Change chrome start page. How to change the home (start) page of the browser

In today's article, we'll look at how to change start page browser, or in other words "home", loaded when it starts, using the example of all famous Internet reviewers.

Users are not always satisfied with the standard home or start page of the browser, this happens when, for example, the browser comes with the main page installed, but Yandex or Google is necessary. There is also such a situation when the start page changes by itself, after installing any programs or browser add-ons, viruses and other malware are usually to blame for this, I advise you to read the article how to remove Webalta from the browser start page. Well, if it’s not a virus, but you need to change this page of your own free will, just because you don’t like it or don’t like it, then in this article we’ll figure out how to change the quick access page in the browser.

How to change the start page of the browser.

Consider the example of all major browsers, let's start with the browser leader - Google Chrome(Google Chrome).

How to change the start page in Google Chrome.

And so, in order to change the home page in Google Chrome, you need to click on the settings icon in the upper right corner under the cross, then select "Settings". In the window that opens, in the item “Open at startup”, opposite “Specified pages”, click on “Add” and already there enter the address of the desired site.

If you look a little lower, there will be an item " Appearance” and opposite “Show the Home button”, you can enter the address that will be opened when you click on the “Home page” button:

Also, the main page can be opened using the Alt + Home combination, full list Google Chrome hotkey combinations can be viewed.

How to change the start page in the Opera browser.

To change the home (start) page in the Opera browser, you need to click on the "Opera" icon, then "Settings" - " General settings”, or use the hot key combination Ctrl + function key F12 .

In the “General” settings window, in the “Home” item, you need to enter the address of the desired site and click “OK”.

How to change the start page in Mozilla Firefox.

AT Mozilla Firefox this is done like this: “Tools - Settings - General” and opposite “Home Page”, you need to enter the site address. A little higher, in the line “When Firefox starts”, you can also choose the option to open the page when Mozilla Firefox starts, in the drop-down menu you can choose from three options: “Show home page” (the address of the site that was registered below will be opened), “Show blank page” (a blank Mozilla Firefox tab will open) and “Show last opened windows and tabs” (tabs that were last viewed, i.e. that were not closed, will be restored). In general, if you need the desired site to load at startup, then you need to select the first option “Home Page”, and below enter the desired address and this site will be loaded whenever Mozilla Firefox starts.

How to change the home page in Internet Explorer.

"Service - Internet Options - General", enter the address in the "Home Page" window, then click the "Apply" and "OK" button. In new versions Internet Explorer, for example, as in Windows 8, you just need to click on the settings icon in upper corner, and in the drop-down menu, select "Internet Options", on the "General" tab in the Home page line, enter the desired address.

How to change the home page in Safari.

In the Apple Safari browser, changing the start page is as easy as in the examples above. To do this, go to the "Settings" menu, then "General", in the "Home Page" item, enter the address.

Yandex browser.

Still sometimes, users have a question, how to change the Yandex.Browser start page? The fact is that in such a way, as in the examples above, it will not work to change the page in the browser from Yandex, there is no such option, i.e. it is there, but you can’t put another site on download, the choice only falls either on loading the site, or the quick launch page, or restoring the last open tabs. But you can put another site on the quick access page in another way. To do this, press right click computer mouse on the Yandex.Browser shortcut, select "Properties", on the "Shortcut" tab, in the "Object" line enter the address of the desired site, thus: browser.exe, where instead of - enter the site you need.

After that, you need to go to the Yandex.Browser settings and select the download method, in the "Where to start" line, select "Open the quick access page".

Everything now in Yandex.Browser has a quick access page installed and when it starts, the site that is specified in the properties will be loaded.

How to change the start page in Google Chrome? - the answer to this question is sought, as a rule, by novice users who are only taking their first steps on the Internet. In fact, there is nothing complicated in this operation, and after reading the material of the proposed article, you can perform it yourself.

What is the start (home) page? Launching any browser, the first thing you see is the welcome window, that is, the start or home page. It can be customized according to the user's requirement. For example, if you want your web browser to open your mailbox, you can easily organize it. Are you an active user? social networks? Then make sure that your favorite sites open immediately after loading the browser.

How to change the start page in Google Chrome

So, by launching Google Chrome, open its menu by pressing the button with the image of three lines (in the right corner). In the drop-down list, refer to the "Settings" section.

Now find the block "On startup open".

Here you can check one of the options, and after loading the Chrome browser will open:

    If any "Visual Bookmarks" extension is installed, then you will see the "Express Panel", to which the most visited sites by the user can be added.

    Previously opened tabs - in this case, the browser will restore all pages that were open before you closed the web browser.

In most cases it is last paragraph users are interested. In the window that opens, you can add any web page that will load with the web browser.

How to make a beautiful home page in Chrome

So, you already know how to change the start page in Google Chrome, so now it is recommended to learn how to install a beautiful quick access page, because sometimes you want to diversify a boring browser interface.

In fact, we will talk about changing the appearance of the "Express Panel". Often, users set for a web browser visual bookmarks from search engine Yandex. Of course, they are very comfortable, but their appearance leaves much to be desired. No, we are not talking about the fact that they are completely ugly. There is simply a better option, namely the FVD Speed ​​Deal (3d) browser extension.

In order to install this add-on, go to the "Settings" of the web browser and refer to the "Extensions" section (menu on the left). Scroll down the page and click on the "More Extensions" link. After these steps, the "Google Chrome Store" will open, where you can find the add-on you need.

That's all! Now you can change the start page in Chrome, make it more attractive.

The "left" home page is launched. Solution

Sometimes users encounter such a problem as opening, after loading a web browser, a start page that they did not specify in the "Specified pages" item. Often this is an intrusive advertisement with a request to buy something or register on some site.

Now Google Chrome is one of the most popular, convenient and fast browsers. To make it even more pleasant to use, users customize it to their liking. In this article I will tell you how to change the start page in Chrome. As is known, main page By default, this is Yandex.

1. Open Google Chrome and click on the three horizontal bars, i.e. on the grids.

2. In this drop-down menu, select "Settings".

We go to "Settings"

3. A window has opened with all the Google Chrome settings. In the "Appearance" section, check the box "Show the Home button".

4. After you have checked the box, the address of the start page appears below (in our case, this is Yandex). Click "Change".

5. In this small window, in the field " Next page» paste the address of the site that we want to see on the Chrome start page.

Paste the name of the site into the "Next page" field

Also, if you see bookmarks when you open Chrome, but you want to go directly to specific page, then in the settings in the "Initial group" section, check the box next to "Specified pages".

Enter or copy and paste the address of the desired site or use the current pages

I also suggest watching a video on how to change the start page Google browser Chrome.