Why OLED screens are better than LCD and what displays the iPhone has. IPhone X is heating up X why

All people who follow IT technologies know for sure that in just over a week Apple smartphone iPhone X, which is priced in Russia at 79,990 rubles (64 GB). A more advanced model, equipped with 256 GB of internal memory, will cost 92,990 rubles. At first glance, it seems that there is really something to pay for - a frameless Super Retina screen, a top-end 6-core Apple processor A11 Bionic, Face ID biometric facial scanner, support for fast and wireless charging technologies, as well as many other features that cannot be found in earlier generations of iPhone. Even despite all this, it is better to never buy an iPhone X, because there are real reasons for this.

Needless to say, Apple has not yet released a single new smartphone to the market that does not contain critical shortcomings - problems with signal reception (iPhone 4), peeling paint (iPhone 5), bending body (iPhone 6) , from the processor (iPhone 7) and a lot of everything else. Considering that the iPhone X has a lot of innovations, something will definitely not work as originally intended. The new product may have assembly problems, problems with new components, or something worse, which will only be found out after the start of sales on November 3, 2017.

Also, do not forget that almost all of the first batches Apple smartphones– defective. Somewhere the screen “squishes”, somewhere there are glue stains on the screen, somewhere the Home button crunches, and somewhere the components are not secured well enough, so, for example, front-camera in the iPhone 6s often moved from its place, thereby forcing smartphone owners to visit service center. Of course, the likelihood of seeing an outright defect in the iPhone X is extremely small, but it still exists, especially considering that Apple is trying to rivet as many frameless smartphones as possible in a minimum period of time.

All those functions and features that appeared in the iPhone X will definitely be improved next year, that is, for example, the Face ID facial scanner can learn to remember the faces of several people and work even faster than now, the frameless Super Retina screen has received more impressive characteristics, and animated Animoji emoticons will appear in all other devices of the Apple corporation.

Insiders claim that in one year, in the fall of 2018, all Apple smartphones that it will present to the public will receive a frameless Super Retina screen and a Face ID facial scanner. Obviously, the new items will cost significantly less than what the Apple corporation is currently asking for the iPhone X, so is it worth paying for it now if in a year its receivers will be not only better, but also cheaper?

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One of the main features of last year's iPhone X was the OLED display. OLED technology offers a number of advantages over the LCD screens used in previous generations of iPhone. Below we will tell you what is the difference between OLED (organic light-emitting diode) and LCD (liquid crystal display).

In contact with

In LCD screens equipped with previous iPhone models, as well as the iPhone 8 and 8 Plus, use an LED backlight - a panel the size of the screen itself that emits white light when the display is turned on. Above the backlight are polarizers and filters, which are responsible for controlling the light and reproducing the image on the screen. LCD technology has remained predominant in the production of flat panel displays over the past two decades, but backlighting requires significant energy consumption, which is a major disadvantage in mobile devices.

Unlike LCD, OLED pixels emit their own light. In addition, the brightness of an OLED display can be controlled on a pixel-by-pixel basis, which is not possible with LCD screens.

What is the advantage of OLED technology?

Due to the use of backlighting, the screen is typically the most power-hungry component of mobile devices. Without such a display, the iPhone will become more energy efficient, and this is not the only reason why OLED should be preferred. Eliminating the backlight will make the display thinner, which is important for a smartphone. The extra space would allow Apple to use a larger battery.

The aspect of the image is also important. OLED screens are capable of displaying a wider range of colors and ideally reproduce “deep” blacks or bright whites, and they also demonstrate high level contrast.

Apple is not the first company to use OLED technology

The first smartphones with OLED screens appeared several years ago. Now this technology use in their mobile Samsung devices, LG and other companies. Several manufacturers also offer OLED monitors. In addition, not only smartphones, but also fitness bracelets and dashboards in cars are increasingly equipped with flexible OLED displays. If we talk about Apple, the company already uses screens made using OLED technology in the Apple Watch smart watch.

The main smartphone of the year went on sale just a few days ago, and the first owners of the gadget are already returning it to stores. What are the reasons for the failure?

On November 3, the flagship iPhone X finally fell into the hands of its first owners and, judging by numerous reviews on social networks and forums, most fans were disappointed with the smartphone. Some of the buyers went to return the gadget back to the store and found a whole line there to process the return.

It seems that Apple was in such a hurry to introduce a new product to the market that it did not have time to eliminate many of the shortcomings. For those who still doubt whether to buy the Yabloko flagship, here are the five main reasons not to do so, at least this year.

Defective display

For a long time, Apple products were considered the standard of quality. Exactly to the high iPhone quality X “Yabloko” put pressure, justifying its inflated price in comparison with analogues. However, in reality, many buyers received a smartphone with an outright defect. Users of the popular American forum Reddit post photos showing that the matrix of an expensive OLED display has obvious highlights.

To independently determine the defect, just turn off the light and open a black picture on your smartphone in complete darkness. If there is a defect in some parts of the screen, the picture will not be dark, but light. Users assume that the problem occurs on all smartphones, but it manifests itself in some to a greater extent and in others to a lesser extent.

In addition, Apple itself has admitted that OLED displays are susceptible to burn-in. At the presentation it was announced that the possibility of this unpleasant effect was minimized, but in reality many users complain that if a bright, contrasting image is displayed on the screen for a long time, then even after closing the application its traces remain on the screen for quite a long time.

Disadvantages of Face ID

The new smartphone unlocking technology is perhaps the main feature of the iPhone X. However, everything is not so simple with it. At a presentation in September, Apple announced that the Face ID sensor is so smart that it will recognize the owner even in a hat, even with a false mustache, even under the scorching sun, even in complete darkness. In fact, customers complain that the smartphone cannot recognize them even just in dim lighting.

But if Apple can still fix these shortcomings, then users can only put up with some of the inconveniences of Face ID. For example, the iPhone X cannot be unlocked when it is lying on a table - you will have to either reach for it with your head, or lift it off the table and point it at your face.

Pointless Animoji

Photo: globallookpress.com

Plenty of time for Apple presentations paid attention to such a feature as animated emoji. Various emoji and stickers are really booming right now, but the problem is that only two iPhone X users can exchange “Animoji” with each other and only using iMessage. But who uses iMessage these days? Everyone has been using instant messengers for a long time, but “Animoji” cannot be used there and such an opportunity will not appear in the near future. So, most likely, no one will simply use the function so promoted by Yabloko.

Minimal changes

An OLED display with virtually no frames, Face ID and Animoji - that’s essentially all the innovations of the iPhone X. They affected only the outside of the smartphone, otherwise the flagship is practically no different from its counterparts - the same performance, the same battery life indicators, the same cameras. Users expected a revolutionary product from Apple in all respects, but what they received was an outwardly improved G8 with a couple of funny features.

Maximum boost

Perhaps the most dissatisfying factor among buyers was the exorbitant price of the gadget. In the USA, the most affordable iPhone X costs $999, but in Russia the minimum cost is much higher - from 79,990 rubles. At the same time, Reuters experts calculated that the cost of the flagship is only about 357.5, so the markup per gadget in the US is 64%. This is much higher than all previous iPhone models.

In Russia, the markup is another 10% higher - iPhone X is sold here at four times its cost. Judging by the queues in electronics stores, buyers are not at all opposed to paying that kind of money for a flagship, but the higher the cost, the higher the responsibility. So far, the iPhone X does not justify this responsibility.

The iPhone update cycle is easier to predict than the ruble exchange rate. This is fine.

I'm not offended that no one will need my iPhone X in six months. But never before has an Apple flagship become obsolete in such a short time:

And it’s normal if, instead of the “dozens,” Apple releases the iPhone that I’ll talk about below.

Hasn't this happened before?

A similar situation actually happened with. This iPhone was removed from sale in 2013 as soon as the iPhone 5s and iPhone 5c were released.

There were two logical reasons for this then.

First, the iPhone 5 was sick unpleasant problem. Him the cable was originally defective screen lock buttons - and therefore it often failed long before the warranty expired. Almost all the owners of the “five” I know have gone through this. It’s strange that they didn’t open an official replacement program for the cable.

And secondly, the iPhone 5 made no sense when its place was taken by the iPhone 5c. Yes, the same one, supposedly popular, made of plastic. Its hardware was almost identical to the iPhone 5, but the “modem” was additionally improved - and therefore worked in Russian networks LTE.

It would be stupid to keep two identical smartphones on the market if the “budget” version is objectively better than the previous flagship.

The iPhone 5 was discontinued approximately 350 days after it went on sale.

History will supposedly repeat itself, but he will be “removed” much earlier. Sales started in November 2017, and we are promised a new generation of iPhones and the abandonment of the current one in September 2018.

Why does Apple want to get rid of the iPhone X so quickly?

Maybe the company knows something and therefore wants to get rid of it quickly X?

For example, fears OLED burnout. We took everything at face value over other market flagships. But that doesn't mean that iPhone screen X will not burn out.

After one and a half to two years of regular use, owners will more often notice traces of the interface on light backgrounds. Further - worse. And this is a non-guaranteed point that will not be recognized as a defect.

I hope I’m wrong and we don’t end up in a situation where flagship smartphones will have to be replaced strictly every two years to avoid image retention. The other option seems more realistic.

According to analysts, at least 2 new iPhones will appear this fall: an improved version of the iPhone X in the same body and Large 6.1-inch iPhone with thin bezels.

This new iPhone will once again rebuild the line of Apple smartphones - and in a way that has never happened before. If even half of the rumors about it are true, then the immediate refusal to sell the iPhone X seems logical.

What's so special about the 6.1-inch iPhone?

Let's say this new big iPhone will be called iPhone 9. Not the iPhone XI or iPhone XI Plus.

iPhone 9 will continue the idea of ​​the Plus line: big body and big screen for those for whom this is really important. There are many such people: for example, the iPhone X did not take off very well in Asia precisely because of its small screen.

Everything is going to the point that iPhone 9 will have an LCD display, and not OLED, like the “ten”. In the technology world, this is considered a “downgrade”: there will be no deep black color and features like activating the screen when you touch the glass.

The reason is simple: greed.

Apple doesn't want to spend money on OLED when producing a weirdly shaped 6.1-inch screen. This is still an expensive pleasure, not to mention the amount of waste. Remember how difficult it was for the Cupertino team to release iPhone display X on an industrial scale? Tim Cook is not yet ready to repeat this headache and decided to leave it for next year.

Another iPhone 9 may be stuffed one-year old hardware from iPhone X to further increase margins. Well, the processor there is still powerful. Why not wait a year or two and earn another 5-6 billion dollars?

If so, then these tricks serve one purpose.

This iPhone 9 will really replace the iPhone X

Due to the cheaper display, last year's technologies and the use of the "chassis" from the iPhone 8, a new large version of the iPhone will cost less than iPhone X- that is, less than 1000 dollars or 79 thousand rubles.

At the same time, it will be in a large case, and therefore even on a store shelf it will look more interesting than the “ten”.

It turns out logical. iPhone 9 will replace the iPhone X, but will be sold for the same money that the iPhone 8 currently costs. That is, it will occupy the niche of the “basic” model. And the iPhone XI will continue to sell for $1,000 or more.

When entering the store, you will choose between large, but slightly outdated smartphone– and small, but a flagship. A bit of a strange choice, but one thing is clear: iPhone X doesn't fit in it.

So, dear ones iPhone owners X, set timers. The days of the tenth iPhone are numbered, and no one will miss it. I wonder how many people will change their X to big iPhone 9 just because of the large display? There are already queues.

The fact that Apple is still selling the iPhone 6S, a two-year-old phone, is a testament to how good this phone is. As a rule, after the release of a new generation model, Apple only offers this previous version. However, if you use the company’s official website and compare specifications iPhone 8 or iPhone X with the 6S model, then you can see that in fact the smartphones are very similar.

So what's the key difference? It consists of chips that determine system performance and some other functions. Of course, the new models differ in a number of other parameters - for example, the characteristics of the display and camera. All of them make phones more attractive to consumers, but their main competitor is still the iPhone 6S model. Why?

iPhone 6S is more affordable for the average consumer's wallet

Apple products are famous not only for their original design and internal service, but also for their very impressive prices for new models. The difference in price is clearly visible in the American market. Here's how much the new models cost:

Here's what new iPhones cost (prices are in US dollars):

iPhone 8 64GB: $700

iPhone 8 Plus 64GB: $800

iPhone X 64GB: $1,000

However, Apple still sells the iPhone 6S and 6S Plus significantly cheaper than the new models:

iPhone 6S with 32 GB of memory: $450

iPhone 6S Plus with 32 GB of memory: $550

You can even get updated iPhone 6S and iPhone 6S Plus models directly from Apple Center on even more favorable terms:

Updated iPhone 6S with 64 GB of memory: $430

Updated iPhone 6S Plus with 64 GB of memory: $510

Wide range of colors

Oddly enough, than newer model smartphones from Apple, the more limited the range of body colors becomes. The new iPhone 8 only comes in silver, gold and light grey. And the iPhone X comes only in silver and light gray. But the sixth model boasts a body in silver, gold, light gray and even pink, which will once again emphasize the individuality of its owner.

Fast charging

All new iPhones come with the same chargers as the iPhone 6S, meaning they'll charge at the same speed. Apple has added support for "fast charging" to the iPhone 8 and iPhone X models: you can charge your iPhone up to 50% in 30 minutes. But you, of course, will have to buy additional accessories - including an adapter USB power supply with Power Delivery standard and Apple-C-to-Lightning power cable from Apple. iPhone 8 and iPhone X also support wireless charging, but this also requires the purchase of a separate charger. Is the game worth the candle?

Headphone jack

Yes, yes, comments are unnecessary. The wave of indignation that swept across the Internet after Apple deprived the iPhone of a headphone port has not subsided to this day. The sixth model has no problems in this regard and you can choose headphones to suit your taste and color.

Good performance

No matter how quickly they become outdated modern technologies, The iPhone 6S does a great job so far. In practice, you may not notice any difference in performance, except that some particularly heavy applications will take a few seconds longer to load. The A9 chip still allows you to unlock your phone as quickly as possible, but the innovative Face ID facial recognition technology, even according to the developers themselves, is still far from perfect.

Identical appearance

If design plays an important role for you when choosing a model, then you will be pleasantly surprised: the design of the 2014 and 2017 models is so similar that from the outside these phones look almost like twins. Both the iPhone 6S and iPhone 8 are similar in bezel size and body shape, and their screens are also the same size and (for those who appreciate the picture) the same resolution.

Increased strength

Glass backdrops new iPhones 8 and iPhone X let them charge wirelessly using the Qi standard. This is great, but it also means that they can easily break from a simple fall, or become covered in a network of unsightly cracks. Aluminum rear end iPhone cases The 6S is much more reliable in this regard: even if a dent appears on it from a fall, it can be easily straightened and the phone will return a pleasant aesthetic appearance.

Great rear camera

It's no secret that Apple places a special emphasis on what fantastically beautiful photos you can take with using iPhone. iPhone 8 Plus recently surpassed phones Samsung series Galaxy is in the race for the best solar cell, and it deservedly won. However, with the help of the sixth model you can create photographs of excellent quality that have not lost their relevance over the years.

iOS support

Despite the fact that three years have passed since the release of the iPhone 6S, both it and the new models work with applications based on the same operating system. Their software is also almost the same: apart from a few cosmetic applications, users Apple products By and large they use the same system tools.

High quality display

Apple has always paid great attention to the display as the main means of displaying information. The new models have a host of upgrades, including TrueTone, which adjusts the overall color temperature to match the ambient lighting and gives access to a wider color gamut for richer colors. But for those who are not involved in precision photo processing and simply use the phone as a means of accessing the Internet, e-book and the player, it doesn't make any qualitative difference. The 6S model does an excellent job of rendering colors and will certainly not cause any complaints in this regard.