Which is better - a laptop or a netbook? Expert advice. Which netbook to choose: review of five productive models

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How convenient is the final device for the buyer? Can it replace a full-fledged laptop?

There is probably no manufacturer that produces laptops, but does not produce “simplified” versions of them, called netbooks by Intel. In addition to their reduced size and weight, these products tend to have low prices and good battery life, making them quite popular in the laptop market. Unfortunately, everything comes at a price, in this case reduced computing power. How convenient is the final device for the buyer? Can it replace a full-fledged laptop? We looked for answers to these questions within the framework of this article, testing five models that have recently appeared in Russian retail.

Netbooks were compared according to the following main parameters:
screen quality;
convenience and functionality;
efficiency and operating time (autonomy);
price justification.


To determine the performance of the processor, built-in storage and memory subsystem, we used a common set of test packages: PCMark05, AIDA64 and AS SSD Benchmark. The somewhat outdated version of the first was chosen on the basis that the power of products in this class is usually low, and later releases of the test may produce too low numbers or simply not run. For testing the disk subsystem, we chose an application designed for solid-state drives, taking into account the increasing popularity of the latter. Graphics performance was measured using the 3DMark06 test. In addition to them, the built-in benchmark in the WinRAR program was used as an integral performance index. The device with the maximum score received the "Best Performance" award.

Convenience and functionality

This assessment turned out to be the most comprehensive, since its calculation took into account three main components: screen quality, battery life, and actual convenience and functionality.

One of the main parameters that determine the convenience of working with a netbook is the quality of the screen. To evaluate it, the Eye-One Pro spectrophotometer manufactured by GretagMacbeth was used. It was used to measure the brightness, contrast and quality of the color palette of the LCD matrix. Based on the measurement results of the latter, the standard deviation of CIE2000 color rendering was calculated in accordance with the methodology published on the website brucelindbloom.com. The screen quality score was taken into account with a weighting factor of 30%.

Another important parameter for a mobile device is the battery life. To measure battery life, we used the Battery Eater Pro 2.70 utility, in which two tests were launched in the maximum load mode (Classic mode) and the reading test (Reader's mode). In the latter, the Wi-Fi module was additionally turned on and the standard browser window opened, in in which a website rich in scripts was periodically loaded in order to bring the operating conditions as close as possible to the real ones encountered when using the device to surf the Internet. The brightness of the screen was set to 100% in the first test and 50% in the last. The autonomy rating was taken into account with a weighting coefficient. thirty%.

To evaluate usability and functionality, we looked at the features that every ideal netbook should have and assigned weights to them based on their importance. The results obtained were summed up and given a total weighted value. The total score for these characteristics was taken into account with a weighting factor of 40%.

The device that received the maximum score in this comprehensive assessment received the “Best Functionality” award.

Justification of the price and overall assessment of Hard"n"Soft

This value was determined as the ratio of price to the sum of ratings for performance, convenience and functionality, taken into account with equal weighting coefficients. The results obtained were normalized to the minimum. The model with the maximum score received the “Value for Price” award.

The final editorial rating was calculated as the arithmetic mean of the above ratings. The model with the maximum final score received the “Editor's Choice” award.

Warning. When focusing on our estimates, we must remember that they are relative. A low rating does not indicate unsatisfactory qualities of the device, but only shows its place in comparison with other testing models. Because our summary scales are not tied to absolute values, they cannot be used to evaluate models that were not included in the test. Prices shown were current at the time of testing and are provided primarily for comparison purposes.

3Q is a relatively young Russian company that has been trying to conquer our market for almost six years by selling inexpensive but popular electronic products such as tablets, netbooks and media players. Moreover, it does not just “stick its labels” on Taiwanese and Chinese products, but has its own production facilities in Russia. One of the latest netbook models is called Clutch EN8901N (having heard the words clutch, glamorous girls will first of all think of small oblong handbags). Its price is so low that even a student can afford such a purchase.

The device looks very presentable: an elongated book in a glossy case. The point of this design is the ability to put a netbook in your pocket. And even if it doesn’t fit into the breast pocket of a shirt, it certainly will fit into a jacket pocket! This design is strongly reminiscent of the legendary “Series P” of Sony subnotes, which debuted back in 2009. The “cover” has a large Qoo! — the developers of the device are big fans of the movie “Kin-dza-dza”.

Having opened the “book”, inside we find an elongated screen, on the one hand, and a keyboard, occupying almost all the free space, on the other. Due to lack of space, it was not possible to place even the usual touchpad here - the engineers limited themselves to the rubber “pump” of the trackpoint. But the keys are almost full-size. Sufficient gaps are left between them: this keyboard, the so-called island type, seems to many more convenient than the classic one. However, its implementation leaves much to be desired: when pressed, it bends easily and generally gives the impression of being rather flimsy. However, the keys respond quite clearly to key presses.

The netbook's display was made widescreen, but the proportions of the lid are such that even in this case there are noticeable gaps on the sides of the screen. When opened, the lid itself rotates on a hinge, the axis of which is shifted downward, that is, it seems to extend beyond the lower part of the body. In general, this design and design are very reminiscent of some smartphones from the Windows CE era, only on a slightly larger scale. The processor used is a representative of the Intel Atom family, which has virtually no alternative in this product category, and has 1 GB of RAM. And then the fun begins: instead of the usual hard drive, a flash drive is used! Of course, in our time this will surprise few people, but usually SSDs are installed in powerful and expensive ultrabooks, since its cost can significantly exceed the price of the device. However, an inexpensive drive with a capacity of only 16 GB is used here. With this decision, 3Q followed in the footsteps of Asustek with its first Eee PC series netbook.

A few connectors are on the side of the device, and a memory card slot is on the back. Keeping in mind the design features of the lid hinge, one can come to the conclusion that when open, it will prevent the card from being removed, and this is in fact the case. Moreover, carelessly opening the cover with a card sticking out of the slot can break it. This non-standard location of the slot is explained, in turn, by the “non-classical” placement of the battery, located not in the back of the case, as usual, but in the front. Most likely, this is caused by the difficulties of “packing” the filling of the product into such a compact body. 3Q Clutch EN8901N runs Windows 7 Starter.

Let's see how the device works. The screen makes a dual impression: its contrast is high, but its brightness and viewing angles are not very good. Due to the narrow dimensions of the netbook, the screen diagonal is less than 9 inches. The image is sorely lacking in height: the minimum comfortable resolution for working in Windows is 1024 x 768 pixels, but here we see 1024 x 600. The OS loading speed is at an acceptable level: from the moment the BIOS is initialized until the Desktop appears, about 30 seconds pass. This result is noticeably better than that of computers with a traditional hard drive, where the time is never less than 1 minute, but at the same time significantly worse than the value of 10-15 seconds possible in a PC with a good configuration and an SSD. Achieving such results is hampered by a slow processor (as is known, an Intel Atom CPU with a frequency of, say, 1.5 GHz works noticeably slower than a “stone” Intel Core series with the same frequency and number of cores) and a very modest storage capacity, the speed of which usually increases with increasing the treasured gigabytes.

All this becomes clearer if you look at the test results. The AS SSD Benchmark performance index was only 28 points, which is, of course, higher than other netbooks without SSD, but not by much, while the typical value for this indicator for the average system is 500 points or more. The result in the 3DMark06 test is the highest in our review, but is not much superior to other participants. We can say that it is of the same order of magnitude. And PCMark05 refused to start at all, constantly giving some kind of error. The results of tests of individual system components in the AIDA64 program are at an average level. But the most depressing indicators were given by the battery life test. Not only did the 3Q product have the lowest value among its peers, but its absolute value leaves much to be desired. In loaded mode the battery lasted less than two hours! Moreover, netbooks are traditionally classified as low-performance, but economical devices. In web surfing mode, the time is noticeably better - as much as 3.5 hours, but still this is catastrophically short. Worst of all, the battery drains quickly when turned off: the entire charge can be used up in a few days.

Has the 3Q netbook managed to surpass its three-year-old prototype (Sony's P-Series)? They have a similar appearance and Intel Atom processor in common with the Clutch EN8901N. And then the differences begin not in favor of the 3Q product. Perhaps low cost is the only trump card of 3Q that can push a potential owner to purchase, not counting the patriotic desire to support the domestic manufacturer. Although an interesting form factor, which has practically no alternatives among today’s models, also means something.

Netbook Aspire One Happy 2 made in a classic case. This is the reincarnation of the rather popular Acer Aspire One Happy model, produced by Acer for more than two years. The new product has a modern filling, a thinner body and a bright “youth” design. The snow-white frame contains a colored plastic insert in the touchpad area and a cover of the same color. As an additional design touch, the lid is uneven, as if a hot iron had been left on it. The irregularities do not interfere at all and harmonize well with the logo painted on the lid, while at the same time giving the device a unique style. The keyboard is also unique - each key is a kind of platform on a leg, reminiscent of a mushroom with a flat cap. It is convenient to use, unless you wear clothes with wide-cut sleeves that can cling to “fungi”.

We can only welcome the enlarged battery as standard (note that, despite the relatively small capacity, it consists of 6 cells and is thus capable of storing more energy), as well as a dual-core processor, which is noticeably superior in computing power to chips in devices of this class . At the same time, the body has retained its slimness and grace: its thickness does not exceed 1 inch. The amount of RAM has been increased to 2 GB. As a free accessory, the netbook comes with a wireless mouse, painted in the same color as the lid.

To connect the mouse, a microscopic USB receiver is used, the dimensions of which are so small that you may not notice it when it is plugged into the connector. Considering that this accessory comes with every netbook, it would be possible to build it inside the case, thereby freeing up an extra slot. However, the developers did not take this path, but instead increased the number of USB connectors to three. In addition to the mouse, you can control the cursor using a touchpad that supports the multi-touch function. This sounds significant, although the only “multi-finger” gesture that works here is scrolling text with two fingers. But perhaps there are others?

The most important feature of this model is dual boot - the netbook can run not only Windows 7 Starter, but also Android 2.3.1. This “dual power” is more typical for tablets than for PCs, since Android was not designed to work with screens without a touchpad, which is exactly what is used in the Aspire One Happy 2. An attempt to implement a “scrolling” gesture using a mouse cursor, or rather, not even a mouse , and the touchpad looks unnatural. Also looking strange are the icons from the bottom of the Android desktop, which have now crawled to the side. Moreover, rotating the screen will result in the hardware keyboard being on its side. There is clear cognitive dissonance. However, you can get used to it.

But the system boots almost instantly, and this allows you to “quickly” check your email, chat or go to your favorite website without loading the main OS - all netbook equipment is available for both operating systems. There is even a certain analogue of the “Market”, this only “window to the world” from the Android system, which allows you to install additional applications. Connoisseurs know that you can do without it, it’s just that other methods are very non-trivial.

To perform more serious tasks, you will have to boot into Windows: this can be done either from the BIOS boot menu or directly from Android by clicking on the corner of the Desktop. In windows everything moves noticeably slower, despite the fast processor. The reason for this is both a slow hard drive and a large number of useless programs, called bloatware in English-language reviews (it is difficult to find an exact analogue of this term in Russian), which additionally slow down the system. The most noticeable of them is McAfee Security Suite, which constantly bothers you with messages “Your computer is not secure enough” and “This version is no longer supported,” prompting you to immediately buy a new one.

In tests, the Aspire One Happy 2 showed relatively good results. Of course, the integrated graphics core is not capable of more than rendering a Word editor page, but processor tests predictably push this model forward. At the same time, the battery life is noticeably better: with 5.5 hours of web surfing you can already live well, and almost 4 hours at maximum load is also very acceptable. Packing files in WinRAR was one and a half to two times faster than on other devices in our test. But as we know, there are no free cakes, and the price of this device is only as high as its results. Is it worth paying 50% extra for a multi-colored mouse, Android and a second core? Decide for yourself.

I bought a jacket from Armani himself: this is probably how the owners feel netbook from Asustek. After all, it was this company that at one time created the very class of such devices, proving that a laptop, albeit weak and small, can cost less than a thousand dollars. Moreover, that device bore the same name - Eee PC. Of course, the modern Asus Eee PC X101H is no longer the same ascetic device that entered the market back in 2007, but the principle - maximum simplification of the design in order to reduce the cost - remains the same. Single-core Intel Atom processor, 1 GB of RAM, integrated graphics... But the X101H has something to stand out in a positive sense. For example, a 320 GB hard drive is not even installed in every “real” laptop. Bluetooth version 3.0 will allow you to quickly transfer data to those devices that support this version of the protocol. But what’s most pleasing is the matte screen, which allows you to comfortably read text in the absence of your own reflection. Unfortunately, its resolution is typical for products of this class and is the same depressing 1024 x 600 pixels. The uniformity of illumination also leaves much to be desired.

The design of the device is quite successful: the style that is called “modest, but tasteful.” The small brown “daddy” is textured like a coarse fabric, making the case pleasantly rough to the touch, does not slip in the hand and does not collect fingerprints. If you don't like brown, the manufacturer offers a choice of white and black options. The capacitive touchpad hardly stands out against the palm rest under the full-size island-style keyboard. When pressed hard, the keyboard tends to bend, just like in the 3Q device, but this is expressed to a much lesser extent. And this despite the fact that the Asus Eee PC case is one of the lightest and thinnest in the review - only 1 kg of weight and 22 mm of thickness. This is so small that the developers had to go to special lengths to squeeze a regular RJ-45 Ethernet connector into such a case - it is folding. And towards the front edge, the body tapers almost to zero, reminiscent of the design of the MacBook Air. Nevertheless, there was room on the case for two USB connectors, a card reader and a simple webcam.

It is clear that a solid battery cannot be squeezed into these dimensions, but even a modest three-cell battery shows miracles of endurance. When during the test it was discharged to 6% in just over two hours, we were ready to write it off, but then it got a “second wind”: the charge indicator readings seemed to stop and freeze at this mark for almost an hour! We decided that the battery driver had frozen, and the netbook would work on this charge for a day or two. But after 3 hours from the start of the test, the indicator readings finally began to change again and quickly dropped from 6% to zero. The same story repeated itself in web surfing mode, only this time the battery “paused” at 5%. Therefore, when using this netbook, there is no need to panic when the charge decreases to a few percent - you still have at least half an hour to an hour left. The battery in the sample may not have been calibrated.

This device owes its solid operating time to its economical CPU, but it failed miserably in all processor performance tests, taking last place. At the same time, the Asus X101H netbook is by no means an outsider in the 3DMark06 application. Moreover, this is one of the two participants in our review that ran the PCMark05 test package without errors, which indicates the high compatibility of the hardware used. In general, this device can be recommended to a business person, because it is not a shame to appear with it even at a serious meeting, unless he is in such a hurry that he can hardly find a couple of seconds to wait for the netbook to complete the next task.

The battery is enough to watch at least a couple of full-length films, of course, if you limit yourself to standard DVD resolution and don’t aim for a higher resolution, which the graphics core simply won’t handle. The netbook is equipped with one of the most compact and lightweight power supplies (no larger than a pack of cigarettes), which further increases ease of transportation. The price of the device is average. As a free bonus, the manufacturer provides 3 GB of network storage space in the cloud.

Another “youth” model - IdeaPad S10-3 from Lenovo. This positioning of the device is emphasized by the variety of colors of the cover: you can choose it not only by color from the four available ones - red, blue, white and black, but also by the texture of the pattern. We received a black version with a small check pattern, which is suitable for both home and business use. The fan and speaker grilles are made in the form of an extravagant ornament, which gives the netbook originality.

The device is quite compact, but here we see some cunning on the part of the manufacturer: the fact is that the indicated dimensions are valid only for the case without a battery, which is of little interest, since it has not yet learned to work on space energy. Being equipped with a battery, mind you, of standard capacity, it adds at least 1 cm in thickness. Unfortunately, the battery mount is not very reliable: there is a slight play, which, although it does not create problems during use, can theoretically lead to loss of contact at the most inopportune moment . IBM laptops were once considered the elite of portable computing, but since Lenovo bought the laptop business from IBM, the quality of not all of their products remains so impeccable.

If we had our way, we would standardize the location of the power button in all electronic gadgets, so that, having picked up any of them, we would not have to spend a long time and painfully searching for its location. In this model it is located - where would you think? - on the inside of the lid, next to the screen. You can get used to everything, but the intuitive layout of the controls is usually considered good form.

The keyboard deserves all sorts of praise: large keys make it easy to switch to touch typing, only the cursor arrows huddle lonely in the corner and require some getting used to. But with the touchpad, the manufacturer again got creative, combining it with buttons so that it seemed to turn into one big button. In fact, there are still two buttons: their role is played by the lower left and right corners of the touchpad, marked with dots for good measure. Multi-touch is supported, and here it is simply vital: otherwise, how can you move the cursor while holding a button if you need to hold your finger on it? However, such a gesture is not always processed correctly, sometimes leading to the cursor jerking half the screen. Some gestures are disabled initially and require activation through the driver menu.

The main strength of the Lenovo IdeaPad S10-3 is increased autonomy to the limit, to achieve which we had to take radical measures. One of them is an economical processor, its operating frequency, already low, is artificially reduced to 1 GHz. It is clear that running Windows 7 in this configuration turns into masochism, so the manufacturer made a smart decision to switch to Windows XP. However, many will be happy with this arrangement.

The result in terms of battery life is impressive: the manufacturer promises more than 7 hours! And this is confirmed by tests: in web surfing mode this figure was even slightly exceeded, and at maximum load it was almost 5 hours. Oddly enough, the performance results were not the lowest and are quite comparable with others. It is noteworthy that the ability to change power settings using standard means in the operating system is blocked, apparently so that users do not spoil such an impressive result with their playful little hands. Therefore, for tests we had to resort to an innocent trick by installing a small utility that periodically moves the mouse cursor to prevent the screen from turning off.

The remaining characteristics are not much different from other models: 1 GB of RAM, a hard drive with a capacity typical for laptops, and a minimalistic screen. The latter here, by the way, is made glossy, which can cause hundreds of curses against the manufacturer and force you to go to the store to purchase anti-reflective film. But this is rather a necessary measure, because the screen contrast is extremely low. Apparently, such an LCD matrix was chosen in pursuit of the same efficiency.

One cannot but rejoice at the capabilities of the built-in memory card reader, which can process both commonplace SD/MMC cards and some types of Memory Stick. A nice bonus is the presence of a universal wireless module in the model, capable of operating not only in high-speed Wi-Fi networks (IEEE 802.11n standard), but also IEEE 802.11a, as well as WiMAX. However, the latter function is optional, so you should choose the appropriate configuration very carefully.

Like the Acer device, the Lenovo product's OS is multi-boot. To quickly check your email and watch the news, you can use the alternative Linux OS Splashtop, which downloads at the touch of a button. It is located, like the power button, on the screen frame, but only on the other side. To boot Linux, this button must be held down the moment you turn on the power. The second OS can be considered not as convenient for an untrained user as Android, but it loads just as quickly and performs a set of minimal functions flawlessly. As for the price of the device, taking into account the mentioned shortcomings, it can be considered somewhat overpriced. But if you need maximum operating time, there is no other choice.

“If Windows slows down on weak hardware, why make do with half measures?” - the company probably thought Samsung, and instead of any “Windows plus Linux” or “Windows plus Android” hybrids, a netbook model without Windows at all was born. Instead of it on Samsung N100 The latest MeeGo operating system is installed. Lately we have seen a boom in new operating systems: WebOS, Android, Bada, now MeeGo... In fact, all of them, including Mac OS X, are nothing more than modified Linux. Therefore, Linux users can only rejoice when they have a familiar constructor at their disposal. We decided to install Windows 7 in order to put the Samsung N100 on an equal footing with other test participants, since the necessary drivers were found directly on the manufacturer’s website. Unfortunately, this turned out to be not as easy as one might think. Let's skip all the vicissitudes of the installation process, noting only that to achieve the result, the original image of Windows 7 was required without a service pack, but Windows 7 SP1 could not be used right away.

The N100's hardware is not the worst, at least compared to its peers: 1 GB of RAM, a 320 GB hard drive, an Intel Atom processor operating at 1.33 GHz. Unfortunately, the screen characteristics are still the same - 10 inches and 1024 x 600 pixels, but we seem to have gotten used to it. Similar to the model from Asus, the Samsung N100 screen has a matte finish, which makes working with the netbook much more comfortable. I am very pleased with the conveniently designed keyboard. Here it is of the classic type, without gaps between the keys, due to which the latter are somewhat larger and more convenient to press. The test copy did not have Russian letters on the keys, but we think that, as always, normally localized devices will hit store shelves. The touchpad is unremarkable - small, with separate buttons.

The netbook case is quite large, larger in size than all participating devices, although not by much. The plastic of the case here is smooth, but matte and therefore also non-marking. The “body” is black with glitter; motorists would call it “black metallic.” The manufacturer claims that the case coating is particularly resistant to scratches, but we did not check this fact. A bright red edging runs along the perimeter of the frame, giving the netbook a unique charm.

On the case there are two USB ports and a memory card slot located on the front edge. There is a webcam peephole next to the display, but for some reason there is no microphone - they say it is present in a similar model, Samsung N102. It’s hard to imagine a video chat without sound, so you’ll have to buy a microphone, since there’s a connector for it. The back of the case is slightly bent upward, reminiscent of the spine of a well-read magazine. At the bottom there is a removable battery, slightly protruding downwards by a few millimeters. Here the manufacturer did not lie and honestly added them to the overall thickness of the device.

The battery capacity is quite small; in terms of the amount of stored energy, it is at the level of the battery of the 3Q model. However, the Samsung N100's runtime results are noticeably better thanks to the outstanding efficiency of the latest Intel Atom N435 processor. Four hours of web surfing - you can live with this result. The performance indices of this processor are noticeably worse: according to this indicator, the Samsung product is in second to last place. Obviously, work speed is not his strong point. The downside of this drawback is the low weight of the device, not exceeding 1 kg. In other respects, the Samsung N100 is consistent with other products in this class, without standing out in one way or another. On the plus side, it is reasonably priced, allowing it to compete effectively with most of its competitors.

As our intuition told us, a miracle did not happen, and from one sheepskin you can sew one, maximum two full-size hats, and if seven, then very small ones. However, such a hat, that is, a netbook, can be useful in cases where you do not need to play heavy games or sit for days in front of a text editor. It may well help you out on a business or tourist trip, when you can get by with limited functions and the weight and volume of luggage are critical. Plus, the low price allows you to purchase such a device as an addition to your main laptop (if you already have one) and not worry about it while traveling for fear of damaging or losing an expensive device.

A netbook can provide indispensable assistance in studying to students or schoolchildren whose financial capabilities are usually limited. But even if we ignore issues of performance or screen quality, its small size still will not allow you to achieve the same operating comfort as on devices with a 17- or 19-inch display, which should be taken into account. Of course, netbooks have their own area of ​​application, you just have to think carefully about what tasks it will be used for.

Netbooks are a fairly popular type of computer today. This fame is explained by the fact that, being light in weight and small in size, they are very easy to transport, have a long operating time without connecting to the Internet and are much cheaper than their “big brothers”.

However, due to the abundance of products on the market, it can be quite difficult to choose a computer to suit your needs. Moreover, everyone has their own answer to the question of what is “the best netbook”. This is due to the fact that every person has his own personal preferences.

What characterizes a good netbook?

Nevertheless, it is still possible to identify a number of characteristics by which it is possible to objectively evaluate products. These include:

  • performance,
  • screen characteristics,
  • ergonomics,
  • battery life and energy consumption indicators,
  • price.

In order to determine the performance of a netbook, standard programs such as PCMark05, AIDA64 and AS SSD Benchmark are used. As a rule, computers of this class do not have high power, so you should not expect impressive results from the very beginning.

To determine the quality of a screen, you need to look at color rendering, resolution, brightness and contrast. There are many other indicators of this kind, but these are the main ones.

When determining the convenience of a netbook, its other characteristics are taken into account as a whole. For example, the convenience of working at a computer often depends on the brightness of its screen, battery life, and much more. In addition, the laptop should be light and, if possible, thin.

The cheapest

3Q is a relatively young domestic company that has been active in the low-cost computer market for several years. The company has its own production facilities within the country, and is not simply engaged in the distribution of Asian equipment. The price for this netbook model is very low, which is a serious advantage of the product.

The appearance of the device is also very interesting. The netbook has a glossy finish body that is elongated in length. This makes it possible to put the computer in your pocket. When you open the “book” you will find the same elongated screen and a keyboard underneath it. The keyboard is very average: the keys are large and comfortable, but overall it gives the impression of being too flimsy.

The netbook's screen is widescreen, and the rather large empty areas on both sides of the screen are immediately noticeable. The contrast is quite high, but the brightness is low. Viewing angles are also very limited.

The processor is Intel Atom. Instead of a HDD, a 16 GB flash drive is used here. The performance result according to AS SSD Benchmark is 28 units, which is a fairly low figure. Another drawback is the short operating time - about two hours without connecting to the mains.

Thus, the main advantage of the device is its low price, as well as the use of a flash drive instead of the usual hdd, which makes it faster than classic netbooks. These advantages make it very attractive in the market.

The most stylish

The design of the device is very impressive: it looks quite stylish, one might say, even manly. The body has a textured texture, which gives it a pleasant tactile sensation. Available in black, brown and white.

The netbook is also impressive in operation. Its battery life is several hours and will allow you to watch a couple of movies, which is a good result. The same Intel Atom is used as a process. However, the device is not nearly as powerful as it might seem. It showed very low results in all control programs, which indicates that this computer is not intended for work that requires high resource costs.

A distinctive feature is a fairly spacious 320 gigabyte HDD and a wonderful matte display that allows you to comfortably work with a netbook.

We can say that this netbook is suitable for any business person if he does not require high performance of the device, since this is precisely the “Achilles heel” of this product.

The fastest

The appearance of the netbook is classic, with the exception of youth colors. The case itself is quite thin and has a textured surface. The standard kit includes a battery with an extended capacity, which is a very pleasant and sought-after addition. I was also very pleased with the model’s keyboard. Comfortable, separated keys, clear clicks and good response - all this makes working with it quite pleasant.

Some may find it interesting that the netbook is capable of running not only Windows, but also Android. True, this does not seem very convenient, because Google’s OS was originally planned for touch systems.

In performance tests, the computer showed very good results. The rechargeable battery also performed well, operating without recharging for more than 5 hours. The netbook also passed the archiving speed test with flying colors, showing some of the best performance in its class.

Thus, a netbook is good for high-speed office work, where the processor is primarily loaded. In this case, the device shows excellent results. However, the installed video chip is far from the most powerful, so in applications involving 3D graphics, the Acer Aspire One Happy 2 does not collect stars from the sky.

The most autonomous

The appearance of the netbook has obvious youthful features, which is largely due to the presence of a variety of bright colors (the device in black looks more austere). In addition, the unique speaker grille adds originality and style.

The device has a fairly compact size. The only negative is that the manufacturer indicates the dimensions everywhere without taking into account the battery, which adds a whole centimeter of thickness. The back panel has a slight play, which, however, does not cause any discomfort.

I was surprised by the location of the netbook's power button. It is located next to the screen. An outside user will have to search for it quite a bit. I was very pleased with the keys: they are large, respond well and allow touch typing. But on the contrary, I didn’t like the touchpad. The manufacturer has combined it with keys: their role is played by the corners of the touchpad. Accordingly, this leads to some problems when using multi-touch.

The main advantage of this netbook is its autonomy. The computer can work for more than 7 hours without recharging. This is a very impressive result! Other nice little things: the presence of a built-in card reader, as well as multi-boot: you can use the Linux version with widows.

Thus, the device is definitely Suitable for those who need autonomy above all else. 5 hours of operation at maximum load is an almost incredible indicator. In other characteristics, the netbook is slightly inferior to most models in its class.

The most non-standard

Samsung surprised everyone by deciding not to install Windows on its netbook at all. The operating system here is MeeGo, which is a modification of Linux.

The model has good hardware, no different from its counterparts: the same Intel Atom processor, a gigabyte of RAM and a 320 gigabyte hard drive. As with the model from Asus, I was very pleased with the screen, which has a matte finish. The keyboard is also quite comfortable, and the touchpad is not particularly remarkable.

Overall, the netbook is probably is a strong “average” person who has everything he needs, but does not have any breakthrough things. The main difference between the device is its operating system.

Laptops are a full-fledged copy of a desktop computer system. The equipment that is installed in modern laptop cases can be equal in performance to desktop PCs. However, the cost of laptop computers is slightly higher due to the design features and components installed in the case.

A netbook is a more compact solution. It has a significantly smaller size and is intended primarily for use on the Internet, which is implied in its name. These devices have a small display diagonal and a smaller keyboard compared to laptops.

Making the keyboard smaller is achieved by removing the Num Lock section, which is usually found on full-size keyboards.

Advantages of netbooks

You should choose a laptop or netbook based on the tasks you plan to perform on the device and the requirements you have for portability and battery life.

Netbooks are more mobile, they are easy to carry because they have less weight, and take up a small amount of space, so they can fit into a regular bag or small backpack. If weight and size of the device are critical parameters for you, a netbook will be the best choice.

Another advantage of netbooks is their battery life without recharging. Most new netbook models are capable of operating for more than 4 hours on battery power, which is rare for full-fledged laptops. Thus, if you often edit office documents or surf the Internet in conditions where you cannot connect a charger, a netbook will also be the best solution.

Disadvantages of netbooks

However, it is worth paying attention to the fact that increasing battery life without recharging is achieved by degrading the characteristics of the equipment. As a rule, the processor in netbooks is only suitable for browsing the Internet and editing documents. The most powerful models are capable of playing videos in formats up to 720p. Netbooks do not have a discrete video card, which makes it impossible to run graphics applications that require a more or less powerful video card. Netbook hardware is set to energy saving mode.

Netbooks do not have a disk drive, which is also unacceptable if you often work with laser storage media.

Pros of laptops

If you often watch videos in high quality, your work involves running a large number of resource-intensive applications (for example, programs for 3D modeling or graphic editing), and you like to play modern computer games, a laptop would be the best choice.

Its advantages are a fairly large display, convenient for watching movies, and the presence of several video and audio outputs that allow you to connect several external monitors. The laptop has a larger number of available interfaces (USB, LAN).

Recently, the computer market has been filled with netbooks of various models and configurations, representing the optimal combination of a classic laptop and a pocket computer. Netbooks are used for browsing the web, working with documents, communicating online, playing games, watching movies and listening to music, and reading books. Thanks to its light weight and compact size, the netbook can be carried with you by putting it in a regular bag.

The main advantages of netbooks:

  • Affordable price. Often, low cost plays a significant role in the priority choice of this computer device.
  • Highly portable. Modern netbooks are much lighter than traditional laptops , they take up significantly less space, they are simpler and easier to transport.
  • Cheaper service. Maintenance costs for netbooks are significantly lower than for regular laptops. Although there are some models that are more difficult to assemble.
  • Economical. Netbooks can last longer due to lower processor power from the battery. However, they do not get very hot.

Disadvantages of netbooks:

  • Poor performance. Currently, software products are becoming more sophisticated and demanding for computer equipment, especially for anti-virus programs.
  • Modest functionality. It's worth noting that there's no CD drive and limited USB ports.
  • Small screen. Many types of software, as well as forums and websites, are designed for large monitors.
  • The keyboard requires adaptation and habit.
  • Below image level
  • Repairing netbooks is much more difficult than regular laptops, especially at home. This is also explained by the problem of supplying high-quality components and parts, and the lack of interchangeable elements.

It is convenient to use a netbook in a cafe and at work, in the park and at the institute, on the train and subway. Potential places for comfortable use of a netbook can be listed endlessly. However, despite the apparent simplicity of such a device, choosing it is not easy.

Dimensions and weight of the device

The dimensions of a netbook are directly related to the screen diagonal. Modern devices are offered in the range: minimum 7 and maximum 13 inches. The smallest netbooks with a diagonal of 7 inches are so compact that they resemble a toy. It should be noted that working with such technology is not entirely convenient. Devices with a diagonal of 11-13 inches are very similar to a laptop. The most common sizes are up to 10 inches. The weight of a netbook depends entirely on its model, configuration features and device functions. The average weight of netbooks is 1 kg.

Working the netbook offline

A long stay outside the network is associated with the device operating in offline mode, which requires a sufficient battery reserve. Modern models, thanks to low power consumption of processors and small screens, are guaranteed to function fully for up to 10 hours.

Advice! When choosing a netbook with a more powerful battery, you should remember that such a purchase will cost much more than its economical counterparts. Therefore, if the netbook is rarely turned on outside the home, office, or any place available for charging, then you can select a model with an economical battery at a more affordable price.

Device contents

The majority of netbooks are equipped with an Intel processor and a built-in video card with 1-2 gigabytes of RAM. Many devices replace the hard drive with a solid state drive. It is characterized by a small volume and slower operating mode. Therefore, if you plan to use a netbook for multimedia entertainment (games, watching movies, listening to music, etc.), storing large files, it is recommended to opt for a hard drive with a capacity of at least 80 GB.

Ease of use

On netbooks, the keys are smaller than the standard size and have different dimensions. If working on a netbook involves fast printing in large volumes, this fact may cause some inconvenience.

Advice! To use the device outdoors: in the park, on the go, it is recommended to choose a netbook with a matte screen that eliminates solar glare.

The glossy surface of the case can also cause inconvenience during use; fingerprints and other traces of human activity appear on it.

Additional functions

When purchasing a netbook, you should pay attention to the connectors. It is desirable that the device has 2-4 USB ports, a card reader, LAN connectors, a microphone and headphone jack for using Wi-Fi and Bluetooth. A web camera and a microphone built into the netbook allow the owner to freely communicate and use video communications without the use of additional equipment.

An additional device with a Bluetooth module together with a mobile phone allows you to access the Internet via GPRS, which is convenient if there is no Wi-Fi access in the immediate vicinity. File transfer is performed using a USB flash drive.

The most famous and popular netbook manufacturers: Acer, Asus, Samsung, Sony, Lenovo, Toshiba. Each brand has its own preferences and certain differences not only in design and technical content, but also in operating systems. The most popular system remains traditional Windows, but today Google's Android hardware is increasingly in demand. The famous company Apple also strives for minimalism in size. The final choice is made based on the device data and the conditions of its further operation.

A netbook is a cross between a full-fledged laptop and a tablet; it has a smaller screen than a laptop, but contains more features than a tablet. Thus, this type of computer technology has won a number of fans. If you want to join the fans of netbooks, we recommend that you first study our article in detail, in which we will talk about how to choose the right netbook for work, study, and even for games.

12 rules for choosing the best netbook

1. Decide on the netbook screen size
First of all, you must determine what screen size will suit you. Netbooks, as a rule, are produced with a diagonal of 8 to 13 inches, since it is within these limits that the netbook will not seem bulky and inconvenient. If you are going to work with a netbook on the road (subway, bus, taxi or in your own car), then it is better to pay attention to models with a smaller screen (up to 10 inches). However, if the work behind it will take place in the office, at a comfortable computer desk, then here you need to take the guideline for devices with a diagonal of 12-13 inches. We recommend buying the same diagonal for those who choose a netbook for study.

2. No need to choose a heavy netbook!
Most models of this equipment weigh between 1 and 1.5 kilograms. In principle, it turns out that any weight is acceptable. But from personal experience we want to say that when carrying a netbook for a long time in a bag, and even more so in your hands, these half a kilogram play an important role! After all, we buy a netbook primarily in order to be mobile and not have unnecessary devices with us.

3. Choose a decent processor
Very often, buyers make the same mistake - they do not look at the processor model, but the speed of the computer and the speed of all processes depend on it. In addition, the battery life will also depend on it, because there are processors that require more energy, and there are those that save it due to well-thought-out operating technology. Therefore, take this component seriously.

Regarding the question: “What type of processor and frequency should I take?” A lot of controversy always flares up, as some praise Intel, while the other camp praises AMD. In principle, these are two good manufacturers! However, if choosing a netbook for gaming, then pay attention to AMD processors (A6 and A8), if for study or work, then Intel will have no equal (the best in the line will be Core i5 and Core i7).

4. You need to save on the size of RAM!
Most users have a not entirely true stereotype: the more RAM, the faster the computer works. On the one hand, this is a correct judgment, however, provided that other parameters are equal (in particular, with the same processors). The site team is of the following opinion: It’s better to buy a netbook with a more powerful processor but weak RAM than vice versa!

Don’t forget that RAM can almost always be added and it will cost relatively little (about 50th of the cost of a netbook), so there’s no point in focusing on it!

5. Decide on the size of your hard drive!
If you are choosing a netbook for playing games or watching movies, then it is better to choose the netbook that has the maximum storage capacity, so that later you do not have to buy an additional external hard drive where you will store the rest of the files. Today you can mostly find models with storage capacity from 100 to 800 gigabytes, which is basically enough.

Most netbooks have an HDD, but if speed is important to you, we recommend choosing models that contain SDDs. They differ from the old model by noticeably increased speed. The price for such equipment will be higher, but it will be raised justifiably!

6. Can you do without an optical drive?
If you are used to burning CD/DVD discs and also using them, then with a netbook you will have to give up this pleasure, since 99% of modern netbooks do not have an optical drive. Instead, you can use USB flash drives and external hard drives.

To date, our team has been able to find only one netbook with the ability to write disks, as well as read them - Acer Aspire One AO722-C68kk. However, its cost is already approaching a full-fledged laptop, that is, buying it is a completely illogical decision.

7. You should definitely buy a netbook with a built-in Wi-Fi adapter!
If 3-4 years ago Wi-Fi was quite a rare phenomenon, now it has acquired rapid development. Our apartments already have several devices that have access to the Internet (smartphones, tablets, netbooks, computers, etc.), but connecting them all via wire would be stupid, which is why we came up with an interface such as Wi-Fi. Using it, you can even use the Internet in public places (cafes, bars, hotels, educational institutions and other places where there are access points).

Even if Wi-Fi seems completely unnecessary to you now, believe me, very little time will pass and you will change your position.

8. The built-in Bluetooth module can make your life much easier!
We recommend choosing models with a built-in module, since thanks to Bluetooth we can wirelessly connect a phone, smartphone, PDA, tablet, MP3 player, Bluetooth keyboard, Bluetooth mouse, graphics tablet and a host of other devices to our netbook. Just imagine how many wires you free yourself from!

Yes, you can do things a little differently by buying a separate Bluetooth USB module and inserting it into the computer, but we will take up one USB connector and also spend extra money, which is not good or correct!

9. When choosing a netbook for gaming, first of all pay attention to the type of graphics controller!
A graphics controller is nothing more than a video card. There are two types of it in netbooks:

  • Built-in type- This is one of the most economical types, as it allows you to reduce the cost of a netbook. Therefore, for gamers, this netbook will be a waste of money. Although it will, of course, be possible to play, connoisseurs will simply not be particularly happy with the graphical shell.

  • Built-in and discrete type- These are two graphics chipsets simultaneously built into the netbook. The built-in chipset is launched to work in simple tasks (to save the netbook's operating time), and a discrete type of graphics controller is launched when starting modern games that require fairly powerful video card performance.

However, let’s be honest – it’s quite difficult to fully play games on such a small screen and a rather weak device (whatever one may say, a desktop computer will be more powerful). Therefore, before purchasing, we would recommend asking the store or friends to show you what computer games look like on a netbook, how realistic they are and whether they can run completely without freezing.

10. Try to choose a netbook without an operating system installed
Remember, you always overpay for an installed operating system, so if you have the opportunity to purchase a netbook without an installed OS and at a lower cost, do it! As a rule, the kit comes with stripped-down versions and a lot of unnecessary programs are installed on them, so you will have to get rid of this as soon as possible.

However, if you do not know how to install Windows (or Linux distributions) yourself and do not know where or from whom to do this, then, of course, the situation is hopeless and, on the contrary, you should look for equipment with a pre-installed OS (preferably Windows, since it is much easier to install) management than Linux).

If the netbook will be a work one and used exclusively in the office, then here you should also think about a legal operating system that comes with the netbook, because if you use an unlicensed Windows system, you can get a fine from the relevant authorities.

11. The netbook must be from the “right” company!

  • Acer – low prices and good quality;

  • ASUS – distinguished by classic design and durability;

  • DELL – produce practical and simple types of netbooks;

  • HP – original designs, but often inflate prices for their brand;

  • Lenovo is one of the leaders on the market, since you can get an excellent netbook for a fairly low price;

  • Samsung - distinguished by a pleasant design and quality of all materials and components;

  • Toshiba is a budget and interesting option for students.

12. Operating time is a very important indicator when choosing a netbook!
Here we come to the last point of our rules. However, it should not be forgotten when purchasing. The fact is that when purchasing a netbook, we buy, first of all, independence and mobility; now we no longer need to sit only at a computer desk or even be in the apartment. Now we will have access to a computer and the Internet almost everywhere. However, not every place will have power supply, so it is very important to take care of this point.

In other words, you need a powerful battery that can withstand many hours of operation (8 - 12 and no less). You may think that you won’t be working on it outside the home for so long, but here you need to take into account the error that manufacturers like to allow when determining the characteristics of a netbook. After all, they often indicate the time of general work, but do not specify what is meant by the concept of “general work.” As a rule, in their understanding, work is just a netbook turned on, but we won’t just sit with the device turned on?! If it works, it means we watch movies, edit documents, communicate on the Internet, play games, etc. And with such actions, the operating time can be reduced by almost half. And it turns out that out of the written 8-10 hours, the netbook actually works for a maximum of 4-5.

Which netbook would be ideal?

Everyone has their own interests and their own requirements for a netbook, however, let us compile a complete description of a device that could suit almost any of our readers?!

So, what should a netbook have:

  • 10 inches screen size (optimal diagonal);

  • Weight should not exceed 1.1 kilograms;

  • Powerful processor from Intel (Core i7);

  • 4 gigabytes of RAM would be enough;

  • SSD disk with a capacity of 500 gigabytes;

  • Built-in Wi-Fi adapter for wireless Internet;

  • Built-in Bluetooth connection module to connect other devices wirelessly;

  • Two types of graphics controller: integrated and discrete;

  • The operating system must be missing;

  • Manufacturer: Lenovo, Samsung or ASUS;

  • A battery of such power that it could provide 8-10 hours of stable operation.

That's all the rules... Happy shopping, friends!