What to do if you deleted something important. How to recover deleted files from a hard drive or flash drive

If you accidentally deleted vital files or formatted a hard drive that contained valuable information, then you have come to the right place. In this article we will talk about how to restore deleted files on a computer or flash drive. We admit that the situation is unpleasant, but there is no need to panic either. Let us tell you right away, we will restore everything! Let's not philosophize too much, it's better to get straight to the point. You can recover deleted information using completely free program DMDE , which you can download from the link.

Picture 1

Oh yeah, I completely forgot this program is portable and can run on any computer without installation. You can write it to a flash drive and carry it with you everywhere - thereby being sure that at any time you can restore any deleted files. After unzipping, run “dmde.exe”.

Figure 2

Figure 3

Figure 4

Then we will permanently delete this folder.

Figure 5

Let's assume that these files were very important to us and we want to recover them. What to do? Now let's return to the program itself. After launching it, it will automatically detect all physical and logical devices on your computer. Then:

  1. The program clearly needs to indicate that the information was located on a logical drive
  2. You need to choose one logical drive, which contained the files that we are trying to recover. You can check whether we have chosen the right disk by size.
  3. Click the “Ok” button

Figure 6

After this, a scan of all directories and folders that were and are on the disk begins. After finishing you will see the following window. Double-click on our disk.

Figure 7

Then we select .

Figure 8

After selection, virtual reconstruction of all disk files begins. Click “Ok” and wait for the process to complete.

Figure 9

After reconstruction, in the window we can find the “FILES” folder that was deleted (it is indicated by a red cross).

Figure 10

It won’t be possible to restore the entire folder at once, since our program is free, but we don’t care, because the information in this folder is very important (instead of music there may be valuable work documents or something else). To restore files, go inside the folder and restore everything separately. To do this, check the box next to the object to be restored and click right click for this object, select from the drop-down menu "Restore object".

Figure 11

After this, a menu will open in front of you, where you will be asked to select the location where you want to restore the object. We strongly recommend that you DO NOT restore to the location where this object was previously. There is a possibility that the sector may have been overwritten or faulty.

Figure 12

After recovery, this file played normally in my player.

Figure 13

Second case of critical difficulty

The case we discussed above is the simplest. Let's analyze the situation when you need to recover deleted information from formatted hard drive or flash drive. I will show you how this can be done using a flash drive as an example. I’ll tell you right away that the actions here are carried out in the same way as in the previous case (Starting with FIGURE 6 and ending with FIGURE 9). However, there are still differences here. After selecting the item “All found + reconstruction” search for deleted files did not give results.

Figure 14

But we will still try to conduct an in-depth search. To do this we go:

  1. To the "Disk Partitions" tab
  2. Select our disk (flash drive)
  3. Click “Search by NTFS”

Figure 15

After that, we are prompted to select a search area. We don’t change anything here so that the program will completely scan the flash drive and find all kinds of information on it.

Figure 16

Then click the “Ok” button and the scanning process starts. Its duration depends on the volume hard drive or flash drives.

Figure 17

After scanning is completed, we are prompted to save the logo. We agree.

Figure 18

Then click “Everything found + reconstruction”, as in FIGURE 8, and we get a list of files that can be recovered. Oh yes, I completely forgot, here we will try to restore an archive with photos that were previously on a formatted flash drive.

Figure 19

After that, right-click on the archive and click "Restore object"

Figure 20

After you have chosen "Restore object" in the same way as in the previous case (FIGURE 12), you will be asked to select the place where this object should be restored. After which the recovery process begins.

Figure 21

After all that has been done, it will not be difficult for you to recover deleted information.

Important Note:In fact, the amount of information deleted and the time of its deletion do not play any role. After all, even when formatting the hard drive, the upper level of the address is erased, that is, with a simple in the usual way You will not get access to this information. But if you overwrite the hard drive or flash drive (and even repeatedly), then it will be much more difficult to restore the files. However, all this is done in exactly the same way as we discussed above. There is no 100% guarantee when rewriting multiple times. That's why REMEMBER: if you accidentally overwritten the files you need, then Nothing Do not write to a flash drive or hard drive, otherwise newly recorded files may occupy the sector of the media where your files are located.

Let's summarize: Having considered this article, we have learned how to recover deleted files from a flash drive or hard drive. The DMDE program is a very convenient (and most importantly - free) assistant in the recovery of information and data.

Hi all! Probably many of you have more than once found yourself in a rather unpleasant situation when someone or you yourself mistakenly deleted necessary files on a computer or laptop. In this situation, all users have the same question in their heads: “How to recover deleted files?” I’ll tell you right away that if you suddenly don’t see the file you need in the usual place, then you shouldn’t panic and get upset. Perhaps not everything is so bad and lost data can be easily recovered. And we will consider in detail how to do this.

As I said above, don’t panic if you suddenly don’t find the files you need. It might be easy enough to restore them using standard means, since not all files are permanently deleted from the computer, which means there is a high probability of finding them and returning them to disk, for this we will consider two methods, which I will describe below.

How to recover deleted files from the Recycle Bin.

This method is the simplest and most harmless. By default, all files that the user deletes from the hard drive end up in temporary storage - the Recycle Bin. Essentially, this is a special folder that stores files deleted by the user. If you haven't changed Windows settings, then look for your files in the trash.

To restore files from the Recycle Bin, all you need to do is select the ones you need. In the window, go to the “Management” tab and click on the “Restore selected objects” button.

If you want to return all the files in the recycle bin, then click the “Restore all objects” button.

Note! Large files, usually movies, folders with games, disk images, are deleted without being placed in the recycle bin, since in most cases they exceed the permissible volume allocated for it. This makes recovering large files quite problematic and sometimes an impossible task.

As a rule, beginners, due to inexperience, often delete various program shortcuts from the desktop that they think they do not need. But many people don’t know that if they delete the shortcut, the program itself will still remain on your computer’s hard drive.

To restore program shortcuts, you can do the following:

I would like to draw your attention to the fact that when using the system restore tool, you will not be able to restore deleted files, programs or games, but you will be able to return program shortcuts, as well as system settings that were before the changes were made. Let's look at an example of how to perform a Windows 7 system restore and get back deleted files.

We use the system restore function.

To use the system restore function, do the following:

In most cases, System Restore is useless, but sometimes you can use it to recover deleted shortcuts and system files and folders.

How to recover deleted files using third-party programs.

As a rule, standard tools for recovering deleted files do not bring the desired result and users have to resort to the help of third-party utilities that can recover lost data.

PhotoRec – we will return deleted files.

If you don’t yet know how to recover deleted files, then a free but quite functional utility called PhotoRec will come to the rescue. Judging by the name, the program should be able to restore photos, but its functionality allows you to work with many. Also, another advantage of this utility is that it does not require installation and is distributed in an archive, which you just need to unpack and run executable file. This allows you to run the program from external media.

You can download the program from the official website of the developer – www.cgsecurity.org

After downloading, unpack the archive to any location and run the utility. The algorithm for working with the program is as follows:

  1. In the main window of the program, disks will be displayed in front of us that we can work with. Therefore, select the desired disk;

Note! The program can work with disk images in img format.

To start the program, click the “Search” button and wait for the scan results to complete. As a rule, you shouldn’t expect 100% results, but with the help of this utility there is a high probability of recovering lost files: photos, documents, audio recordings. If the result does not satisfy you, then let's look at another program.

How to recover deleted files using Recuva

Another one free utility, which can recover deleted files. You can also download it from the developers’ website – recuva.su/download.

The program has a Russian-language interface, so any user can work with it.

Note! The program should be installed on hard section a disk on which you do not need to restore files.

The principle of working with the program is as follows:

After the program scans, you will be shown all the detected files, which you will need to check off and click on the “Recover” button. Using this program, in most cases, photos, documents and other light files stored on the hard drive are recovered.

DMDE is a powerful file recovery tool.

Another free utility that has great potential and can very likely recover deleted files from a hard drive or flash drive. The program does not require installation, so you can always have it at hand if you carry it on a flash card or portable HDD. As usual, the utility can be downloaded from the developers’ official website - dmde.ru. Therefore, don’t waste time and download the archive with the program.

The program interface is intuitive, but for beginners there is detailed guide, how to recover deleted files, which I recommend that you read before starting work.

I will not describe in detail the entire process of the program in this article, since it is similar to the previous options. I can only say that the program copes with its task perfectly and can restore files even in completely hopeless situations.

Surely, everyone has at least once encountered a situation where important files on the computer were accidentally deleted. It's good if they take up little space and are on your hard drive. In this case, nothing bad happened: you can return the data by restoring it from the Recycle Bin. It's worse when the storage medium is a flash drive. In this case, there is no intermediate step, and the information is deleted immediately.

Despite the seemingly irreversible situation, things can be improved. If the user accidentallydeleted files from flash drive, how to restore them– our material will tell.

A little theory

Information on digital media, be it a flash drive or hard drive, is organized into a file system. This is a kind of journal in which data is entered about where each file is physically located (in solid-state memory cells or sectors magnetic disk), how long it takes, and other information. During normal deletion through Explorer, often only this service information is erased. To improve performance and extend the life of the drive, data is not physically erased. Thus, despite the absence of mentions of files in the FS, the cells themselves are still occupied by the treasured bytes belonging to the previously erased file. They are cleared only when an attempt is made to write new data to the same location.

That is, after deleting files from the file system, they continue to be physically present on the disk. The principle of information recovery is based on this. To regain access to them, you need to analyze the contents of cells marked as free and find areas filled with data there.

Each type of file, be it images, music, video or document, has a specific structure. If a data recovery program finds an area corresponding to a certain type of data, it reports that it has identified a deleted file and tries to return it.

Is it possible to recover deleted files yourself?

Offered by numerous organizations. Among them - how service centers, specializing in all types of PC maintenance, as well as laboratories engaged only in this area. They will even return information from a broken drive, but the cost of services can amount to tens of thousands of rubles.

If for an organization that has lost an accounting program log, a client base, and other unreserved documents due to a system failure and storage failure, prices can be called acceptable (otherwise the losses reach millions), then for ordinary users they will seem huge. Despite the fact that in market terms a personal photo archive or video from family celebrations may not cost a penny, for a person they are precious as a memory. Lost work-from-home results don't cost millions either, but they can cost you a few lost days.

It is quite natural that the question “how to recover files deleted from the recycle bin, independently”, interests everyone. It is quite possible to do this, but a successful result is not always achieved and depends on a number of factors. To increase the likelihood of a successful recovery, several rules should be followed:

  • The less time has passed since deletion, the better.. Don't waste precious minutes by postponing recovery until later. What could be corrected immediately may not be possible later.
  • It is not recommended to use the drive after deleting files. It’s easier in this regard with a flash drive: you can simply remove it and put it aside for a while. More difficult with hard drive, especially if it is the only one on the PC, and the deleted information was stored on system partition. In this case, you should close all programs and proceed to download the file recovery program.
  • When downloading recovery programs, you cannot use a disk from which files have been deleted. It is better to download (and install) the software onto a third-party medium (preferably a USB flash drive). Otherwise, the risk increases that new files will be written to the place where the data of interest used to be, and it will no longer be possible to save them.

Recovery programs

To recover deleted files on computer, you need the appropriate software. There are quite a lot of similar programs. Many of them are paid (and relatively expensive, like all professional software). But it should be noted free apps: Recuva, R.saver (free for home use in the former USSR) and Wise Data Recovery. They have approximately the same functionality; as an example, we will give the last one as the simplest but most effective.

How to recover deleted files from a hard drive or flash drive using Wise Data Recovery

To recover deleted files from a flash drive or hard drive, you need to download and install the application (it is not recommended to install it on target disk). The developers' website is in English, but it is possible to translate the interface into Russian using Google Translator.

After launching the program, a window opens with a minimalistic but clear interface. To start scanning, you need to select in the upper left corner the partition on which there were files that require recovery.

After starting the scanning procedure, the program checks the drive for deleted files, which are displayed on the panel. Search time ranges from several seconds to several minutes. It depends on the disk space, the overall performance of the PC and the number of files that have fallen under the knife.

After completing the search procedure, the program displays a list of detected deleted data on the panel. The color of the icon next to the file name indicates its level of preservation. Green indicates that the document can be saved, yellow warns of the possibility of failure, and red indicates that the data area has already been damaged. In this case, even if it is possible to save the file, there is a high risk that it will not be completely restored. And if, in the case of a photo, this results in empty fragments of the image (like missing puzzles), then it will most likely not be possible to unpack an archive in poor condition.

It should be noted that you should not be afraid of the yellow color. In the image below, the “Windows 10 PE” file is marked as “risky”. But this is a disk image specially deleted to demonstrate the program’s capabilities, which is successfully restored completely.

When the files of interest are found, all that’s left is to save them by moving them to a new location. You need to check the boxes of the documents you are interested in, click the “Recover” button at the bottom and select a location to save.You cannot specify the same partition on which the source files were stored.This may entail, in the course of rescuing one document, writing it over another. And then the second file will no longer be recoverable.

If you are not satisfied with the result, you can try another software.

How to recover deleted files using Recuva

Recuva comes in free and paid versions. You can download it from the developers' website. Once downloaded, installed and launched, the application will launch the “Recuva Wizard”, allowing you to follow the recovery procedure step by step. First of all, you should specify the type of data you are interested in. This allows you to make your search faster and more efficient.

Next, Recuva proceeds to selecting the location of the deleted data. You need to specify a section or folder to search for information.

After this, the program is ready for scanning. Checking “Enable in-depth analysis” will significantly increase the likelihood of success, but the search time increases, sometimes reaching an hour or more.

After the search, a list of detected files will also be displayed in the program window. Similarly, using a color indicator, the status of the detected file and the chance of saving it are indicated.

To make your search easier, you can sort the results by name, size, date modified, location, and condition. If the required file is found, you need to select it and press the “Restore” button, specifying the location to copy. If the document was not found, you can try to enable in-depth analysis.

Other programs are structured in a similar way. In general, the functionality of such software is at the same level, only the professional versions have wider capabilities and increased efficiency.

If 2, 3 or even 5 programs show equally disappointing results, you will have to accept: the data is lost forever. Most likely, they were overwritten, and even professionals who demand significant money for their work will not be able to help.


Recover deleted files from Recycle Bin after cleaningCan. The likelihood of success directly depends on how timely the accidental deletion was detected. There is a lot of software for these purposes on the Internet, both free and for money. The programs have limited but sufficient functionality. Which one to choose is a matter of taste and wallet; you don’t have to “donate” to recover deleted files.

To get a positive result, you should prevent overwriting a blank area of ​​the media by avoiding placing new data in it. You can do this yourself, and the chance of saving the information is quite high. You should follow all the recommendations, and then the question “how to recover deleted files from a flash drive or hard drive” will not bother you.

If you need help or don't knowhow to recover deleted files on your computer– ask in the comments, we will try to answer all questions.

Losing data on your computer is a fairly common problem among PC users. There can be many reasons. From accidentally deleting files to PC system failure. You can find deleted files on your computer and restore them using a powerful Russian language program PHOENIX. You do not need the help of a specialist; the program is easy to use. All you have to do is follow the instructions and perform the steps step by step.

1 step. Installing the program on a PC

To get started, you need to install it on the computer from which the files were deleted. PHOENIX supports the operating room Windows system different versions and bit depths.

Step 2. Beginning of work

Launch the program on your PC. PHOENIX allows you to search and restore images, videos, various documents and even entire archives of files. To select a specific location to search for deleted files (in in this case it will be local disk PC), click “Next”. At this step, select from the list the drive where the data was stored.

Window when starting the program

List of disks

Step 3. Setting search parameters

To speed up the search for lost data, you can check the boxes for specific formats in the following items: Images, Documents, Multimedia, Archives, Other. For example, if you need to restore photos, but you don’t know exactly what format they were in, check all the boxes in the “Images” item. You can also specify the size of the files you are looking for. The program provides several ranges, but you can specify your own values. Next, you need to click on “Scan”.

Selecting options for disk scanning

Step 4 Selecting files to recover

Wait for the program to search on the drive you selected and with the parameters that you specified in the previous step. As a result, a list of found files will be generated. All files in the list are marked with check marks, that is, all this data will be restored to your PC. To restore deleted files selectively, just uncheck the boxes of unnecessary files.

PHOENIX allows you to sort files by name, by format, by size. If there are too many files, then in the “Filtering” item you can specify, for example, only images or only documents.

The program allows you to view detailed information about each found file. To do this, you need to open the list of deleted files, select one of the files, and then click on the “View” button. In the window that opens, you will find not only information about the file, but also see the likelihood of its recovery. There is also a “Recover Now” function, which allows you to restore files individually.

Step 5 Recovery

With the PHOENIX program, you can not only recover deleted files, but also burn them directly to disk (CD or DVD) or send them via ftp (that is, the data will be transferred to an ftp server). To get deleted files back to your computer, select “Recover and save to folder.” Point to any folder on your PC and wait for recovery.

Ready! The files have been returned to their original location. Now you know how to recover lost data from your computer using convenient program PHOENIX. This software also allows you to recover deleted files from cameras, phones, tablets, and USB flash drives.

The solution to the problem of how to recover deleted files depends on operating system and the method by which the files were deleted. IN simple cases and if you have some minimal knowledge of the principles of storing information in a computer or wearable device, recovery is possible using the operating system or manually. In difficult cases, special programs can help - recovering deleted files; in hopeless cases, the cost of time and money for recovery can significantly exceed the cost of the lost information.

Files can be mistakenly deleted from the device in several ways, which are listed below:

1) Normal deletion of files using the OS “to the trash”;
2) Final removal using OS means “bypass the trash”;
3) Removal software designed to maintain secrecy;
4) Quick media formatting;
5) Full formatting of the media;
6) Changing the type of file system on the media;
7) The files were deleted by a virus.

Recovery when using the Recycle Bin

The “default” operating system settings suggest deleting files not permanently, but into a special “Trash” folder, from which any file can be restored through the menu item for this folder.

Files deleted in this way can be restored without going to the Recycle Bin, but simply by canceling the deletion using the standard key combination “Cancel” last action" For MS Windows it is “Ctrl+Z” for Mac OS “Command-Z”. The undo method works if you apply it immediately after deletion.

In the latest OS releases there may be a “Restore” function. previous version", located in context menu, called by left-clicking on a folder. Selecting this menu option restores recently deleted files if they are placed in the Recycle Bin.

In devices running Android, the “Recycle Bin” is not provided, but this function is available when installing external additional programs, for example, "ES Explorer". Restoring a file from the Recycle Bin under Android OS is no different from restoring it on a computer.

The Recycle Bin is limited by the size of files to be deleted. Files over 1 GB are permanently deleted immediately.

Recovering from permanent deletion

If you do not use the Recycle Bin or have recently emptied it, you can recover deleted files using special programs.

Effective recovery is only possible if files have been recently deleted. The operating system uses the free space for recording new information and after some time, the remnants of the deleted file will be completely destroyed by the new data written over it.

List popular programs for restoration, their advantages and disadvantages will be discussed below.

The use of programs for Mac Os and MS Windows is similar, but for Android devices there is important note: In Android OS, you cannot restore files to the same directory from where they were deleted. If this condition is not met, the file will begin to be written over its not yet restored part, and will make complete recovery impossible. It is best to restore to another memory volume.

Recover data to removable media in an Android device, you can use programs installed on the computer by removing the flash drive and connecting it to the computer, or special programs for mobile devices. To recover files deleted from internal memory wearable device, application special programs for Android it may be the only method.

Recovering accidentally deleted programs

If you accidentally deleted the folder with the program, then it can be restored in the same way as other files, there is no fundamental difference.

If you uninstalled the program, then a simple restore will not help, you need to complete reinstallation programs from the distribution. The second method is to “roll back” the operating system to the state before uninstallation. This possibility is provided, for example, in MS Windows, but this method does not always work correctly.

Restoring a file after deletion by “secret” programs

There are a variety of programs designed to efficiently erase information from storage media. They not only delete the file, but also write zeros or an arbitrary meaningless set of numbers in its place. Once a file is deleted by such a program, recovery is impossible.

Recovery after formatting the media or changing the file table type

Files can be recovered after accidental formatting, deletion of a logical disk partition, or when the file table type is changed only with the use of special recovery programs.

To successfully recover data, you should never write to the affected disk or use programs like ChkDsk or ScanDisk, as they permanently destroy traces of deleted files.

Popular recovery programs

General overview of the capabilities of some programs (to enlarge, click on the table)


When recovering data from a formatted disk or after reinstalling the operating system, you must run the recovery program either from an external boot device (CD drive or bootable flash drive) or from a flash drive. Installing the program on a recoverable disk will most likely lead to significant data loss.

Description of some programs

Free programs

One of the most popular free programs.

The advantages include:

— Intuitively clear interface;
— Complete Russification;
— Flexible functionality settings;
— Works under old OS, as well as Win XP, Win 7, Win 8;
— There is a potable version for working without installation.

The disadvantage is that it does not restore partitions.

Scope of application: home computer

Pandora Recovery


— Excellent data recovery capabilities after disk formatting or file system damage;
— Works with compressed files and files in archives;

Scope of application: for home

PC Inspector File Recovery


— Works using the network;
— Special Recovery function for recovering files that are not referenced in the directory;
— Extensive list of supported file types;

Disadvantages – only works with hard drives

Scope of application: remote data recovery via networks

Paid programs

MiniTool Power Data Recovery


— Works with all storage media — hard disks, flash drives, SD cards;
— Recovers “severe cases” of data loss – broken boot sector, after partitioning the disk, formatted media;
— Recovers data in case of mechanical damage;
— Recovers partitions;
— Recovers data after a virus attack.

Flaws - free version limited to 1GB of recoverable data

Scope of application: for image restoration (for example, photo studio)

Hetman Partition Recovery


— Works with any type of media;
— Does not require file table integrity;
— High percentage of recovery;
— Restore partitions and directory trees;
— Excellent technical support;

Disadvantages - does not work with physically damaged media

Scope of application - any. Leader in functionality.



— Support for everyone file systems— Apple Mac OS, FreeBSD, Solaris, Linux, FAT, NTFS;
— Extensive file recovery tools and a set of additional utilities;
— Creating a disk image;

Disadvantages - price.

Scope of application: exotic OS and Mac

Wondershare Data Recovery


— Works with all types of media;
— Leader among analogues in terms of speed;
- Low price;

Disadvantages - only English interface

Scope of application: data recovery under tight deadlines.

Recovery My Files


— Work with all types of media;
— Analysis of the internal structure of files during search;
— File recovery after a virus attack;
— The program is relevant for restoring multimedia, texts, tables, images;

Scope of application: offices



Works with all types of media, including floppy disks;
Recovers files from disk images, dynamic disks, removable media;


For FAT and NTFS file systems you need different versions programs, no Russian interface.

Scope of application: remote data recovery

Tenorshare Android Data Recovery

Scope of application: data recovery in devices running Android OS via a computer


Losing access to files with important information, their accidental deletion or damage can happen to anyone. There is no need to panic and think that everything is lost. Even if you don’t know how to approach recovery, it’s okay - in any city there are specialists who will help you.

But to avoid getting into such a situation, you can take a few simple precautionary measures:

Important information it is advisable to duplicate and store on a separate medium or in “ cloud service»

— Don’t forget to update and synchronize backup data with those stored on your device;

— Create and periodically check for operability an emergency flash drive, or CD, or other media, with installed programs information recovery.

Always remain optimistic - there are no irreparable situations.

Authors of the article: Gvindzhiliya Grigory and Pashchenko Sergey