Complex signatures for the letter a. First, decide what your account will be about. Beautiful caption under the photo in Instagram

Nail Bainazarov

If you want to improve your Instagram account, post beautiful photos and get more likes, then it is best to turn to professional photographers for advice. HuffingtonPost reached out to 29 Instagram stars to share their secrets. Here are their tips.

Navel after training against the backdrop of the landscape after the war. That's all it takes to make the world a more beautiful place. And I still don't care. That is, photographing fifteen lines of hashtags. Thank you very much for telling me all this. Thus, the situation where you find that your type of photos is especially liked by your followers.

You start by being able to put on a profile, such as Bed Suicide or Dog Bed Selfishness. Or a combination of apple wallet. And you live in the belief that they still want to look at them. However, not all of them are lost, each of indicated errors can be restored and lost in sub-registration in duplicate.

First, decide what your account will be about.

Don't focus on likes

“Be calm about everything. Find what suits you personally. Don't get hung up on what's trending in the Instagram community right now and what gets the most likes. Otherwise, in the end, you will start shooting cute, but banal pictures, while your talent may be in completely different areas - plot photos, humorous sketches, artistic portraits.

IN this moment the three main motives in my pictures are appeasement, surrealism and frankness.”

Use natural light

“Lighting is key in any photography. No filters and photo editors can fix a picture taken in bad light. Natural light is always better than artificial light. So it’s better to shoot outdoors in the early morning, at dusk or on cloudy days.”

Use your eyes before the lens

“My first photography teacher liked to say that the eye is the same muscle that needs to be constantly trained. Unfortunately, most people don't look at an object before taking a picture of it with their phone. Instead of taking a hundred shots and then choosing the best one, give yourself time to look closely. Take a look at the frames of the future photo. If you look at what you are going to shoot for a couple of minutes, you can see everything in a new light. And soon you will learn how to build the perfect composition.

Use the grid feature to center your composition

“I like the way symmetrical architectural compositions look. And when I shoot such a building, I try to follow this symmetry as accurately as possible. If I have in iPhone hands or a Nikon camera, I make sure to turn on the reticle. It helps to build the correct composition of the frame. I can also move left and right for a long time until I find a suitable shooting point.

Identify the main element in the photo

“A good photo is always built around one key element, be it a person in front of something or a landscape with dominant lines that immediately grab the viewer's attention. The perfect photo can have a few key elements that don't clutter up the picture at the same time. Try to take pictures that tell the story of a person or place.”

Wait for interesting moments

“Create photos that focus on the subject or subjects at their most interesting moments. Calm and extreme, emotional and tense - such moments reflect the natural course of time and are at the heart of every good shot. At the same time, do not allow extraneous things in the frame that can distract attention.

The shot should be concise so that the viewer's attention is entirely riveted to the story you are telling."

Look for strong colors, shapes and lines

“A good photo should be built on strong colors, clear lines and shapes. Sometimes you need to get quite close to objects in order to capture as much detail as possible into the lens. This will give the effect of presence. Learn to create emotion with photography.

Don't be afraid to use third-party apps to create the effects you want

“If you want the effect of a long exposure, use an appropriate application that simulates a delay in closing the shutter. This way you can blur waves or other moving media. It looks especially impressive if you shoot large water surfaces or waterfalls. This way you can emphasize the contrast between the blurry surface of the water and the clear outlines of the surrounding landscape.

If you have iOS, then the CortexCam app can create this effect even when shooting handheld. Other applications such as Slow Shutter Cam and AverageCam Pro require the use of a tripod or any other hard stand ( similar applications available for Android). In addition to the effect of long exposure, these applications allow you to shoot at poor lighting, reduce noise and light trail effect.”

Experiment with light

“The phone camera lens absorbs light differently than traditional cameras. This opens up great opportunities for experimentation with backlight or with light coming from above. If you move around the subject, looking at it through the viewfinder, you can see how the angle of illumination changes up to the point that the light rays fall directly on the lens. Notice how the halo immediately flashes around the subject.”

Use burst mode

“To take a clear photo of a moving subject, shoot in good light or in daylight in short exposure mode. Tap the screen to focus the camera on the subject and adjust the shutter speed before moving. Burst Mode - great way capture all the phases of the movement and then choose the best shot."

Shoot from different angles

“Try to shoot from unusual angles. Even an ordinary view can be transformed by looking at it from a different, unexpected perspective. To begin with, try to shoot something from above or, conversely, from below, directly from the ground. This will give you an idea of ​​the new angles."

Experiment with props

“Enrich the composition with different items that can help to fully reveal the image and tell the story. It can be an off-road vehicle conquering a mountain road, or a pair of wooden fishing boats on the shores of a fjord. Such elements immediately enliven the picture, add beauty and meaning.

Shoot in bad weather

Pete Souza, official White House photographer: “Bad weather is the key to good photography. Shoot outdoors in rain, snow and fog.”

Look into the puddles after the rain

"The puddles can reflect beautiful views- don't miss them. I took this photo in the morning after a night of rain.

White color will add atmosphere to the picture.

“The white space in the photo looks chic. Check out interior magazines or the latest J. Crew catalog. They are similar in that there is always a lot of white space in the photographs. Try to add white color to your pictures and you will see that they immediately become concise. In the same way, beautiful websites are created - concise and without unnecessary elements.

Try photographing your models against a plain white wall. Objects can be photographed against the background of a foam board or on a white window sill. You can also use one of the font apps like WordSwag to put a quote on a white background to style your account."

Use the new portrait format

Indicate the scale of the depicted objects

“To show the size and scale of the image, include a person in the picture. Shoot the model in different poses to emphasize the interaction with the subject or environment.”

Take layered photos

“I love photos that combine multiple layers. For example, in this photo, I wanted to achieve the effect that the viewer is looking at the bay through the eyes of a ferry passenger. I adjusted the shutter speed so that the palette of the sky was reflected, and the person in the center remained in the form of a black silhouette. The sides of the ferry served to organize the entire composition. The result is a “frame within a frame” effect. The man's head is placed in the shadow under the canopy of the ferry, so that the viewer's gaze follows his gaze - along an elongated triangle of footprints on the water to the top of a skyscraper on the horizon.

Of course, these are all technical and compositional aspects. The main thing I wanted to achieve was to transfer the viewer to the moment that is depicted in the picture.

Turn the glare to your advantage

“I like to look for highlights from the sun or street lights and use them in photography. Interestingly, if you shoot sun glare, then the photos always turn out different, depending on the day and time of year.

Shoot outdoors after sunset

“Even if the sun has set, it doesn’t stop shooting outside. The human eye is unable to catch much of what happens in the dark after sunset. But modern cameras are much more sensitive to light. And at night, the world outside lives its own life, which you can peep through the lens and take unusual pictures.

Get close to your subjects

“Whether you are shooting people or animals, get closer. This will give the photo intimacy and emotion.”

Use additional accessories

“Additional accessories, like interchangeable phone camera lenses, can make a big difference in your photography. Using a wide angle will allow you to cover more space. When you get closer to the subject, use the maximum focal length. This will create a perspective effect, fill the space and present the object in an unusual way.

For DSLR shooters, I suggest trying 16-35mm lenses. When I shoot with an iPhone, I use a Moment wide-angle lens to achieve this effect.”

Get a waterproof case

“I prefer to use Catalyst Waterproof cases - they cost less than Lifeproof and can shoot deeper. Always insure phones. There were a couple of cases where I lost my smartphone while filming in the water in Hawaii. Insurance helped me out both times - I was able to quickly and painlessly get new phone from the Apple Store.

Also, make sure that during filming, the device is well attached to the wrist using a special belt. If there is no fastening strap, you can use a regular lace or hair tie. After all, no one wants to then dive along the entire beach in search of his phone.

Edit to a minimum

“Photos that are too retouched can look unattractive. When using filters, be as conservative as possible: strictly follow which filters and to what extent to apply. Do not change the original appearance of the picture. It's better to make subtle edits and keep the picture natural."

Practice and practice again

“To take good photos for Instagram, you need to practice every day. Personally, I am always ready to shoot interesting places, scenes, moments, light. Practice composition, use different perspectives on the same thing to get the best shot. Pay close attention to the editing process. All this will help you post crisp and vibrant photos with subtle hues and a natural palette.”

Strive for quality, not quantity

« The best way to improve the quality of your Instagram account is to post fewer photos best quality. And for this you need to be well versed in composition and light.

Content must be thoughtful

All photographs must be in the same style. For example, I still post only black and white photos. Each photo is designed in a common style and looks simple, so if you look through all the pictures, you get the overall impression. My favorite black and white shots are those where the black is very deep and the white is very bright. The best way to achieve this is to shoot in harsh lighting. Choose a location with bright lighting to shoot, and add contrast when editing.”

A good signature will grab attention

“Subscribers will appreciate your texts if they are original and concise. My signatures are usually very short. I either put a line from some song, or write what I think about the image. Captions are important because they allow subscribers to feel the mood of the photo, to feel the emotion more fully.

Sometimes, as a signature, I put a question in order to provoke my subscribers to a dialogue. That way I get to know them better. To indicate which of my photos were taken with iPhone, I put the hashtag #createdoniphone. Now this title accompanies almost all my pictures. 10 things to learn from Instagram models

Hashtags are also very important. I look at the most popular ones every day to keep abreast of what people are talking about and what people are interested in. Add as many hashtags to each photo as possible. Your photo may get lost in a sea of ​​trending hashtags, but when combined with other, more specific links, your photo can stay at the top for a while. Some users searching for specific keywords, this will allow you to find exactly your photo.

And finally, I put the main hashtags not in the photo caption, but in the first comment. For me, if there are a lot of hashtags in the signature, then it looks sloppy.

Such a simple question as “what to write under the photo on Instagram?” excites many novice instagrammers. Everyone wants to be interesting, popular, have a lot of subscribers, and, of course, for this you need to be able to compose beautiful descriptions for publications or copy them from somewhere. I’ll upset you right away - you won’t be able to steal a beautiful text here. I’d rather teach you what is so unusual that you can write under an Instagram photo or video so that your followers do not stop reading you, but, on the contrary, recommend you to their friends.

The description for the publication is half the battle on Instagram

As you know, an Instagram post consists of two parts: a photo or a short video and the first comment of the author of the post. Before telling what popular users write in this comment, I want to note right away that we should not forget about the photos - they should be clear, beautiful, nicely processed, not offending the feelings of your subscribers.

What to write under photos and videos on Instagram to be popular?

Unless you're a showbiz star who, by definition, everyone loves, which translates into hundreds of thousands of subscribers, then these rules will come in handy.

1. Only teenagers like philosophical phrases worn to holes. If you are under 18, then yes, you can safely copy them to your profile.

2. The main thing that most Instagrammers love is sincerity, truthfulness and positive. If you talk regularly and with humor simply about your life, success is guaranteed to you.

3. People also love the cries of someone else's soul - reasoning on a variety of topics. It doesn't matter if they agree with you or not. Dissenters will arrange discussions in the comments, and this is even better.

4. In addition, posts that can teach you something are in demand: how to make a great cake, like a guy, choose the right diet for a cat, learn how to change a baby's diapers. However, remember that, again, copied and seen a thousand times in other social networks. networks, words will be boring to everyone. Write original and interesting. Choose non-hackneyed topics. Highlight subtopics and dwell on them in more detail.

5. Supplement your text with fun ones, because most Instagrammers like them.

6. If your profile is thematic, then do not go beyond the topic indicated from the very beginning, but follow the rules discussed above.

What should not be written in the description under a photo or video on Instagram?

1. First of all, I would like to say that you do not need to leave the description empty. Then the whole load falls on a photo or video, so they must be just mega-super-cool in order to arouse interest among subscribers.

2. Learn to write correctly. Oddly enough, the adult population most often follows profiles where the Russian language is known and loved. Refuse inappropriate mate - in in large numbers it is only for teenagers.

3. Do not break the rules of the system - do not call for violence, etc. Also, try not to offend anyone.

Adhering to these simple rules, you will learn how to write competent and interesting descriptions under the photo on Instagram that other users, your followers will like. Don't try to copy someone best description for publication on Instagram - these are your competent, interesting and sincere thoughts.