Chrome components updates. Chrome Components Pepper Flash - check for browser updates

With chrome://components/ each browser user Google Chrome has the ability to check for updates of all installed extensions. These include Pepper Flash, which is better known as Flash Player.

This component is available in any modern browser. Without it, no video, no animation, and no other representative of multimedia content will start.

And now let's go directly to the procedure for checking for updates.

Checking Pepper Flash step by step

To complete the task, you need to perform a number of simple steps:

  • Open Google Chrome. AT address bar enter "chrome://components/" (can be copied directly from here). This is shown in Figure #1.

Rice. No. 1. Entering "chrome://components/" in the address bar of the browser

  • All extensions installed in the browser will be displayed below. Here they are called components. Their number is also indicated. Under each of them there is a button "Check for updates". So what you need to do at this stage is to find Pepper Flash and click on the "Check for Updates" button below it.

Clue: Usually the name of some components is written with an underscore and with a small letter. Therefore, in your case, the extension may not be called "Pepper Flash", but "pepper_flash".

Rice. No. 2. pepper_flash extension in Google Chrome component list

  • Actually, that's all you need to do. All that's left to do now is to watch everything that happens. The program will check for updates and, if available, download and install them. Here the user already takes part only as a silent spectator.


From time to time, be sure to update the entire browser, and not just its individual components. Thanks to this, you will avoid a huge variety of problems.

In particular, we are talking about the fact that certain threats and viruses will not get onto the computer through the browser.

In addition, the program will be more stable - pages will load faster, and there will be no problems with downloading files.

Therefore, from time to time, be sure to go to the official Google Chrome website and download there current version programs. Although there are other ways to update this browser.

Below you can clearly see the work with chrome://components/. By using this menu you can update absolutely all components of the browser.

In this article, I will describe several ways to install or update Pepper Flash for Chromium. In my case, the pepperflashplugin was already installed, so I needed to update it with the command:

After that, I restarted my browser and went to chrome://plugins to make sure the plugin was actually updated. Well, for whom this plugin has not yet been installed, there are several options below.

Option one.

Starting with Ubuntu 14.04, this plugin is present in the official source, so install it by running the command in the Terminal:

sudo apt-get install pepperflashplugin-nonfree

After that Flash Player should work in all Chromium based browsers in Ubuntu.
But it will work if you have the library installed. This library is installed into the system along with the Google Chrome browser. But if you have not installed Google Chrome, then you can install the required library. To do this, run the command:

sudo update-pepperflashplugin-nonfree --install

After executing this command, the Google Chrome browser will be downloaded, unzipped, and then the library will be copied and installed for use by Chromium-based browsers. Google Chrome will not be installed during all gestures.

Option two.

Let's add a PPA repository to the system and install Adobe Pepper Flash from the Google Chrome browser. To do this, run the following commands one by one in the Terminal:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:skunk/pepper-flash
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install pepflashplugin-installer

After installation, you need to tell Chromium that it should use the Pepper Flash Player. To do this, edit the chromium-browser/default. To do this, run the command:

sudo gedit /etc/chromium-browser/default

At the end of the file, enter the following text:

. /usr/lib/pepflashplugin-installer/

Save and close the editor.

You can also run a command that does everything described above, but faster:

sudo sh -c "echo". /usr/lib/pepflashplugin-installer/" >>/etc/chromium-browser/default"

For other Ubuntu derived distributions, instead of gedit, you need to write the editor that is installed on the system. It can be Kate, Leafpad and others.

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The problem of security in the network is always relevant and is quite acute. The vulnerability of many programs and applications, their unstable operation and high rigidity force developers to abandon their use in favor of more stable and reliable solutions. An example of this is what happened with the component " Adobe Flash", to replace which in modern browsers alternative options come, one of which was Pepper Flash.

In this article, I will explain what Chrome Components Pepper Flash is, and also explain how to check for Pepper Flash updates in your Google Chrome.

Learning to update the Pepper Flash component

« Adobe Flash" and "Pepper Flash" - what's the difference

In the vastness of the Runet, these components are quite often confused, without making any distinction between them. However, there are differences, and they are significant, since these components use a different API.

While “ ” uses the earlier “NPAPI” (“Netscape API”, started back in 1995 by Netscape Navigations, and continued its development in Adobe Systems), “Pepper Flash” uses a more modern “ PPAPI" ("Pepper Plugin API", developed by Google in 2009, continues to improve until now).

Several years ago, Adobe Systems abandoned the further development of Adobe Flash technology on NPAPI, focusing only on improving the security of the component through appropriate updates. At the same time, Google continued to develop "Pepper Flash", having managed to involve specialists from "Adobe Systems" in this process. Now "Pepper Flash" is widely used in the browser "Google Chrome".

The work of "Pepper Flash" allows you to ensure the stable operation of browser plug-ins

PPAPI technology itself is a further development and improvement of NPAPI, designed to make plug-ins for your browsers more secure and mobile. However, these technologies are not compatible with each other.

Chrome Components - How to Check for Updates

Since the Pepper Flash component is regularly updated by Google, it is enough to have the latest version of the Chrome browser and install all the relevant updates on the PC in time. At the same time, this browser also has the ability to update individual components, one of which is Pepper Flash.

  1. To implement this task, just launch your "Google Chrome", type in the address bar: chrome://components and press enter. Not to be confused with address Chrome extensions extensions.
  2. In the list of components that opens, you need to find the component " pepper flash” (if available), and click on the adjacent “Check for Updates” button.
  3. After that, the system will check for updates for the specified component, and if any are found, it will update the component to the latest version.
Click on "Check for updates" to update your "pepper flash"

At the same time, I do not recommend abusing such selective updates. It will be better to always have the latest version of the Chrome browser on your computer, which will ensure the stable and reliable operation of the specified web browser.


In this article, I reviewed an update for the Pepper Flash component in the Google Chrome browser by chrome address components. Keep your browser updated regularly to ensure its stable and reliable performance in the future.