How to wash an LCD monitor. How to clean the screen of electronic devices

Every laptop owner during operation asks the question of how to wipe the computer monitor. Mostly dust settles on the screen, but there are more serious contaminants (grease stains, insect marks, dirt, etc.). For this reason, you need to know what and how to clean your laptop. A regular rag or table napkin will not help. Let's look at more effective ways.

Cleaning the screen from dust

  1. Turn off your laptop and let it cool down. Use a simple method using a thin plastic bag. In this case, physics and static electricity generated by the contact of the bag and the screen will help you. You will see dust sticking to the cellophane.
  2. Don't be lazy to wipe your monitor regularly. It’s quite easy to get rid of dust; you just need to use a special microfiber cloth. You can also take a cosmetic swab and wipe the surface of the monitor with it without pressing.
  3. Using a microfiber cloth, you can clean other similar surfaces: compact discs, glasses, camera lenses, etc. The principle of operation is that fibers cut in a special way attract dust and microscopic substances.
  4. If the “dry” method does not help get rid of stains, moisten the rag so that there is no excess water. Be careful to keep the napkin moist, otherwise drops will fall under the monitor body, causing streaks to be visible on the matrix.

Wipes and products for monitors

  1. You can use simple wet wipes if you don’t have special ones on hand. Before using the products, make sure that they do not contain alcohol. Try to choose napkins that are not very wet, this way you will avoid streaks on the screen. You can wipe the monitor again with a lint-free cloth.
  2. Popular manufacturing companies produce complexes of dry and wet wipes. Such products have a beneficial effect on the display and also perfectly clean it of dust and dirt. There is another effective option - on store shelves you can find a spray and dry wipes included. It is more effective than other means. Apply the spray to a cloth and wipe the monitor, then wipe dry with a lint-free cloth.
  3. Do not use window cleaner; it is too harsh and not suitable for LCD screens. It is also not recommended to use a “computer” spray separately, otherwise the applied composition may leave streaks that are difficult to get rid of. Be careful during this procedure and do not spray the composition directly onto the screen. Apply it first to a rag and only then get down to business.
  4. Buy a soft cloth for office equipment. The best choice is a microfiber cloth, which is ideal for cleaning monitors. The secret of this napkin is that it contains virtually no lint and is very soft. If you find yourself in a hopeless situation and don’t have the necessary material at hand, you can use flannel fabric. This material is not inferior in properties to specialized napkins.
  5. Purchase special wipes for office equipment at the appropriate store. If you are using plain water, you should wring out the cloth so that it is slightly damp. Do not allow liquid drops to come into direct contact with the screen.

Traditional methods for cleaning the screen

  1. If you do not have the means to purchase professional chemicals, or you urgently need to clean the monitor, you can prepare a soap solution. Use cosmetic discs; they do not leave lint due to their dense structure.
  2. Wet the swab, wring it out well, and begin to gently wipe the display in all directions. Don't be alarmed by the soapy streaks that appear as it dries. Now take clean cotton pads, dampen them, and go over the screen again.
  3. Carry out the procedure until you get rid of stains, change the discs as they become dirty. The LCD matrix dries quickly, so the procedure does not require much time.
  4. Table vinegar with a concentration of 3-6% has similar properties. To remove dirt from the screen, prepare a solution. Mix 100 ml. filtered water with 10 ml. composition, dip a cotton pad into the product, cleanse. After the procedure, the LCD monitor should be wiped with a dry, lint-free cloth (a microfiber cloth will do).

What not to do

  1. There are certain materials that are not recommended for cleaning your monitor at home. These include terry towels, toilet paper, rough cloth with abrasive pile, paper napkins, kitchen sponges.
  2. When using the above compositions, lint will always remain, so there is a risk of scratching the screen. Sponges, in turn, leave stains. Don't skimp and buy quality products for caring for LCD displays. The only thing worth paying attention to is the absence of alcohol in this product.
  3. The risk of using such wipes is that with frequent use, the protective anti-reflective coating will soon simply wear off. The display of the gadget will begin to become covered with small cracks. When choosing a material, do not forget to pay attention to the moisture content of the napkin. The surface of the LCD display has the ability to absorb water. For this reason, do not forget that the material used to clean the screen should be slightly damp.
  4. Do not try to scrape dirt off the LCD screen with the tip of your fingernail, as this will damage the protective anti-glare coating. Do not use regular paper napkins, because when interacting with water, the paper dissolves, and wood particles either scratch the surface or get stuck in hard-to-reach places.

  1. To remove dust, use microfiber cloths or a soft, lint-free cloth.
  2. When wiping the screen, do not press on it; movements can be performed in different directions.
  3. If you often work on a laptop, cleaning should be consistent with use.
  4. Use cotton swabs to clean hard-to-reach areas on your computer case.
  5. For each procedure, use clean materials and products that do not contain alcohol.
  6. Before cleaning, check that the laptop is turned off and the screen must be cool.
  7. You can resume working on the computer only after the display has completely dried.
  8. Replace plain water with a weak solution of vinegar (no more than 3%). A simple composition can remove even the most difficult stains.

If you follow simple rules, tidying up your computer monitor is quite easy. Purchase special means for cleaning the screen, use traditional methods (table vinegar or soap solution). During the cleaning process, do not press on the display, make sure that drops of liquid do not fall into the device body. Do not use abrasive materials or products containing alcohol.

Video: how to clean a laptop screen

I welcome everyone who comes to my blog! Care is the key to high-quality operation of any home appliance. Keeping equipment clean plays an important role. Today readers will learn how to wipe a computer monitor at home. This is an important point, since regular cleaning products and rags from old clothes are not suitable. The likelihood of damaging the matrix with them is very high.

There are many ways to remove dust from your laptop or monitor screen. But you should know which materials are suitable for this purpose and which are not. A suitable rag will be a material that absorbs cleaning products well and does not leave behind lint. Otherwise, after cleaning, the screen will have to be wiped with another rag to remove threads.

Dry paper napkins, towels, rough cloth, foam rubber or melamine sponges are considered unsuitable. They not only leave streaks and debris, but can also damage the matrix, whether it is created using IPS or TN technology. Also, you should not use old or dilapidated clothes, they tend to deteriorate, which will also lead to the appearance of garbage after cleaning.

But what you can use to clean the screen is special microfiber cloths. They are often offered to be purchased when purchasing a monitor, but in home appliance stores they are very expensive. A similar rag can be bought at any supermarket, where its cost will be several times lower. You should not believe sellers who say that this is a special microfiber, and that which is sold in other places is not suitable for screens. It is not true. You can use a flannel cloth to wipe the monitor. This is also good material. Often, users at home use wet wipes for their hands. This is strictly prohibited! They are too moisturized, and they contain substances that negatively affect the display.

Not just any chemical is suitable for cleaning the screen. You cannot take any cleaning products. Chemicals are not suitable for wiping furniture, mirrors and other surfaces. The screen may have a special coating that is destroyed by exposure to certain substances.

When purchasing a spray, you should make sure that the composition does not contain the substances listed below:

  • alcohol;
  • acetone;
  • ammonia;
  • acid.

All these products gradually damage the display. It is impossible to see the negative impact immediately, but within a year the equipment may break down or begin to show much worse. I recommend purchasing a special spray for the monitor surface.

How to wipe

If you think about how to properly clean your display, it may seem like there is no secret to it. But not everyone knows how to properly wipe a monitor. We have already figured out how to do this, but we haven’t talked about how to do it correctly at home. Below is the sequence of actions.

  1. Before cleaning the monitor, you must turn off and unplug the power plug.
  2. If the monitor was working, you should wait until it cools down. Otherwise, chemicals under the influence of temperature may change their properties - they will become more caustic or evaporate quickly.
  3. Cleaning is carried out with two rags. The first should be dry, the second with the product applied to it. First you need to wipe the display with a dry cloth to remove dust and not smear it on the surface. You should move from edges to edges. You can’t put too much pressure on the matrix. This may damage it. You should also hold the monitor.
  4. If there are old stains on the screen, they need to be treated more carefully. The stain needs to be rubbed several times, but without pressing on the screen. The stain cannot be scraped off. If this does not help, use more detergent, but apply it again to the rag. Do not spray spray on the display. Drops may get under the housing and cause a short circuit.
  5. High-quality products do not leave streaks after cleaning, but it is recommended to additionally wipe the screen with a dry cloth after wet cleaning. To avoid divorces, it is worth controlling the amount of chemicals. The rag should not be wet when washing the screen.

Many housewives do wet cleaning weekly and wipe down the monitor. It is useful to know that wet cleaning of the display is not recommended more than once every 30 days. The rest of the time, it is enough to wipe the screen with a dry cloth.

Which purchased products are better?

Often in a store, the buyer's eyes run wide from the variety of cleaning products. You can see wet wipes, sprays, liquids and entire sets. Which one is better to clean is a question that worries everyone. I find that microfiber cloths with liquid spray are the best option for occasional cleaning, while wet wipes are better for wiping up stains. The fact is that even special wet wipes for monitors are too wet. They often leave streaks and require additional treatment with a dry cloth. In addition, they dry quickly. Another piece of advice is that you don’t need to take the cheapest products. They contain, although in small quantities, harmful substances.

There is more than one way to remove dust and wipe off stains from your monitor that does not require the use of special substances.

  • You can remove dust with a simple plastic bag. Static electricity attracts dust. To enhance these properties, rub the bag on synthetic clothing or hair.
  • The second assistant is a balloon. Its surface is also easily exposed to static. A blanket, woolen sweater, cat, or synthetic material are suitable for charging. Once the ball is ready, simply bring it to the screen.
  • A good cleaning solution is soapy water. Do not use laundry soap as it contains alkali. It is better to take baby products without dyes, flavors and a minimum amount of additives. You need to take water into a glass, heat it to 35 degrees, and then dissolve two tablespoons of liquid in it. If the soap is hard, then 20 grams is enough. Everything needs to be mixed thoroughly. The rag is soaked in the solution and wrung out thoroughly.
  • The second way to prepare a solution is to take nine percent vinegar. Take a tablespoon of vinegar per glass of warm water. You cannot use this remedy often. The dampened rag is thoroughly wrung out. After treatment, the rag should be washed and wiped again the display, and then walked over it with an additional dry cloth.
  • Citric acid is suitable for preparing a cleaning product. You will need a third of a teaspoon per 150 ml of warm water. It is necessary to dissolve the acid in water so that not a single grain remains. After cleaning, wipe the monitor with a cloth soaked in plain water, and then wipe it with a dry cloth.

In conclusion, I will give a few mistakes that housewives often make when cleaning equipment.

  1. Do not spray the product onto the monitor. It should always be applied to a rag.
  2. The cloth should be damp so that the monitor is not exposed to excess moisture.
  3. A damp cloth and moving from edge to edge will help get rid of stains. Do not rub the monitor randomly. Always re-treat the screen with a dry cloth.
  4. Large and old stains are eliminated in several approaches. The rag should be washed, not just turned over. This will quickly remove the stain and get rid of streaks.
  5. Before cleaning, you should read the instructions for the device. Sometimes they write substances that can ruin the device. I also recommend reading the label of the cleaning agent before using it to wash your equipment.
  6. You should not eat or drink near the monitor, even if you do it carefully, oily fingers can accidentally leave stains. Do not touch the monitor with your hands. Fingerprints are difficult to remove.
  7. If a stain appears on the screen, it should be removed immediately. Fresh dirt is easier to remove.
  8. If there are children in the room, then you need to remove the monitor from their reach or cover it when it is not working.
  9. When cleaning the screen, you should also pay attention to the case, as dust can move and quickly cover the display again.
  10. The device should be turned on only after its surface has completely dried.
  11. To remove debris from the corners of the device, you can use a toothpick wrapped in a napkin.
  12. Before cleaning your monitor at home, remove jewelry and rings from your hands. They may accidentally scratch the surface.

That's all for now. Thank you for your attention! See you soon! Sincerely, Rostislav Kuzmin.

Every computer user sooner or later becomes interested in how to get rid of dirt on the monitor. Often, particles of dust settle on its surface, but there are also more significant problems, for example, traces of flies, dirt, grease stains, etc. Therefore, it will be very useful to know how to wipe the monitor screen and how to care for it.

Clearing accumulated dust

A computer monitor is a place that is very susceptible to dust settling, so it will be useful to know how to wipe a computer monitor at home. In order to remove its particles from the surface, you can use the following recommendations:

Cleaning products and wipes

Some PC owners are trying to find out how to wipe their laptop monitor at home.

Acceptable use regular wet wipes. However, they should not contain alcohol. To prevent streaks from appearing after drying, you can additionally wipe the monitor with a lint-free cloth.

Popular manufacturing companies today offer entire sets of wet and dry wipes with which you can wash your laptop. Such products do an excellent job of removing a variety of stains on the monitor. In addition, you can find a special spray on sale that needs to be applied to the surface and then wiped with a cloth.

Remember that window glass cleaners are completely unsuitable for cleaning your monitor, as they contain aggressive substances that can harm the LCD screen. And when using a “computer” composition, it should not be sprayed directly onto the surface of the monitor. First, you need to apply it to a napkin or cloth, and then begin processing.

Buy a special laptop wipe intended for office equipment. The best option is microfiber cloth. If it is not available, then you can use flannel material.

In addition, it is better to purchase napkins at a special computer store. If you still decide to use ordinary water, then you need to wring out the napkin properly.

Traditional methods

If you do not have the opportunity to buy professional products and you do not know how to clean your laptop monitor at home, then you can use ordinary soap solution and cosmetic discs.

Wet the swab, carefully wring it out and wipe the monitor in different directions. There is no need to be alarmed if soap stains remain on it at first. You can get rid of them after repeated treatment with cotton wool.

The procedure must be carried out until the stains completely disappear. The computer monitor matrix dries very quickly, so the procedure does not require much time.

Table vinegar has the same properties. To remove contaminants, you need to mix 10 milliliters of a concentrated solution with 100 milliliters of water, soak cotton wool in the mixture and clean it. After the procedure, the surface must be wiped with a cloth.

What is better not to do

There are a number of materials, which are completely unsuitable for cleaning a PC monitor. These include:

  • toilet paper;
  • terry towels;
  • abrasive fabrics;
  • sponges for washing dishes;
  • regular napkins, etc.

If you use these materials, fluff will remain on the screen that can scratch the surface. Sponges leave behind unpleasant stains. Don't skimp and buy products designed to care for LCD monitors.

Also, do not scrape off dirt with your fingernails, otherwise you may damage the anti-reflective coating.

If you follow the rules, then there will be no problems with cleaning your computer display. Buy special medications or use traditional recipes.

Attention, TODAY only!

I didn’t even think that cleaning the monitor could lead to such a problem. In another organization this might not have happened, but since I work in the medical field, almost half of our monitors were on the verge of “extinction”. As you probably already understood, our employees intensively wiped their monitors with pure medical alcohol. They were confident that such disinfection would not only not harm our monitors, but on the contrary, would also protect them from germs. As a result, the monitors became covered with a whitish coating, which now cannot be removed. I realized that not only doctors can think of this, so I decided to write an article about how to clean the monitor and what can be used to clean it. The same applies to a laptop monitor.

Gone are the days when we had bulky monitors on our desks. Their screens had glass protection, so they could even be cleaned with a glass cleaner. But LCD monitors are designed completely differently, and there is no way to clean them with anything.

What you need to clean your LCD monitor and laptop monitor

  • Lint-free microfiber cloth. A cloth for wiping glasses is best.
  • Distilled water (for dust) or isopropyl alcohol or vinegar (for greasy stains);
  • Spray bottle.

Wet a cloth using a spray bottle with a 1:01 mixture of water and isopropyl alcohol. Then wipe the screen thoroughly with this cloth. If you don't have a spray bottle handy, just lightly dampen the cloth. It is better to start cleaning from the middle, gradually moving to the edges.

If there are no greasy stains on the screen, then simply wipe it with a dry cloth or a cloth slightly moistened with distilled water.

Computer stores sell special cleaning wet wipes for this purpose. This box will last you a long time. Good stores also stock special gels and special sprays for cleaning monitors. If you have the opportunity, it is better to purchase them than to “conjure” with water and alcohol.


When closing the laptop, it is better to place a thin soft cloth under the lid so that dust does not pass through the cracks and the keyboard does not imprint on the screen.

If you are going on vacation (or for any other reason), then cover your monitor on the table with some kind of cover (cloth or plastic).

What not to do with an LCD monitor

  • Do not clean the monitor while it is on. The power cable must be disconnected;
  • Do not use wet sponges or clothes as wiping agents;
  • Never clean the screen with a dry cloth or sleeve;
  • Do not spray any mixture directly onto the monitor;
  • Do not use any detergents (washing powder, glass cleaners, etc.) or products containing ammonia, acetone, toluene and ethyl alcohol;
  • Do not use table napkins, newspapers or towels. These materials leave micro-scratches on the surface of the screen that you will never be able to remove.
  • Tap water is not the best solution, because... it contains dissolved salts, chloramine, and it is not yet known what;
  • Do not press on the screen when wiping it, otherwise it may crack.

These are some simple ways to help you keep your monitors in working order.

09/27/2017 6 41 458 views

Complex devices simplify and diversify our lives, but require maintenance. Find out how to wipe and clean your computer monitor at home to keep it clean.

How can I clean my monitor?

There are different ways to remove stains from the surface of the monitor, but it is important to know what is allowed to wipe it and what is not. To begin, select the appropriate material on which you will apply the product. This may be a piece of unnecessary fabric, but it is highly absorbent and free of lint, particles of which will invariably settle on the display and stick to it.

You should not wipe the monitor with dry paper napkins, which also leave debris on the surface. Towels, rough and textured materials, foam rubber sponges or sponges that violate the integrity of the coating and leave streaks are not suitable. Old fabrics are also undesirable, as their fibers break down and settle on surfaces.

You can use a flannel cloth or a store-bought microfiber cloth. Many people are interested in whether it is possible to remove dust with a damp cloth? If it is designed specifically for these purposes, then it is possible and even preferable to use it. But a regular sanitary napkin will not work, since it is highly moistened, and the impregnation may contain components that damage the protective coating of the screen. As a result, streaks will remain on the monitor, the image will deteriorate, and over time, breakdowns may occur.

It is equally important to choose a cleanser. It should not be aggressive, as the protective anti-glare coating of the monitor will be damaged when used. It is undesirable to use compounds containing alcohol, acetone, ammonia, or concentrated acids: they all penetrate the outer layer of the display and destroy it. The presence of abrasive particles is unacceptable, as they inevitably leave scratches on the surface. The product must be effective, but gentle and gentle.

Using traditional methods to keep a computer display clean is possible, but not all methods are acceptable and suitable for such complex equipment. Effective products that work well against stains on various surfaces may not be suitable for treating displays due to the risks of damage to the coating and formation. Forget about recipes that require the use of ingredients such as soda, toothpaste, salt, solvent, and so on.

How to clean a computer monitor at home?

To clean your computer monitor, follow the instructions:

  1. First, turn off the device and unplug it to avoid malfunctions and short circuits due to moisture entering the housing.
  2. You should wait until the computer has completely cooled down; if the surface is hot, this may affect the cleaning process and change the properties of some of the cleaning agents used (they may become more aggressive or evaporate from the surface prematurely).
  3. Prepare two clean rags. To remove dust, use a dry one: wipe the screen with it, moving from one edge to the other. Do not press too hard on the display to avoid damaging the pixels. Also hold it with your free hand to prevent accidental falls.
  4. If there are noticeable stains on the display, for example, traces of drinks or food, or dead insects, then dampen the cloth, but not too much: it should be damp, but not wet. Treat the screen, paying special attention to contaminated areas. But don't try to scrape off the dirt! It is better to carry out the procedure several times. If this does not help, apply the product to a rag, slightly increasing the usual dosage, treat the problem area, wait, and then carefully remove the dirt with a damp cloth.
  5. After wet cleaning, wipe the computer with a dry cloth to completely remove all remaining moisture and avoid streaks.

Do not clean too often. So, one dry treatment per week is enough. Wet cleaning is carried out less frequently - once or twice a month as it gets dirty. If the screen gets dirty very quickly (for example, due to the habit of drinking and eating near it), then you should wipe it with a damp cloth more often - weekly.

Special means

There are specialized cleaning products designed to care for a computer display and made taking into account the characteristics of its coating. You can purchase them in a store or department of equipment and electrical appliances. You can also visit a regular large supermarket and find a section of electronics and accessories for caring for them.

You can find napkins on sale. They are lint-free, made from soft materials and therefore do not damage the display coating. The wipes can be damp, completely ready for use and impregnated with cleaning agents, naturally suitable for treating screens, including modern LCD screens. Dry ones are ideal for removing dust and can be supplemented with cleaning products. Manufacturers often include both wet and dry wipes in the packaging, which can be used to clean not only a computer or laptop, but also a TV, tablet, phone and other gadgets and devices with a display.

Buy a special spray for your computer that does not contain alcohol or other aggressive components. The dispenser makes use convenient: you just need to spray the composition onto a napkin or rag and proceed to cleaning. There are products available in other forms, for example, foams and gels. Dry wipes are often included in the kit.

Traditional methods

Several home methods for cleaning a computer screen:

  1. You can remove dust settled on the surface with a regular plastic or cellophane bag. Its static electricity will literally attract dust particles, removing them from the display. And to enhance the attraction, you can additionally rub the bag on some synthetic fabric, your own hair or the fur of a pet.
  2. You can also clean your monitor from dust with a balloon. The principle of operation is the same as that of a plastic bag. To “charge” the ball, that is, increase the charge of static electricity, it can be rubbed against a woolen product, hair, cat fur, a soft toy or fleecy synthetic material. And then bring it to the display, but do not touch: dust particles will be attracted even without contact.
  3. If you don’t have any special products at hand, and cleaning is required urgently, use regular soap, but not laundry soap containing alkali. Children's or liquid is suitable, but preferably without dyes and with a minimum content of flavors and other chemical additives. Prepare a glass of water, heat it to 35-36 degrees and dissolve two tablespoons of liquid or about 10-15 grams of solid soap. Stir everything thoroughly and soak a soft cloth in the prepared soap solution and wring it out well.
  4. You can clean the screen using 9% table vinegar. But it is used in minimal dosages: one or two tablespoons should be dissolved in a glass of warm water. Apply the resulting home remedy to a rag, wring it out and begin processing. After such cleaning, wash the cloth and wipe the surface again. And then wipe the display completely with a dry cloth.
  5. You can use citric acid, but very carefully. In 150 milliliters of warm water, completely dissolve literally a quarter or a third of a small spoon of powder so that not a single grain remains. Soak a cloth in this liquid and treat the display, then wipe with a damp, clean cloth, and then dry.

Video: how to wipe the screen?

To properly clean your computer screen, follow these guidelines:

  • Do not spray sprays directly onto the display; they can only be applied to a napkin or rag. If moisture gets into the housing, it will cause serious damage or even failure.
  • Do not wet the cloth too much, be sure to wring it out well, and do not allow excess moisture to remain on the surface of the display.
  • To wipe the screen without streaks, do not apply the selected product on the cloth in large quantities, do not move randomly (it is better to move from one edge to the other), do not over-wet the cloth and be sure to wipe the display dry.
  • If the contamination is significant, then you should wash the wiping material well several times to completely remove stains, prevent streaks and get a perfectly clean surface.
  • Before carrying out the procedure, it is advisable to study the instructions supplied with the device. It may provide recommendations regarding care and cleanliness. And if you purchased a specialized product, then inspect the packaging and find instructions for use.
  • To avoid significant contamination, you should not drink or eat in front of the computer: try to do this in the kitchen, or at least move as far away from the device as possible while eating and drinking.
  • Do not touch the monitor with your hands, otherwise it will leave marks and noticeable fingerprints, especially if your fingers are dirty.
  • To protect your gadgets and keep them clean, you can stick a protective thin film on the display, which will prevent contamination and extend the life of the screen.
  • If there are children in the house, then it is advisable to place the computer or laptop in an area inaccessible to them.
  • Fresh stains are removed faster and easier, so if a stain from a drink, insect or food appears on the screen, remove it immediately. And for this you can use a cloth soaked in water and well wrung out or a specialized napkin.
  • It is necessary to clean not only the monitor, but also the computer case, because dust moves from it, is attracted to the display and re-contaminates it, almost immediately.
  • The device should be turned on only after the display has completely dried.
  • The corners of the display, recesses in the case and other hard-to-reach areas can be cleaned using cotton swabs or toothpicks wrapped in a special napkin or a small piece of moistened lint-free cloth.
  • Before the procedure, it is recommended to remove jewelry in the form of bracelets and rings from your hands, as they may accidentally damage the display when wiping it.
  • Do not scratch the screen with your fingernails, a knife or other sharp objects, as it may leave scratches or chips.
  • If you cleaned the monitor and now it won’t turn on, then water or cleaning agent may have gotten into the case. In this case, it will have to be disassembled and completely dried. But such manipulations should be entrusted to a specialist. If moisture gets on important parts, they may fail, requiring repairs. To avoid such problems, do not violate the cleaning rules.

To keep your computer display clean and the image quality, keep it clean and follow a few important rules.