Digital terrestrial television of the Russian Federation. Connecting to free digital television

The transition from analogue to digital television broadcasting is almost complete. Therefore, it’s time to buy the necessary equipment and set up reception of a new signal format. Now let's look at what frequency digital television broadcasts, what is needed to receive the signal, as well as a few other important questions on this topic. However, let's start with the theory. Let's analyze why the transition to digital is being made at all? Is digital TV really that much better than its predecessor?

Digital TV – modern technology television broadcasting. The idea is to transmit audio signal and video signal using an appropriate information encoding algorithm. Analogue television is rapidly becoming a thing of the past. This is a logical result. This technology is not capable of broadcasting a stable signal. The number of TV channels is also significantly limited.

The digital signal looks like the best option. Firstly, there is an effective system of protection against all kinds of interference. Secondly, it is possible to transmit audio and video signals in the highest quality. Thirdly, subscribers will be able to set up many different ones: federal, entertainment, sports, educational, music, information, etc.

To be convinced of the real need for the transition from analogue to digital broadcasting, let’s consider only the main advantages of the new standard:

  • Transmitters with lower power are suitable for signal relay;
  • The digital signal is maximally resistant to all kinds of interference;
  • High image quality, clear sound;
  • Wide selection of available TV channels;
  • Possibility of using interactive television systems;
  • Additional functions: pause, rewind, record, subtitles;
  • Archiving of broadcasts.

These are not all the advantages of digital broadcasting. However, it should be mentioned that there are several digital TV formats, which determine the specifics of the connection.

Digital television formats

In 1993, a digital video broadcasting system was created, also referred to by the abbreviation DVB. Perhaps this is perhaps the most important date in the history of the development and popularization of digital TV. In order to ensure compatibility of equipment and information transmission technology, a special international organization created appropriate standards.

First, let's talk about the standards in which broadcasting takes place. Note that they are classified according to continental characteristics:

  • Europe - DVB.
  • Asia – ISDB;
  • North and South America - ATSC.

Citizens of Russia and other post-Soviet countries use the first, European standard. Absolutely all of the standards presented above are further divided into formats. They determine the specifics of television broadcasting.

It was previously noted that digital TV is closely related to a wide range of various additional services: channels in HD format, pause, rewind, recording, archiving. Providers have the right to charge fees for the use of additional services. Federal television channels are divided into several multiplexes. In total there are about 30 of them. It all depends on the region. You can tune in these TV channels for free, but you have to pay for the rest.

The European digital TV standard is divided into 4 formats:

  • Satellite TV – DVB-S (S2);
  • Terrestrial television – DVB-T (T2);
  • Cable TV – DVB-C (C2);
  • Mobile television – DVB-H (SH).

Abbreviations in brackets indicate the presence of a second generation of the standard.

Detailed setup

We've sorted out the theory, so it's time to move on to practice. What users will need to set up a broadcast digital television? Conventionally, the whole process can be divided into several stages:

  1. Determining the location of the repeater (television tower).
  2. Selecting the optimal method for receiving a digital signal.
  3. Purchase of necessary equipment.

Let us denote that we are talking about the terrestrial format of digital television broadcasting (DVB-T2). Cable, satellite and mobile TV are connected by the provider, the user does not have to do anything.

How to find out the location of a TV tower

The easiest way to determine the location of the nearest repeater is to use a special map of digital TV coverage in Russia. There are similar maps for other countries: Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan, etc. You can find these cards on the website of the relevant government agency.

Find the search bar, and then enter the name of your locality in it. The relevant information will appear. You will be able to objectively assess the distance to the nearest TV tower.

Note that there are several digital signal reception zones. Reliable reception assumes that the quality of television broadcasting will be maintained at its original level. high level, regardless of additional factors:

  • Solar activity;
  • Air temperature and humidity;
  • Precipitation, weather conditions;
  • Seasons of the year and time of day.

Reliable reception area – coverage within a line of sight radius. The repeater is located as close as possible to your home. There are no obstacles of any kind in the antenna’s path: tall trees, various structures. The map shows absolutely all the towers, even unfinished ones, intended for free multiplexes.

Users who are far from the tower are automatically placed in the remote zone. The main problem is that the signal quality decreases. The reason is obvious - the distance from the signal source to the receiver is too large. This issue is being resolved by the state. Underway active work for the construction of new towers. However, if you are at the edge of the reception area, then it is unlikely that you will be able to avoid various interference associated with a weak signal.

The user will be able to solve the problem independently. It is enough to purchase a special antenna with a complicated design. Your receiver must have maximum gain. In this case, the dimensions of the antenna should be minimal. A directional TV antenna will be the best option.

Digital signal reception options

You can set up digital TV in several effective ways, which differ in signal reception technology. The most obvious option is to connect the cable connected to your TV to a common TV antenna, which is installed in the entrance or on the roof of a multi-story building. An effective way for residents of residential areas. This connection allows you to watch programs, movies and TV series in the highest quality.

Cable providers also broadcast channels in digital format. You will be able to issue paid subscription to get the maximum number of television channels that interest you. Signing an agreement with a cable TV operator will open up a wide range of possibilities for you: broadcast archiving, pause, rewind, etc.

You can also receive a digital signal with a regular TV antenna. The decimeter range will be more than enough. the main task user – point the antenna as accurately as possible to get a clear signal.

Viewing equipment

To set up digital television, you need to have the appropriate equipment. The list of necessary equipment directly depends on the TV used and your place of residence. Modern models TVs are equipped with a built-in DVB–T2 tuner. This means that there is no need to purchase a special receiver. How to determine if your TV is equipped with this module? All necessary information is presented in the technical specifications.

If you live in a multi-storey building, then you need to clarify whether it is connected to digital TV? The presence of such a connection will allow you to set up digital television by connecting to a collective antenna.

The choice of equipment should start with the antenna. An ordinary small UHF antenna can provide signal reception. Many analogue antennas are also suitable for receiving digital TV. Therefore, it is likely that you will not have to buy a new device at all. It makes sense to think about purchasing a directional TV antenna, but only if you live quite far from the TV tower. Remember that the location of the TV antenna plays a key role.

The amplifier is another very important device. It is likely that you will be able to do without it. Much depends on the quality of the signal. This issue will finally be resolved after purchasing and installing the antenna. If there is a slight loss of quality, then the amplifier will be a valuable acquisition. This device is mainly used in cases where the user is quite far from the transmitter.

Antennas equipped with broadband amplifiers can significantly improve signal reception for all radio waves with similar frequencies. This may cause problems with signal decoding. Therefore, use the amplifier only in cases where it is really needed.

Stereo amplifier Crestron C2NI-AMP-4X100 economical for 4-16 rooms

Today, users actively use amplifiers with a power of 12 V. However, in accordance with new standards, digital receivers produce a voltage of 5 V. This means that in active television antennas the amplifiers operate on a voltage of 5 V. This is a fairly practical and, most importantly, economical solution . The user does not need an additional power source.

The digital receiver provides signal decoding. Decoders are extremely easy to operate. Devices of this type are configured using the remote control remote control. Many buttons are located on the front panel. Connection to the TV is made through connectors: Video IN, HDMI, RCA, etc. Much depends on the model of TV you are using. Today you can purchase a receiver with additional functionality. Of course, such devices are more expensive.

The last element is cables and wires. The receiver connects to old TVs using a Scart cable. Newer models can be connected via HDMI. The second method is preferable because it is capable of broadcasting images in HD quality. The antenna and receiver must be connected with a coaxial cable, which you can purchase at any radio store.

Frequencies of DVB-T2 digital channels

Let's look at the frequencies of DVB-T2 digital channels so that each user can configure them. There is nothing complicated about this, just use the data given in this table:

This table shows the frequency for tuning the TV channels of the first multiplex. Absolutely all channels are free.

Now consider the frequency for the second multiplex:

The frequency will vary depending on the region in which you live.

Now let's look at the third multiplex:

TV channel name

My Planet, Fight Club, Science

History, Cartoon, Russian detective, Russian bestseller

Country, Sundress

Mom, Amusement Park, IQ HD

Euronews, Trust

Music of the first

Kitchen TV, A minor, Auto plus, India TV

Our football

Searching for channels by frequency is a radical measure. This method takes too much time and effort. First you need to find the frequency, and then save TV channels one by one. Try setting up broadcasting using automatic search. It's much easier. Start the search process and then wait until it finishes. If there are duplicates, remove them.

Digital terrestrial television channels

All free digital TV channels are presented in the tables above. Initially, users could only tune into 20 TV channels (the first two multiplexes). For a certain time, talk about a third multiplex stopped. The lack of infrastructure affected. However, this issue is gradually being resolved. The third dozen channels have already been formed and are even available in some regions.

The number of available channels will vary depending on your locality. In some cities and towns, main network programs have been replaced by regional TV channels. This is a common practice. Cable TV providers are able to offer a wider range of channels. However, this is a paid service.


Hello, dear readers! This article will be a very necessary addition to those articles on this site that described how to choose and configure an antenna, look for them in the “Television” section

The following questions will be discussed here - the answers to which will help you correctly point the antenna and configure your TV or set-top box to receive digital terrestrial channels with the least difficulty.

This information will be especially useful for those who live in areas where it is not so easy to catch a digital terrestrial television signal.

What do you need to know in order to choose the right antenna, stronger or simpler, and configure it?

  • Determine the direction from which to receive the signal.
  • Find out whether you need to try to configure 20 channels from the selected tower or only 10 are possible for now
  • To know which television channels are being broadcast in order to be able to configure the TV/set-top box in the “Manual search” mode, this will allow you to visually see the level of the received signal and accordingly adjust the antenna in the best way.
  • Know the distance to the transmission tower.

Finding out all these questions is not at all difficult. To do this, you need to go to the official website of the Russian Television and Radio Broadcasting Network.

To get to the page we need, follow this link and get to the map image page.

In the map field there is a search line in which you need to enter the name of your locality, even sparsely populated areas are usually identified. When you enter the name of the area in the drop-down window, you can immediately see the locality and the region to which it belongs.

Having selected the desired location, the map takes you to the specified area.

For example, consider the settlement of Prokhorovka in the Belgorod region.

On the map, green symbols indicate working transmitters, and if in your case there are also symbols marked in black, then this means that this tower is under construction.

But this information is still not enough for us.

Let's click on the red cursor showing the location of Prokhorovka. And we will see a new, more informative window.

The information in this window tells us in which locality and at what distance the nearest transmitters are located, on which television channel (TVC) they broadcast, and we find out how many television programs can be watched from these television towers. To do this, pay attention to the status of the station.

In this example there are only ten, since they broadcast only the first multiplex i.e. 10 programs on 43 TVCs. The second multiplex is in standby mode, i.e. it is not broadcasting yet, but is planned.

On the right top corner The map contains an additional control panel; by turning on the “Broadcast zones” “TVC, frequency” functions, you can display on the map in the form of colored fields which zone a particular broadcaster covers and at what frequency it operates in this zone. (TVK number)

There are still a few useful buttons left. This, zooming in the lower right corner, is sometimes useful to more accurately determine the place where the tower is located, even down to the address.

In some cases, on the map you can see blue or other colored circles with a number inside, these numbers indicate the number of transmitting stations in that area, zooming in will correct and detail the situation.

And in the upper corner there are two buttons, one of them is turned on by default “RTRS 1 TV channel package” so we see the towers that broadcast the first digital package (multiplex)

And if you switch to “RTRS 2 TV channel package”, then the towers transmitting the second multiplex will be reflected accordingly. Let's see how the picture changes.

As you can see, you can watch all twenty channels in Prokhorovka only from two TV towers located in Belgorod and in the Stary Oskol area.

Let's summarize: In the settlement of Prokhorovka, chosen as an example, you can confidently receive signals from towers located 10 km away. (Kozhanov) and 22 km. (Rozhdestvenka).

It is likely that signals from these towers can be received with a good indoor antenna. Much depends on the location of the place where the antenna will be located, whether it is surrounded by high-rise buildings, whether the path of the signal is blocked by a forest wall standing almost close to the antenna, take into account the terrain.

All this affects which antenna to choose, to what height to raise it, where to point it.

But there's another one important point, the fact is that these nearby towers are still transmitting signals of only one packet. This means that you will only be able to watch 10 programs. I want all 20)

There is an alternative! Belgorod broadcasts all channels and if you use a good outdoor antenna, then you can confidently receive signals from both packages from this TV tower. If you look at the map, you can see that the broadcast from Belgorod is on channels 43 and 46. - It would be nice to also estimate the distance to it.

How to measure distance on Yandex map

Sometimes the service map suggests the towers closest to you that have not yet been completed or broadcast only 10 channels, as in the example considered. But a little further you can independently find towers that operate in full mode. And you need to determine the distance to them. How to do it? Very simple!

You need to open Yandex Maps in a new browser window. For example, as in the figure below, or through a search engine.

In the map that opens, type the name of our locality. For example, I’ll also type Prokhorovka. It will be necessary to reduce the scale of the map, so that the place from which we plan to receive the signal is in sight, for me it will be Belgorod. And further, attention! Look at the picture below and read the procedure.

Actions in order.

  1. Use the minus button on the map to reduce the scale.
  2. Click the “ruler” icon to activate it.
  3. Click on the required points. Belgorod
  4. Prokhorovka
  5. A line and a pointer with a straight distance will appear between them. In our example, 49.2 km.

Now we know everything we need! Tower broadcast channels from Belgorod are 43 and 46. This will allow you to use a manual search, and in this mode you can visually observe the signal level and find the correct antenna position.

The distance to Belgorod is 49 km. Taking this into account, as well as local terrain features and other things, we can already figure out which antenna will be suitable for us. After all, it is obvious that an indoor antenna will not help here; you need something more serious.

How to set up an antenna and a TV for digital television under different signal conditions can be

So, using the described service and Yandex map, you can easily find out all the necessary information in order to successfully set up digital television at home.

If you have any questions, write in the comments.

If you have anything to add, write there. And don't forget to press the buttons social networks— if you found the article useful! Share with your friends! Thank you!

You can connect digital home TV quickly and at a minimal cost by contacting the OnLime company. We offer our clients two connection options: digital and interactive. Interactive or digital TV via the Internet is the newest thing in telecommunications. In addition to the quality characteristic of the digital format, interactive television gives complete control over viewing and the ability to access the Internet directly from the TV screen. To install digital TV, you need to have a powerful Internet channel, a modern TV and a set-top box.

What additional options does iptv digital television provide?

If you decide to connect iptv, then you will have access to many additional options, namely:

  • You can control the process of watching your favorite movie or TV show yourself. Pause if you need a break or rewind if you missed something important in the plot.
  • If necessary, you can record a movie, new release educational program or a football match, and then watch them when you have free time.
  • You can use the archive to find programs that you haven't watched or recorded.
  • Using iptv through a set-top box, you will get access to a huge library of the most popular films. Choose and watch whatever you like.
  • You can go online directly from your TV screen to chat with your friends online. in social networks, check the weather forecast or watch the TV program.
  • You can control the content your children watch by setting limits on certain topics.
  • Using a set-top box for watching digital TV, you can arrange karaoke at home and entertain your guests, having fun with it to the fullest.
  • Another interesting feature is combining the screens of several devices to view a particular program.

How to connect interactive digital TV in Moscow?

Taking advantage of the offer of such a well-known provider as OnLime, you can connect your home digital television at a competitive price.

To do this, you need to purchase a set-top box from us or rent it.

Our technician will come to you at a convenient time to install and configure your interactive television. If you need digital TV for two TVs, you will have to purchase two set-top boxes and install them on each of them.

OnLime offers installation of digital TV set-top boxes in Moscow, regardless of your area of ​​residence. Both in the center and in remote locations we provide high quality connections and excellent service.

From us you can also buy digital television via the Internet by filling out a simple order form on our website. You will not need to waste your time coming to our office.

You can learn how to set up digital TV from our instructions and do it yourself. The procedure is very simple and anyone can do it.

The cost of wireless digital TV service will depend on which package you take. You can choose by the number of channels included in it, or you can focus only on topics that interest you, for example, sports, movies or adult channels. OnLime offers several pricing options, among which you are sure to find the optimal one for yourself.

Interactive television is the future of telecommunications. Use new technologies, and your life will become more diverse and brighter.

Thanks to the development of digital terrestrial television in Russia, almost all residents of the country today have the opportunity to watch 10 federal television channels for free. And about 65% of Russians “catch” 20 channels on their TVs for free. The list of terrestrial digital television channels includes: “Channel One”, “Russia 1”, “Russia K”, “Russia 24”, OTR, “TV Center”, NTV, “REN-TV”, TV-3, “Channel Five” ", "Match TV", "Carousel", "Muz-TV", STS, TNT, "Friday", "Domashny", "Spas", "Mir" and "Star".

Digital terrestrial television can be connected on TVs that support the DVB-T2 standard, as well as on older models using a special set-top box, for example, Wifire. The device can be rented for 99 rubles per month or purchased for 3,900 rubles. It is easy to set up, there are no unnecessary wires because it connects via Wi-Fi, it is compact, and you can easily find a place for it.

Digital TV Wifire

Viewers for whom 20 free federal channels are not enough can connect to Wifire TV. Every family member, regardless of age and hobbies, will be able to find something interesting for themselves, because the list of Wifire digital TV channels includes news, entertainment, educational, children's, music, and sports channels.

For monthly subscription fee you will get access to one of the packages, which includes from 70 to 190 TV channels. The cost of basic packages ranges from 169 to 949 rubles per month (check with call center operators). You can also connect additional packages for an additional fee. For example, the “Champion” package includes 10 channels for those who are interested in sports and cars, and the “Children’s” package includes 13 channels with the best cartoons, series and programs for the youngest viewers and schoolchildren.

Hundreds of thousands of Wifire subscribers have already appreciated high-quality digital TV, decide how many channels and which ones will be in your package, and leave a request for connection on the website.


On the website in the “Digital Television” section you will find detailed description packages and channels included in them. If you have any questions related to connecting digital TV or setting up a Wifire set-top box, you can contact our specialists by phone or contact them online at any time.

Is it possible to watch digital TV on a smartphone?

Answer: One of the undoubted advantages of Wifire TV is that digital television is available not only on TVs, but also on mobile devices, which means that you can watch your favorite programs and series anywhere: while walking, on the way from work, in bathroom To do this, you need to install it on your smartphone or tablet. special application Wifire TV, which can be downloaded from App Store or Google Play.

First channel Russia 1 MATCH! TV
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Star World TNT
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Tariffs and services of Net By Net Holding LLC may be changed by the operator. Full up-to-date information about tariffs and services is in the “tariffs” section or by calling the phone number listed on the website.

Surely many Russian users interested in terrestrial television have already heard about the gradual transition to digital broadcasting throughout the country. Many TV viewers have no idea what needs to be done to switch to digital TV, whether they need to purchase additional equipment or not. In this material I will try to answer all the questions of users planning to use digital TV on their TVs, because the digital television standard thanks to information technology transformed into a new service for the viewer.

Advantages of digital TV and disadvantages of analogue

The main disadvantage of the analog signal is poor protection against interference, as well as a fairly wide band of the radio frequency spectrum required for broadcasting one channel. Therefore, on air we were limited to a maximum of two dozen color channels, and on cable networks an average of 70. With analog signal It is quite difficult to make a service convenient for the user and operator (for example, to implement the ability to quickly connect and disconnect channel packages). In addition, analog TV requires high power transmitters with a large coverage area.

A digital signal does not have these disadvantages. The main advantage of digital TV is that the signal can be compressed using modern algorithms (for example, MPEG). By compressing the signal by frequency range One analogue television channel can accommodate up to 10 digital channels with approximately the same picture quality. Exactly how to encode and compress a signal is determined by a single standard. Today in Europe and Russia the main family of standards is DVB - a product of the international consortium DVB Project. The family includes standards for satellite, terrestrial, cable and mobile television, differing in the degree of compression, noise immunity and other parameters (depending on the transmission medium used).

Advantages of digital TV

  • noise immunity, compression capability;
  • improving picture quality (digital signal is less sensitive to interference than analog);
  • a larger number of over-the-air channels compared to analogue broadcasting.

World digital TV standards

In America, the ATSC standard, developed by the Advanced Television Systems Committee group, is widespread, in Japan ISDB (Integrated Services Digital Broadcasting) is rapidly developing, Russia has followed the European path, adopting the DVB (Digital Video Broadcasting) standard as a basis.

Let's go digital

A massive transition to digital television broadcasting standards in the world took place in the early 2000s. In our country, state broadcast channels began the transition to digital in 2009 as part of the federal program “Development of television and radio broadcasting in the Russian Federation for 2009-2015.” DVB-T2 was chosen as a unified digital broadcasting standard, which allows more digital channels to be placed on the frequency band than its predecessor DVB-T, but this does not mean an increase in the resolution of the broadcast picture. We should expect HD quality on air only in the distant future. Today, DVB-T2 transmitters operate almost throughout the country. In some places, only the first multiplex (package of 10 digital channels) is currently on; in other areas, the second is already available. This means that if you have an appropriate TV or an additional set-top box, you can receive and watch 20 channels for free in decent quality and almost without interference. The program for the development of digital television in Russia involves updating only distribution and transmission equipment. Viewers have to think about replacing receivers on their own, because to receive a digital terrestrial television signal you need DVB-T2 TV tuner, and a similar one is provided only in . To receive a signal with older devices, TV viewers will have to purchase and install a set-top box at home.

Video compression formats in the DVB standard

DVB standard- this is not a complete description of the digital television format, but a method for a specific broadcast implementation. Various video encoding systems can be used within this standard (MPEG-1, MPEG-2, MPEG-4, etc.), but not all of them are backward compatible. The most common compression formats are MPEG-2 ( best quality pictures) and MPEG-4 (has better compression). Russian digital TV will use MPEG-4 compression. TVs that support the MPEG-4 standard can also work with MPEG-2, but not vice versa, since MPEG-2, in turn, is used by cable operators who are not limited in frequency band and the picture compressed with this codec is much higher quality.

Analog antenna or satellite dish?

The principle of operation from a satellite dish. You need to buy and install a set of signal receiving equipment: a “dish”, an access card to satellite channels and a set-top box (satellite receiver), which ensures the transformation of the received digital signal into an analogue one that is understandable to the TV. Satellite receiver is a device that provides signal transformation from DVB ( various systems decoding) into a format perceived by a household TV. You can connect a cable operator’s wire or a familiar terrestrial television antenna to such a set-top box. Intermediate equipment may not be needed, since many modern TVs support the standard DVB-T, which means it is compatible with MPEG-4 compression and does not require a special antenna to receive the digital signal.

In order not to change the TV, there is an alternative - CAM module. It is a kind of expansion card that is inserted into the TV and gives it the functionality of a set-top box, but to use this component the TV must have a CAM interface. I will tell you more about the CAM module in the section on digital cable TV.

Satellite platforms officially operating in Russia use DVB-S standards and DVB-S2. For reception, you need a correctly installed antenna (the diameter of which depends on the geographical location of the subscriber and the selected satellite), a receiver with a valid access card and a TV.

DVB-T2 - a new standard for digital television

DVB-T2 standard- This is the second generation of the European terrestrial digital broadcasting standard DVB-T. It is designed to improve the capacity of television networks by at least 30% compared to DVB-T with the same network infrastructure and frequency resources.

Advantages of the DVB-T2 standard:

  • increasing the number of channels in the broadcast package;
  • the possibility of organizing “local” broadcasting;
  • the possibility of developing high-definition television;
  • release of ethereal frequencies.

The use of the DVB-T2 standard in subscriber devices creates a technological basis for the provision of additional services and HDTV through digital terrestrial television networks. In the future, it is possible to introduce new interactive technology, thanks to which the possibilities usual TV will become an analogue of Smart TV. So when buying a TV, pay attention to support for the DVB-T2 standard.

Image resolution in digital television

A regular television signal is "standard definition" ( Standard Definition,SD), there is also an improved quality signal option ( "increased clarity") - 480p, 576p, 480i or 576i. The number indicates the number of pixels in height, and the letter indicates the scan type - interlaced (i) or progressive (p). The number of pixels in width depends on the aspect ratio of the picture, which leads to the existence of several more types of high-definition signal. There are at least four SD options in modern analog TV. If your TV supports DVB-T, there will be no compatibility problems. Cable and satellite operators typically offer some kind of “high definition” picture option. Currently, the DVB-T standard is considered obsolete and has been replaced by DVB-T2. In Russia, digital broadcasting is carried out in DVB-T2 standard with support for MPEG4 video compression standard and Multiple PLP mode.

High Definition Television ( High Definition TV, HDTV) – best quality at this moment. HDTV comes in two flavors - 1080i and 720p. The 720p format has a resolution of 1280x720 pixels and progressive scan, while the 1080i format has an image resolution of 1920x1080 pixels with interlaced scan. Formally, the number of pixels in a 720p image is two times less than in 1080i, but in 720p a whole frame is formed in one pass, and in 1080i half. 1080i is more suitable for video with a minimum of movement and maximum detail, while 720p is the opposite, for this reason there is no need to compare them.

Digital cable television

In parallel with the transformation of terrestrial television, cable operators are also thinking about optimizing the frequency spectrum and developing services. In the field cable television A typical development path is the launch of broadcasting in the DVB-C format (a version of the DVB standard for cable networks, characterized by a lower compression ratio and less noise immunity compared to the terrestrial standard, which is quite acceptable in cable). When switching to digital, operators have the opportunity to flexibly manage content, for example, allocating channel packages, opening and closing access to them for users, etc. To decrypt encrypted channels on the subscriber’s side, so-called access cards are used. Each encoding system has its own, but the standard provides a universal connector for connecting a CAM module to a TV or set-top box for a specific type of encoding, into which an access card is already installed.

Like DVB-T2, the cable version of digital TV supports high-definition content (HD). But it is up to each operator to decide whether or not to include HD channels on their network. It should be noted that almost all cable networks in Russia, where digital television has been launched, offer HD channels. Some even experimented with 3D channels.

Equipment for receiving DVB-T2 and DVB-C

To view a digital signal from cable networks, you need equipment that accepts the appropriate standard. TVs and set-top boxes with DVB-C support went on sale back in 2007, so if you have changed your TV receiver in the last few years, then you most likely have support for the cable version of the DVB standard. Ideally, to connect to cable digital television, the owner of such a TV only needs to purchase a CAM module from the operator and install an access card there. But since each operator itself determines the policy for the operation of the service, CAM modules are sometimes not offered, and then subscribers need to purchase an intermediary device - a set-top box with support for the conditional access system (CAS) used by the operator. Most often, such devices are “tailored” for only one VAT.

If a cable operator offers HD channels, then in order to watch them, the equipment must also accept HD resolution. IN general case support for DVB-C (DVB-T/T2) does not at all mean support for Full HD (picture resolution 1920x1080 pixels for both TVs and set-top boxes). The situation is similar with 3D channels.

The fact that a TV supports the cable version of the DVB standard does not mean that it also decodes the over-the-air digital version. Deliveries of equipment with DVB-T2 support to our country began only in 2012. So we can say with confidence that if your TV was purchased earlier, then it will not “understand” the DVB-T2 standard. Cable set-top boxes also rarely accept DVB-T2. If your TV device does not allow you to receive terrestrial “digital” by default, you do not have to change it. You can limit yourself to purchasing a set-top box for DVB-T2. Digital TV tuners this standard Available in various designs, including compact accessories for tablets and computers with a USB connector.

Television over the Internet

An Internet channel is also used to transmit a digital television signal between the telecom operator and the viewer’s TV. Globally, network television projects can be divided into IPTV and OTT. Although OTT is a type of IPTV, they are usually considered as different services. It is generally accepted that IPTV is a service within the operator’s network that provides broadcast of channels in real time, and OTT (Over The Top) is any video service (not only broadcast of channels, but also cinema, that is, video on demand) provided via the Internet . Many common operator platforms support both options within the same service, so it makes no sense to talk about a strict separation of IPTV and OTT.

Equipment for IPTV or OTT

At the moment, TV manufacturers have not yet agreed on unified standard IPTV (OTT) services. Therefore, for now, viewers are forced to choose between several available options for watching TV over the Internet:

  • – operators provide applications to connect to the service. It is important that you cannot use a third-party solution here: the only one who can release such a program for this particular network is the operator providing the service.
  • – the ability to connect IPTV to a TV is determined by the presence of connectors for connecting a set-top box. The cost of such devices, however, is somewhat higher than that of broadcast consoles. There are even universal devices that work in networks different operators(reconnection may require changing the gadget's firmware, but at least not purchasing new equipment), as well as those acting as a home media center (for example, Dune HD).
  • watching channels on a computer – Often the “computer” package is smaller and you can rarely find HD channels there.
  • television on mobile devices.

Note that IPTV can broadcast HD, 3D and even channels. But to view them you need a set-top box and TV that support these standards and resolutions.

TV on mobile devices

The idea of ​​mobile television became widespread when combining high-speed mobile Internet and IPTV. Its advantage compared to terrestrial, cable and satellite digital standards is that potentially a television signal can be received not only on specially produced devices, but also using any mobile device, including a smartphone or tablet. This is what many telecom operators who have previously launched IPTV (OTT) projects take advantage of. To work with encrypted content, telecom operators release applications for mobile gadgets. Moreover, such programs often allow you to manage subscriptions to channels or a home set-top box. Recently, many projects have appeared that are not associated with any telecom operator or provider at all, but only offer video content for smartphone users, such as Amediateka, free IVI, etc.

I hope you now understand the differences between the types of digital TV: cable, Internet television, satellite and terrestrial.