What are codecs and where to download for free - K-Lite Mega Codec Pack. Why codecs are needed Internal compatibility of components

K-Lite Mega Codec Pack– the most comprehensive package of DirectShow codecs and filters in the product line K-Lite Codec Pack. These codecs and filters are used by the system to encode and decode video and audio files of various formats. Although there are many alternative, paid media players that are used in professional work, only K-Lite Mega Codec Pack does not require an Internet connection to obtain data about a particular rare codec format. The fact is that such programs have built-in the most popular codecs, which are most often found in wide use.

The latest version of K-Lite Mega Codec Pack contains not only common, but also rare formats. You download the program once and be sure that you will not encounter a system refusal to play a particular media file due to the lack of the required codec. Plus, the program is updated quite often to keep up with the latest changes in the field of codecs.

Can't find or download video codecs for Windows 7, 8, 10, try K-Lite Codec Pack - the most conflict-free program for working between different codecs, all its components are selected in such a way as to avoid incidents. When installing the package on your computer, you can mark those tools that will be useful to you in the future. You can download the latest version of K-Lite Mega Codec Pack 32bit and 64bit for Windows for free in Russian via a direct link from the official website on our website.

Main features of K-Lite Mega Codec Pack for Windows 7, 8, 10:

  • Supports all codec formats, both common and rare;
  • No conflicts between different codecs;
  • The ability to select only the tools needed for the job during installation;
  • Timely updating of the program.

K-Lite Codec Pack- a universal set of codecs and decoders for playing any multimedia files in a wide variety of audio and video formats. The package contains both 32-bit and 64-bit codecs, so it can be used with equal quality in operating versions Windows systems x86 and x64. The list of supported formats is simply huge, we will note only the most popular: AVI, MKV, MP4, FLV, MPEG, MOV, TS, M2TS, MP3, OGM, WMV, 3GP, WEBM, FLAC, etc.

The codec package is released in 4 main editions, distinguished by the components they include:

  • K-Lite Codec Pack Basic
  • K-Lite Codec Pack Standard
  • K-Lite Codec Pack Full
  • K-Lite Codec Pack Mega

IN K-Lite Codec Pack Basic contains all the main codecs for playing media resources on a PC. This is the lightest and simplest package with which you will be able to watch/listen to music and movies using any player convenient for you. There are DirectShow audio/video decoding filters (LAV Audio and Video), DirectShow source and subtitle filters (LAV Splitter and VSFilter), the Codec Tweak Tool utility, as well as Icaros ThumbnailProvider and Icaros PropertyHandler extensions.

K-Lite Codec Pack Standard, in addition to all the necessary codecs, as in the K-Lite Codec Pack Basic, it contains additional useful utilities: the Media Player Classic Home Cinema (MPC-HC) media player specially adapted for codecs, a visualizer with advanced MadVR capabilities and a detailer of information about the selected file MediaInfo Lite .

IN K-Lite Codec Pack Full, in addition to the contents of the K-Lite Codec Pack Standard, some tools are included for processing and improving the audio/video stream: DC-Bass Source Mod, ffdshow processor and decoder, Haali Media Splitter audio/video signal splitter, as well as an audio and video analysis utility GraphStudioNext files.

The most complete and voluminous assembly K-Lite Codec Pack Mega contains, in addition to the K-Lite Codec Pack Full, such “bonuses” as ACM and VFW codecs, AC3Filter, Haali Matroska Muxer multiplexer and other tools.

Each user determines the choice of version for himself depending on the tasks: if you just want to watch movies and listen to any music, then use the basic package, and if there is a need for pre-processing and editing of the audio/video signal, then it is better to choose something with additional functionality.

Conveniently, all updates to any of the tools, codecs or additional utilities in the K-Lite Codec Packs are quickly included in the latest build, so just don’t forget to update your version of the collection to accommodate the most current components in the system.

Installing a codec package is one of the first steps after reinstalling the system. Without codecs it is almost impossible to work on a computer - neither listen to music, nor watch a movie, nor mobile phone reset the roller. At the same time, few people have a correct idea of ​​how a computer turns a file into a picture on the display. When video does not work on the screen of a laptop or home PC, many people look for the reason in the codecs and, without hesitation, install some standard package. But the term “codec package” itself is much broader and is not limited to just a set of decoders. Let's take a closer look at this issue using the example of the popular K-Lite Codec Pack.

The days when you had to independently search for codecs on the Internet and install them one by one to watch video files are long gone. Playing many video formats is supported by the operating system by default, and to view all other files it is customary to install codec packages. Win7 codecs, Windows 7 Codec Pack, XP Codec Pack, CCCP - these and many other freely available packages can be easily found on the Internet. They differ, for the most part, slightly, since almost all of them are based on the ffdshow decoder library. Despite all the variety of codec packages, K-Lite Codec Pack has been the most popular for many years.

Most users install this application in order to have no problems playing video files downloaded from the Internet. However, the K-Lite Codec Pack includes not only video playback tools, but also various additional utilities that may be useful to movie and music lovers. In this article we will talk about what components are included in the K-Lite Codec Pack and how to make the right choice between them.

First of all, let’s make a reservation that this set of codecs comes in several editions, so what tools you can find after installing it depends on which version was installed. There are only four editions: Basic, Standard, Full and Mega. For users who actively watch video but do not encode, the Full edition is best suited, which includes a full set of tools for playing audio and video files. The Basic and Standard versions have a limited set of codecs and differ from each other mainly in that the standard edition includes the Media Player Classic media player. As for the most complete edition - Mega - it includes additional tools for video encoding, as well as ripping DVD/BD discs.

However, choosing a certain edition does not mean that all the tools included in it will be installed. K-Lite Codec Pack has a very thoughtful installer that allows you to choose which components you want to install.

You can trust one of the preset profiles or go through the list of components and make a manual selection. The latter can be a difficult task, because in addition to checkboxes that enable or disable this or that component, the installation wizard also contains radio buttons for choosing between several similar tools. Thus, the K-Lite Codec Pack includes a number of codecs and other tools that perform the same task. A reasonable question arises: why? Sometimes this is due to the fact that there are several similar designs, and it is impossible to say which one is better. How well codecs and other tools work depends on many factors - the configuration, the version of the OS used and other factors.

Sometimes you can even find two versions of the same component in the K-Lite Codec Pack. This is done primarily for those users who prefer time-tested releases and do not want to try new versions that may contain errors. For example, Media Player Classic comes in two editions: Classic, which has not been updated since 2007, and Home Cinema, which supports DXVA technology and is optimized for watching HD video. But even for Media Player Classic Home Cinema you can find two versions at once - the latest, as well as an earlier one, which has proven itself to be stable.

One of the features of the K-Lite Codec Pack installer is to check the system for installed components previous versions. If they are detected, the installer automatically removes them before starting the installation. This is done to minimize incompatibility errors, and also simply to ensure that there is as little "garbage" in the system as possible.

The main component of the K-Lite Codec Pack are decoders for viewing video files. For Windows users 7, the problem of finding the right codecs is much less acute than for those who still use Windows XP. This is due to the fact that the latest version of the operating system by default contains Microsoft codecs designed for playing the most common audio and video formats. However, firstly, not all files can be played using integrated codecs, and secondly, for many formats there are alternative decoders that are superior to the standard ones in many respects.

⇡ ffdshow decoder library

As mentioned above, K-Lite Codec Pack is based on the ffdshow decoder library. It is a set of separate components for decoding audio and video files, as well as post-processing filters. What's good about ffdshow? The fact that all components that are part of the library are tested for compatibility with each other, and this minimizes the likelihood of errors. When installed, K-Lite Codec Pack offers the use of ffdshow to play almost all formats. The only exception is DVD playback - here, to avoid problems, a built-in Microsoft decoder is offered by default.

Preference is given to ffdshow when choosing decoders for sound playback. The filter library is proposed to be used for decoding sound in films (AC3 and AAC formats), as well as for processing the LPCM format, which is used on many DVDs and Blu-ray. Alternatively, you can select AC3 Filter. As for MP3, ffdshow, of course, supports this popular format. Even if you uncheck the box next to its name, such files will still be played, since MP3 support is available in Windows.

The ffdshow library is familiar to many users because of the red icon that appears in the system tray when playing files using it. ffdshow works with many players and other applications that play video and audio files. For example, if you assign hotkeys to perform various video operations in the decoder library settings, they will work in all supported programs. The ffdshow settings also provide the ability to exclude the use of the library in a specific application. If a program is blacklisted by ffdshow, then when opening a video file in it, the system will use other available decoders.

Another good thing about ffdshow is that it has a convenient GUI, working with which you can easily select the decoder used for each container. These can be either codecs included in ffdshow or third-party ones.

The ffdshow library is not only codecs, but also post-processing filters that can be applied to the video stream. The name of the filters is due to the fact that they are applied after the main video processing is performed, that is, its decoding. You can quickly apply them by clicking on the ffdshow icon, and for fine tuning You will need to go to the parameters window. When you select new settings, all changes are displayed in real time. If you have multiple filters applied, it is worth keeping in mind that the order in which they are added matters.

Post-processing filters may not be available if you are decoding using a codec that is not included with ffdshow, as not all decoders support adding filters.

⇡ Audio parsers and video splitters

Despite the fact that the K-Lite Codec Pack is called a codec package, it also includes other important components, without which video playback is impossible. These are, first of all, audio parsers and video splitters. Their names are different, but the purpose is the same, only parsers work with audio files, and splitters work with video files. These components are designed to separate a media stream into separate components (sound, video, subtitles). When you launch a video file in the player, the program transmits information to the splitter or parser, which splits it into components, after which it accesses the necessary codecs.

K-Lite Codec Pack allows you to select different splitters to handle different containers. In most cases, Haali is used by default, although, for example, AVI files are offered to be processed built-in Windows means. This is explained primarily by the fact that when using alternative splitters there is a possibility of compatibility problems. On the other hand, using standard means It is impossible to play Matroska (MKV) files and some others.

Many people love the Haali video splitter for having some nice additions, including, for example, switching audio tracks in a file by clicking on the icon in the system tray.

LAV splitters are relatively new - the first public version was released about a year ago, and the latest version is currently numbered 0.30. In the latest release of the K-Lite Codec Pack (version 7.5), it was LAV Splitter that replaced the outdated Gabest filters. Among other things, LAV Splitter provides support for playing FLV and Blu-Ray files.

⇡ Subtitle processing engine, Haali Video Renderer and VFW/ACM codecs

The K-Lite Codec Pack also has the option to install the Direct Vob Sub subtitle engine. The decision about whether to install it depends on which player will be used for DVD playback. Some players, such as Media Player Classic, already have an integrated subtitle processing engine, so there is no point in installing it.

A special feature in the K-Lite Codec Pack installation wizard is Haali Video Renderer, a video rendering engine that is positioned as an alternative to VMR9 (the standard Windows renderer that is part of DirectX). The main difference between Haali Video Renderer and VMR9 is faster operation, which is achieved by using a different method of image scaling.

When installing the most complete editions of the K-Lite Codec Pack, it is also offered to install a whole set of VFW (Video for Windows) and ACM (Audio Compression Manager) codecs designed to work with the corresponding technologies. These codecs are useful for editing videos in some programs (for example, Virtual Dub), as well as for ripping discs, so if you do neither of these, there is no need to install them.

⇡ Utilities Codec Tweak Tool, Media Info Lite and Win7 DS Filter Tweaker

The K-Lite Codec Pack also includes many additional utilities. The most popular of them are Codec Tweak Tool, Media Info Lite and Win7DS Filter Tweaker.

The Codec Tweak Tool program is designed to manage installed codecs. The utility displays a list of all available decoders, makes it possible to disable some of them, as well as identify components that have problems and offers to correct errors. In particular, using the Codec Tweak Tool you can fix a common error due to which the sound does not work in some applications.

Another one useful feature Codec Tweak Tool - backup all settings of K-Lite Codec Pack components. Having such a copy is indispensable for those users who often experiment with the settings of codecs, players and other tools for working with media files. Backup copy, created by Codec Tweak Tool, contains settings for all the most important components: Media Player Classic, ffdshow, Haali Media Splitter, AC 3 Filter, Direct Vob Sub, Xvid.

The Codec Tweak Tool can also change thumbnail settings for media files in Explorer. This feature can be useful when working on netbooks, where automatic generation of thumbnails for all video files can cause lag. Conveniently, the program has the ability to quickly restore system settings.

Although K-Lite installation Codec Pack solves the problem of playing most media files, in some cases problems may still occur. Using the Media Info Lite utility, you can easily determine which codecs are used to compress problematic files. In addition, the program displays information about the file such as resolution, bitrate, duration. Data can be saved as text file. Media Info Lite integrates into context menu Explorer, so to get information about a file, you don’t even need to first launch the program.

Win7 DS Filter Tweaker is a utility designed to change the default decoders used in Windows 7 when working with Windows Media Player and Media Center. If when watching videos in alternative players in Windows 7, alternative codecs can be used, then when opening files in Windows Media Player and Media Center, the system uses only built-in tools. Settings can only be changed by manually making changes to system registry. Win7 DS Filter Tweaker allows you to forcibly change the used H.264, xVid, DivX decoders without accessing the registry editor.

Win7 DS Filter Tweaker also allows you to disable the use of the Media Foundation multimedia framework, which Microsoft is positioning as an upcoming replacement for Direct Show. You can work with Win7DS Filter Tweaker without any fears - any changes made easy to cancel.

The developers of K-Lite Codec Pack also took care of those who decide to remove the codec pack from the system, preferring another product. After launching the uninstaller, all system video playback settings changed using Win7 DS Filter Tweaker are checked and the option to rollback appears.

⇡ Conclusion

K-Lite Codec Pack is designed in such a way that with default settings, file playback causes as few problems as possible. That is why most users do not bother reading the names of its components and manually selecting settings during the installation process. If everything works perfectly, then no one thinks about why this is happening. Questions begin when a black screen appears instead of a video, when the player closes spontaneously, and so on. Many of these issues can be resolved by installing the latest K-Lite Codec Pack, changing playback options in ffdshow settings, or using the Codec Tweak Tool.

Probably many people have encountered the problem that your video does not play and only the sound plays. It also often happens that your player does not want to run the video file at all, displaying suspicious and incomprehensible messages on your screen. Not all users know what codecs are for, how to install them and how they work in the system. Therefore, now you will learn what codecs are and why they are needed.

Codec (from English codec, from coder/decoder) is a device or program capable of performing data or signal conversion. If you explain in simple language, then codecs are a set of programs that convert different signals, thereby making this signal understandable to the player and, of course, to the user.

For example, you have a video file *.avi, we all know that this extension is used for video files. If the necessary codecs are not installed on your computer, then Windows program Media (for example) will not know what signals are coming from this file. In this situation, the player usually only produces sound from the movie or refuses to open it at all, showing you a black screen in the player and giving you different messages.

Note: in this article I describe the installation of version 7.9! If you have a new version- 10 and above, then read.

So, a little higher we understood what codecs are, and now, let's move on to practice and figure out how to install codecs and where to download codecs?

K-Lite Mega Codec Pack

The most popular codec is K-Lite Mega Codec Pack. You can download it from the official website, when the page of the official website opens, find the “Download” button and click on it.

On this page the download panel is activated, find the link “Download K-Lite Mega Codec Pack”, click on it. After clicking, the file will begin downloading; at the time of writing, I downloaded K-Lite Mega Codec Pack 7.9.

Installing codecs

Since novice users have many questions when installing codecs, I decided to do detailed instructions. Let's launch installation file double click left mouse button, click “Next”.

Leave the “Advanced install” checkbox as default. Click “Next”.

In the next window, the program will offer the installation path (there is no point in changing the path). Click “Next”.

If you don't know which components to choose, then select the “default” profile. Click “Next”.

Check the “Don"t a Start Menu Folder” checkbox and move to the next window by clicking the “Next” button.

Exhibited optimal settings, just remove one checkmark at the very end “Visit a website with codec news”. Click “Next”.

Click on the first checkbox “Enable internal decoder for H.264 video” and click “Next”.

Click “Next”.

In the next window you will be offered file formats that will be associated with Media Player Classic (installed with codecs). Click on the “Select all video” button. Click “Next”.

Check all the boxes by clicking “Select all” and move on to the next settings by clicking “Next”.

In the next window, select the configuration of your audio system; if you are installing on a laptop, netbook or computer with one or two speakers, then leave the “2.0 (stereo)” checkbox, which is selected by default.

Check the box “No thanks .I don"t want any of the above” and click “Next”.

Click “Install” to install codecs.

Click “Finish”.

Having figured out the question of how to install K-Lite Mega Codec Pack codecs, you can now watch your favorite movies.

I want to say that there is a player that does not require the installation of codecs; this is sometimes necessary when video files cannot be played using installed codecs. This player is called VLC, I recommend installing it on your computer.

K:Wikipedia:Articles without images (type: not specified)

K-Lite Codec Pack- a universal set of codecs (encoders-decoders) and utilities for viewing and processing audio and video files. Package includes big number free (), or free ( freeware) codecs and utilities.

There are 4 options for sets: Basic, Standard, Full And Mega, differing only in composition. Since version 10.0, option 64-bit, which contained codecs for 64-bit systems, ceased to exist, and 64-bit codecs were merged with 32-bit ones. Previously also an option Corporate no longer supported since August 13, 2010, the authors recommend using all packages, as there are paid codecs/utilities in assemblies K-Lite Codec Pack there are none left.

Version 4.6.0 added full support Windows 7. Version 11.3.5 introduced full support for Windows 10.

Latest versions For others operating systems: 3.4.5 - for Windows 95/98/Me, 7.1.0 - for Windows 2000.


Key features of K-Lite Codec Pack:

  • Frequent updates
  • Fully customizable installation
  • Complete removal of the package using the uninstaller
  • Careful selection of codecs
  • Ability to avoid potential conflicts with other packages
  • Ability to detect and remove damaged codecs and filters

Supported File Formats

File Format Basic Standard Full Mega
.avi, .divx
Yes Yes Yes Yes
DVD-Video Yes Yes Yes Yes
Blu-ray video (non-encrypted)
Yes Yes Yes Yes
Flash Video
Yes Yes Yes Yes
.mkv, .mka
Yes Yes Yes Yes
Yes Yes Yes Yes
MPEG-1 Formats
.mpg, .mpeg, .m1v
Yes Yes Yes Yes
MPEG-2 Formats
.mpe, .m2v, .mpv2, .mp2v, .m2p, .vob, .evo, .mod, .ts, .m2ts, .m2t, .mts, .pva, .tp, .tpr
Yes Yes Yes Yes
MPEG-4 Formats
.mp4, .m4v, .mp4v, .mpv4, .m4a, .3gp, .3gpp, .3g2, .3gp2
Yes Yes Yes Yes
.ogg, .ogm, .ogv, .oga
Yes Yes Yes Yes
.rm, .rmvb, .ra, .ram
No No No Yes
Yes Yes Yes Yes
.mov, .hdmov .qt
Yes Yes Yes Yes
No Yes Yes Yes
No Yes Yes Yes
.ac3, .dts
No No Yes Yes
No No Yes Yes
No No Yes Yes
Apple Lossless Audio Codec
No No Yes Yes
Monkey's Audio
.ape, .apl
No No Yes Yes
No No Yes Yes
.mpc, .mpp
No No Yes Yes
.xm, .s3m, .it, .umx
No No Yes Yes
.ofr, .ofs
No No Yes Yes
File Format Basic Standard Full Mega


Components of the Mega variant are listed.


  • Media Player Classic Home Cinema - included in all package options except Basic. Starting from version 10.6.5 you can install 64-bit player option.

DirectShow video filters

  • On2VP7

VFW video codecs

  • On2VP7

DirectShow audio filters

  • MusePack (MONOGRAM)
  • WavPack (CoreWavPack)
  • FLAC (madFLAC)
  • Monkey's Audio (DCoder)
  • OptimFROG (RadLight)
  • DC-Bass Source
  • AC3/DTS Source (AC3File)

ACM audio codecs

  • MP3 (Fraunhofer)
  • MP3 (LAME)
  • AC3 (ffcHandler)
  • DivX Audio

DirectShow source filters

  • AVI splitter (Gabest)
  • AVI
  • MP4 splitter (Haali Media Splitter)
  • MP4 splitter (Gabest)
  • Matroska splitter (Haali Media Splitter)
  • Matroska splitter (Gabest)
  • Ogg splitter (Haali Media Splitter)
  • Ogg splitter (Gabest)
  • MPEG PS/TS splitter (Gabest)
  • MPEG PS/TS splitter (Haali Media Splitter)
  • FLV splitter (Gabest)
  • CDDA Reader (Gabest)
  • CDXA Reader (Gabest)

DirectShow subtitle filter

  • DirectVobSub (a.k.a. VSFilter) - was part of VobSub, which stopped developing since version 2.23


  • Bitrate Calculator
  • Codec Tweak Tool
  • GSpot Codec Information Appliance
  • “Atu - him,” a drawn-out cry was heard at that time from one of the stopped Greyhounds. He stood on a half-mound of stubble, raising his arapnik, and once again repeated in a drawn-out manner: “A—tu—him!” (This sound and the raised arapnik meant that he saw a hare lying in front of him.)
    “Oh, I suspected it,” Ilagin said casually. - Well, let's poison him, Count!
    - Yes, we need to drive up... yes - well, together? - Nikolai answered, peering at Erza and the red Scolding uncle, two of his rivals with whom he had never managed to match his dogs. “Well, they’ll cut my Milka out of my ears!” he thought, moving towards the hare next to his uncle and Ilagin.
    - Seasoned? - Ilagin asked, moving towards the suspicious hunter, and not without excitement, looking around and whistling to Erza...
    - And you, Mikhail Nikanorych? - he turned to his uncle.
    The uncle rode frowning.
    - Why should I meddle, because yours are pure marching! - in the village they pay for the dog, your thousands. You try on yours, and I’ll take a look!
    - Scold! On, on,” he shouted. - Swearing! - he added, involuntarily using this diminutive to express his tenderness and hope placed in this red dog. Natasha saw and felt the excitement hidden by these two old men and her brother and was worried herself.
    The hunter stood on the half-hill with a raised arapnik, the gentlemen approached him at a step; the hounds, walking on the very horizon, turned away from the hare; the hunters, not the gentlemen, also drove away. Everything moved slowly and sedately.
    -Where is your head lying? - Nikolai asked, approaching a hundred paces towards the suspicious hunter. But before the hunter had time to answer, the hare, sensing the frost by tomorrow morning, could not stand still and jumped up. A pack of hounds on bows, with a roar, rushed downhill after the hare; from all sides the greyhounds, who were not in the pack, rushed at the hounds and the hare. All these slowly moving hunters are screaming: stop! knocking down the dogs, the greyhounds shout: atu! guiding the dogs, they galloped across the field. Calm Ilagin, Nikolai, Natasha and uncle flew, not knowing how or where, seeing only dogs and a hare, and only fearing to lose sight of the course of the persecution even for a moment. The hare was seasoned and playful. Jumping up, he did not immediately gallop, but moved his ears, listening to the screaming and stomping that suddenly came from all sides. He jumped ten times slowly, allowing the dogs to approach him, and finally, having chosen the direction and realizing the danger, he put his ears to the ground and rushed at full speed. He was lying on the stubble, but in front there were green fields through which it was muddy. The two dogs of the suspicious hunter, who were closest, were the first to look and lay after the hare; but they had not yet moved far towards him, when the Ilaginskaya red-spotted Erza flew out from behind them, approached a dog's distance, with terrible speed attacked, aiming at the hare's tail and thinking that she had grabbed it, rolled head over heels. The hare arched his back and kicked even harder. Wide-bottomed, black-spotted Milka came out from behind Erza and quickly began to sing to the hare.
    - Honey! mother! – Nikolai’s triumphant cry was heard. It seemed that Milka would strike and catch the hare, but she caught up and rushed past. The Rusak moved away. The beautiful Erza swooped in again and hung over the hare’s very tail, as if trying to grab him by the back thigh so as not to make a mistake now.
    - Erzanka! sister! – Ilagin’s voice was heard crying, not his own. Erza did not heed his pleas. At the very moment when one should have expected her to grab the hare, he whirled and rolled out to the line between the greenery and the stubble. Again Erza and Milka, like a pair of drawbars, aligned themselves and began to sing to the hare; at the turn it was easier for the hare; the dogs did not approach him so quickly.
    - Scold! Swearing! Pure march! - shouted at that time another new voice, and Rugai, his uncle’s red, humpbacked dog, stretching out and arching his back, caught up with the first two dogs, moved out from behind them, kicked with terrible selflessness right over the hare, knocked him off the line onto the green, Another time he pushed even harder through the dirty greens, drowning up to his knees, and you could only see how he rolled head over heels, getting his back dirty in the mud, with the hare. The star of dogs surrounded him. A minute later everyone was standing near the crowded dogs. One happy uncle got down and walked away. Shaking the hare so that the blood would drain, he looked around anxiously, running his eyes, unable to find a position for his arms and legs, and spoke, not knowing with whom or what.