What is a smart mini in mts. Tariff "Smart Mini" from MTS: all about Internet access

New MTS Smart mini tariff recently added to the Smart line. Appeared himself tariff plan quietly and unnoticed - it was not advertised at all, and the operator’s news about its appearance went unnoticed by most subscribers. The fact is that it had the headline “Choose the best tariff for smartphones,” which said little. And why recommend to your subscribers a tariff plan with a pitiful package of half a gigabyte of traffic? This tariff plan may seem like sweet candy only in the first days of use, but after a few weeks all the “nasties” of this tariff creep out. This is connected both with the use of the Internet and with conversations on. All the advantages, disadvantages and pitfalls of this tariff are described below.

Description of the MTS Smart mini tariff

Subscription fee

The subscription fee until May 15, 2014 is 200 rubles. per month for the first two months of use. Starting from the third month, it increases to 250 rubles. If in the future the subscriber switches to "Smart mini" (before May 15, 2014), then subscription fee for “Everywhere at home Smart” is not charged for the same 2 months, and from the third month it will be only 50 rubles. per month However, from the 13th month the cost will increase to 100 rubles. Now in 2017, the subscription fee for this tariff is 300 rubles per month.

In a word, for the first two months the subscription fee for Smart mini will be 200 rubles, which was indicated in the advertisement. Starts from the 3rd month until the end of the current year - 300 rubles, and then - 350 rubles. for each month of using the tariff. Is your head swelling yet? No? Well then, read on for the Smart mini MTS tariff description.


An Internet package of 1 gigabyte size without speed restrictions is included in the subscription fee. However, this volume will be used only for the first 2 months - then the volume of traffic will decrease by half. In addition, if it is exhausted, the speed will not drop - but the Internet will turn off. Funny, right? If you want to continue using the Internet, you will have to pay 75 rubles for every 500 MB. Internet, or immediately 200 rubles. for 2 GB. In addition, GPRS packages are not available on this tariff plan. If the “Smart at home everywhere” option was activated, then the subscriber will be able to use the Internet throughout Russia, but if not, then only on the “home” network. But it is precisely in this place that the insidious tariff trap lurks!

The fact is that most smartphone users do not know how much traffic their device consumes. Everything here is quite complicated - for example, iPhone and latest Androids they simply live on the network, constantly “eating” precious megabytes. Old Nokias won’t even dare to go online without the owner’s consent. The browser also matters a lot - one will load pictures and all the junk that is on the page, and the other will only load text and links. It is the aforementioned iPhones that use (give or take) 1 gig of traffic per month, and after it expires, the device turns into an expensive brick. An ardent iPhone user will spend one and a half to two gigabytes of traffic per month - but now think how much you will have to pay for “turbo buttons” with saving 0.5 and 2 GB of traffic.


The cost of calls on this tariff plan is very reasonable - there is no limit for calls within the MTS “home” region, but you will have to pay 2 rubles/min. for calls to MTS to other regions of Russia.

Switch to a free plan

The tariff is valid from 03/06/2014 and when switching to it, the fee for the first month of use is charged.

Everywhere is like home Smart

This option is reminiscent of the “neighboring regions” that have sunk into oblivion, which, however, cost 30 rubles. and not 100. There are still differences, but it is immediately noticeable that the operator is targeting exactly the same audience of subscribers. In a word: using "Smart Everywhere, Like Home", you get a conditional " home tariff". If you unexpectedly find yourself in a neighboring region and do not disable this option (I strongly recommend turning it off), then you will be able to call without limits to MTS of your “home” region, for 8.89 rubles to MTS of the current region and 15 rubles / min .to numbers of other operators.This is the whole catch.

As you can see, MTS considers the “home tariff” not the amount that you and I think about, namely 8.9 rubles. It is from them that we are given “generous” discounts at home. Internet traffic with the “Everywhere at home Smart” option enabled is provided throughout the Russian Federation.

MTS Smart mini tariff - main advantages

I would like to compare Smart mini with the popular " Super MTS". In the latter, every day they give an hour of free calls within MTS and to landline numbers (!!!), albeit with major exceptions. And if you also generously top up your account with 300 rubles or more, you will receive free calls to MTS as well other regions. All other calls will have to be paid at exorbitant prices - 2.5 rubles per minute, while in Smart Mini - only 2. Well, initially you get 250 minutes of free calls to numbers within your home region and to MTS Russia, and also 250 SMS, which you can use at your discretion.

However, Smart mini, although it will seem more profitable with its gigabyte of Internet in the first month, only then with a monthly fee of 250-300 rubles will become a luxury for millionaires. At this time, “Super MTS” eats 149 rubles/month. and gives 50 MB of traffic every day. The speed is maximum. If the traffic drops to zero, the speed drops along with it to 64 kb/s, but the Internet continues to work. Such volumes are enough even for an iPhone.

Disadvantages of the MTS Smart mini tariff

And the most recent (and unpleasant) thing we see in the smart mini is the MTS tariff. Of course, the legislation of the Russian Federation requires all footnotes and clarifications to be shown to the user in bold letters, but no one has canceled the asterisks and small text at the bottom of the page. Sometimes you don’t even want to peer at the small text at the very “bottom” of the screen, which is dim gray on a blinding white background. You understand that almost all laws can be circumvented.

MTS is no exception to this. To read in detail about the terms of the tariff, you need to take a long journey through the MTS website, then stumble upon the PDF. Otherwise, you will only see huge amounts of bright and optimistic advertising. The subscriber will have to spend a lot of effort, time and nerves to understand simple numbers that the operator is carefully trying to hide. Here, for example, is this phrase:

“for subscribers who connected / switched to a tariff plan during the period from March 6 to May 15, 2014, within two months from the moment of connection / switch to the tariff - 0 rubles**; over the next ten months from the moment of connection / transition - 50 rubles.** "...which you come across in the description of the option "Everywhere at home Smart", can be opened by clicking on the link in the description of the tariff, which is disguised under the anchor "Now on territory of all Russia!" Well, how do you feel?

This reminds me of the good old joke: “Honey! You will find salt in the bathroom, in a drawer labeled “medicine”, in an egg carton labeled “Coffee.” What can we say? Smart mini is an amateur tariff. Not for a big fan.

Smart Mini tariff plan from one of the most popular mobile operators MTS is the optimal choice for those subscribers who are used to using telephone communication and Internet access. Its main distinctive feature is a basic set of services at an affordable cost. This tariff has everything you need for quality communication and browsing web resources. Full information about the Smart Mini mts tariff will help new subscribers become familiar with its conditions, features and advantages.

Tariff Smart Mini MTS. Detailed description

The convenient smart Mini MTS tariff is presented in two versions - for federal and city telephone numbers. They differ from each other only in the size of the monthly subscription fee - 400 rubles for federal and 900 for city ones. The scope and list of services provided in both cases is the same and includes:

After the package minutes are exhausted, outgoing calls to numbers of other operators in the Home region, as well as to numbers of the MTS network in other cities of Russia, are charged at 2 rubles per minute. If Internet traffic exceeds 1 gigabyte, the subscriber will be awarded additional packages of 500 MB for 95 rubles each. Internet traffic less than 1 MB is not charged. The cost of sending one SMS message after the package is exhausted will be 2 rubles.

Are unused minutes and traffic saved on Smart Mini?

When using the smart Mini tariff in 2018, you don’t have to worry at all that unused Internet traffic and minutes for calls will disappear. They are carried over to the next month in automatic mode, without additional applications. This feature makes this tariff plan the most profitable for communication and Internet surfing.

At the time of the next period, the remaining SMS messages and minutes are added to the newly provided packages.

The remaining megabytes from the previous Internet package are consumed first. There is no provision for their repeated transfer to subsequent periods. New package traffic begins to be consumed only after the balance is completely exhausted.

The Internet megabytes remaining from the previous period can be used for distribution to other devices via USB, Wi-Fi or Bluetooth. The ability to share unused traffic with loved ones is also available.

If a subscriber decides to change the current tariff plan, the remaining minutes, traffic and SMS messages are not carried over to the next month.

Cost of Smart Mini MTS tariff

It should be taken into account that the cost of the Smart Mini MTS tariff in different regions of Russia may differ slightly. In addition, some differences apply to the scope of services provided within the tariff plan.

Region of the Russian Federation Monthly subscription fee (for federal and city numbers), rub. Internet traffic volume, GB Number of minutes for calls Number of SMS messages
Moscow and Moscow region 400 / 900 1 350 350
Ryazan 200 (federal only) 1 1000 200
Krasnodar 250 (federal only) 1 1000 200
Samara 250 / 200 2 300 300
Eagle 200 / 370 2 200 200
Khabarovsk 250 / 389,5 0,5 1000 50

How to connect to Smart Mini tariff

For those who want to switch to the smart Mini MTS tariff, there are several simple and convenient ways:

  1. Go to the official MTS website, read the terms of the tariff plan and connect it using a special option.
  2. Dial the USSD command *111*1023# on your smartphone keyboard.
  3. Purchase a starter package with a tariff plan at the nearest MTS center or online store.

There is no charge for switching to the smart Mini MTS tariff, however, the subscriber account must have an amount equal to or slightly greater than the amount equal to the monthly subscription. board

How to disable the MTS Smart Mini tariff

If the subscriber has no need to continue using the smart Mini MTS tariff, you can disable it by changing to another, more current tariff plan. For these purposes, you can use any of the proposed methods:

  • On keyboard mobile phone dial the short combination *111# and ― after that a menu will open on the screen in which you need to select the “Tariffs” tab and press the call button. After reading the terms of the available tariff plans, you need to select the most suitable one and press the call button again.
  • Call 88002500890 or 0890, contact the operator and indicate your desire to change the tariff plan.
  • Log in to the official website of the MTS operator, open the “Services” section and change the tariff.
  • Visit any of the centers of the mobile operator MTS.

Tariff connection conditions

According to the description of the MTS smart Mini tariff, outgoing calls are billed on a per-minute basis. Calls with a duration of up to three seconds are not subject to payment. The cost of calls of three seconds or more is rounded up.

Calls to short telephone numbers of the MTS network containing from three to six characters are charged individually. Their exact cost can be found on the official website in the “Short number services” section.

The cost of one minute of outgoing calls to numbers with the code +883140 is 10 rubles.

Calls to numbers of such operators as GlobalTel, GTNT, and Vodafone M2M are charged at 79 rubles per minute.

If the balance is zero or negative, the subscriber will have access to only such services as outgoing calls to service numbers MTS, incoming calls, as well as receiving SMS messages. The provision of services is completely suspended if, after the expiration of the specified period, the subscriber balance does not change to positive.

Detailed conditions

The subscription fee for using the tariff plan is charged monthly on the day it is connected. Packages of minutes, SMS messages and Internet traffic are accrued at the time the subscription fee is charged.

When changing federal telephone number happening on the city automatic connection“Unlimited forwarding from a direct number” service. The fee for this service is 304.8 rubles per month.

The web addresses internet.mts.ru and wap.mts.ru are used as access points to the Internet. After the main traffic package is completely exhausted, the subscriber has the opportunity to connect additional packages with a volume of 500 MB at a cost of 95 rubles. When connecting the “Internet-VIP” or “Turbo-button” options, traffic charging is carried out in accordance with their terms.

How to find out the remaining traffic and minutes on MTS

To find out the balance of the smart Mini MTS tariff, the subscriber needs to dial the short USSD command *100*1# on the smartphone keyboard, or log in to his account.

Tariff Smart Mini MTS - reviews

Oleg. Moscow. 24 years

Having decided to change my previous tariff plan to Smart Mini MTS, I made the right decision. For a more than attractive price, I get fast 4G Internet and enough time for conversations. I use this tariff on my smartphone and tablet. No complaints yet.

Elena. Saint Petersburg. 32 years

In my opinion, Smart Mini is the best among all MTS tariffs. It has everything you need. My region provides as many as 1000 calling minutes. This is absolutely enough to communicate with family, friends and loved ones who often go on business trips.

Svetlana. Krasnodar region. 28 years

My attitude towards this tariff is ambiguous. On the one hand, I like the low cost, I like the number of free SMS and minutes. On the other hand... One gigabyte of the Internet seems to be enough for me, but somehow it is written off too quickly. Even the balance went negative because of this.

The Smart Mini tariff plan from the MTS operator is ideal for those subscribers who require a moderate volume of the most popular services at an attractive price. The monthly fee, depending on the region, is approximately 200-400 rubles. You can connect to this tariff from your Personal Account or using a simple combination *111*1023# typed on your smartphone keyboard.

The Mobile Telesystems company is a leader in the territory Russian Federation and provides a full range of communication services for individuals And corporate clients. Diversity special offers, including the line of modern “Smart Mini” tariff makes MTS attractive even to third-party operators Beeline, Megafon or Tele2.

Tariff Smart mini MTS

Are you choosing which tariff to connect to? Are you interested in free calls to MTS subscribers, additional minutes for communication with subscribers of third-party operators, the ability to send SMS and Internet traffic? And all this for a modest subscription fee? MTS has a favorable tariff plan for you. “Smart mini” is the cheapest TP from its line (). For a modest fee, you are provided with extensive subscription opportunities. IN this review We will consider in detail the tariff plan from MTS “Smart mini”. Let's talk about its pros and cons.

The essence and description of the tariff plan

This tariff is suitable for those who communicate a lot with subscribers within the network in their home region, communicate little with holders of other numbers (third-party operators) and spend little time on the Internet - these are the users the tariff plan is designed for.

The monthly fee under the tariff plan will be 300 rubles for residents of Moscow and the Moscow region. For most residents of other regions of the Russian Federation, the tariff will be even cheaper and amount to 200 rubles. per month. Detailed information information that is relevant specifically for your home region can be obtained through or from a service specialist technical support subscribers

Expert opinion

Vladimir Eremeev

Journalist. Specialist in mobile services and tariffs of mobile operators.

On this moment TP is the cheapest of those presented by MTS. Of course, there are others without a monthly fee (for example, Guest), but the tariffs of such a plan do not imply the presence of connected packages with additional features for the user, which significantly reduces the audience of their consumers.

Like most of the company's offerings, the Smart tariff also has certain disadvantages. You may not have enough available packages for a month of use and will have to pay for additional minutes or Internet traffic. In order to accurately determine whether this tariff is suitable for you, you need to familiarize yourself with it in more detail. full list services and their payment.

Services on "Smart mini"

Smart mini tariff plan includes:

  • Internet traffic package equal to 2 GB
  • Free calls to MTS subscribers within your region
  • A package of minutes for outgoing calls from other operators throughout Russia equal to 250 minutes (200 minutes are charged in some regions)
  • SMS package for sending to subscribers in your region (in some regions only 200 SMS are provided per month).

This is the main list of what MTS provides to subscribers of the Smart mini tariff plan. If you are satisfied with the number of all connected packages, then you can switch to this tariff without hesitation. If your expenses go beyond the boundaries of these packages, then it is better to choose a tariff plan that is more suitable for you using the corresponding section on the website for review. For use mobile communications and going beyond prepaid packages you will have to pay. The prices for this tariff will be given below; it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with them so that you do not have any unexpected expenses in the future. read here.

Payment for additional communication services

Most subscribers switch to the tariff after briefly familiarizing themselves with it, i.e. after looking at the size of the available packages and the monthly payment on the Smart mini tariff, and they forget that sometimes we have to pay for services beyond what is included in the packages.

And at a certain moment, when the packages have run out, the subscriber continues to use the services. And he doesn’t understand why some additional funds are written off from his balance - but everything is simple, the write-off occurs according to the terms of the tariff plan, which are detailed in fine print in the pdf document. After the expiration of the included packages, prices for all services (Internet, SMS messages, calls) are paid at a higher price. Let's look at how much these services will cost the subscriber additional options at this rate.

Please note the fact that for different regions prices may change! Using an example, we will look at the Moscow region and Moscow. You can always find out the latest data in MTS communication stores or on the company’s official website.

Payment for services in excess of the connected “Smart mini” TP packages. Calls:

  • After you have spent all 250 minutes provided to you for the month, the cost of one minute of conversation with a third-party operator in your region will be 2 rubles;
  • The cost of communicating for one minute of conversation with a third-party subscriber outside your network will be 14 rubles;
  • Calls outside the home region to third-party operators will cost 5 rubles per minute;
  • Once 250 minutes are used up, calls to all numbers in the country will cost 2 rubles per minute of communication.
  • Calls to CIS countries will cost the subscriber 35 rubles per minute;
  • Calls to European countries will cost 49 rubles per minute;
  • Communication with other countries will cost 70 rubles per minute.

Internet payment:

  • After exhausting the 2 GB allocated by the package, you can additionally connect 500 MB at a cost of 75 rubles.

SMS payment:

  • Sending SMS to numbers in your home region after the package is exhausted costs 1.5 rubles.
  • Sending SMS to numbers in other regions of the country, as well as when traveling, will cost you 3.8 rubles.
  • Sending SMS to international operators will cost 5.25 rubles per SMS
  • Sending MMS to all numbers in Russia will cost 6.50 rubles.

Disadvantages of the tariff plan

The Smart Mini tariff has a number of disadvantages. Before connecting or switching to a tariff, it is important to familiarize yourself with all its disadvantages. As previously reported, the Mobile Telesystems company has practically no tariff plan that fully meets the user’s needs (based on visitor reviews), the only exception may be . The right of choice always remains only with the subscriber; you can always switch to any other solution using mobile app, Personal Area on the official website or with the help of a technical support employee.

Operators often try to highlight only the positive aspects of the presented tariff, and keep silent about the shortcomings so as not to frighten customers. To obtain complete information on the tariff, you must thoroughly study the document with its full description. The subscriber can also read reviews from clients who are already using the TP. You can find a document with a full description of the tariff plan on the official MTS website. and leave and read reviews below.

Analyzing the features and detailed description Smart Mini we have prepared a list of such hidden conditions. After all, a network subscriber does not always have time to search for information, which is often scattered on the Internet. We present specific facts and you decide which of them are critical.

So, the disadvantages characteristic of the “Smart mini” tariff plan:

  1. The call minutes included in the package (250 minutes) are used not only for calls third party operators, but also for communication with MTS subscribers connected in another region.
  2. When switching to the Smart mini tariff, a fee may apply. This happens if the tariff plan was previously changed in the last month.
  3. The tariff plan does not imply the use of a SIM card in modems. If you try to do this, your Internet speed will be limited and you will not be able to perform any actions (i.e., you will not even be able to browse websites).
  4. When you exhaust all your monthly traffic ahead of schedule, MTS will automatically connect you to an additional Internet package. The option is called "Advanced" Internet Smart» and is valid until the next pay period. For additional Internet you will be charged 75 rubles and 5 GB will be connected. If you do not want to use the Internet beyond the prescribed limit, you can disable this option in your personal account or by calling the operator.
  5. When a subscriber is located in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), Magadan Region, Kamchatka Territory and Chukotka Autonomous Okrug, his Internet speed will be reduced to 128 Kbps. (Within the active Internet package 2 GB).
  6. When switching to the “Smart mini” tariff from January 2016, the “MTS Music” option is automatically connected to the subscriber. The first month of use of the service is provided free of charge. If you do not intend to use it in the future, then disable it in your personal account. You can also call the operator or use the USSD command.

This is a list of the cons of the tariff plan that we found and tested. This does not guarantee that the tariff no longer has pitfalls. Of course, there are still disadvantages, we have simply collected the most relevant and well-known ones. You can get acquainted with the rest by reading subscriber reviews about this tariff, which are located below on this page.

Connection "Smart mini" from MTS

To activate the tariff, you can simply send a USSD command. Dial *111*1023# on your phone. Have you carefully studied all the conditions of this tariff plan and familiarized yourself with its disadvantages? Are you sure that the tariff plan fully meets your needs and requirements? If yes, then you can proceed to connect the selected tariff. Connect the TP and test it in real time. In practice, check whether it suits you.

There are several options for switching to the Smart mini tariff plan. Let's look at them all.

  1. We have already discussed the first option above, but it is better to repeat it. Connect using the USSD command *111*1023#;
  2. It is possible to switch to a tariff through your

Among the line of “Smart” tariffs from MTS, the “Smart mini” tariff plan is considered the simplest. Within its framework, the subscriber receives packages of basic services for a minimal fee. Thus, MTS subscribers can always be in touch.

Tariff features

The subscription fee for using the tariff is only 300 rubles. In some regions of Russia it can be either slightly lower - 200 per month, or reach 350 rubles per month.

The package provides the following options:

  1. 250 minutes for calls in your home region. It does not matter what kind of operator it is - MTS, Beeline, MegaFon or any other.
  2. 250 SMS for sending within the region.
  3. Internet traffic in the amount of 500 megabytes to 1 gigabyte. The size depends both on the area in which the subscriber lives and on how long he has been using the tariff. In a number of areas, within the first two months, 1 gigabyte is issued; after the period expires, the amount of traffic is halved.

Please note that the service package is only valid if the subscriber is in his home region.

“Everywhere is like home”

One of the features of the tariff is that it only works within your region. As soon as you leave it, roaming is activated and you have to pay several times more for communication. In order not to overpay when traveling, the operator offers subscribers to use the “Everywhere at home” option. When connected, the cost of communication will be the same as at home.

Every month, 100 rubles per month will be withdrawn from your balance for using the function.

To connect, dial the request *111*1021# call key. You can disable the option by typing the request again. When you arrive home, do not forget to deactivate it, otherwise your balance will be charged a monthly fee for use. Thus, your communication expenses will be 400 rubles, instead of 300.


After the basic service packages are used, the following tariffs are activated.

For calls:

  • Within the MTS network - free.
  • To numbers of other operators at home and communication with other MTS subscribers outside the home – 2.
  • The remaining operators outside the region are 14.

Sending messages:

  • To home numbers – 1.50.
  • To numbers in other regions of Russia – 3.80.
  • MMS – 9.90.

Incoming messages are free.


As part of the package, the subscriber is provided with from 500 to 1,000 megabytes high speed internet. After it is exhausted, the subscriber is automatically provided with an additional 500 megabytes of Internet traffic. In this case, its cost will be 75 rubles. As soon as it is exhausted, you will be provided again additional traffic and will write off the specified amount from the balance. Within a month you can be provided with up to 15 additional packages.

If you do not want to receive additional traffic, just dial the USSD request *111*936#.

Please note that Internet traffic is only available within the home. Otherwise, you must use the “Everywhere at home” option.

International calls and SMS

A few words about international communications. The tariff plan does not provide free minutes for communication with other countries. In general, the prices are the same as in most tariff models.

The cost of the call depends on the country. So, a minute of conversation will cost:

  • With subscribers from CIS countries – 35 rubles.
  • With residents of Europe – 49.
  • Other countries – 70.

The cost of sending one short message is 5.25.

Incoming messages are not charged.

Disadvantages of the tariff

Unfortunately, like any other tariff from MTS, “Smart mini” has a number of disadvantages. These include the following:

  1. The tariff is valid only within the home region. Of course, you can activate the “Everywhere at home” service, but it is paid. In addition, if you forget to turn it off in time, you can lose an extra 100 rubles a month.
  2. The catch with the free 250 minutes. They are provided not only for calls to numbers of other operators in the region, but to MTS numbers. That is, if you call MTS numbers for the first 250 minutes, then the subsequent call to Beeline will be charged at a rate of 2 rubles per minute. Therefore, before calling, it is advisable to check the balance package services. This can be done using the request *100*1#.
  3. Internet. Another big disadvantage is the automatic paid renewal of traffic. It's good if you have a regular black and white phone or an old color model that doesn't require constant updates. But if you are a smartphone owner, then beware. Every day, your device will update all programs installed on it using packet traffic. In most cases, after half a month the basic package will be used up, and you will have to pay for additional megabytes. Therefore, it is necessary to promptly disable the auto-renewal feature or set a limit on Internet use on your mobile device.

Who is the Smart Mini tariff suitable for?

What are the advantages of the package and who will benefit from using it?

The main advantages of the proposal include:

  1. Relatively low subscription fee.
  2. Accrual of the minimum basic package required options.

In general, the tariff will be indispensable for those users who do not leave the borders of the region and have minimal requests for communication services. If you rarely communicate with other subscribers, spend a minimum of traffic and send messages only when necessary, then the tariff is ideal for you.

Switch to Smart Mini tariff

There are several main ways to switch to a tariff plan.

  1. The simplest is to use the request *111*1023#.
  2. More advanced users can go to the “Personal Account” on the company’s website. There you can not only choose a tariff, but also familiarize yourself with its conditions for your region.
  3. You can also call the operator at 0890, listen to all the information you are interested in and use the operator or answering machine to switch to a tariff plan. The call is free.
  4. Go to the nearest customer service center of the company and purchase new map. Please note that in this case you will have a new number.

The transition to the tariff is free of charge, but one condition must be met - there must be at least 320 rubles on the balance. The subscription fee is debited when connecting to a tariff plan. Naturally, there should be at least some funds left in your account.


If you are disappointed in the tariff, you need to choose new plan. Disabling without switching to a new tariff is impossible. First of all, you need to familiarize yourself with all available tariffs and choose the most attractive and profitable.

  1. By sending the USSD request specified in the plan description.
  2. Using the company website and “Personal Account”. You need to open the “Tariffs” section.
  3. Call the operator at 0890 and do the same, using the prompts to change the model.
  4. Dial *111# and select the tariff name.

It is advisable to change the tariff at the end of the month or if you have exhausted the package of functions provided to you. In this case, the previously charged subscription fee will not be debited from your balance in vain.

Also, before changing your tariff, make sure that your account has the amount necessary to pay for the first month of communication.

Please note that some tariffs offer a free switch only if the last plan change was made at least a month ago, otherwise you will have to spend money and pay for the switch.

One of the simplest MTS tariff plans is “Smart Mini”. It assumes the presence of a package of minimal options necessary for full communication within the region for only 300 rubles per month. But, despite its attractiveness, it also has a number of pitfalls that should be kept in mind.

In April 2017, MTS redesigned some of its services. The changes affected the “Smart mini” tariff plan. The TP is suitable for free calls within the MTS network. 350 free minutes are allocated for conversations with subscribers in the home region.

In addition to conversations, subscribers can send SMS and use the Internet. The advantage of the tariff is the ability to connect a landline telephone. The services included in the TP are focused on the Moscow region. Costs may vary for other areas.

The Smart Mini tariff plan allows subscribers to make free calls within the MTS network. The plug-in package includes:

  • 350 free minutes for calls within your area of ​​residence;
  • 350 SMS messages to local operators;
  • Free communication between MTS numbers located in your home region;
  • 1 GB of traffic.

For using the package, the operator charges a subscription fee of 350 rubles. If the subscriber has used the “City Number” service, the monthly fee increases to 850 rubles.

The Internet operates within the connection area. When the main traffic package ends, an additional package is automatically connected. The cost of the service is 95 rubles. The package includes 500 MB of traffic. You can use the service 15 times per month.

If subscribers need the Internet to function in all regions of the Russian Federation, they need to enable the “Smart at home everywhere” option. The service applies to calls and SMS. For using the option, the operator withdraws 100 rubles from the balance. per month.


How to connect

You can connect to the “Smart mini” tariff from MTS in 3 ways:

  • Dial the specialized code “*111*1023#” on your smartphone or tablet;
  • Log in to your personal account on the ru website;
  • Visit a communication salon. Sellers will help you change the TP.

The mobile operator does not charge a commission for switching to a tariff plan. Subscribers who decide to switch to MTS can use the “Save Number” service. The cost of transfer is 100 rubles.

In order to activate the “Smart Everywhere at Home” service, you need to dial the combination “*111*1021#”. The option is connected within 1 minute.

How to disable

You can deactivate the Smart Mini tariff different ways. Before disabling the package, it is recommended to select a new TP. After this you need:

  • Register an account on the “ru” website. In services, connect a new package;
  • Contact support for help and ask to disable the package. The operator can be contacted at “8 800 250 0890”;
  • Visit the MTS office. Company representatives will change the TP.

When contacting company representatives, you must have your passport with you. Manipulations with the number can only be performed by subscribers to whom it is registered.

Video review of the tariff

Who is it suitable for?

The “Smart mini” tariff is most suitable for subscribers who need to call within their home region and across Russia to MTS numbers. At the same time, the Internet is practically not used. If you need an advanced tariff with a range of services, it is recommended to consider the “Smart top” package.