Assassin last part. Is the Assassin's Creed series historical?

This game collection includes stories about the adventures of various free hired killers who carried out the most dangerous and responsible missions and assignments. On this moment the game includes more than a dozen versions and additions, each of which tells the story of a different time era, where the assassins of the Order are desperately fighting against the knights of the Templar Order. In Game Assassins Creed An anthology, the mechanics of which can be downloaded for free on our game portal, you will see real spy attacks of the heroes, how they deftly wield swords and steel blades, as well as their virtuoso skills in climbing high-rise buildings. Each version of the game is unique in its own way. So let’s briefly outline the main points of the game collection.

Game plot

In the first part of the game, your mercenary moved slowly, but he could interact with the inhabitants of the cities he visited - you could easily blend into the crowd and sneak up on the enemy. In the second part, your hero moved to Venice, where he had to destroy the traitors. In this version, the player learned to swim, and his combat abilities expanded significantly. In the next part, your mercenary will avenge his father, the founder of the Order of Assassins. The speed of movement has increased, and the mastery of blades is simply amazing. Next, your hero will have to step back a little from battles and battles and try to unravel the secrets and mysteries of the Order of the Knights Templar. All versions are unique, the graphics are modernized with each new part, and the experience of your hero increases. Your hero will subsequently have a hidden sword, with which he will easily cling to all sorts of obstacles.

Game mechanics

Next, your hero will learn to climb high-rise buildings, you will be able to teach him various tricks and tricks, and the image of the hero will change depending on the versions of the game. You will be an Indian who will sail the North American territories, you can even become the captain of a pirate ship in the game. And all events are accompanied by unusual musical accompaniment. Teaching how to use weapons correctly is not an easy task, because blades will be replaced by crossbows, cannons, muskets and other firearms. But you will use combo techniques at any stage of the Assassins Creed Anthology game, the torrent of which you can easily download from our free server new video games. Battles on land, at sea, on mountain peaks - locations change with each new version this exciting game.


In this collection you will have battles all over the world and at different periods of time. But you yourself will improve your parkour and hand-to-hand melee skills depending on the abilities of each hero. But your partners can also be taught various tricks and tricks.

Features Assassins Creed Anthology All parts

  • Endless war. During this game collection, you will constantly see tough confrontations between hired killers and knights of a secret order. The war will be bloody, but the images of your heroes and enemies will constantly change from level to level.
  • The entire Assassin saga in one collection. You will be able to see at each stage of the game how the images of your heroes change, you will be able to see how their combat skills are improving, and you can also try any version of this exciting collection at any time.
  • Multiplayer. Almost all parts of the game are provided with a multiplayer mode, where you can find many new and interesting maps. The game Assassins Creed all parts, the torrent of which can be downloaded for free on our website, is striking in its scale.

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Since 2007, about 4,500 Assassin's Creed titles have been released on consoles and mobile platforms. One of the most intriguing components of the series was the delving into alternate history featured in most of the games released. Showing people who actually lived in a given era, and remaining true (in most cases) to the letter of history as regards the time of their lives, the creators brought to the stage a procession of heroes and villains, each of whom, at the appointed hour, met a tragic death on the tip of a blade, in a drop of a poisonous drink, or became a victim of a sinister conspiracy.

While educators have laboriously taught us that the death of this or that historical figure was caused by natural causes or, in extreme cases, a mysterious illness, Ubisoft and Assassin's Creed argue that we have a very superficial understanding of how cruel our history really is. They say it was written by the victors, but once you believe in the existence of Ezio, Altair and the rest, it becomes clear: history was written by the assassins.

The story goes

Putnam, a famous Mason, as many were in those early days, made history when he moved to Connecticut and, according to legend, killed the last wolf in that state in order to once and for all secure the local sheep farm from encroachment. Such is the hero.

But he left his real mark on history during the American Revolution. Unfortunately, Putnam lacked strategic and tactical talent, and his seniors, especially George Washington, tended not to trust him to make important decisions. The bumbling major general, unable to give an order without getting into trouble, looked more like a sitcom character. After losing several key battles and losing Washington's support, Putnam suffered a stroke and was bedridden in 1779, ending his military career. Eleven years later, in 1790, Putnam died and was buried in Connecticut, but his remains were subsequently moved to another memorial, as many tried to take something from his grave with them instead of being content with souvenirs.

Assassin's Creed version

In Assassin's Creed III, Connor (aka Radunhageidoo) meets Putnam during the Battle of Bunker Hill and is tasked by him with killing Templar and British officer John Pitcairn. Connor secretly sneaks onto the British frigates designed to provide naval support for the army and disables them, giving Putnam the opportunity to send his soldiers into battle, but the offensive falters. However, it was not entirely Putnam’s fault - he was forced to retreat, since the advantage was on the enemy’s side.

Putnam subsequently comes to Connor's aid, standing up for him and calling him a hero to the Patriots. Ubisoft, with the clear intention of presenting Putnam as a man of dignity and conscientiousness, shows scenes in which he asks Washington to demote him as a recruit as punishment for his mistakes at Fort Clinton and Montgomery, as well as his failure at the Battle of Long Island. Unfortunately, he most likely looked more like Joe from Friends, only on a horse and with a musket.

The story goes

Surprisingly, there are many more questions about the life of the pirate Edward Thatch than there are answers to them. Why, some believe that his real name was Edward Teach, and in general, there are a dozen different names that biographers attributed to him. It is also not known for certain when he was born, although all these are mere trifles in comparison with what he managed to do.

Presumably, Thatch was born in Bristol, into a wealthy English family, and was able to receive a good education. At the beginning of the 18th century, after the signing of a peace treaty that ended the War of the Spanish Succession, Thatch found himself broke. Instead of returning home, he defected to the pirate Benjamin Hornigold, and soon had his own ship at his disposal. The first documentary evidence about him, already under the name Blackbeard, dates back to the beginning of 1717, when he left the Hornigold team and began to engage in maritime robbery under his own flag. In the same year, Blackbeard met Steed Bonnet, who had a noble origin, but later became a pirate. Is this a familiar story? Bonnet's crew was ready to mutiny, and to resolve the conflict, Blackbeard took command of his ship.

Just a year after Blackbeard first made his mark in the annals of history, he was hunted. Captain Robert Maynard discovered Thatch near Ocracoke Island, which the famous pirate chose as a temporary stop. With only a couple of dozen people on board - part of the crew remained on the shore, safe, and Thatch had disbanded the rest by this time - Blackbeard got involved in the battle, and Maynard's ship was soon boarded. Maynard counted on this course of events and placed most of the sailors on the lower deck in order to give the enemy the impression that his crew was small. As soon as Blackbeard stepped aboard the enemy sloop, Maynard's men suddenly attacked him. In a duel with Maynard, Thatch managed to break the enemy's blade, but the pirates were surrounded. Blackbeard tried to attack Maynard again and was struck down by his opponents' blows. When the battle ended, Thatch was found to have more than twenty stab wounds and five gunshot wounds on his body.

Assassin's Creed version

Due to the lack of facts, Ubisoft had the opportunity to present their view of what the famous pirate was like. From Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag we learn that Blackbeard was a bit more than a total scoundrel. On board his beloved flagship, Queen Anne's Revenge, he actually met the newly minted pirate Steed Bonnet, whom he nicknamed "Nightgown." On his way, Blackbeard met Edward Kenway, took a liking to him and introduced him to Benjamin Hornigold and the rest of the pirate community, dreaming of the idea of ​​​​turning Nassau into a “pirate nirvana.”

After announcing his intention to retire, Blackbeard received a pardon from the authorities of North Carolina, but soon decided that he had not yet earned enough money to spend the rest of his days in peace. And the only way to improve the situation was to return to their former life - to robbery and robbery.

Despite Ubisoft's reputation for distorting historical events, Robert Maynard actually appears in the game to capture Thatch. His final confrontation with Blackbeard is almost exactly consistent with historical evidence. It is also said that Maynard cut off Thatch's head to collect a bounty on it (confirmed fact), and that the pirate's headless body was thrown into the ocean twenty times around the ship (unconfirmed fact).

The story goes

Pope Alexander VI was probably the most controversial pontiff in history because... he “loved women passionately.” He had many children, both legitimate and illegitimate, despite the celibacy imposed by his rank. Free will.

Born Rodrigo Borgia, he studied law and after his uncle, Alfonso Borgia, ascended the papal throne as Pope Calixtus III in 1456, he himself took ecclesiastical orders. By 1471, the future Pope Alexander VI was elevated to cardinal bishop and, while the Vatican changed hands, managed to accumulate a significant fortune and gain influence. Four years later he became a father for the first time, and in the following years he had eight more children from different women. In 1492, still under the name Rodrigo Borgia, he "bought" the papacy for himself, and the future pope Giovanni di Lorenzo de' Medici, then sixteen, allegedly said: "We are now at the mercy of the most insatiable beast that ever saw this world. And if we don’t take flight, then inevitably we will all be swallowed up by it.” However, many are inclined to believe that these words could not have belonged to a sixteen-year-old. They must know better.

History has no direct evidence that Pope Alexander VI ever poisoned, tortured or killed people for his own gain in the form of money or power. Alexander VI appointed trusted people from members of his family to responsible church posts, but one day, after dinner with his son Cesare Borgia and Cardinal Adriano da Corneto (during which they undoubtedly discussed political strategy), both Cesare and Alexander VI himself suffered unknown illness. Cesare's health soon recovered, and Pope Alexander VI passed away.

Assassin's Creed version

Pope Alexander VI, best known as Rodrigo Borgia in Assassin's Creed II and Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood, was an inveterate scoundrel. A member of the Knights Templar, he achieved the rank of Grand Master in 1476, long before receiving the papal title, and just as he was leaving Florence, his entourage was attacked by a group of Assassins led by Giovanni Auditore da Firenze, Ezio's father. . Rodrigo fled, which is not surprising, but managed to hear how one of his men revealed plans for the murder of Lorenzo de' Medici, which eventually took place. Giovanni Auditore da Firenze pursued Rodrigo Borgia, but was eventually captured and executed for treason - according to a plan hatched by Rodrigo and his henchmen.

Rodrigo used his money and influence to ascend to the papal throne, although he never really aspired to this. His only goal was the Vault located under the Vatican, which, as he stated, only he - the "Prophet" - could open. Eventually, Ezio Auditore and Rodrigo faced off in a final battle, during which the latter used the Apple of Eden and the Papal Staff to open the Vault. As we found out as a result, Rodrigo, despite his own conviction, was not a “prophet” at all. Having won, Ezio spared Rodrigo's life, since the truth revealed to him was much worse than any harm that Ezio could cause him.

Cesare, Rodrigo's son, replaced him in power, but went too far and could not live up to his father's hopes - so Rodrigo decided to poison Cesare by stuffing apples with poison. Upon learning of the plot, just in time for maximum dramatic effect, Cesare spat out the apple he had chewed and forced Rodrigo to eat the rest. Rodrigo died, Cesare managed to survive.

The story goes

Machiavelli was truly a Renaissance man, not only because he lived during the Renaissance, but also because he proved himself as a historian, philosopher, diplomat, writer, politician and more. The most famous of his works, The Prince, was supposedly written on the life of Cesare Borgia, since Machiavelli acted as his advisor and had a very high opinion of him. For several years in the early 1500s. he was at the head of the Florentine city militia, recruited from citizens, and not from mercenaries, which, as years have shown, was the right decision.

In 1513, after power over the city-state of Florence returned to the hands of the Medici, Machiavelli was removed from office, accused of conspiracy and thrown into prison. He was tortured for three weeks, but he never admitted his guilt. He was eventually released and sent to his estate in a remote Italian province. It was here that he wrote his plays, took part in political discussions and maintained correspondence with many of his friends who remained active in Italian political life. In 1527, Machiavelli died and a monument was erected in his memory, the Latin inscription on which reads: “No epitaph can express the greatness of this name” (in truth, it sounds like someone found a way to get out of the situation and don’t look for the right words).

Assassin's Creed version

To everything said about Machiavelli above, it is worth adding that he... was an assassin. After the death of Ezio's uncle, Mario Auditore, Machiavelli took on the role of leader of the brotherhood in Italy. Along with Ezio, he opposed the Borgia family and helped remove them from power, allowing the Medici to resume their rule. Essentially, this means that Machiavelli helped pave the way for his arrest and torture in the Medici dungeons...

Before his exile, Machiavelli also helped Ezio obtain the Apple of Eden, which Ezio used in his fight with Rodrigo Borgia. The events of Assassin's Creed II and Brotherhood led Machiavelli to the idea that Ezio had more qualities necessary to lead the brotherhood of assassins, so at the end of the story, Machiavelli retires, proclaiming Ezio the new leader.

The story goes

Before becoming Grand Master of the Templar Order, de Sable carried out many successful campaigns of conquest, commanding the fleet of King Richard I the Lionheart. It is not known when de Sable was born, but, according to surviving records, in the year of his death (1193) he was already a man of quite advanced age.

When his predecessor was captured and beheaded, de Sablé had not yet even been initiated into the order. The election of a new Grand Master was decided to be postponed in order to "revise the statutes" - this allowed de Sablé to step in just in time to claim the role. This could mean that the Knights Templar had heard a lot about de Sable's victories, but wanted him to spend some time in the ranks of the order before receiving an offer to take such a responsible post - all so that the other contenders would not remain offended. This is medieval office politics.

Assassin's Creed version

De Sable helped the Templars capture Acre and many other strategic points along the coast of Palestine. When de Sablé and his men entered the Temple of Solomon to obtain the Apple of Eden, the protagonist of the first part, Altair, along with the others, ambushed him. After this, the Assassins went with the artifact to Masyaf, and de Sable followed them and besieged the brotherhood's fortress, before plundering the adjacent settlement. When Altaïr lured and killed most of de Sablé's companions, he retreated.

At the Battle of Arsuf in 1191, King Richard “let the Lord decide” which side he should take: Altair fought a duel with de Sable and won. Before his death, de Sablé said that Al Mualim went over to the Templar side and manipulated Altair. In Assassin's Creed, when Altair kills de Sablé, he is in the prime of his life, while in reality he should have been at least ninety years old. Perhaps the Animus adjusted this small detail so that Desmond would not feel guilty about his ancestor killing an elderly man. Or perhaps Animus simply needed new firmware.

The story goes

Sinan's biography has only partially survived to this day, but it is known for certain that he really ruled from Masyaf and headed a religious sect that opposed Richard I during the Crusades. In addition to the crusaders, Sinan was at enmity with Sultan Saladin and sent assassins to him several times - however, none of the attempts were successful.

Saladin, in turn, took Masyaf under siege, which ended when the Sultan woke up one day to find a plate of fresh buns near his bed. The shape of the buns was reminiscent of the Order of Assassins, and a note with an explicit recommendation to lift the siege was pinned to one of them with a poisoned dagger. Saladin was sure that Sinan personally left the buns with threats and hastened to conclude an alliance with him. Although some sources indicate that Sinan had "mystical powers" and was a "divine essence", he died in 1192 in the fortress of Al-Kaf in Masyaf. Surely anyone capable of instilling terror using the stock of the nearest bakery must be endowed with divine powers. Salam alaikum, lords of Starbucks!

Assassin's Creed version

Sinan was called "Al-Mualim", meaning "teacher", and he was Altair's mentor. During the siege of Masyaf, Al Mualim ordered Altair to set off a trap, which killed many of the Templars and ended the siege. Of course, huge rolling logs are much more impressive than “flour, salt, sugar, everything in the oven, cook for ten minutes.”

After Altair, following the orders of Al-Mualim, dealt with several Templars in order to “weaken the order,” it turned out that in fact his mentor in this way only wanted to eliminate competitors, striving to take a higher position in the hierarchy of the order himself. After Altair learned the truth and approached Al Mualim for clarification, he replied that "nothing is true, everything is permitted" - a line that is then repeated many times during the end credits. Altair defeats his once so revered teacher and, contrary to the beliefs of the Assassins, burns his body on a funeral pyre.

The story goes

Generally speaking, a lot of things. They won’t call him “great” that easily. He was a student of Aristotle until he was sixteen and ascended the throne at twenty. It took him just ten years to expand the borders of his empire from Greece to Egypt and modern India and create one of the largest states ever to exist.

Having received the opportunity to rule, Alexander began to send troops to all territories where he was confident of his victory. The downside of the ruler’s harsh disposition was reprisals against his own subjects, whose conspiracy he feared, against those who might wish him death for the murders he had previously committed, and finally, against those who did not inform him on those who wanted to kill him .

Having destroyed hundreds of people, including those who dared to disobey his orders, desecrate the shrine, or behave “inappropriately” in his absence, or even just looked askance at him, Alexander, having come to Babylon and becoming seriously ill, died. Some say he drank undiluted wine and spent eleven days in agony, others say he was so weak that he could not speak and died without uttering a sound.

Assassin's Creed version

Alexander the Great was poisoned. After the end of a successful campaign, thanks to which his influence grew enormously and which was entirely financed and supported by the Templars, it suddenly turned out that Alexander had taken possession of the Staff of Eden. In order to prevent his further rise, a girl assassin named Iltani was sent to the palace in Babylon, who poisoned the ruler of the world.

Due to the contradictory evidence about Alexander’s death, as well as the fact that he had an extremely bloodthirsty character and no one around him could feel safe, the possibility of poisoning cannot be completely ruled out. The chroniclers devoted to him could deliberately distort the facts so that he could go down in history under the name “Alexander the Great” and not “Alexander the Poisoned”.

The story goes

Cleopatra was the last “active” ruler of Egypt and shared power with her father and two brothers, neither of whom she had children with (or she did, which is where the image of the Sphinx came from, but this is an unconfirmed fact). Having received sole power, she strengthened her position with an alliance with Julius Caesar. This alliance was concluded with the intention of enlisting the support of Caesar in order to strengthen his power ambitions - it worked. Nine months after their first, secret meeting, Cleopatra gave birth to Caesar’s son. It is easy to guess what negotiation tactics she followed.

After Caesar was killed, Cleopatra began an affair with the Roman commander Mark Antony - she bore him children and married him. After losing the battle, Antony committed suicide, and although there are many variations of the story, Cleopatra is said to have followed suit by letting in the snake and allowing it to bite. There is also a theory that Cleopatra was poisoned, but evidence to support this has only recently emerged.

Assassin's Creed version

Cleopatra really ruled Egypt together with her father and brothers, but her rule became sole power solely thanks to the help of the Templars. Mark Antony became her ally, lover and, of course, the father of some of her children. After the Battle of Actium, in which Antony was defeated due to the fact that some of his soldiers went over to the enemy’s side, the remnants of Antony’s army and navy fled, and he, in a fit of acute shame, threw himself on the sword. Soon after this, the Egyptian assassin Amunet (who, by the way, bears the name of the Egyptian goddess of air) entered the palace and killed Cleopatra by planting a snake in her chambers.

The plot of the game is traditionally based on the confrontation between good killers and evil templars. Fictional events and characters are closely intertwined with real historical facts. Only one thing changes every year - the time and place of the confrontation, and every year supporters of the franchise can only guess where it will take them this time.

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Assassin's Creed. Beginning of the confrontation

11-13 centuries - the time of the Crusades. For almost the 2nd century, European kings, warriors, peasants, merchants and even children went to fight in the Middle East against the Saracens for the Holy Land of Jerusalem and the Holy Sepulcher.

The events of the game take place during the Third Crusade of 1187. Jerusalem was repelled by Sultan Saladin, who is not shown in the game, but do not worry, thanks to the constant repetition from the messengers that “Salah ad-Din is riding towards them to stop them and avenge their barbaric deeds.” , you will dream about this name at night.

The king of France, Philip II Augustus, the king of Germany, Frederick I Barbarossa, and the king of England, Richard I the Lionheart, set off with their troops to repel the holy city.

The campaign ended with a peace agreement on the division of the Holy Land, which was signed by Richard and Saladin, that is, nothing particularly grandiose. The Crusaders were driven out of the East for a long time, but Cyprus was captured, which was then sold to the Templars.

The Pope promised the participants of the campaign forgiveness of all sins, and God's warriors gratefully used this privilege. The Crusaders' troops were more like bands of robbers. They robbed, raped and destroyed, and their leaders, tempted by eastern treasures, created short-term alliances against each other. There the assassins' dagger caught up with them

Who were the assassins really?

In the game, the brotherhood of assassins is a noble atheistic organization. Their goal is to protect freedom and justice. Well, in reality everything was somewhat different.

Assassins, the crusaders called representatives of the Feday caste - killers from the militant sect of the Nizari, who considered terror to be the main means of fighting against the infidels. The word comes from "hashashin", which the templars did not quite accurately translate as "one who takes hashish", so in their eyes Altair would most likely be a dangerous junkie, like Beavis or Butt-head of ancient Persia. However, in reality the word "Hiashoshiyya" means a person in a state of frenzy that is caused by the use of hashish. This myth, by the way, was dispelled in the game itself (in one of Al Mualim’s remarks).

However, some sources, in particular the memoirs of Marco Polo, insist that the killers did use drugs, but not hashish, but opium, which is made from poppies.

In the game, the brotherhood of assassins is led by Al Muala. His historical prototype was rather Hassan ibn Sabbah Allah, also known as the “Old Man of the Mountain” and Allah-Addin, the founder of an independent Ismaili state centered on the fortress of Alamut in 1090, the head of the Nizaris, and according to legend, a fellow student and best friend Omar Khayyam.

However, the legend of the assassins has a rather important historical basis. The so-called “Mountain Elders” from the Ismaili movement actually ruled in the Iranian fortress of Alamut in the 11th-13th centuries and responded to military operations with single terror. The Nizaris valued social justice and pluralism, so the highest form of good deed was political rather than religious murder. Their victims were chess and generals.

Although one of the requirements of the Brotherhood in the game is to be invisible, real assassins loved killing in public and attacked in crowded places for as long as possible. more witnesses in order to “PR” and instill fear in enemies, which earned them a reputation in Europe as ruthless killers, but did not touch civilians. In the game, this is reflected in one of the commandments of the Brotherhood - “Do not kill the innocent.”

Contrary to popular belief, the assassins were not suicide bombers. The creators of the game also played up this stereotype perfectly. When the real Alamut was besieged by enemies, Ibn Sabbah, in order to intimidate the enemies and show them the readiness of his people to die, ordered 50 of his soldiers to jump from a cliff. In the game itself, this is the scene of the first spectacular leap of faith. In both cases it was a successful deception, because suicide in any form is contrary to the Nizari ideology


Ida Austrian Maria Torpe - Altair's love, an English noblewoman, in order to avoid marriage, went on a campaign with men. In fact, women were prohibited from taking part in the Third Crusade by Papal Bull 1189, but this did not stop even four European queens from going to war. The sources mention "Amazon troops" of female crusaders in the army of Emperor Conrad, who guarded his paths in Syria.


The main opponents of the assassins in the game are the Templars. Basically, this was the case, only the Gashashins did not like all crusaders at all, regardless of the order.

The Brotherhood of the Templars, the Poor Brothers-Warriors of Christ and Solomon's Temple, was created as a result of the First Crusade of 1096 to protect European pilgrims who could not sit in their native village, so they rushed to the Holy Sepulcher in Jerusalem after the city was conquered by the crusaders.

The order combined monasticism and military affairs in an unusual way, but they were better at counting money. After the end of the Crusades, the Templars quickly switched to trade, and soon became richer than some European kings. The last templars were not liked for this, but they still borrowed money from them.

There were many legends about the Templars, in particular, that they owned the Holy Grail - the glass of Christ, from which he drank at dinner before his execution, and other valuable relics. It was believed that during their stay in Jerusalem, the Templars secretly appropriated these shrines and owe their wealth to them.

End of the war

At the end of the 13th century, the Crusaders were finally driven out of the Middle East. Shortly before this, Genghis Khan defeated the Nizari state in Alamut. The Gashashins disappeared, and the Templars became obscenely rich, and they were destroyed.

The first game in the franchise begins a long confrontation between two brotherhoods that will stretch through the centuries, and the next big battle will take place during the heyday of humanism and the arts, when Europe was reborn from the darkness of the Middle Ages. We will talk about it in the next publication of the series. Assassin's Creed is historically [not] reliable.

Now you can download the game Assasins Creed on almost any torrent exchanger, and moreover, the part called Syndicate is mentioned many times today on all gaming forums without exception, which is not surprising, but not everyone knows that a toy that is so beloved by millions users, actually dates back to back in 2007, when the genre was filled with a bunch of indie projects and games of dubious quality.

Then the game created a real sensation, and this gave birth to a real legend, a franchise that has today become a masterpiece of global scale and has now acquired a whole collection of parts associated with the most different “nooks and crannies” of our planet.

Being developed by a famous studio called Ubisoft, the franchise continues to amaze its fans today. A fascinating plot tied to historical moments, the most disgusting graphics, thoughtful and unique gameplay, unparalleled gameplay, a modern engine and parkour, assassins and hired killers - and these are not all the phrases that every modern gamer associates with the game Assassin Creed download free on your computer which we actually offer you on this page...

The era of the crusade...

As already mentioned, the Assassin Creed game could be downloaded for the first time in 2007 – that’s when the first part of the franchise was born. It not only created a sensation - all gamers in the world discussed everything related to the game on the forums and wondered when a new part would be released.

And while one part of the players was toiling in search of new locations, traveling through the unknown, interesting, realistic and involving world of assassins, and the other was surfing the Internet in search of information about the new part, the company was developing a new game called “Assassin” s Creed: Altaïr's Chronicles - it was 2008. The new part told the backstory to the first, narrated the events that took place before the main story, and at the same time acquired two huge locations, represented by Aleppo and Tire.

But before everyone had time to enjoy the new game world and go through all thirteen chapters, “Bloodlines” was born, a game that became a continuation and at the same time the end of the first trilogy.

2009: Downloading games via torrent Assassin Creed is tantamount to a trip to the Renaissance

"Welcome to the Renaissance!" – with these words, the developers released a new part of the franchise in 2009. Then “Assassin's Creed II” saw the light, and after it, in just two years, several more games belonging to the same era were developed. These are “Discovery”, “Brotherhood”, “Revelations”, "Assassin's Creed Identity".

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By 2014, the game Assassin Creed, which everyone without exception wanted to download torrent, and only a few could (the reason was the high requirements at that time), had become so popular that even the developers of famous studios in the world were surprised. True, not all parts of the series were as popular as the main parts of the eras. For example, luck bypassed such parts as “Liberation”, “Black Flag”, “Pirates”, “Rogue”, but it did not bypass the legendary and long-awaited game “Assassin's Creed Syndicate”, announced long before release, which became the beginning of a new stage in development franchises.

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