What does input not support mean? Solving the problem with the message “Input Not Supported” on the monitor

Input not supported on the monitor is a nuisance that sometimes occurs on what seems to be the most problem-free piece of computer equipment. However, it can occur in almost any user, so you need to know how to eliminate it.

What does input not supported mean? This message against a black screen signals the user that what is installed in this moment system resolution is not supported by the monitor. Or frame rate.

In fact, this is confirmed by the translation into Russian “input not supported” - the input is not supported.

In what situations may this occur:

  • If initially a modern monitor was used with the PC, and then the user was forced to return to a more outdated model.
  • When installing any software that makes such changes yourself.
  • During the launch of some program or toy, where initially more than a high resolution, not supported by the equipment used.

Now you can begin to resolve the unpleasant situation.

Methodology for correcting the failure

Naturally, there is no need to panic ahead of time. You should do the following:

  1. Initiate a computer restart.
  2. Press the “F8” button during this process. This will open additional options downloads.
  3. From the list you need to select “enable VGA mode” or activate the video mode with the lowest resolution.

The system should start, although the picture will not be the most pleasant. Don't pay attention to it:

  1. Go to Device Manager by using “Start” and “My Computer”.
  2. Find the graphics adapter in the list. Use RMB on it. In the drop-down window, select “Delete”.
  3. Calmly restart in normal mode.
  4. The system may prompt you to install video drivers. If this does not happen, perform the installation yourself - from a special disk, or by downloading the installation package from the Internet.
  5. Activate the installation and wait for it to complete.
  6. Right-click on the desktop to go to on-screen settings.
  7. Select the recommended option. Go to additional parameters.
  8. Open the “Monitor” tab, where you can set the highest available frequency.

All is ready.

It remains to consider the last root cause - input not supported when starting the game.

If a similar situation occurs only when you try to turn on one of the installed toys, then it is recommended to follow these steps:

  1. As soon as the screen goes dark, press “Alt” and “Enter” simultaneously.
  2. This will launch in screen mode.
  3. Go to game settings and position them in such a way that they are supported by the equipment being used.

Sometimes game settings can be found in a special file. It is usually named "Config" or something similar. You can open it with a notepad and make adjustments.

Hello, I come to you with a problem. The recently purchased (LCD Monitor with a screen diagonal of 21.5 inches) failed. Gave it to warranty repair. I took out my old one, and it came in handy, I think it’s much smaller in diagonal - 17 inches. I connect and see the error Input Not Supported. I wrote to you, you replied in a short letter that the problem was the incorrectly set screen resolution, as well as the incorrect screen refresh rate. And this is logical, because the new monitor had completely different parameters, apparently not available to the old monitor that I connected now.
In such cases, you say, you need to press the Auto button on the monitor and the monitor itself will set the desired resolution. If there is no such button, and I don’t have one, you need to booting Windows press F-8 and select in Advanced system boot options - Enable low resolution 640 x 480 video mode,

Input Not Supported

Another reader of ours writes: My son and I downloaded the game on the Internet, during the lengthy installation process, the screen resolution itself changed several times, then an unfamiliar error and a reboot, now when you turn on the computer, an error appears on the dark screen of the Input Not Supported monitor. Tell me what to do? As you can see, the two cases are fundamentally different, but the error is the same and the solution for both cases will be similar.

  • Now pay attention to the reason for the error. In the first case, an old 17-inch monitor was unable to convey the high resolution of 1920x1080 and high frequency 85 Hz screen updates belonging to a 21.5-inch monitor exposed in the operating system. To avoid my own serious damage, I issued an error that literally means Unsupported resolution - Input Not Supported.

In the second case, we have a modern 19-inch monitor and a screen refresh rate of 75 Hz, which after installing the game and an unknown driver conflict or software could not work at the resolution and screen refresh rate it needed and also generated an Input Not Supported error.
Sometimes it happens on modern computer install old game and it reduces the screen refresh rate to 60 Hz and a modern monitor displays a similar error.
Sometimes, when studying a computer, users themselves set parameters that are unavailable for their monitor in DirectX Diagnostic Properties -> Frequency -> Other value and thereby cause this error, by the way, sometimes after this the monitor can be brought back to life only at a service center.

In all the cases listed above, many even experienced users are a little lost, because the computer turned on safely and the usual one sound came from the system unit. short signal POST, according to which all the hardware installed in your system unit is working normally, but there is an error on the monitor screen. What, disassemble the monitor?
There’s no need to disassemble anything yet, I’ll tell you, repairing a monitor is not an easy task, let’s do it differently. If, in the very initial phase of booting the computer, press the F-8 button on the keyboard, then we will be taken to Additional boot options, here we need to select Enable lowest resolution video mode640 x 480 or Enable VGA mode.

Yours operating system will boot with the lowest screen resolution, lowest screen refresh rate, and lowest 16-bit color rendering that any monitor must support. It must be said that this mode is specially designed to eliminate such problems. Similar error Input Not Supported in this mode should no longer be on your monitor. Here, in most cases, you will have to remove the drivers for your video card; this will solve most of the problems.
Let's go to the device manager. Start -> Right-click on My Computer.

and select from the menu device Manager,

To be on the safe side, you can also remove the software belonging to your video card in the menu Uninstalling and changing a program, then reboot.

After removing the video card drivers, you should be able to log into Windows without any problems, and the Input Not Supported error should no longer appear. You will need to reinstall the drivers for your video card and it is advisable to install the appropriate software for your monitor, which is usually found on the CD included with it upon purchase. It must be said that it helps a lot, expanding the capabilities of the monitor, for example, previously unavailable screen resolution and refresh rate become available. If there is no such disk, it’s not a big deal; almost all modern monitors support the technology Plug and Play, which automatically detects installed hardware and works with it. You also need to update .
When the drivers are installed, right-click on the desktop Windows desktop 7, next screen resolution

select the one you need

then Extra options

Monitor and select the one you need screen refresh rate.

Well, at the end of the article there are a few more ways to eliminate such an error. Sometimes when you turn on the computer, the Input Not Supported message floats across the screen for several minutes and then disappears, this irritates many people, we also wrote about this. You can get rid of this, as I already said, by installing the software from the CD that came with the monitor upon purchase. Or by independently selecting the screen refresh rate required for your monitor.

The appearance of a moving block on the computer monitor screen with the words Input not supported confuses many users. The content is literally translated as “Input is not supported.” Logging in to the system (if the message appeared exactly when the computer or laptop started) becomes impossible. The same applies to the appearance of the Input not supported warning when trying to launch some games. Let's consider both options. In each case there is a solution that will eliminate this problem.

Input not supported when turning on the computer: the essence of the problem

Let's start with why different situations this warning appears. It is believed that an error with the Input not supported notification when starting a desktop PC or laptop can only occur if the monitor cannot cope with its functions (cannot display an image on the screen). A similar situation occurs when starting some games for which the graphics adapter settings do not meet the stated requirements.

There can be quite a few reasons for this, however, as a rule, the culprit is not the “lost” settings of the monitor itself, but problems with drivers, accompanying control software or additional platforms.

Acer monitors: Input not supported. What to do first?

Let's start solving the problem from the first case. So, the message Input not supported appeared on the screen, the monitor showed no signs of life, and further login to the system was impossible. Or rather, put it this way: the system will boot, but the user will not see the image on the screen.

Many will be surprised, what does Acer have to do with it? We simply take these devices as an example, since this problem can occur on stationary monitors from other manufacturers, and on the screens of some laptop models.

But how to get out of this situation? The answer is simple: use booting your computer or laptop into safe mode. For all Windows systems except the tenth version, the F8 key is used at the very beginning of boot, after which the appropriate mode is selected. In Windows 10, this procedure looks somewhat more complicated, but those who have installed the most Latest updates, can use the start menu, which contains the Recovery Environment item.

Of course, when loading in Safe Mode, the screen resolution will decrease, but in this case this is not important. The important thing is that the user will still log into the system, after which you can start troubleshooting the problems.

Removing the video driver

Before performing any actions with the graphics adapter (video card) drivers, you need to check the settings of the monitor itself if it is a stationary terminal. It is possible to press the special Auto button, which is usually found on any modern monitor, will help set optimal image output parameters selected by the monitor itself.

If this does not help, and the message Input not supported appears again when loading, you will have to turn to the “Device Manager” (you can call it from the “Control Panel” or use the “Run” console, in which the line devmgmt.msc is written).

Here you need to find the installed video card, right-click to bring up a menu in which the properties line is selected, and on the driver tab, click the uninstall button. But that is not all.

Removing accompanying software

The next step will be to uninstall the accompanying software that was originally installed with the driver, if its removal was not involved in the uninstallation of the driver itself. This applies to both discrete and integrated video cards.

In the very simple case you need to use the programs and features section, which is located in the “Control Panel”, where you select all applications related to graphics adapter, after which their removal is used.

However, it is better to use specialized utilities like iObit Uninstaller, which not only remove all software components, but also, so to speak, clean up the tails by deleting residual folders, files and system registry keys.

This is followed by a complete reboot, and during the restart process, if it was not some specific driver for non-standard equipment, the system will automatically install it again. If the image is not adjusted, you can use programs automatic update drivers (for example, Driver Booster) to install the necessary packages directly from the manufacturer’s website, but this requires uninterrupted Internet access.

Image output settings

Another problem is that many gamers very often change the screen resolution to increase FPS in games, and after exiting they simply forget to return the settings to the initial state. In addition, after installing the driver, it is advisable to check the screen resolution.

This can be done through the personalization menu, called through the RMB menu on the free area of ​​​​the “Desktop”, where the screen settings are used. First you need to set the screen resolution, which is indicated as recommended.

After that, after Extra options You should go to the monitor tab and set the refresh rate. For older monitors it is usually 60 Hz, for modern ones it is 75 Hz and higher.

Fixing errors when launching games

Finally, the Input not supported message may also appear when a game starts. The most likely reason for this monitor behavior, in addition to the driver and image output settings, may be an outdated version of the DirectX platform, which today must be present on a gaming computer.

As is already clear, the solution is to visit the official website of Microsoft Corporation, download and install the latest version of DirectX.

If it’s not about the platform, but about user settings, when logging into the game turns out to be impossible, you will have to independently find files like Options.txt, Variables.txt or Screen.txt, which are usually located in the game folder in the user directory. In them you will need to change the Width and Height parameters yourself, setting the values ​​recommended for the monitor or screen, and then simply save the changes made.

Hello, Denis!

Sometimes you may see an "Input not supported" message when using your computer. Let's figure out where it comes from.

Bug fix

There can be a lot of reasons for this, but the main ones are incorrect settings Windows systems or the inability of the monitor to produce the supplied frequency and resolution from the video adapter.

To solve this problem yourself, do the following:

  • go to the directX settings via “Start”;
  • in the "Frequency" section there should be "Default".

If it doesn't help, try this:

  • click "Start";
  • right click mouse - on the "Computer" shortcut, and then - "Properties";
  • select "Device Manager";
  • then in the “Video adapters” section we find your video card;
  • Click on it and select “Delete”. We also remove the drivers for the video card;
  • reboot, install freshly downloaded drivers from the website of your video adapter manufacturer and check again.

If this option also does not help, then you need to check the game on another monitor. Most likely, your current monitor cannot display the game's high resolution, and increased frequency 75 - 100 Hz, typical modern devices. If the same happens to another monitor, then your monitor needs to be sent in for repair.

Best regards, Evgeniy.

When starting the game, a message appeared: “Input is not supported”, is it also “Input Not Supported”? Instead of such a message, the player may see a completely blank black monitor screen. The sound indicates that the game is launching successfully. What to do and how to solve the problem?

Cause of occurrence

Often, main reason is the game assigning parameters that the monitor does not support. Thus, the screen simply cannot display the picture. Other reasons occur much less frequently:

  • video adapter malfunction;
  • incorrect setting monitor, availability of adapters;
  • mismatch between the new monitor and the old GPU.

Solutions directly depend on the reasons. Let's try to find the answer to the main question in this article.

Error “Login is not supported”

Solution methods

So, here we have a monitor that won’t start installed game. First, remember when the problems started. The point is that if the game previously functioned normally, but later stopped doing so, then you most likely need to dig deeper. If the message pops up at the first start, then during the automatic setup of the game an assignment occurred incorrect resolution. Typically more than the monitor can support. We can’t just go into the equipment configuration, because dark screen will not display the menu, even if we successfully click the mouse.

You can change the resolution in several ways:

  • switching the game to windowed mode ;
  • change the setting in game launcher;
  • exercise certain startup conditions.

To switch from full screen to windowed mode, you need to do the following.

  1. We launch the game and wait for the splash screen to pass.
  2. Press the combination “Alt” + “Enter”, after which the game switches to windowed mode.
  3. We go into the settings, change the values ​​to those at which the monitor can operate. pay attention to update rate(it is advisable to set 60) and turn on full screen mode. Afterwards we save the changes and play for fun.

Changing the configuration in the launcher

In some games, adjustments can be made by changing the parameters. Find a file with the specified parameters in the root of the game, open it using notepad and enter your screen resolution in the appropriate boxes. Each game has its own characteristics and names of such files - you need to google

Launch the game with the resolution we need.

The problem may arise incorrect frequency. You should toggle (decrease/increase) this option in the monitor menu. At the end there is a general video instruction:

Input Not Supported on Acer Monitors

It is worth mentioning separately that it is in the products of this company that most often a crash or a black screen appears instead of an image. Moreover, the “Login not supported” error occurs both when loading games or Windows, and when connecting a second monitor. The essence of the problem lies in the fact that Acer displays do not interact well with outdated video cards. It is advisable to disconnect other equipment from it and try different ports (you will need an adapter).

May need to switch PAL/NTSC, although this solution is usually used in cases where even the BIOS is not displayed. To do this, open system unit and inspect the video card. It may contain a switch or jumper of the same name.

If you connected a new display, then perhaps its resolution is not supported by the previous one. In this case you should:


These tips should help resolve the “Login is not supported” error. It should be recalled that we have given general recommendations, but, depending on the OS version, game and monitor connection mode, you should look for a solution to the error with more clarifying comments. In any case, please indicate which option helped you.