What is a multi-channel number? Multichannel number: why does a business need it and how to connect it? What does a multi-line phone number mean?

The key to the success of any business is prompt communication with clients and partners. Multichannel phone number necessary to maintain a solid business image and ensure competitiveness. This is one of the established standards of communication, without which the company will not be taken seriously.

Let's be honest: in modern conditions A busy signal heard by a client is a reason to contact another company. A modern ATS will not only allow you to retain your customers, but also attract new ones.

Multichannel telephone communication: what is it and who needs it?

A multi-channel number is a telecommunication line organized in such a way that several subscribers can simultaneously call the same number. This effect is achieved by distributing incoming calls to free telephone sets. This is beneficial for the company, since the line is laid once, and the required number of additional devices can be connected to it if necessary. Clients, in turn, see that they are interested. These two factors provide high level service, which means increasing profits and business efficiency.

Call distribution is carried out using hardware or web technologies. A virtual multi-channel number has a number of advantages: at a lower cost, you can get a higher speed of communication with the client, and when moving an office, you will not have to order “cable work” again. This technology is especially widespread among IT companies, information service providers and international companies. But even for a small company that often moves from office to office, a virtual multi-channel number can make working conditions easier. If some of your employees work remotely, multi-channel telephone communication with them is only possible using web technologies.

What does connecting a multi-channel number give?

Let's say your company is offered a service virtual PBX, requiring neither cables nor expensive equipment. It will be easier to make a decision if you imagine the advantages of such a decision:

  • You can answer calls in any convenient way: not only from landline or mobile phones, but also from computers or any gadgets connected to the Internet and equipped with a special software. The quality of communication will be equally high regardless of the number of simultaneously received calls.
  • A virtual multi-channel number is paid for from your personal account on the provider’s website. But that’s not all: in the same personal account, the manager can see call statistics, manage various functions, and form groups of employees.
  • Calls are automatically recorded in MP3 format. This allows you to both preserve information and maintain corporate communication standards. A warning that the call may be recorded keeps both employees and customers within the bounds of politeness.
  • Calls between employees of the same company are free. For a large organization, this is a significant saving on communication services, especially if its offices operate in different cities or countries.
  • The virtual multichannel number is not tied to a specific physical address; it is preserved when changing office or city.
  • One virtual number allows you to serve up to a hundred clients at the same time - the only question is the number of staff in your company. As a rule, in basic tariff includes 2–5 virtual numbers, and it is accessible even to those who are just starting their business.
  • You can easily connect the voice menu function. Automatic call redirection to one or another department relieves the secretary and ensures more efficient operation of the entire company.
  • Planning advertising campaigns will be faster using call statistics from your personal account.

When deciding how many internal numbers your office needs to operate, consider not only the number of employees, but also the number for faxing and other office purposes.

So, the virtual PBX itself is an effective solution and worthy of attention. Perhaps your competitors already have it working successfully.

Selecting a multi-channel telephone number

The very sequence of numbers that the client types may be attractive to him to varying degrees. For example, on toll free numbers 30% more calls are received. A memorable number works effectively in the service sector - for example, if a client urgently needs food delivery to the office or home, a taxi, an appointment with a doctor, or equipment repair. In such cases, there is not always the time and desire to look for a number in the phone book.

  • 8 800 - if the number begins with these numbers, you can call it for free, even while roaming or in another region.
  • 8 804 differs from 8800 in that it can be configured to be detected when making outgoing calls.
  • Landline number creates a solid image, associating clients with a stable office, no matter how the company’s work is actually organized. This number has fewer numbers and is easier to remember.
  • Premium number. Memorability can be achieved by using so-called silver, gold or platinum numbers. These are sequences of numbers that have some logic. Repeating numbers or simple sequences can be used - for example, 555-82-82 or 234-56-78. The more repeating numbers, the easier it is for the client to remember them. However, purchasing such a number will cost the company more. Sometimes a beautiful number is connected for the duration of a project or advertising campaign, so as not to overpay for it while working as usual.

If your company already has an effective telephone number that is familiar to customers and partners, you can make it unified by connecting the forwarding service from a new multi-channel one.

How to connect a multichannel virtual number

This can be done right at your workplace by going to the provider’s website. You need to register, select a number and tariff, log in Personal Area and pay for the service. Don't forget to include call forwarding numbers, fax number and address Email. It's useful to immediately create a greeting for callers.

Dear Clients! We offer you absolutely new service connection, configuration and maintenance of multi-channel numbers.

A multichannel number is a type of communication that allows you to receive several calls at once in real time.

All incoming calls that come to a multi-channel telephone number are forwarded to different telephone numbers. Moreover, calls are usually forwarded automatically to the next available phone number in the list. Simply open the control panel immediately after purchase and specify a list of your numbers for forwarding incoming calls.

Why do you need a multi-line phone?

A multi-line phone makes it possible to process calls in several streams. Thus, the telephone line of the number always remains free and customers can call the support service at any time. Thanks to a phone that is “never busy,” a company can gain additional competitive advantages, which over time will yield tangible profits. In addition, you can combine all your telephone lines, for example in Moscow and Novosibirsk, into a single number that can receive an almost unlimited number of simultaneous calls.

After connecting to the service, you will be able to receive up to 50 incoming calls simultaneously.

How to buy a multi-line phone?

You don’t have to go to the company’s office, stand in lines, or fill out a bunch of unnecessary paperwork. You can receive the service directly on the website by placing an order in 5 minutes. And within a few hours you will have your phone number fully configured and ready to use.

The service provided costs from 1 to 30 dollars per month. The price depends on the country you choose and the number of channels. The number of simultaneous incoming calls depends on the number of lines connected to this service.

What are the benefits of using multi-channel numbers?

  • Thanks to multi-channel telephony, your customers will never hear a busy signal, and your company's operators will not miss a single important customer.
  • Fine-tuning additional channels allows you to increase the number of simultaneous incoming calls.
  • You can easily combine all your Contact phone numbers into one short and easy to remember number.
  • A simple and intuitive personal account allows you to flexibly configure call forwarding, for example, by time or day of the week.
  • This type of connection has no geographical reference. This means that when you move to a new place, the number will remain with you.
  • Recording conversations and detailed call details will allow you to evaluate the effectiveness of your call center.
  • Low cost of connection and further monthly payments.
  • High quality telephone communication

Experienced specialists of our company are always ready to efficiently connect, configure and maintain a multi-channel telephone number.

In conditions of fierce competition in the market for goods and services, it is important for any company to constantly keep in touch with its employees, clients, intermediaries, and potential partners. Considering that even the smallest organization has a huge number of external connections, it is not at all surprising that during working hours the phone simply does not stop talking. And at the same time, you will be able to answer everyone only if you buy a multi-channel number.

Why is it worth connecting a multi-channel number?

Today, having a multi-line phone number for companies is not a luxury, it is an urgent business need. Many people are familiar with the situation when a client cannot get through to the company he needs for a long time, he simply chooses their competitors. Multicom Group offers the ability to receive several calls simultaneously via multi-channel metropolitan (Moscow) numbers. Thus, you will not miss a call that is important to you, and you will not miss a single potential client or partner. You can organize a single number for all phones of your company. You will be able to send and receive faxes, redirect incoming calls both to a specific subscriber and to a group of subscribers, that is, distribute calls among office employees in a certain order, without missing a single call. All this can be done thanks to the IVR script. You will have the opportunity to leave your number when traveling on a business trip to another country or when moving your office to a new location.

If a company develops, it grows. At the same time, the company must worry in advance about the fact that the number of incoming calls will also increase. It is to solve this problem that Multicom Group offers its clients a multi-channel Moscow telephone number.

Multichannel telephone number: a business tool

Customer-oriented business requires reliable, high-quality and stable telephone communications. A multi-channel telephone number is an excellent business tool, indispensable when organizing modern call centers. Customers do not need to remember many numbers, one is enough, and multi-channel means that the operator will answer even if there are several parallel calls. Not only customer services, but also back office departments can be connected to a single number. When a call arrives at a single number, the operator or automation can forward incoming call for a specific employee.

In addition, multi-channel communication allows you to have one phone number to which all incoming and outgoing calls will be received, even if your company has a head office in Moscow and branches throughout the region. Thus, Multicom allows you to optimize your organization’s business processes.

The number of channels depends on the intensity of telephone traffic and capabilities installed system. Modern Internet technologies make it possible to implement a multi-channel telephone number quickly and at minimal cost.

Installation and operating costs for a multi-line system are significantly lower than using multiple phone numbers.

So, by connecting a multi-channel phone number, our clients receive the following benefits:

  • receive an unlimited number of calls to a single number;
  • receive and send faxes;
  • if you change your actual office address, you will not have to change your phone number;
  • you can choose a comfortable and memorable number.

However, the benefits of multichannel communication do not end there, because with its help you can control communication costs using detailed reports. This service also allows you to monitor the work of employees and organize remote workplaces.

The Multicom company guarantees fast connection of a multi-channel phone number and high quality services provided. Our specialists use only modern technologies that will allow your organization to effectively solve all operational issues and develop successfully.

By contacting the Multicom company, you can forget what a busy phone is. Your clients will always be able to reach your specialists and receive the necessary advice.

As already mentioned, it is especially important to promptly connect a multichannel number to growing companies, the number of potential buyers and intermediaries for which will increase along with the expansion of their activities.

Take advantage modern technologies and innovative solutions!