Donate to send a copy to the specified e-mail. How to Email Document for Dummies

Majority mail clients including Gmail,, Microsoft Outlook , Mozilla Thunderbird, allow you to put multiple recipients in A copy(on English language abbreviation adopted SS), or Bcc (CCB). V Copies recipients can see other people's addresses. In the second case, the identity of additional addressees is hidden.

Add recipient address

To specify the recipient (or recipients) of the email, enter the email address in the field To whom (That):

Some email clients allow you to simply enter a username in a field, which is then automatically filled in by the program.

If you use this field to send email to multiple people, each of them will be able to see full list other recipients.

How to create a copy of an email

Field CC or Copy is used for exchanging emails in a more indirect way than a field To whom... If you are in your email do not contact the person directly, but would like this person to follow the discussion in a thread of letters or simply be aware of this topic, the field Copy would be a great option. The addressee who is in Copies letters, receives an unread letter on his mailbox e, like the one who was placed in the field To whom; the only difference is who you address the letter first in the body of your e-mail. In the professional world, mailing to Copies is used very widely and serves to keep colleagues in the know about different events and topics.

You can list email recipients simply by typing the list of addresses in the field Copy which is usually just below the field To whom... Everyone in this chain of recipients will be able to see the names and email addresses of all other recipients:

How to create a blind carbon copy of an email

Each email client (Gmail, Outlook, Mozilla Thunderbird, Yahoo, etc.) allows the sender of the letter to contact a large number people without advertising their data to other users in the email chain. This feature is called BCC or Hidden copy... You can hide recipients by entering their addresses in the field Hidden copy instead of using fields To whom and Copy:

You can use this feature for both individual and group emails. This is especially useful if you want to keep your contacts private, protect them from spam and unsolicited emails, or simply if you don't want your recipients to know who received the same message.

Field Hidden copy not always available by default for all email clients. For example, in Outlook You will need to go to Options to access the setting; v Thunderbird you will need to select this function from the drop-down menu; v Gmail need to press the button Copy and Hidden copy; v Windows Live Mail You will need to press the keys at the same time Alt + B.

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magician_romanв The concept of "blind copy", learning not to do stupid things

Surprisingly, many people, when they are required to send a letter to several people at once, simply list the addresses in the "To" field, this is normal when this letter is addressed to your colleagues or friends, but when you send letters to a group of clients, this way you show everyone addresses and other recipients, in fact, revealing their address base.

It is enough for any of the clients to forward this letter to your competitor and your contacts will immediately flow away.

Strange, but many far from stupid people are surprised to learn that if you need to send a letter to many addressees so that they do not know about each other, then there is a "Bcc" field for this.

For example, for it will look like this:

And so again, briefly:indicated addresses in "whom" - everyone can see who you sent letters to, indicated in "blind carbon copy" - everyone thinks that the letter is only to him.

And each recipient will receive a letter where in the "to" field there will be only his address ... For other programs, if you cannot find where to specify the blind copy, then ask someone to show you. Another small point, be sure to specify one address in the "to" field, most programs or mail servers you will not be allowed to send an email without this parameter.

And so, when it comes to sending an offer, news to a group of your clients - here the practice of using a blind copy is unambiguous, you must hide your address base. An interesting moment with sending a letter to your colleagues, here they recommend to act according to the situation, for example, sending a letter with a request to send suggestions (for example, to improve customer service) and if each colleague sees that other people have received the same letter, then most likely they will not answer - relies on others, so you need to use a blind copy. If this assignment is fulfilled, for example, an indication of the "whom" of your colleague's boss will simply work wonders, and your assignment will be fulfilled.

Separate question with suppliers. On the one hand, specifying all recipients in the copy should show the supplier that you have a choice and he should offer you good prices. On the other hand, the manager who received your letter, seeing that it was sent not only to him, is likely to react to your request "cool". Personally, in my opinion, I think that in the case of suppliers, you need to use a blind copy, at least to protect trade secrets, but more likely for good relations with the supplier's manager.

You can read a recent case of a specialist error, when all the recipients saw other addressees: Smack everyone in this chat, there really was a respectable people - the directors, but nevertheless, many received spam in return.

Well, as always, discussion in the comments is welcome.

Sometimes it becomes necessary to forward all letters that come to one of your e-mails to another mail, to automatic mode... To make it clearer, here's an example. You have mail on Yandex and on Google (Gmail). By GMail mail you use constantly, this is your main mail, and Yandex from time to time. So, in order not to periodically go to your Yandex mail, you can make it so that letters from there are forwarded to GMail automatically, and then you do not have to log into your Yandex account at all for the next check of new letters.

In this article I will show you how to set up the forwarding of letters from one mail to another using the example of different mail services.

It all works the same in everyone postal services, the only difference is in their interfaces, i.e. the corresponding settings are located differently.

Earlier, in a series of articles, I considered another way to receive letters to the desired mail from other mails. It consists in the fact that you do not set up automatic forwarding of letters, which I will talk about today, but connect the required mailbox in the settings (the function is called "Mail collection"), for example, using the POP3 protocol and from there the constant collection of new letters begins. The method is similar, but in some cases it turns out to be more difficult to set up than a regular forwarding.

If you are interested in the method of collecting mail, then this is described in the relevant articles: collecting in GMail, in Yandex, in

Below I will show in detail how to set up the forwarding of letters from Yandex. And then I will briefly touch upon 2 more mail services (GMail and, on which everything is performed in the same way, with a difference only in the interface.

Setting up mail forwarding from Yandex to any other mail

Go to mail settings and select “Mail processing rules”.

Click “Create Rule”.

Now our task will be to create a rule according to which the postal service will determine that all letters must be sent to another address that you specify.

If you want to send also those letters that are marked as "Spam", then Yandex will have to create 2 separate rules.

Creation of the 1st mandatory rule. Forwarding all emails except spam

In the rule settings, delete the “If” condition that will be added initially by clicking on the cross next to it. Because we don't need to set the conditions for selecting specific letters. After all, we will forward everything that comes to the mail in the "Inbox".

Above, where it is configured, for which letters to apply the created rule, the "to all letters except spam" and "with attachments and without attachments" should be selected.

Check the “Forward to address” checkbox below and specify the email address to which you want to forward all letters from the current open mail... Also enable the "Save a copy when forwarding" option.

Click the Create Rule button.

Yandex will ask you to enter your password. Enter your password for the current mail and click “Confirm”.

The rule will be created, but you will see the message “We are waiting for the address confirmation” next to it.

Now you need to go to the mail that you specified for forwarding letters and confirm the forwarding there. This is done in postal services so that you cannot forward letters to any random addresses that you do not have access to.

In that mail, find a letter from Yandex.Mail, open it and follow the link from there.

Click “Confirm Transfer”.

Ready! Now all letters that go to your second mail (Yandex) in the Inbox folder will be automatically forwarded to your main mail, which you specified in the rule.

Note! According to the rule created above, messages from the "Spam" folder will not be forwarded! Because the rule specifies “to all emails, except for spam”, but you will not be able to immediately include it in the rule and “Spam” will not work, because forwarding for spam messages does not work and you would receive the error “For messages from the“ Spam ”folder, forwarding letters from using a filter is not possible ”.

But you can make sure that spam is sent too. To do this, you need to create another rule that will automatically transfer all spam to the Inbox folder. Therefore, if you need to forward spam too, then see below for information on creating the 2nd rule.

Sometimes the necessary letters get into spam, so if you do not plan to enter and check your second mail at all, relying only on automatic forwarding of letters from there, then I recommend that you set up the forwarding of spam letters as well!

Creation of the 2nd rule. If you need to send "Spam"

Let's create another rule.

Here we need to indicate that all messages that are marked by the service as "Spam" should be transferred to the inbox.

To do this, at the top, where “Apply”, select “only to spam” and “with attachments and without attachments”.

Remove the “If” condition, we still don't need it here.

Check "Put in folder" and select "Inbox".

Click “Create Rule”.

The rule is ready!

After all the manipulations done, all letters that come to your second mail (where you set up forwarding) will be processed according to the created rules. That is, if a letter arrives in the mail, which the service has identified as spam, then this letter will automatically be placed in the inbox, according to the created rule number 2 (if you decide to configure it). And everything that is in the "Inbox" folder, in turn, will already be forwarded to the mail you specified, according to rule number 1.

Configuring forwarding using the example of mail

Go to the mail settings and select the "Filtering rules" section.

Select “Add Forwarding”.

Specify the address to forward the letters to and click “Save”.

Confirm your action by entering your password.

Go to the mail where you will forward letters, find there a letter from and click on the link from the letter (this is needed to confirm the transfer).

In the next window, click “Confirm” and a message will appear that the transfer has been confirmed.

On mail, return to the "Filtering rules" section and enable forwarding:

If you also need to forward messages marked as “Spam”, then you need to create the same rule as in the example with Yandex mail. In the "Filtering Rules" section, add a new rule with the following settings.

“It's like in a fairy tale about a boy who constantly shouted 'wolves'. If you overuse the "urgent" tag, people will stop responding to your emails. And a really important letter can go unnoticed because of this.


Yes, the tone of your letter may reflect your relationship with the recipient. However, you may be considered a layman if you allow yourself to be too informal about correspondence. Do not overuse exclamation marks, emoticons, colored text, unusual fonts and excessive brevity of messages.

Be especially careful if you have to work with people of different ages, language barriers, or those who prefer a more traditional form of communication.

Too dry tone

At the same time, being a robot is also not worth it. It's okay if you show your character or enthusiasm in letters - within reasonable limits.

Reply All

Work email isn't for fun, it's for communication. So if you are replying to an email sent to a group of people, think twice before clicking on reply all. To do this, your answer must be extremely important to everyone.

Sending copies without permission

Sharing someone else's information with others is, at the very least, impermissible. It doesn't matter if you send the client a copy of a letter from your boss, who responded about him in any way, or you include one employee in personal correspondence with another. Few people will like it if you send a copy of the letter without their consent.

Sending blind carbon copies

Sending blind copies creates distrust. If you want to send a letter to someone, and this person, in theory, should not participate in work correspondence, copy the text and send it in a separate letter.

Undefined subject line

Topics like “This is me,” “Hello,” or “For your information” (FYI) just don't get attention. The person will not understand what is being discussed and will not want to answer the letter. Work letters should be clear and concise. The recipient is more likely to open an e-mail if he understands what you want from him.

Sending too many personal emails

You can sometimes use jokes, touching stories, and motivating quotes to cheer someone up. But people quickly get tired of this, and it doesn't matter with what intentions you wrote them. If you send too many personal letters, they will simply be auto-deleted.

Be rude

You should not send letters full of poison, because people will remember it on occasion. Instead, write a letter and leave it for two days in Drafts. Then you can go back to it and edit it, removing the barbs. This will help you achieve what you want faster. In addition, you will be treated as a very patient and judicious professional.

Stupid mail address

If you are sending a letter to a client, employee, or potential employer, do not use mail with a “non-professional” title. If there is something in the name of the mail that pretends to be witty or contains a sexual or vulgar connotation (something like that), you run the risk of setting the interlocutor negatively towards yourself from the very beginning. Create a separate mail for purely professional needs.


The fact that the email was sent from an iPhone is no excuse for sending sloppy emails. If you have made more than one mistake in the letter, it may be considered unprofessional. If this is a very important letter, and you are in a hurry somewhere, then try to at least check it before sending it.

Sending emails early in the morning

Most people, when receiving letters, look at the time of sending. If the email is sent too early, you may be viewed negatively. At the very least, you will be considered a workaholic with no privacy. Worse if you are considered intrusive. If inspiration wakes you up at night, write a letter, save it in Drafts and send it during business hours.

Too many punctuation marks

People sometimes get too carried away and put a lot of exclamation marks. The result may seem immature or too emotional to someone. Do not abuse !!!

Non-professional fonts

Purple Comic Sans has its own uses. In business, it's better to use classic fonts, colors and sizes. Your letters should be easy to read.

Typically 10 or 12 font sizes are used. The best fonts for the job are easy-to-read fonts like Arial, Calibri, or Times New Roman. Black is preferred.

Too long letter

Most people spend seconds reading emails, not minutes. Many people simply slip their eyes along the text, so write letters based on this. Large paragraphs are difficult for people to read - break text into smaller blocks. Highlights and bulleted lists are easier to read. You can also highlight the main points in bold or italics, but do not need to do this often.

In Microsoft Outlook, you can specify that for all messages you send, an automatic Bcc (carbon copy) will be sent to other distribution lists or users.

One scenario in which this rule is useful is when all team members reply to inbound e-mail, such as a technical support center. When one member of the group replies to messages, the other group members automatically receive a copy of the reply, keeping all outgoing messages up to date.

client rules

Create a rule

Now, every time a message is sent, be it a new message, when a message is forwarded or a reply from people or groups specified in the rule, they will be automatically added as copy recipients. The names of people or groups are not displayed on the Cc line of Compose your message, but those names will appear to the entire recipient of the message.

Disabling a rule

    In the mail view on the tab home press the button regulations > Managing rules and alerts.

    On a tab in the section The rule

    Click the button OK.

Rules and alerts.

Advice: For more information on how to quickly disable this rule for individual messages, see the next section ("").

Using a category to disable automatic Cc for individual messages

If you want flexibility to turn off automatic new Cc rules based on a single message without having to navigate through the dialog box rules and alerts, you can use the categories feature in Outlook along with the rule.


First, you need to create an automatically send blind carbon copy (Cc) rule for all e-mails you send.

This rule of a certain is called client rules... Client rules are executed only on the computer on which it was created and only run if Outlook is running. If you send an email message with account e-mail on another computer, the rule will not run from that computer, so it will be created on this computer. This same rule must be created on each computer that you plan to use it.

Create a rule

Now, every time a message is sent, whether it is a new message, when forwarding a message or a reply from people, or the distribution lists specified in the rule will be automatically added as copy recipients. The names of people or distribution lists are not displayed in the Cc line of the Compose message, but these names will appear to all recipients of the message.

Disabling a rule

To prevent automatic sending of a copy, you must first disable the rule.

    In Mail on the menu Service press the button Rules and alerts.

    In the tab Email rules In chapter The rule uncheck the box corresponding to the rule you created.

    Click the button OK.

    You can now send a message without automatically sending a copy to other people or mailing lists. The rule will be inactive until you re-enable it in the dialog box Rules and alerts.


Using a category to disable automatic Cc for individual messages

If you want to disable the new auto-Cc rule for individual messages without invoking a dialog box Rules and alerts, you can set the rule to a category that is available in Office Outlook 2007.

Modify the rule you created earlier so that when you add the specified category the rule did not automatically send a copy to the message.

When you want to turn off the auto-Cc rule for a message, apply a category to it.

Advice: You can use a keyboard shortcut if you specified it when creating the category.

When sending a message, the auto-copy rule will not be applied.