What is the Zona program and how to use it? How to use the zone program Setting up the Zona program.

The Zone program is one of the most convenient and accessible applications for Internet users who have never used torrent downloaders. In addition to downloading files, there is a built-in media player during downloading until the file is downloaded. Also based on this program, music, games, films and videos are available.

Initially, you need to download the latest version of the application, for example, you can download it at http://vsofte.biz/415-zona.html official version Zone. Then you need to install it and configure it correctly. How to do this will be described in this article.

First you need to launch the Zona shortcut on your desktop personal computer or from the Start menu, then select the “Settings” menu located on the left side of the application. In it you can find many options for changing the external design of the program, language, setting network speed limits and much more.

Search in the Zona program

Searching for media files is carried out in two ways:

  1. Using the vertical list of categories on the left side of the monitor.
  2. Through the search in the top column.
  • Hover your mouse over any object of interest and select the “Download” or “View” option.
  • You need to go to the distribution page by clicking on the free space on the icon. Under the main image you will find the “View” and “Download” options. By scrolling the slider below, you will have access to other images of the distribution, as well as a list of popular films.

Please note that when choosing a distribution, choose the one that has the most seeds. And also monitor the quality of video and sound.

Full screen mode

This application allows you to enjoy movies in full size. To do this, you just need to click on the “double square” in the lower right corner of the player window, which will allow you to switch to “ windowed mode" Then click on the “dotted square” icon to expand the video to full screen.

ENUM. Quick Reference ENUM /E.164 Numbering Mapping/ – Mapping to E.164 URI numbers – Based on DNS – e164. arpa = – Naming Authority Pointer records are used NAPTR is required to convert URN to URI – Zone e164. arpa supported by RIPE NCC Released with permission of the number zone owner from the ITU point of view

ENUM. Brief information Extremely flexible system – Wildcard, Regexp, Order, Preference, TTL, DDNS, DNSSEC Variety of services – VCard, SIP, web, etc. – And even number portability Example of NAPTR record values: "u" "E2U+sip" "u" "E2U+pstn:tel" "!^.*$!tel: !" "u" "E2U+pstn:tel" "!^.*$!tel: !" "u" "E2U+pstn:tel" "!^.*$!tel: !" "u" "E2U+x-im:skype" "!^.*$!callto:persinval!" "u" "E2U+web:http" "!^.*$! "u" "E2U+ mailto" "u" "E2U+vcard" "!^.*$! (Order Preference Flags Service Regexp Replacement (SRV RR)) > dig NAPTR e164.arpa. dig NAPTR">

Main advantages Numbers belong to the end user, not the operator ENUM provides – independence from location – portability of numbers ENUM is more than just phone number– On business cards you can limit yourself to a phone number – , icq, website are linked to a phone number

Who needs ENUM Benefits for private users: – Own number, the safety of which the user is confident – ​​Ability to move with your number around the country and around the world – Makes all regions of the country closer (single call cost) – Ability to connect several phones to one number – Possibility to easily change communication service provider – A number is like a business card – , instant messaging, website Conclusion: – Numbers will be purchased for yourself and often several at a time (for friends, for work, at the dacha, etc.) – The service will be popular among the population major cities

Who needs ENUM Benefits for organizations: – Multichannel numbers with a single cost for a call from any region (expansion of business geography) – Opportunity to provide your personal number each employee (even on a business trip!) – There is no need to use the services of a telephony operator (for companies that have or plan to create the appropriate infrastructure) – Guaranteed security of numbers (less risks when changing service providers, etc.) – Possibility of organizing secure telephone connections (secrets will not come out – dnssec, pki...) Conclusion: – Given the opportunity, organizations will buy large shares of address space for their company

And also... It's more than a phone number! Linking personal data: – Email, website, instant messages, – social. number, etc., – Pki, – account bank card, subway rides, - ... and even OpenId. ENUM is protected by DNSSEC - the key to many locks - can even be used by banking applications Some things require trust in the operator of the number

Who benefits from ENUM Zone operators and registrars (of course!) Small telecommunications companies – Domain / zone support – Intelligent call termination (daytime to work, evening to home number) – Virtual PBX for organizations and individuals, answering machine, recording and transcription of conversations – Outgoing calls – Small call centers Large Internet companies – Those who already provide postal services and instant messaging services 3-in-1 communication service providers

Who doesn’t need ENUM at all Large telecom operators and monopolists - they already have their own number zones and they don’t want subscribers to be able to easily change operators Zone operators, etc. – with correct tariffication of calls to ENUM, this zone will partially lose its meaning. Various sellers of beautiful numbers and multi-channel lines

Statistics Taiwan, Romania, Germany, Austria, Sweden, Korea, Norway, Slovakia, Czech Republic, United Kingdom, Netherlands, Australia, Lithuania,

User zones ENUM Austria – d, 2513 numbers, May 2005 – 0.25 – 0.5 /m, enum.at, ~14 registrars, ~ landline – Alternative zone: (location independent fixed network numbers) – actively used* Germany – , temporarily not used – Alternative zone: (personal numbers) – actively used Australia – , enum.com.au, 110 numbers – (?)

User areas Czech Republic – , enum.nic.cz, temporarily unused Netherlands – , enum.nl, ? European Union – ? – This year the European Commission is discussing the option of creating a pan-European number zone – Designed for business – The number will be available to residents of any country – The cost of telephone calls will be comparable everywhere with the price of local calls in the region – It is proposed to choose ENUM as the technology

Competitors to the user ENUM Numbers portable between operators - for example, mobile numbers in Lithuania Geographically independent numbers - for example, Austria - location independent fixed network numbers, or Germany - personal numbers, iNum initiative (), etc. But these numbers depend on the operator. In Russia there are practically no such zones

ENUM in Russia Not yet delegated - the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications has not yet approved a single application to ITU/RIPE Working group on ENUM issues at the Association of Documentary Telecommunications (ADE) – Performs work commissioned by the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications (since 2007?) – Responsible for the creation of an experimental ENUM zone and the development of regulations – We have just begun to create an experimental zone (with a delay) – The plans for now are only operator (infrastructure) ENUM – ​​Promised to talk about the results at ENOG II / RIPE Regional Meeting in November-December 2011 Selected mobile operators use private infrastructure ENUM for MMS routing

ENUM in Ukraine Delegated to uanic.net (not cctld), but currently not used Planned to be used for mobile number portability Development of ENUM is currently hampered by waiting for a decision from the regulator Promised to talk about plans and achievements at ENOG II / RIPE Regional Meeting in November-December 2011

Opportunities for highlighting a custom ENUM zone The idea of ​​modernizing Russia - will make regions closer to each other - necessary for business The idea of ​​uniform numbers for - a union state (Russia, Belarus) - an entire region (Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan) - see the idea of ​​a pan-European number For individual custom ENUM zones, there is no need to deploy ENUM across the entire telephone numbering space

Success criterion Numbers must be available to both individuals and organizations Inexpensive! The cost of calls to these numbers should not be much higher than the cost of local calls. At least for large cities. Partly depends on the operator. Provide numbers for free for government organizations?

We had SharePoint installed, services running and service applications created. But in order to check the operation of the services, there is a lack of a portal through which access to these services will be provided. That is, the portal is the entry point for access to various services. Creating a portal in SharePoint begins with creating a web application. A web application is the foundation of a future portal or several. At the stage of its creation, fundamental things are specified, such as authentication methods or a database where the content will be stored. But let's go in order.

Creation of a web application is carried out through the administration center along the path CA –> Manage Web Applications –> New . And the first thing you have to decide on is authentication methods.

You are offered a choice between two authentication models Classic Mode And Claims Based .

Classic model used in previous versions SharePoint and supports only one Windows authentication provider, under which you can use the following authentication methods:

  1. Anonymous – Anonymous authentication allows users to access the portal without providing credentials. Anonymous authentication allows anyone to view the contents of the portal, so you need to be careful when planning anonymous access.
  2. Basic – the advantage of this method is its versatility, but the disadvantage is quite serious: the exchange of messages between the server and the client during authentication is in clear text, so using it without SSL is highly not recommended.
  3. Certificates – an authentication method that seems to exist and which doesn’t seem to exist. Yes because you can configure authentication based on user certificates, no because it’s official this method not supported by Microsoft.
  4. NTLM - because the this method during authentication, it transmits only the password hash over the network; it can be called secure. Disadvantages include the lack of ability to authenticate to access external services (lack of delegation). A simple example: a user logs into a portal, authenticates via NTLM, the portal has a web part displaying the contents of an external database, SharePoint will not be able to authenticate to the database server on behalf of the user and the person will receive an error.
  5. Kerberos – protocol problem solver delegation, safer than NTLM, faster than NTLM, but requires additional settings, namely, registering SPN for the accounts from which the web application runs.

Authentication type Claims-Based also supports provider Windows , and therefore all the above methods are valid for him. But the add-on supports two new providers FBA And SAML .

FBA (Forms-based authentication) – form-based authentication, i.e. a person at the entrance receives a page where he must enter his login and passwords, but the credentials are not stored in Active Directory Domain Services, and in external sources. As external source can act as a base SQL, Novell eDirectory, Novell Directory Services (NDS), Sun ONE, AD LDS . That is, this provider is convenient when integrating with third-party directory services, or when you need to authenticate external visitors and use your AD DS directory to create and store these accounts you do not want.

SAML (token-based authentication) – SAML token-based authentication. By coordinating your setup with authentication environment administrators, allows you to authenticate using data Windows Live ID , accounts Facebook and not only.

There are three things to remember:

  1. For new implementations SharePoint 2010 must use type authentication Claims Based . . When this mode is selected, all supported providers and methods will be available to web applications. For new deployments, it does not make sense to select Classic authentication mode, even if the environment only uses accounts Windows .
  2. A web application can use several authentication providers at once, for example, your portal is accessible under two names contoso.com And microsoft.com , the provider fires first Windows And Kerberos , according to the second provider FBA and authentication based on data from the database SQL .
  3. Switching a web application between authentication types, providers and methods is possible even after creating the web application, so if you are not immediately sure about what you need, then it is better to choose Claims Based –> Windows –> NTLM, and then configure as needed.

The next step is to create an IIS web site that will appear on each SharePoint Web Front End server, i.e. by creating the site you define the name by which your clients will connect and the port number. You can later extend the web application and create alternative names and ports, but this can only be done after creation.

Next, we determine whether anonymous access is still needed or not and whether SSL encryption is required. In itself, turning on the SSL encryption checkbox does not add encryption; no one has canceled the presence of a certificate on the web server, but if you select SSL, then at the output of the node you will receive a created binding with the port specified above and HTTPS protocol, a certificate from the local storage, you will need to select additionally for the node through the IIS server management snap-in.

Since the authentication option was initially selected Claims Based It is suggested to configure each provider. To begin with, you can stop at configuring only the Windows provider (in my case I chose Kerberos), and return to the rest as needed later.

Below it is proposed to specify the page on which the request for authentication data will occur, because the provider FBA is not activated, then you do not need to select anything here, leaving the default option.

Based on the Host Header and port specified at the beginning, a Public URL belonging to the default zone.

Web Application Zones are used to support multiple web application authentication options. This can be useful, for example, if access to the portal is not limited to company employees ( Windows provider ), clients must also have access ( Forms-based provider ). In this case, for some people the zone is used Default , and windows authentication is configured for it, and a new zone is created for clients and authentication using forms is configured for it.

SharePoint 2010 allows one web application to use the following zones:

  • Default zone - Default
  • Intranet zone - Intranet
  • Internet zone – Internet
  • User zone – Custom
  • Extranet Zone – Extranet

The default authentication settings for all zones are the same (NTLM with anonymous access disabled). Therefore, all necessary settings must be done manually.

The next steps ask you to select an existing application pool for the web application or create a new one. It's very simple, each application pool is separate process w3wp.exe on WFE server with your own parameters. At the same time, launched from a separate account. There is nothing stopping you from using one single application pool for everything, but in this case the ease of maintaining such a system is highly questionable. Building hundreds of pools is also not an option. (remember that we need not to exceed 10 pools per SharePoint server) And if in the previous article I launched all service applications in one pool, then I will create a separate one for the portal web application. Again, don’t forget to first create a domain account and make it managed. ( Managed Account instructions by Managed Account is in the previous one)

When setting up databases, you should specify the name and instance of the SQL server; in the example, the default instance is used, and therefore in the Database Server field you can only use the name of the SQL server. If I used free product SQL Express 2008 R2 , then the field would look computername\SQLExpress. The database whose name is indicated below is called content, because it stores all the contents of the portal, future sites, lists and documents, everything will be stored in it. It should be given a readable and understandable name, so as not to subsequently drown in the sea of ​​databases that forms after configuration SharePoint .

I can’t think of cases where SQL authentication might be needed for SharePoint 2010, so following the recommendation we accept Windows authentication. Since a SQL cluster is not planned for this scheme, the field Failover Cluster leave it blank.

There is one small detail left, namely to make sure that your web application will use the default proxy group. Let me remind you that with this choice, the web application gets the opportunity to use services united by a proxy group. And finally, abandon the quality improvement program and send analytical information about the operation of your portal to Microsoft.

After deliberation, the duration of which depends on the power of our server, information about the successful creation of a web application is displayed on the screen. Now you need to remember to register a new type A record in DNS, which will resolve the application URL to the IP address of the SharePoint server.

But for now there is nothing to show the business, the web application is the foundation, the building itself and the furniture in it will appear only after the creation of a collection of sites. ( Site Collection ) Once again we will answer the question, what is a collection of sites?

Site collections (Site Collection) – This is a hierarchically structured group of sites that are managed jointly. This group of sites always has a top-level site ( top-level site ) and any number of child nodes ( subsites ). All sites within a collection have common permissions that are inherited from the top-level site by child sites, common content types, common web parts, and more.

To create a collection of sites, just go to CA->Create Site Collection

The wizard is very simple and all you need to do is ask Title – the name of the collection that will be displayed at the top of the browser. The address of the collection is subtle. Let me explain why. In principle, the name by which clients will connect is already determined at the stage of creating a web application, but... Within one web application, you can create many collections of sites and then it is not at all obvious what the client should indicate in address bar browser. To achieve this, managed paths have been invented that can be used to generate addresses for collections of sites that use one web application.

If you select “ / ” as in my case, the created collection will be available without any additional directories simply at the web application address.

The most important step in this wizard is choosing a template, which defines appearance, lists, files, web parts, features, and settings that will create a new SharePoint site. Since initially you have access to a set of templates, each of which is unique, it would be better to first create test collections in order to familiarize yourself with the functionality of the existing templates and decide which template is suitable for you to start with. I settled on a template Team Site and I will use it in subsequent parts of the series of articles as the main one.

The final stage of creating a collection of sites is to enter the administrators of the collection, that is, the credentials of those people who will have complete carte blanche to change this collection of sites, including the creation of additional child nodes. It should be remembered that groups are indicated in this menu It is also impossible that the farm administrator does not have rights to the collection by default.

The lowest quota option allows you to limit the maximum size of the collection, preventing it from growing uncontrollably. It’s best not to touch quotas for now; we’ll return to them later.

Results: If everything was done correctly, then at the end of the wizard a message will be displayed indicating the success of the operation. Before clicking on the link, you should check again whether it has been added new entry V DNS and if when creating the web application you used Kerberos , check SPN for the account under which the application pool is running. As a result of this step, we received a portal out of the box and even though the services still require configuration, the foundation and walls have already been erected. To be continued …

MCT/MVP Ilya Rud

Installing, copying, downloading, using this program for the “Zona” computer, by accessing it, you agree with the provisions of this license agreement (hereinafter referred to as the Agreement) with the end user (hereinafter referred to as the User) and undertake to comply with them. If you do not agree with the provisions of the Agreement, you must stop installing and delete the Zona computer program files from your computer.

The computer program “Zona” provides users with services for searching, downloading and viewing video files on the Internet. As the final search result, the User is offered direct links to torrent files and video files, if they are found according to the search conditions specified by the User.

The use of the computer program “Zona” is available to legally capable persons individuals who have reached the age of 18, as well as emancipated citizens.

Destiny Media LLC provides the User with a personal, limited, non-exclusive, non-transferable, freely revocable license to use the “Zona” computer program for the purpose of searching and viewing video content on the Internet.

The Zona computer program provides the ability to search and view information and files on any Internet site. The program developer does not control and cannot be responsible for the information posted by Internet users. In the computer program "Zona" and its information system There are no technical solutions that carry out censorship and control the legality of posting on the Internet files found using the Zona computer program.

Before viewing content found using the Zona computer program, the User must make sure that by his actions he does not violate the legally protected rights and interests of third parties. The owner of the Zona computer program is responsible only for the information, files and content posted on the Zona computer program servers.

All intellectual property rights in relation to the computer program “Zona” belong to Destiny Media LLC - the developer and owner of the computer program “Zona”. Users do not have the right to dispose of the Zona computer program in any way (rent, sell, distribute or dispose of in any other way). The user may not reverse engineer, detranslate, break into pieces, or otherwise attempt to learn source computer programs “Zona” or any part thereof.

To improve the quality of work, as well as for more efficient distribution of content, while the User’s computer is connected to the Internet, the “Zona” computer program can transfer content from the User’s computer to other Users of the “Zona” computer program, who during this period time they search for existing content previously downloaded by the User.

By accepting the terms of the Agreement, you confirm and agree to search and download content in the manner described above and do not object if the “Zona” computer program sends commands to your computer in order to provide your content to other Users. User agrees that the Zona computer software will use the processor and bandwidth of the User's computer to facilitate the exchange or transfer of content from User to User in order to facilitate the operation of the Zona computer software.

The user agrees that when installing the program, the start page is the Rambler plugin. The user has the right to independently change home page after installing the program.

The User represents and warrants that he legally owns the computer on which he installs the “Zona” computer program. The user is obliged to delete any copies of the “Zona” computer program if his legal right to use of this computer ended.

The developer of the Zona computer program is not responsible for the quality of the content found through the Zona computer program on the Internet. The user undertakes to independently check the downloaded content for the presence of malware. The Developer is not responsible for damage caused to the User's property by content of inadequate quality.

Each User, within the framework of this agreement, undertakes to use the “Zona” computer program exclusively to receive and distribute legal content, not burdened by copyright or other rights, as well as to gain access to the services offered by Destiny Media LLC.

By accepting the terms of the Agreement, the User accepts the unconditional obligation not to download, view, save on tangible media, distribute or use in any other way any information and files encumbered by copyright, related or other rights, including those posted in the public domain without the consent of the copyright holder. The user understands and accepts the fact that the “Zona” computer program does not control his actions. Responsibility for illegal actions of the user related to violation of the Law of the Russian Federation “On Copyright and Related Rights”, the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, as well as the legislation of the country of permanent or temporary residence of the user, is borne personally by the User.

Content found on the Internet using the Zona computer program is intended exclusively for personal, non-commercial use. Use of the content for any business purposes is not permitted.

The developer of the Zona computer program, at his own discretion, without giving reasons, without imposing fines, may stop providing access to the services of the Zona computer program, or any part thereof, with or without notice.

By agreeing to the terms of this Agreement, the User accepts and understands that he is independently responsible for any of his intentional or unintentional illegal actions. The developer of the Zona computer program is responsible only for the quality of the service provided and for the content posted on the servers of the Zona computer program.

It is explained and understandable to the user that, according to the legal position of the Supreme Arbitration Court Russian Federation, expressed in the resolution of the Presidium of December 23. 2008 N 10962/08, the provider is not responsible for the transmitted information if he does not initiate its transmission, select the recipient of the information, or influence the integrity of the transmitted information.

Zona is one of the simplest and convenient applications for users who have never encountered torrent clients before. In addition to downloading content through peer-to-peer p2p networks, the Zone also supports streaming - playing media files directly during downloading, i.e. before the download is complete. Also, the Zona database contains huge selection media content collected from various torrent trackers (movies, music, games).

To start using the program, first you need to download the latest version of Zona, install it, and then configure it correctly.

Setting up the Zona program

Launch the application from the shortcut on your desktop. table or from the menu "Start" and select the option "Settings" in the left vertical column. Here you will see many options that allow you to change the appearance of the program, set different language settings, set download/upload speed levels, etc. Take the time to scroll/drag the slider down to the bottom of the page to view and set all the settings. Many of them can be very important (see screenshots)!

Search in the Zona program

There are two ways to find the movies, music or games you need in the Zone.

1. Through the corresponding categories in the left vertical block. Select the desired section (for example, "Movies") and use additional parameters to display content in horizontal menu above (see screenshot).

2. Through search bar in the top horizontal column. Just enter the desired query into it and select the most suitable option from the search results.

Download and view in Zona

Downloading/viewing content in the Zone program can also be done in two ways.

1. The fastest way. Hover your mouse over the movie icon. Two icons will appear in it "Download" And "Look". Click on any.

2. Click on free space on the movie icon to get to that content page. There, under the main screenshot, you can also choose any option - viewing or downloading, as well as scroll the slider down, look at other films that are similar, related to this picture, or recommended for viewing along with it.

By scrolling the slider even lower, you can select other distributions with this film. Choose those with more seeders/distributors users. This will provide greater speed and faster downloading. Pay attention to quality and voice acting/translation.

Full screen video viewing mode in Zona

To expand the picture to full screen when watching movies, first click on the icon "double square" in the lower right corner of the mini-player that opens. This will allow you to switch the viewing mode to a full windowed version. Then, in the new player window that opens, click on the icon "dotted square"(far right option) to expand the image to full screen.

How to find downloads in Zona

All downloads can be viewed in the option "Downloads" in the menu on the left. There, you can stop/resume any of the downloads, add a new one, set the download/upload speed, etc.