Remote Trading Center: Registration. Remote bidding center: Registration Remote bidding center electronic trading platform etp

To get started on the electronic platform, follow these steps:

  1. Receive an electronic signature from one of the trusted Certification Authorities (CA)
    For arbitration managers and auction organizers (sellers): Any electronic signatures issued by Certification Centers accredited by the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Media are accepted.
    For bidders (buyers): Only electronic signatures of the new format are accepted (including OID: 1.2.643.6.18.2 - “Bidder (buyer)”), which you can obtain from the Trusted Certification Center. A trading participant can obtain an EDS certificate from any other CA and use it, subject to its compliance with current legislation and the conditions of work on the EDS.

  2. Customize your computer in accordance with . After setting up your computer, we recommend that you set it up correctly.

  3. Create account User (personal account).
    To do this, click the button and fill out the form to create a personal account, indicating in it:
    • Username (login),
    • Password (we strongly recommend that you do not share your password with third parties!),
    • Electronic signature key certificate that will be used on the electronic platform,
    • E-mail address,
    • Number contact phone number in federal format (without eight)
    An email with a code will be sent to the email address you provided to confirm the specified address. To confirm your email address, follow the link contained in the email using Internet browser Explorer.

  4. Log in to your personal account (log in) and enter the details of the Member of the electronic platform(information about the legal entity or individual) on whose behalf you will act on the electronic platform.

  5. Submit an application for participant registration on the electronic platform. To do this, create an application in your personal account (“Personal data” => “Registration on the ETP” => “Submit an application”).
    Fill out the application form and attach (upload) the following scanned documents:
    • An extract or copy of an extract from the Unified State Register legal entities(for legal entities), issued no earlier than 30 calendar days before the date of submission of the application for registration;
    • An extract or copy of an extract from the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs (for individual entrepreneurs), issued no earlier than 30 calendar days before the date of submission of the application for registration;
    • Copies of constituent documents (for legal entities);
    • Copies of identification documents (for individuals who are applicants for registration on an electronic platform or representatives of applicants, including heads of legal entities that are applicants for registration on an electronic platform);
    • Information about identification number taxpayer (for legal entities and individuals);
    • Copies of documents confirming the authority of the applicant’s manager to register on the electronic platform (for legal entities), or the authority of another person to carry out actions on behalf of such an applicant (for legal entities and individuals);
    • Information about the main state registration number (for legal entities and individuals who are individual entrepreneurs), information about the insurance number of an individual personal account (for individuals who are not individual entrepreneurs);
    • Duly certified translation into Russian of documents issued in accordance with the legislation of the relevant state on state registration of a legal entity (for foreign legal entities), state registration individual as an individual entrepreneur and (or) identification documents of an individual (for foreign individuals).
    Notification of confirmation of registration on the electronic platform will be sent to you by e-mail, as well as to your personal account, within three working days from the date of submission of the application. By clicking the "Start registration" button you agree to the terms

"Remote Trading Center" - electronic trading platform on bankruptcy, where there is an opportunity to sell a company or your property under the hammer.

About what kind of auctions are held onauction site, can be found on the The range of services is very wide: the site is ready to take on all sorts of difficulties that each party encounters when conducting auctions. However, you will have to pay for each of the services.

For example, assistance is provided in registering and passing an accelerated examination for both bidders and organizers (arbitration managers). In addition, on the Trading websitecdtrf operate:

  • assistance service in obtaining an enhanced qualified electronic signature required for participation;
  • lawyer consulting;
  • remote computer setup;
  • property valuation;
  • assistance in participating in Bidding through an Agent.

Moreover, on ETP Remote Trading Centerit is possible to get help even in matters of covering future auctions in the media in order to attract buyers.

To select a tariff forauction siteYou can take advantage of a free consultation. To do this you need to fill out the form feedback and wait for an answer. Employees will clarify what services the organizer is interested in and will help put together a unique offer, depending on the predicted frequency of placement of lots and the frequency of participation in auctions. In addition, they can help with finding buyers.

Remote Trading Centeris practically the only electronic platform that highlights the average increase in the starting price of a lot at auction. For example, in September 2018, the auction markup amounted to an average of 359% of the initial cost of the property.

In a live example, it looks like this: 09/22/2018 auctions were announced, Lot No. 1 -car Lada Priora, initial sale price - RUB 55,788.00. Considering the average price increase during the auction, the car will most likely sell for 55,788+359%=200,279 rubles.

Site name: Remote Trading Center
Rate: Electronic signature Basic

Only for arbitration managers and auction organizers.

List of all systems, portals where this is still used electronic signature:

Public services portal

Official website of the Unified Information System in the field of procurement

Rosalkogolregulirovaniya portal

Portal for submitting reports (FSS, Rosstat)

Portal Territorial body Federal State Statistics Service for the Republic of Bashkortostan

Portal of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Main Radio Frequency Center"

Roskomnadzor. A unified register of domain names, indexes of pages of sites on the Internet and network addresses that allow identifying sites on the Internet containing information that is distributed in Russian Federation forbidden

Roskomnadzor. Register of domain names, indexes of pages of sites on the Internet and network addresses that allow identifying sites on the Internet containing information distributed in violation of exclusive rights

Rosimushchestvo. Interdepartmental portal for state property management

Rospatent FSBI FIPS

State Information system in the field of energy saving and increasing energy efficiency

Rosfinmonitoring - Federal Service for Financial Monitoring

one system exchange of data with financial market participants

FSIS of RosAccreditation

FSIS of territorial planning

Rosprirodnadzor portal

State Registration Bulletin

Portal of the Moscow City Court for the Protection of Intellectual Rights

State Information System of Housing and Communal Services (GIS Housing and Communal Services)

Group of electronic platforms OTC.RU

Trading System ""

Remote Trading Center

UMMC electronic trading platform

Exchange "St. Petersburg"

Automated system electronic procurement (ASEZ) of Gazprom

Electronic trading platform "Eltox"

Trading System "OBORONTORG"

Electronic platform Administration of the city of Krasnoyarsk

Universal electronic trading platform ESTP.RU

Portal "Kommersant Card Index"

Electronic trading platform of JSC Rosseti

Trading System "Spetsstroytorg"

Portal government programs Russian Federation

Moscow city services portal

Regional trading platform

ETP "Center for the Development of Electronic Trading"

Portal of the Federal Notary Chamber for submitting information from local governments

Official website of the Russian Federation on posting information on bidding

EGAIS "Accounting for timber and transactions with it"

ETP State Unitary Enterprise "Moskollektor"

ETP "Yugra"

Crimean electronic trading platform

Eurasian trading platform

Federal information address system

Personal Area user of the federal information address system

EL-TORG auctions and purchases

Electronic trading platform "Kommersant KARTOTEKA"

Electronic trading platform "223"

Electronic trading platform PropertyTrade

Electronic trading platform "StroyTorgi"

Electronic trading platform "Tender Garant"

Electronic trading platform X-SOLD

Legal deposit system printed publications V electronic form

System for submitting documents to arbitration courts in in electronic format"My Arbiter"

Unified State Information System in the field of healthcare (Uniform State Health Information System)

Electronic trading platform of Rosatom State Corporation

FSIS "Unified information and analytical system FTS-REK - subjects of regulation"

Portal for submitting statistical reports of telecom operators to the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications

Automated electronic passport system Vehicle(PTS)

Department of Municipal Procurement of the Voronezh City District Administration


ETP NPO "Verkhnevolzhsky Trade Union"

Federal State Information System for Pricing in Construction (FSIS CS)

Automated system "Mercury"

Electronic trading platform “Industry trading system”

Electronic trading platform ELECTRO-TORGI.RU

Electronic trading platform "SETIME"

Electronic trading platform Avtodor-TP LLC

Electronic platform FINTENDER.RU

Information and analytical system "Derzhava Online" (providing bank guarantees and other credit products)

Tendertech (online financial products for participants in government procurement under 44-FZ/223-FZ/185-FZ)

Electronic trading platform "Ru-Trade"

Southern ETP

Electronic platform "VTB Center"

IS "Electronic trip"