What to do if it gives an error vac. The computer is blocking VAC: getting rid of the reason! Running Steam as Administrator

"Steam" is the most widespread and well-known platform for purchasing and collecting computer games, as well as for the gameplay itself. Naturally, in in this case The administration is taking absolutely all measures to protect both the players themselves and the game servers. This is especially true for multiplayer games, where the concept of cheating is common. Gamers who are not able to defeat the enemy on their own enter special codes and install additional software in order to gain an unfair advantage over the enemy through dishonest means. Steam has a VAC system, which is an advanced anti-cheat that can track any signs of third-party interference in the game. If such activity is noticed, the user immediately receives a ban not only in the game, but also in his entire account. However, even if you are an honest gamer, you may encounter certain problems with this system - for example, many users receive an error with the message: “Your system is VAC.” What to do in this case? There are several solutions, each of which you can try if the previous one did not work.

Restart and reboot

If so, you will not be able to take part in all multiplayer games, as well as in those projects where this system is implemented by default. After all, your account will be impossible to track for the use of cheats, so you will not be allowed for security reasons. Therefore, you urgently need to solve this problem, and the first method, which is also the simplest, is to restart the computer. To begin with, you can simply try exiting Steam and then launching it again, but if this does not help, restart your computer. This may solve your small problem, if it is small, of course. But if your computer still blocks VAC after a reboot, then you need more drastic measures.

Third party software

There are various reasons why your computer is blocking the VAC system, and one of the most common is a conflict with software running on your computer. In most cases, this could be an antivirus or firewall, but don't think that these are only security types of programs - other third-party software can also cause a similar error. That's why best recommendation In this case, you will need to turn off Steam, disable all programs that you do not need during the game, and then try to log into the server again. There is a high probability that the problem will not bother you again. But if your computer still blocks the VAC (CS: GO) system, what should you do in this case?

Restoring the Steam service

The next way to solve the problem will look a little more complicated. It is suitable if your computer has any problems with the Steam service, which you can find in the platform folder (SteamService.exe file). And if your VAC system is blocked, then you should, according to tradition, turn off Steam and then call Windows. There you need to specify the path to the file indicated above and use the /repair command on it. The process may take a few minutes, but once completed you will be able to play online again.


For those who are not very knowledgeable about computer technology, it’s worth telling what this abbreviation means. DEP is a data execution prevention system that you need to activate to get rid of your VAC problem once and for all. To do this, you will again need to call the command line, but this time enter bcdedit /deletevalue nx there.

Since ancient times, from the very beginning of the appearance of multiplayer games on Steam, various cheats for cs go, codes and similar tricks began to appear to bypass the system and give the user of hacker software certain advantages over other players. Using cheats is, at a minimum, not fair play. After all, the rest of the players try to achieve their results on their own, in a fair and equal way, using only their skills and desire to learn. In this regard, there is a constant fight against cheaters; various anti-cheat programs are being developed that are ready to punish anyone, even the most cunning cheater. One of the so-called super anti-cheat is the VAC system, developed by VALVE. This system used in many games on the STEAM platform, one of such games is CS:GO. Of course, if you are looking for a way to remove the vac ban in cs go, then most likely you will be disappointed. After all, the system this moment is considered flawless and the most modern, of course, flaws will be found in it sooner or later, because there are no fewer talented hackers. But now, remove VAC ban in CS GO most likely impossible!

Is VAC impeccable?

Most likely, you have read not a single article about how to remove VAC ban in CS:GO, therefore you are sure that this is not possible. After all, this anti-cheat is used by Valve in almost all online projects on their platform. Which means that this anti-cheat has not yet failed, it has not been bypassed or hacked. Any cheater has at least once thought about how to avoid stumbling upon VAC. This is because this anti-cheat program scans any online server, in a particular game, and looks for vulnerabilities in it, as well as unplanned changes in the gameplay. He will immediately react to this, and if your actions show signs of using prohibited programs, he will immediately ban you. And it will do it automatically. The answer to the question posed is Stan - Yes, VAC ban, at the moment it is considered impeccable. No glitches were noticed in his work; there are various rumors about him on the Internet.

How long does a VAC ban last?

If you are still banned, and you are trying your best to find a way to bypass this anti-cheat program, and you are asking questions left and right - how to remove vac ban in cs go, then you know that the answer is the same everywhere, lifting such a ban is unrealistic. But how long will it take to be banned by VAC? The answer is unlikely to please you, because this anti-cheat is one of the few that bans you forever, which means that you won’t be able to play from your account in which you received a ban in CS:GO and you will have to create new account, buy the game again and never use cheats again, at least in STEAM games. Moreover, if you banned VAC for example in CS GO, then you can easily be simultaneously banned in other games, if you have them. Which is quite serious and very unpleasant. But who can be to blame besides yourself?

Tiny chance to lift VAC ban

Are you still not giving up and trying to find an answer to the question posed, about how to remove vac ban in cs go, then we are ready to provide you with the only relevant chance. But this chance is very, very small. And so, it consists of contacting user support. The employees responsible for this service are rather reluctant to respond to requests and questions related to VAC. After all, they are confident in its impeccability and the possibility of error is excluded. That is, in order to answer you, you should write in as much detail as possible, adding maximum confidence and adequacy to your letter. Explain everything as clearly and competently as possible. And then, perhaps, your letter will be responded to. But if they do answer you, this does not mean that you were unbanned, it only means that your letter was considered. Most likely, you will still not be unbanned, because, as mentioned above, Steam employees are confident in the flawless and perfect operation of the VAC anti-cheat.

What to do if you received a Vac ban?

If you nevertheless treated other players irresponsibly, and also to yourself and used a cheat in the game CS:GO, then most likely you received a ban, and if this ban has limits, then you should wait until it ends and never use cheats again. But if you are still banned by VAC, then there is no point in waiting, because this ban is lifelong and is practically not discussed. But what to do then? The answer is very simple and as logical as possible. Create a new account, buy the game again and never use cheats in your Steam games again.

Valve is constantly checking the availability of third party software in their products, and anti-cheat programs are updated and new search algorithms are added. So, recently many CS:GO players encountered an error when starting: . This check from VAK is designed to find all files loaded in the game that do not have digital signature and block them. In addition to the bunch of cheaters who have already annoyed everyone with their super mods and scripts, ordinary guys also suffer.

On normal accounts, this error may occur due to incorrect settings on the computer. VAC is unable to access files and libraries: the connection may have been reset or blocked by the system. In general, I don’t want to get into the details of the error, one thing is clear - VAC is interfering with something.

What to do with this in CS:GO

Let's jump straight into a list of individual solutions you can try to remove this "blockage". Let’s immediately discard the points about banning an account; this all needs to be checked immediately in such cases.

Here's another video instruction that doesn't help many people.


I hope the above tips will help fix the error “The VAC system was unable to verify your gaming session.” In any case, try them before you start tearing everything to hell and reinstalling your Windows 7,8 or 10. Finally, I’ll add that you should try a clean loading Windows and run through it. If you have your own thoughts on this matter, leave them in the comments.

Hello, you probably have a problem with the VAC system, which gives an error, although there are no cheats and third party programs you don't use. There is the easiest way to solve this problem - restart Steam, go into the game and the error will disappear, but this is only a temporary measure. Learn how to remove this warning once and for all later in this guide.

The first method and the most effective according to users is to clear the download cache

So, let's start right away with the method that, according to many players, helps solve this problem. The solution is this:

But, if still this method didn’t work, then move on to other methods.

Other ways to resolve this issue is to check the integrity of the cache

The next method of combating is to check the integrity of the cache, this usually helps with any game error, so you can always use it.

  • The reason may be unnecessary software installed on the computer, so go to your antivirus and add Steam folder(all) to exceptions. And also do not forget to scan all local disk for the presence of viruses.
  • Open the command line with the WIN+R combination and write: “C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\bin\SteamService.exe /repair” (this is the default path, yours may be different). We are waiting and checking.
  • Exit Steam, open the console line in Windows and enter the following there: “bcdedit.exe /set (current) nx Optln”. Restart the game and check.

That's all, we hope we helped you solve your problem! Also read about

17.10 2017

Servers protected by the VAC anti-cheat system allow you not to be afraid of cheaters. But sometimes ordinary players for some reason cannot play them. The computer prevents you from doing this by blocking the system. And then, when you try to log into MM, the CS GO client displays the message “Your computer is blocking the VAC system,” which is very inconvenient in CS GO, and you don’t know what to do.

It's time to get rid of the VAC Error and start playing normally in competitive and other matches. To do this you will have to perform several operations.

Why does the problem occur and how to fix the error?

As a rule, a computer can block VAC anti-cheat due to file corruption, its own prohibitions, or even viruses. It is possible to reliably find out what exactly is preventing you from playing normally and causing the message “Your computer is blocking VAC” in CS GO only through the process of correction. Therefore, you will have to look for what is preventing the anti-cheat system from checking the game files for purity, using the “treatment” methods described below.

Another common reason is the operation of an antivirus or various cleaning programs like CCleaner. In the process of destroying viruses and garbage, they can capture some of the Steam files or games themselves. So remember, have you checked your computer lately? Were you able to play on secure servers after this? If not, then the reason lies here, and it can be easily cured by restoring the cache.

Cleaning your computer with programs

Perhaps an evil virus got into your computer and corrupted all the files. Since nothing works anyway, we will check the computer with programs that catch these same evil viruses.

We will need a standard antivirus or, if it does not exist, the Doctor application WEB CureIt. It must be downloaded from the official website of the developers and launched. We select all the files on the computer for scanning - this will definitely catch the pest.

But you will have to be patient. The best option– leave the antivirus running overnight. Because if there are a lot of files on the computer, it will be difficult for the program to sort through them all in a short time.

Checking game cache on Steam

After removing all viruses, if any, you need to take care of the cache. As a rule, files in the game are damaged by a virus or unsuccessful player intervention. And then you can try to restore them.

For this purpose, Steam has a very useful feature– checking the game cache. It was built in specifically for cases when the game is on the computer, but cannot start due to some problems on the user’s side.

It's easy to check the game. To do this you need:

  1. Launch Steam and wait for it to fully load;
  2. Go to the “Library” section;
  3. Find in the CS GO list;
  4. Click on game right click mice;
  5. Select the “Properties” section at the end of the list;
  6. In the window that just opens, find the “Local Files” tab;
  7. Log in and click on the “Check integrity of game files” button;
  8. Wait until Steam finishes checking and restoring damaged (failed) files.

After this, it’s worth checking if it worked. If not, move on to the next method of saving the game and your own nerves.

Enable Data Execution Prevention service

Sometimes it happens that due to the lack of Data Execution Prevention (DEP) service, the game refuses to work. Sometimes even on Windows 10. Therefore, you can try to restore it to regain the ability to enjoy skating rinks on protected servers.

And for this you need:

  1. Open Command line on behalf of the administrator;
  2. In the black window that appears, manually enter the command “bcdedit.exe /set (current) nx OptIn”. Naturally, without quotes. Remember that you won’t be able to copy this command - you’ll have to write it by hand;
  3. Press Enter and wait;
  4. After execution, restart the computer.

Of course, this is far from the most likely option. But often players get such a block precisely because of him.

Nothing helped? Uninstalling Steam

If restoration by all means does not help for some reason, you will have to do the worst and most unpleasant thing. That is, remove Steam. At the same time, all installed games and applications. But they will still remain in the account. It will be enough to download the client again and then log in with your username and password.