Assassins from all parts. Assassin's Creed. All parts in order with a brief description


Sergey Paramonov

Assassin's Creed is a game series from Ubisoft that has gained immense popularity around the world. Each part of this exciting game will take you to the past of one of the countries where you have to fight the Templar Order (and in one of the versions, transform into the Templar himself). Stunning graphics, an incredibly interesting storyline and a huge playing space with innumerable possibilities - all this makes Assassin's Creed a favorite game of many gamers for several years now. We will tell you how it all began, how it developed and what to expect next year.

The Assassin's Creed game series was not conceived as a story about an order of assassins fighting the Templars as a universal evil. The game was originally supposed to be new version the well-known Prince of Persia, but during the creation of the project, the developers got so carried away that the Ubisoft management decided to allocate all the developments to a new project. And so the series was born. Assassin's Creed and its first part.

In the original Assassin's Creed, players had to meet Desmond Miles, the "guinea pig" of a huge corporation called Abstergo Industries. The corporation is not anyhow, but passionate about the analysis of the past (for its own purposes, of course). The essence of the whole work boiled down to the fact that Desmond was placed in a special apparatus called the Animus, which allowed him to move the consciousness of the experimental to the past. An important factor was the relationship between Desmond and his ancestor. Thus, the players were allowed to plunge into 1191, the era of the Crusades. Altair, Desmond's ancestor, was a member of the Order of the Assassins who pursued their sworn enemies, the Templars. In addition to an interesting historical component, the game was full of acrobatic stunts (like jumping from high points straight into a haystack) and presented players with an interesting combat system.

The success of the first part of Assassin's Creed (very unexpected, admittedly) haunted Ubisoft, and the management decided to create the second part - Assassin's Creed 2. Fortunately, the general idea of ​​the series made it possible not to get hung up on one timeline, and the developers decided to take on the Renaissance, introducing us to a new hero of the late 1400s - Ezio Auditore. AT modern world we all also play for Desmond, only now he no longer wants to work for Abstergo and escapes from their laboratory (not without the help of one of the employees of Abstergo). It is worth saying that the confrontation between the Assassins and the Templars does not stop in the modern world, because Abstergo is the same Templars, only in a new way and with a bunch of interesting technologies. In the new part, the gameplay has changed a bit. No, the basic canons remained the same - you had to run and jump, killing enemies and getting to know famous personalities of the Renaissance (like Leonardo Da Vinci), but now the hero has learned to swim and dive, and during battles it was easy to take away weapons from the enemy.

To say that the second part was a resounding success is to say nothing. Against the backdrop of such popularity, Ubisoft decided not to abandon Italy, and it was decided to leave the third (chronologically, but not numerically) game in Rome. So there was Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood. Apart from the continuation of the storyline (Ezio Aditore is still fighting the Templars), there was little that was new in the game. The combat system has changed, it has become more active and offensive. Now the developers were trying to force the players not just to hide in dark corners and attack from behind, but to openly conflict with opponents. In fact, it was Assassin's Creed 2 with the continuation of an interesting plot. If not for one "but". For the first time in the series, a full-fledged multiplayer mode appeared, in which players had to fight each other using a variety of techniques from several characters. It was another breakthrough, and the whole bet was made on this part of the game. The developers did not fail - the "veterans" of the series and new players fought each other for hours.

The popularity of the series haunted Ubisoft, and it became clear that new games would be released at least once a year. Surely the publisher already had a plan ready for several years ahead. So, in 2011 appeared on the shelves Assassin's Creed: Revelations. Ezio Aditore liked the players so much that the developers could not leave him alone. The already aged assassin became a master assassin and controlled the fight against the Templars on high level. In the new part, which was essentially a work on the bugs, the developers created a lot interesting content and improved the multiplayer mode. As a result, the players had a high-quality, but very similar to previous projects game series. Some didn't like it, others didn't. Everyone was eager to continue Ezio's story.

True, Ubisoft realized that Ezio is not eternal, and decided not only to introduce a new hero, but also (finally!) Change the scene. Thus was born Assassin's Creed 3, which took players to the time of the American Revolution, when the lands of the modern USA were flooded with opposing sides - red and blue tunics. But we are more interested in the main character, who turned out to be half-British, half-Indian, Radunhageydu. A boy with a difficult fate, who lost his village and possesses (at the time of the beginning of the story) strange abilities to communicate with spirits (although they are Indians, anything can be there). After some time, Radu receives the title of assassin and begins to fight the Templars, who have flooded the already troubled America. In this part of Assassin's Creed, players were able to enjoy the most beautiful graphics, because the game, for once, received a new engine. In addition to the beauties of the players, numerous innovations were waiting for them, such as hunting for local fauna, and even sailing on a ship! The latter became a very important topic for one of the following Assassin's Creed games.

The third part was met with a bang and, moreover, became the best-selling Ubisoft game in its history. The logical continuation was the creation of a new part of the game - Assassin's Creed 4 Black Flag. The plot was closely connected with Assassin's Creed 3 and was a kind of backstory to the events of the third part. The player has the role of a real pirate Edward Kenway with his own ship and crew. Accordingly, there was an open world ahead (for the first time in the series) and the possibility of free travel to any point in it. The main part of the game was naval battles (at exhibitions, for example, they were the only ones shown), which were not just exciting - they sat the players down more than any GTA! Add here the ability to improve your ship - and you get an endlessly interesting game that can take you several tens of hours. And I'm not exaggerating.

It's 2014 and the Assassin's Creed series is about to hit the next generation of consoles. But after all, there are still a lot of fans on the old consoles - so what to do? Ubisoft is taking an interesting but strange step - releasing Assassin's Creed: Unity for new consoles and Assassin's Creed: Rogue- for the old.

Assassin's Creed : Rogue is a direct sequel to Assassin's Creed 4, but with one twist - you play as a Templar. An interesting storyline that could be developed, but Ubisoft apparently decided to focus on the version for next-generation consoles, so Rogue turned out to be good, but nothing more. There are no bright innovations compared to Assassin's Creed 4 in the game, but it is interesting to play it, like any other part of the series.
Assassin's Creed: Unity is another matter. At the first start, it becomes clear where all the forces of the Ubisoft developers were thrown. The player is transferred to France of the 18th century, where a hero named Arno appears before us. The French Revolution, the storming of the Bastille and the execution of King Louis XVI - a magnificent era! The new consoles made it possible not only to use the new engine and create Paris of incredible beauty, but also to completely rework the main feature of the series - the parkour system. Now the buildings in the game have become realistic and are directly involved in the plot - you can enter them, and their scale is fully consistent with reality. And in general, local Paris sets the bar below which developers can no longer fall. An important innovation was the mode of joint play (up to four people at the same time). If one of your friends is online and playing Assassin's Creed: Unity, you can invite him to the game and go through the story part together. When you have four people, it becomes a lot of fun to play - the main thing is that your team's actions are coordinated.

And what's next? Next, we are waiting for new eras and countries, one of which is already known - Victorian England. The kind of announcement has already happened, and we can only wait for the fall of 2015, when the new Assassin's Creed will allow us to look at old London. England was just one of the countries that gamers themselves voted for. Other favorites were feudal Japan and tsarist Russia. So the day is not far off when we will be able to run around Russia and take part in the overthrow (or even murder?) of one of the tsars.

Assassin's Creed 1 is a third-person action game that invites you to look at the Middle Ages through the eyes of a representative of one of the brotherhoods, which calls itself the Assassins, that is, murderers.

This is the debut game of the huge and mega popular series from Ubisoft Montreal. This part It was released in 2008 and immediately became wildly popular. There are many virtues for which you should love Assassin's Creed, it was they who made the crowd of fans mindlessly walk to the shops and buy all the parts of the great game series. The very first of them was perhaps the most successful from various angles. Some say that Black Flag is the crown jewel of the series, but there are those who would say that the first assassin is just as good.

We have to play for an ordinary representative of the order - Altair. The history of the game is twisted in the most intricate way. The developers wove real facts about the crusades into the game's story, and also connected them with the confrontation between the aforementioned brotherhood and the Knights Templar, who have been at enmity since their foundation. The most interesting thing in the history of the game is that the developers do not slip cheap antagonists on it. The Templars have a quite stable position in the same white and fluffy great goal as the Assassins. Only the paths to achieve the two organizations are fundamentally different. This is the essence of the conflict, as you progress through the games of the series, you may well lean on the side of the Templars, even though they don’t let you support them, but you can sympathize with them.

As for the gameplay, it's just a fairy tale. You will have to commit nine murders according to the plot, the brotherhood will offer you goals. Each of the nine personalities is in his natural environment in one of the three cities: Jerusalem, Damascus, Acre. Each of them is worked out very accurately in full accordance with real plans. The developers also conveyed the unique architecture of each city. After playing just a few hours, you will be able to distinguish each city even without a pointer. To get from one to another, you have to jump over the road on a horse.

The gameplay is that you need to quietly get to the victim, kill her and leave the territory. But these actions also include side tasks, such as helping the townspeople, which will help you in the future. You also need to scout the territory, you will climb high points in the city and look at the surrounding area from them. Thus, it will appear on the map. It will be easier for you to navigate in the narrow streets of the city along the square. In cities there are many different secrets and mysteries. You will have to collect collectibles, in future series of the game, they are indicated on the square, but the first Assassin was the most hardcore, you had to look for the collections yourself.

Preparing for the kill is not the least important moment in the game. After all, just going into the crowd and crumbling everyone into small cabbage will not work. Your ward may be strong, but it will be very difficult for him to cope with the crowd of guards. So when choosing a scenario for the murder, it is desirable to take into account everything, including the escape routes. It will be possible to leave here both through the wall and along the streets. The fact is that Assassin's Creed is also an excellent parkour simulator. Only for climbing steep walls and mountains, you do not have to twist your fingers with a sea knot, the controls are very simple and intuitive.

In conclusion, it should be said that this game worthy of the highest praise. Anyone who has not played it is definitely recommended to do so. The graphics are not outdated by a single gram, modern games in the series have not changed much in terms of design. If you delve into, then the story in the game is 10 out of 10, just class, and the gameplay is even better.

Assassin's Creed

2008 (I'm talking about the PC version), the birth of the Assassin's Creed series. The first of many. The only game that deserves to bear the name Assassin's Creed. At that time they were not chasing graphics, or maybe they were chasing ... but for 2007 the graphics from the game were at their best. Reading the description on the box, the plot was fraught with intrigue. Times 3 Crusades: Masyaf, Jerusalem, Assassins, Templars, Creed I played in one breath, and right now I would have gone if I had more free time.

Assassin's Creed 2

Most gamers, including myself, agree that the second Assassin's Creed is perfect. Unlike the original part, this game has a peppy memorable storyline, an improved parkour system and a redesigned combat system. Gilded first part with improvements.

Assassin's Creed Brotherhood

Released in 2009, the second Assassin's Creed turned out to be a masterpiece. And the creation of its continuation was a matter of time for Ubisoft. The third part, I must say, is not much inferior to its predecessor. It is also great. In addition, Brotherhood is the first game in the series, in which there is a multiplayer, although not having played it, but I know what it consists of, it was not the best.

Assassin's Creed: Revelations

The end of Ezio's story turned out to be interesting and quite logical. I was also pleased with the successful solutions - the "blade-hook" and the creation of bombs (the latter is not particularly in my opinion). The plot is good. The old assassin has not lost his strength, he is also ferociously eager to fight, trying to find out more secrets and mysteries. I think it's a worthy retirement for Ezio.

Assassin's Creed 3

The third Assassin's Creed immersed us in the large open world of Boston. But seriously, the game turned out to be very good. It pleases us with an amusing plot, various side missions and colorful American cities. The game's shortcomings are also immediately noticeable. slow graphics.Also, Assassin's Creed fans agree that the new hero, Connor, clearly loses in Ezio's charisma.A kind of good-natured Radun..what's his name...everyone tried to prove that freedom is the main goal in life.And remember, this is the first part of a series where you can interact with the ship.Although not 100%, but not bad for a start.Fighting on the high seas,storming enemy ships,etc.

Assassin's Creed 4: Black Flag

Black Flag is perhaps the most intense and dynamic game in Assassin's Creed. It is crammed with all sorts of action and adventures. Perhaps the only game in which bugs did not flicker a lot (I didn’t watch it at all) and lags. I was especially pleased with the leveling of the character and ship.The plot was not up to par,but good opportunity feel like a pirate, not a killer from a creed.

Assassin's Creed Unity

About the bad. Agree, Unity, released in 2014, was a real disaster. The game "pleased" gamers with killer bugs, a weak plot and dubious gameplay. Objectively, the worst game in the Assassin's Creed series.

Assassin's Creed Rogue

Rogue is one of the most interesting and to some extent underestimated parts of Assassin's Creed. For the first time in the history of the series, here you can try to play for the Templars and hunt the Assassins. Yes, because of their "old" gameplay, many players rightly call Rogue is nothing but a separate addition to Black Flag.However, thanks to its unique storyline, new weapons and improved combat mechanics, this game is the highlight of its series.The plot surprised not only the Templars in the blood of the innocent, but also the assassins.Yes, the game is not very lagged behind the previous part, but there are enough innovations.

Assassin's Creed Syndicate

How to say, the plot is stupid, for children. The gameplay is good as well as the graphics. I really liked the city, beautiful, well-drawn and large. It can be seen that the game is rather damp, everything that happens on the screen looks crazy, the videos are some kind of crazy, the plot is presented wretchedly. Minor bugs and glitches just enrage. Well, of course you can play, but this is not the same Assassin's Creed that it was before, and it's sad.


Optimization ++++ (on my hardware 45-52 FPS in the city)
Scenery +++++
Booty Evie Fry ++++ (hiking this lady deserves a separate category:)
Hook +++ (it turned out to be a useful thing, at first I thought why? Well, why?
Sound ++++ (I really liked the ambient sound, you can hear every click of the screws, the clatter of passers-by, conversations. What gives in the bag, there’s nothing to imagine such an atmosphere)
2 GG +++ (The series has benefited, there's nothing to say)


People - - - - - (few people on the street, a lot of sounds, but look around and there is no one)
Hand-to-hand combat - - - - - (I haven't seen such a stupid animation for a long time)
Chariot races - - - - - (it would be better if they didn’t exist at all, at first it was funny, then it started to frankly infuriate)
Voice acting - - - - - (ours, as always, distinguished themselves)
Plot - (no longer catchy, and it is not interesting. Leave this Animus alone already)
Gameplay - (still the same, but this is of course a moot point)

Publication date: 11/18/2015 18:51:26

About a month ago on consoles Xbox One and PlayStation 4 has released the long-awaited adventure game Assassin's Creed Syndicate, and tomorrow it will also be released on personal computers. In this regard, I decided to recall the most successful and unsuccessful parts of the legendary Assassin's Creed series. Attention -- this is not a rating of games and not places in the top of the best, etc., this is just opinion.

2008 (I'm talking about the PC version), the birth of the Assassin's Creed series. The first of many. The only game that deserves to bear the name Assassin's Creed. At that time they were not chasing graphics, or maybe they were chasing ... but for 2007 the graphics from the game were at their best. Reading the description on the box, the plot was fraught with intrigue. Times 3 Crusades: Masyaf, Jerusalem, Assassins, Templars, Creed I played in one breath, and right now I would have gone if I had more free time.

Most gamers, including myself, agree that the second Assassin's Creed is perfect. Unlike the original part, this game has a peppy memorable storyline, an improved parkour system and a redesigned combat system. Gilded first part with improvements.

Released in 2009, the second Assassin's Creed turned out to be a masterpiece. And the creation of its continuation was a matter of time for Ubisoft. The third part, I must say, is not much inferior to its predecessor. It is also great. In addition, Brotherhood is the first game in the series, in which there is a multiplayer, although not having played it, but I know what it consists of, it was not the best.

The end of Ezio's story turned out to be interesting and quite logical. I was also pleased with the successful solutions - the "blade-hook" and the creation of bombs (the latter is not particularly in my opinion). The plot is good. The old assassin has not lost his strength, he is also ferociously eager to fight, trying to find out more secrets and mysteries. I think it's a worthy retirement for Ezio.

The third Assassin's Creed immersed us in the large open world of Boston. But seriously, the game turned out to be very good. It pleases us with an amusing plot, various side missions and colorful American cities. The game's shortcomings are also immediately noticeable. slow graphics.Also, Assassin's Creed fans agree that the new hero, Connor, clearly loses in Ezio's charisma.A kind of good-natured Radun..what's his name...everyone tried to prove that freedom is the main goal in life.And remember, this is the first part of a series where you can interact with the ship.Although not 100%, but not bad for a start.Fighting on the high seas,storming enemy ships,etc.

Black Flag is perhaps the most intense and dynamic game in Assassin's Creed. It is crammed with all sorts of action and adventures. Perhaps the only game in which bugs did not flicker a lot (I didn’t watch it at all) and lags. I was especially pleased with the leveling of the character and ship.The plot was not up to par, but a good opportunity to feel like a pirate, not a murderer from the creed.

About the bad. Agree, Unity, released in 2014, was a real disaster. The game "pleased" gamers with killer bugs, a weak plot and dubious gameplay. Objectively, the worst game in the Assassin's Creed series.

Rogue is one of the most interesting and to some extent underestimated parts of Assassin's Creed. For the first time in the history of the series, here you can try to play for the Templars and hunt the Assassins. Yes, because of their "old" gameplay, many players rightly call Rogue is nothing but a separate addition to Black Flag.However, thanks to its unique storyline, new weapons and improved combat mechanics, this game is the highlight of its series.The plot surprised not only the Templars in the blood of the innocent, but also the assassins.Yes, the game is not very lagged behind the previous part, but there are enough innovations.

Here I am silent. The game has not yet been tested, although the pirates of the 21st century have tried. As far as I know, the protagonist will not be 1 person, as we are used to, but as many as 2. Jacop and Evie Fry. And that's great. A new plot, old enemies, we will find out all this very soon.

Key player

Post edited by user on 11/28/2015 11:00:44 AM

the last assassin I played was 3, and he was gorgeous, I don’t understand the haters in the spirit of the training is drawn out and so on. In this, I saw the disclosure and formation of the character himself, and not like in other games in the series, when an assassin became a floundering bay. I didn’t play further and I don’t have any desire at all, the series is so boring that it’s already starting to feel sick just from the sight of GG in the hood

Post edited by user on 11/23/2015 02:37:27 PM

1.2 with additions is gorgeous .. 3 I am an unnecessary huge map, everything quickly becomes boring .. 4 again, after completion, I don’t feel like playing Ragu at all .. Unity with its bugs does not greatly interfere with enjoying the game (I had a nastolgia like from 1 th parts, by the way, shooting down planes with an Assassin is interesting) Now it remains to see if the Syndicate is as bad as they say)

Author, thanks. From the second part to 3, the assassins were, well, if not chic, then quite tolerable. Rouge was generally a smooth fresh air for the series-playing renegade Brotherhood. It really was cool.
But I have a dissonance here. To praise the Black Flag, but at the same time call Unity "about the bad." Yes, Unity almost killed something that was full of bugs, but this thing was fixed and the game became playable. And the plot is not as delusional as in the "Flag". "Oh, I'm a pirate, let's kill the assassin, and then stand on their side, and then help the Templars, and then run away to the Brotherhood again!"

Edward wrote:

1. Well, firstly, some kind of Indian, who somehow became an assassin. Will not go.
2. The third part is the departure from Altair in general.
3. Too simplified combat
4. The vaunted manor, which can be improved and crafted in it, was in fact a separate part from the main game.
5. In the plot, they somehow went into politics, and not into the foundations of the Assassin's being and culture)

What was a plus? Well, maybe sea battles and then, without an open world in them. And there were maybe a couple more pluses, but insignificant.
In my opinion, since part 3, the series has gone nowhere

1. All this in the game is clearly explained and quite logical. So the claims are more than ridiculous.
2. The series is based on Altair and there is nothing wrong with leaving him, his story is complete.
3. The combat is the same casual and remains, nothing new. As no one has ever died from fighting, no one dies.
4. Manor, in addition to the fact that the development was awesome, was closely connected with the game, or rather with the story that is served there. Even Achilles himself, in his suicide letter, said that the life of the estate should show Connor what the newly formed states could be like. So it's all a big illusion.
5. Here I agree with you, they left assassination. But why they left is explained both in the plot of AC3 itself and in Rogue One. There is no brotherhood in North America, Achilles after all the events in the Outcast is not a supporter of formal approaches, and Connor too. But, nevertheless, he restored the brotherhood, and in conversations with recruits, one can often trace the philosophical ideas of the assassins from the mouth of Connor.

Hello friends! Today I would like to start talking about the famous Assassin's Creed series of games from the famous French company Ubisoft. The franchise has received a rich storyline, excellent graphics and the love of millions of fans around the world, although lately it has been more like an annual assembly line to maximize profits from players You can read a detailed history of a series of games about medieval assassins under the cut.

How it all began or Prince of Persia: Assassins

The first beginnings of the game appeared in 2003, after the release of the game Prince of Persia: Sands of Time (Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time), which received considerable success and gave a strong impetus to the development of the next part of the game. Previously, few people were interested in games about the Prince of Persia, but thanks to Patrice Desile - the creative director of Ubisoft - the game was liked by many players around the world and even Hollywood became interested in the Prince. Of course, the continuation of the franchise should have followed - it was then that a new project called PoP: Assassins was invented.

Patrice Desile

The initial plot, as it was with many famous games, was very different from the final one. In this part, it was assumed that we would play for an assassin who was poisoned to Jerusalem in order to save the heir to the throne. But the plot changed rapidly as it was developed, and after some time, the assassins completely ousted the Prince from the new game. It was then that it became clear that the game had nothing to do with Prince of Persia, the project was called Project Assassin (later Assassin's Creed)

According to Desile's communications, the new project was supposed to get a richer plot and clear historical parallels. They took as a basis the story-legend about the Hasashins - the ancient warriors of Hassan ibn Sabbah, who kept the entire Eastern world in fear. The motto of the warriors was the phrase: "Paradise rests in the shadow of sabers", since Hassan, thanks to his cunning recruitment techniques, was able to convince his army that in order to get to paradise, one must die in the fight against the infidels, which was clearly manifested during the crusades. However, Ubisoft emphasized the so-called "assassin creed", which said: "Nothing is true, everything is allowed" (in the English version "Nothing is true, everything is allowed"). Also, the goal of the Assassins was to search for ancient artifacts of great power, which became the legacy of the people of the first civilization.

Later, in addition to the main storyline of the killer, another equal storyline of his descendant appeared thanks to the so-called Animus machine - a device for reading the genetic memory of the subject in order to extract the experience of his ancestors from it. As a result, it turned out that the plot about the descendant became more important than the plot of the ancestor, and the course of events about the ancestors was inside the plot about the descendants. And so the character was born. Desmond Miles .

Desmond Miles

Desmond Miles- an ordinary bartender whose ancestors are famous assassins. He is kidnapped by the mysterious organization "Abstergo" in order to "read" the memory of his ancestors with the help of Animus (namely Altair ibn La-Ahad and some others whom we will meet later) and find out the location the aforementioned artifacts. It was this story that formed the basis of Assassin's Creed.

The technical side of the game

During the development process, all the developments from Prince of Persia were taken - AC characters could parkour in the same way as in PoP. Also, the characters could climb walls, jump from beam to beam and climb any building using two things: the new Anvill game engine and the architecture of the buildings of the Far East.

The development of locations for the scene was also difficult: the game takes place in Masyaf, Acre, Damascus, Jerusalem and Abstergo offices. The locations had to be suitable for parkour, and Ubisoft also wanted to get some historical similarity. The graphics component of the games has been specially improved for the new generation of consoles - PS3 and Xbox 360.

The Assassin also did not go unnoticed - about a thousand animations and four types of weapons were created for Altair, including a hidden blade - a favorite weapon of killers from the East. The character also knew how to ride a horse, which made it easier to move between locations, and to fight on it.

Jesper Kud

Jesper Kyud was responsible for the music in Assassin's Creed, and then in the entire subsequent series of games. With many soundtracks, he was able to convey the atmosphere of the then Middle East, through his music the atmosphere of a battle with an opponent was felt. Players liked the music in the game so much that he began to supply music throughout the series.

Release of the first game

The final version of the game was released on November 13, 2007 for consoles (PS3 and Xbox 360) and much later (April 8, 2008) for PC. The gaming audience greeted the game with positive reviews, comparing it to Grand Theft Auto and Hitman. But unfortunately the game did not turn out to be perfect: players often stumbled upon pitfalls in the controls, the inconvenience of parkour and the terrible and annoying combat system. But, despite the shortcomings, the game sold 6 million copies.

Assassin's Creed Altair's Chonicles

In January 2008, the next game in the series was released for the Nintendo handheld console and mobile devices running Symbian, iOS, Windows phone and Android - Assassin "s Creed Altair" s Chronicles, which tells about events before the time of the main game. The game received beautiful 3D graphics, rare for that time, and even a plot that tells us a little about the Brotherhood of Assassins and the great assassin Altair ibn La-Ahad.

With this I want to end the first part of the story of a large series of games about Assassins. In the next part, I will talk about the subsequent parts of the games, tell you interesting and funny facts about the franchise and summarize my article. See you in the next parts of the History of the series of games, bye!