Conversation on the topic of mail in the senior group. Summary of a lesson on speech development "mail" in the preparatory group

Nadezhda Rodina
Summary of a lesson on speech development in the preparatory group "Mail"

Summary of a lesson on speech development in the preparatory group« Mail» .


Introduce children to the profession of workers mail, with their work activities, with objects - assistants.

Expand and clarify children's vocabulary on the topic ( mail, postman, telegraph operator, letter, parcel post, parcel, etc.)

Stimulate and facilitate speech development.

- Develop memory, imagination, thinking.

Develop the ability and skills to conduct a conversation, express your opinion.

Learn to answer questions asked.

- Develop common, fine motor skills of the fingers.

Foster respect and interest in the work of adults and the profession postman.

To form mutual understanding, mutual assistance, independence.

GCD move:

1. Organizational moment.

Guys, I want to start with a riddle. Having guessed it, you will find out who we will talk about today.

He brought us a telegram:

“I’m coming. Wait, Mom."

I brought my grandfather a pension,

At least not Santa Claus.

He's been on his feet since dawn.

Who is this? (Postman)

That's right, that's postman.

Where does he work? postman? (on mail)

What's in his bag? (He has a lot of letters, newspapers, magazines, etc.)

Where is he in a hurry? postman? (He delivers letters, newspapers, magazines, etc. to houses)

Have you always been postmen?

Imagine that one day all means of communication on earth will disappear. They don't bring you any more letters, trains and ships have stopped. Senders themselves have to carry letters to the recipients.

Who is called the sender? (The one who wrote the letter.)

Who is the addressee? (This is who the letter is intended for)

Just like in the Stone Age. Then information was transmitted through the smoke of fires, signal drums and trumpets.

Messengers were also sent with oral messages. He memorized "letter" from the words of the sender, and then retold it to the addressee.

Why is it called a messenger?

In the old days, every ruler had people who knew well the roads not only of their own, but also of other states. It was impossible to trust such an important message as the news of an enemy attack to a person who did not even really know where to take it. Such people were called messengers.

Why? (They brought news good or bad)

They were sent not only by land, but also by sea.

Also, messengers had to be strong and courageous people.

Why? (They had to be ready to fight with a wild beast and a dashing man.)

They also must be devoted to their owner, as they often had to carry secret news.

There was a system for delivering hasty messengers. All roads were constructed postal stations, on which stood 300-400 horses. The messenger, having arrived at the station, abandons the tired horse and takes a fresh one. Horse messengers carried letters day and night, covering long distances.

Most often, rich people used the services of messengers.

Why? (They could have paid the messenger.)

What used to write letters on?

Princes and noble people usually wrote letters on birch bark.

What is birch bark? (A fragment of birch bark, written on by a man.)

Also used for delivering letters carrier pigeons.

The messengers had special insignia.

For what? (So ​​that they can be recognized from afar.)

They were given special signs, a kind of identification, which were hung around their necks and over their shoulders with yellow ribbons.

Later they began to appear postal carriages. About your approach postman blew the horn loudly.

Finger gymnastics


What did he bring to us? postman? (Clench and unclench their fists)

He walks around with a thick bag. (They walk their fingers on the table)

Translation, magazine, newspaper, (Bend fingers)

There are two cassettes in a parcel

And a letter from Aunt Valya

So that they await her arrival.

Everything changed with the advent of railways, shipping and the airplane.

What difference did it make? (Increased speed postal items , it became possible to install postal communications between the most distant countries.)

Tra-ra-ra! Hurry, hurry,

A carriage is flying among the fields!

Dust swirls from all sides,

The trumpet is cheerful postman!

The horn sparkles like fire -

Blow it louder postman.

Tra-ra-ra! Hurry, hurry,

Fly the carriage among the fields!

Do not rush! Give everything away -

Carry letters home

And letters and packages,

Parcels and newspapers.

Tell me the species mail?

1. Air (airmail, pigeon)

And before the advent of the airplane, an ejection was used mail. It was a small plane that was catapulted from the deck of a ship within certain limits from the shore in the direction of the ship's movement towards land.

3. Mail trains.

4. Ship's.

5. Urban.

6. Abroad.

7. Special or urgent mail.

8. Polar mail.

In the north there is a dog mail.

Why dog? (Since there is a lot of snow there and no equipment will pass, dogs harnessed to sleighs are used.

9. Electronic mail.

What postman brings it to our houses? (.)

1. Letters.

What's in the letter? (in envelope)

What is an envelope? (A paper bag in which a letter or a document to be sent is enclosed.)

What's on each envelope?

A) mailing address

B) postcode

D) print

Another test WWII brought postmen. Before by mail The task was to ensure uninterrupted communication between the front and the rear. With the sharply increased volume of correspondence, there was a shortage of envelopes and postcards. It was in this situation that the famous “soldier’s triangle” was born. Every month, up to 70 million letters were delivered to the active army. Postal the wagons were attached to the most urgent military trains. Mail transported by planes, cars, ships - all possible ways. Letters - triangles came to the fighters thanks to a well-established organization postal services and, of course, thanks to the field postmen who, in search of the addressee, went to the front line at the risk of their lives.

What's happened Postage Stamp? (This is a payment sign postal and some other fees.)

That is, if there is no stamp on the envelope, then it will not reach the addressee.

What are people who collect stamps called? (Philatelists)

2. Postcards.

Since it is very inconvenient to use an envelope, they came up with postcards.

Why is it inconvenient? (A lot of time wasted choosing paper, folding it, putting it in an envelope, sealing it, sticking a stamp, etc.)

3. Parcel (small postal sent in special packaging)

4. Magazines and newspapers.

For little money mail Various printed publications are available.

5. Package (packed item sent to someone via mail)

6. Telegram (message sent by phone)

What is the name of the person who sends and receives telegrams? (telegraph operator)

7. Translation

What do we need to do to send a letter, a postcard? ((Lower in Mailbox, located in many places.)

What if I want to send a parcel? (Go to mail.)

In fact postal there are many specialties. Each district of the city, village, has its own branch mail- special premises in which employees work mail.

There are people who accept parcels and letters from people's hands; there are people collecting letters from mailboxes; there are people who bring all parcels and letters to the main page mail -« main post office» ; there are people spreading postal items, etc.. d.

2. Summing up.

What they used to call postman?

How did you exchange information before?

Name the species mail?

What postman brings it to our houses?

People of what professions work for mail?

Well done! Guys, you completed all the tasks.



Educator: Do you want to know what our lesson will be devoted to? Then try to guess puzzles (goals: switch attention to the lesson, develop curiosity):

  1. I want to travel
    But not alone - with an envelope.
    For the right top corner I'll hang on
    And I rush to my friends with greetings. (Mark)
  2. They sealed it with glue firmly, and they sent it to me urgently. I won’t regret it - I’ll get it and put it up in no time. (Postal envelope)
  3. On the wall in a visible place
    Gathers news together
    And then its tenants
    They will fly to all ends. (Mailbox)

  4. A piece of paper in the morning
    They bring us to our apartment.
    On one such sheet
    Lots of different news. (Newspaper)
  5. He brings us a telegram:
    “I’m coming, wait mom!”
    I brought my grandfather a pension,
    At least not Santa Claus.
    He's been on his feet since dawn. Who is this? (Postman)

Educator: Postman, newspaper, postal envelope, stamp - can you guess what we are going to talk about? (about mail)

Phys. minute “What does the postman bring?”(goals: develop gross motor skills)
What did the postman bring us?
He walks around with a thick bag (the children are marching)
Translation, magazine, newspaper
There are two cassettes in the parcel (turn the torso to the right, turn the arms to the sides to the left)
And a letter from Aunt Valya
So that they await her arrival (jumping on two legs, arms up).

Educator: What kind of letters are there? (ordinary, custom, electronic) Did you know that there were times when people did not know how to read and write. The letters were “alive.” The postman-messenger memorized the message and set off. Do you want to become a messenger? (memorizing an excerpt from S. Ya. Marshak’s poem “Mail”) (goals: to develop memory, intonation expressiveness of speech).

Phys. just a minute

(Two lines are marked on the floor at a distance of about 1 meter from each other. Between these lines there is a river, along the edges there is a bank).

Postmen in different countries I had to overcome various obstacles on my way. What should postmen be like? (brave, courageous, attentive, etc.) Now we will check which of the guys is the most attentive.Game "River" Shore"All players stand on the banks. At the command of the leader “River”, you need to jump into the water; “Shore” - jump beyond the lines. The one who executed the command incorrectly is eliminated from the game. The most attentive remains (goals: develop attention switching, general motor skills, teach to enjoy the success of others).

Educator: Now let's play another game. It is called“Believe it or not”(goals: to consolidate an understanding of the history of mail, to activate speech - proof using complex sentences). For the correct answer you can get a letter. So do you believe that

In some countries there is no postman profession? (I don’t believe it, because postmen are everywhere).

Did postmen in ancient Rome get paid in "shoe money"? (I believe because postmen walked a lot and wore out their shoes).

Are there postmen on stilts? (I believe because postmen used to walk through the sands and swamps on stilts).

Did sparrows help the postmen? (I don’t believe it, there are carrier pigeons, not sparrows).

Is being a postman dangerous? (I believe it, because in Africa a postman was eaten by a lion), etc.

Educator: Now this is the task. From the letters received for correct answers, children standing at the tables collect words related to the topic “Mail” (goals: to develop the ability to perform phonemic analysis, as well as creative abilities).

Educator: Now we’ll play game and let's fantasize about the topic"If you was…"(goals: develop imagination, activate the use of complex sentences)(The teacher takes turns throwing the ball to the child and asking the question:

If you were a carrier pigeon, then...

A postman in the North, then...

A postman in Africa, then...

A letter in a bottle, then...

With a quill pen, which was used to write letters, then... etc.

Educator: Let's summarize. What did they talk about today? What will mail be like in the future?

Summary of a lesson in the senior group on the topic: “Mail.”

Goal: To introduce children to the history of the creation of the postal service.


Expand children's understanding of the profession of "postman" and postal service, about the necessity and benefits of the work of a postman;

Introduce children to the history of letters, their form at different times and methods of transporting postal items;

Clarify children's knowledge about the variety of postal items;

Introduce the type of transport that can be used to transport postal items;

Get acquainted with sorting correspondence;

Clarify knowledge about the mandatory condition for processing postal items (presence of an address);

To develop children's ingenuity, visual memory, and logical thinking.

Develop speech, the ability to argue, reason, prove.

To cultivate a desire to learn new things, to be interested in the history of the origin of an object or phenomenon of interest.

Cultivate interest in the professions of adults and an understanding of the importance of work.

To instill in children a sense of mutual assistance, a friendly attitude towards others, and a desire to help.

Progress of the lesson:

Today we will go on a very unusual journey. You can determine where our journey will be from an excerpt from S. Ya Marshak’s poem “Mail”

Who's knocking on my door

With a thick shoulder bag,

With the number 5 on a copper plaque,

In a blue uniform cap?

It is he,

It is he,

Leningrad postman.


Yes guys, you are right. Today we will talk about the history of mail, about how people in ancient times, in ancient times and in our time, could transmit messages and news.

Imagine that we are with you in the times when ancient people lived. They hunted mammoths and lived in caves. They couldn't write, they didn't have a telephone. How did they exchange news? They sent a man (messenger) with oral messages. There were many dangers on the messenger's path. Yes, he was on the road for a long time.

Gone are the days when people hunted mammoths and painted messages on cave walls and animal skins. People learned to write.

People began to exchange messages and write letters more often. And a special postal service appeared in Russia. Brave and strong people went to work there. They had to travel very long distances on horseback.

Well, no matter how fast the horses were, letters and messages took a long time to travel. Moreover, robbers were waiting for them along the road. Therefore, letters did not always reach the addressee.

People also used pigeons to send messages. They tied a piece of paper with a message to them and released them. The pigeons always found their way home. These are carrier pigeons.

And in the north, mail was delivered by dog ​​sled. And she is taken there by helicopter.

But time passed. And sending a letter has become much easier and faster. New means of communication have appeared. This is a plane, a train.

Airplane - air mail.

Train - mail car.

With the help of the postal service, people send each other letters, postcards, parcels, parcels, telegrams.

Now there is also email. You can quickly send a letter using a computer.

But in order for the letter to reach the addressee, we must stick on him brand.

A stamp is a ticket for writing. And we must write the address and surname of the person to whom we are sending a letter, telegram, parcel or parcel.

All newspapers, magazines, and letters are delivered to the post office by car. And before taking everything home, newspapers, magazines, letters and postcards should be laid out like this (shows): newspapers to newspapers, magazines to magazines, postcards to postcards, and in this pile - letters. The postman delivers all this. He puts newspapers, letters and magazines and delivers them to the addresses. And in order to receive a parcel or parcel, we must go to the post office ourselves.

Educator: Guys, how do you think postmen know which newspaper to put in whose mailbox?

Children: express their guesses.

Educator: With the help of leading questions, he leads the children’s reasoning to the fact that every newspaper, magazine and letter has an address: city, street, house and apartment number.

Physical exercise “Mailbox”

I stand on the bench, rise on tiptoes and stretch

I can barely get the box out. behind your hands up.

I open the box "Open"

Blue, shiny.

They fell out of the box, they squatted - they stood up with their arms outstretched.

The letters are real. hands.

D. and. “What mail?”

- To send a letter by rail, you need (what?)...(Mail car).

To send a letter by airmail, you need (what?)...(A plane).

- To send a letter by pigeon mail, you need (who?)... (Dove).

– To send a letter by email need (what?)…(Computer).

– To send a letter to the north, you need (what?)...(Dog sleds, helicopter).

- Guys, please think and tell me which mail is missing now? (Golubina).

Game “Whose telegram?”

I'm an orange carriage

A very kind postman.

There are telegrams for Kolya,

For his girlfriend Olya.

– This telegram is for Olya. Whose telegram is this? (This is Olya’s telegram.)

– This telegram is for Kolya. Whose telegram is this? (This is Kolya’s telegram.)

Game “What is he doing? What are they doing?

- Guys, now we will tell you what can be done with parcels, letters and parcels.

- Vanya sends a letter, and the children (what are they doing?) ... (Sending.)

- The postman delivers telegrams, and the postmen deliver telegrams (what are they doing?)...(Deliver.)

- Mom sticks a stamp on the envelope, and mothers stick stamps on envelopes (what do they do?) ... (Glue it on.)

– Grandfather receives a parcel, and grandfathers receive parcels (what are they doing?)…(They receive.)

Masha draws a greeting card, children Greeting Cards

(what are they doing?)…(Drawing.)

The boy puts the letter in the mailbox, and the boys put the letters in the mailboxes (what are they doing?)…(They put it down.)

– Whose stories did we listen to today? What can be postal?

What should we remember to do on holidays, birthdays and when our family and friends are far away? (Send greeting cards and letters.)

Lesson summary for preschoolers of the senior group “Unusual writing”

Educational area: cognition
Chapter: familiarization with the environment, design.

Topic: Unusual letter (communications)

Target: Expand your understanding of communications and the purpose of a telephone. Introduce some simple rules use. Form an idea of ​​how mail works. children's ideas about ways to send and receive information. Develop constructive abilities, learn how to make an origami envelope. Develop your horizons and attention. Cultivate an interest in learning.
Bilingual component: letter-hut, polite words.
Equipment: envelope, phone, laptop.
1. Motivational and incentive stage
Game situation: Someone forgot their things in our group! Look, guys, whose bag and cap are these? You don’t know...Let’s look together. What's in this bag: maybe something important and necessary was forgotten in our group?! Children look at the bag, objects from the bag. (The teacher takes letters, newspapers, magazines out of the bag. Children name all these objects)
The teacher offers to count how many newspapers, magazines, envelopes.
Displays a picture of a postman and an unusual envelope (bright with the names of the children).
Children name the number of objects, compare which is greater, and talk about the work of a postman.
-The postman has a letter for us, but he doesn’t want to give it back right away.
Invites children to play with the postman. Children want to get an envelope
2.Organizational and search stage
The teacher makes riddles about mailbox.
The problematic question is how the letter gets there. Children build a logical chain (to help, the teacher organizes a viewing of the film “The Journey of a Letter.”
2. "Game exercise"

The teacher suggests looking at the items: do they all relate to the postal service? Find the extra item! The game is played with a ball in a circle.
- Newspaper, letter, book, telegram;
-plane, train, car, submarine;
-telephone, money, scales, bread;
-envelope, newspaper, notice, watch.
Well done, children. You did the job right!
If necessary, children explain their choice.
3 Construction.Riddle
I'm a little house. But only without any floors at all.
I am a thin, painted paper house.
Even though my door is not locked with a lock,
They just licked it with their tongue.
But he doesn’t let anyone inside without asking:
Greetings, answers, questions live there.
Instructions and requests lie curled up.
Stamps with seals guard this exercise. (letter)
Children guess and tell what can be written in a letter.
The teacher organizes the work of making paper envelopes by folding.
Children come to the tables, choose the color of their envelope, and fold in a simple way according to the model. The teacher pays attention to the correctness of the folds, all folds are based on a fairy tale about how the prince and princess met, but they had to part, they decided to write a letter.
4. Physical training
It is necessary to deliver a letter, an imitation, a car, a train, an airplane.
5. Unusual letter.
Children receive a letter and guess who it is from. The teacher reports that he was sent by children from another country who want to make friends with them. The teacher organizes a conversation, how else can you communicate? Children offer to call on the phone or get in touch via the Internet.
6.From the history of the envelope.
The teacher's story about wartime triangle letters, showing the presentation.
Summing up the lesson, reflection.
-You are happy children, take care of the world, peace is more important than anything in the world, be friends with the children of all the children on our planet.
There are black children
There are white children
There are yellow children on our planet
Our whole Earth is like a big kindergarten,
Where everyone is each other's sister or brother.
Children draw the world to music about friendship, about peace, prepare their friendship letter for sending. The teacher praises the children, asks if they liked the lesson, what interesting things they learned.