What to do if the amigo application is constantly opening. How to prevent the installation of amigo and mail ru applications

Greetings, dear readers of this site. Today, methods for removing a browser such as Amigo will be described. Why did it appear on your computer? There are actually two reasons. Because you yourself installed it, and the second reason when installing any software you have not unchecked the boxes " Install Amigo Browser". If it is possible to select a custom installation, then it must be selected and see if there are any checkboxes for "left" programs. There can not only be amigo but also Yandex browser, Yandex bar, start page mail.ru and many others.

How to delete amigo browser permanently?

Amigo is a browser that reappears after deletion, and therefore now we will consider the option with its complete removal.

Thus, you have deleted the browser. But if you think that's all, then no. In the process, such a process “MailRuUpdater” hangs, which, after rebooting your operating system reinstall amigo browser. The solution is simple, follow the instructions.

The last thing we need to do is to remove "MailRuUpdater" from Windows startup.

On this complete removal amigo from the computer is complete.

How to uninstall amigo browser program?

Consider the second way to remove the amigo browser.

There is a program IObit uninstaller. It allows you to delete and clean up the remaining files. To do this, after deleting, you need to click the "Powerful Scan" button.

A list of items in the registry will appear, put all the checkmarks, and click "Delete"

Finally, I want to say that be careful when installing programs, see what you agree with, and these actions can be avoided. Good luck everyone.

Whoever has not heard of such a browser has never used the Internet on a home computer. The fact is that Amigo very persistently offers to install on a PC, using not entirely honest methods for this. Most often, unauthorized installation occurs during the download of programs and applications from the network. The Amigo search engine is not a viral content, but it delivers inconvenience in work. Consider ways to completely remove it.

Amigo was developed by mail.ru portal specialists as a search engine. Despite some of its advantages, the way it is installed on a computer makes it possible to classify Amigo as a typical malware.

Amigo causes such problems:

  • interferes with the normal operation of major browsers;
  • consumes resources random access memory and takes free place on the hard drive;
  • periodically updated to the latest version and uploads mail.ru files;
  • high probability of picking up a virus along with the installation of Amigo.

Attention! The browser fits into windows processes, therefore, ordinary cleaning, which only creates an appearance, is not enough to remove it. After rebooting the PC, it will be automatically installed.

The very first thing you need to do is try to clean your computer with Windows applications. The procedure is as follows:

Interesting! You can quickly call up the search bar by pressing the Win + R key combination.

Deleting processes through the task manager

AT latest versions Amigo self-registers in the scheduler Windows jobs, so removing it is much more difficult. The program will not stop bothering you until it is removed from the Task Manager processes.

You can open the task scheduler with the key combination Ctrl + Alt + Del or through the tab "Control Panel" - "System and Maintenance" - "Administration". In the task scheduler we find Amigo and MailRuUpdater and close these applications.

Important! From this menu, you can go to the file storage location and clear all the data located there.

Cleaning the Windows Registry

After all the operations done, it is recommended to check the registry for entries from a variety of malicious applications. It is best to do this with a special utility, for example, CCleaner, ADWCleaner or an equivalent. The procedure is as follows:

  1. Run the program on the computer.
  2. Select the "Analyze", "Scan" or "Verify" command.
  3. After the scan is completed, the service will display all suspicious and dangerous applications in the registry on the screen.
  4. Use the "Clean" button to delete unnecessary files.

Cleaning the registry will not only help get rid of Amigo, but will also increase the speed of your computer.

The main reason for installing unauthorized content on home computer is the carelessness of the user and the lack of any protection while working on the Internet. An easy way to protect yourself is to enable the built-in hardware protection in your browser and install any of the available antiviruses.

Video - How to completely remove the amigo browser from your computer

Programs enter the system either at the user's own request, or covertly. Particularly acute is the question how to remove amigo, from PC owners who were unaware of its installation.

What is Amigo and why do I need to remove Amigo completely?

This is a web browser released by the Mail Corporation. The core is at the base Google Chrome, although it does not have its own additions. Users are often worried about how to remove Amigo from a computer completely due to a number of shortcomings:

  • sometimes takes up to 1 GB of disk space;
  • creates many processes at the same time;
  • stands in autorun, which leads to a slowdown in the computer;
  • clutters up other browsers with useless pages and icons;
  • the browser is installed without the knowledge of the user.

Due to the many shortcomings, most want to get rid of the application. This will help speed up your computer and free up free space. From now on, you need to be more careful and check the settings of downloaded programs to avoid unnecessary trouble.

How to permanently remove Amigo from your computer

So, how to uninstall the Amigo app:

  1. Click on "Start", then search and click on "Control Panel".
  2. Find "Programs and Features".

  1. We have to study the list of all installed applications, among which we look for "Amigo" and click "Delete".
  2. It takes a small amount of time for the computer to perform the specified action.

How to uninstall Amigo and all its components

How to remove Amigo from a computer with all traces of the browser left:

  1. Download the AdwCleaner utility, in the installation this program does not need.

  1. We activate the analysis of the system.
  2. We are waiting for the scan to complete and check the result. Before uninstalling, it is recommended to check that nothing needed is removed during cleaning, because if you select something important, the user will have to reinstall the browser.
  3. Click on "Clear". Then the program will do everything itself.
  4. Upon completion, the computer will restart.

After rebooting the computer, the utility will turn on, in which data on the work performed will be displayed. The information is not required.

How to remove Amigo browser from Windows startup

The browser is added to the system startup, but it is better to speed up the computer. So how to remove Amigo on Windows 10 from automatic download easy, we recommend the procedure to be performed by all users.

Action algorithm:

  1. Download the CCleaner application from the developer's website. When installing, select the Russian interface language.
  2. We go into the menu and select "Service" after - "Startup" and Windows.
  3. Check the section for the presence of Amigo in it, you can also remove other unnecessary applications from startup.

  1. We look at the section with planned tasks, if we find something, click on the "Delete" button.

How to remove Amigo Windows 10 in the registry and "spring cleaning"

Individual entries about the browser are written to the registry. The procedure can be ignored, since it is relatively difficult to remove the Amigo virus in the registry and there will be no performance gain. But after removal, the risk of failures in the system is reduced. We recommend that you clean the registry qualitatively, otherwise Amigo will remain in the system.


  1. Press "WIN + R" on the keyboard - the registry will open. Type regedit in the window and press Enter.
  2. Select the root section.
  3. By pressing the "Ctrl + F" keys, we call up the search string and enter amigo, repeat the procedure with the word mail.ru.
  4. Click on the "Find Next" button.
  5. We enter the key phrase and wait until the program completes the search. In the places where the phrase is found, click "Delete".

  1. Press "F3" for a quality check and remove the remaining debris. We do the same with the search for the word Amigo in Russian.

When interacting with the registry, you must be extremely careful, because you can harm the OS, so that this does not happen, you should approach the task with all responsibility.

How to remove Amigo virus from computer permanently for novice users?

How to remove Amigo from Windows computer 7 for a beginner:

  1. Download the RevoUninstaller utility, removes any program.

  1. In the utility that opens, select Amigo and wait for the process to complete. The program also copes with residual traces, removing them.

How to completely remove Amigo browser from your computer using Your Uninstaller?

Before removing Amigo from windows computer 7, download and install Your Uninstaller. After installation, it’s worth further figuring out how to remove Amigo from your computer, so:

  1. The application is paid, but there is a trial period, which we will use. Just click "Continue".
  2. We are looking for our cleaning program and click on "Uninstall".

  1. Now you need to scan, for this we select "Super mode" since it is he who guarantees the discovery of all residual traces of Amigo.

  1. Click on the "Next" button and put a checkmark in the selection area, then click "OK".
  2. We are waiting for the removal, and after the uninstallation is completed, your Uninstaller scanner will start working. It includes two steps: registry scan, disk analysis.
  3. Upon completion, information about the detected problems will be displayed. You need to select everything and click "Next". Waiting for everything to clear up.
  4. We click on "Finish". The program has been removed.

How to protect your computer from installing useless applications?

To protect yourself from garbage, and then not wonder how to remove Amigo from a laptop completely or how to remove Amigo browser from a computer, you must:

  1. When downloading something from the Internet and installing it, we always keep in mind that we need to uncheck extraneous requests.
  2. Download and install the Adblock extension in the browser. The application is useful in that it does not give place for advertising, and also blocks access to pages with infected files. The utility can be downloaded to the following browsers: Safari, Opera, Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox and even Internet Explorer.
  3. Do not forget to constantly analyze the computer for infected files, the antivirus must be in the active state to prevent the installation of unnecessary software.
  4. In the browser settings, activate the ban on downloading programs without personal permission.

There should be no trace left of Amigo or any trace of him in the system.

If you still have questions on the topic “How to remove Amigo? Step-by-step instruction”, then you can set them in the comment

A friend called me and asked me to help solve a computer problem. Arriving at his place, I opened my laptop and saw the following picture: shortcuts appeared on the desktop Amigo, Search the Internet, Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki, Kometa, Kinoroom Browser, Amigo.Music; "Start" has been modified; appeared on the right Comet Launch panel. In addition, when you start any browser, the start page opens with the address smartinf.ru; became the default search engine everywhere Mail.Ru.

In it, on the left, select the tab “”. Here in the first tab “Windows” we see what we have registered in the System Startup. We are looking for entries about software from Mail.Ru here - then turn them off and delete them.

I saw them right away - here they are:
In case you didn't guess, the top line is Satellite; underneath it is Comet; and the third line is responsible for the fact that in browsers we open as the start page site smartinf.ru.

Take turns disable each of these lines (there is a “Turn off” button on the right), and then press the “ Delete”:
After removing these three lines, I once again carefully look through the entire list - there is nothing more suspicious.

Now, using the same CCleaner, we will do a final cleaning just in case:

Go to the tab on the left cleaning” – then press the button “ Analysis” – and then the button “ cleaning”:

After that, go to the tab " Registry"- press the button" Troubleshooting" - then " To correct” (you may keep a copy of the register when prompted) – “ Fix marked”:

5. Now let's get our browsers to the state in which they were before the “infection”.

In browser Google Chrome press the button on the right upper corner and select "Settings". Next, select " Open on startup” – “Specified Pages”- press“ Add”:
Here we remove the line that is written:
And then enter the name of the site we need: for example, yandex.ru.

Next we go: Appearance ” – “Show button Main page ” – “Change”:

Instead of what is written here, we write our own (yandex.ru):

Farther: " Search”- change Mail.Ru to Yandex:

Website smartinf.ru without asking, I created my own tab in the upper right corner of the browser: right-click on it - “ Unpin tab”:

In browser Internet Explorer go to "Tools" - "Internet Options" - tab "General". Here we prescribe the Home page - yandex.ru:

In browser Mozilla Firefox Click on the “Open Menu” button in the upper right corner, then select “Settings”. Here on the tab Main” change the Home Page to yandex.ru:

On the tab " Search” choose search engine by default Yandex:

After that, at the top left, close the tab that the site created smartinf.ru:
After that, restart the browser and make sure that everything is now displayed in it, as before.

In my case, in the Mozilla Firefox browser, even after all the above steps, no did not want to change the start page: instead of Yandex every time the smartinf.ru website was opened. If you have the same situation as me, then you need to do the following:

You need to go to the profile folder, which is located at the following path: C:\Users\Username\AppData\Roaming\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\alphanumeric name.default.

Opening the folder, we find the file here user.js:
We open it using Notepad.

I had a line with a web address in it, which each time returned the site smartinf.ru as the home page:
We do not change anything in this file - but simply we delete it:

Then we start again Mozilla browser Firefox - in the settings for the last time we set home page: yandex.ru. After that, we restart the browser - now everything should be in order: Yandex.

If suddenly this did not help, then in the same profile folder, find the file prefs.js and open it with Notepad:
In the file that opens, go to the menu bar in “ Edit” – “To find” - enter a word home page– then press the “ Find next”:
I have here after https the address www.yandex.ru is registered. If you have some nonsense written in this line, replace it with the same address as mine:
Well, in general, that's all. Personally, the steps described above were enough for me to get rid of MailRu software. And it never showed up on the computer again.

There is one more way get rid of traces of MailRu programs on your computer. But it is suitable only for experienced users, because. involves working with Windows registry. If you are familiar with the registry editor and are aware of all the possible consequences of working with it, then you can use this method. But I repeat, you should not climb into the registry unless absolutely necessary.

To get into the editor Windows Registry, go to “ Start” – “Run” - in the window that opens, enter the word regedit and click OK. In the Registry Editor, go to the menu bar and select " Edit” – “To find". Enter the word in the search bar Mail.ru:
Click the "Find Next" button. When the search is over, the folders and files of the same name will be found:
They will need to be removed. After deleting one found folder, go to another by pressing the key F3 on keyboard. But this should not be done thoughtlessly: carefully look at what exactly you are deleting. And if you don’t know what this or that parameter or file is responsible for, it’s better not to touch it.

Hello Dmitry! Question.How to remove Amigo browser from computer?

In a nutshell, I'll tell you how I downloaded this browser instead of another program, this will be a lesson for many.

I needed an operating system optimizer and on one site I saw this ad. I decided to download the optimizer and clicked on the “Download for free” button, as a result I downloaded and installed the Amigo browser into my system ...

How to remove Amigo from the computer

Hi friends! You have no idea how many times I have removed the Amigo browser from the computers of my friends, relatives and clients. The most interesting thing is that there are a lot of different installers for this browser on the net, and the most harmless one can be downloaded from the official website of the Amigo developers. In this case, the browser will also misbehave on your computer, but you can delete it in the usual way, using the Uninstall or change a program panel. But if Amigo was installed on your system without your knowledge, then the browser was installed in the form " batch install» along with any other unwanted program and remove them together. OftenAmigo is installed along with another malicious browser« Zaxar Games Browser" and an incomprehensible serviceMailRuUpdater (from which he himself disowned a long time ago mail.ru) , if you find these programs in the startup of your operating system, then for sure there will be a couple more viruses and a few unknown (and most importantly useless) registry cleaners and Windows optimizers. In this case, all this"good » must be deleted along withAmigo and it's pretty easy to make.

Task Manager-->Startup. As you can see, together with Amigo, the MailRuUpdater service is in the system startup.