Which is better safari or chrome. Why Safari is better than Chrome: objective reasons

The site's laboratory has been conducting tests for several years now. software for Android devices, and now we have decided to expand our horizons. Now on our resource you can find reviews of applications for devices on iOS-based.

And we’ll start by looking at those programs in which we get stuck for hours, without which a smartphone would not be a full-fledged gadget that provides direct access to the Internet and connection to the virtual world.

First of all we will look at standard application Apple Safari, with which we compare those already familiar to us Google Chrome And Mozilla Firefox. Maybe the stock iPhone browser is so good and perfect that its competitors are simply not needed?

The following device was used as test equipment:

  • Smartphone Apple iPhone 6 (iOS 10.3.2 installed).

Apple Safari


There are rumors that all Apple products are immediately ready for use, as they say, “out of the box”, they do not need to be modified, they are ideal... It sounds optimistic, but what if? Let's start finding out this fact with the mobile version of the Safari browser.

Beginning of work

Immediately after purchasing and activating your Apple mobile device, you may notice an unusual compass icon on its screen. It would seem, what is the connection here? In my opinion, this is how the developers show that their application will help you find any information on the network, as if using a compass. Hope.

The main menu of the Safari browser is represented by icons with our favorite bookmarks. Regardless of whether you have a regular iPhone or the Plus version, there will always be four icons in width, but either five or six in height. For an iPhone with a “classic” diagonal, the layout of the elements is quite good, but in the “large” version of the smartphone the display size is poorly used.

There is a search bar docked at the top of the screen. Okay at least search engine we are allowed to choose, and I easily installed Yandex, since I mostly use it.

As for the sites themselves and their layout, everything is ordinary here. In most cases it is loaded by default mobile version, which, again, is usually well optimized for the iPhone. True, the text does not adapt to the device’s screen, so reading is sometimes not very convenient.

Actually, this is all that is available to the user in the browser of one of the most advanced devices in the world. model range Apple.

To switch between pages, an additional menu is used; the tabs in it are arranged in a very unusual way, which is what fascinates. Pay attention to the screenshots.

By the way, from this section you can go to “ Private mode", only here it is called "Private Access". If someone asks for a smartphone to go online, then I always open it this mode, especially if I don’t want to close dozens of my tabs.

The difference between the regular mode and the private mode is almost impossible to discern right away. Perhaps Apple could somehow integrate Touch ID here for secure access to bookmarks, a resource, or as a password for a specific folder.

I won’t say much about the history and bookmarks, because there’s nothing interesting there. All bookmarks are stored on the device and in cloud storage, are constantly synchronized with all our Apple gadgets. You can create folders in the bookmarks section. I remember that this feature was not available on the iPhone 3G.


If Google's applications still have at least some parameters, then most Apple applications do not even have such a section, and the Safari browser is no exception.


All Apple applications work as smoothly, clearly and stably as possible, in them you will not see messages “the application was closed by error...”, “the program stopped responding and was closed...” and so on. This is already a definite success compared to Android, just like that and no other way.

No matter what actions you do in the Safari browser, no matter how many tabs are open, your smartphone will perform your actions as smoothly as possible. Even tabs hardly reload, especially if hands iPhone 6s or newer with more random access memory. You can easily say that this browser works great.

About support Adobe Flash this browser has never known and will never know.

As for online browser tests, Safari performs quite well here.


Apple Safari is an excellent browser for the undemanding user. It works well and will not make you bored while waiting for this or that page to load, does not slow down, does not contain bugs, and almost always works smoothly. In principle, in terms of stability and performance, there are no complaints about it.

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  • When it comes to reliable and convenient web surfing, the leading roles are played by such indispensable assistants for all users of the World Wide Web as browsers. Now there are many of them, so it is quite difficult to understand all the subtleties and nuances of their work. Among the browsers we can highlight and, on the main advantages and disadvantages of which we will pay close attention. Of course, such a global giant as Google has invested a lot of money in the development of its brainchild, equipping it with powerful functionality, and the famous brand is doing its job, so of these two browsers, Google Chrome holds the undoubted leadership in popularity, while the brainchild of an equally legendary company Apple is preferred by a much smaller number of users.

    The main advantage of both browsers is high speed, so they are rightfully considered one of the most fast browsers, which is a definite plus if you have weak computer and slow internet. It is clear that browsers are needed to work on the Internet, so the high speed of these two browsers is their main advantage, thanks to which you can safely turn a blind eye to some of the shortcomings. Both browsers have the ability to block pop-ups, which is also convenient and useful feature. Browsers have a built-in search system: in Apple Safari you can choose from Bing, Yahoo! and Google, and in Google Chrome there is only a search system of the same name, and the query can be entered directly into address bar.

    An important characteristic of browsers is their interface. Google Chrome embraces minimalism; there are no numerous add-ons, annoying bars, etc. But if you wish, you can install the extensions you need, which will significantly increase the functionality of the browser. This is its strong point, which distinguishes Chrome from Safari, whose set of extensions is much more modest. Available in Apple Safari large quantity all sorts of tabs initially. Reading list, Internet services panel, including some popular resources ( Google Maps, Wikipedia, YouTube, etc.). If desired, you can delete all these resources and add your own pages or create separate tab folders, which is very convenient. You don't need to search for the required folder in the general hierarchy - everything is in plain sight. I liked the 3D flipping and display of favorite pages and tabs, as well as the overall design of Safari, made in Apple’s corporate style.

    Both browsers boast excellent page loading speeds (as do other modern versions of popular browsers), and Apple Safari has already broken records for web page loading speed more than once, but in this moment, visually it seems slower than Chrome. Google Chrome has introduced V8 technology, which allows you to quickly process javascript scripts. When it comes to processing 3D graphics, then hardware acceleration comes into play, due to which pages, even those too loaded with graphic objects, load almost instantly. To the features Google browser This may include faster loading of those web pages that the user frequently visits. The DOM core ensures high loading speeds for frequently visited sites. According to the results of numerous tests of the speed of loading and processing web pages, the Google Chrome browser in most cases took first place, only occasionally losing the leading position to Apple Safari.

    Another advantage of the Google Chrome browser is the ease of working with Google’s own products, which include mail, services for web developers, maps, and many other components. The browser also integrates the address bar with the search bar, which is very convenient, because to find the necessary information you don’t need to open a search engine, but can immediately enter your query into the address bar. But that’s not all, since the developers have equipped the general address and search bar with additional functionality. So you can enter certain commands into the line and get information about the loading time specific page, statistical data and much more. Safari cannot boast of such functions. Google Chrome now supports Open Source, which means that the browser supports promotion software products With open source. What is noteworthy is that Google developers stated that in their brainchild they tried to take into account all the best from other browsers in order to create the ideal tool for web surfing.

    The Apple Safari browser runs full story visited sites, so when you enter the address in the line, the browser will display the most suitable addresses for the request, which will save a lot of time on searching desired page. For privacy lovers, this browser has a "Private Browsing" mode, which is reminiscent of Google Chrome's "Private Browsing" mode. In this mode, all user information entered, including passwords and addresses, are not saved and cookies are not accepted. Also, in this mode, no browsing history is kept, so “no one will know anything.”

    What's the result?

    To summarize, we can say that both Google Chrome and Apple Safari can boast good speed (although Chrome seemed a little faster), great functionality and convenience. The choice of a particular browser depends primarily on what exactly the user concentrates his attention on on the Internet. So if he actively uses Google services and there is a need to install various extensions, then it is better to choose Chrome. If, when working on the network, the user needs to process large amounts of text information, then it is better to give preference to Apple Safari, since it provides the ability to quickly scale the display of web pages, you can enlarge or reduce text and pictures, as well as scale video windows. It should also be added that this browser provides the ability to smooth fonts, which also significantly increases the ease of reading text on pages (although smoothing can cause a load on system resources, But modern computers this is easy to deal with). And of course, Apple’s design with its functional features may turn out to be decisive factor in choosing a browser.

    Any person using Personal Computer, has its own browser, which it uses most often. Internet browsers Nowadays there are quite a lot, and it can be simply impossible to choose just one based on certain characteristics. Therefore, it is better to choose the one that you like specifically.

    There are often cases when users prefer the browser that the computer itself offers, that is, the one installed by default. The most popular dilemma of owners MacOS or MacBook is the choice: Safari or Chrome. Below we will try to explain in an accessible and understandable way why this or that browser is worthy of being used as the main one.

    Three reasons to use Chrome for OS X

    In the last year, thanks to a competent development strategy, the Internet browser GoogleChrome became the main one on 40% of all computers in the world, surpassing Edge And InternetExplorer. Therefore, we can say that it is really very convenient, productive and functional, because so many users cannot simply choose it for nothing. Obviously there are very important and valuable advantages. We will talk about them below.

    High performance

    The vast majority of computer owners OSX they will assure that Chrome is indeed noticeably faster than the one installed by default Safari. We tested this in practice and, I must say, we were surprised, this is true. I had to look for a logical explanation for this. In fact, it turned out that Chrome uses more computer CPU resources than other browsers - this is the reason for its high performance. The only negative point about this is that with intensive use of the processor, the discharge occurs quite quickly battery. However, if you use a computer connected to the mains, or a stationary iMac, this is not a problem.

    Highest level of usability

    The noticeable difference in the user interface becomes immediately clear if, for example, you go from Chrome on Safari. The bookmarks bar in the Google browser offers the user interactive, convenient site icons, and the tabs are also located more intuitively. But here, most likely, the whole point is a habit that disappears over time in a person.

    Wide variety of extensions

    The fact that you can install a huge variety of different extensions in Google’s browser is an indisputable fact. Every more or less knowledgeable user knows that Chrome is famous for its unique plugins, which simply have no equal. Unlike Edge and Opera, dozens of plugins and applications are developed daily on Chrome to make working with the browser even more comfortable. Even the wide customization capabilities in Safari are, for objective reasons, not competitors to Google extensions.

    Three reasons to use Safari

    Taking into account all the compliments in Chrome address, do not forget about the native one for the operating system browserSafari. The main thing where I would like to start listing the advantages of the Apple browser is that it fits perfectly into the design of OS X. In contrast, Chrome looks like a “cut off chunk”.

    What is native is always better

    We all know that Apple is a company that is distinguished from others by its attention to detail and unique design. The Safari Internet browser is also designed to fit perfectly into the overall lines of coherence and elegance. In addition, OS X has its own special things that simply cannot be replicated by other browsers and on other operating systems. Based on this, the main advantage of Safari compared to Chrome is that it is already part of Apple’s native ecosystem, while Chrome is just an independent program. At the same time, the native Internet browser from Cupertino provides ample opportunities for use not only in terms of surfing the World Wide Web, but also cloud serviceiCloud.

    Unique built-in features

    At first glance, you can see that Safari is a rather primitive browser. In reality, this is far from the case. Let's start with the fact that there is simply no need to install additional extensions on it. Sending notifications directly from websites is a popular feature nowadays, implemented in a special push notification module OS X. This allows the user to always be aware of the most important events on third-party resources, and the function itself works like push in mobile devices.

    One more no less interesting feature- support AirPlay, which makes it possible to broadcast what is happening in the browser directly to the TV screen if you have a set-top box AppleTV. One cannot fail to note the Reader mode, with which a person can read texts and articles without advertising, even if it is present on a particular site. And finally, the “Responsive Design” function can adjust appearance web pages for any screen size.

    Saves battery consumption and reduces CPU load

    Another undeniable advantage Safari before Chrome– significantly lower energy consumption. This fact is explained by more economical consumption of resources central processor. In practice, it turned out that the average operating time of a Mac with Safari enabled is an hour less than with Chrome.

    If you do not “stress” the processor with excessive loads, it will not overheat and will last you much longer than usual. In addition, heating contributes to increased work of the cooling system and, consequently, loud noise, which can also be considered a negative factor even by the most patient person.

    For owners of Mac laptops, as well as for users of other mobile PCs, a very serious question is: which browser is best to give preference to. Each of the browsers offered on the market today has its own advantages and disadvantages. So, what is the best choice?

    All Mac laptops have their own native browser, called Safari. Nevertheless, the Chrome web browser is extremely popular on Apple computers. Despite the fact that the topic of its excessive gluttony and the fact that it drains the laptop battery much faster has been discussed more than once, its audience still remains one of the largest. Moreover, Chrome has one significant advantage: it is updated on average once every few weeks, so its user experience and security are always at their best.

    But let's take a closer look at these browsers and determine which one is best for Mac owners.

    The first thing every user pays attention to is the design of the browser. In Safari especially for latest versions operating systems, the design of the web browser is very modern and convenient. Even the smallest details are thought out, so you can get used to this design very easily and quickly. But do not forget that the design cannot be liked by everyone at once, since we all have different tastes. Perhaps this is why Google is in no hurry to change the design of its browser for Mac computers, preferring to use a design that is already outdated, but familiar to most users.

    If we compare both browsers in terms of security level, then in this regard they are approximately the same. From time to time there are vulnerabilities here and there, but they are quickly fixed, so it is difficult to single out the best product in this aspect specifically.

    Perhaps the biggest difference between these browsers is in their functional features. If we conduct a comparative analysis on this indicator, we will see completely different products. For example, as for Safari, here the developers have resorted to using special algorithms for compressing and loading information. Google is more inclined to use old, but proven technologies that will guarantee reliable and stable operation and will not present unexpected surprises.

    Chrome has very wide customization options. An online store of various add-ons is available here, with which you can radically change the appearance of the browser and add new functions. Safari does not have such wide capabilities, and the add-on store is very modest, so you will have to look for most extensions on third-party resources. Safari in its current builds has a very significant drawback: there are no site icons on the tabs that open. When opening large quantity Finding the pages you need can sometimes be very difficult. But in the next version of the operating system this problem was partially eliminated.

    Another big drawback of Safari is the lack of ability to save copies of viewed pages. That is, in the Chrome browser you can look at one page, open a completely different one in its place, and then return, if necessary, to the original version. There is no such option in Safari. If you try to load the previous page with a swipe or button, it will only reload the current one. Such differences in browsers arise due to differences in RAM technology.

    The browsers practically do not differ in operating speed; at least by eye, the user will not be able to determine which of the services works better and faster.

    We talked about the problems with Safari, now let's move on to Chrome. The Google browser engine has not been updated for about 5 years. Some improvements and new functions were simply attached to it. That is why it is considered outdated. Due to the use of this technology, the browser can slow down very much when opening a large number of tabs and even heavily load the PC. But this drawback is greatly mitigated by the main advantage of the browser - its cross-platform functionality. Safari currently only works on Apple platforms, while Chrome is supported on most desktop and mobile operating systems.

    From this we can conclude that for those users for whom time is important battery life his computer, it is better to give preference to the Safari browser. Well, for those who often have to work on other OSes and do not care about the level of resource consumption, Chrome is perfect.

    Browser choice is a matter of habit, but there are a number of factors in Safari's favor that you should consider, especially when working in an OS X environment.

    Heated debates about which browser is the best will never subside. Almost every user considers it his duty to defend the honor of the program that he uses every day. Safari, Chrome, Firefox, Opera and many other solutions are available to OS X users today, but the choice is often made between the listed browsers.

    Opera- a clear outsider. The browser, popular in the post-Soviet space, quickly lost its audience and is now supported solely by the enthusiasm of the developers, as well as a small part of loyal users. The patient is still alive, although he has been feeding through a tube for a long time.

    An interesting situation is developing with Firefox. Browser positions are no longer what they used to be. The decline of the “fire fox” coincided amazingly precisely with the rise of Chrome. Google's browser is currently the most popular alternative solution as for Windows users, and for OS X fans. For some reason, it seems that with a direct comparison Internet Explorer is more often replaced by a third-party browser than Safari, but these are details.

    So, competition between Safari and Chrome within OS X it turns out to be quite serious. Both sides have strong arguments for supporting one browser or another. Google's solution does have many strengths, as does Safari. Both programs are based on the engine WebKit, only the implementation is different.

    By and large, Chrome fits perfectly into Google's ecosystem of devices, although the Mac does look a little strange in it. Of course, Safari has much deeper and more thoughtful integration not only within OS X, but also with mobile devices based on iOS. No third-party solution can boast of such connections and capabilities. Apple's policy is already in effect here.

    On the other side of the scale are Google services, with which Chrome works just perfectly. The presence of the mobile browser of the same name on your smartphone or tablet can also be interpreted as an argument in favor of Chrome. As you can see, a lot depends on personal preferences, habits and the services used on the Internet. Much, but not all.

    There is at least several objective shortcomings in Chrome for OS X, which is not worth putting up with.

    Firstly, Google's browser is frankly carelessly consumes battery power your MacBook. These are not empty words: there are many tests in which apple computer Lasts noticeably longer when using Safari, while Chrome doesn't help battery life much. It is possible that you are ready to sacrifice an hour or two for the sake of a familiar browser, but this is not the only drawback.

    I'm not a big fan of synthetic tests. I believe that visual impressions are much more important when choosing a browser. Therefore, according to my observations, within OS X Safari hardly leaves a chance for competitors. Web pages will open quickly in both cases - it all depends on the speed of the Internet. The point is different. Using Safari and Chrome alternately, it's easy to notice how smoothly Apple's browser works. It works ideally in operating system for which it was created. Chrome is also fast, but it is perceived differently, not so, the browser lacks the gloss of proprietary OS X applications. In general, synthetic tests that are not difficult to find on the Internet will also confirm the superiority of Safari in many cases, so a visual assessment in this case didn't disappoint.

    Safari's next advantage can also be debated, but Apple's browser is already from the box offers users more options. Here you can also broadcast links from social networks, and the pending reading list, and the excellent Top Sites start screen, and Reader mode. But you can add extensions here. In other words, Safari, launched for the first time, is extremely user-friendly.

    The same can't be said for Chrome. When I first launched this browser on Windows, I was a little shocked. It was supposed to replace Opera, but its emptiness and fundamental principle of “do it yourself with extensions” took a lot of time to get used to and find suitable plugins. Bookmarks in this browser are a nightmare. The transition to Safari a couple of years later was much smoother. Well, it should be noted that without account Google is very uncomfortable using Chrome.

    Here we could touch on the topic of privacy and discuss where Google sends and how it uses our data received from the browser, but we will not do this. You understand everything as well as I do and probably have your own opinion about the current state of affairs. Therefore, notice how smooth page scrolling is in Safari, just perfection! Jerky scrolling in Chrome will not cause such delight.

    We have already mentioned increased energy consumption, so we should also mention Chrome’s increased appetite for random access memory. There’s simply nothing to add here: whether in Windows or OS X, Google’s browser consumes many valuable megabytes of RAM. Safari is much more economical in this regard, although it also had RAM leaks that caused problems. MacBook Air. Updates solved the problem.

    After I stopped using Windows, I stopped using and Chrome browser. Not right away, the transition to Safari was also gradual, but I don’t really want to go back. Living in an ecosystem Apple devices there is absolutely no need for Chrome with its eternal disdain for the OS X platform. Apple may not be in a hurry to develop Safari at the same high pace that competitors have taken with their browsers, but the solution from Cupertino fits too organically into the system for him to look for alternatives, and the obvious disadvantages of the same Chrome make the choice almost unconditional.

    In the comments, I propose to conduct an objective dialogue, supported by arguments and real facts, and not a fan debate. Take what you read above as a personal opinion, and not the ultimate truth.