What to do if the point form gives an error. If these methods do not help

Online games today bring as much joy as they do different problems. The 4game game client is known for its numerous bugs, but we will look into the problem at work Frost Security: “An error occurred while loading game components. Status 2000022" and additionally status code 2131094. These are so-called conflicts during loading of components.

Causes of errors

Possible sources of failures remain unidentified. Although, there is a clear line from failures in operating system to the game itself. Therefore, in most cases, it is Windows that causes errors to appear. The game itself (Lineage 2, Point Blank, Blade and Soul, Aion and others) show stable operation on a clean and not overloaded OS.

Fixing crash 2000022, 2131094

Fortunately for all gamers, 4game is aware of these problems and is trying to solve them. The official forum constantly updates posts with more modern and relevant methods. Always check its pages before starting any repair work.

Using a Reg file

Let's start with the most effective method. Error 2000022, like others like it, indicates that debugging mode is active in Windows, which needs to be disabled. A file called Reg will help in this matter.

  • Download it here: cdn.inn.ru/debug_uninstalled.rar.
  • Unzip it to any location on your hard drive. Click on it and install it.
  • Be sure to restart your computer. In rare cases, several such actions are required. Let's try to start.

The alternative becomes Command line. From the admin side, enter the following two commands:

  • bcdedit.exe -set loadoptions ENABLE_INTEGRITY_CHECKS;
  • bcdedit.exe -set TESTSIGNING OFF;

If changes are made successfully, appropriate messages will appear. We restart the computer and try to start.

Game repair option

Don't forget the built-in game repair function. You will find it in Client Settings. The shortcut looks like a key and is located slightly above the “Play” button.

"Repair Game" option

Antivirus and software

It is always advisable to disable the firewall, like the antivirus, when installing and launching the game. To increase your chances of solving component loading errors, remove all security utilities. Try using other similar programs. But before these actions, scan your hard drive to detect Trojans.

Try uninstalling all unnecessary software. Programs like Sansboxie are quite conflicting, which creates difficulties for 4game games to work. Unload your OS with CCleaner.

Other solutions

  • empty the Frost folder and turn on “Repair Game” again;
  • when using a proxy or VPN, disable it immediately;
  • download and install new hosts file from the Microsoft website, if it is modified on your PC;
  • disable hosts when using them;
  • delete the updater.cache.data file hidden in the game folder.

You can always contact 4game support on the forum if nothing helps in solving Frost Security status errors 2000022 and 2131094. Technical support will analyze your situation and help, the main thing is to describe the problem and your actions in detail.

We were about to play our favorite game from Fogame, but instead of launching, a window pops up telling us “An error occurred while loading game components. Status 6194310". How to quickly get rid of this problem?

Reasons for failures

Crash 6194310 from Frost Security indicates a configuration that is not supported by the system. As a rule, we are talking about file automatic update . The changes he made to Windows registry are incompatible with the operation of the game, which is why the user receives a corresponding message.

On this moment The error appears in any games developed by Fogame: the popular shooter Point Blank, the legendary Lineage 2, the sensational Aion, and even the brand new Blade & Soul. Currently, work is underway to eliminate it, as the number of complaints from users has been quite high in recent months.

Fixing the problem

What does the downloaded file do? It returns the settings to the original ones, eliminating the changes made. Its role is to work directly with the registry. It does not make any other changes to the computer.

In addition, it is advisable to clean your computer of debris and correct registry errors (CCleaner will help you), install operating system update packages and update drivers, paying special attention to sound and video (it is better to do the procedure manually).

After this, the Frost Security window with status error 6194310 should stop appearing, but if all else fails, we recommend writing to support, making sure to indicate all the operations you performed. Within some time you should receive the necessary recommendations for correction.

If on Windows, when you try to launch modern games like Point Blank, Aion, Blade and Soul, LineAge appears Error loading game components: Status 1073, then most often this indicates that the function is activated Secure Boot, which conflicts with the application being launched and prevents it from executing necessary commands. What is this and what to do in this situation?

To protect the operating system from various infections during its boot, a special secure Secure Boot protocol was developed, which compares the signatures of the system’s boot code with special ones embedded in the keys. To ensure that the game starts and error 1073 does not occur while loading game components in Windows 10, you must disable the secure boot protocol. How to do it?!

First you need to get into the BIOS. To do this, when booting the computer, press the “Delete” or “F12” button. If you have a laptop and Windows immediately loads when you turn it on, then you need to click the “Start” button, open system settings and open the section Update and Security >> Recovery.

We find the item “ Special options download" and click on the "Restart" button. The computer will reboot and give you an action selection menu:

Open the section “Diagnostics” >> “ Extra options" and click on the "UEFI Firmware Settings" button, after which you need to restart again.

After all these manipulations, we find ourselves in the BIOS (finally!). Now comes the fun part! The point is that different manufacturers motherboards have their own UEFI design and sometimes differ BIOS menu. Typically, the Secure Boot option can be located in the Boot or Security sections. Here's an example for a Dell laptop:

This is how you can disable Secure Boot on an ASUS motherboard:

But the mother's MSI boards this item is located in the “Settings” >> “Advanced” >> “Windows Configuration” section:

Set the value to “Disable”, save the system settings and reboot again. After this, error status 1073 in Windows 10 should not appear for the games Point Blank, Aion, Blade and Soul and LineAge. Otherwise it's worth a try complete reinstallation games.

Modern companies that distribute licensed games are trying their best to block the possibility of pirated hacking, even to the detriment of players. Such an official platform is 4game. All games downloaded from it will be protected by a universal anti-hacking program Frost Security- anti-cheat system, which is installed by default along with the game. It is this decision of the company that leads to the appearance of the notification "An error occurred while loading components. Status 1073.".

Error “Status 1073” occurs when loading or launching many online games from 4game. Many people complain that they can’t launch Lineage 2, Blade and Soul, Point Blank, APB Reloaded and the like Online Games. Below we will show you what to do and how to fix this status.

What causes error 1073 in 4game

The 4game platform creates its own protection, regardless of other security systems that may be installed on the user’s computer. This is where conflict situations arise; the main obstacle often becomes software the computer itself, unable to work with the Frost anti-cheat system. Many people have an operating system not installed from official sources, the so-called lite versions of the pirated assembly. The resulting conflict between them creates the problem “An error occurred while loading components. Status 1073."

What to do about this problem

We have chosen two options that completely solve the problem and include downloading new updates and running scripts.

First way

  1. The user's first action should be a batch update KB3033929 for anti-hacking program from 4game. Download the update from the official resource Microsoft and install it as a regular utility on your PC, you can check the program in the menu: All programs. Afterwards you will need to license your operating system; unfortunately, this step cannot be bypassed. As a rule, these actions should already clear the error.
  2. The installation itself KB3033929 sometimes causes some difficulties, although such cases are rare. For example, when installing updates, error 0xc8000247 may occur, to fix which you need to find in Services "Update Center" and set the status - "Launch".
  3. If other problems occur, then check for latest updates for SP1. They can always be downloaded from the official website of the developer – Microsoft. After completing this step, reboot the system.
  4. If something goes wrong, then carry out a series of sequential actions. Disable the firewall. Find and deactivate any security programs on your computer, including the main antivirus. Download updates for the operating system again through the Update Center.

The above points will only help if the OS is activated. Purely pirated Windows(7/8/10) in this case will not help correct the situation. The last resort solution would be to purchase a license or find a suitable one Windows systems, but you will need to conduct countless searches for it on the Internet. Service centers they can help with replacing the operating system.

Second way

The fact remains obvious that the problem is created due to low-quality builds of pirated OSes, as well as a good program for recognizing them - the Frost anti-cheat system, without which it is impossible to download games from 4game.