How to open HTML? How to view an html file.

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Every webmaster knows what HTML is: it is a hypertext markup language, with the help of which the site’s markup, its structure, framework, and foundation are created. Most web pages on the Internet have the HTML extension.

In this article, we will figure out how to open an HTML file on a computer, what are the ways to open a document with the HTML extension, and what programs can run this type of file.

How to open an HTML file (document) on a computer

There are several options for how to open an HTML file (document) on your computer.

If you look closely at the file image, you can see that this is an image of your default browser. IN in this case– this is Opera. If the default browser Google Chrome, then, accordingly, the Chrome icon will be visible. Etc.

If you double-click with the left mouse button on a local file with the HTML extension, it will open viewing in the browser.

But you’ve already tried it and you know it, so let’s move on to the second option.

The second option involves opening source code HTML file. To do this you should:

The best program to open HTML files | reading HTML documents

We have already figured out that you can open an HTML file on your computer using Notepad and WordPad. This is not the most the best option for reading and viewing HTML documents. Every webmaster knows that specialized programs are better suited for such work; they provide much more opportunities due to expanded functionality.

One of the most best programs to open, edit, HTML creation files is text editor Notepad++.

The main advantages of Notepad++:

  1. It is a free and open source text editor. Well, how can you not resist a freebie...
  2. Syntax highlighting. HTML, CSS, PHP, JS are visually highlighted in it, which greatly simplifies viewing and editing code and text.
  3. Autocompletion, automatic closing of brackets and tags.
  4. Ability to work with several documents at once using convenient tabs.
  5. The search function is really something. You can find the fragment you are looking for not only within one document, but also search in many files at once, within the specified folder.

This is just a small part of the advantages that I have identified for myself. To write everything down functionality a separate article will be required. In addition, standard functions can be expanded by installing additional plugins, then Notepad++ turns into a whole “combine”.

Programs for opening HTML documents

Of course, besides Notepad++, there are other programs with which you can open HTML files, view code, and edit them.

Some of them are paid, some are free.

Beginner users, when encountering a file with the .html extension, may have problems opening it. Such files can be received by mail or via a social network and contain, for example, a report or some forms. But it is strongly recommended not to open such files if you are not sure of their reliability.

First, it’s worth understanding what html files are for. Basically, this extension is used for one purpose - to open them in the user's web browser. All sites that the user visits are built exclusively on them, or rather written in html codes, which are not visible to site visitors. The user sees only finished pages, as they were intended. To open this file, just double-click on it with the left mouse button.

Please note that next to the html file there may be a folder with images, text documents etc. This may be the case if this is a saved (or created) site page. This folder is the external content of the entire page, we are only interested in the main html file.

By default, the system selects web browsers as the operating program for opening html files. In this case, it will open the file using the web browsers that are installed on the computer. If the OS is reinstalled, or web browsers have not been installed, the file will open in a standard browser - Internet Explorer.

It is possible that there is no program assigned to a given file extension. Then you need to choose work program on one's own. Click right click mouse on this file and select “Open with...”.

If you want to look full list programs, click “Select program...”.

A window will open showing all available work programs. We are interested in web browsers. In the screenshot below, the computer has browsers such as Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox. To open this file Any one of them will do.

The above method is suitable for opening a finished HTML document. But there may be cases when we need to open a given file in order to change its structure, its html code. Here you can use an ordinary notepad, having previously set it as a working program.

If you do not want a file of this extension to always be opened with Notepad, uncheck the box below.

Notepad will display a similar structure, this is the html code. The given structure is given as an example and represents a saved page of this site. Other documents with the html extension may have different structures.

Although Notepad opens these files, it can still be inconvenient to work with html documents, especially if you need to make changes there. It is best to use the Notepad++ program, which is specifically designed for working with html and is used by many programmers.

To open an html file via this program Select the “File” tab in the top panel, then “Open” and specify the directory in which the required file is located.

Notepad++ will open the structure of an html file in the same way as Notepad, but much more organized: each line is numbered, and the tags, attributes and information inside the tags are highlighted in their own colors. In addition, Notepad++ has a number of advantages that make working with html easier.

Using these methods, you can open any file in html format both for making changes and for simple viewing. It should be remembered that files with the extension html and htm are the same and do not differ in any way.

How to open an html file?

Html is a file format widely used for creating web resources, e-books and documents, music collections and other purposes. A PC user can receive content of this format by e-mail, via Skype or via social media and should know how to open a file with an html extension.

Description of the html extension. How to open it?

The html extension means that the file was created in accordance with the canons of a special language for creating structured texts (HTML language). Hypertext markup is needed by the browser to display texts, tables, images, links and other information on the page of the site viewed by the PC user. The finished HTML document is opened by the main web browser installed on the computer. And if there is none, then the file will be opened by the standard Internet Explorer program.

To work with an html file, for example, the GoogleChrome browser, which is completely free, may be suitable. You can download it from the official website.

In a situation where there is no corresponding tool assigned to the html extension in the OS, a novice user has a problem: how should it be opened?

How to open an html file in a browser?

The problem is solved by manually selecting the browser:

    To call up the list available programs you need to place the cursor on the file you are looking for and right-click. In the menu, select “Open with...”.

    In the list of available programs that opens, select desired browser(MozillaFirefox, GoogleChrome, Opera or another search engine installed on your PC).

    If you do not find the program you need, then click on “Select program...”. You will see a window with a wider list of installed programs.

If you didn’t find anything you needed here, it means you simply don’t have a single program installed that works with html. You can solve this problem by downloading, for example, GoogleChrome (link above).

If you have any questions, leave them in the comments!

How to open an HTML file: the simplest tools

Most modern users computer systems One way or another, I come across files with the .html extension, without always thinking about what they represent. We will now talk about how to open an HTML file on a computer.

What is an HTML file?

In general, each of us sees such files almost every day when working on the Internet. They are nothing more than standard web pages created using hypertext markup based on the programming language of the same name.

Actually, the very question of how to open an HTML file comes down only to viewing its contents in the appropriate program. Many may ask about which application to use. There is nothing easier than viewing the content in the most common Internet browser.

How to open an HTML file in a browser?

Since files in this format are web pages (published or saved on a computer), they simple version When you double-click on a file, it will open using the Internet browser installed on the system by default.

If required additional solution the question of how to open an HTML file using other means, you will need to use the right-click menu, in which you need to select another browser or a different program from it (the line “Open with ...”). With applications, everything is also simple.

How to Open an HTML File: Using Text Editors

Viewing the contents of files of this format can be done using the most ordinary Notepad, but it is better, of course, to turn to office packages.

Few users noticed that in the same Word editor, which is part of the desktop office suite, there is support for HTML even in the form of a suggested saving format. And it is in it that you can easily create a primitive web page within a couple of minutes.

How to open an HTML file in Word? As easy as pie! You must either choose from context menu the corresponding application, or use the file menu of the program itself with a call to the object opening line. The easiest way is to use the Ctrl + O key combination, then set what is required in the format selection line and use the browse button to search for the desired file.

Specialized means

But browsers and text editors are the simplest and most primitive means of viewing HTML pages. If you need to not only view, but also use editing tools for this, it is better to turn to professional utilities designed for web programming.

Among the most famous HTML editors are Sublime Text, Aptana Studio, Notepad++, Macromedia Dreamweaver, RJ TextEd, KompoZer, Comodo Edit, Vim, Fraise, PSPad and many others. In their environment, programming in HTML looks so simple that even any untrained user can create his own page written using hypertext markup quite simply. In general, by and large, you can open files of this format in any program that supports the HTML language.

How to open an html file?

HTML is a “web” page presented as a file. In other words, this is a kind of file extension, as well as a markup language used in world wide web.

With its help, we can not only view the content of sites, but also create “web” pages.

The language itself was created by an English scientist named Tim Berners-Lee. Its development was carried out in Geneva in the building of the European Center for Nuclear Research, around 1986 - 1991. Initially, HTML was supposed to be a language that would allow the exchange of technical and scientific documentation among ordinary people (that is, those who are not any specialists in the field of design layout). However, later, it became the basis for the “life” of the Internet.

HTML is a tagged markup language, due to which, regular user can create a relatively simple, yet beautifully designed document.

How to open a html file. Instructions.

Method number 1. Using a text editor.

If you need to make any changes to a file of this format, you need to open it using a text editor. This can be done using the standard Notepad program. But it is best to use the Notepad++ program. It allows you to quickly find the required “piece” of code, highlights syntax, is intuitive, and so on.

1. Before opening the html extension file, you need to download this program and then install it.

2. Now click on required file Right-click, hover over the "Open with" option and select "Notepad++". (If the program is located in the main menu, as shown in the screenshot, then clicking on the “Open with” item is not necessary).

3. A window with a “code” will open in front of you, which you can now edit.

Method number 2. Using a web browser.

If you just want to view the file you downloaded/created, then use a browser. Moreover, it can be anything, be it Opera, Mozilla or Chrome.

Double-click on your file with the left mouse button. If nothing happens, then right-click on it and select the “Open with” option. Then select the required (most frequently used) browser from the pop-up menu.

In these simple ways you can both edit and open your html files.

HTML file format - description, how to open it?

HTML file opens special programs. To open this format, download one of the proposed programs.

A document with an HTM or HTML extension is written in Hypertext Markup Language and is a standard web page file type on the Internet.

What's in .HTML files

The idea was proposed in 1989 by Tim Berners-Lee when he needed an extension that would allow browsers to read the encoding and convert it into punctuation, rich text, hyperlinks, images, videos or other media files. A user visiting a website can only see the final result of the browser's work with HTML, if it was completed correctly. The contents themselves third party file can be seen using the “View page source code” function.

How to open .HTML file

Any web browser - such as Internet Explorer, Firefox, Chrome, Opera, etc. - will open and display any HTM and HTML files correctly. In other words, opening one of these documents in a browser will transcribe what is written in the HTM or HTML file.

There are many programs that make it easy to edit and create HTM or HTML files. Eclipse, Komodo Edit and Bluefish are just a few popular free ones HTML editors. Another popular program for working HTM/HTML with many additional functions is Adobe Dreamweaver, but it is not offered to users for free.

To view the code in such files and make changes to it, you can use an ordinary text editor, although its functionality is limited compared to special applications. Notepad++ will probably be the most convenient option. In Notepad, standard program for Windows, you can also work with HTML files, but it is not designed for this task, which makes the code editing process difficult for those who are not very familiar with hypertext markup language.

If you have installed on your computer antivirus program Can scan all files on your computer, as well as each file individually. You can scan any file by right-clicking on the file and selecting the appropriate option to scan the file for viruses.

For example, in this figure it is highlighted file my-file.html, then you need to right-click on this file and select the option in the file menu "scan from using AVG» . When choosing this parameter will open AVG Antivirus, which will scan this file for viruses.

Sometimes an error may occur as a result incorrect installation software , which may be due to a problem encountered during the installation process. This may interfere with your operating system link your HTML file to the correct application software , influencing the so-called "file extension associations".

Sometimes simple reinstalling Microsoft Notepad may solve your problem by linking HTML correctly with Microsoft Notepad. In other cases, problems with file associations may result from bad software programming developer and you may need to contact the developer for further assistance.

Advice: Try updating Microsoft Notepad to latest version to make sure you have the latest patches and updates installed.

This may seem too obvious, but often The HTML file itself may be causing the problem. If you received the file via an attachment Email or downloaded it from a website and the download process was interrupted (for example, a power outage or other reason), the file may become damaged. If possible, try getting a new copy of the HTML file and try opening it again.

Carefully: A damaged file may cause collateral damage to a previous or existing malware on your PC, so it is very important to keep an updated antivirus running on your computer at all times.

If your HTML file related to the hardware on your computer to open the file you may need update device drivers associated with this equipment.

This problem usually associated with media file types, which depend on successfully opening the hardware inside the computer, e.g. sound card or video cards. For example, if you are trying to open an audio file but cannot open it, you may need to update sound card drivers.

Advice: If when you try to open an HTML file you get .SYS file error message, the problem could probably be associated with damaged or outdated drivers devices that need to be updated. This process can be made easier by using driver update software such as DriverDoc.

If the steps do not solve the problem and you are still having problems opening HTML files, this may be due to lack of available system resources . Some versions of HTML files may require a significant amount of resources (e.g. memory/RAM, processing power) to properly open on your computer. This problem occurs quite often if you are using a fairly old computer. Hardware and at the same time a much newer operating system.

This problem can occur when the computer has difficulty completing a task because operating system(and other services running in background) can consume too many resources to open the HTML file. Try closing all applications on your PC before opening Hypertext Markup Language File. By freeing up all available resources on your computer you will ensure the best conditions for attempting to open an HTML file.

If you completed all the steps described above and your HTML file still won't open, you may need to run equipment update. In most cases, even when using older versions of hardware, the processing power can still be more than sufficient for most user applications (unless you're doing a lot of CPU-intensive work, such as 3D rendering, financial/scientific modeling, or intensive multimedia work) . Thus, it is likely that your computer does not have enough memory(more commonly called "RAM", or RAM) to perform the file open task.

While studying theoretical material on the HTML language, some users have a question: how paste html file into web browser? Like, already written html code, view in browser. See , so to speak, the result of the work done.

As we have already agreed, we write our html code in the Notepad program (but no one forbids using other editors, Notepad++, for example, which is even more convenient).

And so, open the Notepad program and write some html code in it. Let's take the html code from the last lesson.


"Description" content=" Description of the page">

True, such html code will not give us anything in the browser. Required between tags And

write something else, for example a title and a couple of paragraphs:

Everything is working

We add these three lines to our html code and get code like this:

</span><span>title of the document (web page)</span><span>

"Description" content=" Description of the page">

Checking the result of writing html code

Everything is working

Save our file: click file → save as

In the window that opens, select the folder in which we will save the file, enter the file name (for example, dokument), change the file extension .txt to .html, and set the file type to “All files”.

To open our file in a browser, hover the mouse pointer over the file, right-click, in the window that opens, select “Open with” and select the browser we are using.

Next lesson - .

Most users of modern computer systems one way or another come across files with the .html extension, without always thinking about what they represent. We will now talk about how to open an HTML file on a computer.

What is an HTML file?

In general, each of us sees such files almost every day when working on the Internet. They are nothing more than standard web pages created using hypertext markup based on the programming language of the same name.

Actually, the very question of how to open an HTML file comes down only to viewing its contents in the appropriate program. Many may ask about which application to use. There is nothing easier than viewing the content in the most common Internet browser.

How to open an HTML file in a browser?

Since files in this format are web pages (published or saved on a computer), in the simplest case, double-clicking on the file will open it using the Internet browser installed on the system by default.

If you need an additional solution to the question of how to open an HTML file using other means, you will need to use the right-click menu, in which you need to select another browser or a different program from it (the line “Open with ...”). With applications, everything is also simple.

How to Open an HTML File: Using Text Editors

Viewing the contents of files of this format can be done using the most ordinary Notepad, but it is better, of course, to turn to office packages.

Few users have noticed that the same Word editor, which is part of the desktop office suite, has support for HTML, even in the form of a format offered for saving. And it is in it that you can easily create a primitive web page within a couple of minutes.

How to open an HTML file in Word? As easy as pie! You need to either select the appropriate application from the context menu, or use the file menu of the program itself to do this, calling up the object opening line. The easiest way is to use the Ctrl + O key combination, then set what is required in the format selection line and use the browse button to search for the desired file.

Specialized means

But browsers are the simplest and most primitive means of viewing HTML pages. If you need to not only view, but also use editing tools for this, it is better to turn to professional utilities designed for web programming.

Among the most famous HTML editors are Sublime Text, Aptana Studio, Notepad++, Macromedia Dreamweaver, RJ TextEd, KompoZer, Comodo Edit, Vim, Fraise, PSPad and many others. In their language, HTML looks so simple that even any untrained user can cope with creating their own page written using hypertext markup in a completely elementary way. In general, by and large, you can open files of this format in any program that supports the HTML language.