ASOS delivery by mail. How are parcels delivered from ASOS? ASOS Parcel Tracking

I got sick(((It all started on Friday evening and just today I went on sick leave. I’ll rest for a couple of days, gain strength, I hope I’ll get better. Since lying on the couch all day is still not for me, I decided that this sick leave is a great opportunity to finish long-begun posts about Asos. I started writing these texts back in January, but I still couldn’t finish. Having started writing only about delivery, I felt the desire to write about a lot of things at once. Make a straight series of posts with different tips, pitfalls , my experience. this moment The post about standard delivery is completely written. Plus, a post about express delivery has almost been written, but it is not very relevant now, because... This type of delivery has been removed from the site, but for informational purposes I will still post it.

Well, today I’ll write about regular delivery from

The whole story will be under the cut. There are a lot of my thoughts and impressions, stories, if anyone is interested, expand them)))

Today I want to tell you about my relationship with the ASOS.COM website and the standard delivery of orders from there, maybe someone will find what I tell you useful. The story will be long; those who are not interested don’t even have to start reading. But for those who are really interested, read very carefully, I will try to reveal many small nuances that I have already personal experience found out and checked.

When I just started using this online store, and this was in May 2012, the site had only one type of delivery - standard, i.e. by mail. I made my first order, it wasn't very big. I waited for him for quite a long time, 1 month and 10 days, i.e. approximately 40 days in total. I was looking forward to it a lot, so my joy knew no bounds when I received a notification from the post office. I must say that I was very pleased with the things I received. Everything fit me in size, everything was exactly what I expected to see. And the most important thing is the quality of things. It's really quite high level, compared to some other online stores. I have something to compare with, because before that I ordered clothes from Korea on the Gmarket website for a long time. It also has its pros and cons, but I have already written about them in another post.

So, after the first order, I was already 100% sure that it was far from the last. But for some reason I wanted to convince my friends, who all shopped in Korea, that it is much better to buy on Asos. At first they didn’t listen to me, but soon after taking a closer look at one of my dresses, one of my friends decided to look at the site itself. She liked it, and we made the next joint order.

Again, we chose standard delivery. And my surprise knew no bounds when, 2 weeks later, they called me on the intercom; to my question: “Who?”, I heard in response: “I have a package for you from Belgium!” “From Belgium??? Well, get up, we’ll figure it out.” When I saw the box with the Asos inscription, I, of course, was delighted, but I didn’t understand at all - what does Belgium have to do with it? Having picked up the parcel, I examined it and realized that it was delivered to me not by regular mail, but by EMS. And indeed, it was sent from Belgium. True, she finally got to Belgium from England first. There is a kind of transshipment point for parcels, and then they are sent to Russia. I still don’t understand why the first time they sent it by regular mail, but this time by EMS. The only thing I could guess was the size of the order and its total cost. Maybe the larger the order, the more likely it will be sent by EMS. Therefore, the next time I tried to find companions so that the order would not be small. I even read somewhere that orders over 100 pounds are sent by EMS; according to another version, the weight of the parcel plays a role.

There are a few more nuances that I want to describe for the benefit of readers. You need to monitor the amounts of your orders, because there is a customs limit. For the import of consumer goods into the Russian Federation from other countries, it is 1000 euros per individual per month! Those. in one calendar month you can receive parcels worth 1000 euros, or approximately 822 pounds, or 40 thousand rubles. Here you always need to roughly estimate when the parcel will arrive in Russia approximately, this month, or next month. Below I will give a real example of delivery with real dates for the various stages of delivery. This order, which I received the other day, was made already in 2013, so this is the most reliable and up-to-date information to date.

Date of ordering on the website - 01/11/13
The date of departure of the order from the warehouse in England is 01/12/13

There is also the following nuance. When placing a large order, be prepared for it to be broken into pieces. Accordingly, you will receive it in parts. The fact is that they have standard sized packaging bags and boxes. If they send only clothes, the package is completely stuffed, and what doesn’t fit goes into the next package. If the order also includes shoes, the order will be packed in a cardboard box, plus each pair of shoes is also in its own box. The box also has a limited volume, so if you order many pairs of shoes and clothes at once, expect even more boxes and bags =) My record for today is 3 parts of the order. At the same time, I ordered 4 pairs of shoes, 6 pieces of clothing and a couple of accessories. What happens when the order is split into parts? Asos employees will send (most likely) all parts of your order from their warehouse at the same time, but they may miss each other a little on the way. Each of them comes as an independent package.

I had one strange situation. My next order was divided into 2 parts. There were about 10 items of clothing and 2 pairs of shoes. After 2-2.5 weeks one package arrives. There are only clothes there, and not all of them. There is no second part. I'm calling everyone, trying to find the package - to no avail. Another feature of standard delivery is that you will never find out the tracking number of your parcel. There is absolutely no way to track these orders. When it comes to your city, you will know about it. By the way, in order for EMC Post employees to recognize your phone number, you must indicate it when placing an order in the Adress2 line, then it will have to (not also a fact) be printed on the parcel and EMC Post employees will be able to contact you.

So, I only received half of the parcel and began to terrorize everyone. I am not one of those people who will calmly wait by the sea for weather. I will call and write every day until I get what is rightfully mine. After my next call to our EMC post office, I was once again told that there was nothing for me. However, the next morning the intercom rang, and lo and behold, they brought my package, which was magically found.

Just recently there was a funny situation. I placed a large order, with several pairs of shoes and clothes. The package arrives via EMS, I open it - everything is there except one pair of shoes. I immediately knew that the parcel was divided into two parts, but for some reason only the sneakers were unlucky))) So these lonely sneakers ended up arriving a little later by regular mail!

If you are interested in where and when exactly your parcel was, take the tracking number and check it on the EMC mail website, provided, of course, that you received the parcel using this type of delivery. There the whole truth will be revealed, where and who delayed your order, if this happened. In my case, it turned out that the parcel arrived in Tyumen on the same day as the previous one, but for some reason it was not delivered to me within two weeks! This made me very angry! Moreover, there were such notes as if for some reason I was unable to deliver the parcel (and no one tried until I got everyone there).

Thus, I can draw the following conclusions regarding standard delivery from ASOS. Firstly, a huge plus is that delivery is free. But this also entails some disadvantages - the simplest and cheapest delivery methods are used. That is why we are not able to track parcels sent in a standard way. All you can do is wait and guess when exactly your order will reach you. You just need to be prepared for this, know in advance that on average you will receive the order only in a month. Of course, for those who live in Moscow or close to it, the time frame is much shorter. I'm already used to such long delivery times. And I think in advance, for example, that when ordering clothes at the beginning of August, you should not choose light dresses, because by September, when they arrive, it will be time to buy a raincoat.

What to do if time goes by and goes by and the package never arrives? When you place an order, you are immediately given an estimated delivery date; you need to remember it. When this period has been exceeded, you already have the right to write to Asos support. But most likely, first you will be asked to wait a little longer. On average, after 2 months you can safely hope that your order will be considered lost. In this case, the site staff will first try to find for you the same product that you ordered. If similar models and sizes are in stock, they will definitely resend them to you. If your items are not in stock, they will return the money to your card via PayPal.

At the end I would like to provide various useful links that may be useful to you in matters of working with the website and delivery

At the time of writing the review, there was a limited-time offer on for free delivery by courier company within 10 business days for orders over 5,000 rubles. To receive this service, you must enter the promotional code RUEXPRESS on the order payment page.

ASOS Size Chart

Asos clothing sizes can be viewed by clicking on the “size table” button in the product card. The table contains sizes that should be used as a guide; the same size may vary from brand to brand, usually slightly.

Most important points We have sorted out what you should pay attention to in the product card, now you can select the color, size and add the product to the cart by clicking on the appropriate button.

We go to the cart to place an order; those customers who plan to purchase several items can continue shopping and go to the cart later.

Customers making purchases on for the first time will be asked to register, and repeat customers will be asked to log in using their address. Email and password specified during registration.

Please note the icon secure connection, all ours personal information will be sent over an encrypted connection and will not fall into the hands of attackers. So the ASOS way cares about its clients.

So, we make a purchase for the first time, click on the “continue” button and go to the registration page. Fill in all the required fields, following the recommendations and click “continue”. Next we are congratulated on successful registration, click “continue”. In the next step we are asked to indicate the address to which the bank card, with which we are going to pay for purchases (looking ahead, it should be said that purchases on asos are easiest to make using virtual bank cards). When filling out all required fields, pay attention to the prompts to the right of the field. If the address to which the bank card is registered matches the delivery address, check the corresponding box at the bottom of the form. Click “next”.

At the “payment” step, fill in the fields with your bank card details. I will use a virtual QIWI Visa Card, created specifically for online purchases. Most banks currently provide their clients with the opportunity to issue a virtual card; if you do not already use one, ask your bank about the possibility of issuing a virtual bank card.

After filling in all the details, click “next”. At the step of confirming and paying for the order, we check the correctness of the data we entered, if there is a promotional code, enter it in the appropriate form, pay attention to the expected delivery date, customs duty for orders costing more than 1000 euros or 31 kg per month, enter the CVV/CVV security code and click "Valide purchase".

We are redirected to a page with brief information about the order with a suggestion to print this page or remember the order number in case of possible correspondence with the administration of the asos online store regarding this order. Information on it is duplicated on e-mail specified when registering on

How to track a parcel from ASOS

In sent to e-mail letter With your order details there is a link to track your order online; by clicking on this link you can view your order history.

The order delivery route can be viewed on this service.

This article was written at our request by my friend Pavel Uvarov, who once shared this interesting news:

The article describes how to buy clothes and shoes at ASOS using the example of Ukraine, where Pavel’s order arrived in two days, which even our stores can rarely provide!

Shopping is one of my least favorite things. Walking around giant temples of consumption, fittings, dubious sales - all this is very tiring, and also takes a lot of time and money. Fortunately, there is such a thing as online stores. At first I didn’t have much confidence in them, but once I used, I practically forgot about visiting shopping centers.

This store has two competitive advantages: free delivery to Ukraine, regardless of the number of goods and purchase amount, and also a huge range of goods. There are absolutely all types of clothing on sale: from underwear and cufflinks to leather jackets and shoes. Prices vary greatly and depend on the seasonality of the clothes purchased and the brand (there are a lot of them at ASOS), but in general, in comparison with domestic stores, prices are lower.

To shop at ASOS, you need to register on the site, and you will also need a PayPal account and a bank card linked to it. Read how to link a card.

ASOS is organized very conveniently: on the product page the sizes, composition of materials, enlarged photos and even videos are indicated - so it’s easy to figure out how this or that item will look on you. There should be no problems finding the right size - but I will say right away that mistakes are inevitable, because each brand has different size lines. Therefore, be mentally prepared for the fact that you will have to make a couple of returns to find your ideal size and brand.

You shouldn't be afraid of them, because... ASOS gives money quickly. Once I returned jeans, another time - a shirt, and in both cases the cost of the parcel cost me up to 60 UAH ($7.5), and the refund to the card was made approximately 5-7 days after sending the return. So, when returning, there are losses in money, but they are small.

Delivery to Ukraine and Russia is free and does not depend on the order amount. To Russia ASOS delivery time is up to 20 days, to Ukraine - up to 10 (). They deliver by USPS and there is no loss of goods; I have never had any problems with delivery in my memory. But there is a very nice option: if the order amount exceeds 100 British pounds, then the purchase will be delivered free of charge in a couple of days by DHL- to the doors of your home or office. It’s interesting that on the website this is regulated as ‘UK only’, but in fact it also works for Ukraine.

Needless to say, many Kyiv online stores are not able to organize delivery within such a time frame?

Whether it’s a routine or an exciting adventure in the company of a friend, you can hardly deny that online shopping today is not inferior to classic shopping in terms of the number of fans. And this was largely thanks to online stores with an ideal price-quality ratio, which includes the largest aggregator of British brands

For those who regularly order from Asos, for those who are not yet fans of Asos (but are planning to become one), and for those who have never heard of Asos, we have collected thirteen interesting facts.

1. The company was born in June 2000. And today it has more than 4,000 employees worldwide.

2. The name of the online store (and the brand of the same name) is correctly pronounced "ah-sauce." For some time, adherents of the pronunciation “hey-sos” also participated in the discussion, but this dispute was settled by representatives of the Asos company.

3. Asos positions itself as a store with target audience 20-29 years old. But those who have “traveled” the site at least once know very well that here you can find clothes, shoes and accessories for men and women of any age and size.

4. Asos supports three international initiatives: fair trade, sustainable sourcing and animal welfare.

5. Asos's own brand has several lines, including clothes for tall girls (ASOS Tall), petite girls (ASOS Petite) and girls with curves (ASOS Curve). In addition to this, there is a line for ASOS Maternity, basic ASOS line Basic and premium lines ASOS Premium and ASOS Red Carpet.

6. Asos produces a print magazine with a circulation of 500,000 copies. Elizabeth Olsen, Elle Fanning, Rita Ora, Solange Knowles and Lily Collins appeared on the cover and in the interior shots at different times.

7. Among the celebrities who prefer Asos for going out not only for a walk, but also for social events are Taylor Swift, and Malia Obama, the eldest daughter of the US President.

8. Asos offers free delivery and returns if you're not happy with the product.

9. Asos experts style and photograph every product that appears on the site. Approximately 2,700 new looks are shot per week, so each model gets about 30 sets of clothes and fashion shows per day.

10. Asos sells over 850 brands, including its own.

11. ASOS Wedding launched in March 2016 with romantic boho chic dresses, as well as bridesmaid dresses and accessories.

12. Students can receive a 10% discount when ordering from Asos.

13. 1,500 new lines appear on Asos every day. This means that even if you order things every second, they will not run out.

Delivery with ASOS For fans of online shopping, the name ASOS says a lot. This multi-brand British hypermarket, which sells clothes, shoes and accessories, including under its own brand, has become a hit with many fans of trendy items. As with any business, the process of ordering and receiving goods from ASOS has its own nuances that you need to know about before placing an order for the item of clothing or accessory you like. Parcel delivery from ASOS - a question that is of keen interest to many shopaholics who are just deciding to make a purchase or who have done it for the first time quite recently.

Payment Methods

, possible on this resource, can be done through credit cards Master Card, Visa, and also using payment system PayPal. Using PayPal currency in Russian rubles is not accepted. The ability to make payments via Qiwi and WebMoney e-wallets is not yet supported.

Types and terms of delivery

Delivery to Russia can be standard and urgent. Standard delivery is made to the post office. Tracking service (tracking the location of a sent parcel) in in this case not provided. The delivery fee is 200 rubles. If the order value exceeds 1000 rubles, delivery will be free. Express delivery is carried out by the SPSR service, the cost of this service is 1100 rubles. If the order amount exceeds 6,000 rubles, courier delivery will be made free of charge. Within 5 days after placing an order, the client is sent a track number, which can be used to track the parcel’s path on the official website of the service. On Russian territory this will be possible only after clearing customs. It is important to note that ASOS takes care of all customs concerns if the buyer has not exceeded the customs monthly limit for receiving international parcels in the amount of 1000 euros or 31 kg. Usually delivery is made from 9.00 to 18.00 on weekdays, so it is better to indicate your work address.

Important order details

After placing an order, ASOS will require you to enter personal data (last name, first name, patronymic, passport issue date and number) into a special form. This information is required to pass customs control, and there is no need to worry about security and confidentiality. ASOS delivery times are a topic that causes a lot of mixed opinions among users. Some were lucky and the parcel arrived within 2 weeks, others wait several months. And this depends not on the British hypermarket, but on the quality of the Russian postal service. It often happens that parcels get lost in transit. But even in this case, loyal ASOS meets customers halfway and compensates for the loss either financially or by sending the lost items again. Be on trend, while saving real money on promotional codes, promotions, cashbacks and enjoying truly high-quality and original items, perhaps by shopping online with ASOS .