What happens if the phone falls. The phone fell - what to do? Saving a wet phone

The worst thing that can happen to a phone after a slight fall is that the trace in the middle of the board breaks.

This breakdown can usually be repaired only by replacing the entire phone board, which, in fact, can be equated to buying a new phone. All that remains from the old phone is the body, screen, cables and speakers with microphones. But this can also be beneficial, because... For some models, the main cost of the phone is determined by the screen. But there are exceptions; some boards can be restored.

It can be very difficult to determine such a breakdown by external signs.

A less terrible thing that can happen to a phone if it falls slightly is that some kind of microcircuit breaks off, of which there are quite a few in the phone, from the processor, flash drives, power controllers, to radio switches and high-frequency microcircuits that are responsible for connecting the phone to the network.

In this case, the main difficulty is to find what exactly is missing, which microcircuit.

External signs that something is wrong with your phone...

Without a phone it’s like without hands. This statement is increasingly becoming true for modern people. A decade ago, we could only get by with landline phones. "Last century!" - many thought. But it is so, dear readers. Today, in century number 21, a person and a mobile phone are inseparable things. Let's talk about what to do if your little friend refuses to work. What to do if the phone does not turn on? So:

The phone won't turn on! SOS!

The main thing, dear readers, is not to panic. History knows a lot of cases when this or that individual simply forgot to charge the phone, which did not turn on due to the low battery charge. Therefore, before buying a new communication device, check if your phone has simply lost power and needs to be recharged.

Suppose the phone was charging for a long time, but did not turn on. Here there may be various options. The very first way to solve the problem is to remove...

Emergency help What to do if headphones were connected to the phone or it was charging? Problems that may arise after a phone gets into water Folk remedies for drying a mobile phone If the water was salty? What can't you do?

Everyone has a cell phone now, and many people have probably dropped it into water or spilled tea, juice or coffee on it. But not everyone can answer exactly what to do if the phone falls into water. And by the way, it is the first minutes after the incident that decide whether the device will receive a second life or will never turn on again.

Emergency help

Let's say right away that the amount of liquid is not particularly important. Sometimes it is enough to put the phone on a wet floor and it will stop working, and some devices work without failure even after taking a bath, but the second option is rare. What is the correct action if your phone falls into a bathtub, sink or any container of water?

Immediately remove it from...

Question about LG Optimus L4 II E440 Guest asked 06/12/2014 13:23 Add answer

What should you do if your phone falls on the floor and won’t turn on? it fell to the floor and does not turn on, but it reacts to under Charger, and if you connect it to a computer, the screen shows that the phone is charging.

More about this phone: Answers (20) Characteristics
woolfy34 answers about LG Optimus L4 II E440 06/20/2014 04:06

Most likely you have damaged the phone's power button, or the button (pusher), or the plastic button itself - first you need to disassemble the phone - because if the problem is in the plastic button, it just needs to be put in place - after which the phone will continue to work - if the pusher needs to be resoldered - for re-soldering the pusher...

Why won't my phone turn on?

It is impossible to imagine the life of a modern person without a mobile phone. Despite the abundance of communication and communication tools, this little assistant still comes first. The phone has become like an extension of the hand, and its absence causes discomfort and uncertainty - what if someone calls or writes while the owner has lost his vigilance? Some particularly fanatical users even move around the apartment with the device - it is in the kitchen, in the bathroom, and under the pillow. One can only guess what disappointment befalls the owner if the phone turns off and does not turn on. What are the reasons for such trouble? What to do if we are talking about a brand new smartphone? There is no need to panic -

Do no harm!

Attempts to immediately disassemble the phone and check “what’s inside” can be disastrous for the fragile device. Without special knowledge, to understand the structure of microcircuits and incomprehensible parts...

The absence of any reaction from your favorite gadget can make any owner nervous. No matter how expensive a phone is, it, unfortunately, is not invulnerable and eternal. If your device stops turning on, you need to try to determine the cause and attempt to eliminate it. Problems can be hardware or software in nature.

Basic hardware problems

One of the most common reasons why any phone fails is a fall. Sometimes it is enough to simply drop the device on the floor for it to stop showing signs of life. If your favorite smartphone does not turn on after a fall, you will not be able to deal with this problem on your own without the skills to repair mobile phones. It is better to immediately contact an official or third-party repair service.

No less often, phones stop turning on after contact with water. You can try to cope with this problem on your own, but to act...

We are sure that the service center is an organization that does not only repair mobile phones. In our opinion, the service center is also obliged to be an adviser to its clients. If your phone does not turn on, then after reading this article, you will know what to do and who to contact.

For now, we will look at several problems that can serve as an obstacle to the operation of a mobile phone:

Firstly, such incidents occur quite often and this is confirmed by numerous calls to our service center. Secondly, such a surprise can happen with almost any mobile device: a Nokia or HTC, Samsung or Sony Ericsson phone does not turn on, you can be sure that this does not depend on the manufacturer. Thirdly, owners of mobile phones with whom a similar incident happened, instead of taking the device to a service center, often damage their device, worsening its condition, since they do not...

What to do if your phone falls into water.

Such a misfortune can happen to anyone, and to some it has happened more than once. Someone drops theirs into the sink or toilet mobile phone, someone washes it with their clothes, and someone simply spills some liquid on it.

The device does not turn on? Don’t rush to get upset, you can try to bring him back to life. We know how you can revive a drowned phone in a few simple steps. Nobody gives guarantees, but why not try?

1. Turn off your phone. This is exactly what needs to be done immediately with the device pulled out of the water. The fact is that the breakdown of the device is not due to the destructive effects of moisture, but to short circuits that appear because of it. Under no circumstances should you shake the phone, as the liquid may penetrate even deeper. If you can remove the battery from the phone, then this should be done as soon as possible. If it is not removable, then you should at least turn off the power. If at the moment it hit the device it was...

Many people don’t know what to do if their phone won’t turn on or charge. It would seem that there are no visible reasons for such a operation of a mobile gadget, but one day, many mobile phone owners may encounter such a problem. And solving it is much more difficult than, for example, unlocking a ZTE phone or any other model.

Why won't my phone turn on?

The most common reasons for not turning on a mobile phone include:

1. Low battery.
2. Problems with phone contacts that do not receive charge from the battery.
3. The device's power button is broken.
4. Problems with the mobile phone screen.
5. Mechanical damage.

To turn on the phone:

1. Put your phone on charge.
2. Remove the battery and then reinsert it into the mobile phone.
3. If you have problems with the screen, then in this case you should contact the service center.
4. In case of mechanical damage, when the phone was dropped or hit...

Telephone - despite the continuously developing information system, these small means of telephone communication continue to remain at the peak of their popularity. Thousands of residents cannot imagine how their life would change, in what direction it would turn, if they did not have this small but irreplaceable assistant at their disposal, like a telephone or smartphone. Many will agree that this is not even a communication device, but an extension of the hand, whose malfunction can cause serious discomfort. Many people cannot afford to be left without a phone for a minute. What if at this very second an important message or call arrives on the device, which will radically change the course of events in the life of the phone owner. And extreme panic can begin the second the owner of the smartphone realizes that there are some problems with the device. It’s okay if the music file doesn’t open, or the pictures on your phone have become more blurry and inaccurate. But if the phone turns off, and then...

What to do if your phone falls into water? This is not such a simple question as it might seem at first glance. Especially if the phone is touch-sensitive. After all, such a situation can happen in the life of any person. No matter how confident a person is in his careful and careful attitude towards the telephone, no one is immune from an emergency.

What to do if your phone falls into water, and for what reasons could this happen?

Firstly, it can simply get wet from the rain. But that’s what cases and other accessories are made for. But they don't always save. The phone may fall into a river or lake while on vacation, or it may be accidentally forgotten in your pants and put in the washing machine. It can also be accidentally dropped into a bucket filled with water while cleaning, or simply doused with tea or juice. All this will lead to malfunctions of the device. But how to deal with this and what to do if the phone falls into the water?

A set of measures to rescue a drowned phone

If your phone falls...

The first thing an owner worries about if they drop their phone is the integrity of the screen. You are lucky if after falling on the asphalt there is not a scratch left on it. But what about internal elements such as motherboard, memory?

Can a blow cause irreparable damage to them, which will immediately affect the entire operation of the device? Or will a metal case with a case provide sufficient protection?

What's wrong with the smartphone screen?

The screen is the most delicate part of a smartphone. It is for this reason that engineers put so much effort into the design of Gorilla Glass and Dragon Glass.

Today, almost all smartphones, even those in the budget category, are equipped with extremely durable glass. In addition, bulletproof glass can be additionally installed on the screen, which will serve as additional protection against cracks.

But even if you picked up the phone from the asphalt and saw that the screen remained intact, do not rush to rejoice.

Everything is intact on the outside, but what's inside?

The impact can also damage the internal elements of the smartphone. A fall can have serious consequences, primarily for the camera module.

Another thing is that damage does not necessarily manifest itself in the first minutes after the impact. Perhaps only after a few days or even weeks, due to damaged soldering, the phone will begin to generate errors, work slower than usual, or even reboot on its own. By this point, you may forget about the fall that happened.

Angle of incidence

It should be noted that the consequences of the impact depend on the angle of impact of the smartphone. If the device has fallen face down, then in addition to visible cracks on the glass and problems with the touchpad, you can detect a malfunction front camera or proximity sensor.

If the blow fell on back, may get hurt

  • motherboard,
  • rear camera or
  • flash.

Other problems

As for other violations, due to loss of contact with the antenna, the smartphone may stop picking up the network and Wi-Fi.

Also, if the phone falls quite often, the solder on the board may fall off, and then there will be problems with the headphone or charging jack.

There may be problems with the on-screen keyboard. For example, when you press a certain button, another character is printed - the one that is located above the pressed button. To print the desired letter, you will have to press the button located below.

All these problems can be diagnosed by employees. Therefore, the question “what to do if you dropped your phone” can be answered like this:

If your phone has suffered a serious fall, it would be a good idea to play it safe and take it to a service center for diagnostics.

If possible, before returning the phone to the service center, you need to save all data (photos, videos, contacts, correspondence, etc.) to a computer, SD memory card or to the cloud. There is a high probability that after diagnosis this data may be irretrievably lost.

From practice

A Nokia folding phone fell onto the stairs. It will be even harsher than asphalt. Literally shattered into pieces: the battery separately, the lower part separately, top part separately and next to the SIM card. I thought that the phone would no longer work. I collected everything together and connected it. It still works, oddly enough, for many years. And the battery remains the same in this clamshell. In fact, the Nokia advertisement worked. But the phone is simple, without any frills, perhaps simplicity gives additional reliability in such cases.

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In this article I will talk about the reasons why the screen/display on your phone does not work, and what to do in this situation.

Let's start in order.

First steps and theory

The development of the mobile industry has taken the direction of increasing the size of the display and minimizing the number of mechanical keys. The screen is the main way you control your device, and damage to it can turn your phone into a useless pile of metal. There are many options for the screen to malfunction: from the appearance of small spots and defects to its complete inoperability.

Each breakdown is unique and requires separate consideration. You must be sure of the reason for the inoperability, otherwise dishonest service workers may profit from you. First of all, you need to make sure that everything is in order with software part your device. To do this you need:

  1. Connect the charger to the device, let the battery charge a little
  2. Turn on your device. Connect your mobile phone to your computer

If synchronization is successful, but no changes occur on the screen, the problem is in the components. Let's look at the main causes of malfunctions in the operation of the mobile phone screen and explain them.

Phone screen not working due to mechanical/physical damage

Every smartphone crash is a kind of lottery; everyone is lucky differently. One mobile phone may be left without a single scratch if dropped from a great height, while another may be damaged if it accidentally collides with a hard surface.

Mechanical damage is easily diagnosed with the naked eye. A growing crack, and often a “cobweb,” appears on the phone screen. There can be several outcomes in such a situation:

  1. Damage to the protective glass and stable operation of the device
  2. Image display but sensor damage
  3. Complete screen failure

Replacing damaged protective glass depends on the device. Modern models are equipped with combined screens with a sensor and protective glass, which allows for minimal thickness. Replacing such components is expensive and requires replacing not only protective glass, but also other components. The same principle applies to a damaged sensor.

If the protective glass is damaged, but the screen works, this is not a reason to continue using it. this device. It is recommended to urgently contact a service center, because your phone becomes vulnerable to moisture and liquid, which can cause more serious damage.

The phone did not fall, but the screen does not work. Causes of failure

Loss of functionality of a mobile phone screen can be associated not only with mechanical damage to the outer side of the display. Moisture ingress, breakdown of the screen control chip, wear or disconnection of the cable and other reasons depending on specific model, may result in the phone screen not working.

Moisture and liquid entering the phone body

Everyone knows from an early age that water has no place in electronics. If moisture or liquid gets into the phone, it will destroy the contact board. short circuits and other critical phenomena that impair the performance of the device.

Destruction of contacts on the board may require both routine cleaning and replacement of many components. If water gets into the device, it is recommended to immediately contact a service center for help. Water getting into the screen of a mobile phone can cause characteristic streaks and stains, which can be corrected by replacing the screen or modules.

Screen control chip failure

Failure of microcircuits in a device is not uncommon. The screen does not receive the necessary information from the device and does not display an image. It is impossible to identify this problem using standard means; it will be identified in service center. Damage can only be corrected by replacing components.

Worn or disconnected cable

The cable connects the mobile phone screen to the device and is replaceable. This solution allows you to quickly replace the screen without interfering with the device board, but adds the possibility of detachment upon impact. Connecting the cable will not take much time and will not hurt your pocket.

Cable wear is typical for flip phones and sliders. In such devices, constant physical contact is created when opening and closing, which over time leads to a faulty state. In such cases, the cable is replaced at the service center and does not require the purchase of a screen module.

Dead pixels and spots on the screen

It is difficult to imagine modern man without cell phone. Unfortunately, no one is safe from juice or tea being spilled on the device. It may also fall into a puddle or bathtub. Few people understand what to do if their phone falls into water. If you follow simple instructions, you can save the device on your own.

Phone rescue

It doesn't matter how much water gets on the phone. Sometimes it is enough to drop the device on a wet floor and it stops functioning. There are cases when the phone works even after falling into a puddle or bathtub, although this is a rare occurrence.

So if touchscreen phone fell into the water, he needs to be taken out of there as quickly as possible. Delay will have a detrimental effect on the condition of the smartphone and most likely it will no longer be possible to revive it. It is important to note that if the mobile phone remains in water or a wet environment for more than half an hour, it can be thrown away.

As soon as the mobile phone is removed from the water, it must be turned off immediately. After this you need to extract:

  • Battery;
  • SIM card;
  • SD card.

It doesn't matter whether you have a touch or push-button phone in front of you, as the recovery procedures are similar. First you need to remove . A phone that has fallen into water must be completely disassembled to increase the chances of recovery.

How to dry your phone

After your phone has fallen into water and the parts have gotten wet, you need to dry everything thoroughly. First, each element is wiped with a paper napkin. All movements must be careful so as not to damage the microcircuits. It is worth noting that alcohol can be used instead of a napkin. During the process of evaporation, it eliminates all moisture.

Then you need to make sure everything is dry. The best way drying is air flow. There is no need to grab a hairdryer, as hot air will damage the device. It is recommended to use a small vacuum cleaner with a narrow nozzle.

The device turns on at minimum speed. Then each hole is blown out. You need to be careful with the microcircuits so that they do not come off during purging. Each part should be dried for 10 minutes. Remember that the vacuum cleaner should not touch any smartphone components. The device should be kept at a distance of 1-2 centimeters from the surface of the phone.

Traditional methods

Those who have dropped their phone in water or other liquid should know that there is a traditional way to dry your phone. One such remedy is rice. If desired, instead of cereal, you can use absorbent material, which is added to shoe boxes or leather bags.

A little rice is poured into a plastic container, and a smartphone is placed in it. Now all that remains is to add more rice. The cereal should completely cover the gadget. The phone should be left in the rice for at least 24 hours. It is worth noting that a device dropped into liquid from high level It is not enough to dry the acidity, as the destruction of the microcircuits will begin.

After drying, the device should turn on. It is recommended to test all functions of the device. Sometimes users ask what to do if the phone falls into water and does not turn on even after all the manipulations done? In this case, you need to contact specialists.

Mistakes made

When trying to fix a phone, most people immediately grab a hair dryer, trying to get rid of moisture faster. Remember that such an operation can completely damage the device. This happens for the following reasons:

  1. A stream of hot air melts the plastic parts of the phone.
  2. Droplets of water penetrate into hard-to-reach places.

Since fixing a phone seems easy, smartphone owners don’t think about the consequences. Another common mistake is to use:

  • Gaza;
  • Hot battery;
  • Microwave oven.

Using such tools will cause your phone and battery to overheat.

Fell into the water? With such devices things are a little more complicated. It is not recommended to disassemble smartphones yourself. You can move incorrectly and your smartphone will be damaged.

No matter how much your phone gets wet, there is no need to rush. Every step must be thought out. The phone should not turn on. Otherwise, a short circuit will occur. It is necessary to get rid of excess moisture as quickly as possible.

Still, it's a high-tech device that probably costs several hundred dollars, and there's a very good chance it won't work if it gets wet. Unless of course you have one of those amazing waterproof smartphones like the LG G6 or .

Attention! You should definitely check out the list of their features and prices. 🤩

Although more and more phone manufacturers over the past two to three years have begun to produce smartphones with waterproof casings. However, not all of us have the opportunity to buy a waterproof smartphone, and this means that we need to use other ways to protect it.

The best way to protect your phone from water is to take precautions in advance by using something like a waterproof case for situations where you know you'll be coming into contact with water.

What to do if your smartphone does fall into the water?

Let me start with the fact that you should know that it’s 50/50 to count on the functionality of a phone that has gotten water inside. There is no guarantee that the smartphone will actually be saved.

With the following tips, I want to increase the likelihood that your phone will get out of this unfortunate situation. So let's get started.

Dropped your phone in water? Take it out of the water and make sure it is turned off!

I know it's hard to react quickly, but you have to pull yourself together! The longer your device remains underwater, the lower its chances of survival. You should immediately remove the phone from the water.

As soon as you remove your phone from the water, make sure it is turned off. Even if everything seems fine with it... just in case, turn it off. If your phone is still on, simply turn it off or remove the battery if you can. Then place it somewhere safe, preferably on a flat surface on top of some paper towels.

The good news is that even non-waterproof smartphones today tend to be a little more resistant to water than older phones, and so there are a few things you should or shouldn't do.

What not to do after water gets into your phone

  • Don't turn on your phone! As I already wrote above. Water is a good conductor and it must be turned off to avoid short circuiting.
  • Don't press any buttons. This may cause further water to enter the phone. It's best to try to shake it as little as possible.
  • Do not shake or blow on the device. This may also push water into deeper areas of the phone. Especially try to avoid impact dryers - not only because of the blower part, but also because of the next point.
  • Don't heat up your phone. Remember that excessive heat can also damage your phone.
  • Don't move your phone too quickly. Everything is the same as in the previous paragraphs, so that the water does not move inside the phone.

Disassemble a phone that has fallen into water

Don't go wrong with this step: I mean you should delete everything that can delete regular user. If the back cover is removable, remove it. Likewise, try removing the battery (if possible), SIM card and SD card. Place it all on a paper towel.

If you are an experienced techie and know all the ins and outs of the phone, and are not afraid of voiding the warranty, you can go ahead and disassemble the smartphone completely. This will help dry each part faster. Just be careful, if you don't know what you're doing, you'll do more harm than good.

Try drying with a paper towel

First we need to try to get rid of the water using a paper towel to dry each component. Just make sure you don't fiddle with your phone too much. Gently dry everything without shaking it too much.

Suck up the water with a vacuum cleaner

Of course, there are areas that a paper towel can't reach. I told you not to blow on the phone, I didn't tell you not to suck water. In fact, a vacuum cleaner can suck water droplets off your phone without much risk. Just make sure the suction doesn't cause the phone to shake excessively.

Time to dry

The hardest part is that the phone cannot be touched for a long period of time. This means you won't be able to use your smartphone! If you have another phone you can borrow, just make sure the SIM card is completely dry and insert it into the working handset. Otherwise, just use public phones or smoke bombs.

Nowadays it is a very common practice to cover the phone with bags of rice and let it lick for about 2-3 days.

But why rice? Mainly because it is in every home. The idea is that rice is very good at absorbing moisture, which makes the environment around the phone drier and therefore helps dry the device faster. But there are alternatives that may be better.

So, you did everything you could, and a few days passed. It's time to see if all your hopes have come true. Remove the phone from where you left it, insert the battery, etc. Then try turning on the phone. If it turns on and all the buttons work, congratulations!

Tell us about your experience!

Have any of you tried these methods? What other tips do you have that are not listed above? Write in the comments! Thank you!