What to do if “Access is denied” to a folder appears. What to do if “Access is denied” to a folder appears Open access using the takeown command

We have already organized a local network and now we need to figure out how to share access to drive D.

Perhaps someone will ask: why this particular disc? Yes, because, ironically, this is the most popular unit when setting up network connections, since it comes immediately after the system C. At least when setting up a network in accounting offices, this is definitely the most popular letter.

Although, to be honest, these processes are absolutely identical. But today we will additionally consider some new nuances. So let's start the story slowly.

It is also worth saying that all settings will be carried out using the example of Windows 10. But here there is a complete analogy with more early systems, such as Win 7 and 8.

So, first of all, look for the “My Computer” section on the desktop:

We find the treasured disk in it and click on it right click mice. In the opened context menu select "Properties":

Then follow the path “Access-Advanced Settings”:

In the next step, check the box next to “Share this folder”:

In principle, the above settings are sufficient for all users local network gained access to the drive with the letter D. But with this layout, they can only view all the files stored on it.

If you need to give rights to edit or change content, then you need to click on the “Permissions” button and specify the necessary permissions:

That's all, in fact, general access to the disk is open. Similar steps should be taken on all computers on the local network. Now let's talk about the nuances.

If suddenly all of the above actions did not lead to anything and there is still no access to it, then the first thing to do is to restart the computer. According to the author, this is the most effective technique when working with technology 😉

There are also cases when, when accessing a disk with public access, the system still asks for a password. Then you need to go back to the settings section, which is shown in the picture above, and select “Add”. Then click on "Advanced":

In the window that opens, click the “Search” button, after which in the list that appears, place the cursor on the line “All”:

Now click on “OK” and see the result of the entire operation:

What else can be said about this topic? For example, you can take note of the fact that all the described actions and settings are very convenient to perform in a popular file manager Total Commander :

At least, much more convenient than in the standard Windows operating system explorer. And if you consider that already in we will connect network drive, then this is simply an irreplaceable program.

Well, okay, this completes the topic of how to share access to drive D. Although in fact, why does this particular letter pop up again, because the partitions on the hard drive

That's all for now. As always, ask your questions in the comments to the post. We will definitely help you in any way we can.

What to do if, when you try to open in the environment Windows partition internal drive or external media information, the system issues a notification “ Access denied"? Typically, such a notification appears if security settings have been tampered with in the disk properties. Or if the system incorrectly identifies the current user as the owner of the disk, which happens when the media is periodically connected to different computers. How to solve this problem?

Disk access denied

So, when trying to open external device information or a separate disk partition in Windows Explorer we see a message about access denied.

Moreover, in the properties of such NTFS disk How file system is determined, but information about occupied and free volume is missing.

If there is no important data on the disk or perhaps it is empty, you need to go to the management utility Windows disks and either format it or delete the partition and create it again.

If there is valuable data on the disk, it must be extracted and temporarily stored somewhere before formatting or deleting the partition. How to extract?

1.Total Commander

A disk invisible to Explorer can be seen by a third-party file manager. For example, Total Commander. We try to access the data in it and copy it to another, visible to the system section or media.

2. Full disk access

If there is no third party in the system file manager, or an attempt to solve the problem with his participation was not successful, you need to configure full access for the disk in the system. In its properties, go to the security tab. Click "Advanced".

At the top, where it says “Owner” (or in the “Owner” tab for Windows 7), click “Change”.

In the empty field, enter the value “All” (without quotes and with a capital letter), click “Check names”. The value “All” will be highlighted in the lower outline, then click “Ok”.

Then click “Yes”.

Now let's copy the data.

3. Paragon Hard Disk Manager

Another way to get to the contents of a disk that Windows denies access to is the Paragon Hard Disk Manager program. It has a file manager on board, with which you can view and export the contents of not only physical disks, but also virtual files hard drives in conditions of their mounting using the same program from Paragon. At the same time, not only NTFS is supported, but also a number of other file systems such as: FAT16, FAT32, Ext2/3/4, ReFS. This means that the program from Paragon will probably help us even if, when opening the disk, the system displays a notification that there is no access due to the fact that the file system is not recognized. Plus, the procedure for exporting a large amount of data will be faster than using Windows copy tools.

Launch the advanced mode of Hard Disk Manager.

Switch to the file manager tab. In the tree structure, we open the path to the necessary data and select it. And in the context menu click “Export”.

Hello, dear friends! When working with folders and files, I often have one problem. It manifests itself in the fact that when you try to delete, paste or rename some folders, the message “ Access denied", personally, this really annoys me. I am sure that every second person has definitely encountered this and will clearly understand what I am talking about.

The most amazing thing is that I am the computer administrator, and as you know, the administrator has full access to the computer and can delete or edit any file or folder. But, sometimes there are some cases in which the folder becomes inaccessible. For example, after Windows reinstallation or after copying it from an external drive to the computer’s HDD.

In general, let's see what can be done if, when performing any action, the error “Access is denied” to the folder appears.

Restoring access to a folder with an “Access Denied” error

This example will work for all operating systems. But, there is one small catch in Windows XP. Before you begin to perform the basic steps to obtain rights to a folder and get rid of the “Access Denied” error, you need to disable simple file sharing in the folder properties. For all other OSes, this value is disabled by default.

So, to disable sharing, go to some folder or to “ My computer"and in top menu find the properties item. By clicking on it, a drop-down menu will appear, where we click on “”.

Next, click on the tab “ View", in the list of parameters look for the line " Use simple file sharing(recommended)." And to save the edited parameters, press the button “ OK».

Basic steps to fix the “Access is denied” error on a folder

We find the folder to which we need to get full editing access, and right-click on it, where in the menu that appears, select “”.

Now, click on the tab “ Safety"where we find and click on" Additionally».

Now, separately for each operating system. Let's start with Windows XP and Windows 7, since these operating systems have the same settings as intended by the owner.

Windows XP and Windows 7:

Pressing " Additionally", the security settings window will appear. And already there we go to the tab “ Owner", in which we click on the button " Change».

Next, we will see information about who the current owner is and a list of users who can be designated as the owner. So, how do I want to indicate the owner of my account, I designate it by clicking on it with a bear. Also, to become the owner of all files contained in the folder, check the box next to “ Replace owner of subcontainers and objects." Next, click “ OK» to apply all settings.

If the "Access Denied" error for the folder appears again. Let's try to select the administrators group, it will also work, because our account has full administrator rights, and thus is included in the list of users of this group.

Windows 8:

As for Windows 8, the file owner setting has been slightly changed.

So, having gone into the security settings settings, we see that the name of the owner of the selected folder or file is immediately displayed at the top. And in order to select another user as the owner, click on the button “ Change».

A user selection window will appear where we must specify the name of the account to which we want to transfer rights. For example, my account is called “Igor”, so I’ll put it in the selected objects field and click the button “ Check name" If everything was written correctly, the name of the computer should appear before the name, for me it looks like this: “ MSI-Z77\Igor", and as always, save the changes with the " OK».

Now, you can do whatever you want with the folder, since all rights to the folder now belong to you. And the error about access to the file being denied will disappear forever. I would like to mention that on many computers the account can be “Administrator”, so if you did not create an account during installation, then use that account. In any case, if you have questions, leave them in the comments and we will definitely find answers to them.

What to do if “Access is denied” to a folder appears: 10 comments

    Hello, when I turned on the computer I noticed that all the icons were missing on the monitor, (Windows7) a sign listing exactly where I was denied access and the keyboard’s reluctance to “speak” Russian. All desktop folders were in the administrator folder, office programs - “access denied”, and Chrome worked fine, there was access to mail. First, I adapted to transfer the documents I needed to the mail.ru cloud and there they were safely opened and even printed.

    I read a lot of advice on the Internet on how to restore normal work etc. It was late, I decided to deal with this problem in the morning, but just in case I downloaded free utility Dr.Web and checked it overnight. The check ended and I turned off the computer. When I turned it on in the morning, I discovered that everything was working perfectly, even the keyboard “speaked” in its native language.

    Thank you, it helped on win 7, but there was a lock on the folder and it was a system folder. I solved the problem by copying the contents to new folder“Normal” and deleted old folder with tricky settings. Suspicion fell on the program parental controls Time Boss. I set a login ban for another account, but as it turned out, it was closed to everyone. Removing the settings did not change anything. I couldn't even get into it in DOSe.

    Hello, I can’t delete my current account, it says access denied, what should I do, please tell me

On the network you can find a dozen cases when the user cannot access the drive F, C or D on which the Windows system 10. As a result of this error, it is impossible to boot from Windows 10 and the PC, in fact, becomes inoperative. What to do in this case, what actions to take to solve the problem?

Causes of a locked drive problem

If, when you turn on the PC, a message appears on the monitor screen stating that there is no access to drive D or access is denied Windows access 10 - This indicates that the 100 MB boot partition (System Reserved) is damaged or missing.

Other reasons for this problem include:

  • Upgrade a PC from Windows 7 or Windows 8 to Windows 10;
  • Lack of Intel Rapid Storage Technology driver, which is necessary for the correct functioning of Intel Smart Response Technology (SRT);
  • Transferring Windows from HDD to SSD.

There are several ways to solve this problem, but you can’t do it without an installation disk.

Ways to solve the problem

If the drive on which Windows is installed, be it C or F, is locked, you should do the following:

  • We boot into the BIOS and set the boot priority from the disk. Boot from the installation media. At the initial stage, select the installation language and region. Click “Next”.
  • Next, select “System Restore”.

  • A window called “Select Actions” will appear. Select "Diagnostics".

  • In the new window, click “Advanced options”.

  • Next, we enter the following commands one by one. After entering each, press “Enter”.

select disk X, where X is the drive letter on which Windows 10 is installed;

  • A list of disks should appear. It should also display a 100 MB partition. If it is not there, enter the following commands.

create partition efi size=100;

format quick fs=fat32 label="System";

assign letter="S";

  • Don't close the command line. The exit command is required to exit the diskpart utility.
  • Next, enter the following commands on the command line:

BCDBoot c:\Windows /s s: /f UEFI.

After running this command you need to extract installation disk and reboot the system (don't forget to set boot priority from hard drive).

Also, there is another method on how to use the command line to unlock the F or C drive on which Windows 10 is installed. To do this, we follow all the same steps to get into command line that are described above. When the console is launched, you should enter the following commands:

bootrec /fixmbr;


bootrec /rebuildbcd.

These are the commands to restore damaged hard sections disk. They will also help solve the problem when HDD blocked.

After installation software and reboot the PC, the message asking “Unlock the disk...” will disappear and the system will boot normally.