decibels and is referred to as "dBi" or "dBi". You may not remember the phrase, but the letters are worth remembering. Home routers usually have low-power antennas of 2-4 dBi. But as practice shows, country houses or large office premises - this indicator is not enough.

So today we will do homemade antenna 10 to 20 dBi. It makes no sense to do more and more powerful. The thing is that with increasing amplification power, the signal beam becomes more directed and narrower. And the coverage radius becomes smaller. Take a look at the picture above. That is, it is possible to catch such a signal, but it is much more difficult, since the beam becomes too narrow.

Such antennas are also called directional. They can be designed if you need to combine, for example, two country houses into one network by means of a bridge. Moreover, if they are at a distance of up to 10 km.

Now let's look at frequency. Modern routers have two bands: 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz - this is the data transfer frequency. It is clear that the latter range has a greater speed, but it also has one minus. As you probably remember from grade 7 physics, the higher the frequency of the wave, the faster it decays. That is, the coverage radius of 5 GHz is clearly lower.

After much deliberation, the best option specifically for home use The choice fell on a square antenna. It is shaped so that the gain can be adjusted up to 20 dBi. And even with such power, the signal beam will not be so narrow. For the home, it will act as an omnidirectional antenna with a large radius.

In the second chapter, I will tell you how to make a powerful Wi-Fi antenna gun for a router with your own hands. The panel antenna will greatly amplify the signal of the adapter, but in a narrower direction. I will also talk about its further use at the very end.

Instructions for strengthening Wi-Fi at home

  1. We need to make a mount on which our antenna will sit. I still have the old packaging from the CDs. Take and cut off about a little above the middle of the core. After that, you need to make small holes with a round needle file. So that you get 4 recesses in the form of an even cross.

  1. Now you need to take a piece of copper wire with a diameter of 2-4 mm and make a resonator out of it. It will just act as the main diffuser of the beam of radio waves. Now, with the help of pliers, you need to make exactly 2 squares with a long edge of 29-31 mm. The most important thing is to make sure that there is free space between the corners of the contact of the squares.

  1. And so now we need a coaxial cable. We solder the core to one corner, and solder the braid to the other end.

  1. Lubricate the bottom of the box with glue and glue the disk there. It will serve as a reflector of the radio wave beam. You can, of course, glue the foil, but the disc looks more aesthetically pleasing. Now carefully push the wire into the hole and also glue the squares to the semi-circular grooves we made earlier.

  1. From above we also weld with glue for the reliability of the structure.

  1. We glue and back to keep the wire from pulling out. You can glue one wire, fill everything with glue - no need.

  1. Now you just need to connect the coaxial cable connector to the SMA port, to which the antennas are screwed. Everything is simple there, we solder the central core to the center of the SMA, and the braid to the outer part.

  1. For those who like to solder, you can open the router and directly solder our antenna to the board. But you need to understand that this is quite unsafe for the router, and if you don’t understand this, then you shouldn’t climb. Plus, you can damage the board itself if you don't have the right soldering iron.

  1. In the end, you should get something like my “home-made” one. It does not look very good, but it breaks through walls at a frequency of 2.4 GHz - with a bang! For a large country house it will do. When properly installed, it will be great to catch even off the street.

Long distance directional antenna

I must say right away that this antenna is more powerful, but as I said, because of the power, the beam becomes more directed and narrower. Therefore, it should be used to interconnect several networks over the air. It can even be used as a repeater. Wi-Fi cannon can hit at a distance of up to 10 km.

It is done quite simply and all materials can be bought at any radio store. Nevertheless, it is used - large outdoor or external, to send a signal over a long distance. But you decide how to use it. To build a bridge, you need to make a second one, which will also act as a receiver.

Here is the diagram by which we will make our antenna. I’ll say right away what you need to do as accurately as you can, according to the drawing. If there are strong deviations from the dimensions and distances between the plates, then the connection will be worse. Also, one more thing - all sizes are designed for distribution of 2.4 GHz waves.

  1. From a sheet of copper we cut even circles, and in the center we drill a hole for the hairpin. We will also need nuts according to the size of the stud.

  1. Precisely with a ruler, start screwing the discs. Try to make it as close to the diagram as possible. Start screwing with small disks. On the last two, you will need to make holes as in the picture below.

  1. Now we need any old antenna from under the router. You can also use a working one. Remove the top cap from it and cut off the main part. We also remove the rubber part, under which there will be a metal dome. We carefully cut it off, and under it you will see the wiring that we need.

  1. Remember those holes we made? - here the wires need to be pushed into them at a right angle and soldered to the plates, as in the picture below.

  1. Next, the antenna can be screwed to the router. But if you will use the cannon as a bridge, then in this case it must be installed on the roof or on the street. Then you can solder a coaxial cable instead of this antenna. And for this case, we need a second pair of holes, which for some reason we forgot about.

  1. I had to widen the hole a bit by drilling with a thicker drill bit. Then I just inserted it into the hole, but soldered it not to the first disk, but to the second one, which should also have a second hole. Now the wire will need to be fixed with something, you can wrap it with electrical tape or something else. Here you have space for reflection.

  1. We put it on the roof. If in this way you catch a second network from another house in order to take the Internet from there and network resources, then the antenna will need to be clearly turned exactly to the side where a similar antenna will stand. And the bridge can be made at the expense of two routers.

As practice has shown, such an antenna is powerful enough for suburban use and can penetrate up to 10 kilometers in a straight line. You just need to take into account the obstacles that will dampen the signal. Therefore, it must be installed as high as possible. Also, do not forget about thunderstorms and lightning, so in addition to it, you need to install a lightning rod.

Purely theoretically, you can attach a TV to such a long-range device and use it to catch channels. If you go deeper, then it can enhance the reception of any signal for your phone, laptop, etc.