The browser does not open pages: Ways to solve the problem. The computer turns on, but the operating system does not start: possible causes and solutions to the problem Why some pages do not load

Many network users, whose browser selectively or completely blocks Internet resources, begin to wonder why the site does not open. There are several reasons why some pages or sites do not load:

  • Malicious software;
  • Changing parameters in the registry;
  • Change browser shortcut;
  • Problem with DNS server;
  • Changes to the text file hosts.

Malicious software

Viruses, due to which the browser prohibits access to various resources, work as follows: they redirect the user not to the original site, but to a phishing one.

A phishing site is an Internet resource developed by cybercriminals with the aim of stealing personal data for their use or sale.

By appearance such pages do not differ from the original ones, but the main difference is the link.

Fortunately, such a virus is easily removed, since in most cases it is written in the hosts file. This system resource can be opened with notepad and edited as you wish.

Editing the hosts file

Hosts is a document containing information about domains and IP addresses. Many viruses like to register here and cause some sites not to open. You can find the file at A:\ Windows\ System32\ driver\ etc\ hosts, where A is letter designation drive where Windows is installed.

The document is opened using an ordinary notepad or WordPad. A “healthy” hosts looks like this:

And this is what the infected document looks like:

Everything that falls under the category of "garbage" must be deleted and the changed hosts saved. After restarting the computer, access to Internet resources will reopen, so some sites that have not been launched before will be loaded.

But there are also smarter viruses that not only change, but also modify hosts, so sites do not load. In this case, editing is somewhat more difficult. The two most common versions of the problem are:

  1. There are two identical documents in the folder at the above path . In this case, you need to pay attention to the file extension. Fake hosts has a .txt extension when the original cannot.
  2. Document missing . This means that the virus has made the file secret.

In order to make hosts visible again, you must:

  1. Expand the folder ribbon;
  2. Go to the "View" section;
  3. In the "Show or hide" category, check the box next to hidden elements:

After setting the parameters, a hidden document should appear in the folder. The file may appear transparent.

If the user does not want to torture himself with editing hosts, then the file can simply be deleted. operating room Windows system independently restore the lost system document in original state.

Sometimes a list with third-party addresses may not be at the beginning, but at the end text document. Having opened hosts, be sure to scroll through it to the end.

Search for a virus

Just edit text file not enough - you need to find the source of the problem, why the pages in the browser stopped opening. With the search for malware on personal computer any modern antivirus will handle it, whether it's Avast, Doctor Web, or even online services. It is enough just to enable deep analysis.

After the virus has been detected and removed, it is necessary to clear the browser cache.

DNS Server Issues

Another common reason why some sites do not open is DNS related failures. To fix this issue you need to:

  1. On the control panel, go to the Internet section;
  2. Go to network management;
  3. Open properties and in the "Network" section, launch the fourth Internet protocol;
  4. Find lines with DNS address. Just in case, copy them to notepad;
  5. In the same fields, enter the values: and;
  6. Save the changed parameters.

Sometimes such changes lead to the fact that some of the sites provided by the provider do not load.

Registry problems

Registry problems are usually also caused by malware. software. To clean it, follow the instructions:

  • We call the line "Run" using the combination Win + R. In the window we drive in the regedit command and click "OK":
  • In a new registry window, follow the link

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Windows;

  • We are looking for the Applnit_DLLs section. This line must not have any parameters specified. If there are third-party inscriptions, then we erase and save the accepted changes.

There is also alternative way Registry Cleaner - CCleaner.

CCleaner- free app, whose task is to optimize Windows operating systems.

The program is quite simple to use and allows you to fix problems in a few clicks, why pages on the Internet do not load:

  1. Install and run the program on the computer;
  2. Go to the registry section;
  3. A list appears in a new window. possible problems. We put ticks in front of all;
  4. The PC scan will start. It lasts 5-10 minutes. After the problem is detected, click on the fix icon.

Clearing the DNS Cache

Often, some sites on the network stop working due to cache problems. In this case, regular cleaning will help. For this:

  • We launch the executing window and drive in cmd, which initiates the launch of the console;
  • Enter three commands in turn:
    1. ipconfig/flushdns;
    2. ipconfig/registerdns;
    3. netsh winsock reset.
  • After such commands, the cache will be cleared. The user only needs to restart the personal computer and again try to access the site that was previously inaccessible.

Label changes

Another nasty thing that viruses can do is to enter additional subscripts in the browser shortcut. For this reason, the browser will send the user to unwanted resources or block sites altogether.

The problem is solved quite simply:

  1. Right click manipulator click on the browser shortcut;
  2. We go to the properties section;
  3. We look at the line "Object". In its normal state, it looks like this:

A:\User\AppData\ Local\Browser\Application\browser.exe

  1. If there are third-party inscriptions, then simply delete them, saving the changes.

Proxy problems

Due to the activity of malicious software on a personal computer, the proxy server settings may change. Reconfiguring the utility will help solve the problem. As an example, let's take a look at the famous Opera browser, but the principle of changing settings is similar to all other browsers:

  • Launch the browser and go to the settings section by pressing the Alt + P keys;
  • In the "Browser" tab, look for the network section and click "Change proxy settings":

  • A window with Internet properties will pop up. Click "Network Settings":

  • If the user is not using any proxy servers, then the normal default setting looks like this:

  • If the proxy server is set manually, but the owner is sure that he did not do this, it means that malicious software is running on the computer. It must be found and neutralized using any antivirus application.

What to do if a specific site does not open

It often happens that all Internet resources work fine, but the browser does not open a specific page. In this case, changing the browser does not have any effect. At first glance, it may seem that these are problems on the site or are being engineering works, but by running mobile version browser, the page opens.

To solve the problem, the page compression mode is used. To do this, in the Opera browser, open the menu section and look for the compression mode in the line:

In older versions, this feature was called Opera turbo. The essence of its work lies in the fact that in this mode the user goes to the site through special proxy servers. If the problem is not resolved, then it is likely that the site is not working on technical reasons.

Another reason why the site does not open may be ban externalIP-addresses from the hosting resource. This is not the fault of the user, since the hosting has an automatic function for blocking addresses that were used for DDOS attacks and. In this case, it is enough to wait for the unban. This takes from a week to a month.

Why are the sites not opening? (video)

After the browser is restored, the user should try to avoid new encounters with malicious software. Fortunately, this is done quite simply with the help of modern antiviruses. If it was not possible to restore access to Internet resources, then do not forget about service centres, where specialists will diagnose, identify the problem and solve it, returning the browser to working capacity.

It often happens that the browser cannot open some specific site, which was previously available for viewing. At the same time, it opens the pages of other sites perfectly and the user does not experience any difficulties - everything is normal. It would seem that - the server simply does not work - the site was turned off. But that's bad luck, if suddenly you go to the same site, for example with mobile device through Opera Mobile and the site opens perfectly in it.

If the described situation is familiar to you, then I will try to answer the question: why a particular site is not available from your computer.

Here, for example, standard error, which is displayed in the browser Google Chrome : « Unfortunately, Google Chrome cannot open the page blah blah blah…«:

First of all, if you encounter a similar problem, you do not need to immediately follow the advice to clear the cache and delete cookies, because if you do this, you will have to re-enter the password in Odnoklassniki, remember password In contact with🙁 To get started, try accessing the page from other browsers, such as Firefox, IE, Opera. If the reaction to the site is the same in all browsers, then try the following: go to Opera, click on the button of the same name in the left upper corner and select Compression Mode.

This function was formerly called Opera Turbo. An important feature of this mode for us is that the site opens through proxy server, that is proxy server between you and the requested site. If, when you try to open a site in this mode the same thing happens - the page does not open, which means the site is really faulty or not maintenance. It is possible that after some time it will turn on.

But if the site is still open, then we will try to narrow the circle of "suspects". I must say right away: if you cannot access the antivirus sites, Microsoft, then this is a 200% virus that blocks access. Here from personal experience I will say that only reinstalling the system will help.

Go to folder C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\etc and find the file there hosts. Open it with a regular notepad and check if there are any entries there regarding your site, in the following format:

Such entries block access to the site and are caused by the action spyware and viruses. Just sting the lines regarding your site, save the file to your Desktop (be sure to select the file type "All files *.*" when saving, and copy it back to C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\etc. Restart your computer and enjoy life.

If in specified file no suspicious records were found, so we are dealing with a completely different reason - BANOM Your his external IP address(or address range) website hosting. There is no fault of yours here - it happens that the hosting blocks the addresses from which attempts were made hacking, DDOS attacks. Just wait until the IP is unbanned - it will take about a week.

There is also a simple routing error. A similar problem is solved within a day or two.

Hi all! In the article we will talk about a very untidy problem - when the site does not display correctly. It happens when the page is not fully loaded, and some elements after a while are not loaded. At what, both pictures and scripts with text blocks can stop loading.

Further solutions will help you sort out the problem on any operating system of the Windows series (7, 8.1, 10 and even XP). By the way, the same problems arise on smartphones and tablets - I will talk about the solution below. Usually, if pages do not fully load in a mobile browser or they are displayed incorrectly, then this may indicate a malfunction of the router.

We will consider everything possible solutions by browsers: Opera, Chrome, Yandex Browser. If you are using Microsoft Edge or Internet Explorer, and if you have any difficulties, and my recommendations do not help, then write about it below under the article.

HELP! If there are difficulties, do not be shy and write in the comments. My team or I will help you.

Causes and primary solutions

First of all, you need to think about the reason and why the browser does not fully load the site. To get started, you can simply restart the browser - close it by clicking on the cross and start it again. It happens that the problems are connected with a glitch of the system or the router itself. So just reboot both the computer and your home router.

Almost all routers have a reset button - just double-tap it and it should turn off and on again. If there is no such button, then you can safely pull it out of the socket, and then install it back.

Also remember if you have previously installed any programs or applications that could theoretically interfere with the browser. This also applies to extensions. Especially any ad blockers (Adblock, Adguard, AdMuncher), which can work crookedly and block everything. Go to your browser, find the extension section and disable everything.

Clear browser cache and extensions

The cache allows you not to load some elements or even entire pages of the site. But sometimes when it fails, it can result in you having this problem. So we'll just go in and clean it up now.

Google Chrome

Make sure the block shown in the picture below is selected and click the delete button. After that, restart your browser.

Now you need to disable additional extensions. I would advise turning everything off as you don't know which extension is interfering. In the same section of the menu, select "Extensions". Then switch the sliders to "off" mode.


Now click on the clear button.

To turn off extensions in the same menu, go to "Extensions" twice. I recommend turning everything off.


Click on the three dashes in the upper right corner of the window, then select "Settings". In the left menu, click on the "Privacy and Protection" block. After that, scroll down a little to the "History" section and click on the "Delete History" button. A window will pop up - you need to select the delete button.

Open the menu and click "Add-ons", and then on the left side click "Extensions". Disable all unnecessary, but everything is better.


On the right side, click "Clear History". Next, a window will open where you will need to click only one button.

To disable extensions just below the menu, you should see working extensions. Right-click on any, and then select "Configure extensions." Now we disable unnecessary and suspicious ones.

Suspicious programs and viruses

Even if you do not remember that you installed something - I advise you to check it. Since sometimes applications are installed in background with other programs.

Go to "Programs and Features" and sort by installation date

After that, you should see programs that were installed most recently. If you see something suspicious, delete it. This also applies to applications that work with virtual local area networks.

Next, you need to check your PC for viruses. If you don't have an antivirus program yet, you can download one to take advantage of the free trial. Also on the Internet there are free antiviruses type Avast (you can use it).

The next step is to check extra programs in autoload. To do this, we will use the CCleaner program.

First, clean up your computer. This cleaning, by the way, clears the entire cache on all browsers. So you can do just that in the future. Next, go to the "Registry" and fix the errors. At the very end, go to "Service" - "Startup" - turn on sorting to see which programs are loaded with the system.

You need to turn off everything unnecessary that you definitely do not need. Take a close look - especially for applications without a publisher. Turn off any bootloaders. You can leave only the antivirus. Next, we restart the computer.

MTU changes

MTU (maximum transmission unit) is maximum amount bytes in a block that is transferred at a time. Sometimes this value is too large and prevents the page from loading. Therefore, it can be made a little smaller. Often this problem is solved with 3G, 4G Internet, which is connected to the router.

First you need to go to the web-configurator of the router. This is done quite easily and on this occasion I wrote a separate one. We go there and go inside the router. I will say right away that we need to change it and install a little less. For example, if you had a value of 1500, then we make it less by 50 or 60. Within 100. That is, the maximum decrease to 1400.

ATTENTION! After you change the value to another, you will need to click on the save settings button. Otherwise, the MTU will not change.

TP Link

"Network" - "WAN". Some firmware hide Additional information is a bug. Just click just below the "Connection Type" settings if you don't see the "MTU" line.

Unfortunately, sometimes you can encounter quite serious problems with turning on computers and starting operating systems, although nothing foreshadowed trouble until a certain point. It happens that but most often the computer turns on, but does not start operating system. It is these situations that will be discussed below. Consider questions related to why the computer does not boot, and what to do in such situations. There are several universal solutions here.

The computer turns on, but the operating system does not start: reasons

Among all the possible situations when failures occur at the boot stage, there are several typical cases.

There are three options here:

  • a black screen appears;
  • arises blue screen BSoD;
  • The operating system starts but cannot fully boot.

In the first case, when the computer does not start (boot does not turn on), messages may appear on the black screen, indicating physical or software problems. In the very simple case, when nothing serious happens, the system may report that, for example, there is no keyboard (for stationary PCs). The simplest solution would be to plug it in and reboot.

If the computer turns on, but the boot does not start, and instead warnings about software failures or missing files appear on a black screen, there can be quite a few reasons for this system behavior. Among them, first of all, one can single out problems with the hard drive, damage to the operating system (accidental or intentional deletion of system components or registry entries), exposure to viruses, incorrect boot sector entries, RAM conflicts, etc. By the way, if a blue screen pops up, this is more related to the “RAM” or recently installed drivers devices that cause conflicts to appear not at the software level, but at the physical level.

What to do if the computer does not boot and the operating system does not start for the above reasons? There are several solutions depending on the situation. To an uninitiated user, they may seem quite complicated, but in certain situations, only them can be used to resuscitate the system. Therefore, you will have to spend both time and effort.

The computer turns on but does not boot: what to do first?

So, let's start with the simplest. Let's assume that the system has experienced a short-term technical failure, for example, due to an incorrect shutdown or power surges.

As a rule, almost all Windows modifications used today usually automatically activate startup upon restart. If this did not happen, before starting the system, you will have to use the F8 key to call an additional boot menu(Windows 10 uses a different method).

The computer turns on, but the operating system does not start? It's not worth getting upset. Here in the simple version you can select the line to load the last working configuration. If with system components everything is in order, the system will boot without problems. If this does not help, you will have to use the troubleshooting section, and sometimes even trying to boot into safe mode.

Possible viral infection

Unfortunately, viruses can also cause such situations. What to do if the computer does not turn on? Ways to solve this particular problem come down to using a powerful one that could check for threats even before the start of the OS itself.

Among the variety of antivirus software, it is worth noting the disk utilities that start directly from an optical media or USB device, have their own boot entries, and even a graphical interface like Windows. One of the most powerful tools is Kaspersky Rescue Disk. Its use can guarantee almost one hundred percent detection of viruses, even hiding in RAM.

RAM conflicts

Now let's see what to do if the computer does not boot, and instead a blue screen appears. As already mentioned, most often this indicates problems with drivers and RAM. We don’t touch the drivers yet, but let’s look at the “RAM”.

The proposed solution to the question of if the computer does not boot is mainly designed for stationary PCs. In this situation, you should remove all the memory sticks, and then insert them one by one and check the load. Perhaps one of them is the link that causes failures. This can be observed when trims from different manufacturers are added.

If the system can somehow boot using the same safe mode, the “RAM” should immediately be checked with the Memtest86 + utility, which will help identify the true cause of the problem.

The system does not see the hard drive

Now the worst situation is when the computer does not boot. Causes and solutions may be related to the hard drive.

A hard drive can have both software and physical problems, although sometimes that's not even the point. The problem can be quite banal: the user has BIOS settings priority is set to boot from a removable device, such as an optical drive, which is this moment is in the drive, but is not system. You just need to extract it and re-download it.

On the other hand, another problem that the computer does not start (the system does not start) may be due to the fact that the bootloader and the records of the corresponding sector are damaged. The solution to this situation will be discussed later. But in the simplest case, you can try to recover disk data using Recovery utilities.

Sometimes changing the settings of the primary I / O system BIOS helps. Here you need to find the section related to setting up the hard drive, and deactivate the use of AHCI mode in the SATA configuration parameters.

Finally, a hard drive can also have purely physical damage, and outside interference is indispensable here.

Using the installation disc

Many users clearly underestimate the help that the installation or system image can provide in solving problems associated with situations when the computer turns on but the operating system does not boot.

Firstly, almost any kit includes the so-called recovery console, with which you can fix a lot of software failures, and secondly, you can use the command line here. By the way, this is the most efficient method. Further it will be clear how it works.

Problems with the bootloader BOOTMGR

It is believed that the most common problem when a computer turns on, but the operating system does not start, is damage to Windows bootloader(boot manager). In this case, the system just writes that there is no system partition (it simply does not see the hard drive).

You can fix this problem by starting with boot disk and transition to command line in the recovery console, to open which you should press the "R" key. Next, you must first use the check disk command, and then fix (repair) the boot records.

The whole sequence looks like this:

  • chkdsk c: /f /r;
  • Bootrec.exe /FixMbr;
  • Bootrec.exe /FixBoot.

After entering commands, punctuation marks are not put, but the enter key is pressed. If for some reason the execution of these commands did not have a positive effect, as an option, you can use the complete rewriting of the boot sector, which is performed by the Bootrec.exe /RebuildBcd command. If a HDD has no physical damage, it should work, as they say, one hundred percent.

You can also use some third-party utilities. The most suitable program seems to be a tool called MbrFix, which is included with Hiren's Boot CD. After calling it, for example, for Windows 7, provided that this particular system is installed, and only on one disk (there is no partitioning), the following should be written:

  • MbrFix.exe /drive 0 fixmbr /win7.

This will save the user from having to make changes to the boot records, and the boot will be restored.

Problems accessing the NTLDR file

When a message appears that this component is missing in the system, the boot fixation is applied first, as in the previous case.

However, if the result is not achieved, you will need to copy original file to the root system partition. For example, if the drive is "C" and the drive is "E", the command would be:

  • E:\i386> copy ntldr C:\ (after copying, the system will boot without problems).

Corrupted or missing HAL.dll file

In the case when the computer turns on, but the operating system does not boot in normal mode, the reason may be a damaged HAL.dll component (the corresponding notification may be displayed on the screen).

In this situation, you need to boot the system in safe mode, call the command console and write the following line in it:

  • C:\windows\system32\restore\rstrui.exe (then press the Enter key and restart).

Instead of total

Here is briefly everything related to solving the problem of the impossibility of starting the operating system. Naturally, the issues that the cause could be low power, CMOS battery failure, loose cables, dust inside system block or other malfunctions. But in software terms, the above methods work flawlessly.