What does the qr code mean? What is a QR code and how to use it correctly? How to create a QR code - online generators

What is a QR code?

Date: 2014-09-06

What is a QR code? What is a QR code for?

I think you've heard this phrase: QR code. If you haven’t heard, then you’ve certainly seen it more than once. While flipping through magazines, visiting various websites, or just walking along the streets, you definitely saw an incomprehensible picture of a combination of small squares, reminiscent of the game Tetris. This is a QR code. So what is a QR code? What is it for and where can I get it?

The population of our country is familiar with the traditional bar code, which is usually applied to the packaging of various goods; it encrypts information about a given product, country, manufacturer of the product, etc.

As a matter of fact QR code- this is an analogue of the traditional linear barcode (barcode), but with much greater possibilities. Various information is also encrypted here. You can encode almost any information into a QR code image, for example: text, phone number, link to a website (a separate web page) or a business card.

A QR code is a two-dimensional bar code (bar code) developed and introduced by the Japanese company Denso-Wave in 1994. Why two-dimensional? Because encryption occurs in two dimensions (horizontal and vertical), which makes it possible to encode large amounts of information.

The encoded information is designed for quick recognition using cameras of mobile devices: tablet computers, smartphones, phones, etc. The development turned out to be very successful and very quickly spread throughout the world. And with widespread introduction into our lives mobile gadgets, turned out to be very successful and timely.

How to read information encoded in a QR code?

It's simple. To a mobile device (tablet, smartphone or cellular telephone) a small scanner program is installed. Launch this program, point the camera of your smartphone (tablet) at this QR code, the program instantly reads this code and provides the necessary information. This can be text information or a link to an Internet resource. For example, a description of the product, information about a historical place or building, some kind of map or diagram, etc. and so on. If you currently have the opportunity to access the Internet, then you can go to the site and study the information online.

I use it myself mobile devices(smartphone and tablet computer) on the base Android. From Play Store installed on my devices free application QR Barcode Scanner(Although similar applications a great variety, perhaps you will like some others). But the application QR Barcode Scanner, can read both QR codes and traditional bar codes, I liked it, very convenient.

Moreover, you can read it absolutely anywhere and from any media: from a computer monitor screen, from printed publications(newspapers and magazines), from packages, on the streets, etc. and so on. Having seen a QR code somewhere, you can quickly get information about the object that interests you or go to the official website.

Applications of QR codes include: posting images of QR codes on the Internet, applying them to business cards, T-shirts, advertising signs, buildings and much more.

For example, in the city of Belgorod, at the end of 2013, a regional project was implemented to equip the city’s cultural monuments with QR codes. Thus, the launch of the information resource “QR Belgorod” made it possible to make information about the historical and cultural heritage of the region more accessible to guests and residents of the region.

Where and how to get a QR code?

Today on the Internet there are many online services that allow generate a QR code image. For example, here is one of these services: QR Coder.ru.

You can encode any text, website link, business card, SMS message. Everything is simple here. Enter the required information, select the image size and press the button: CREATE CODE. In the right window, a QR code image and a link for inserting into the website (blog) are generated. For example, in the QR code picture on the right, information about me, my Business Card, is encrypted.

Next, click on the generated image right click mouse and select: "Save image as...". Picture in GIF format, with your personal code will be saved on your computer, and then you can use this picture at your discretion: post it on the Internet on websites (blogs), print it on advertising brochures, business cards in the media, etc. For example, I encrypted it and placed it in a subsection: OUR LINKS.

If you wish, you can find many similar QR code generators on the Internet. Moreover, there are services that allow you to create even color images of QR codes.

All the best.

QR codes are a convenient means of conveying small pieces of information. From the article below you will learn how to create QR codes and read them.

I love everything new... At one time I was interested in strange-looking small pictures with black squares inside, which flashed every now and then in various magazines and on TV. It turned out that such small images are very useful. They are a type of barcode that can encrypt small amounts of information! This miracle of technology is called a QR code...

With the spread of smartphones and tablets, reading QR codes has become possible at the software level without special scanners. Enough install a special application and point the camera of your device at the code - the decryption will immediately appear on the display, and in some cases (for example, if a phone number is encrypted) some actions will be automatically performed (for example, dialing a number).

QR codes are convenient to use to transmit contact information, links to web pages, or, for example, geographic coordinates. In general, I could not ignore this very fascinating topic, so I bring to your attention an overview of several interesting services for creating QR codes online.

A little theory

Before considering generator services, I suggest you learn a little about QR codes themselves so that you do not perceive them as something supernatural :). Each code is essentially a matrix (two-dimensional array) containing sequences of blocks in the horizontal and vertical planes. Blocks have two states: “white” (meaning zero) and “black” (one).

It turns out that, in fact, QR codes are a regular binary code in a graphical representation. In order to correctly encrypt and then interpret a QR code, it contains predefined areas that allow you to receive decryption instructions and, in fact, the data itself. Let's look at the diagram below for clarity:

Any QR code has in its three corners large square markers, which allow scanners and recognition programs to determine that it is encoded data in front of them, and not a simple picture. Often (but not always) the fourth corner has a slightly offset smaller square(if a lot of text is encoded, then there will be several such squares). It also serves to more accurately identify the code.

Once the program has determined that a QR code has entered the camera lens, it begins to analyze it, reading service information. The first step is to determine encoding version and checking the presence of control sync bands, which are always the same sequence of ones and zeros (every other) horizontally and vertically between the edges of large markers.

Next, the actual decoding of the code begins. To do this, first define mask code for system information and error correction level. This information for greater accuracy, it is encoded twice: in the first horizontal row under the upper left marker (from left to right) and in the first vertical row to the right of the lower left marker (from bottom to top). The first five bits of these rows indicate the error correction level (first two bits) and the mask (next three) needed to be applied to the main body of code to define informative blocks. The remaining 10 bits are used for error correction.

The last preparatory step before decoding is to determine data header. This allows you to understand what exactly is encrypted in the code: simple text, a phone number, or, for example, a link to a website. Reading the title starts from the lower right corner and proceeds along a snake from bottom to top. Then, in the same sequence, using a previously defined mask, the encoded information itself is decrypted. If you are wondering how to read a QR code manually, I recommend you an excellent instruction on GeekTimes.

Well, we move on to practice, that is, a direct review of QR code generators. And, since this page already has a standard code generator, I present to your attention a small selection of non-standard services.

Create a color QR code

Creating a regular black QR code is not a problem today. However, you can often find different color codes. If you want to create just like this, I recommend a very simple and free generator QRMania.ru:

Using QRMania.ru you can encode any text, phone number, SMS message template, address Email and a letter template, business card, Twitter message, or geographic coordinates. All you need to do is select the desired type of encoded data and fill out the form that appears. As you enter data, a ready-made QR code will be dynamically generated below.

To the right of the input forms there is a set of available settings. Here you can choose any color instead of the standard black (the main thing is that it contrasts well with the background), set the size (from 200 to 1000 pixels), the level of error correction and rounding of sharp corners of your code. All settings are applied in real time, so you can monitor all changes.

To save the generated QR code, just click on the “Save” button (top right above the code). This will open a menu for choosing a save format: regular PNG, vector EPS, or as a link. To save a simple image, click on the PNG option and using the “Save image as...” context menu, download your QR code.

Using QRMania.ru you can quickly create a very nice looking QR code. The only disadvantages include the inability to change the background of the code and encrypt WiFi connection data. By the way, if you do not need rounding corners, then similar opportunities are provided by the service 8500.ru.

Create a QR code with a modified dot shape

A standard QR code contains solid-color squares as information carriers. However, it turns out that these squares can be replaced with other shapes and even painted in the desired colors! If you want to experiment, you can try it with the QRcode.by service:

Here, as in the previous service, you can encode almost any information, except WiFi data. To access various additional functions it is proposed to register, however, the service has some problems with registration, so we will proceed from what is available to any unauthorized user. And there are quite a lot of interesting things available...

After selecting the type of data to be encoded and filling in all the required fields, we are taken to the QR code editor screen. Here we have the opportunity to change the shape of the markers, the points inside them, as well as the points in the code itself. You can also set any color for each element and background. There is also a function to replace the background with a picture, but it, like registration, gives an error... For those who are keen, above the code picture there is an indicator of its readability, which changes in real time. This is very convenient because it allows you to evaluate whether users will be able to read your decorated custom QR code.

Unfortunately, it is not possible to save the finished QR code using the proposed button. Therefore, you will have to be content with the preview image ( context menu- "Save image as...", which, however, has quite suitable dimensions (350 by 350 pixels) for most needs.

Create a QR code with captions

If you are interested in QR codes, then you have probably noticed not quite ordinary codes, inside of which inscriptions or some kind of icons were placed. You can create a similar QR code with text using the QRcc.ru generator:

Almost the entire range of data available for encoding is available on this service (no, perhaps, newfangled messages on social networks). In addition, with its help you can create not only traditional QR codes, but also barcodes in DataMatrix and MicroQR formats!

The principle of operation is standard: select the type of data to be encoded, fill in the required fields and proceed to additional settings. Here we can set text inside the code or an icon (unfortunately, you cannot upload your own, you can only select one from the available ones). We can also add a text or caption to our code, adjust the colors for it all (the color of the code dots, the text inside and the captions) and set the relative magnification size (up to 4x). After all the settings, click the “Create code” button and get the result, which can be saved as a regular image or as a link.

In fact, I would say that the only drawback of QRcc.ru is the lack of the ability to install your own icon inside the code, as well as change the font of the internal text and inscriptions.

Create QR code with logo

The service discussed above provided us with the opportunity to create a QR code with a small icon inside. However, it was not possible to upload your own image instead of one of the standard ones. If you want to create a QR code with your own logo, then the English-language service QRcode-monkey.com can help:

This generator allows you to encode almost all available on this moment in the specification QR types of information (except files). Moreover, it provides all the basic functions for free. For money you can download codes in typographic formats, but a regular PNG is often sufficient.

To get started, go to the desired tab and fill out the form with the required data. Below you will find a small panel that allows you to set the color of the code (solid or gradient). Under this panel, activate the “Include Logo/Image in QR-Code” checkbox and we will be able to select one of the available icons as the central image. To upload your own image, go to the "Own Logo Image" tab, click the "Upload Image" button and select what you need. All we have to do is set the size (the "Resolution in Pixel/QR-Point" drop-down list) and click the "Create QR-Code" button.

After successful generation, to save the code in the required resolution, click the "Download PNG" button or save the preview image as an image.

Create an unusual QR code

So far, we have looked at various services that allow you to create QR codes with various features. However, I managed to find a generator that combines almost everything necessary to create unusual and branded codes - CreamBee.ru:

This service allows you to encode all major data types, but this is not its main feature. After traditionally filling out the form with the necessary information, you are taken to a full-fledged editor, which allows you to change appearance any element of code! The entire toolkit is divided into groups on 5 tabs:

  1. Templates. On this tab, you can select one of the ready-made templates or apply your own (if you registered on the service and created them earlier).
  2. Colors. Here you have the opportunity to change the color of any QR code element. Moreover, you can specify both a single-color fill and gradients! It’s especially worth paying attention to the “Surprise me” button - click and see what happens;)
  3. Figures. This tab allows you to change the shape of the elements of your code, as well as set the angle of its rotation.
  4. Edit. Perhaps the most interesting tab, since it contains a whole set of additional tools, called up by the buttons at the top. By default, the code redundancy setting opens with an assessment of its readability. Next come tools for manually adding and removing blocks, as well as editing fill parameters. The last button gives you access to the ability to insert your own logo and background image.
  5. Export. On last tab There is an opportunity to generate HTML code for inserting into a website or blog as a link.

You can download the finished code in PNG raster format or vector SVG. Perhaps the service has no shortcomings, except for the rather large complexity that not everyone can immediately understand.

Create dynamic QR code for free

A regular QR code contains encoded information unchanged. However, what if you suddenly need to change this information. You can, of course, generate new code However, this will not always work. For example, you ordered yourself a business card with a QR code in which your personal information is encrypted. And now the layout has already been put into circulation, and your phone number has changed, for example... In order not to lose potential clients and extra money in such cases, the so-called dynamic QR codes.

Dynamic code usually contains a link to the online profile of its owner. In this profile you can change everything you need - it will automatically be available to the person who reads your QR code! In addition, reading statistics will also be available to you as the owner. Unfortunately, most services provide the service of creating dynamic QR codes only on a paid basis. However, some, as a test, give from one to three such codes for free! One such generator is QRcode.TrustThisProduct.com:

This service also allows you to create simple QR codes, but we are interested in dynamic ones. You can make up to 3 of them for free. However, to access this function, you must log in using an account on one of the social networks (Google+, Facebook, VKontakte or LinkedIn).

After entering the virtual profile creation mode, we need to fill out the necessary form fields with information about ourselves. Here you can add an avatar and indicate phone numbers. Email addresses and any other personal information. Please note that it will be in the public domain. After filling out, you can activate tracking of the code (click statistics will be sent to the email to which your social network profile selected during authorization is linked) and select the service on which your virtual business card will be created: me24.info or about24.info (which, however, does not play a special role). We save the data and the ability to style the QR code becomes available to us.

As for the style, we can set the redundancy mode to improve read error correction, the size, the color of the background and code elements, the level of transparency, as well as the internal logo. As you can see, the list of possibilities is quite good. The only condition is that if you decide to add a logo, be sure to make sure that your QR code remains readable! The finished code can be saved in PNG formats, SVG or EPS.

QRcode.TrustThisProduct.com turned out to be practically the only Russian-language service that provides the user with dynamic QR codes on permanent basis(and not as a trial for 14 - 30 days). Therefore, if you are interested in working with this type of code, I recommend it.


Today, QR codes are already more than 20 years old, however, only in recent years have they gained real popularity and spread beyond the borders of their “native” Japan. Mobile platforms played a huge role in this, recognition on which became possible using a regular camera and special software (by the way, QR code recognition is now available not only in special applications, but also, for example, in mobile browsers, like UC Browser). However, computers also have their own reading methods.

Firstly, there are many various programs with full-fledged designers and QR code scanners. Secondly, online services like webqr.com. This service is notable for the fact that it does not require installing anything, but at the same time it allows you to recognize not only QR codes in the form of electronic images that can be downloaded or specified via a link, but also makes it possible to decipher codes from real life using a webcam!

By the way, if you are interested in the QR code generator on our page above, then it is implemented on the basis of an excellent free library from LazarSoft, which you can download for free and use for your needs. Use QR codes wherever you need, because it is very convenient and modern!

P.S. Permission is granted to freely copy and quote this article, provided that an open active link to the source is indicated and the authorship of Ruslan Tertyshny is preserved.

Before we tell you what you need to consider in practice, we want to familiarize you with the technical basics of QR Codes. Here you will learn how a QR Code functions, what elements are used to construct it, and what conditions are required for its creation and decoding.

What is a QR Code?

The QR Code is a two-dimensional version of the barcode, known from product packaging in the supermarket. Originally developed for process optimization in the logistics of the automotive industry, the QR Code has found its way into mobile marketing with the widespread adoption of smartphones. "QR" stands for "Quick Response", which refers to the instant access to the information hidden in the Code.

QR Codes are gaining popularity because the technology is " open source", i.e. available for everyone. Significant advantages of QR Codes over conventional barcodes are larger data capacity and high fault tolerance.

The black and white checkered pixel patterns appear at first glance to be a small crossword puzzle and seem to be composed at random. But if you look closely, certain structures can be identified. For the scanner to recognize a QR Code as such, the Code must always be square. A number of additional elements ensure that the information is read correctly.

They indicate the direction in which the Code is printed.

If the QR Code is large, this additional element helps with orientation.

Using these lines, the scanner determines how large the data matrix is.

The format patterns contain information about the error tolerance and the data mask pattern and make it easier to scan the Code.

These patterns hold the actual data.

This spacing is important for the scanning program in order to distinguish the QR Code from its surroundings.

What happens if a QR Code is damaged?

To ensure that the information contained in the QR Code can be read even if it is damaged, the data keys include duplications (redundancies).Because of this, up to 30% of the Code structure can be destroyed without affecting the readability of the Code .

What can be stored in a QR Code?

Up to 7089 digits or 4296 characters, including punctuation marks and special characters, can be entered in one Code. In addition to numbers and characters, words and phrases (e.g. Internet addresses) can be encoded as well. As more data is added to the QR Code, the Code size increases and the Code structure becomes more complex.

How do I create a QR Code?

Creating a QR Code takes only a few seconds. The first step is to go to a website which generates QR Codes, e.g. www.qr-code-generator.com. There you can choose the type of the Code you want to create and then enter the appropriate data. Simply click on "Create QR Code", and your personal QR Code is ready. Now you just decide in which image format you want to use the Code and download the file easily.

How do I scan a QR Code?

To scan a QR Code, you first need to have a scanner app on your smartphone. A large selection of these can be downloaded for free in the various app stores. When you have one installed, start the application and keep the camera of your smartphone over the QR Code to scan it. If the Code is readable, the encoded address or action will be accessed automatically.

On the labels of most products you can find colorful black and white squares. “Just another abstruse marking,” many will say without paying attention to it. But in reality everything is much simpler and more useful. This picture is called a QR code. What a QR code is and how to use it is described in this article.

What is a QR code?

The QR code was introduced in 1994 in Japan to account for goods. The innovation turned out to be a more than successful project and quickly spread beyond the country, beginning to be used in other areas where it could be useful. Still, what is a QR code from a technical point of view?

The picture is a block of encrypted text information. It is a two-dimensional implementation of a barcode, but unlike it, it can contain several orders of magnitude more information. There are 40 versions of the QR code in total, each of which differs in matrix dimension - from 21 to 177 width modules on the side, plus 4 width modules of the free margin around the picture, to increase the clarity of the display on any background.

In addition to the usual full-format one, you can find a micro-QR code. It differs from the traditional pattern only in size. Can contain 11, 13, 15 or 17 width modules, plus 2 modules of white margin around the code. Maximum amount encrypted numbers - no more than 35. You can create a QR code of this type using conventional generators. There is no fundamental difference in encryption or reading.

Advantages over other similar systems

The main advantages of a QR code over a regular barcode:

  • Increased maximum volume of stored information.
  • Data type. Ability to write letters and special characters.
  • The reading system and process speed have been simplified.
  • More practical size.

In theory, it is possible to create a code not only for text information, but also for any other bit sequence, for example, a picture. Due to the high complexity and relatively small size of the array, this technology is not used.

Creation procedure

The code encryption algorithm is quite complex, but despite this, all generators are capable of creating any QR code in a matter of seconds. What algorithms are and their operating principle is a topic for a separate article, so it is not advisable to dwell on them now. Some programs are capable of generating codes for specific needs. Parts of the finished image contain something similar to meta tags, which indicate to the scanner that they belong to a specific class. So, modern smartphones can recognize the phone in the QR code, email address, link to the website and pages on social networks.

Since the size of the encoded information is still limited, you can find chains of QR codes in which each subsequent one contains information that complements the previous one. It is worth noting that the use of such schemes is extremely irrational, since placing one link inside a QR code to a resource with all the necessary information is a more practical solution.

Recognition and generation systems, structure

In order to scan a QR code, there are a huge number of programs for various devices and platforms. Almost all of them are free and available in the public domain. Reading and generation algorithms have long been known, so any website or program can produce the correct result.

In theory, a device with any camera is capable of recognizing graphic code, text information, pictures, and the like. All that matters is the availability of the necessary software. In the reading process, search patterns are a very important element of the QR code. These are large black squares in the corners and areas around them. They work as guides and help the QR code scanner not to get confused among the variety of dots, and also to determine the position of the code in the scanner’s visibility range.

Anyone can generate their own QR code, storing any information in it. These could be links, a phone number, a short story, some instructions, etc. Fortunately, finding a QR code generator is also not a problem. Usually these are the same resources that can scan it. To create your own code, you just need to provide the program with the text to be encrypted.

Various levels of error correction make it possible to manipulate a ready-made image in order, for example, to stylize it to suit specific needs. The finished QR code can be changed in color or added a logo right in the center, and it will still work. This will be useful if you intend to add a similar “high-tech graphic” to, say, the cover of your website.

QR code sales assistance

This recognition system has come into active use relatively recently, but has proven to be quite effective for many purposes, including use in sales. QR codes can be seen on almost all electronic products. Usually they contain an encrypted link to the manufacturer’s website or a specific section with documentation about this product.

In technically developed countries, QR codes are actively used for:

  • Making instant purchases in large retail chains.
  • Purchasing tickets.
  • Payment of bills in restaurants/cafes/hotels and other establishments.
  • Contactless withdrawal of money from ATMs.

The risks in carrying out such operations are no greater than the transfer of personal data on public networks, which means that systems that include a QR code can be considered well protected.

Other options

Information encoding technology based on the QR principle is useful not only in banking, but also in the social sphere. Using information signs with a QR code instead of the date and brief description under popular monuments - a common occurrence. You just need to scan the QR code with a link inside and get full information about the object. This system is successfully used in museums, galleries, and on popular tourist routes.

A QR code often appears in important documents, since it can contain all the necessary information or links to electronic signatures or personal identifiers. Using this technology, receipts often disseminate information about ongoing promotions, bonuses and personal discounts. Authentication processes and confirmation of actions are much easier to complete by simply scanning a code.

Disadvantages of technology

According to statistics, more than half of the world's population still does not use smartphones, which means that they are not able to decipher it on their own. Also, not all firmware contain a built-in scanner, and without installing third-party software, they are not able to figure out what is a QR code and what is a regular picture.

Unlike links or regular barcodes, a QR code is not duplicated in a human-readable form. It is impossible to remember or decipher encoded information without special equipment.