Anti-theft for Android: a useful feature for owners of mobile devices. A selection of anti-theft programs for Android What is anti-theft on your phone

The likelihood that your favorite smartphone with all the pictures, passwords and confidential data will be stolen or simply left absentmindedly somewhere in the wilds of the urban jungle exists in everyone's life.

Losing your mobile phone is not only insulting, but also quite dangerous. The information stored on the device requires an individual approach to its storage, but few of us are so careful to trust all important information only to our own memory. As a result, bank card data and other valuable information can easily be stored in the device's memory. But what happens if the phone falls into the hands of intruders?

How to recognize a thief and return the stolen?

The help of law enforcement agencies is a very useful and relevant matter. That's just, according to statistics, the smallest part of the stolen things. The task of detecting criminals can be simplified, because modern mobile devices based on the Android operating system may well provide all possible assistance in this matter. Among the available solutions, users can choose best options. Enough to take advantage Play market, an app store that has everything you need to successfully protect your devices.

However, it is even easier if the geolocation tracking function is activated on the device: in this case, through Google account you can track its whereabouts. You can perform the following remote operations:

  • block,
  • make call,
  • vibrate without the ability to turn off the sound,
  • delete personal data (does not work if there is no access to the Internet or you forgot your username and password).

The anti-theft system is a useful feature

Anti-theft for Android is included in many modern anti-virus programs. It provides protection to the device through activation account on the program server. The included software will allow you to block, send a voice message, activate the sound signal or the operation of the modules wireless communication. Unfortunately, if an attacker removes the SIM card, control via SMS commands will not work. But in case you just lost the device, the anti-theft program will increase the chances of finding it.

Security of personal data and anti-theft system for Android

The iOS operating system has the ability to remotely lock a stolen or lost phone. But in operating system Unfortunately, there are no such features on Android. There is only screen lock, which the vast majority of owners of smartphones-tablets do not use, because you bother to enter a pincode every time (draw a pattern, enter a password, recognize a face). Also, there are no means of protecting personal data (calls, SMS) and no means of protection against gadget theft. Some manufacturers, such as Samsung, include such functions in their shells, but this does not always work well and reliably, and besides, these tools are not universal. Therefore, I set out to find a universal application that could solve the problem of preserving personal data and the task of remotely erasing my data in case of loss of the phone. To begin with, I tested Google's "Android Remote Control".

Configured for a specific Google account. Using the data of this record, it can track the location of the phone on which it is installed from another device (or from the service website). this application and this account is configured, and clear the data. Locking is very simple: the smartphone is set to a standard lock with a password that you set yourself. A message and your phone number can be displayed there, which you can call even from a locked phone.

Clear - a command to reset all settings and return to factory mode. The SD card will remain intact. This is the most primitive way of protection, which will only work for a very stupid gopnik. And if the stupid gopnik guesses to simply disable (delete) your account (no passwords are required for this), then nothing can be done with the phone. As well as until the moment he connects the smartphone to the Internet. The second option, already more interesting, is Lenovo's Security program. I found it on a Lenovo smartphone, which I am currently studying, I liked the program. And then I found out that it is available for download in Google Play for most android devices (but not all), so it can be considered a more or less universal solution. The program is completely free.

This is a comprehensive protection system, which can do the following things. 1. Monitor mobile traffic(However, this can be easily done using Android tools.) 2. Protect data Namely, to prohibit certain applications from accessing data, location, camera and voice recorder, calls to background and sending SMS. (But this only works with root access.)

3. Antispam Maintenance of black and white lists, blocking new calls, blocking calls from unknown numbers.

4. Personal space Personal space is a hiding from prying eyes messages, calls and certain contacts. Firmware of some (very few) manufacturers may have such functions, but in pure Android there is nothing like this. You can enter subscribers into the personal space area by SMS, calls and simply by contacts.

If you enter a contact here, then SMS sent from him will be sent here (access to your personal space is closed with a six-digit password) and will not be reflected in regular SMS. At the same time, in the notification area, you will only be informed that a personal message has arrived - without indicating who it is from. In practice, this does not work on all phones - for example, on Samsung, SMS was also duplicated in regular messages, but on Lenovo phones and smartphones with a clear android messages did not fall into the normal area. In Samsung, such SMS can be manually deleted from regular messages - they are saved in private. For private calls, you can turn on the call rejection mode while sending an SMS. 5. Parental control The ability to disable some system applications for the child, but this also requires root access.

6. Anti-theft This system works noticeably more interesting than Google's remote access. Because it is not associated with a Google account and Internet access, but only with this phone.

How does it all work? When you turn on "anti-theft" you need to set a secure phone number from which to this phone you will need to send control SMS. If you discover that your phone has been stolen, secure phone You can send the following commands to this phone. 1. Destroy data Do a hard reset. The SD card will remain untouched. 2. Lock your phone The phone will be locked and you can unlock it only by knowing the code. (Well, or, of course, boot into recovery and do a reset, which is not known to every gopnik.) 3. Turn on the siren Turn on the siren, which will howl quite loudly, and when you try to lower the volume of the phone, it will automatically turn on to the fullest. 4. Do all of the above at once Block, turn on the siren and start the system reset. Readers of the article may immediately have a question: what happens if the stupid gopnik is not so stupid, but guesses to immediately throw away my SIM card and put his own? Answer: in this case, a message about changing the SIM card will be sent from the Gopnik's SIM card to a safe number, and a message can be sent to the Gopnik's SIM card with a command to do something of the above. It is clear that you will not return the phone in this way, but at least destroy your data, and this is the most important thing in such cases. This system works well, I tested it. Of course, this is not the only application that provides such opportunities. Mobile antiviruses have similar protections - for example, Dr.Web, Eset, and so on, but these functions are usually provided for money. For example, the "Anti-theft" system from Dr. Web - it is very similar in capabilities.

Reliable protection of your data So, the listed methods will only protect you from gopniks who stole or squeezed your phone from you only in order to use it themselves or sell it. If your phone is stolen in order to gain access to your data, and the phone falls into the hands of a person who understands the issue, the above methods will not help at all. How can you more or less securely protect your data? 1. Encryption of all data (including the SD card if confidential information is stored there) and blocking access using a strong password that must be entered when the device is turned on. 2. Protect your lock screen with a PIN or password. (None graphic symbols Or face control - it's easy to open.) 3. Disabling access by ADB. If all three conditions are met at the same time, it will make it almost impossible to access your data on your smartphone.

Smartphone theft always happens unexpectedly and at the most inopportune moment. But the mass is stored on the device confidential information: starting from mobile numbers friends, photos and ending with access to bank cards and electronic wallets.

Many in this situation do not rely on law enforcement, because they believe that they do not have time to search mobile device. Although, on the other hand, if it were known where the thief was and what he looked like, then the task would be much simpler.

Now Android can do a lot: record on a voice recorder, take pictures, play melodies and determine your location. When a smartphone or tablet is stolen, I would like to use all these functions to my advantage. However, after what happened, we bite our elbows and find out that for remote access to my pocket computer it was necessary to install special programs.

AT Play Store There are not many applications that position themselves as anti-theft, but before we move on to them, I suggest that you familiarize yourself with the standard features of an Android smartphone or tablet.

Even if there is no anti-theft, it is still possible to find out the location of the lost device. To do this, use the "Find device" function. Go to and sign in with the Google account that your Android is linked to. On the same page, you can block the device and delete personal files from it, or make a call. Here we will make a clarification that a successful search for the device is possible only if it has access to the Internet.

In this situation, the history of movements can also help. If you go to link, you will see the main locations for all time, year, month, day. But this function does not always work: it can be completely disabled or, again, there was no access to GPS and the Internet.

As you can see, there are not so many possibilities, but to access them you need to remember your account and password. Even if your computer is active Google mail, many of the listed services ask you to re-enter your password.

Antivirus and anti-theft

Most anti-virus programs include anti-theft features or are offered as additional application. The average anti-theft can block data on Android, take pictures of the thief and monitor movements in space. Although any application through the Play Store is installed on Android remotely, all these tasks still require settings on the device itself.

This implies enabling the anti-theft function and creating your account on the anti-virus page. In the future, you can manage the actions of the program through the website or using SMS messages. And text messages of a certain format must be sent to the SIM card associated with the application.

Lost Android has one of the most complete range of services. In short, information about Android location, amount of charge, installed applications, latest sms messages. You can send messages to your device, turn on Wi-fi, Bluetooth, and sound on it. In addition, the offender may be taken by surprise by your voice messages. Learn more about the program in the following video:

Disadvantages of anti-theft

Despite their wide functionality, anti-theft programs can be useless. First, they need to be connected to mobile network or WiFi. Even if SMS management is configured, the offender often immediately turns off the smartphone and takes out SIM cards. Secondly, in the settings in the "Protected applications" tab, the program is unchecked, and it stops working in the background and, accordingly, sends the necessary data. In addition, they often reset the settings to the factory settings and remove the anti-theft. Help here root rights and the choice of anti-theft as system application, then even when resetting the settings, the application will remain.

And if the first two problems were solved, then it is worth taking into account the imperfection of the programs themselves. For example, in antivirus AVG in the package of free anti-theft functions, you can ring a smartphone. After sending the message, the device starts ringing, pressing the volume key and the mute button does not have an effect, but the “stop loud call” button appears on the screen, pressing which turns off the sound. So this feature looks useless. Similarly, with other anti-theft, in almost every one of them you can find a gap and take advantage of it.

Most anti-theft programs become fully or partially paid after the trial period. Of course, a smartphone is more expensive and for the sake of its safety, we are ready to pay a couple of hundred rubles. However, if these functions do not always work correctly, then such an investment seems like a dubious undertaking. Moreover, anti-theft can work correctly on some models and have some bugs on other smartphone models.


To secure your Android, it is advisable to install anti-theft, but before that, test it thoroughly. Of course, it is best to keep a close eye on your electronic assistant and not give a chance to pickpockets to hang something from you.

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Anti Theft Alarm for Android is an application for protecting a portable device using a built-in motion sensor. After being turned on and configured, it works like an alarm, that is, it notifies you of a change in the location of the device.

Features Anti Theft Alarm

  • notification by sound and light signal (device screen is used);
  • reaction to movement or disconnection of the device from charging;
  • access to the choice of operating mode directly from the main screen of the application.

Application Features

For the application to work correctly, the device must be on a solid surface, otherwise false positives may occur. After turning on the alarm, the owner has a few seconds to connect the device to charging. To ensure quick activation, all elements are located on a single screen. You can select an alert sound and one of the unlock options (keystroke, code, or pattern). Alarm sensitivity and alert volume can be adjusted.


  • the ability to set your own alarm sound;
  • simple and convenient interface;
  • uses a small amount of device resources.

Doctor Web is a Russian developer of tools information security- informs about the update of the paid and free version software product Dr.Web for Android - Dr.Web for Android Antivirus + Antispam and Dr.Web for Android light. The paid version has added the Anti-Theft feature, which is in demand by users, which will be useful in case of loss or theft of a mobile device.

As a result of the update, both versions of Dr.Web for Android received new language interface - Greek. In addition, identified bugs were fixed and support for all Samsung models Galaxy Tab 10.1. As a reminder, earlier the tablet was excluded from the number of devices supported by Dr.Web anti-virus for Android. The decision was due to the alleged presence of an error in the factory software samsung galaxy Tab 10.1. The performance of the tablet screen was disrupted if third-party software accessed to read or copy to one of the system drivers. Thus, touch screen ceased to function correctly during the standard antivirus full scan of the system directories of the device and, accordingly, appeal for reading to this driver. This problem has now been fixed: the driver has been excluded from the scanned objects.

In addition, Dr.Web for Android Antivirus + Antispam received new functionality. So, for example, for the convenience of users, the option to clear the blacklist with one click has been implemented. However, the most important consequence of the update is the inclusion of the Anti-Theft component in the paid version of Dr.Web for Android, which will help you find a mobile device if it is lost or stolen and, if necessary, remotely wipe confidential information from it.

The component is controlled by sending SMS to the device, while Anti-Theft, if possible, will send a response message with a report on the action. When you try to remove Dr.Web from a mobile device, Anti-Theft will block it and require you to enter a password previously set by the user: this function ensures that the removal of the anti-virus is initiated by the owner of the device, and not by intruders.

Anti-theft allows you to:

  • enable the option to lock the phone after reboot;
  • lock the phone with the requirement to enter an unlock password;
  • introduce a limit on the number of errors when entering an unlock password;
  • unlock your phone with SMS;
  • get the device's GPS coordinates as a link to Google Maps;
  • remotely wipe data in the phone and on the SD card;
  • turn on the volume on the device sound signal and lock the screen;
  • set your own text that will be displayed on the screen of a locked device;
  • create a list of numbers of close people who will receive notifications about changing the SIM card on a lost device. From these numbers it will be possible to manage Anti-Theft, including unlocking the phone if the unlock password is forgotten;
  • send commands directly from the Dr.Web interface to another device with Dr.Web for Android installed and Anti-Theft active. In this case, the user does not need to remember special SMS commands - just specify telephone number and select the necessary action, Anti-Theft will generate a command SMS message on its own.

For users of Dr.Web for Android Antivirus + Antispam and Dr.Web for Android light the update will take place automatically. If automatic updates are disabled on the device, you need to go to the Android Market, select Dr.Web Anti-virus or Dr.Web Anti-virus in the application list light and click the "Update" button.

To update via the Doctor Web website, you need to download a new distribution kit .

Updated versions of the product are also available in other online stores.