What is called the alphabet of a specific information system. What is an information system? Definition, signs and features

What's happened Information system? We are talking about a set of tools for collecting, storing and distributing data. In this case, any system that provides such functions can be considered similar. If we talk more deeply about the meaning of the concept, then this can be called the creation of sources used in the future to obtain data, filter them and popularize them.


In this article we will take a closer look at what an information system is. This concept is directly related to computer nuances. Otherwise, such a system can be called a complex, which implies the mutual work of people and technology, as a result of which information is processed and changes its appearance.

The term can also be used in a more limited sense. Often this is the name of the software that is necessary for the correct operation of databases. However, when answering the question of what an information system is, a person means a complex that includes a superficial layer. This can be a collection of users, processors, communication networks, and so on. Moreover, any of the information systems is necessary in order to support the correct operation of all operations, as well as to manage decisions. Revealing in more detail what an information system is, it must be said that these are communication technologies used by many organizations. This is also the name given to the ways in which people interact with PCs and other types of devices while working in business. On this moment Many researchers clearly divide information and computer systems among themselves. As a rule, the former are not directly related to technology, but include many components of computer technology.

General concept

This article will discuss the system information support, which is different from business processes. As a rule, their differences lie in the fact that such a complex does not help to manage the latter, but only to monitor the effectiveness of their work. Many information systems are referred to as a special type of functional process. However, we are still talking not about one function, but about a complex within which people or equipment perform certain options using certain resources. It should be noted once again that the information system is based on work that allows you to collect data, transmit it, store, search, process, and also display the received files as much as possible.

What is this - IS?

Analyzing the nuances described above, an information system is one that is closely connected with many complexes. The latter allow you to connect data from two parties and their work processes at once. It is a form of interconnection. Within its limits, data is provided and processed as much as possible. As a rule, in such a complex information is considered social memory. The system described can also be thought of as a semi-official language that is capable of supporting all human activities. It is a basic direction in organizational informatics.

Basic concepts, definitions, classification of information systems

At the moment, there are several management information systems. Among them, support for making various decisions or actions, as well as transaction processing, should be highlighted. There are also special systems that allow you to manage training or acquired knowledge and databases. When creating any information complex, we take into account the technologies that are necessary in order to complete tasks that are beyond the capabilities of the human brain. For example, to perform complex calculations or control many processes at once. It is for such purposes that such complexes are created. At the moment, information technology is a fairly important resource, which is as accessible as possible to any manager. Today a large number of companies are introducing vacancies based on working with such systems. Often a technical director is appointed to this position.


To ensure the security of information systems, you must work with the right equipment. There are currently six main components that must be combined to create such an entity. Equipment is one of them. This term is all about technology. We are talking about the presence of a computer, which is often called a central processor in the professional sphere. It is also necessary to purchase all the equipment that allows you to support the work of this equipment. Among the auxiliary or additional equipment, one should highlight a device that allows data storage, communication with other components, and also provides input-output of parameters.


The unified information system runs on special software equipment. This is what allows for correct functionality. At the same time, special guidelines are often created that make it possible to maintain the correct operation of the software. At the moment, there are a large number of computer utilities, as well as machine-readable instructions that function without human intervention. Thus, they allow the hardware parts of the system to operate using electrical circuits. As a result, the computer produces useful data from just the analyzed mass of files. The received information is usually located on some devices, and the use of removable media is also allowed.


Speaking about an automated information system, it is necessary to talk about data. They are directly used by her. This is the information you need to obtain useful files. As mentioned above, they are stored on special media until it becomes beneficial for the computer to use certain information. It should be noted that the complex will not be able to work without taking into account the availability of received facts, which as a result are then processed and systematized.


Of course, it is necessary to add, when talking about an automated information system, about procedures. They are also important in the term being described. This refers to a policy that completely distributes functionality computer system. Moreover, these can be either requirements or a rule. With their help, the information system will function and develop as quickly as possible.


The state information system and any others need people, because such complexes are created precisely to ensure maximum performance and convenience for consumers. Often they are the most significant element of development. It should be noted that it is the users who completely influence the resulting success or failure. It should be said that this item should include not only users, but also those who work and maintain the equipment, and also the information system itself in general.


Any private or public information system must have feedback. This component is not the main one, but it is quite important. It was already said above that information is considered a kind of connector between a computer and people. Thus, all the data that is collected as a result of work is information, and scattered until the PC itself systematizes it. It is at this stage that all information becomes useful and falls under the definition of IP.


A pyramid is a unified information system of the classical type. As a rule, this is what is presented in programming textbooks. In the eighties, it was drawn in the form of a regular pyramid, which made it possible to fully indicate the hierarchy of each component. It should be noted that at the very bottom were the systems processed in the transaction. A little higher was the IS control, necessary to maintain the high-quality operation of the complex, and in the upper part was the model of the executive base.

This type of image is useful even today. A large number of new technologies have been formulated on the basis of the pyramid, but it should be noted that due to the development of technology, some components of this system may no longer be entirely relevant.

Computer ICs

Computer information systems are required in order to handle some planned tasks.

Such complexes have basic components. As a rule, this is a hardware part. It includes a processor, monitor, printer, keyboard, and so on.

In addition, it is necessary to have programs that allow you to process the data.

Networks are often needed to connect the system and the computers used.

A working structure of procedures, which are the commands needed to process information, should be fully provided.

The functionality of the databases also needs to be guaranteed. They will store the resulting tables with important files.

At the moment, the described systems that we are talking about now work with the first four components. They are combined into one complex. It is called an information technology platform.

Information systems development

Information systems are developed within the framework of the work of any organizations, or through external sources. Often these components influence the development of large companies, allowing for the maximum use of information technology. If we talk about methods and processes, a large number of instructions have now been developed, which makes it possible to effectively use such a system.

The article by Nikolai Mikhailovsky, published in this issue of the magazine, rightly points out the confusion in IT terminology. This confusion covers not only the concepts of “information system” (IS) and “IS architecture”; it is not at all harmless and often makes it difficult in practice to clearly determine what is the subject of development in a particular project: the IS, only its QCA (see below) or the system (AS) as a whole?

To try to clarify the matter, below are key definitions from regulatory documents and, for comparison, from sources more general purpose. Definitions were selected from the working materials of the author of this note, which were in addition to the main materials of courses for specialists and managers. (This explains the presence of comments and the free arrangement of material in this note - after all, this is not a glossary!) That is why this is said: practice has repeatedly shown that a glossary is not enough. Creating a common "conceptual space" - among at least ten course participants - requires another half hour to an hour of discussion to obtain the same understanding of such things as "system", "IS" and "QCA". Finally, we regret to note that outside the scope of the note there was material that could clarify what “System engineering” is, software architecture and other important processes and subjects of designing, designing and using systems.


A complex consisting of processes, technical and software, devices and personnel with the ability to satisfy stated needs or purposes ().

Note: quite close to the definition of an automated system (AS) in GOST 34.

Automated system (AS):

In the process of operation, an automated system is a combination of a set of automation tools, organizational, methodological and technological documents and specialists who use them in the process of their professional activity. (From the guidelines RD 50-680-88 series of GOST 34 standards on automated systems(AS).)

A comment.
Recent years have been marked by a qualitative expansion of the meaning of the term “system”, reflected in the documents of international committees and professional societies focused on IT. There is a transition to an interpretation that is even broader than indicated in, due to the explicit inclusion of components of other types (materials, methods, etc.). In this regard, the relevance of the broader use of the term “information management system” (see, for example, in) and the narrower use of the term “information system” (see below) is growing.

Information system (IS):

1) a system designed for collecting, transmitting, processing, storing and issuing information to consumers and consisting of the following main components:

  • software,
  • Information Support,
  • technical means,
  • service staff ().

2) Information system - The collection of people, procedures, and equipment designed, built, operated, and maintained to collect, record, process, store, retrieve, and display information ().

A comment.
IS is initially considered as a system indifferent to the specific goals of users, similar to an automatic telephone exchange, a general-purpose library or help desk station, which provides its information services as a subsystem or related system more common system: enterprise, city, industry, country, etc. (cm. ). Let us note once again that too often IP is understood as a variety of things - from KSA to AC.

The standards contain a clear definition of the technical concept “IT system”, which is often required to be used instead of IS. So in GOST R ISO/IEC TO 10000-1-99 it is defined

Information technology system (IT system):

A set of information technology resources that provides services over one or more interfaces. (This is close to the concept of “complex of automation tools” in methodological guidelines RD 50-680-88 from GOST 34, where the main provisions of this set of ND are given.)

A set of automation tools for an automated system; KSA AC:

The totality of all components of the AS, with the exception of people ().

Sources(which are not named directly in the text)

  1. Webster's New World Dictionary of Computer Terms, Fourth edition, 1993.
  2. GOST 34.003-90. Information technology. A set of standards and guidelines for automated systems. Terms and Definitions.
  3. D. Meister, J. Rabideau, Engineering-psychological assessment in the development of control systems. "Soviet Radio", M. 1970.
  4. Big English-Russian Polytechnic Dictionary, M., “Russian Language”, 1991.
  5. Information systems in economics: Textbook / Ed. Prof. V.V. Dick. - M.: Finance and Statistics, 1996.
  6. GOST R ISO/IEC 12207-99. Information technology. Software life cycle processes. STATE STANDARD OF RUSSIA. Moscow, 1999.

Zinder Evgeniy Zakharovich,
editor-in-chief of DIS magazine, director of the analytical and design bureau "Group 24".
You can write to him at the following addresses:

An information system (IS) is any organized system for collecting, storing and transmitting information. More specifically, it is the creation of additional sources that people use to obtain, filter, and distribute data.

The definition of “information systems” is related to computer technology. In other words, it is a kind of complex that involves the work of people and computers, as a result of which information is processed or interpreted. The term is sometimes used in a more limited sense to mean software necessary to run a computer database, or as a definition of a computer component.

But the emphasis is usually on information systems, the definition of which includes the final surface layer - users, processors, inputs, outputs and the aforementioned communication networks. Any given IS aims to support operations, management and decision making.

The definition of an information system can be simply that of the information and communication technologies (ICTs) that different organizations use and the way in which people interact with these technologies to support business processes. Some researchers make a clear distinction between information and computer systems and business processes. ICs typically include a computer component, but are not directly related to them.

Information systems, the definition of which we will consider later in the article, differ from business processes in that they only help control the effectiveness of the latter.

Some scholars have argued for the benefits of IS as a specific type of work process. However, it is a system in which people or machines perform specific functions and activities, using resources to produce specific products or services for customers. While an information system is, as already mentioned, an intellectual complex whose activities are devoted to the collection, transmission, storage, search, processing and display of information.

Information system - what is it?

Thus, ISs are closely related to data transmission systems on the one hand and work process systems on the other. They represent a form of reciprocal communication in which data is represented and processed as a form of social memory. An information system (we discuss the basic concepts and definitions associated with it in the article) can also appear as a semi-official language that supports the creation of human decisions and actions. It is a major research area for organizational informatics.

Basic concepts, definitions, classification of information systems

Exist Various types IS, for example:

  • transaction processing;
  • decision support;
  • knowledge or learning management;
  • database management.

Crucial to most information systems are information technologies, which are typically designed to perform tasks for which the human brain is not well suited. For example, processing large amounts of information, performing complex calculations and managing multiple simultaneous processes.

Information technology is a very important and malleable resource available to managers. Many companies today introduce the position of chief employee on these issues. The technical director can also serve in this role.


The definition of “the essence of an information system” implies the presence of six components that must be combined to create it. And the first of them is equipment.

This term refers to technology. And this means the computer itself, which is often mentioned as central processor(CPU), and all associated hardware to support the operation. Among the auxiliary equipment needed to create an IC are input and output devices, data storage and communications.


The next component is the software. This term refers to computer programs and the guidelines (if any) that support them. Exist computer applications, machine-readable instructions that guide electrical diagram inside the hardware of the system and cause it to function in such a way as to produce useful information from the received data.

Programs are usually stored on some machines, sometimes on removable media.


Another component is data - facts that are used by programs to obtain useful information. Like programs, data is typically stored in machine-readable form on a disk or other storage device until the computer needs it.

Defining the concept of “information systems” is not possible without taking into account the presence of facts that are processed and systematized.


Another component that defines the essence of the definition being described is procedures. This term refers to the policy that governs the operation of a computer system. These may be certain requirements and rules on the basis of which the IP operates and develops.


Every system also needs people if it is to be useful in any way. Moreover, people are often the most important element. And it is probably the component that most influences the success or failure of information systems. This includes not only users, but also those who operate and maintain computers, maintain data and networks, etc.


Another component of the IP is Feedback(although it is not necessary for functioning).

As already noted, data is a kind of bridge between hardware and people. This means that the information we collect is only scattered information until it is systematized. At this stage, data becomes information and falls into the definition of an information system.

The use of information systems directly depends on their types.


Thus, the classic type of IP is often described in various textbooks. In the 80s, it was presented in the form of a pyramid, which reflected the hierarchy of the organization.

Typically, transaction processing systems were at the bottom of the pyramid, with information systems management just above that made decisions to support the system, and the model ended with executive IS at the top.

This pyramid model remains useful today because it pioneered a number of new technologies, but some of its components may not be relevant, although they fall under the modern information systems that we are trying to define. Examples of such IS may be the following:

  • data warehouses;
  • enterprise resource planning schemes;
  • expert;
  • search engines;
  • geographic information;
  • global information system;
  • office automation.

Computer ICs

Computer information system created using computer technology to complete some or all of the scheduled tasks. Its main components are:

  1. A piece of hardware that includes a monitor, processor, printer, and keyboard that work together to receive, process, and display data and information.
  2. Software - programs that allow hardware to process data.
  3. Databases, which are a repository of related files or tables containing relevant data.
  4. Networks are a connecting system that allows a variety of computers to share resources.
  5. Procedures, which are a set of commands designed to combine the above components for the purpose of processing information.

Information systems, the definition of which is presented in the article, classify the first four components (hardware, software, databases and networks) into one complex, which is known as an information technology platform.

IT workers can then use them to create information systems that monitor security controls, risks, and data management. These activities are known as information technology services.

Information systems development

Information technology departments in large organizations tend to have a strong influence on the development, use, and application of information technology. A number of techniques and processes can be used to develop and use IS. Many developers now use an engineering approach such as life cycle software development (SDLC), which is a systematic procedure for developing an information system through stages that occur in a specific sequence.

IP may be developed within an organization or external source. This agreement can be achieved by outsourcing certain components or the entire system. A technologically implemented environment for recording, storing and distributing linguistic expressions, for drawing conclusions from such expressions - all this includes the concept of “information systems”.

Terms and definitions related to IP are quite complex and do not have a narrow focus, so they can be used in almost any field. But there are also specific areas of their application.

Geographic Information Systems: Definition

Examples of narrower classifications are geographic information systems (GIS) and earth information systems. They allow for the collection, storage, analysis and graphical visualization of spatial data. Their development is carried out in several stages, which include:

  1. Problems of recognition and specification.
  2. Collection of information.
  3. Specification requirements for the new system.
  4. System design.
  5. System architecture.
  6. Implementation.
  7. Review and maintenance.

Academic discipline

The field of study of the concept of IS covers various topics, including systems analysis and design, computer networks, information security, database management and decision support systems.

The definition of “classification of information systems” currently does not have a uniform interpretation. It involves some data management operations, with practical and theoretical solutions to the problems of their collection and analysis. Depending on the field of activity, this may include means of improving the productivity of business applications, software programming and implementation, e-commerce, the use of electronic media, data mining and decision support.

Information systems (definition) this concept cited earlier), serve to combine economics and computer science. They are a field for the study of computers and algorithmic processes, including their principles, software and hardware designs, applications, and their impact on society. Many modern scholars have discussed the nature and foundations of information systems, which have their roots in other reference disciplines - such as computer science, engineering, mathematics, management, cybernetics, etc.

IS can also be defined as a collection of hardware, software, data, people and procedures that work together to produce quality information. They are directly related to information technology, computer science and business. The study of theory and practice related to social and technological phenomena that determine their development, use, and impact on human life is an area of ​​interest for those who study information systems.

The definition that this article focused on is also used to describe the organizational function that applies this knowledge to industry, government agencies, and non-profit organizations. They often come down to interactions between algorithmic processes and technologies.

The field of IS study includes the study of theory and practice related to the social and technological phenomena that shape the development, use, and impact of information systems in organizations and society. In a broad sense, the term "information systems" refers to the scientific field of study that examines the strategic, managerial and operational activities involved in the collection, processing, storage, dissemination and use of information and related technologies in society and organizations.

The term information systems is also used to describe the organizational function that applies this knowledge to industry, government agencies, and non-profit organizations. IS is often reduced to the interaction between algorithmic processes and technologies. This interaction can occur within or across organizational boundaries. An information system is a technology that various organizations use for their own purposes.

10. Information systems

1. Information systems: definition, purpose of creation, structure.

2. Basic principles of IS development

3. Classification of information systems.

4. Systems of classification and coding of economic information.

IP classes: MR I, MRP II, ERP

1. Information systems: definition, purpose of creation, structure.

Information- this is some information, knowledge about objects and processes of the real world. Economic information is usually displayed in the form of documents.

Document - is a material medium of information that has legal force and is drawn up in the prescribed manner.

System is a complex of interconnected means acting as a single whole. Each system is characterized by structure, input and output flows, purpose and limitations, and the law of operation.

System covers a complex of interrelated elements that act as a single whole in achieving set goals.

Each system includes components

1. The structure of the system is the set of elements of the system and the relationships between them.

2. Functions of each element of the system

3. Input and output of each element and the system as a whole.

4. Goals and limitations of the system and its individual elements (achievements: reducing costs and increasing profits)

Each system has the properties of divisibility and integrity.

IP ensures the collection, storage, and processing of information about the facility, supplying employees of various ranks with information for the implementation of management functions.

EIS is system, functioning which consists in collecting, storing, processing and disseminating information about the activities of any economic entity in the real world.

EIS are designed to solve problems of data processing, office automation, searching for information and individual tasks based on artificial intelligence methods (from lectures).

Information system (IS) is a software and hardware complex designed for automated collection, storage, processing and delivery of information. Typically, information systems deal with large volumes of information that have a fairly complex structure. Classic examples of information systems are banking systems, transport ticketing systems, etc.

IS always specializes in information from a certain area of ​​the real world: economics, technology, medicine, etc. The part of the real world displayed in the IC is called subject area . Therefore, economic IP is IP whose subject area is economics. In this sense, it acts as an information model of the subject area.

Any management system for an economic object has its own information system, called an economic information system.

Economic Information System (EIS) - these are a set of internal and external flows of direct and feedback information communication of an economic object, methods, means, specialists involved in the process of information processing and the development of management decisions.

The information system is an information service system for employees of management services and performs technological functions for the accumulation, storage, transmission and processing of information. It develops, is formed and functions in accordance with the regulations determined by the methods and structure of management activities adopted at a specific economic entity, and implements the goals and objectives facing it.

IP structure

The most common division of EIS subsystems is the separation of supporting and functional parts. The functional part is actually a model of the facility management system. In relation to control systems, a sign of structuring can be the functions of object management, according to which the EIS consists of functional subsystems. The supporting part of the EIS consists of information, technical, software, organizational, legal and other types of support.

Regardless of the characteristics, any EIS consists of functional and supporting parts. The functional part is determined by the set of tasks to be solved, identified by certain types of activities of various economic entities (by function).

The supporting part is a set of interconnected means of a certain type that ensure the functioning of the system as a whole or its individual elements. The supporting subsystems include: information support of IO, technical support of TO, mathematical support of MO, legal support of Prav.O, software software, organizational support of Org.O, technological support of Tech.O

IO is a set of a unified system for classifying and encoding information, unified documentation systems, information flow diagrams circulating in organizations, as well as a methodology for constructing a database. IO is divided into extra-machine and intra-machine.

A non-machine unified documentation system, as well as a classification and coding system for accounting information.

In-machine – documents and arrays of documents located in computer memory in the form of libraries, archives, databases, knowledge bases.

TO is a set of technical means intended for the operation of an IS, as well as the corresponding documentation for these means and technological processes.

Tech.O - focused on the selected information technology for entering, registering, transferring, processing and issuing effective information. (centralized, distributed, decentralized)

Software – includes: system-wide and special software products, and technical documentation(OS, shells, programs….)

Mat.O. – a set of mathematical methods, models, algorithms for the implementation of the goals and objectives of the IS, as well as the functioning of a complex of technical means.

Org.O is a set of methods and means that regulate the interaction of workers with technical means and with each other in the process of development and operation of IS.

Right. – a set of legal norms that determine the creation of legal status and functioning of IP, regulating the procedure for obtaining the transformation and use of information. (from lectures)

The structure of information includes the following concepts: information space, subject area, object, object instance, object properties, interaction of objects and interaction properties. To describe a subject area means to list objects and the relationships between them, and then describe them with attributes and constituent units of information.

The structure of economic information is quite complex and can include various combinations of information sets that have a certain content. An information set is understood as a group of data characterizing an object, process, or operation. Based on their structural composition, information sets can be divided into:

