What is d3dx9 43 dll. Missing file d3dx9_43.dll? Methods for solving the problem

Many users have encountered the problem of a missing component d3dx9 43 dll when launching a game. This is directly related to DirectX, since the missing component is its library. Here you have all the relevant information on this issue, using which you can easily eliminate such an unpleasant but easy-to-correct error.

It would seem that there is nothing complicated about this problem and the missing elements can be downloaded from the Internet, but this is not entirely true. Suppose you decide to download d3dx9 43 dll for World of Tanks for free, because you really want to play your favorite online game, but when launched, the application displays a small message, which says that the required library is not available. First, let's consider, of course, the correct option. There is only one of him.

To solve the problem you need to use the distribution kit DirectX latest version - you can download it from the link below. The installer package will check the version available on the PC, and if necessary, supplement it with library packages, or even decide to update DirectX. This process takes little time and is equally suitable for Windows 7 / 8 and 8.1 / 10, as well as XP / Vista systems. The bit size of your OS also does not matter, since the utility installer is fully suitable for 32/64 bit. Remember: this is the only true method!

But what could happen otherwise? This is exactly the option when the user just wants to download d3dx9 43. dll for World of Tanks for free. It is worth noting, of course, that a similar problem may occur not only with this game; there are many other applications. But the main thing is that the decision process remains the same, and it was indicated in the paragraph above. Therefore, one should not neglect the right, and besides the easy way, which is perfect for Windows 32 and 64 bit releases of any year. If you decide to simply download the missing library and drop it into a suitable folder, then it is not at all a fact that the DirectX version on your PC will even see it or start working.

It is also a very real situation that the game may now begin to require a different file, and downloading one element at a time from different Internet sites is not very convenient, and even unsafe. Unfortunately, not all sites disguised as user assistants are actually created to solve some problems. And at the end of the tedious process of updating libraries, you can move on to installing a new antivirus and a lengthy full scan of the entire OS.

From all of the above, you have already realized that trying to simply load the missing elements of d3dx9 43 dll will not be the best best choice. On the contrary, running the DirectX installer will quickly identify any problems, update the existing version and add to the list of libraries. Using the link below, at the end of the page, you can go to the section of our website where you can quickly download latest version DirectX in Russian, then proceed to installation.

At this step, we simply launch the distribution kit, which will update the program itself and its components. You need to accept the terms of the license agreement, and then wait a little while the software completes all the necessary operations. The DirectX installer may also require an Internet connection to download the necessary files from Microsoft servers. As a rule, this process will not keep you waiting either. All you have to do is rejoice - the problem is solved!

D3dx9_43.dll is a library of functions that is a necessary component for the operation of many games, as well as the operating system. The lack of this library often frustrates gamers who cannot launch their favorite game. Examples of messages that indicate what is missing You can see D3dx9_43.dll in the screenshots.

However, despite the fact that the messages recommend reinstalling the program itself, this is not where we need to start. To restore the file we need, we can use two options to solve the problem. First and preferred: . Second: manually copying the file to the appropriate folder.

The first option is more reliable and, moreover, simpler. Install DirectX and the problem should be resolved. If, for some reason, the problem has not been resolved, you can try to restore the file manually. Please note that DLL files can be infected with viruses, so we recommend that you download D3dx9_43.dll only from this page. Archived with DLL file There are also instructions for installing it.

If none of the methods help, you need to perform all the following steps in turn:

  • scan the system for viruses. In addition to your antivirus, try also. If a file constantly disappears, it may be the result of a virus. Then you need to install DirectX again;
  • install available updates for Windows. The problem may be resolved automatically;
  • try the 64-bit version of the game or program (if the system supports it) or, conversely, the 32-bit version;

For reference:

A DLL is a file that is similar in structure to a program, but the program never runs on its own. It is used by other applications, accessing the functions that are located in it.

Many WOT fans have found themselves in a situation where their favorite application does not want to launch, and an incomprehensible error pops up on the screen. It happened, didn't it? This is terribly frustrating, especially when you really want to start the game as soon as possible, but none of the methods help.

No need to worry! This error can be corrected even by those who have little understanding of computers. Now we will understand this issue once and for all.

d3dx9_43.dll – what is it and what is it for?

This file is part of the DirectX9 library and is responsible for the graphics part of the game. It has already become clear that it plays a very important role and without it there is no way to launch your favorite game. So what to do? How to install WOT? There is nothing complicated here, let's figure it out together!

You probably already thought that d3dx9_43.dll will be downloaded for free for World of Tanks? No, you absolutely cannot do this! Copying a downloaded file to a folder may cause problems with your computer. So, we strongly advise against doing this.

DirectX9 - and it's done!

In order to correct all errors, download DirectX9 from our website to your computer for free and without registration. It is because of the absence of this component that the game does not start.

Even if the computer has a newer version of this program, it will have to be replaced with DirectX9. World of Tanks is only compatible with this version.

Do everything step by step:

  1. Download the DirectX9 program to your device from the link and start the installation.
  2. After installing the driver, you must restart the computer.
  3. Open WOT and enjoy the game.

Installing DirectX9 is a very important condition, since this component is necessary for correct functioning. Don't neglect this! Where should I put the file? Wherever you want, it doesn’t matter. It is suitable for x32 bit and x64 bit systems. DirectX9 will be useful to you in the future for safe start games. Any OS is compatible with it: Windows 7, Windows 8 and Windows 10.

If your computer reports an error D3dx9 43.dll, then it can be solved in just a couple of minutes. You can download D3dx9 43.dll for Windows 10 as separate file, and replace the problematic library by reinstalling DirectX. As you understand from the file name, the error is related to the DirectX 9.0 version. If you have an older version of this package installed, then you cannot have such a problem. Therefore, this problem is typical only for those who work on computers with older video cards that support a maximum of DirectX 9.0c.

How to fix D3dx9 43.dll error on Windows 10

The D3dx9 43.dll error is quite common. It happens to approximately 2,000 thousand people in Russia every month. If a similar problem happens to you, then it’s okay, you have 3 options on how you can solve it:
  • Download D3dx9 43.dll and replace the library manually;
  • Reinstall ;
  • Restore the system;
We suggest not even considering the last option, since the error with D3dx9 43.dll is not so critical. By the way, the exact name of the file itself is D3dx9_43.dll. The other two options are the same, you can solve the problem by reinstalling DirectX much easier, especially if you do not know where the D3dx9 43.dll file is located. To do this you need to download DirectX 9.0. You can do it . Before doing this, find out if your video card supports more new version graphics package. If so, then install it immediately, otherwise the problem with the D3dx9 43.dll file may recur in the future, more than once.

If you want to replace the D3dx9 43.dll file manually, then you need to download the archive from this page. Please note that D3dx9 43.dll for Windows 10 64 bit is different from the version for Windows x32. This page shows the most popular version (x64), so make no mistake if you are running a 32-bit OS. Also note that the file is in an archive, which means that before copying it to the desired folder, you will have to unzip it; for this you can use any other archiver. If the D3dx9 43.dll error recurs with unenviable regularity, we recommend checking your device for viruses. You need to find out what's causing it common problems and what causes the D3dx9 43.dll error on Windows 10. At a minimum, you should not delete the file that you download, in case you need it again.

Like any other error with a DLL library, you can fix this error using the utility. It will allow you to download D3dx9_43.dll automatically.