What is smartphone sleep mode? How to turn off closing applications after Huawei screen goes dark

On many smartphones and tablets under Android control The screen turns off after 30 seconds of user inactivity. Typically this is best option, in which you can comfortably use the device and economically consume its battery power. But there are times when you need to disable sleep mode while an application is running. Since this cannot be done using standard Android tools, we will tell you how to implement this in other ways.
First, let's decide why we might need to disable the screen timeout, because excess screen time leads to rapid battery drain? For example, you read an article in a browser or watch a video on YouTube, pause, and within a minute your device is already fast asleep. Or another option - you use your smartphone as a control panel or show slides. Thus, the most common cases where an always-on screen is required are:

  • reading e-books, documents, other text information;
  • viewing photo and video materials;
  • demonstrating something on a smartphone screen;
  • games whose gameplay does not require active action;
  • work with GPS and mapping programs.
Some programs and games do an excellent job of this task on their own. Typically, many e-readers, video players and other applications have an option in the settings that prevents the device from falling asleep. But not all of them. In such cases, the easiest way is to set a longer screen timeout for the active mode in the system settings. But, you see, this is not so much inconvenient as it is irrational. Therefore, we will do things differently and use third-party tools to fine tuning screen lock.

Method 1. Xposed module

This method requires a special runtime environment to be installed on the device. The module that we need to connect to the Xposed Framework is called Stay Awake – Keep On Screen. It makes it easy to disable screen lock on specific apps and return to previous screen timeout settings.

How to download and install Stay Awake – Keep On Screen:

  1. Launch the application and select the "Download" section.
  • Use the search to find the Stay Awake – Keep On Screen module.

  • On the module page, go to the "Versions" tab and download it latest version.
  • Install the module and reboot the device.
  • Launch Xposed Installer again and go to the "Modules" section. Make sure you have activated the module by checking the box next to Stay Awake – Keep On Screen.

  • Reboot your device.
  • After all these steps, you can use the enable/disable sleep mode feature at the system level for each application. It works very simply. To prevent the screen from turning off, simply hold down both volume buttons in any active application. You will see the message “Stay Awake Enable” - this means that the screen in the current application will be turned on permanently.

    Using this module is convenient because it remembers in which applications you have disabled the screen timeout, and you can return everything back at any time by simply pressing the volume buttons. This function works even at the level of the native launcher.

    Method 2. Applications

    This application is in Russian Google Play known as the "Never-fading Screen". A small utility with a nice design has one single function - to prevent the device from going into sleep mode while selected applications are running. To activate it, simply launch Keep Screen On and select the necessary applications during which you want to keep the screen always on.

    Stay Alive! has several operating modes:

    • active mode while charging the device;
    • active mode during charging and when running on battery power;
    • pause mode (inactive mode);
    • auto mode with rules for selected applications.
    They are switched using a small panel that is hidden behind the curtain.

    We have to admit, Stay Alive! fulfills its main task with 5+. The application does not simply prevent the device from going into sleep mode, but offers individual settings for various conditions. For example, you can prevent the screen from turning off when charging, when connected to a car dock, or completely disable the screen timeout. In addition, Stay Alive! can pause when the battery charge reaches a specified percentage.

    Among additional functions there is very useful option“Allow the screen to dim”, which allows you to dim the screen, but not turn it off completely.

    The only drawback of Stay Alive! - These are paid functions, the most important of which is application autoloading. So if you are using free version, you will have to manually run the utility every time you turn on/reboot the device.

    How do you set your screen timeout? mobile device? And have you ever had to prevent the screen from turning off in certain programs?

    Unlike iOS and Windows Phone, on Android in background many applications and services can run. All of them create additional stress on RAM and the processor, which means they waste precious energy. Moreover, they work even when not needed - for example, at night, while you are sleeping.

    There are several ways to solve the problem of excessive consumption of device resources by Android applications: prohibit applications that you rarely use from starting when the system boots, or more radically, turn off Wi-Fi, Mobile Internet and most background processes.

    1. Install it from Google Play, launch it.

    2. Go to the Phone Boost section, click the “Autostart Manager” button, it shows all the applications that launch when the device is turned on.

    3. Review the list and disable autorun of those applications that you think should not be running in the background all the time.

    Now go to system settings, open manager running applications and shut down those that you won’t need in the near future.

    More serious resource savings can be achieved using applications that put the device into deep sleep when the screen turns off. One such application is . It allows you to disable the 3G module, Internet, Bluetooth, data synchronization and greatly limit the operation of background processes.

    How to use Deep Sleep Battery Saver:

    1. Install it from Google Play, launch it and give it root rights.

    2. If desired, change the interface language to Russian.

    3. Go to the “Profile” tab and choose what happens when your device’s screen is turned off. The more stringent the savings, the less device resources will be consumed.

    4. In the settings of Deep Sleep Battery Saver, you can select applications for the “white list” - they will be able to work in the background, even if deep sleep is activated.

    When using Deep Sleep Battery Saver time battery life the device can last many times longer, and at the same time the smartphone does not distract you every time you receive a new letter or message. True, notifications will arrive with a delay - only when the application turns on the Internet.

    You have probably noticed more than once that Huawei smartphone Applications close automatically after the screen goes dark. But when they are closed, notifications, for example, are not displayed. How to make running programs did not close after turning off the screen.

    How to disable automatic termination of programs on Huawei

    Huawei devices have Android with the EMUI user interface, which makes changes to the functionality of the system. One of these changes is a feature that is designed to save battery power. It's not enough that the system displays notifications, informing you which processes are consuming more battery power; some of them do not work in the background and close after the screen goes dark.
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    When the display goes off, the system puts everything into sleep mode (immediately or after a while). unnecessary processes, but no notifications are displayed from them or, for example, music playback is interrupted. If something like this happens on your Huawei smartphone, check out the solution to this problem.
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    Protected Apps feature on Huawei devices

    Huawei saves battery power different ways and one of them is the above mechanism automatic shutdown running processes after turning off the display. For example, if you are using an unofficial version of Voice Recorder, you will notice that it turns off when the phone is not in use.

    This has its advantages, thanks to which the processes do not consume battery power in the background, which in turn significantly increases the operating time of the device on a single charge. But sometimes this behavior makes it impossible to use an application or leads to notifications from it not being displayed. The solution is to use the Protected Apps feature, which allows selected programs to run when the screen is off.

    To use this feature, go to Android "Settings - Additional options".

    Then select "Battery Manager - Protected Applications". A list of programs that are installed on your phone will be displayed.

    Just find the ones you are interested in in the list and mark them as protected. Now all selected ones will be protected from automatic closing and will function even after the screen turns off.

    You can also disable this feature completely or set all applications to always run in the background. To do this, just move the “Protect everything” switch to the “On” position. Now the programs will function in the background and none of them will be closed. But it is not recommended to do this because it will negatively affect the battery life. Of course, it is better to manually select those that should run in the background, and allow the rest to close after turning off the display.

    Honor 6 is equipped with a non-removable lithium polymer battery with a capacity of 3100 mAh (11.5 Wh). The battery capacity is not record-breaking, but very good and sufficient to ensure long battery life.

    IN software Honor 6 present a large number of energy settings. In the "Energy Saving" menu, you can select one of three energy consumption profiles - "Performance", "Smart" and "Energy Saving". In this case, the smartphone predicts the remaining operating time in each mode.

    The energy saving mode in Honor 6 is implemented in a very interesting way. It blocks almost all phone functions, except calls, SMS and access to contacts. But in this mode the smartphone works for a very long time. This good decision for those moments when the battery is almost empty and you definitely need to stay connected. Moreover, if the battery charge drops to a critically low level, the smartphone itself will prompt you to switch to energy saving mode; the user can choose the threshold for triggering this warning (8, 20 or 30 percent).

    Due to aggressive settings, the built-in power manager often closes applications running in the background. Messaging applications (for example, Viber) may also be targeted. But the user can manually specify which applications should be protected from being closed in sleep mode. For example, on my Honor 6 I enabled this option for Viber.

    Finally, the menu has special mode, which in the Russian version of the interface is for some reason called “Screensaver” (in the Ukrainian version it is called “Economy robot mode”). In this mode, the smartphone draws and displays graphics in a resolution of 1280x720, resulting in increased performance and reduced power consumption. True, the clarity of small fonts suffers somewhat.

    In balanced power consumption mode, Honor 6 can last about two days with three hours of screen operation per day. This is a very worthy result. If you play games on your smartphone, the operating time is expectedly reduced, but even in this case, the device survives until the evening without any problems.

    By default, sleep mode, that is, turning off the screen when inactive on the smartphone, is Android based occurs after 30 or 60 seconds. As a rule, this is more than enough for most users, and turning off the display saves battery power. However, sometimes this time is not enough, so you need to increase the time before entering sleep mode. How to do it? Now you will find out everything.

    Disable screen sleep for up to 30 minutes

    On most Android smartphones The maximum time of inactivity before the screen turns off is 30 minutes. If these numbers are enough for you, you just need to change the settings.

    Go to the settings section.

    Open the "Screen" section.

    Find the line “Sleep mode”, tap on it.

    Select the maximum period of user inactivity before the screen goes into sleep mode.

    All. If necessary, the time can be changed at any time.

    How to disable sleep mode completely (for more than 30 minutes)?

    If the screen turns off during inactivity for more than 30 minutes, you will have to install a third-party application.

    Open Play Market.

    Write in search screen alive, click on the search button.

    Choose an application, read reviews, install.

    Let’s take “Staying Screen” from Active Mobile Applications as an example.

    Install and launch. We select an application for which the screen should not go dark, tap on it and see the corresponding icon.

    This application should not turn off the screen when there is no user activity at all. Others work in much the same way. similar apps, which you can also install from the Play Market.