What is included in the iPhone warranty. Everything you didn’t know about the warranty for Apple products in the Russian Federation and abroad

Few Russian citizens can afford such an expensive toy as an iPhone. But even people with good incomes do not intend to throw money away. If an expensive phone turns out to be of poor quality (and this happens), they are determined to either replace the device or return the money paid for the device.

The situation is even sadder when poor buyers, wanting to own a status item, take out a loan, after which it turns out that the phone does not work. Therefore, instructions on how to replace a broken iPhone under warranty with new device or return the money, will be useful to readers with different levels income.

Until April 2017, owners of a non-working iPhone under warranty had two alternatives. By contacting the service center, they could:

  • demand a refund Money for a device that has broken down;
  • get a new mobile phone to replace a non-working gadget.

In the second option, receiving a new iPhone was conditional. The iPhone manufacturer honestly warned customers on its official Russian-language website that a low-quality device would be exchanged for a “functionally identical” product under warranty. The company did not promise that it had not been used by anyone before. In particular, components from other returned phones could have been used during warranty repairs. About, .

The situation has changed since spring. An elite mobile phone can now be repaired, as Apple has begun supplying original parts to Russia. Now a buyer who needs a fashionable device, and not money, has the right to choose what kind of request to contact the service center - for replacement or repair. Owners of failed iPhones 5 and 6 warn that centers are now more willing to repair them than replace them.

What to do if your iPhone is broken

Before deciding where to take the iPhone, the buyer needs to decide what to do. The owner of a non-working mobile phone must have a clear idea of ​​what he wants to achieve from the seller or manufacturer:

  • return of a sum of money in exchange for a phone;
  • replacing a defective iPhone with a new, working gadget;
  • device repair.

The request for a refund for the iPhone should be submitted to whom it was paid, that is, to the seller. To request replacement or repair of the device, please contact the service center. Its employees have similar replacement phones and genuine, non-counterfeit parts that allow them to repair expensive equipment.

Experienced iPhone users advise: if the phone breaks down, it is more profitable for its owner to contact someone other than those authorized by the corporation. service centers, but directly to the service Apple support. This gives the buyer a number of advantages:

  1. Department specialists have the ability to test a non-working phone remotely. Sometimes the problem of its functioning is already solved at this stage.
  2. The owner of the iPhone will be offered to carry out the repair themselves by sending a new part (instead of the “dead” one).
  3. If your phone requires replacement or major repairs, shipping and packing costs will be covered by Corporation. The buyer will only have to call the courier.

When they refuse a free replacement

Free iPhone replacement is provided only under warranty. You can make sure that it is still valid on the manufacturer’s official website by entering serial number device Depending on the type of device purchased, the warranty period ranges from 1 to 3 years. Without a guarantee, even minor operations (for example, replacement glass iPhone 7 plus) free of charge will become impossible.

However, there are a number of circumstances in which there is no point in handing over an iPhone under warranty, since the buyer will be denied free service, including the provision of a new device. This will happen in the following cases:

  • the serial number is missing or damaged on the product;
  • you hand over a stolen phone to a service center (even if the new owner has nothing to do with the theft);
  • damage to the device occurred due to improper operation of the gadget or installation of unlicensed software;
  • the phone failed as a result of natural disasters: flood, earthquake, fire;
  • Traces of moisture were found in the device;
  • you asked for a replacement after they tried to repair your mobile phone outside the service center.

Before you return your iPhone for replacement, you need to check whether it is certified this device on Russian territory. Without this, the device cannot be replaced or repaired. If the phone has external defects (scratches, stains), a replacement will also be refused.

Start and extension of the warranty period

The warranty for most Apple products starts from the date of purchase. But an exception is made for iPhones: the beginning of the warranty period is the moment the gadget is activated.

If the faulty device was replaced with a new one, then from the moment it was received the warranty period begins to run again. That is, the buyer has at least another year to make sure that this time he has purchased high-quality equipment.

How to get money back without a receipt

The buyer has the right to return an iPhone that is under warranty to the seller. In this case, the store is obliged to pay the consumer by returning the full cost of the phone. If the return does not occur on the day of purchase, the citizen will have to write an application and present a civil passport (if a store employee requests it).

From time to time, conflict situations arise due to the buyer’s lack of a receipt. Without it, stores often refuse to accept expensive phones back. This position of employees is inappropriate for several reasons:

  • the store maintains detailed documentation regarding the goods sold, and has the opportunity to check whether it really sold a low-quality iPhone;
  • The Consumer Rights Act allows goods to be returned without a receipt (Article 18 and 25).

When returning an iPhone without a receipt, a citizen has the right to prove the fact of purchase with testimony. There are enough of them to start the procedure of exchanging goods for money. However, the buyer should not expect that the amount paid for the iPhone will be returned to him on the same day. Most likely, the seller will send the device for examination to make sure that the malfunction was not the fault of the owner.

A significant plus iPhone replacement is that the buyer receives a new device with a nullified warranty period. However, service centers have strict requirements for returned phones. The buyer will not be able to return either “gray” or stolen equipment. But if the purchase was transparent, and the breakdown was not the fault of the owner, the consumer has a high chance of receiving a working gadget in return.

It’s not for nothing that Apple is considered premium technology; style is present in everything: in the phone, design, advanced technologies, accessories, and, of course, in service.

In this article we will explain the principle of servicing Apple devices under warranty. How effective and fast is it? We will also touch on gray phones.

There are two types of Apple devices, officially imported by dealers into Russia with payment of all taxes, and unofficially imported, the so-called “gray phones”.

So, if the equipment is gray, then in most cases, the warranty does not apply in Russia. This means that the seller actually provides the warranty. With such a guarantee, the responsibility falls on the shoulders of the seller, this means that under any pretext they will try to remove it from the guarantee; no one wants to lose money. In fact, get ready for a scandal and a long correspondence, I think you can imagine the attitude.

And now the official version: In this case, you do not need to come to the store, in which part of Russia you would not buy it, you just need to contact the nearest authorized Apple service center. In Khabarovsk, this is ASC Integrator, located at Dikopoltseva 60, in the same place where our i-Service company is located.

You will not need any documents for your phone, just bring your passport. All warranty obligations and terms are located in the Apple database, to which ASC has access. The engineer will be able to immediately determine whether your iPhone or another Apple device under a time guarantee.

Apple pays the authorized service only for the replacement of the device; warranty denials are not paid. This means that it is beneficial for the service to accept your device under warranty, and not try to refuse you under any pretext. A completely different attitude, isn’t it?

Did you know that there are even minimal passable damages? Scratches, dents, and even cracks up to a certain size are acceptable (the so-called natural wear and tear of the device), in which the device can still be accepted under warranty, and the authorized Integrator center always goes to meet the client. For gray phones, this is a 100% warranty cancellation.

And the most important plus, for which we recommend going straight to the ASC Integrator, rather than contacting the seller. According to the law on the protection of consumer rights, the seller is obliged to fulfill warranty obligations within 45 days, while at Apple everything is so clear that the device will be replaced in 7 working days!, and sometimes faster. You will receive a new phone with a new warranty.

Buy phones that are covered by Apple's warranty in Russia. Then you will know that the premium service is open to you, and in case of warranty problems, they will definitely meet you.

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If in 2020 you wondered whether it is possible to return an iPhone back to the seller after purchase (to a store or to an individual) and get money - read the article and find out in what cases it is possible to make a return and how to do it, or simply get legal advice to quickly resolve the problem.


Please pay attention to the following:


The relevance of the article was checked by our lawyers as of 01/16/2020
  • This article discusses the possibility of returning only a new product (iPhone) that was purchased in an offline store (from an official representative, a commercial organization or an individual entrepreneur), if the product was purchased in an online store, then read;
  • an iPhone of poor quality (defective), if the breakdown was not your fault, you can almost always return it within 10 years from the date of purchase;
  • If the iPhone is a large item, there are specifics when returning it, which can be found at;
  • if the product is a means of navigation and communication and has touch screen, then when returning such goods of inadequate quality, the rules set out in the following rules apply:
  • If the defective product is intended for cooking and is not electrical, then when returning it, the rules set out in the following rules apply:
  • if the defective product is a photo and video accessory and has digital block control, then when returning it, the rules set out in .

So, you purchased, but now you want to return the iPhone and there is a need to return it. Now you need to decide on the following.

The iPhone you bought turned out to be of poor quality for a variety of reasons, for example:

  • iPhone manufacturing defect (breakage as a result of a manufacturing defect, poorly functioning product);
  • defective coating - the paint has burst or cracked, there has been a scratch;
  • individual parts and elements are faulty;
  • defects of a different nature that do not allow the use of the product to the extent necessary, etc.

The iPhone you purchased was of good quality, but you didn’t like it based on any of its characteristics., For example:

  • I didn’t like the color of the iPhone, its shape or dimensions;
  • not satisfied with its design or the design of individual elements;
  • its size, color or configuration, etc. did not fit.


Returning a low-quality iPhone

The following circumstances are of fundamental importance when returning an iPhone:

  • whether 15 days have passed since the goods were delivered to you;
  • Is there a warranty for the iPhone?
  • if the warranty period is established, whether it has expired;
  • Is Lifetime set on iPhone?
  • If the service life is set, whether it has expired.


A low-quality iPhone is a technically complex product and special rules apply when returning it.

Return of an iPhone with defects within 15 days from the date of delivery


Type of deficiency and its significance in in this case it doesn’t matter - you have the right to return the iPhone with any defects that arose through no fault of yours, if 15 days have not yet passed from the date of transfer and the warranty period has not expired.

The return period for the iPhone in this case is during the warranty period | ( | call ).

Refund period

The refund period for an iPhone of inadequate quality, for which the warranty period has not expired, is 10 days from the date of filing the claim | ( | call ).

  • general passport ();



If the iPhone has a warranty period, the seller (authorized person) is responsible for the defects of the iPhone unless he proves that they arose:

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Step 4 | Getting money for a low-quality iPhone

Step 3 | iPhone examination

Product return story #1

Dmitry bought the product, but unfortunately it stopped working. The seller provided a new one, but it also broke.

No one was going to return the money. Then Dmitry turned to a lawyer, together they presented a claim, did their own examination and drew up a correct statement of claim.

Eventually: the case was won, Dmitry bought the goods from a reliable seller, and the cost of the examination was 15,000 rubles. returned and compensated for the lawyer's services!



Step 4 | Going to court

Step 6 | Receiving the money

In the event of a refund of the amount paid for an iPhone in court:

The costs of returning the iPhone are borne by the seller (authorized person) | ( | call ).

Returning an iPhone with defects during the warranty period

If any deficiencies are discovered, you have the right to:


  • the disadvantage is ;

Period during which you can return the product

The return period for the iPhone in this case is within the warranty period | ( | call ).

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Refund period

The refund period for an iPhone of inadequate quality, for which the warranty period has not expired, is 10 days from the date of filing the claim | ( | call ).

Who can make a claim?

A demand for refusal to fulfill the contract and return of the paid amount can be made:

In addition, you can return an iPhone of inadequate quality and demand a refund of the amount paid from:

Documents you need to have with you when making a claim

  • general passport ();
  • iPhone purchase and sale agreement (if available);
  • commodity or cash receipt, non-cash payment receipt, other document certifying the fact and terms of purchase.


You can return it without a receipt. The absence of a cash receipt or sales receipt or other document certifying the fact and conditions of purchase of the iPhone in this case is not a basis for refusing to satisfy the request for a refund (you can return it without a receipt) | ( | call ).

Who proves the circumstances of the occurrence of defects?

If the iPhone has a warranty period, the seller (authorized person) is responsible for the defects of the iPhone unless he proves that they arose:

  • after handing over the iPhone to the consumer;
  • due to consumer violation of the rules for use, storage or transportation of goods, actions of third parties or force majeure.

Thus, the circumstances of the occurrence of defects are proved by the seller (authorized person) | .

Algorithm of actions in the case when the seller (authorized person) agrees to an undisputed refund

Step 1 | negotiations with the seller (authorized person)

In most cases, in order to return the iPhone back to the seller (authorized person), only your verbal request is required. Many sellers are customer-oriented enough to check for obvious defective goods on the spot and immediately return your money.

If this does not happen, go to Step 2.

Step 2 | Filing a claim (application) for cancellation of the purchase and sale agreement and return of the paid amount

Step 3 | Returning a low-quality iPhone

If you refuse to fulfill the iPhone purchase and sale agreement, the seller (authorized person) has the right to demand that you return the faulty iPhone.

The costs of returning the iPhone are borne by the seller (authorized person) | ( | call ).

When receiving money, please consider the following:

Algorithm of actions in the case when the seller (authorized person) does not agree to an undisputed refund of money

Step 1 | Filing a claim (application) for cancellation of the purchase and sale agreement and return of the paid amount

If the seller (authorized person) does not agree to return the money, you must write and submit a claim to him. The claim must be drawn up in a legally competent manner.

Product return story #1

Dmitry bought the product, but unfortunately it stopped working. The seller provided a new one, but it also broke.

No one was going to return the money. Then Dmitry turned to a lawyer, together they presented a claim, did their own examination and drew up a correct statement of claim.

Eventually: the case was won, Dmitry bought the goods from a reliable seller, and the cost of the examination was 15,000 rubles. returned and compensated for the lawyer's services!

Step 3 | iPhone examination

If, after checking the quality of the product, the seller (authorized person) believes that the cause of the defects in the iPhone is the consumer, then he (the seller) is obliged to conduct an examination of the iPhone. Detailed information You can find out about the examination on our website.

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  • The period for conducting the examination is 10 days from the date of presentation of the request.
  • The examination is carried out at the expense of the seller (other authorized person).
  • The consumer has the right to be present during the examination.

If the consumer does not agree with the expert conclusion, he has the right to challenge it in court.


if, as a result of the examination of the goods, it is established that its defects arose due to circumstances for which the seller (authorized person) is not responsible, the consumer is obliged to reimburse him for the costs of conducting the examination, as well as the associated costs of storing and transporting the goods | ( | call ).

Step 4 | Going to court

If the seller (authorized person) does not satisfy your demands pre-trial, you must go to court. Going to court requires legal qualifications, so to conduct a case in court, we recommend turning to professionals.

Step 5 | Enforcement of a court decision

If the seller (authorized person) does not want to voluntarily comply with the court decision, you have the right to choose:

  • contact the federal bailiff service Russian Federation, which is entrusted with the functions of enforcement of judicial acts;
  • send the writ of execution to the bank in which the seller (authorized person) has an account.

Step 6 | Receiving the money

When receiving money out of court, the following should be considered:

In the event of a refund of the amount paid for the iPhone in court:

  • the amount of recovery is established in a court decision;
  • the period and procedure for return are regulated by the legislation on enforcement proceedings.

Step 7 | Returning a low-quality iPhone

If you refuse to fulfill the iPhone purchase and sale agreement, the seller (authorized person) has the right to demand that you return the faulty iPhone if it was not provided earlier.

The costs of returning the iPhone are borne by the seller (authorized person) | ( | call ).

Returning a defective iPhone after the expiration of the warranty period (including when the warranty was not established), but within 2 years from the date of purchase

You can return your iPhone even if the warranty period has already expired or has not been established.

If any deficiencies are discovered, you have the right to:


The type of defect and its significance in this case is of decisive importance - you have the right to return the iPhone only in the following cases | :

  • the disadvantage is ;
  • deadlines for eliminating deficiencies were violated;
  • it was impossible to use the product during each year of the warranty period for a total of more than thirty days due to the repeated elimination of its various defects.

Period during which you can return the product

The return period for the iPhone in this case is 2 years from the date of transfer | ( | call ).

Refund period

The refund period for an iPhone of inadequate quality for which the warranty period has expired (or if the warranty has not been established) is 10 days from the date of filing the claim | ( | call ).

Who can make a claim?

A demand for refusal to fulfill the contract and return of the paid amount can be made:

  • to the seller– an organization, regardless of its organizational and legal form, as well as individual entrepreneur selling goods to consumers under a sales contract – clause 2 of Art. 18 PDO;
  • authorized organization or authorized individual entrepreneur– persons authorized by the manufacturer (seller) to accept and satisfy consumer requirements regarding goods of inadequate quality - clause. 2 tbsp. 18 PDO.

In addition, you can return an iPhone of inadequate quality and demand a refund of the amount paid from:

Documents you need to have with you when making a claim

  • general passport ();
  • iPhone purchase and sale agreement (if available);
  • sales or cash receipt, non-cash payment receipt, other document certifying the fact and terms of purchase.


You can return it without a receipt. The absence of a cash receipt or sales receipt or other document certifying the fact and conditions of purchase of the iPhone in this case is not a basis for refusing to satisfy the request for a refund (you can return it without a receipt) | ( | call ).

Who proves the circumstances of the occurrence of defects?

The burden of proof lies with the consumer; he must prove that the defects of the iPhone arose before it was transferred to the consumer or for reasons that arose before that moment | and ( | call ).

Algorithm of actions in the case when the seller (authorized person) agrees to an undisputed refund

Step 1 | negotiations with the seller (authorized person)

The first step is to contact the store where you purchased the iPhone or any other official representative with an explanation of the reason for the defect and an offer for a refund.

Not very often, but it happens that the seller (authorized person) in this case agrees to return the money even after a verbal demand.

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Legislation changes quickly, and each situation is individual.

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Step 2 | Filing a claim (application) for cancellation of the purchase and sale agreement and return of the paid amount

Step 3 | Returning a low-quality iPhone

If you refuse to fulfill the iPhone purchase and sale agreement, the seller (authorized person) has the right to demand that you return the faulty iPhone.

The costs of returning the iPhone are borne by the seller (authorized person) | ( | call ).

Product return story #1

Dmitry bought the product, but unfortunately it stopped working. The seller provided a new one, but it also broke.

No one was going to return the money. Then Dmitry turned to a lawyer, together they presented a claim, did their own examination and drew up a correct statement of claim.

Eventually: the case was won, Dmitry bought the goods from a reliable seller, and the cost of the examination was 15,000 rubles. returned and compensated for the lawyer's services!

Step 4 | Getting money for a low-quality iPhone

When receiving money, please consider the following:

Algorithm of actions in the case when the store does not agree to an undisputed refund

Step 1 | Filing a claim (application) for cancellation of the purchase and sale agreement and return of the paid amount

Step 2 | iPhone quality check

seller (authorized person) has the right check the quality of the iPhone. Quality control is carried out according to the rules set out in, in which you will find more detailed information.

  • The period for quality control is 10 days from the date of submission of the request.
  • Quality control is carried out at the expense of the seller (other authorized person).
  • The consumer has the right to participate in checking the quality of the iPhone.

If the seller (authorized person) does not want to carry out a quality check, you should proceed to Step 3.

Step 3 | iPhone examination

If the seller (authorized person) believes that the cause of the defects in the iPhone is the consumer, then the consumer is obliged to conduct an examination of the iPhone in order to establish that the defects of the iPhone arose before it was transferred to the consumer or for reasons that arose before that moment | ( | call ).


If the examination establishes that the defects of the iPhone arose before its transfer to the consumer or for reasons that arose before that moment, the authorized person is obliged to return the money paid for the examination | ( | call ).

Detailed information about the examination can be found on our website.

Step 4 | Going to court

If the seller (authorized person) does not satisfy your demands pre-trial, you must go to court. Going to court requires legal qualifications, so to conduct a case in court, we recommend turning to professionals.

Step 5 | Enforcement of a court decision

If the seller (authorized person) does not want to voluntarily comply with the court decision, you have the right to choose:

  • contact the Federal Bailiff Service of the Russian Federation, which is entrusted with the functions of enforcing judicial acts;
  • send the writ of execution to the bank in which the seller (authorized person) has an account.

Step 6 | Returning a low-quality iPhone

If you refuse to fulfill the iPhone purchase and sale agreement, the seller (authorized person) has the right to demand that you return the faulty iPhone.

The costs of returning the iPhone are borne by the seller (authorized person) |

First, by tradition, we present a list of iPhone models that are subject to an official warranty in Russia (only such models are sold on UralCases.ru)

* only officially restored iPhones, which have recently been sold in Russia.

And so, the country for which the iPhone was originally intended is not important, but only its model number is important. Accordingly, all iPhones from European countries, and in the case of the iPhone 6s from America and Asia, can be returned under warranty in Russia, since they have a supported model number.

We check the right to warranty service.

All iPhones are covered by a one-year warranty from the date the device is first activated (turned on). Accordingly, if you bought a phone on July 10 and activated it on July 15, the Apple warranty, unlike the store warranty, will be valid until July 15 of the next year, and not until July 10.

This date can be checked by entering the serial number or IMEI on the Apple website at this link.

After entering the number we will see information on our iPhone:

The specified date is the end of the warranty period.

Where to take your iPhone: to a store or an official service center?

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By law, the store has the right to conduct an examination up to 20 days, but the store will in any case take your iPhone to the same service center, but it may not do this on the day of your request, but later, depending on the availability of the staff. Thus, you can lose 5-7 days of precious time.

And so, it is much easier and faster to take your iPhone to an official service center yourself.

Addresses in Yekaterinburg:

Alster-Service - Krylova, 27, office 104, tel.

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What to take with you and how does the process of handing over an iPhone under warranty work?

You only need to take the phone itself, the box and the receipt with you - these are optional, since the service representative will check the warranty period using the serial number in the Apple database.

You will be asked to describe in writing, in your own words, the problems that arise in the operation of the iPhone, and they will draw up an acceptance certificate for the phone for diagnostics.

Usually the diagnosis takes a little time - within 7-10 days, and if the decision is positive, the service will give you a new phone.

Yes, yes, Apple does not repair your phones, but simply issues a new device. This is a huge plus of the official Apple warranty.

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In our practice, the record time for replacing a defective phone with a new one was 4 days. This is impressive.

How does the Apple warranty work in Russia when replacing an iPhone?

Since Apple does not repair, but replaces with new ones certified for Russia iPhone Under warranty, there are quite a lot of cases of replacing the device if the camera or other components break down. And as a rule, after this, most owners have a question: does the warranty now cover the replaced iPhone?

In this case, it would seem logical to go to a special section on the Apple website dedicated to the right to service and support. Here, using the iPhone serial number or other identification data, you can find out how much time is left until the end of the device’s warranty. But after replacing your iPhone with a new one, you may encounter this message:

One of the readers, whose iPhone was officially replaced with a new one at a service center, drew our attention to this situation. He was confused that there were only a couple of days left before the warranty period expired before replacement. We contacted Apple and clarified the question regarding this particular device.

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In the conversation, Apple representatives said that since the iPhone was certified for the Russian market, the service exchanged the smartphone for a new one, and the warranty for the new device is one year from the date the phone was issued to the service. In other words, if you were given a smartphone on October 23, then the warranty on it will expire in a year.

As for the information from the site we talked about above, it may not be displayed correctly, so you should not blindly trust it. If you are unsure of your eligibility for warranty service, contact Apple Support.

The only thing you will need when applying for warranty again is documents from the service center stating that the iPhone was replaced with a new one.

Read also iOS 11 iPhone X Problems


Wow, how can you write to them online? (sent from the AppleInsider.ru application)

Pheon, Go to apple.com and go to “Support”, you will understand everything there (sent from the AppleInsider.ru application)

Free legal advice:

abu_hurayra, If your phone was replaced under warranty, this phone is not new, but a ref (usually they take the phone out of a small cardboard box, the phone is like new, i.e. with films, etc.) and the kit and box remain from the previous phone. If you were given a sealed box from an iPhone, then yes, it’s a new one, but they don’t do that. I changed my iPhone 6 myself in the official Apple Store on 5th Avenue in NY, due to clicking when pressing the right side of the display and shifting front camera. There were 3 days left before the warranty expired, I managed) they changed it without any problems (only the device itself, i.e. it was refurbished). In general, iPhone 6 is the worst Apple device in terms of build quality, every second one has a crackling screen or the front camera has moved... (sent from the AppleInsider.ru application)

strawhat, Don't talk nonsense if you don't know! Apple replaces warranty devices with NEW ones and not refurbished ones. This follows from the company’s warranty, which states this.

Boris, An employee of the New York Apple Store told me this personally. (sent from the AppleInsider.ru application)

Boris, I don’t know where it is, but today in Kyiv they gave me a restored one, although my phone died on the second day of purchase

Boris, how do you think you can tell a restored iPad from an unrestored one, if we imagine that under warranty they give it to you without a box?

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strawhat, how quickly did they change it? They bought me a device in Washington, it broke (display) after 30 minutes. In Russia the a1660 is not supported by services. A friend is flying there for a day, I want to give it to her as a replacement. Do you think they'll make it in time?

And who knows how to make sure that a fully working phone is accepted under warranty and issued a new one. (there is a micro scratch on the screen, I want to exchange it for a new one and sell it 😉 and buy 7+))) now 6s) (sent from the AppleInsider.ru application)

GSMag, If you have an acquaintance there, he will arrange a replacement for you with a new one, this is how they changed it for me, but now I don’t have such acquaintances... (sent from the AppleInsider.ru application)

Isvara, Maybe that’s why not :))) (sent from the AppleInsider.ru application)

GSMag, Why don’t they want to change the new 6s? I’ve been using it for 3 weeks, NOT ONE protective glass doesn’t fit, I tried more than 10 pieces of glass, 2-3 mm are peeling off ALL THE CIRCLE and it looks ugly, what should I do?

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Write an article about how 10.1 is out now, goo (sent from the AppleInsider.ru application)

iOS 10.1 released (sent from the AppleInsider.ru application)

7+ plus is being replaced due to a problem with processor hissing?

villain_bart, no, because this is not a problem 6+ also hisses

DmitryA, 6+ is much quieter, I think I’ll try to change it after 11 months, it’s not torture. because There is also dust under the glass of the camera, this is no longer a healthy issue with a dust- and moisture-proof body on the day of purchase, a period has already appeared.

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I recently changed the same iPhone phone 6s to a new one due to the fact that I filled the old one while jogging (via the silent mode switch) (got caught in a rainstorm). In the end, they measured it for a new one, with my additional payment, since the case was not entirely covered by warranty, the warranty started from scratch, as described above in the article…. (sent from the AppleInsider.ru application)

Ivanchmcsa, good for you, I was replaced with an additional payment for a new one but with a guarantee for 3 months. I called Apple and they said that everything was as it should be and that I was not entitled to a one-year warranty.

Ivanchmcsa, Tell me the address where they changed it? Please.

natalya-76, Prestige SC, Kaluga, Hertsena St., 16B (sent from the AppleInsider.ru application)

Why is the telephone service period only 3 months? Then I can only contact technical support for a fee. Who knows why this is? (sent from the AppleInsider.ru application)

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By the way, I also had something similar, under warranty they replaced it with a new one, but the warranty was not displayed on the official website, but the warranty was restored based on papers from the service center about the warranty replacement of the device...

So this is true (sent from the AppleInsider.ru application)

Isvara, What needs to be done so that the iPhone stops working well within a year. And change it to a new one. This is why Apple abandoned car development. In a year you have driven 100 thousand km, you arrive, you say that your headlight bulb has burned out, and they roll out a new car for you. (sent from the AppleInsider.ru application)

Isvara, The front camera on the 6 was defective. They exchanged it for a new one, but they convincingly said that the warranty was 3 months, not a year. So how do we understand this? iport store in St. Petersburg. The website about warranty service has the same picture as in the article. On the second phone, the one that was replaced with the same defective front camera. If you count down the year, there are three or four days left. What to do? Maybe I should run and change again? But since they convinced me that there was no guarantee, I threw away the document for the second one, but kept the receipt for the first one with the box. (sent from the AppleInsider.ru application)

panterochka2282, Exactly the same situation about the IPport and about the first six and about the second, except that I hacked the second phone with the camera gone, and alas, the warranty has expired. So, don’t listen to them about 3 months, you have a full warranty for a year or a little less (I got it for 358 days), the warranty for the second device, according to the law and the STD, is confirmed by a receipt for the purchase of the first phone, paper from the airport is not needed , in the internal database of authorized services there is a mark about replacement under warranty. As I did, some time after receiving the second phone, I called Amos (another authorized service center in St. Petersburg) and called them and asked for the end date of the warranty.

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beliyone, Thank you. I'll try to call the service center and store tomorrow first, then I'll unsubscribe😘 (sent from the AppleInsider.ru application)

beliyone, I called the service. Today is the last day (second year from the first) when I can return it under warranty. Those. bought 6 on October 31, 2014. Then on the next. year October 24, 2015 already took the second one. As it turns out, a year has already passed. But two years from the first will expire today. In general, they told me to come and exchange it for a new one. I am very pleased. And all thanks to you. Thank you very much. A million hot 💋💋💋💋💋 (sent from the AppleInsider.ru application)

panterochka2282, You’re welcome, I’m glad everything worked out for you!

panterochka2282, Yes, there is a one-year warranty, unreasonable people are making a hat... feel free to return it under the warranty

Isvara, Thank you for the information and support, I would really like to change it, since the crescent moon is a little annoying 😉 (sent from the AppleInsider.ru application)

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Isvara, And thank you very much. I called the service. center, they told me to come and exchange it for a new one. I wrote above in more detail. I am very grateful to you and a million warm wishes to you 💋💋💋💃 (sent from the AppleInsider.ru application)

Isvara, ☺️😊🤗Eh, it’s a pity that I’m married 😇😄 (sent from the AppleInsider.ru application)

Isvara, Very jealous 🌚 (sent from the AppleInsider.ru application)

Someone can definitely give an answer. Under warranty, do they always replace it with a new one or can they also replace a separate part? (sent from the AppleInsider.ru application)

V.I., Change. Don't piss on the SC. Then your device will be repaired, wrapped in plastic, put on display and sold for 5 tr less, “they will call it like new” (sent from the AppleInsider.ru application)

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xphone, Already worn. The first time they changed it to a new one (the Home button creaked). The second time I took the new one that had already been issued and replaced the camera (dead pixel) without changing the iPhone. I would like to figure out whether in some cases they measure a spare part, as in my case, or they always have to replace it with new iPhone? (sent from the AppleInsider.ru application)

V.I., I have the same crap with Se, the year is not over, all the buttons except Home were loose. I bought it at C-store, I'm waiting for an answer from them. What will happen next

When I used my Air 2, there was a problem with home button It was under warranty for 3 days, so they replaced it with a new one. I asked how long is the warranty for it? The answer was 90 days, but in my case this is because there was no warranty period left for my device. If you have more than 3 months left in the warranty, the new device will inherit the warranty of the old one. That's all. (sent from the AppleInsider.ru application)

Kutsenko, Yes, right now)) did the contact tell you something))? (sent from the AppleInsider.ru application)

ramazan1975, Well, judging by the article, iport sellers are also lying about their ears. I personally fell for the obvious defect of the front camera. (sent from the AppleInsider.ru application)

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I changed 5 s three times in a row and the warranty always started again. By the way, I changed it because of the screen play. I can’t find anything in 6s, can someone tell me where it is, otherwise the warranty will expire))) (sent from the AppleInsider.ru application)

ramazan1975, You won’t have it. They gave you such a device that it will never break again. Because I’m already tired of changing, there are only losses with you. Best regards, Apple. :))?) (sent from the AppleInsider.ru application)

And if the phone is not fixed and purchased from an online store, is it still under warranty?

Do they return the new one in a box sealed with a seal? (sent from the AppleInsider.ru application)

villain_bart, the new one is just a pure device in the factory film, the box and accessories are yours.

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I changed my iPhone 6S+ in August at an authorized service center with broken screen, paid 25,000 rub. I came home and checked the serial number on the apple website, warranty until December 14th. The broken one had a warranty until December 27th. The service center told me that Apple is in charge of the guarantees. I called Apple and they said that the replaced devices have a 90-day warranty, period.

Now the question is: fuck me... or what? and what should I do now? I, too, for 25k, was counting on a one-year warranty and am still very upset about it.

I bought a European 6s in April, a month ago a line appeared across the entire screen, I took it to the ASC in the Central Department Store, they said it was under warranty and they gave me a new phone. They also clarified that if there was a PCT, the guarantee would be reset and a new one would apply, and since the EU would be a continuation of the current one - that is, until April. (sent from the AppleInsider.ru application)

It’s better to change it under warranty through a store, for example at MVideo, even if Apple repairs the device you can always refuse - return the money and buy new iPhone. (sent from the AppleInsider.ru application)

villain_bart, apple does not repair phones in Russia (sent from the AppleInsider.ru application)

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yuraus, your information is out of date. The battery in my device was replaced with a new one (the problem is spontaneous shutdown of the device) at the ASC (TSUM, Moscow) under warranty. At the same time, my device is not eligible for Apple’s battery replacement program (since my device is from a different, “normal” batch of devices). Model MKQN2RU/A

After replacing the phone, go to Settings and look at the phone model, it will start with a letter

M – (Normal retail) Regular model for retail sale

P – (Personalized) Gift model / Branded engraving

F – (Refurbished) Refurbished / Refurbished models

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N - device for replacement under warranty

If you were given something not on Bykov N

Then sue, but this is absurd, I changed 5 tubes and everything is fine!

Not to be confused with the serial number, since all serial numbers begin with the letter F (sent from the AppleInsider.ru application)

Mihael, Well, this is good, because this is precisely for the replaceability warranty (sent from the AppleInsider.ru application)

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Denis_moscow, But only a 90-day warranty is given for this device, is this normal?

Mihael, This is where I’m not strong, because I changed the iPhone 6 3 times, the warranty was constantly updated, from the day the phone was turned on, I changed the 6 s a month ago, they also said that the warranty is 3 months, but with all this, according to the law, a new phone, a new warranty , but we’ve had it for 2 years, even though they say it’s a year. (sent from the AppleInsider.ru application)

How can a warranty apply to a PCT device purchased, say, from Svyaznoy if you have lost your receipt? As I understand it, in Russia you can’t go anywhere without a receipt? ((So you can forget about the warranty? Or maybe our nearby stores will be able to pierce the phone using IMEI?

skywind, No receipt needed. (sent from the AppleInsider.ru application)

V.I., needed! if you want a two year guarantee. as expected

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skywind, A check is no longer required. (sent from the AppleInsider.ru application)

What should those who have something happen to the 7th American do? Will they replace it with a new one or not? If yes! Will they issue an American or a Russian version? (sent from the AppleInsider.ru application)

niko9628, I have a 7 (1660) with a defective screen, now I’m screwed (((I’ll try to change it in Europe

American ones are probably not covered by the warranty, there was an article somewhere about which models are covered by the warranty

I replaced the 6 for my wife twice under warranty, each time the warranty was extended for 1 year from the date of receipt of the new phone.

The second time there were 3 months left until the expiration date. The service center didn’t even ask for a receipt, they said they had all the information about repairs/replacements in their database (sent from the AppleInsider.ru application)

Good afternoon I glue the protective glass on the iPhone 6s, but it doesn’t stick around the edge of the entire circle, it comes off, what should I do and can I change the device

Does it work on 5.A1428 LTE? (sent from the AppleInsider.ru application)

6s quickly discharges and turns off! Warranty ends tomorrow! Can I exchange it? (sent from the AppleInsider.ru application)

marina, The other day I received my iPhone 6s at the TsUM service center, Moscow. The service center replaced the battery with a new one, but my device is not covered by Apple’s battery replacement program. I called Apple, they said the device would be replaced with a new one or repaired - at the discretion of the ASC. Model MKQN2RU/A

Guys, tell me - a couple of questions

The speaker wheezed after three months of use - the one that was spoken...

At first I didn’t pay attention - but now it’s getting worse and worse - it’s impossible to talk...

There were no mechanical impacts on the device and it also did not come into contact with water...

Can I contact the contact person, with a receipt and box, and count on the contact person to replace the iPhone under warranty...

And another question - I bought the phone in another city - but we have a contact branch - will they be able to accept my phone?

Thanks in advance to everyone who responds...

And yes - the conclusion suggests itself - iPhones are no longer the same (((alas (((

Guys, tell me, is this normal if I handed over the 5s model a1457 under warranty, but they gave me new model a1530, and with the wording in the act “repaired. Change of imei due to replacement of parts." Did the store (ulmart.ru) have the right to give me a phone that was intended for Asia? The situation is extremely strange; I couldn’t find anything about similar cases on the internet.

I will be very grateful for your answer.

I have an iPhone 7, the top speaker has stopped working well, it’s wheezing and it’s hard to hear the other person, as if he’s in the distance. The phone is under official warranty. Will they exchange it for a new one at the SC? or will they be repaired?

Good evening. Please tell me, I passed it old iPhone Under warranty, they carried out diagnostics and said that they would replace it with a new one. How long will it last? Without a phone it’s like without hands.

Hello, all my buttons are loose except Home, I took them to the place where I bought them (C-store) I'm waiting for a response from them. What are the chances that the defect will still be confirmed? But seriously, the buttons are very playful, the volume generally drops a lot, I feel like there is a type of pressing happening, but it is not such. The sound on/off button moves to the sides. At the end, Power began to walk (visually visible) when pressed or simply held over the surface of the button. This defect is very annoying (Iphone Se)

On 6+ I got a gray stripe at the top of the screen. In this case, will they replace it with a new one under warranty or repair this one?

The display is cracked, should I replace it with the original display?

I had one case - one client handed in an iPhone under warranty, he received a new device (carcass) without a complete set, which means with a different IMEI. Having issued him an equipment replacement certificate, he contacted the trading company (the store where he purchased it) and asked for a replacement with a new one in a box, and handed over the replaced one to the store. No one knows this article, which can be used to justify to traders that this is necessary.

Hello! I have an iPhone 7, it’s a month old, and it’s never been dropped in water! I found a dead pixel almost in the middle of the screen, took it to the store where I bought it (DNS) and they took it for examination. Now I’m sitting and worrying whether they’ll repair it or send it back with this dead pixel, I just heard that if one broken pixel is not repaired, there should be three or more! I don’t know what to do now (((please tell me who might have had this too, calm my nerves)))

Why did they give me a new 5s phone for Israel under warranty? Model ne432hb/a

The same problem, yesterday I received the phone under warranty, and it was assembled for Israel. Who knows what to do in this case

Tell me, if I want to buy an iPhone 6s (1688), but it’s not PCT, can I replace it with an international warranty?

Good afternoon Can you tell me, I bought the phone on 07/17/17, inserted a SIM card “no network” in the store where I bought it, they sent it to service under warranty. The service center said they would fix the problem or exchange it... Do you always have to pay extra for an exchange? And if your financial situation does not allow it. They said they would exchange it for free, users write...they paid extra. Now I'm suffering(((

I have an iPhone 7 jet black. I bought the phone 2 months ago. A week later, flickering stripes suddenly appeared on the screen and the sensor began to not work. I called the official service center, dictated imai, they said that the phone was under warranty. Now I want to understand, will they replace it with a new one? If yes, what address should I take it to? Thank you!

Do I have to pay extra when replacing with a new one?

No, you won't have to pay anything extra! Only if they give you a new phone, it will most likely be refurbished and the box and headset will remain from the old phone.

I handed over the 5S under warranty because the home button crunched and sometimes didn’t press at all. They sent me a new phone, well, as I now understand, it was refurbished. On the same day, I discovered that when talking on the phone, the interlocutor was very hard to hear. Now this one will also have to be taken and wait the same 45 days? Or can you demand that they pay in money? The warranty on your phone was supposed to end in October

I bought the Mvideo 6s, noticed a white pixel on the screen after 3 days, I thought it wouldn’t interfere)) On September 9th the warranty and Insurance ends) what should I do?)

And I bought it for 62 grand)) I want my money back

ramin1712, 1. warranty on equipment in the Russian Federation PCT 2 years according to the PZPP.

2. During this period, bring it with an application to identify a manufacturing defect. set the deadline to 10 days.

3. Wait and insist on a refund. A refund is always possible if there is a manufacturing defect.

ramin1712, Take it straight to the store! DO NOT do as I did to the service center

bel179, Understand the articles correctly, do not mislead people. There is literally no such thing in the law.

IPhone 8+ (HOME) button does not work correctly, there is no vibration, can they replace the phone under warranty? There is a crack on the camera. The camera is working fine.

I ask for advice in case anyone has encountered a similar problem.

I took the iPad to a service center under warranty for diagnostics (the home button crunched). Tomorrow the warranty period for service from this manufacturer ends. Today the iPad was replaced with a “new device”. The warranty service for the new device did not say anything. I arrived home, I checked the activation of the device on the website, but there was no guarantee for this “new” one from Apple, the iPad was activated 1 year and 3 months ago. Please tell me, is this generally normal? If I had known, I would have made a refund and better taken a NEW one from the store!

Hello. I bought an iPhone 5s in May 2017, in December of this year I discovered that the screen began to peel off when pressed, it crunches and there is a slight play, and the battery began to hold poorly, the phone discharges quickly. I bought the phone in a connected store, can I exchange the phone for another one under warranty, warranty up to May 2018

It is logical that the new device will have a warranty, because upon exchange they will issue a different receipt. It is written on many checks and receipts

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iPhone Service Answer Center

More information about options iPhone service, about warranty and prices.

We will help you find the nearest service center.

How much is it?

The cost depends on the problem and the status of service entitlement.

How long will it take?

Explore your service options and choose the best schedule to suit your needs.

How to return your iPhone for repair?

Apple offers many ways to get support and service for your iPhone. Choose the best option for yourself. Answers to your questions can be found in our support articles.

Contact us

Contact us to speak with an Apple support specialist. We will help you solve the problem or arrange repairs. Before contacting us, please prepare your serial iPhone number, mine Apple ID ID and password.

Identifying iPhone Models

Bring your device

For in-person assistance, bring your product to an Apple Authorized Service Provider or your carrier. Before doing this, make sure you know your Apple ID and password.

How much is it?

If the problem is covered by warranty or consumer protection law, there will be no charge. If the problem is not covered by warranty, the cost of service depends on the type of repair.

How long will it take?

Depending on your service location, you may be able to check repair status online.

Checking Your Apple Limited Warranty

The Apple Limited Warranty covers iPhone and Apple accessories against manufacturing defects for one year from the date of purchase. Our warranty is in addition to the rights provided by consumer protection law.

Our warranty does not cover accidental damage or damage resulting from unauthorized modifications. See warranty for complete details. You can check your warranty status online and update your proof of purchase if there is an error in our records.

Apple Limited Warranty Terms

Non-warranty service

Repairs are considered non-warranty in the following cases.

  • I purchased my iPhone more than a year ago.
  • IN iPhone device A problem has been detected that is not covered by warranty or consumer protection law, such as accidental damage or damage resulting from unauthorized modifications.

We may be able to perform out-of-warranty repairs or replacement of the device for a fee. As a replacement for an iPhone, we will provide a new device or equivalent to a new one in terms of performance and reliability. Apple's Limited Warranty is in addition to any rights provided under consumer protection laws.

Battery Maintenance

If your battery has a manufacturing defect and is covered by Apple's Limited Warranty or consumer protection law, we'll service it free of charge. Our warranty does not cover wear and tear resulting from regular use.

We may need to test the iPhone to find the cause of the battery problem. If the warranty is not valid, you will be able to replace the battery for a fee.

Screen repair

If iPhone screen accidentally cracks, you can have it repaired at one of our authorized service centers. The cost of such repairs depends on iPhone models and the presence of any additional damage. Damage caused by accident or misuse is not covered by Apple's warranty, so you will have to pay for out-of-warranty service. If the screen crack is due to a manufacturing defect, it is covered by Apple's warranty and consumer protection laws.

An Apple Authorized Service Center will conduct diagnostic testing to determine if your iPhone requires additional repairs. They will also give you an estimate of the cost of repairs. Service centers set their own prices. The cost of repair will depend on the iPhone model and whether there is additional damage.

Apple Accessories

Apple-branded accessories, including power adapters, are covered by the Apple warranty and consumer protection laws. Please contact your service provider for information about their service.

Apple Accessory Limited Warranty Terms

Preparing to service your iPhone

  • Create a backup copy of iPhone With using iCloud or iTunes. You'll need a backup to restore your data in case you need to reset your operating system or replace your iPhone.
  • Make sure you remember your Apple ID and password.
  • If your iPhone has a SIM card inserted, remove it and save it.
  • Please keep cables and other accessories when sending your device for service.
  • Check out detailed instructions on preparing iPhone for service.

iPhone Backup

After service

Perhaps when you pick up your iPhone after repair, you will find that it has a new operating system. If your iPhone uses a SIM card, insert it. Turn on your iPhone and follow the instructions you see on the screen. Once setup is complete, restore your data from backup.

We warrant service, including replacement parts, for a period of 90 days or the remainder of the Apple warranty period, whichever is longer. We provide this warranty with each service from Apple or an Apple Authorized Service Provider. This warranty is in addition to the rights provided by consumer protection law.

Apple is a serious player in the market that values ​​​​its reputation very much. The company strives to do everything to provide comfort to its customers. One of the most important points of its development strategy is strong support user.

According to the rules of the global guarantee prescribedApple, every owner of brand gadgets can count on receiving support and service for a year from the date of purchase of the device. During this period, you are guaranteed free service if any problems are detected.

The only exceptions are damage caused by improper handling (falls, getting wet, overheating or hypothermia of the device). It is precisely such damage that specialists who accept the device for service first pay attention to.

However, as for iPhones, special warranty rules are prescribed for them, and every self-respecting user should be familiar with them.

iPhones and warranty

iPhones belong to that special group of devices whose warranty begins not “on the receipt”, but upon the start of use. That is, it is the date of switching on and activation of the smartphone on the network (or on Apple servers), and not the date of purchase, that is the starting point for the warranty period.

Therefore, if you are purchasing an iPhone as a gift, you can safely postpone its delivery until the desired date, because... The grace period will not start ticking until the device registers on the network for the first time.

If suddenly any problems are discovered during operation, we advise you to immediately visit a certified center. What is needed to confirm the right to service?

By and large, receipts are not so important for Apple products - all information on the gadget is encrypted under its serial number. Russian realities rather oblige the storage of receipts, since many suppliers are not eager to service defective gadgets. Well, in case of loss (blocking, theft) of a smartphone, the presence of the original box and receipt will be strong evidence that you are its owner.

According to the unspoken rule, in addition to the receipt, you must also provide the original iPhone box. Therefore, until the one-year period from the date of sale has expired, do not throw it away under any circumstances! It is possible that if you come across a defective device, and this is proven after an examination, it will be replaced. And your iPhone in its original packaging will be recycled.

In addition, in this way the manufacturer will find out exactly where the “problematic” product was released, because The box contains all the information about the specific place of production of the smartphone.

There is also such a term as “paid replacement”. It provides for the possibility of replacing a hopelessly damaged iPhone for an additional fee. This program is used with the caveat that before this the smartphone should not be opened or subjected to repair work.

Therefore, if you broke (drowned) your iPhone, first of all go to an authorized center, and do not try to fix it yourself. In this case, you have a chance to purchase a new gadget for just over half the price, with a full guarantee. The only condition is that the old iPhone will have to be left in the SC.

Warranty periods after service

After repair work (or examination for defects), the user will be returned his (or a new) smartphone with accompanying documentation. And then a reasonable question arises: how will the warranty period be calculated now? The procedure for providing a guarantee is especially interesting in cases where you have exchanged a defective iPhone for another.

Here, what type of service the gadget received is of decisive importance. If you are given another smartphone instead of a defective one, the one-year warranty countdown starts anew from the moment of replacement (activation). If only some part was changed in the iPhone, then the primary warranty continues to apply - minus the time that the device spent under maintenance (and therefore was not used by the owner). Again, to confirm this fact, be sure to keep all documents about the manipulations performed!

You can find out all the details of the warranty for your device (including the activation date, expiration dates of the warranty, etc.) using a special Apple service. You just need to enter the serial number of the gadget into the window. However, as support representatives note, the information in this service may not be displayed correctly, because Factory-restored smartphones are often provided as replacements, and sometimes employees forget to “reset” the warranty information on them.

In this case, the main evidence confirming your right to a year of free service are documents from the service center that issued the replacement iPhone. So don't lose them!

Regional subtleties

Many have already heard that Apple has a “creative” approach to providing warranties for devices purchased outside of their place of residence. For a long time, people who bought an iPhone in America, for example, were directed to seek service at the point of purchase. It is clear that all this red tape for the user is a waste of time and money. In a good way, there is no hidden profit for the company in this. The fact is that the “stuffing” of iPhones is for different regions may differ due to different quality standards, communications, etc. So in your region of residence there may well be a real problem with the availability of the necessary components for a “foreign” iPhone.

Therefore, in order to protect yourself from such incidents, we recommend purchasing the following gadgets for use in the Russian Federation:
They are certified in Russia, and are definitely subject to free service under warranty. In all other cases, you need to look specifically at each device.

But there is also good news. It is more profitable to purchase iPhones in the Russian Federation due to the possibility of legally extending standard warranty periods, since our country has a minimum period of 2 years.
In this connection, the regional branch, Apple Rus, officially provides its interpretation of the standard one-year Apple warranty - in the context of the requirements of Russian legislation (namely, Article 19, paragraph 5 of the law on consumer protection).

Therefore, you can apply for free help not after a year, but after two. It is clear that only devices legally imported into the Russian Federation that have passed the PCT are subject to two-year maintenance.
So, at least in some ways, domestic legislation is still encouraging. And when you contact regional service centers, feel free to defend your rights!

Reasons for denial of service

Devices with obvious mechanical damage are not subject to warranty service: bent body, broken screen or buttonHome, "drowned people". If any software interference in the operation of the system is detected, the user will also be denied free service. Therefore, either remove the jailbreak by updating to current version iOS, or repair your iPhone at your own expense.

Also, all types of consumables are not subject to free replacement: protective anti-glare coatings, batteries, headsets, ports, etc. By the way, the brand new iPhone 7, if it loses its seal, will also not be replaced. The manufacturer honestly warns that over time the level of dust and water resistance will decrease, since the insulating gaskets (which are the same consumables) dry out, and, as a result, micropores appear at the joints.

After repair, be prepared for the fact that all your personal data, applications or settings will be erased. Therefore, before servicing, be sure to do a full backup copy on a computer (since a backup created over the air does not contain all the information). But all this can only be done if the iPhone is working. If not, you will have to negotiate with the service employees, perhaps they will help you reset valuable information from a non-working device.