What to write in a message to number 7878. All possible ways to disable paid services on Beeline

The telecommunications company Beeline offers its clients a well-thought-out and reliable mechanism for financial transfers, which will allow you to transfer money both from phone to phone and to make deposits to a bank card or electronic payment system account. Thanks to this, the provider’s subscribers can send the required amount to any corner of the country without unnecessary delays or cash out money from telephone bill, without bothering yourself with a tedious visit to a banking institution.

Transferring money from a Beeline phone account to a bank card

Transfer Money It is more convenient to transfer from Beeline to a bank card through the provider’s website, where the proprietary payment system “Money Transfers” is located. This service has wide functionality and allows you to transfer Beeline money to a Sberbank card, from card to card, to online wallet or another subscriber's account. Alternative way transferring money to a card is to use a special SMS service. Let's take a closer look at each option for financial transfers from a telephone account to a bank card.

“Money transfers” service

To select the “Transfer to a bank card from a mobile phone” option, you need to go to home page provider and in the “Payment and Finance” section of the main menu of the website, select the “Money Transfers” item.

After these steps, the “Money Transfers” page will open. Here you need to activate the “Translate” tab.

Using the scroll bar, go down the screen, select the “Transfer to a bank card from a mobile phone” option and click the “Transfer from website” button.

A little later we will consider the conditions and restrictions on the use of the “Money Transfers” service as part of the transfer of funds from a phone to a card, and now we will only point out the fact that this payment system interacts correctly with all VISA, MasterCard or Maestro cards of any Russian and foreign banks . But most often for Beeline transfers, a Sberbank card is used as the most popular means of payment in Russia.

Note! For all subsequent examples, the Tarif-online.ru online assistant will use federal number Beeline 90 96 44 35 33 and a MasterCard bank card with the number 5167 8201 0530 4215 Erste Bank. We deliberately refused to demonstrate the transfer of Beeline money to a Sberbank card in order to demonstrate the absence of restrictions on the use of payment instruments of commercial banks.

After clicking on the “Transfer from website” button, the payment form “Transfer from mobile to bank card” will open. Here you need to specify:

  • 16-digit bank card number;
  • activate the checkbox (if it is missing) for the payment method “From a mobile phone account”;
  • subscriber number from whose account money will be transferred to the card;
  • transfer amount;
  • code from the picture (captcha), which acts as protection against hacking by malicious robot programs.

After this, all you have to do is agree to the terms of service and click the “Pay” button

The “Money Transfers” service has increased reliability and during execution financial transaction will send an SMS message with a confirmation code that will need to be used to successfully complete the transaction.

The money will be credited to the card almost instantly, within 5-10 minutes.

Transfer from Beeline account to card via SMS

An alternative to transferring funds through the provider’s website is the “Transfer to Bank Card” service using SMS commands. Let us immediately draw your attention to the fact that this type transactions, despite its practicality and convenience, require much more time to deposit money. Here we are not talking about minutes or even hours, but about 3 banking (working) days. On the other hand, this method does not require an active Internet connection.

If the subscriber nevertheless decides to use the Beeline SMS service to transfer money to the card, he must send to a short number 7878 Free SMS message in the form of MasterCard 5167820105304215 1500 , separating the service provider code, card number and transfer amount with spaces.

Let us remind you that for our example, the service provider code is MasterCard, and the transfer amount is 1500 rubles. If the subscriber has a Maestro or Visa card at his disposal, he must write the name of his payment system instead of MasterCard.

Important! The payment amount is indicated as an integer without kopecks, commas, periods or other delimiters.

Restrictions and limits on transfers from Beeline to a bank card

The size of the commission when crediting money to a card through the operator’s website or SMS service has a differentiated structure and depends on the amount of the transfer, minimum size which is 50 rubles, and the maximum is 14,000 rubles.

The gradation of the commission occurs as follows.

One-time transfer amountCommission amount
from 50 rub. up to 1000 rub.50 rub.
from 1001 rub. up to 4716 rub.5.95%+10r.
from 4717 rub. up to 14000 rub.5.95%+10r.

Please note that the commission fees for the two lower intervals are absolutely the same - 5.95% + 10 rubles. We have not been able to find out why we need an additional line breaking down the permissible size of transfers, despite officially contacting the provider.

Our example involves a transfer of 1,500 rubles, which is in the middle range and is accompanied by a commission fee of 5.95% + 10 rubles. Thus, the subscriber will have to pay 92 rubles for this transaction. 25 kopecks If the payment were less, for example 500 rubles, the commission fee would be a fixed amount of 50 rubles, and this is already 10% of the transferred amount.

The option of carrying out large number transactions of 1000 rubles. with a fixed commission of 50 rubles, i.e. 5% of the transfer amount. But such a profitable option is not always available, since the provider has introduced restrictions on the permissible number of transfers and the total amount of transfers.

As we see, all indicators are interconnected and overlap each other. You can save significantly only within one or two days, and then not every week, by making 10-20 transfers of 1000 rubles each. and paying only 5% commission for it. On the other hand, for subscribers who are suitable for a scheme with uniform crediting of funds to the card throughout the entire month, the “Money Transfers” service provides maximum comfort.

How to withdraw money from Beeline at an ATM or transfer to an electronic wallet

It is logical to assume that, by analogy with the methods described above, money is cashed out at an ATM or funds are credited to an electronic wallet. We will not describe in detail the methodology for transactions through the site, since the instructions we offer will make it easy to navigate when making all types of money transfers. Instead, the Internet assistant Tarif-online.ru will pay special attention to transferring money from Beeline to an ATM or e-wallet using an SMS service.

Withdrawing money from a Beeline account via an ATM

You can find out the address of the nearest ATM with the “Beeline Money” function on the operator’s website through the “List of ATMs” option. In the form that opens, you need to indicate the region and name of the bank. Here you can also find information about the operating mode of the electronic terminal device.

To withdraw money from Beeline through an ATM, you need to follow these steps:

  • submit an SMS request for cash withdrawal by sending text message type RUB 1500 per room 7878 . Here RUB is the type of currency used, and 1500 is our example transfer amount.
  • confirm that the application has been sent by following the instructions from the SMS sent by the operator;
  • receive an SMS message with a secret PIN code for withdrawing funds from an ATM;
  • Using the subscriber's phone number and PIN code, withdraw money from an ATM with the logo of the Beeline Money service.

The commission fee for cashing out funds will be the already familiar amount of 5.95% + 10 rubles. The maximum size of a one-time transfer is 5000 rubles, the minimum is 100 rubles. At the same time, you cannot withdraw more than 40,000 rubles from one phone number through ATMs in a month.

Important! When withdrawing funds from a Beeline account by cashing out money at an ATM, the balance balance cannot be less than 50 rubles.

Transfer from Beeline to e-wallet

The algorithm for this method of withdrawing money from a personal account is even simpler than the process of cashing out at an ATM. All you need to do is send the correct SMS request to the number 7878 , receive an SMS with a transaction confirmation code and send back the same code to consent to the transaction.

To understand in what format you need to send an SMS request to transfer funds from a Beeline account, consider a specific example for the ruble wallet WebMoney R516490049777, to which you need to credit 1500 rubles. Let us immediately stipulate that the index “R” in the wallet number will not be used! The correct message format looks like this: wm 516490049777 1500 .

The monthly transfer limit is 30,000 rubles, while a one-time payment cannot exceed 5,000 rubles. and be less than 10 rubles. The commission fee for transferring from a Beeline number to an electronic wallet is quite large - 8.5% + 10 rubles.

Important! The commission amount is not included in the amount of the money transfer indicated by the subscriber, but is additionally debited from the phone balance.

None of us wants to pay twice, and especially no one wants to pay for anything, and especially for a quietly imposed “for nothing.” When using his mobile phone, a person quite reasonably expects that the money spent on communication services will be spent only on what he himself has done:


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  • to his calls
  • his SMS,
  • its Internet traffic.

If it happened that money began to be debited from the account regularly, daily and in equal amounts, and the owner of the phone, it would seem, did nothing specifically for this, most likely a paid mobile subscription was issued to his number - read what this is below

Its essence is that the user cellular communication one way or another agreed to receive regular information on a paid basis, for example, you received an SMS on your phone from the above number with the text: “send SMS...”. At the same time, information such as: what kind of service, what kind of subscription, what kind of website, the cost of the subscription, how to delete a subscription or how to disable it is often not directly displayed.

Someone, a partner of your operator, called a content provider in professional slang, supplies you with content for a fee:

  • provides information
  • provides a service by providing access to an online game, website, program, etc.

The operator finds himself on the sidelines, as he publicly warns on his website that yes, there is paid content, that it is provided by third-party organizations to which the operator itself has no connection.

No, except that he debits money from the subscriber’s account and he also provides the short number to the content provider.

In most cases, the short four-digit number 7878 is rented out by the mobile operator (Megafon, MTS, Beeline, Tele2), receiving a fee for it, and, as a rule, a percentage of the amounts paid by the owner of the phone in favor of the provider.

SMS to short number 7878

A little apart from paid subscriptions There is another way to take money from the population - SMS from short numbers. The nature of the relationship in the triangle user-operator-service provider remains the same, only the amount will be debited from the subscriber one-time in response to an action proposed in such an SMS, for example, participation in events such as: a quiz, survey, social study, game, etc. . P.

Who gets your money

So, it is clear that the user is the loser. In this case, where does the river of benefit flow, i.e. User money? – stated above in general terms. And this, of course, is a simplification that there are only two beneficiaries; in fact, the schemes are many times more complex.

They contain so-called aggregators - wholesale purchasers of short numbers and holders of mutual settlement schemes with telecom operators. The already mentioned content providers are grouped around the aggregators, who own sites where the sale of services is organized and partners who collect and provide the entire scheme with traffic. The setup of this entire cycle of withdrawing subscriber money is being adjusted in such a way that telecom operators, as the last link to the user and payer, remain not guilty from the point of view of the law in most cases when claims are made.


Is there any basis for such claims, strictly speaking? After all, at some point the user voluntarily performed some action that ensured his place as a victim in the chain (relative to the short number 7878). This is precisely the position that telecom operators adhere to when a subscriber, outraged by the loss of money, begins to search for the truth.

The answer is yes, there is

And this is called federal law dated July 23, 2013 N 229-FZ “On Amendments to the federal law"About communication."

In it, Article 2 of the Basic Law is supplemented with subclause 34.1, which defines what “content services” are.

The legislator made this definition as general as possible, practically fitting into it everything that is not the actual connection. Those. if the user using the phone and through the telecom operator’s channels receives, quote,

...reference, entertainment and (or) other additionally paid information...", gets the opportunity "... to participate in voting, games, competitions and similar events...,

Then he, the user, receives a content service. And it, in turn, being provided with the participation of third parties, falls under the addition of paragraph 5 of Article 44 of the Federal Law “On Communications”, which prescribes a mechanism for protecting the consumer by:

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Legislation changes quickly, and each situation is individual.

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  • firstly, the possibility of creating, at his request, a separate account to pay only for content services;
  • secondly, the requirement to obtain explicit consent to receive such services;
  • thirdly, about comprehensive information, including prices and names of suppliers, about these services before obtaining consent.

Another addition, established by 229-FZ, to paragraph 5 of Article 54 of the Basic Law, states that services provided in violation of any of the above are not subject to payment. And finally, Article 68 of the main communications law is supplemented by paragraph 8, which directly indicates the operator’s responsibility for the implementation of Article 44 (see above).

Let’s summarize the legislative information, projecting the rights and responsibilities spelled out in it onto the practical side of life.

If the user consciously wants to become a consumer of content services, then you can secure your account for paying for communications by declaring your intention to open a separate content account to cover the costs of mobile subscriptions and SMS from short numbers. If it is exhausted, funds intended for regular conversations and SMS will not be affected.

For telecom operators Beeline and TELE2, this action is automated and is carried out by sending a USSD request, *110*5062# and *160#, respectively. Sets of commands are also provided for replenishment and checking the balance.

Megafon and MTS require a personal appearance at the office and presentation of a passport, and one must understand that regardless of the method of expression of will, the very fact of opening an account confirms voluntary consent to receive content services, and strictly speaking makes it unnecessary to inform about the details (in including price) of the same mobile subscription.

How to return money from number 7878

If it does happen that an inexplicable loss of money from a mobile account is discovered, you need to try to remember if you received any annoying SMS message from number 7878, for example, with an offer to find out the most accurate weather forecast or check your watch with the London Observatory?

Wasn't the answer "yes" sent to him?

Or maybe, in the heat of Internet surfing, a phone number was entered to obtain a registration code on some little-known but attractive resource?

Services for checking the availability of paid services on number 7878

In order not to speculate, you need to use the service (and every operator has one) to inform you about the availability of paid services tied to your number, including subscriptions to the number 7878

The most informative is access through the web interface of your personal account, and in the absence of the Internet or the desire to use it, the good old USSD request will help.

Megafon - *583#, Beeline - *110*09#, MTS will inform you about this by command *111*919#, TELE2 - *189#

If the acquired knowledge shows that there are subscriptions, and money is quickly debited from the account because of this, you should not hesitate. Using the same tools, you need to disable the subscription, and the debiting of money will stop.

This is done using your personal account and services personal assistance, by calling the support service. The USSD commands indicated here will also allow you to select the desired command - “disable”.

Also, a quick cure for a paid subscription, when the user receives an SMS about activating this service, will be a response message consisting of the word stop (or STOP).

Refund of spent funds

Losing money on an unnecessary paid subscription, by accident, through negligence or ignorance, and even more so due to someone’s selfish intent, will certainly prompt the restoration of justice. I want to get back what I lost because of number 7878, but that’s the difficulty. As already mentioned, from the point of view of the operator, namely, we pay him, and it is to him we will go with a claim, the user himself, voluntarily, even if not consciously, but voluntarily committed actions that led to the activation of a paid subscription, and, as a result, to write off funds.
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What has been said, of course, does not mean that there is no need to try, it is absolutely necessary, and the Internet is replete with stories about successful disputes. Sometimes, in order to avoid image losses, in mass cases when the problem of paid subscriptions becomes public knowledge and is discussed on social networks, operators meet halfway and restore the status quo of the wallets of their subscribers who suffered from their ignorance and inattention.

Knowledge is never superfluous, this is an axiom, and this also applies to the security of your own money. Having an idea about the structure of paid subscriptions, including to the number 7878, about working short SMS numbers for someone else’s benefit, it is easier to navigate, easier to avoid mistakes, and more likely not to regret the lost money and time. We will be careful when pressing buttons, entering our data and phone numbers, and, for sure, several disappointments in life associated with mobile communications, it will be less.

The mobile operator Beeline provides a service that allows you to send and receive Money transfers to a mobile number and bank cards. Subscribers can use the Beeline Money service to send cash transfers to their loved ones and replenish the accounts of subscribers served on a contract or prepaid basis.

The Beeline Money program provides network clients with the opportunity to manage funds from their main and special advance accounts.

The service website money.beeline.ru allows you to transfer money to the following directions:

  • Russian bank account;
  • Visa, Maestro, Mastercard;
  • financial transfer systems CONTACT and UNISTREAM;
  • wallets of electronic payment systems;
  • subscriber accounts of Russian mobile operators.

Through Beeline Money you can pay traffic fines, make bank loan payments, and purchase airline and movie tickets. They can be used to pay taxes and utilities.

You can go to the service website from personal account Beeline official portal.

The Beeline Money service has the following restrictions:

  1. Within a month, you can make a transfer to one bank account or card from no more than two phone numbers.
  2. To one phone number you can bind no more 5 bank cards, to which transfers can be made.

Conditions for connecting to the Beeline Money service

There is no need to perform additional actions to activate the service. It is available by default to all Beeline subscribers ( individuals), having reached 14 -years of age.

To use the service, the subscriber must agree to the terms and conditions of its provision. Transfers are made directly by banks and credit institutions. The Beeline operator is engaged only in information and technical support of operations. Any problems with money transfers are reviewed by banks and partner organizations. Beeline is responsible only for possible failures of communication networks and technical platforms through which the money transfer service is provided.

For prepaid payment system

For prepaid subscribers, the Beeline Money service is not available from the moment of connection to the Beeline network. To start using the service, the subscriber must spend at least 150 rubles for a monthly fee, voice calls, SMS, MMS. When calculating the amount, payment for long-distance and international calls, roaming and additional services is not taken into account.

For postpaid payment system

Postpaid subscribers can make a transfer using a special advance account. It can be created using the USSD command * 110 * 271 # . The special account (SAS) is replenished in the same way as the main one. The only difference is that when indicating the replenishment number, the first digit must not be “ 9 ", A " 6 » – 6хх-ххх-хх-хх.

There is no additional charge for creating and using a CAS.

How to withdraw money from a Beeline phone at an ATM?

Withdrawals from your phone using the Beeline Money system are available through ATMs of SMP Bank JSC. To do this you need to do the following:

  • send an SMS containing the RUB code and the withdrawal amount to toll free number 7878 ;
  • confirm the application following the instructions received in the message from the bank;
  • receive a message with a PIN code required to withdraw money;
  • find an ATM of SMP Bank with the service logo;
  • enter your mobile phone number and PIN code;
  • get money.

Translation from the Beeline website is also available. The transaction fee is 5,95% . Minimum transfer amount - 100 rubles.

Transferring funds to another subscriber's account

The system allows you to make money transfers from a Beeline account to other subscribers of Russian mobile operators.

Payment is available through the website or from via SMS. The commission for transfers to Beeline subscribers is 3% (no less 15 rubles), other operators - 7,95% (no less 10 rubles).

The minimum transfer amount is 30 rubles, maximum - 5000 rubles. Transfers are also available to subscribers of mobile operators in Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan and Tajikistan.

Transfers between Beeline subscribers

You can make a money transfer to a Beeline phone through the Beeline Money system in two ways:

  • through your personal account on the official portal;
  • by sending a message to a service number 7878 .

When transferring amounts up to 200 rubles, a commission of 15 rubles is charged per transaction. For payments in the amount of 201-5000 rubles, you will have to pay a commission of 10 rubles plus 10% of the transfer amount. The total amount of transfers from a mobile number is limited 5000 rubles per day.

How to transfer money from Beeline to another operator's number?

Beeline subscribers can top up the phone number of another cellular operator by sending a message to the number 7878 . The service is also available on the Beeline Money page after logging into your personal account on the site. The transaction fee is 7,95% plus 10 rubles. Minimum transfer amount not limited.

International transfers to numbers of operators in CIS countries

Subscribers can transfer money to numbers of foreign operators associated with Beeline. The list of available companies includes:

  • Unitel LLC (Beeline Uzbekistan);
  • Takom LLC (Beeline Tajikistan);
  • Sky Mobile LLC (Beeline Kyrgyzstan).

Sometimes a much larger amount is debited from the balance on your phone than you expect, and then you realize that you don’t regularly use all the services connected to the number, and it’s time to turn off some content that is unnecessary. That's why you should spend money on a quiz that your child installed on your number during a boring trip or book, because there is a similar application on your laptop or tablet. So what to do: how to disable paid services on Beeline? We'll figure it out now.

Options for disabling unnecessary options on your phone

Attention! This article serves only as a hint and should not be taken as a call to action. Before you do anything, be sure to analyze the importance of the service you want to cancel.

All options and subscriptions in Beeline are very easy to block and remove from the number.

There are several ways to refuse them, and which one is more suitable is of course up to you to decide:

  • Contacting technical support Beeline will give you the opportunity to find out directly from the operator what connected services are included in the tariffs of your homer on your phone and how much they cost. They will immediately help you disable services or unsubscribe from unnecessary subscriptions. You can do this by calling a short number 0611 . The only downside is this method this is something that, like any other technical support, can be difficult to get through to. In this case, prohibit “Surprise for Erudite” or daily newsletter“Horoscope” will be available using the voice menu.

  • Second way, no less popular is changing the options in your personal account on the portal my.beeline.ru. Here you can not only place an order to cancel information and entertainment services, but also vice versa - establish a connection to additional services that you need (for example, English lessons or an economizer). Here you can disable subscription to the Videoworld 18+ channel. Personal Area It will also lift the curtain on what you spend on everything, including subscriptions.

  • Another easy way: dial *111# and call button– You will be taken to the service control center. After dialing this number, a list of all services (paid and free), as well as information on how to add or remove them from the phone, will appear on the screen.

  • The same can be done using SMS dialogue and SIM menu or the application "My Bilan"

  • For users who are accustomed to solving such issues on their own, Beeline has introduced special short numbers for each of the existing services that it provides, but before that, dial the number: *110*09# and call

It will be useful to view:

And now we will share with you the commands with which you can configure the most popular services that Beeline offers.

Basic commands that are useful when disconnecting/connecting paid Beeline services

Reference. All the commands presented are designed to remove some of the popular options and subscriptions; information regarding the rest (there are more than 90 of them at the moment) can be found on the company’s website.

Stay in touch*110*400#
Stay informed+*110*1062#
Voice mail*110*010#
Number Identifier*110*070#
Internet notifications*110*1470#
"Hello" service67409770
Balance on screen*110*900#
Disable Autoresponder or Autoresponder+*110*010#
Acquaintance*111*4*4*5*2 #

What other services can they withdraw funds from and how to prevent this?

Some users often have the question “Number 5555, what is it and what does it offer me?” In addition to official Beeline services, there are also additional mailings from content providers who usually interact with subscribers using short numbers.

Order details in LC

In order to order content from these comrades, you just need to write a message to the offered number (the text can be anything - everything except the word STOP or STOP). But to disconnect - you should just write STOP or STOP in the message.

Here are some examples of short numbers that can cause losses on your phone balance:

  • 5555 – Quiz for scholars;
  • 7878 – Beeline Money;
  • 6275 – Online English lessons;
  • 2838 – Subscription to Kinokhod;
  • 6305 – Beeline Music;
  • 7906 – Automobile fines;
  • 6442 – Radio portal.

Attention! Basically, calls within the network are made free of charge, but some services have their own tariffs, so we advise you to familiarize yourself with them before editing the number options via the phone.

What's the result?

Now you know that operators have in their arsenal not only free services connected to your tariff, but also those for which you have to pay, and sometimes the amounts are not small. In order to save money on your room, we advise you to use our tips and edit the list of services provided.

Today, perhaps, every person has a mobile phone. A convenient and compact means of communication greatly facilitates modern dynamic life. Having evolved from a simple intercom, a cell phone these days has turned into a real multifunctional unit. At the same time as the phone, applications are changing, providing a wide variety of mobile services. One of the most popular services these days is online money transfers. Let's look at what the mysterious abbreviation “7878 money transfer” is.

Some time ago, two serious companies joined forces to provide their clients with a very useful service - mobile transfer using cell phone. One of the companies is widely known in Russia and is called “Beeline”, but the other is rather familiar only to a narrow circle of specialists. Despite the lack of a big name, the service electronic payments RURU has been engaged in this type of business for a long time and successfully. The company provides services for mobile transfers from a phone account with receipt of cash and transfers to electronic cards, accounts and all kinds of wallets.

A joint project of two companies, RURU and Beeline (OJSC VimpelCom), was the introduction of a promising money transfer system with mobile phones. This is how the now very popular payment service appeared.

Service with code name 7878

For ease of remembering, the service was officially assigned the numbers 7878, by which it is known in Russia. Good to know 24/7 multi-channel number company RURU 8 800 700 4848, which, in fact, is engaged in mobile transfers for the Beeline company.

A serious help in this difficult matter is the close interaction of partners with the UNISTREAM and CONTACT systems. It is in their branches that you should receive cash if necessary.

We’ve sorted out the numbers 7878, now let’s determine the sequence of steps for making money transfers. It should be emphasized that this information relevant only for SIM card owners mobile operator Beeline.

Money transfer 7878

Depending on the purpose of the transfer, you must strictly follow a certain sequence of SMS messages. It is different for each fund transfer operation. They have only one thing in common - all actions are performed by typing specific text on your own phone.

To receive funds from Unistream

When a Beeline subscriber transfers money and subsequently receives it in cash at a Unistream branch, the following text is sent to number 7878:

uni space sender space passport number space recipient space transfer size

The first three letters in Latin indicate Russia in the catalog of payment service countries. If necessary, letter designations other countries can be found on the Beeline website.

After sending an SMS to 7878, you need to wait until you receive a transfer confirmation message with a control code. To receive money at the Unistream system payment point, you will need to show your passport and provide the departure number.

To transfer funds to the card

When a Beeline subscriber transfers money to a Master Card or Visa card, the text of the message to number 7878 will be different:

Master (Visa) space card numbers transfer size

To top up another subscriber's balance

To top up the balance of another Beeline subscriber, you need to send the following text to number 7878:

bee space subscriber phone space transfer size

In a similar way, you can top up the accounts of subscribers of other mobile operators by changing the Latin letters of the abbreviated company name. For example, Tele2 is assigned the code tele2, MTS - mts, and Megafon - mgf.

To transfer money to an electronic wallet

When transferring funds from the Beeline mobile operator account to an electronic card, the sequence of actions is different. To do this, you need to open the Payment for services from a Beeline account section on the company’s website and select “money transfers”. Having selected the transfer type, in the window that opens you will need to indicate your cell phone number, electronic card number and transfer amount. After entering the data, you must confirm the action and the transfer will go on its way.

As you can see, all operations for transferring funds are quite similar and usually do not cause any difficulties.


All transfers, with the exception of transfers within the Beeline operator network, are paid for the sender. The commission is debited from the subscriber's account automatically.

The tariffs, although they amount to a few percent of the transfer amount, can sometimes cost a lot of money. Cases vary, but in order to avoid getting into trouble, it is still worth studying the issue first. The amount of Beeline's commission for transfers can be easily clarified on the official website.

In addition, some transfer operations are limited in the amount of funds transferred, so it is necessary to monitor all official changes in this regard.

Video: Transfer money using service 7878


In connection with cases of fraud when scammers use number 7878 to transfer money, you need to remember that Beeline operates only one specific scheme. When sending an SMS message about a transfer to a number of a certain form, the service response always contains a control code to confirm the operation. Sending the code to 7878 indicates the subscriber’s specific intention to make a transfer from this account. After sending the transfer, the service sends a standard notification with all the necessary data. The mobile operator Beeline does not have any other schemes for working with the number 7878 for transferring money. Any other use of the number most likely suggests fraud.

In general, for a modern person there are no difficulties in using mobile transfers can't be seen. All operations are quite simple and specific for the relevant cases. There is no need to be afraid of new things, because progress does not stand still, and it is more expensive for yourself to lag behind its achievements.