Conditions for obtaining a bank guarantee. Bank guarantee: how to apply urgently

Government contracts are one of the most attractive activities for business. They enter the market through competitions or tenders. In order to participate in these events, it is necessary to collect a number of documents, as well as provide a guarantee to secure the application and execution of the contract. This can be done in two ways easy ways: transfer cash to the customer’s account or obtain a bank guarantee.

Today, this type of obligation is considered the most popular in the financial market. You can get it either directly from the bank or through a brokerage agency that carries out such activities. It is worth noting that in any case, the banking institution will draw up and issue the document; intermediaries in this case help make the process faster and easier.

Urgent bank guarantee within 1 day. Is it real?

What are the deadlines for obtaining a BG? If you are offered to make a document the next day after you contact, it is likely that they are scammers. In fact, the entire process takes at least several days. First of all, the banking institution considers the application for a guarantee bond. The decision to issue a document depends on your credit history and solvency. Usually you have to wait for a response within 24 hours.

Next, the warranty deed is issued and registered. This takes up to four days. The document is subsequently included in electronic register, which completely eliminates possible fraud, as well as checks on the part of the customer. But you can achieve a positive decision much faster, without waiting 7-10 days.

Bank guarantee in 2 days: conditions for receiving

The conditions for issuing a bank guarantee have their own nuances. The process of obtaining a document itself requires a very serious approach, since even poorly collected documentation can greatly influence the bank and its decision. And without a guarantee, it will be almost impossible to obtain a government order.

In order to avoid any difficulties during registration, it is necessary to find out in advance the conditions of the BG: time of issue, size of the commission, etc. These data will allow you to most correctly organize the preparatory process and think through approximate costs. In order to issue a guarantee from a banking organization, you need to provide the following information:

  • Name of the guarantor.
  • Name of the organization - the principal.
  • Name of the creditor - beneficiary.
  • Grounds for issuing BG.
  • The amount of insurance payment upon the occurrence of an insured event.
  • Duration of the obligation.
  • Warranty cases.
  • Conditions affecting the amount of amounts paid.

Express bank guarantees: urgent solution from AntiRisk Consulting

You can buy and receive a fast or “express” BG at the brokerage agency “AntiRisk Consulting”. Today we can offer:

  • Easy and quick obtaining of BG.
  • No deposit required.
  • Cooperation with reputable banking organizations in Russia.
  • Full information about profitable offers from our partners.
  • Warranty obligations up to 1 billion rubles.

If you want to really quickly register a financial statement, avoiding risks, contact our agency “AntiRisk Consulting”.

Where can I buy a bank guarantee quickly and inexpensively? How is a bank guarantee issued under a government contract? What are the ways to urgently obtain a bank guarantee?

Hi all! With you is the popular online magazine “HeatherBeaver” and me, Denis Kuderin.

When concluding commercial contracts, no one can say in advance that the parties will fulfill the terms of the deal in full and on time. Therefore, counterparties have the right to demand from each other guarantees for fulfillment of obligations.

Such guarantees are issued by the bank by agreement with the parties to the contract. This document gives the creditor the right ( beneficiary) receive compensation in case of failure by the debtor ( principal) of their obligations. About, how to get a bank guarantee and what advantages it gives, I will tell you in detail in a new article.

You will also learn what types of guarantees there are and who provides professional assistance in obtaining them.

1. What is a bank guarantee and why is it needed?

Bank guarantees (BG) are used both in international trade and within the country. In particular, these documents allow private companies to take government orders under the contract system, participating in maximum quantity tenders.

The company has 2 options to ensure the fulfillment of the contract - provide its own money or a bank guarantee. The first option is an extremely ineffective measure for the contractor, since companies always need assets. The second method is more profitable, since it does not divert working capital from the business.

Now let's define thematic terms.

Guarantee– a bank, credit institution or insurance organization, that is, a person who ensures the issuance of monetary compensation in the event of a warranty claim.

Principal– a person who applies to the bank for a guarantee, that is, a party who undertakes obligations to fulfill the contract.

Beneficiary- a creditor for obligations established by a bank guarantee, a party to whom the principal must provide the services or work provided for under the contract.

The principal pays for the BG. It is clear that banks do not issue a guarantee just like that: the cost of servicing is 2-10% from its amount. The credit institution acts as a kind of guarantor for the debtor.

Banks must be confident in the client’s reliability, so they do not work with all organizations. For additional certainty, guarantees are sometimes issued against property, traded goods, or securities.

You need to immediately understand that the BG is not a returnable instrument: you will not be able to get back the money spent on the guarantee. The exception is cases when this document is terminated at the request of the beneficiary.

Bank guarantees vary in their purpose:

  • payment guarantees;
  • return of advance;
  • proper fulfillment of contractual terms;
  • tender;
  • contractual;
  • customs.

Not all banks have the right to issue bank guarantees. Only those institutions that are included in a special state register can do this.

The guarantees themselves, which are written agreements drawn up in the prescribed form, are also included in the official list confirming the authenticity of the guarantee documents.

We list the main advantages of a bank guarantee:

  • financial savings - the debtor does not need to freeze working capital to secure the contract;
  • with a guarantee, the company has the right to participate in an arbitrary number of tenders;
  • the beneficiary receives additional insurance in case the principal fails to fulfill his obligations;
  • issuing a guarantee does not take much time, especially if the interested party acts through a broker.

Protects the interests of not only the customer, but also the contractor. Potential partners have more confidence in those companies that use this tool. Transactions with a guarantee open the way for private enterprises to large tenders and serious transactions.


The Sibenergo company won the state tender for the maintenance and repair of heating mains in the city of Novosibirsk. The customer demanded a bank guarantee for the contract, and the company willingly fulfilled this condition.

Now, if Sibenergo does not repair the pipes on time or completely ignores its responsibilities, the bank will pay a penalty to the state. The company has an incentive to carry out work efficiently and in a timely manner. Along the way, city residents who are directly interested in high-quality maintenance of heating networks benefit.

Serviceable pipes are a guarantee of a successfully closed contract!

Banks issue a guarantee without collateral on preferential terms to trusted and regular clients with an impeccable reputation. Moreover, when warranty case and payments to the beneficiary, the guarantor has the right to demand reimbursement of funds from the principal. That is, the bank, as is usually the case, will not lose money in any situation.

The warranty period is from 1 to 24 months (depending on the conditions), but it must be 1 month longer than the period of fulfillment of obligations. If you need a longer loan period, you need to negotiate this directly with the credit institution.

2. Ways to obtain a bank guarantee - 3 proven methods

There are several ways to obtain a bank guarantee. Depending on your goals, you can use the classic option, the accelerated option, or issue a guarantee remotely.

Let's look at all 3 methods in more detail.

Method 1. Classic

The classic option involves guarantees for large sums - from 20 million rubles. “Classic” is also used in cases where it is necessary to set a maximum limit on the issuance of a guarantee, or when banks simply do not provide expedited service when issuing this document.

The time for issuing the document is 2-3 weeks, depending on the status of the principal, the presence of collateral, and the terms of the contract.

Method 2. Accelerated

Expedited involves a simplified list of documents and quick consideration of the application (up to 5 working days). True, the guarantee amounts are also decreasing. The expedited procedure does not imply the receipt of a guarantee in an amount exceeding 10-15 million rubles. This option is offered by banks interested in attracting new clients.

If you act through brokers, the time frame will be reduced to 1-3 days, but the intermediaries will require additional remuneration from the applicant.

Method 3. Electronic

This is the easiest and fastest way to obtain BG. The main disadvantage of this option is the relatively small guarantee amounts ( 3-5 million rubles., in special cases – 10 million).

Documents are sent to in electronic format, certified. The guarantee itself will also be sent to the applicant in digital form. Advantages: time consumption is reduced, there is no need to go anywhere.

Table of ways to obtain a guarantee:

3. How to get a bank guarantee - 5 simple steps

Let's move on to practice. To begin with, the applicant (principal) should assess his capabilities. A preliminary analysis will save your time and eliminate disappointments if the bank refuses to issue an application for objective reasons.

Basic conditions:

  • by the time you receive the document, your company must have existed for at least 3 months (some banks insist on six months of operation);
  • proportionality of the amount of the guarantee to the income of the enterprise - if a company with modest working capital requests a large guarantee, it will either be refused or required to issue a pledge;
  • experience in participating in similar transactions - it is clear that not everyone has this, so this point is at the discretion of the bank.

Step 1. Select a guarantor bank

Different banks - different conditions. We need the most profitable, transparent and humane credit organizations.

Important details:

  • the bank must be on the list of organizations that have the right to provide the service of providing financial statements (this list is on the website of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation, please note that over the past couple of years this register has been significantly reduced);
  • The easiest way is to contact the bank where your company has a current account (provided that it is on the list);
  • if you have no experience in such matters, act through a broker;
  • Perhaps the beneficiary himself will recommend you a credit institution - take advantage of his advice.

As a rule, financial companies work only with representatives of their region. The exception is banks that issue electronic banknotes.

Step 2. We collect documents and provide them to the credit institution

Self-registration is a troublesome task, but quite doable.

Required documents:

  • application for provision of BG;
  • copies of the company's charter and other constituent documents;
  • “fresh” extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, i.e. received no later than 30 days ago;
  • documents confirming the authority of the manager (for example, a protocol on appointment to the position of general director);
  • financial statements;
  • document confirming contractual obligations.

The remaining papers are at the request of the bank. Each institution has its own list, so check with representatives in advance what documents are needed.

Be careful when you are offered to complete a BG using 2-3 documents in 1 day (or even in a few hours). It is likely that these are scammers or organizations that issue unofficial (gray) guarantees that are not legally binding.

What to write in the application?

Mandatory - about all subjects of the transaction, terms of the agreement, warranty cases - situations when the guarantee comes into effect. Other important points: obligations of the parties, conditions for revoking the document (if not), duration of the agreement.

Step 3. Wait for the bank’s decision

Banks do not issue guarantees to everyone. Employees of a special department examine your candidacy for reliability - much like what is done when issuing loans. The bank checks the company's documents, its financial affairs, and reputation.

A positive decision will be influenced by information about the organization’s performance similar contracts in past. Regular participants in government procurement do not have problems with BG, unless, of course, they have complaints from customers regarding the quality and timing of contracts.

Step 4. Agree on the draft bank guarantee and pay the invoice

If the bank approves your application, employees draw up a draft bank guarantee, which only needs to be agreed upon. Next, you pay for the services according to the contract and the procedure can be considered completed.

Step 5. Receive a warranty document

The bank issues a package of documents that contains: an agreement on the provision of a bank guarantee, the guarantee itself, an official extract from the register of bank guarantees. Last document allows you to verify the authenticity of the guarantee. The principal transfers the original BG to the customer, keeping a copy.

The procedure for obtaining a guarantee under a government contract is similar, but has some features. Such documents are most often prepared by Sberbank as the most popular and authoritative financial institution in the Russian Federation. Since the state in most situations prioritizes reliability over speed, verification of a counterparty takes longer.

Providing for national and municipal needs is regulated by Federal Law No. 44. The list of documents that the principal must provide is the most complete and quite impressive.

4. Professional assistance in obtaining a bank guarantee - review of the TOP 3 financial companies

Do you want to minimize the time it takes to obtain a warranty? Delegate this procedure to intermediaries - brokers specializing in credit and guarantee operations.

Such companies have their own channels of interaction with banks and know how to quickly collect the necessary documents and process the missing ones.

But you need to choose a reliable intermediary, and not a fraudster who will issue you a “gray” guarantee without entering it into a unified register or even disappear with an advance payment in an unknown direction. To prevent this from happening, use our expert review. It contains only verified and absolutely legal companies.

The company's slogan is “Fast. Comfortable. Reliable." Draws up BG 44-FZ, 223-FZ, 185-FZ, that is, all main types of warranty documents. The guarantee amount is up to 1 billion rubles without collateral or guarantee. Calculate the cost of services in advance using a special calculator, use advantageous offers companies.

The bureau cooperates with 27 banks, issues a guarantee quickly and legally. Guarantees 100% positive results. Since the start of work in 2012, the company has issued more than 900 guarantees worth 9.2 billion rubles. The partners of the Bureau are VTB 24, Bank of Moscow, Sberbank, Promsvyazbank and other largest credit institutions of the Russian Federation.

The company provides guarantees for winners of government tenders. It has been operating since 2013, specializes in securing government contracts throughout Russia, and operates strictly within the framework of the law. Offers an “express procedure” for completing an application with a 95% success rate guarantee.

The process is streamlined down to the smallest detail: the applicant only needs to express a desire to receive a guarantee, everything else will be taken care of by Atlant Broker employees. The receipt procedure from start to finish is supervised by a personal manager who is not late, does not disappear and always brings the matter to completion.

Has been working in the financial market for 9 years. Helps to obtain guarantees to ensure the execution of contracts in the Moscow region and other regions. Free consultations are available to site users. Specialists will tell you what documents your company needs to register a BG and will help you issue a guarantee quickly and strictly on legal grounds.

5. When it is possible to terminate a bank guarantee - an overview of the main situations

The procedure for registering a BG and subsequent actions raise many questions among citizens who have not previously engaged in such activities.

If difficulties arise, it is better to consult with specialists than to act blindly at your own peril and risk. The best way to do this is remotely - through the portal, with which more than 18 thousand qualified lawyers from all over Russia cooperate.

Users of this site have access not only to consultations, but also to real legal assistance. Our specialists will help you prepare documents, resolve controversial issues, and even support you in court if the need arises.

Let's consider cases when it is possible to terminate the validity of a BG on legal grounds.

Situation 1. The contract has expired

The most common option is that the contract has expired. Now no one owes anyone anything. If the principal managed to fulfill all his obligations during this time, the parties go home, satisfied with each other.

If there are complaints, then they should have been resolved before the end of the warranty period. Now it is possible to demand fulfillment of obligations or payment of compensation only through court or through peaceful negotiations.

Situation 2. The guarantor bank paid the customer the full amount stipulated by the agreement

Everything is clear here too. The guarantee situation occurred, the bank paid the beneficiary the entire amount provided for in the agreement. If the customer believes that he is entitled to more, this, again, needs to be proven.

Situation 3. The beneficiary renounced the rights under the agreement

The beneficiary has waived his rights. He tore up the contract and has no complaints. This also happens. In this case, the customer returns the guarantee to the bank, and the bank cancels it.

Other situations:

  • the principal paid compensation in the prescribed amount;
  • the parties to the transaction decided to sign the contract on different terms;
  • one of the companies participating in the agreement is liquidated as a legal entity;
  • the guarantee was terminated by the government authority.

To ensure that the material is properly consolidated, watch an interesting video on the topic of the article.

6. Conclusion

Let's draw conclusions and sum up, gentlemen. Obtaining a bank guarantee is not an easy procedure, and in some situations it is mandatory. To speed up the document preparation process, it is better to act through a professional broker.

Questions for readers

Are all aspects of the issue presented in an accessible and understandable manner? What points caused difficulty?

The team of our magazine wishes you successful business and profitable contracts! We will be grateful for comments, questions and comments on the topic of publication. Please rate and like us on social networks – it is important for us to know your opinion. See you again!

A bank guarantee is a written obligation of the guarantor to the beneficiary. It is needed if a company wants to take part in government procurement, but does not have enough money to conclude a contract. By issuing it, the bank undertakes to compensate the beneficiary for losses if the contract is not fulfilled. If necessary, the customer will easily receive compensation, and the supplier will no longer have to pay him, but the bank.

*required fields to fill in

Types of bank guarantees

To ensure the execution of contracts, bank guarantees under 44-FZ are divided into 2 types - covered and uncovered. The former are issued on the condition that the principal deposits funds, the latter - on the security of property.

According to their purpose, bank guarantees are divided into 6 types and guarantee:

Timely payment for goods or services.

Fulfillment of obligations under an agreement for the provision of services or sale of goods.

Fulfillment of obligations when concluding contracts within the framework of tenders.

Refund of advance.

Obtaining a deferment or installment plan when paying customs duties and fees.

Ensuring the carrier's obligations if he transfers cargo without documents confirming the rights to the delivered goods.

Bank guarantee cost

The cost of services depends on three factors:

  • Warranty period.
  • The amount of the amount.
  • The presence or absence of collateral.

Price from only 3000 rub. Send a request

To find out how much assistance in obtaining a bank guarantee under a government contract costs, contact the company manager. He will tell you the exact cost, taking into account all the nuances.

Requirements for obtaining a bank guarantee under 44-FZ

Failure to comply with any of the points required to be submitted to the bank increases the risk of refusal:

  • The company to which the bank guarantee is issued must have been operating for at least 3 months at the time of application.
  • The company is ready to provide financial statements and prove that its financial position is stable and its work is not at a loss.
  • The company's turnover must be sufficient to receive the selected amount. The optimal profit is determined by the bank.

Also, some guarantors require that the principal open a current account in their bank and conduct transactions in it. Another common, but optional condition is a guarantee from the owners of the company.

How to get a bank guarantee quickly and easily

Registration of a bank guarantee under 44-FZ in Moscow takes on average 3-7 days. The duration of consideration of the application depends on the requirements of the bank and the amount. The less finance is required, the faster and easier it is to obtain a guarantee. If we are talking about 3-5 million rubles, the application will be accepted and reviewed in less than 4 days. If the amount exceeds 15 million rubles, you will not be able to urgently buy a bank guarantee.

Registration takes place in several stages:

Difficulties may arise at each stage, due to which the registration is sometimes delayed for weeks. That is why, if a bank guarantee is urgently required under 44-FZ, professional assistance in obtaining it is necessary. Contact our company and we will take care of all the hassle:

  • Within 1-3 hours we will analyze the application and inform you what documents will be required and what are the chances of receiving a guarantee.
  • Let's check the correctness of the documents. We will advise you and explain how to increase your chances of receiving a bank guarantee in your case.
  • We will choose a bank that will provide the required amount as quickly as you need. If necessary, our employees will visit the branches themselves or send documents to electronic form- you don't have to waste time.
  • We will help you obtain a bank guarantee under 44-FZ without collateral or security, if the desired amount does not exceed 10 million rubles.

We work with clients not only in Moscow, but throughout Russia. Contact us!

Banking, insurance and other services for legal and individuals are gradually moving into the field of electronic document management. You can also issue a bank guarantee electronically. What needs to be done for this?

What is a bank guarantee

A bank guarantee is one of the ways to ensure the fulfillment of obligations assumed by the executor of the contract. This is a document that confirms the willingness of the guarantor bank to pay one party to the transaction a pre-agreed amount if the other party for some reason does not fulfill its obligations under the contract.

A bank guarantee is a convenient alternative to other options for securing obligations: pledge, surety, deposit in “real” money. Using a bank guarantee, the executor of the contract will not have to pledge any property or take money from circulation and “freeze” it in the customer’s account until the obligation under the contract is fully fulfilled.

An electronic bank guarantee is a regular guarantee, but in the form of electronic document, having legal force. All communications with the bank and the execution of such a guarantee take place via the Internet, and the documents are signed electronic signature, which gives documents legal force.

Who needs a bank guarantee and when?

In commercial legal relations

A bank guarantee, as a contract enforcement tool, is used to cover risks when concluding any transactions - for example, with suppliers, developers and travel companies. In this case, the requirement to provide a guarantee is established by the customer at his own discretion, and its application is regulated by the Civil Code.

In government procurement

In the public procurement system, bank guarantees are used especially widely. According to federal law No. 44-FZ, government customers are required to require participants to secure the application and contract in all electronic auctions and competitions, regardless of the purchase price. One way to provide such security is a bank guarantee. It can be presented for:

  • securing an application in the competition (from 0.5 to 5% of the initial contract prices),
  • ensuring the execution of a contract concluded as a result of a competition or electronic auction (from 5% to 30% of the initial contract value),
  • return of the advance payment stipulated by the contract (in the amount of the advance payment).

The deadlines for signing contracts are clearly established by law:

  • 5 calendar days from the date of receipt of the contract from the customer in the electronic auction,
  • 10 calendar days - when participating in an open competition.

On average, issuing a paper guarantee takes 3-7 days for the first application and 2-3 days for subsequent applications. The term depends on the requirements of the bank and the amount. Considering the limited time within which it is necessary to obtain a bank guarantee, its electronic form has become especially popular.

Benefits of an electronic guarantee

Among the main advantages of a bank guarantee in electronic form are the following:

  • The opportunity to obtain a guarantee in any region of Russia from the bank that offered the best conditions.
  • The ability to quickly provide the necessary documents and information to the bank and receive a response from the bank.
  • Possibility to simultaneously send applications to several banks.

How to issue a guarantee electronically

Get an electronic signature

All documents are signed using (CEP). This type of signature gives documents legal force without additional agreements between participants in electronic document flow.

It should be taken into account that for accreditation on six ETPs of government orders, a non-qualified signature (NES) is required. If you are already participating in electronic auctions on government procurement platforms and plan to use bank services via the Internet, it is better to take care of the availability of CEP in advance.

Choose a bank or broker

It is better to find out in advance which banks are ready to issue guarantees in electronic form and what is the limit on the amount of a guarantee issued via the Internet.

A bank issuing guarantees for participants in government procurement under 44-FZ must be included in the relevant register of the Russian Ministry of Finance. There are no such requirements for guarantees in commercial legal relations; you can choose any bank based on its reputation and experience of cooperation.

Prepare documents

The package depends on the bank; the exact list and requirements for scans must be clarified with a specialist or on the guarantor’s website. As a rule, banks require the following documents:

  • General information about the company: charter, registration certificate, orders for appointments to the positions of manager and chief accountant, TIN and OGRN certificates.
  • Documents from the tax office: an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities no older than 30 days and a certificate of no tax arrears.
  • Financial documents: financial statements (forms 1 and 2) quarterly for the last year, profit and loss statement. If the organization is on the simplified tax system, then a tax return for the last financial year is needed. For individual entrepreneurs on OSN - tax return in form 3-NDFL.
  • Information about the competition: draft contract with all annexes, information about the technical and human resources of the supplier organization.

You will only need to prepare a complete package of documents for one bank once. In the future, you will only need to update the previously sent information.

Get a guarantee

The bank guarantee will be available electronically at personal account, certified by a qualified electronic signature. Check that the bank has included it in the register of guarantees on the website If you need a paper version, you can request it from the bank and then pick it up in person or receive it by mail.