What to do if PlayMarket refuses to download applications. Applications are not updated on an Android phone. Why is the application not downloading, waiting for windows?

I can't download apps from Google Play . The play market suddenly stopped working. Today we will talk about what to do when your smartphone stops downloading applications from the play market. There are many reasons, and most of them are solved in one, in my opinion, not very simple way. Here are some examples that this article will help you solve:

* The smartphone stopped opening the play market, before that everything worked fine.
* The Play Market opens, but it is impossible to download programs, the applications simply close, everything worked before.
* When opening the Android market, it gives some strange error.
* Or another option, your option, if the article helps you, write what problem you had.

Of course, you don’t have to bother with all these instructions that I’ll write now and just do full reset factory settings, but not many will like this option.

So step-by-step instruction your actions:
Method number 1.

1. Go to the phone settings, go to the tab "Applications""All".
Finding the process "Google Play Store» , click on it, click on the button"stop", then on the button"delete data", And "uninstall updates";
2. We do everything the same as in the second paragraph with processesGoogle Services Framework And "Google Play Services" , I remind you: stop, delete data and delete updates;
3. Go to the settings again, Accounts tab, Google, go to the synchronization settings and uncheck all the items available there;
4. Reboot the device;
5. Now, without launching any other applications, again go to settings, Accounts tab, Google, and put all the marks back. If an error appears, never mind;

6. Restart again;
7. Everything after this Google Play should work again. When you first connect, it may take a long time to load, but then everything will be fine.

Method number 2.

We go to the same settings, accounts and add new account, through the menu "Add account""Google". We go to the account we just created, try to download something, if everything is successful, then go back to the settings and select our main account. After doing this, your problem should disappear.

Method No. 3.

1. Delete our google account by: (settings, accounts).
2. By analogy with the first method, clear the data in the applicationGoogle Services Framework , and clear the data and Cache in"Google Play";
3. Reboot the Android device;
4. After turning on, immediately go to applications Google Play and create a new account.
5. Everything should work from the new account.

Method number 4.

If none of the above methods helped you, or you are just too lazy, then just do

If you have questions, you can ask them in the comments. Or you have your own solution, we will also be glad to see it in the comments.

For residents of Crimea (or if error 403)

If you are in Crimea and when you try to download applications from Google Play you receive a 403 error (access denied), then it will help you to log in as if from another location. To do this you need to establish a VPN connection. For example, through OpenVPN for Android. Instructions for setting up a VPN on Android.

Google Store play is now known to everyone Android users smartphones. Lightweight, easy to use, frequently updated and replenished useful additions, games. However, errors often occur when loading games and utilities, bugs that interfere with work. Understanding why applications from the Play Market are not downloaded is difficult for ordinary users.

Not long ago, title Play Market a thing of the past, now the store is called Google play. But for the convenience of the reader, sometimes the old name will slip through.

Most often, we download games from there for our gadget or tablet, while ignoring compatibility technical capabilities phone and the required parameters of the toy. Such a small thing can become a serious obstacle when downloading an application or launching it further. And this is just one example of failures when loading utilities. We will talk about the main reasons below.

Google service Play is one of the most popular and useful for the owner Android devices. Users often encounter the following difficulties:

  • The game is not downloading.
  • The program was not loaded in full.
  • WITH using Wi-Fi or “Data Transfer” files are not loaded.
  • The play market is not working.
  • Various errors pop up.

Such download problems occur for the following reasons:

  1. The Play Store version is outdated or the application is not compatible with your device.
  2. Lack of space on the memory card or internal memory.
  3. Internet network problems.
  4. Got lost standard settings phone (time, date).
  5. Device errors, memory module failure.
  6. Account problems (blocked or password reset).

Let's consider each reason and ways to solve it separately.

Return to previous version

Sometimes when updates for applications are released, the smartphone rejects them, displaying error messages. This is an indicator of an ongoing conflict between the program and the technical parameters of the phone or tablet. In such cases, try returning Play program market to its original form, downloading all updates and additions.

Open the gadget menu, find the Play Market application in the appropriate section. Select “uninstall updates”, click on it, and then restart the device. If this does not help in solving the problem, then you will have to delete and then install the play market again.

Not enough space on your device

Trace the path of downloading files. If the default is " inner memory", try changing the value to SD card. There is usually little space on the gadget itself and it is taken up by basic programs. To store large amounts of data, users purchase memory cards. If you have one, check whether the settings indicate that downloaded files will be saved on the SD card.

The other option is too a large number of temporary files on your tablet or phone. Clean the device from debris and unnecessary information. The reason may be unnecessary games stored on the memory card. In this case, you need to get rid of them.

If you are sure that all paths are specified correctly, and there is nothing unnecessary on the memory card, do a full system reset. Switch to Android settings– open the “Backup and Reset” tab. Next, erase your phone data. The main thing to remember is that your files will be destroyed irrevocably, so before you commit Hard Reset Make sure that important information saved on a separate flash drive or PC.

Lack of stable internet connection

When an app's loading is interrupted due to restrictions mobile traffic– configure “data transfer” by increasing the limit. If you are using a Wi-Fi network, but after the download starts, the process begins to glitch, and progress does not move from 0%, then the problems are due to a weak connection.

If you have access to a router or laptop that distributes Wi-Fi, you need to reboot it. As a result, after 2 - 5 minutes the connection will be restored, you can try again.

Lost system settings

The Google Play application directly depends on system parameters. Often, incorrectly set time, date or time zone can cause errors when downloading files. Check your details in your device settings. What if any of these indicators are set incorrectly? It makes sense to check the synchronization item.

Bugs with updates

The program may need a new version to download games that have been uploaded recently. Do the following - update Google and its supporting services. If these manipulations are useless, install another version manually.

Problems with Google Account

If, after completing cleaning updates in Google services, your Play Market is not functioning properly, you should restart your Google account. Follow this procedure:

  • going into Google settings, delete your account.
  • Reboot your phone.
  • Log in to your page in the service again.

The functionality of the Play Market will be restored. This is a method that will help quickly eliminate inconvenience.


Described problems with possible ways Their solutions will help you independently restore the functionality of the Google gaming store. It is also worth noting that before using the instructions, decide why your games are not loading. Actions that do not correspond to the problem will lead to disruption of the functions of the entire gadget.

Before you change Google installations play - be sure to check your system settings. The root cause may be the wrong date and time. It’s worth checking whether your Google account is active or not. Such seemingly small details greatly hinder the normal download process.

Try to realistically assess the situation from all sides. If none of the methods for solving the problem that has arisen worked, call a specialist service center to receive qualified assistance.


If you are encountering a problem where the application freezes during the loading stage and the “Waiting” status is constantly displayed, we have prepared some tips to help you solve this problem.

1. Check if Apple servers are available

Yes, this happens, go to the special Apple page and make sure that all services are working, including App Store.

2. Reboot

The most popular and effective solution is “ please turn off your device and turn it on again

Hold the Power button and then swipe your finger across the “Power Off” text. Hold the Power button again to turn on your iOS device.

After rebooting the device, the status should change from “Waiting” to “Loading”.

3. Download the application again

4. Check Wi-Fi

If the app won't load, it may be a Wi-Fi problem. Try rebooting your router or switching to a different network.

5. Exit the App Store

Try logging out of the App Store and logging in again. In the App Store on the page Selection scroll to the bottom to exit.

6. Reset settings

If all the above methods do not help, then you may need to reset your iOS device. This will reset the App Store settings and may help resolve your issue by stopping stuck downloads.

Go to the section “Settings” -> “General” -> “Reset” -> “Reset all settings”

This will reset all settings, but your data will remain.

Once you do this, restart your device and try downloading the app again.

7. Remove the app from settings

Try deleting the application in the section "Manage". He is in “Settings” -> “General” -> “Storage and iCloud”.

Click on the app that is frozen and remove it.

Then do a hard reset by holding down the button Home And Power/Sleep.

8. Hard reset

! This is a last resort to reset the device to factory state.

This means you will lose all your data and settings. So, before doing this, create a backup via iTunes or iCloud.

Then go to the section “Settings” -> “General” -> “Reset” -> “Erase content and settings”.

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Imagine the situation: you opened the Play Market to update or install an application, but after clicking on the “Install” or “Update” button, you see that the download does not occur, and the message “Waiting for download” is visible on the screen. Question: what does this mean and how to fix it? Let's deal with this situation.

And here’s what the inscription might look like on a smartphone screen:

Disable and enable the Internet

Let's say you're connected via Wi-Fi. Try disconnecting the connection first by clicking on the corresponding icon.

The connection is disabled. Wait 10 seconds, then connect to the network again.

If the smartphone is connected to mobile internet, do the same.

In general, the problem may just be in the connection. Try switching from Wi-Fi to mobile Internet or vice versa - this may help. Just don’t forget about traffic, because downloading over the mobile Internet can cost a considerable amount if you don’t have a package plan.

Just wait

Theoretically, the problem may not be on your side at all, so no matter what you do, nothing will work. Exit? Just wait for some time and try to install/update the application again.

Clear Google Play Market app cache

Clearing the cache (and sometimes data) of the Play Market application can help.

Go to settings.

Open the Applications section.

Here, select the Google Play Store app.

On the application page, tap on the “Storage” line.

Clear cache.

If that doesn't help, you can try clearing the data too.

The same procedure can be done for Google apps Services Framework.

Applications auto-update

By default, Play Market automatically updates applications. If you see the message “Waiting to download”, you may have this moment The Play Market is already updating some application, and since only one application can be updated at a time (current at the time of writing), for other applications you will see the message “Waiting for downloading”. IN in this case This is fine.

How can you verify that apps are auto-updating when you see the “Waiting to download” message? Launch Play Market, click on the button in the form of three stripes in the upper left part of the window, or simply swipe across the screen from the left side of the window to the right.

A menu will appear, in it click “My applications and games”.

Applications are being updated. This means you need to wait, but you can cancel the updates by clicking on the “Stop” button. In this case, you can install/update the application you need.

If you see a picture like the screenshot below, that is, applications are not updated, then the problem is something else.

Remove your Google account from your device

With this action you will remove from your smartphone (and only from your smartphone!) Google account. Then link it again, and therefore, before starting the process, make sure that you know exactly your username and password so that you can enter them later.

Open the "Accounts" section.

Select your Google account.

Click the button at the top of the window, then when the menu appears, select “Delete Account.”

Confirm deletion.

Open Play Market and enter your account information - login and password.

Uninstall Play Market updates

Go to the Google Play Market application page in the settings (above details what needs to be done). Click on the three dots.

The Uninstall Updates button will appear. Click on it.

Confirm the removal of updates.

Now you can check if the “Waiting for download” message has disappeared.

Disable and enable the memory card

If your smartphone uses a memory card, try turning it off and on again.

Open "Storage" in Settings.

Tap the button to disable the memory card.

The card is disabled. Wait 10 seconds, then click on the line sdcard1 (in our example it is called that way, in yours it may be different).

A window will appear, click “Connect”.

Reboot your smartphone

If all else fails, restart your smartphone. To do this, press the Power button and hold it for a couple of seconds.

A menu will appear on the screen, select “Restart” or “Restart”.

Wait until your smartphone restarts and try installing/updating the application.

Mobile devices with operating system Android system are the most popular today because they provide simple interaction and a huge variety of available programs V Play service Market.

Accordingly, if it is impossible to use applications, regardless of the smartphone model, the number of functionality. However, how to fix the error where the built-in store displays “Waiting Wi-Fi networks"? Similar problems are sometimes encountered by users of devices from the Chinese company.

Reasons for the problem

The occurrence of a failure when downloading is necessary may be due to relatively large quantity factors, for example:

  1. Incorrect work software Android;
  2. The device is synchronized with an access point that does not activate Wi-Fi, and there may be no Internet access despite being connected to the router;
  3. A problem in the functioning of the Play Market, which occurs infrequently;
  4. Incompatibility of the application store with a specific manufacturer;
  5. Obstruction normal operation other downloaded programs, for example, the use of independent ad blockers;
  6. Making incorrect parameter adjustments to the system.

Therefore, there may be many troubleshooting options, depending on the root causes, which should be analyzed individually.

Banal (simple)

Regarding easy options for fixing the problem, the project website notes:

  • Restart the device. Mainly used for sudden software failures;
  • Setting the correct date and time. Incorrect parameters can cause errors in the Play Market, and after they are eliminated, access to the Internet will be restored;
  • Expectation. In some cases, the application store may stop working due to heavy load, but you should wait, but if the problem does not disappear after two hours, then the reason is different;
  • Eliminating service parameters that may be active on the Play Market.

More complex

While standard recommendations are clear to every user of Xiaomi mobile devices, other instructions require more action. Synchronization with a router and related topics are very voluminous to study, so it’s worth clarifying the main thing:

  • Checking your network connection. The gadget can be used with a router, but without the ability to transfer data;
  • Current speed. The provider is obliged to provide a constant and high-quality connection to the Internet;
  • Eliminate the gadget connection ban. Some situations are related to the inability of a particular phone to access the Network;
  • Correct entry of password and login for authorization;
  • Installation new version router software;
  • Restore to factory settings;
  • There is a possibility that the router is broken.

Problems with the Play Market application

Since Google pays a lot of attention to its services, problems with proprietary programs are extremely rare, but failures are sometimes noted and can occur in the built-in store. In such circumstances, several solutions are available:

  • Sync other account Google;
  • Make sure there is a new version of the software and install updates;
  • In the case of MIUI 8, it is possible to “Wait for Wi-Fi network” when increasing the maximum volume of files for downloading in the system parameters;
  • Taking advantage backup copy install programs or software;
  • Delete the Play Market cache on your phone to eliminate unnecessary data;
  • For unofficial operating systems there may be a current version using the wrong application installation source, so details should be checked with the software creator;
  • Restore settings while preserving all user information.

Problems with settings

Connection parameters are one of the most important points in obtaining high-quality synchronization. To resolve such problems:

  • Adjust the innovations in the Host file, without affecting the standard “0.1 localhost” and erasing the rest;
  • Check your VPN settings if you are connecting to the Internet through services.

Waiting for Wi-Fi network in the app store on Xiaomi devices is a very popular problem for fans of the manufacturer’s smartphones. Therefore, there are constantly complaints from users that programs do not load, and the impossibility of connecting is displayed. At the same time, instead of worrying, you should do simple instructions, which will help you easily solve the problem.