Blockchain Academy. Where to study blockchain and big data Programs for central banks and regulators

[Open Education]

Duration: 9 weeks.

Price: for free.

An online course that covers the following topics: “Introduction to Text Mining”, “Introduction to Deep Learning”, “User Churn Prediction” and others. It will take approximately seven hours per week to master.

Introduction to Machine Learning

Duration: 7 weeks.

Price: for free. 1635 rubles - for receiving a certificate.

Online course from High school Economics and the Yandex School of Data Analysis. Here you will learn about the main methods of machine learning and their features, learn how to evaluate the quality of models and determine whether a model is suitable for solving a specific problem. Basic programming knowledge is required.

Machine learning and data analysis

Duration: 6 courses of 4 weeks.

Price: 7 days free, then - 4456 rubles per month.

Training program from the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology and the Yandex School of Data Analysis. The program includes six courses and the development of a diploma project that can be used in work or shown at interviews.

Fundamentals of Machine Learning and Data Analytics [Usalytics]

Where: Moscow, MSU Science Park.

Price: 35000-45000.

Seminar from Usalytics Research LLC and Global Innovation Labs LLC. It will talk about neural networks, deep learning algorithms and such popular tools as TensorFlow, XGBoost, Theano and Keras. Teachers will teach you how to train neural network to recognize handwritten text and images, as well as analyze sentiment social networks and build real estate pricing models. A mandatory requirement is knowledge of the Python language at a basic level.

Drawing conclusions from data

Duration: 6 courses.

Price: for free.

In these courses from the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, you will learn about universal methods for estimating parameters and testing hypotheses, A/B testing, correlation and cause-and-effect relationships. This knowledge will be useful to any professional faced with the need to make data-based decisions. To start your training successfully, basic knowledge of probability theory and mathematical statistics will be sufficient.

Machine learning techniques and big data analysis [Data School]

Duration: 14 weeks (28 lessons).


The course is aimed at those who want to become a big data analyst in any business area. The goal of the course is to train specialists who could immediately become part of the Data Scientist team in any company. So you will have to regularly work on homework and practical exercises in class. Interestingly, one of the teachers took first place in Kaggle and shares life hacks with listeners.

Big Data

Big Data: basics of working with large data sets [Netology]

Duration: 10 classes twice a week.

Price: 20900 rubles.

The program will be useful to anyone interested in big data, and is designed in such a way that students do not need any basic knowledge of mathematics or programming (you will receive this during the training). As part of the course, you will be told about the business component of the big data concept, as well as technologies and algorithms for data analysis.

Big Data Specialist

Duration: 3 months.

Where: Moscow, GVA main hall. Remote participation is possible.

Price: 180 thousand rubles.

Three-month intensive course from industry leaders. Students will learn the Hadoop ecosystem, web log processing, machine learning, and recommendation algorithms using Apache Spark. To complete the courses, you will need programming skills (in Python 2), basic knowledge of Linux, probability theory and statistics, as well as an understanding of the principles of SQL queries.

Image: newprolab

Big Data for Executives

When: autumn 2017.

Duration: 2 days.

Where: Moscow, GVA main hall.

Price: 80 thousand rubles.

The program is designed for managers and business owners. It includes four modules: data monetization, infrastructure, machine learning, project management. You will learn to identify prospects for using data in your organization and ways to monetize it; calculate the IT infrastructure configuration that you will need for your project at the start, and in the future understand machine learning algorithms.

Data Scientist [Netology]

Duration: 5 months, 3 lessons per week.

Where: Moscow, Digital October.

Price: 180 thousand rubles.

This course will teach you how to create recommendation systems, create and train neural networks, and process texts in natural language. 50% of the course time is devoted to practical training and application of knowledge in e-commerce, online marketing, travel services and other applied areas.

Data MBA [Data School]

Duration: 6 weeks (12 lessons)

Where: Beeline office, Moscow, st. Krasnoproletarskaya 4.

The main goal of the course is to give both top managers and business owners of various sizes an understanding of how data can help increase revenue and how to make products more targeted and service of higher quality.

Introduction to Data Science [Data School]

Duration: 6 weeks (6 lessons)

Where: online course

Price: 20 thousand rubles

If you want to become an analyst, but you lack the “base,” then there is a solution. The preparatory course covers the basic principles of programming in Python, linear algebra, and statistics. The basic knowledge that the course provides will be enough for further development of the Data Scientist profession.

School of Data on the Neva [School of Data]

Duration: 9 weeks (18 lessons)

Where: online course

The Data School organized a Data Scientist training course in St. Petersburg, similar to the Moscow one. Modern world erases geographical boundaries, and there is a need for analysts in the northern capital. The course is taught by both St. Petersburg teachers and leading lecturers of the Moscow course.


Blockchain weekend

Duration: 16 hours.

Where: Moscow, Digital October

Price: 30 thousand rubles.

In two days, the course will tell you when electronic payment will replace paper money, why the notary seal will become a relic of the past, and how blockchain can protect you and your business from fraudsters.

Blockchain Executive

Duration: 1.5 months.

Where: Moscow, Digital October.

Price: 57,500 rubles.

Advanced course for IT developers and researchers. They promise to teach how to develop blockchain projects and analyze the problems of blockchain systems, as well as talk about what skills are in demand in the labor market, where to find a job, and what the threshold for entering real blockchain development is.

Blockchain & Bitcoin Conference

Where: St. Petersburg, Vvedensky Hotel.

Price: 10 thousand rubles.

The conference will discuss the prospects of blockchain and Bitcoin and the features of doing business in this area. Speakers will be top managers large companies, including Deloitte CIS, Central Committee of JSC Sberbank-Technologies, Alfa-Bank.

Cryptocurrencies: everyone knows about them, but even the creators of ICO projects do not fully understand their true potential. This will be roughly discussed at the crypto conference, which will take place in the form of networking at the Skolkovo Innovation Technopark in Moscow. The large-scale event is scheduled for November 28 this year. It is expected to be large-scale because, firstly, it will gather more than 1 thousand 500 participants, and secondly, more than two and a half dozen experts on the use and diversification of blockchain platforms, mining, and Cryptocurrency ICO. In secret, the organizers report that together the speakers of this conference managed to collect more than 150 million American currency units in the process of successful ICO placement of projects.

The potential of cryptocurrencies is growing by leaps and bounds. This year alone, the total capitalization of digital codes has exceeded two hundred, and the financial valuation of the seven largest cryptocurrencies has exceeded one hundred billion in dollar terms. At the same time, the growth in the capitalization of these digital currencies in less than a year in 2017 amounted to more than eight times.

Another important indicator of popularity was the Bitcoin rate reaching a record high of 7.8 thousand dollars. As for the Russian segment of the market, it is considered a kind of record that domestic ICO placement projects attracted more than 260 during this year, and by the end of the year it is expected that about 300 million fiat American currency will be used for startups.

Bitcoin at $7900

List of speakers

As for the first two representatives, their projects collected $43.2 and $31.0 million, respectively. And regarding the blockchain platform of Alexander Borodich, it is known that only within the first three hours after the launch of his ICO project, which started on October 27 of this year, he collected more than one ten million fiat dollar investments.

As a kind of proof that cryptocurrencies are submissive to all ages, a performance is planned by Nikita Musailov, who is now 14 years old, but he is one of the cryptoliteracy teachers in the Cyber ​​Russia project, in addition, he is the winner of the TemoCenter hackathon.

According to Alexander Volosyanov, one of the organizers of the crypto conference, this event will be useful both for those who are taking their first steps in mining and for those who already have experience investing in blockchain platforms. For the former, this will be the study of risks and the prevention of behavior errors in the cryptocurrency market, and for the latter, this will be the further development of strategies for running a cryptocurrency business. And all this will be available in the reports of speakers from their personal experience and successful practices.

Exhibition at the crypto conference

In addition to the theoretical part of the crypto conference, its participants will have the opportunity to get acquainted with the blockchain exhibition, where they will have the opportunity to establish communication ties with representatives of both the investment funds themselves and the platforms, as well as with manufacturers of the so-called “hardware” for mining, software developers, representatives trading service, etc. At the exhibition there will be an opportunity to visit departments where crypto exchanges and digital code exchangers will be presented.

Actually, the exhibition should show that the cryptocurrency industry is a kind of generator of entire trends that accompany its development of business areas. Therefore, despite the fact that, relatively speaking, everyone already knows about the existence of cryptocurrencies in connection with the latest high-profile events in this market, not everything can be explained even by the developers themselves. Just as the creators of the same Bitcoin were not aware of the many potential possibilities inherent in them, the current developers of both already created digital codes and future ICO projects of altcurrencies also cannot assume the possible potential.

Blockchain Academy is a research and educational institution on blockchains, sidechains, cryptocurrencies, digital assets and decentralized technologies. Blockchain Academy was created in 2013 to train all persons interested in cryptocurrencies, employees of banks and financial institutions, professionals in the fintech sector in all aspects blockchains, sidechains, smart contracts, cryptocurrencies and any other digital assets.

A special priority of our experts is the issue of ensuring security when storing and using crypto assets and information systems. It is from us that developers consult and order the development and examination of projects from the heads of departments of the largest banks and other institutions tasked with developing and implementing blockchain in their organizations.

Academy programs for everyone

Training course “Powerful basic”: “The evolution of money. Basics of cryptography. Blockchains. Cryptocurrencies. Bitcoin. Sidechains. Smart contracts. Lightning network. Atomic swaps."

Programs for investors

Programs for central banks and regulators

Programs for developers


Academy teachers have unique combination: serious experience in the banking sector + solid knowledge in the field information technologies, systems information security and cryptography. Recognized experts with world renown in the field of cryptography, cryptocurrencies and blockchain/sidechain technologies are invited to individual lectures.

Academy values

Clarity- as a result of training you will have a clear picture.

Quality- we work around the clock to improve knowledge and materials and strive to give you the highest quality and fresh content and information, putting our whole soul into what we do.

Ease- we explain complex things in simple words. It will be easy for you to understand how everything works.

Accuracy- you don't have to check the information. We provide only what we have personally verified and are responsible for the quality.

Neutrality- we are neutral and will not impose any solutions or platforms on you. We do not have any projects or products that may pose a conflict of interest. We categorically do not suggest that you invest or invest anywhere. We are categorically against ICOs. Don’t even try to ask us to organize an ICO for you. There is no chance that we will participate in something like this. And we will definitely continue to talk about the risks of all projects, products and exchanges that we cover.

Openness and transparency- we consider this important and therefore constantly warn about fraudulent projects in the field of crypto, for which we are often subject to information attacks from scammers, whose plans we disrupt, bringing them to light.

Blockchain Academy provides consultations. We know everything that happens in the industry.
We will determine the cost and usefulness of our consultation together with you before the consultation. You will have a clear idea of ​​what you are paying for and how much.