The charger on your iPhone 7 runs out quickly. What to do if your iPhone runs out quickly? Consequences of incorrect battery replacement

One of the most common problems with smartphones is a lack of battery power, because almost all mobile phone owners use them to check email, communicate with friends on social networks, watch news, listen to music and watch videos. In general, smartphones have become an indispensable thing for modern society, which is why special requirements are placed on them.

Almost all iPhone models released by Apple hold a battery charge of no more than 8-10 hours during active use, depending on the user’s actions. If the smartphone is in standby mode, the charge lasts for more than a day, and this time can reach several days, depending on the running services and background processes. However, many users are faced with the problem that even in standby mode, the iPhone discharges very quickly, and why exactly is unclear. That is why we have described all sorts of reasons why the battery drains quickly.

Please note that these reasons can occur not only during active use, but also on smartphones that are in standby mode, as in our case. Attention! These instructions are described for iOS 11, so if you have an earlier version of the operating system, some menu items may differ.

Some apps installed on iPhone use location services to track your location. For example, these could be apps for displaying the weather or a separate program for a specific store that selects the nearest points for you based on your location. Since there are a lot of programs accumulated on a smartphone, and each one constantly uses GPS, this creates a serious load, as a result of which the battery power is quickly consumed. We recommend disabling them for all programs or specific applications. To do this, follow these steps:

In addition to this list, there are also system services that also affect battery consumption. We recommend disabling some of them:

This completes the process of working with GPS and you can move on to the next step.

Background refresh in apps

For regions where Internet speed is slow, Apple smartphones have provided background data downloading. That is, applications periodically access the network and check if there is new information, for example, mail or weather. We recommend disabling this option, since most regions have 3G and 4G, which allows you to download content in a split second, so this option is basically useless and only wastes battery power.

The iPhone has an option that allows you to automatically check your mailbox for new letters, so that you don’t have to manually update the data, but open it only when a notification or sound alert appears about a new letter. We recommend disabling this option completely or setting other time intervals, for example, once an hour.


When there is a weak network signal, your smartphone consumes many times more energy as it constantly tries to restore the connection. As a result, the battery drains faster, but you don't get better signal reception. We recommend disabling this option if you are in an area where you will definitely not receive good communication.


iOS has a notification option, and for each application you can choose whether it can send you notifications or not. Over time, a huge number of programs accumulate that constantly send alerts, and therefore battery power is consumed even faster. In most cases, these applications are related to the Internet, for example, social networks, currency quotes, mail and many others.

When notifications come in, the screen constantly turns on, which doubles your battery life. It is recommended to turn off unnecessary notifications. You can do this in the following way:

At any time, you can go to this settings item and turn on notifications if required. It's also worth noting that when installing new applications, in most cases the system will inform you about possible alerts and ask you for permission to send them.

This option is designed to download programs, music and other content to all your devices that are synchronized with each other. For example, you purchased or installed a new application. It is automatically downloaded to all gadgets that use a single Apple ID. We recommend disabling this option to save battery power.


This is one of the common reasons why your iPhone drains quickly. Quite often, users have a large number of widgets activated, each of which updates information at certain intervals, as a result of which battery power is consumed very quickly.

At any time you can go to this menu and add new ones. Moreover, most applications installed from the Apple Store will expand the possible list of widgets, so do not forget about this.

Screen brightness

Fast battery consumption has always been a problem on phones with high screen brightness. We recommend activating the True Tone mode, which will automatically select the brightness depending on the lighting, for example, in the dark it will increase it, and in the sunny time it will decrease.

  • In the same menu, click “Auto-lock” and set the value to 30 seconds or 1 minute.

And another important point is to turn on the backlight when you pick up the smartphone. It's better to disable this option to save battery power.

  • Here you will also find the “Raise on activation” item, which you need to disable.

You can swipe up at any time to display the quick access menu, and set the brightness level in it to be comfortable for your eyes.

Search Spotlight

Oddly enough, constantly indexing information on your iPhone seriously affects the level of discharge, so it is recommended to turn off the Spotlight search service, which is responsible for this option.


This is a kind of alternative to Bluetooth, only it is much faster and more convenient, and is used only on Apple devices. To save battery power, we recommend disabling this option. To do this, follow these steps:

Dynamic wallpaper

Dynamic wallpapers on iPhone drain the battery slightly faster than static ones. If it doesn't make much difference to you which background image to set on the main screen, you can disable them.

  1. Go to “Settings”, click on “Wallpaper” and click “Select new wallpaper”;
  2. Make sure that the checkbox is not activated in the “Dynamic Wallpaper” tab;
  3. You can simply go to “Pictures” or Live and select a new background image from there.

Animated wallpapers automatically play on your smartphone screen whenever it lights up, so it is recommended to turn them off.

Wi-Fi and Bluetooth

Often, users simply forget to turn off wireless networks, even if they are not using them. The system automatically checks for new networks at certain intervals, as a result of which the battery discharges very quickly. To disable them, you can use 2 methods.

Old iOS version

Sometimes developers release unfinished versions of iOS that drain the battery quickly. In this case, usually within a few days an urgent update is released that fixes such bugs. We recommend that you check if there are any new versions available for your iPhone.

Poor application optimization

Unfortunately, even the Apple Store sometimes contains programs and games that are poorly optimized, which quickly drains your battery. If you have already completed all the steps described above, then you can read information and reviews on the Internet about each application that you installed from the Apple Store. Most likely, Apple users have already encountered this problem and wrote about it in comments or separate articles. You just need to identify which program is poorly optimized and remove it.

Force closing applications

You can often find articles on the Internet that say that you need to close all applications that you have running, as they consume battery power. In fact, their load is minimal, and the greatest resource consumption occurs when you forcefully close them and then reopen them after some time. If you often use any programs or games, you do not need to forcefully disable them.

Battery wear

The banal reason is battery wear. Unfortunately, even Apple devices use batteries that have their own charging cycle, after which the capacity decreases and discharge occurs many times faster. To check how many charging cycles you have already used and what capacity the battery currently has, you can use specialized programs. We looked at 3 options: on a computer and on a smartphone through the application and in the iOS settings.


This program is designed for a computer, and in addition to checking the battery capacity, it has a lot of functionality. The utility is paid, but you can check the charge cycle for free.

  1. Install iBackupBot on your computer and run the program;
  2. Connect your smartphone using a USB cable and open it;
  3. In the lower left corner, click Devices and select your device;
  4. On the main screen, find the More Information tab and click on it;
  5. The first item will be Battery, which will contain the number of charging cycles on your smartphone, the declared battery capacity and the current one.


We are reviewing the AIDA64 iPhone app. It is designed to view complete information about your device, so you can also find out details about the battery.

  1. Download AIDA64 from the Apple Store and launch;
  2. Go to Battery;
  3. The Wear Level tab will show the battery wear level. The lower it is, the better.

iOS settings to view battery information

This is a relatively new item in iOS, which, according to the developers, is in testing mode. However, the information in it is, in principle, true.

  1. Go to “Settings”, click on the “Battery” tab;
  2. Go to the “Battery Status” section;
  3. The “Maximum capacity” tab will indicate the current value of the battery capacity compared to the initial one. For example, in our case, using the example from the screenshot, it is 93%, that is, the capacity has decreased by 7% in relation to the new battery.

How to find out which apps are draining your battery

This is another useful tip that will allow you to find out which programs or games on your smartphone use the most battery power. In the same “Battery” tab, you can view a list of all applications and their percentage of battery usage. Information is available for both the last 24 hours and 7 days. Based on these data, it is already possible to draw conclusions about where exactly the bulk of the charge is spent.

With each iOS 10 update, Apple adds new features and fixes current bugs. However, the problem with autonomy has plagued iPhone and iPad owners since the very first version. Fortunately, there are several ways to troubleshoot the problem.

Check installed applications

Before you blame iOS 10 for all its sins, think about the fact that something else could be draining your battery. First of all, check your installed applications. Most likely, one of the programs affects autonomy too much.

Go to Settings -> Battery and use the Battery Usage feature. iOS will show you which apps are using the most energy.

If you see abnormal discharge, open the App Store and check for program updates, because developers often fix bugs with updates. If there are no updates, try reinstalling the program. This may solve the battery problem.

Check out the widgets

Widgets are extremely important in iOS 10. But if you have a lot of interactive elements installed, this can reduce the battery life of your device on a single charge.

To begin, from your home screen, swipe right, scroll through the list of widgets to the very end, and click the “Edit” button. Here you will see a large list of services and applications that work with widgets. To remove an unwanted widget, simply click on the red circle next to it.

Use power saving mode

If you haven't used the power saving mode in iOS before, now is the time. This mode is extremely important, as it allows you to save 10-20% of the charge. To activate the function, go to Settings -> Battery and turn on “Power Saving Mode”.

Use Airplane Mode

If you're suddenly experiencing rapid battery drain, it may be because you're in an area with poor cellular coverage. When you're in a dead zone, iPhone tries to actively search for a signal, which affects battery life. In this case, it is recommended to activate the offline mode.

Airplane mode is located at the very beginning of the Settings menu. Enabling it disables all wireless technologies, but Wi-Fi and Bluetooth can be activated separately.

Disable iCloud Keychain

If you don't store passwords in iCloud, try turning off iCloud Keychain. To do this, go to Settings -> iCloud -> Keychain and deactivate the function. If there is no positive result, you can always turn it on.

Limit background app updates

Do you need every app to update content in the background? No? Then it’s worth turning off background updates, which will have a positive effect on both the performance and autonomy of your device.

Open Settings -> General -> Content Update and disable the function completely or update individual applications.

Adjust screen brightness

Apple devices use a light sensor to automatically adjust screen brightness. Sometimes these sensors work well, sometimes not so much, so if you have problems with operating time, it is better to manually set the brightness settings.

Try turning off auto brightness. To do this, go to Settings -> Display and brightness. After turning off auto brightness, you can easily adjust it yourself through Control Center.

Turn off Raise to Activate

The Raise to Wake feature is very useful, but disabling it can have a positive impact on battery life since the coprocessor will not continuously register the position of the iPhone. Go to Settings -> Display & Brightness and turn off Raise to Wake.

Restart your iPhone or iPad

The fastest solution may be to simply reboot the gadget. Press and hold the power button and then swipe to turn off the device. This often solves battery problems.

You can also try performing a “hard reboot”. To do this, hold down the power button and the Home button (Volume Down button on iPhone 7 and 7 Plus) for 10 seconds. You won't lose any data.

Reset all settings

If none of the above helps, try a more radical method - resetting the settings. Open Settings -> General -> Reset and click “Reset all settings”. After this, all your settings will be returned to factory settings.


For a limited period after updates are released, you can downgrade to a previous version of iOS. However, take care of this as soon as possible, since after a while Apple stops signing firmware and downgrading is not possible.

Update iOS 10

If you do not have the latest version of iOS installed, on the contrary, update the system. There is a high probability that the current build will fix the problem.

Perform a system restore

You should only resort to this method if nothing else works, as this will temporarily delete data from your device. After installing iOS 10, you can restore all your information using a backup.

Connect your iPhone to your computer and save the backup to your PC. You can also create a backup in iCloud.

Turn off Find My iPhone. Settings -> iCloud -> “Find iPhone”.
In iTunes, click the "Restore" button.

Follow the onscreen instructions and iOS 10 will be completely reinstalled.
Once complete, restore your data from the backup you created earlier.

Take the device for diagnostics

If all else fails, take your device to a professional. Perhaps the problem does not lie in the software. If your devices are under warranty, they can replace your iPhone for free.

Buy a battery case

Cases with an extra battery may look terrible and bulky, but they will often help you out in difficult situations, especially if you go on a trip. – not the worst option.

Buy an external battery

If you value the design of your iPhone and don't want to mess it up with bulky cases, consider purchasing a portable charger. Today, such gadgets are very thin and light, but can still charge your iPhone many times over.

If the iPhone 7 quickly loses charge, then the causes of the problem may be either software or due to a faulty battery.

Software reasons for iPhone 7 battery loss

  • Running a large number of background Apple applications and services. They consume energy even when they are not active at the moment. In addition to applications, the iPhone constantly consumes power for many online services: geolocation service, automatic application downloads, Push notifications and Airdrop. It is recommended to disable them to significantly increase the battery life of the phone.
  • Jailbreak. Hacking the iOS operating system using jailbreak affects the battery life. If you begin to notice that your iPhone 7 is quickly discharging, then removing jailbreak is guaranteed to increase battery life.
  • Operating system failures. IOS is highly reliable, but does not guarantee complete protection against viruses that can come from the Internet or through the installation of malicious applications. It is recommended to completely update the OS and reset the phone to factory settings.

If the iPhone 7 battery is still draining quickly, then these methods have not improved the battery life of the phone, and the cause of the malfunction may be the battery.

Defective battery: causes and replacement instructions

It should be remembered that the battery has a limited number of charge cycles, therefore, if the iPhone 7 battery quickly discharges during prolonged use, this is a normal phenomenon, and a decrease in battery autonomy is a completely natural process, which can only be eliminated by replacing the battery. The battery is designed for an average of 500 discharge cycles, after which the battery capacity will decrease by 20%. It is recommended to use only Apple brand chargers to maximize battery life.

It is necessary to charge the iPhone 7 only when the battery is discharged to 10-15%. You should not leave your phone connected to the charger overnight, because... This heats up the battery unnecessarily and can damage it. The optimal charge level is 80%, upon reaching which it is recommended to remove the phone from charging.

In addition to the natural deterioration of the charge level, there are other reasons for battery failure:

  • Moisture getting into the interior of the phone
  • Mechanical damage
  • Battery overheating

You can detect a faulty battery without even disassembling the phone case: when it breaks, the battery increases in size, which is why the display sticks out a little, and when you press it, streaks and graphic artifacts form. If you do not replace it in time, a significantly swollen battery can break the display glass.

Replacing the battery yourself

Required tools:

  • Triangular screwdriver
  • Plastic paddle or pick
  • Double-sided tape

Battery replacement sequence:

  1. Using a screwdriver, unscrew the two screws on the bottom of the phone case
  2. Use a spatula to unclip the display module. We insert the spatula into the thin gap between the display and the phone body, lift the phone display a little, and then disconnect all the latches around the perimeter of the screen
  3. Unscrew the 4 screws on the metal plate, which is located next to the battery
  4. We remove the metal plate and under it we see a small cable that goes from the battery to the phone’s circuit board. Unclip the cable using a spatula
  5. We take out the battery. Since it is glued to the case, using a spatula we carefully pry the battery up around the entire perimeter of its connection to the case.
  6. After removing the old battery, place double-sided tape in place of its connector and install a new battery

Reassembling the housing must be done in reverse order.

Let's deal with the main problem of iOS 11.

One of the main reasons for user dissatisfaction with the update is the low autonomy of Apple's latest operating system. This guide tells you what to do if your iPhone runs out of juice quickly on iOS 11.

1. Perform a clean install of iOS 11

If you updated your iPhone over the air, from the Settings → General → Software Update menu directly on the device itself, then you have the opportunity to seriously improve battery life. A “clean” installation of iOS 11 (using iTunes) allows you to switch to the update in the most correct way. Below we tell you exactly how to perform a “clean” installation of iOS 11.

Step 1. Important! Create your iPhone via iTunes or iCloud. Just in case, we note that it is necessary to create a backup copy before all the manipulations suggested below, when iOS 11 is installed on the iPhone.

Step 2. Download iOS 10.3.3 firmware for your device from the following links:

Step 3: Launch iTunes and turn off your iPhone.

Step 4: Press and hold the Home button and connect your iPhone to your computer using a USB cable. Continue holding the Home button until the iTunes logo appears on the screen and the program itself recognizes your iPhone in recovery mode.

Step 5. Hold down the key Shift(Alt on Mac) and in the window that opens in iTunes, click " Restore».

After that, select the iOS 10.3.3 firmware file you downloaded in the second step.

Step 6: Confirm to start restoring iPhone to iOS 10.3.3.

Step 7: Once the restoration to iOS 10.3.3 is completed successfully, perform the initial setup of your iPhone. When iOS asks which backup you should restore your iPhone from, select " Set up like new».

A similar item must be selected in iTunes.

Step 8. Select your iPhone in iTunes, click " Update" and agree to the proposed update to iOS 11. Do not disconnect your iPhone from your computer while a “clean” installation of iOS 11 is taking place.

Step 9: After successfully installing iOS 11 via iTunes, restore it from the last backup you created to get all your data back on your iPhone.

A clean installation of iOS 11 will certainly have a positive effect on the battery life of your iPhone.

2. Turn off Wi-Fi and Bluetooth in Settings

In iOS 11, Apple changed the functionality of the Wi-Fi and Bluetooth buttons in Control Center. Now, when a user turns them off, it doesn't mean that Wi-Fi and Bluetooth are actually turned off. In fact, these actions only disconnect the iPhone from the active Wi-Fi network and the connected Bluetooth device, respectively. The interfaces themselves continue to work.

In order to completely turn off Wi-Fi and Bluetooth when you don’t need them, you need to go to the “Settings” menu. Go to the section " Settings» → WiFi or " Settings» → Bluetooth and move the switches of the same name to the inactive position.

3. Turn off auto-brightness and reduce iPhone display brightness

Not all users are accustomed to trusting the Auto Brightness function, which automatically adjusts the brightness of the iPhone display depending on the lighting. Many people prefer to keep the brightness level of their smartphone screen at a minimum, increasing it to an acceptable level if necessary. If you are one of these users or want to start doing something similar, then you should know that the Auto Brightness switch in iOS 11 is buried deep in the system settings.

On iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch running iOS 11, the Auto Brightness option is located in the " Settings» → « Basic» → « Universal access» → « Display adaptation" The function works in a completely traditional way.

4. Use “Power Saving Mode” more often

The updated iOS 11 control center allows you to quickly turn on “Power Saving Mode.” Thanks to this, you can spend almost no time activating it and keep it active more often than before. And this has a very positive effect on the battery life of the iPhone.

By default, there is no “Power Saving Mode” in Control Center. To place it there, go to the menu " Settings» → « Command centre» → « Set up the element. management" and add " Power Saving Mode» to the list of functions available from Control Center. Immediately after this, you can start activating the energy saving mode faster than usual.

5. Force restart your iPhone

Hold down the buttons Nutrition And Home(Volume Down button on iPhone 7) for 15 seconds. A hard reboot helps clear any existing software errors and allows your iPhone to start working longer without needing to be recharged.

6. Track Pests

Go to menu " Settings» → « Battery» and see which application consumes the most energy from your battery. Reinstall such an application or remove it. The fact is that many applications and games are still not optimized for iOS 11 and can have a detrimental effect on battery life.

7. Disable unnecessary widgets

Swipe right on the lock screen, go to the very bottom of the page with widgets and tap " Change" Remove any widgets from your lock screen that you don't use, as they are a serious drain on your energy.

8. Stop closing apps

That forcibly closing applications and games on iOS not only does not increase the performance of the iPhone, but also negatively affects the battery life of the smartphone. In this regard, iOS works completely differently than, for example, Android, “freezing” the applications remaining in memory in a special way. In the future, it is easier for the system to “unfreeze” such an application than to open it again.

9. Turn off Siri suggestions

The Siri voice assistant in iOS 11 began to make suggestions even more accurately, based on machine learning, predicting which application you might need at one time or another. If you are not an active Siri Suggestions user, turn it off from the Siri Suggestions menu. Settings” → “Siri and Search“by turning the switches “ Suggestions in Search" And " Offers in Find” to the inactive position.

10. Reset all settings

It happens that a forced reboot does not help remove existing software errors. In this case, resetting all iPhone settings helps. Go to menu " Settings» → « Basic» → « Reset", click " Reset all settings» and confirm the operation. Important! This action will reset all settings (data and applications will remain safe and sound), but at the same time possible software problems.

11. Roll back to iOS 10.3.3 while you can.

If none of the proposed methods helped bring your iPhone’s autonomy to an acceptable level, there is only one solution - return to iOS 10. At least until iOS 11 is already properly optimized and stabilized. We talked about how to roll back to iOS 10.3.3 in the first method of this instruction and in. Important! Before downgrading to iOS 10.3.3, make sure you have a backup of your iPhone that was created on a version of iOS 10. You won't be able to restore an iPhone running iOS 10 to a backup that was created on iOS 11.

In addition, do not forget about the traditional ways to increase the battery life of an iPhone running various versions of iOS 11. We present 10 excellent ways to increase battery life, and one extremely effective method that allows you to increase the operating time of an iPhone without the need to recharge.

Instructions: Various factors can provoke the analyzed incorrect behavior of the iPhone 7+, which will have to be repaired in different ways:

  1. The battery has lost its standard capacity or simply does not work properly due to a defect;
  2. The power controller is broken after the mobile phone fell or got wet;
  3. The battery on the iPhone 7+ began to run out very quickly; instructions and DIY repairs will not help if there are hidden internal faults or consequences of liquid penetration (for example, corrosion, oxidation).

Result: The first option is quite possible to do at home yourself, but if you have the 2nd or 3rd options, then they can only be fixed at a service center.

Repair at the Apple Telemama service center

DIY repair

Our advantages

  1. We always use only factory-made, original, high-quality spare parts.
  2. Price. To reduce prices for our customers, we purchase components in bulk directly from the manufacturer.
  3. Repair time. As a rule, replacing displays, speakers, connectors, etc. lasts from 20 minutes. In case of complex breakdowns, another 20 minutes are needed for diagnosis.
  4. 1 year warranty.

If the battery on your iPhone 7+ runs out very quickly, we have instructions and do-it-yourself repairs. If your iPhone needs repair, we will help you do everything necessary. We will also assist with delivery - call the courier to your home. You can come to the SC in person.

Before we begin troubleshooting your iPhone 7+, our employees will conduct free computer diagnostics, tell you what to do, and agree with you on the cost of further actions. For replacement, they will definitely choose original parts with a quality guarantee.

When we repair your equipment, we will hand it over to the owner personally or send it to your address by courier. In the future, we will service your and your friends’ equipment at a discount. To receive a discount, you just need to provide your order number.

We have been repairing iPhone 7 Plus gadgets for quite a few years. We also spend time advising clients on how to repair equipment themselves at home. But that’s not all: we sell original components for modern equipment with a guarantee. For prices of parts, see the price list. There you will also find prices for the services of our experienced specialists. Before you start repairing the communicator in question with your own hands, carry out preliminary computer diagnostics. There is always a system of discounts for regular customers. Under the terms of our promotions, each of you will be able to repair your iPhone 7 Plus at cost and with a 1-year warranty.