Bluetooth does not find the device. Why doesn't bluetooth find local devices?

Bluetooth is a system that enables wireless communication between various devices: PCs, laptops, phones, etc. The operating principle The system is based on the operation of encrypted signals, which gives it special reliability that excludes data interception.

So, if you have Bluetooth installed on your laptop, then you have the opportunity to:

  • knowing how to connect a phone and a laptop via Bluetooth - upload contacts, photos, videos from the phone to the laptop
  • knowing how to connect bluetooth headphones to a laptop - simultaneously exchange files (music, video, photos, messages) with various devices. For example, with a phone, player, communicator, camera, etc.
  • knowing how to transfer data via Bluetooth from a laptop - set up a connection between two or more computers
  • knowing how to connect a phone to a laptop via Bluetooth - set up Internet access from a laptop via a mobile phone
  • Knowing how to use bluetooth in a laptop, you can easily deal with most of the problems that arise.

The most frequently asked question about Bluetooth operation is the following:

First of all, you need to make sure that it is there. The existing Bluetooth button on the laptop and the corresponding indicator are not proof of its presence.

How to check if there is bluetooth on a laptop? If you find a sticker on the bottom side of the case with markings indicating VT licensing, it means there is bluetooth.

You can turn on Bluetooth using a button on the case or programmatically by clicking right click mouse over the tray icon and selecting "Enable".

In this case, drivers must be available. They are installed after installation operating system. Most problems with Bluetooth are related to incorrect driver installation.

All that remains is to connect Bluetooth to the appropriate device and establish a connection with the laptop.

Why does Bluetooth on a laptop not see the phone:

  • Check if the Bluetooth function is activated. If not, activate it
  • Restart your computer and bluetooth
  • Reinstall bluetooth drivers

Bluetooth has disappeared on my laptop, what should I do?

There may be several reasons. To find out why Bluetooth does not work on a laptop, you need to check the system settings and drivers. Do not disassemble the laptop under any circumstances. Take it to service center, where experts can tell you exactly why Bluetooth does not work on a laptop.

Very often you can encounter a situation in a laptop (for example HP) or computer when Bluetooth does not find local devices, phone, etc.

There are several reasons why bluetooth does not find local devices and they are not difficult to solve.

The first is to check whether the installed drivers. Without them, nothing works at all on a laptop or computer.

The second is to see if other devices are blocked from detecting your laptop or computer.

Third, determine whether Bluetooth itself and the adapter are turned on. Now, in order.

Check bluetooth drivers

To determine if the correct bluetooth driver is installed, open and see if the system has found your bluetooth (see picture below)

Everything should look something like the picture above. It doesn’t have to be exactly the same, but there should be a bluetooth icon.

The view may be slightly different - it depends on the operating system and PC model.

If there is nothing similar in the device manager, go to the office. Your laptop manufacturer's website for the driver.

Unlock your computer when other devices detect it

Your Windows OS may be configured to prevent detection by other gadgets.

To unlock, find the tray icon, right-click on it and click on the line: “show options”

Now check the box next to "allow" bluetooth devices detect this computer”, click “apply” and confirm “OK”

Enable bluetooth and adapter

There is no one rule on how to turn on Bluetooth, especially if it is a laptop - it all depends on the model.

First, take a good look at your PC, especially around the sides. Most of them have a special button to turn it on.

If you find it, press it simultaneously with the fn key. Most often, the f2 button acts as a key with an antenna, but others from this row can be used.

Typically four provisions apply:

  1. First press: turn on bluetooth.
  2. Second press: turn on wifi.
  3. Third press: turn off bluetooth.
  4. Fourth press: turn off wifi.
That's not all. Bluetooth may be turned on and its icon is in the tray, but it will not find other devices due to the adapter being disabled.

To launch it, log in (or right-click on the network icon in the tray) and go to the section: “Network and Sharing Center”.

There, on the left side, click on the line: “change adapter settings.” If up to this point you have done everything correctly as written above, you should see the bluetooth adapter.

Click on it with the right button. mouse and if you see that it is disabled, click enable (see picture above).

Your computer should now find other devices the same way they find it.

If these devices turn out to be, for example, phones, then free programs have been developed for almost all models.

Using programs is more efficient than built-in Windows tools, especially when it comes to synchronization.

That's all. I hope your devices are now located, although it is absolutely possible that the article did not bring you any benefit.

Then you will need to “dig deeper.” Ask on specialized forums and don’t forget about your best friend– comments. Good luck.

We almost forgot about this type of connection, Bluetooth, with the advent of various online services like Dropbox. However, in times when the Internet was not so accessible, data was sent only in this way. It was especially convenient to do this with mobile device to the computer and vice versa, thus avoiding connecting gadgets using a cord.

But if you are buying a new PC or using it for the first time after reinstalling the operating system, a logical question may arise: “How to find bluetooth on a laptop?” This is especially true for users who have never encountered this before.

How it works?

So, for those who have never dealt with wireless technology bluetooth connection, let us explain the principle of its operation. Everything is very simple: in order to transmit or receive files, you need to have an appropriate, either internal or external portable transmitter (the latter are used, for example, on

Data transmission is carried out over a distance. Depending on the power of the adapter, it can be up to 5-7 meters. Accordingly, if you want to synchronize the operation of two devices using a Bluetooth connection, an important condition is their location close to each other.

To transfer data, the devices must be paired. This is done by requesting permission to receive data on a computer or phone - depending on which party is sending and which is receiving the file. This prevents unauthorized transfer of information.

To communicate, the gadgets participating in the transmission look for each other. If the laptop does not find Bluetooth devices, this indicates some kind of error that needs to be resolved.

What is needed to receive and transmit data?

So, in addition to the fact that one device finds another and asks for permission to transmit, Bluetooth connection also requires adapters (on the phone and on the computer).

In turn, if the mobile Bluetooth receiver is internal, and there is no need to install any additional software on it, then in the case of a laptop or computer, drivers are required that will allow you to work with the transmitter. Therefore, if you see that the laptop’s Bluetooth does not find the phone, the first thing you need to do is check that the drivers for the adapter are up to date. We will talk about this in more detail below. Now let’s talk again about the basic questions and points that are important to get started.

Where can I find bluetooth on my laptop?

So, it happens that we buy a laptop and don’t know for sure whether it has the ability to transfer files via Bluetooth or not. In fact, a similar situation may arise if you have been using a computer for several years, after which it becomes necessary to transfer a particular file. We tell you how to establish the presence of an adapter, and also talk about where to find bluetooth in a laptop.

First you need to look at the external design of the computer to see if it has a transmitter for wireless communication. Look at the stickers on the back cover of the gadget. As a rule, manufacturers leave labels with the Bluetooth technology symbol depicted. If your computer has one, consider that you can use this communication route.

If according to appearance laptop, you cannot understand whether it has bluetooth, you need to contact software to find out. If you have Windows 7 or 8 generation, you can do this from the Start menu. There is an icon linking to the Bluetooth control menu.

If Windows XP is installed, or you cannot find such a button, then you need to go to the “Control Panel”, and then to the “Device Manager” menu. If you don’t know how to find it, you need to study this section. In it you will see exactly whether the adapter is connected, whether it is ready to use or not.

Setting up reception and transmission

In case you find a device associated with Bluetooth technology, follow the link to it and find out if the drivers need updating. It may be that the adapter simply does not have the appropriate drivers, or they are outdated, or even not suitable at all.

To solve the problem, just go to the official website of your laptop manufacturer and look for the “Downloads” section. There you can find the latest driver for your Bluetooth and download it. This is done for free and very simply. If all the manipulations are done correctly, the problem with the phone not finding bluetooth on the laptop will be solved.

Turning on the device

Another issue is activating the adapter for reception and detecting it on the network of another device. First you need to turn on Bluetooth. There are several ways to do this.

The first - the simplest - is to use special program, which comes with some laptops. It is standard because it was developed by the manufacturer itself, and with it you can easily manage the reception and transmission of files. If you have one, consider yourself lucky.

The second way to find bluetooth on a laptop (more precisely, turn it on) is to use hot keys. True, you need to be sure in advance that the latest driver is installed on your computer to use them. This is done simply: you need to hold down the Fn key and the F button, indicating turning on bluetooth(on Asus this is, for example, F2). In the same way, by the way, you can turn it off. Quite convenient, you'll agree.

The third method is to install third-party software to control the Bluetooth adapter. There are many of them, the most common are BlueSoleil and Widcomm. Whether you use them or not is up to you. The first, for example, is offered for $30, the second is free.

About the transmitted data